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W. Noell, I P.-A. Clerc, I S. Jeanneret, A. Hoogerweif, P. Niedeimann, ' A . Perret, N.F. de Rooij '
Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Laboratory (SAMLAB),Institute of Microtechnology (IMT),
University of NeuchPtel and EPFL, Rue Jaquet-Droz 1, 2007 Neuchitel, Switzerland,

Swiss Center of Electronics and Microtechnology (CSEM SA),
Rue Jaquet-Droz 1,2007 NeuchPtel, Switzerland, httP://

In order to make new mechanical watch movements possible Deep Reactive Ion Etching (DRIE)
as well as adding new functions to wristwatches, MEMS,
The possibility of transferring a highly accurate photoresist
W-LIGA, and silicon micromachining have become
pattern with high precision into a silicon substrate by DRIE
indispensable technologies in the watch industries. Examples
is probably one of the major revolution in MEMS
presented here are deep reactive ion etching (DRIE) of
technologies in recent years. The DRIE technology allows to
silicon gears, SU-8 based UV-LIGA and MEMS based
pattern silicon devices with vertical walls up to a couple of
pressure and magnetic sensors. This article provides a brief
hundred microns. Using a silicon-on-insulator (SO0
overview of some recent commercialized technologies in
substrate with a device layer thickness of 15 to 150 pm, the
buried silicondioxide (BOX) serves as a natural etch-stop for
the ICP etching and hence defines accurately the height as
the third dimension of the silicon components. Removing the
1. INTRODUCTION BOX in a hatch process also allows for a medium to high
In recent years an increasing interest has grown in using volume production. More and more silicon based gears and
E M S fabrication technology and MEMS components in other mechanical watch components are developed based on
both electronic and mechanical wristwatches. The possibility DRLE. An example will be described below.
to integrate more functionality in a wristwatch is certainly a SU-8-based UV-LIGA
major driving force behind this development. The possibility
of accessing the barometric pressure leads to information A complementary technology, which likewise yields high
about trends in weather and the same barometric pressure can vertical walls and is used for electroplating of mechanical
be converted in altitude by a simple calibration procedure. watch components, is the SU-8 based LIGA process. Epon
Conventional piemresistive pressure sensors with sufficient SU-8 is an epoxy-based negative photoresist and has been
sensitivity are currently the basis for wristwatches integrating the subject of many research projects for the manufacturing
weather information and altitude reading capabilities [1,2]. of micro-mechanical, -optical and -fluidic parts [5,6,71.
Indirect measuring of the earth magnetic field by
vertical Hall effect sensors via a small rotating permanent
magnet can be achieved as well. Their integration into
wristwatches allows for an integrated compass function [3]. Tuning forks
Magnetic proximity sensors that are hundreds of times One of the key reasons for the success of the electronic
more sensitive than currently available Hall-effect based wristwatches is certainly the use of quartz resonators
sensors are microreed relays, which are being used for operated as flexure-mode tuning forks, guaranteeing an error
positions sensing of watch components and contactless data as little as a few seconds per year. The currently used quartz
introduction [4]. tuning forks are certainly one of the most convincing
DRIE and UV-LIGA became a very important examples of extreme high volume manufacturing of MEMS
components. The entire process is based of the quartz tuning
industrial manufacturing processes for the production of
forks is based on hatch processing of quartz wafers using
parts for mechanical watches and will be discussed in detail
below. standard photolithography and wet chemical etching. In
addition to the wafer processing, the individual tuning forks

0-7803-8265-x/04/$17.00 02004 IEEE. 1

Figure I : The depicted silicon watch parts are fabricated by SO1 technology andfDRIE. The gears provide a very light weight,
low friction, low mass, and low moment of inertia which is all needed f o r the escape mechanism

