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Cotlet de porc cu os, cu sos de soia

(Hongshao dapai)
Cotlet de porc cu os--sos de soia--Hongshao dapai--Cotlete Porc--Reteta China

Materii prime: 4 bucati de cotlete de porc cu os.

Condimente: sare, zahar, vin, 2 bucati de praz, sos de soia.
- Cotletele intregi se spala si se bat cu spatele cutitului.
- Se aseaza pe foc tigaia cu 3-4 linguri de ulei. Cind uleiul s-a incins, se pun 2 cotlete sa
se prajeasca bine pe ambele parti timp de 3-5 minute. Se scot si se pun celelalte doua
cotlete la prajit. Se scot dupa 3-5 minute.
- Se pune in tigaie prazul taiat fisii si se prajeste un minut. Se adauga cotletele prajite, o
lingura de sare, 2 lingurite de vin (sau alcool alb), 2-3 lingurite de sos de soia, 2 lingurite
de zahar. Focul ramine potrivit. Se pune capacul pe tigaie si se intorc din cind in cind
cotletele. Cind e cazul, se adauga putina apa fiarta. Dupa circa 10-15 minute, cind sosul
a scazut si s-a ingrosat, mincarea e gata si buna de servit.
Makes 2-3 servings. Cooking time: 2 hours.

Gamjatang (pork bone soup) is another Korean traditional nutritious dish. It’s usually made with pork
spine bones and vegetables, but I use pork neck bones in this recipe.

Pork neck bones, onion, garlic, ginger, dried shiitake mushrooms, napa cabbage, potatoes, soy
bean sprouts, Asian chives (buchu), green onions, perilla leaves, dried red chili pepper, soybean
paste, hot pepper flakes, hot pepper paste, cooking wine, perilla seeds powder (deulkkae garu),fish


1. Soak 2.5 lb (about 1 kg) of pork neck bones in cold water for 2 hours.

2. Boil water in a large pot.

3. Put ¼ of a medium sized napa cabbage (about 2-3 cups) into the boiling water and
blanch it for a minute.
4. Rinse and drain the cabbage and put it in a bowl.
5. Tear each leaf lengthwise once or twice to make it bite size and set it aside.
6. Rinse pork neck bones in cold water and put them in boiling water with 4-5 slices of
ginger (1 tbs). Cook for 7 minutes.
7. Rinse and strain the pork neck bones and put them in a large pot.
*tip: when you rinse the pork bones, pick out any excessive fat
8. Pour 10 cups of water into the pot.
9. Add 1 medium size sliced onion, 1 tbs of sliced ginger, 2 tbs of soy bean paste, 1 dried
red chili pepper (after removing the seeds), and 2 dried shiitake mushrooms to the pot.
Boil it for 1. 5 hours over medium high heat.
10. Prepare a small bowl to make the sauce! In the bowl, put 6-8 cloves of minced garlic, 2
tbs of hot pepper flakes, 1 tbs of hot pepper paste, 3 tbs of cooking wine, 3 tbs of fish
sauce, 3 tbs of perilla seeds powder (deulkkae garu) and mix it all up.
11. Prepare a large bowl for vegetables

* Squeeze the cooked cabbage slightly to drain some of the water, and put it into the
* Cut about 10 perilla leaves into bite sized pieces and put them into the bowl.

* Cut 2 stalks of green onion and Asian chives (2-3 cups worth) into 7 cm long pieces
and put them into the bowl.
* Rinse and drain 2 cups of soy bean sprouts and put them into the bowl.
* Peel 3 small potatoes and put them into the bowl.
Now you made the sauce and prepared all the vegetables. All you can do is to wait until
the pork neck bone soup is finished cooking.
12. About 1 ½ hours later, take the red hot chilli pepper and shiitake mushrooms out of the
13. Slice shiitake mushrooms into bite sized pieces.
14. Add your vegetables and your sauce and the chopped shiitake mushrooms into the
soup. Cook for another 30 minutes.
15. 30 minutes later, transfer the soup into a serving bowl and sprinkle some chopped
green onions and ground pepper.
*tip: If you have an earthenware bowl, put the soup into it and heat it up until it sizzles.
Sprinkle some chopped green onions and ground pepper!

16. Serve with rice and kimchi or some side dishes!

Korean Kalbi Tang, a hearty and deliciously tender beef rib soup that’s really satisfying.
Great for warming you up on cold winter days!
Korean Kalbi Tang Recipe
(serves 4-6)
10 cups water
2½ pounds beef ribs, cut into short lengths
5 cloves garlic, chopped
2 tablespoons soy sauce
1½ tablespoons sesame oil
1 teaspoon ground white pepper
1 daikon radish, peeled and cut into bite-size pieces
2 stalks spring onions, cut into ½ inch lengths
How to make Korean beef rib soup:
1. Place enough water in a large soup pot, and bring it on a boil.
2. Add beef ribs and cook for about 4-5 minutes. Remove and discard water.
3. Pour 10 cups water into the same soup pot, and let it come to a rapid boil.
4. Add beef ribs. Lower to medium heat, and let soup simmer for about 20 minutes,
uncovered. Remove soup pot from heat, and set aside.
5. Place garlic, soy sauce, sesame oil and pepper in a large bowl. Mix all ingredients well.
6. Take out the beef ribs from your soup pot, and place them in the prepared seasonings.
Mix meat until it is well coated.
7. Put the beef ribs back into the soup pot. Add radish and spring onion.
8. Bring it to a boil over high heat. Cover soup pot, and let your homemade kalbi tang
simmer for another 10 minutes.
Enjoy Korean beef rib soup on its own, or have it with a bowl of steamed white rice for a
quick yet satisfying lunch.

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