are packaged in evacuated metallic cans or in multilayer The commercially available pressure sensors allow an
ceramic packages including a glass window, which allows absolute pressure measurement in the range of 300 to
laser trimming after sealing of the package. Fine-tuning of I100 mhar of about +I .5 mbar with a resolution of 0.1 mbar,
the resonance frequency of the tuning fork is achieved by which corresponds to about l m change in altitude at sea
laser trimming through evaporation of a gold thin film from level. The whole device comes as an SMD with an integrated
the ends. This technique is fully automated and can achieve ADC and measures in its standard configuration as little as
accuracies better than 2 ppm [8]. about 9 x 9 x 3 mm3 PI.
Pressure sensor. Magnetic Angular Position Sensors - Compass
The MEMS pressure sensor is one of the first and most The direct integration of Hall effect sensors in wristwatches
important MEMS devices and has recently found its has been proven difficult in order to accurately and directly
application in wristwatches and other portable devices. There measure the magnetic field direction of the earth's magnetic
it measures the barometric pressure, which is easily field. An indirect method utilizing a freely-rotating small
converted to the absolute altitude through a calibrated permanent magnet placed above a 2D or 3D integrated
procedure, and provides important data for weather vertical Hall effect sensor was shown by Burger et al. from
developments. the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne
(EPFL) [3]. The permanent magnet rotates freely and aligns
The two key components are the precisely etched
with magnetic field lines of the earth and hence locally
silicon membrane and the integrated piezo-resistive stress amplifies the magnetic field of the eanh by a factor of 1000,
sensor, which detects the membrane deflection. These allowing the vertical Hall sensor underneath to measure
components could be developed and manufactured due to a contactlessly the absolute angular position of the permanent
full control of the membrane thickness over complete magnet with an accuracy of l%o over 360". Optimizing both
production batches using an electrochemical etch-stop at the the magnet shape as well as the sensor geometry, the device
junction of the n-type epi-layer on a p-type silicon substrate becomes less sensitive to alignment errors during fabrication.
as described in detail by Kloeck et al. [I]. A successful The final accuracy of the sensor is obtained by taking into
technology transfer took place to implement this etch-stop account the silicon anisotropy to the Hall effect and
process at an industrial back-end MEMS manufacturer, electronic signal processing, which compensate for
Intersema Sensoric Inc., which became a major supplier of temperature and junction field effects [91.
several wristwatch manufacturers 121. Besides in watches
pressure sensors are used now in many other portable devices
such as pocket-knives and integrated low-power altimeters.

MicroReed Magnetic Position Sensors
Contrary to Hall effect sensors, microreed MEMS based
relays and sensors do not need to measure the angular
position of a magnetic field but rather simply switch in the I
presence of a certain magnetic field strength. Hence a non-
contact and small position sensors was specifically
developed for portable devices by the ASULAB S.A., the
Swatch Group's research and development laboratory [4].
The microreed sensors can detect the position of the bezel of
a wristwatch for contactless data introduction such as
different time zones. The bezel host a certain number of
small (4 mm3)SmCo magnets, whose magnetic field can he
sensed at a distance of 2 mm through a sealing and metallic
casing. The pull-in magnetic field is about 3 mT while the
release field is in the order 60% to 80% of the pull-in field.
Utilizing several microreed sensors and magnets, different
combinations of switched and non-switched sensor states can Figure 2: Electroplated high-aspect ratio structures made by
be generated and hence yield a specific position sensitive UV-LIGA pmvide arbitrary shapes impossible to be mass-
code. manufactured with conventional technologies.
The microreed, which is to our knowledge the smallest
passive low-power magnetostatic sensor, is based on surface
micromachining on top of a borosilicate substrate. The fixed mechanism used in the Ulysse Nardin "Freak" watch. Silicon
electrode and the movable (reed) electrode are made of an proved to be the most suitable material for this application
20/80 iron-nickel alloy and are embedded in rhodium as due to the fact that it is lighter, has the lowest friction
contact material to avoid sticking at a contact force of less coefficient and is, unlike metallic components, not sensitive
than 30 pN and to minimize the contact resistance to a value to magnetic fields. The light weight, the low friction
of 2 ohm. The airgap between the reed electrode and the coefficient, and the reduced moment of inertia due the
substrate layers are fabricated with standard sacrificial layer hollowed teeth of the microfabricated parts reduce the energy
technology. The final part of the microreed device process is consumption and loss in the watch mechanics considerably.
the wafer-level packaging which is based on bonding a The low weight and thus the low inertia of the silicon
second glass wafer with etched cavities onto the MEMS part parts as well as the holes create a flexible and highly shock
wafer. Half-thickness dicing isolates the sensors from each insensitive components which easily withstand several
other and yielding a total device volume of about thousands of g ("mouton-pendule" test). These are important
2 x 1.4 x 0.75 111171' [4]. features required throughout the assembly process as well as
for the watch usage itself [ll].
Besides the escape components other parts such as
WATCHES springs are microfabricated by CSEM and IMT in small
Silicon Gears and Components based on DRIE series for the watch industry. They create the base for many
more new silicon components in wrist watches for future
Devices using SO1 wafers in conjunction with DRIE etching
watches with increased performance.
have been published for some time now [lo]. In recent years
this technology was also used to fabricate components for Metallic Electroplated Components based on W-LIGA
mechanical watches. This work was initiated by A. Perret et
The combination of lithography with electroforming, known
al. of the Swiss Center of Electronics and Microtechnology
as LIGA technology, offers unparalleled machining precision
(CSEM SA) in collaboration with IMT [ll].
and extended design freedom for the manufacture of fine
The gears and devices depicted in Fig. 1 are based on parts (Fig. 2). The SU-8 based LIGA technology
SO1 technology utilize a device layer with a thickness of undoubtedly attracts interest, in particular when competing
about 150 pm. The DRIE pattern transfer is performed with a technologies fail to meet the precision and quality
combined silicon dioxide and photoresist mask. A single requirements. Yet limited industrial activity has been
DRIE step is followed by coating process of sputtered carbon reported. Mimotec (Sion, Switzerland) is one of the earliest
and the devices are subsequently released in HF. The companies that have led the way for the watch making
verticality of the devices is better than +2" with a surface industry [7].This technology is complementary to the above
roughness of less than 50nm RMS. A low friction described DRIE silicon process, since it yields metallic
coefficient of less than 0.05 was achieved by the above components with a height of several hundred microns.
mentioned lubricating carbon coating.
The W-LIGA process can most simply be described
The special shape and mechanical properties of the by the coating of a conductive substrate with SU-8 [6]. The
silicon parts allow the fabrication of an innovative escape resist is then exposed by an W lamp through a photomask to

initiate crosslinking of the polymer. Unexposed areas are 7. REFERENCES
removed in a solvent, clearing the surface to be plated. The
pattern transferred onto the substrate outlines the shape of the
part to be electroplated, and thus forms a plating mould. 111 B. Klceck, S.D. Collins, N.F. de Rcaij, R.L. Smith, "Study of
Nickel parts are most frequently produced, but there is a electrochemical etch-stop for high-precision thickness control
growing interest for alloys such as NiP and NiCo [12]. of silicon membranes", IEEE Transactions on Electron
Devices, vo1.36,no.4,pt.1, April 1989, pp.663-9. USA
The technology is fairly straightforward, but a good
process optimization is necessary to meet the requested
precision. Deviation from verticality must for instance be I31 F. Burger, P.A. Besse, R.S. Popovic, "New fully integrated 3-
smaller than 0.4" to achieve a size precision of +2 Mm on D silicon Hall sensor for precise angular-position
parts 300 pn thick. Sidewall profile and pattern dimensions measurement", Sensors and Acfuators A, 67 (1998), pp. 72-
can precisely be controlled by the process parameters. 76.

ne possibility of su.8
multilayers with multiple [41 F. Gueissaz and D. Pipet, "The microreed, an ultra-small
exposures and one development step allows the fabrication passive MEMS magnetic proximity sensor designed for
portable applications", Proc. MEMS 2001, Interlaken,
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Laboratory (SAMLAB) of the IMT and the technology anisotropy on the sensitivity of Hall devices and on the
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and CSEM) as well as the financial support of the Committee Acfuators A, 92 (ZOOl), pp. 175-181.
for Technology and Innovation (CTI). [lo] C. Marxer, Ch. Thio, M:A. Grktillat, N.F. de Rwij, 0.
Anthamatten, R. Battig, B, Valk, and P. Vogel, "Vertical
Mirrors Fabricated by Deep Re-active Ion Etching for Fiber-
Optic Switching Applications", lEEE Journal of Micro
Electro Mechnnical Sysfems, Vol. 6, No 3, 1997, pp. 277-
[I11 Perret A., Hoogerwerf A., Niedermann P., Xiao-Ming Tang,
Jeanneret S., Clerc P.-A., de Rwij N.F., Gygax P., "Silicon as
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Eng., Proceedings of Spic - the Jntemational Society for
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