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Indigenous or Folk Medicine

Western Type
 Folkmedicine is a form of healthcare that
involves the use of remedies and practices
that are handed down from one generation
to the next.

 These remedies make use of herbs and

other natural elements to aid in caring for
the infirm, as well as helping individuals
maintain good health.
A folk healer is an unlicensed person who
practices the art of healing using traditional
practices, herbal remedies and even the
power of suggestion.

 Insome cultures a healer might be

considered to be a person who has
inherited the "gift" of healing from his or
her parent.
 Acupuncturist
 Ayurvedic
 Herbalist
 Homeopath
 Naturopath
 Siddhar
 Unani
 Itis one of the key components of traditional
Chinese medicine (TCM) and is among the
oldest healing practices in the world.
 Acupuncturist inserts needles into various
points on the body in order to relieve pain or
to relax certain areas of the body.
 They believe that success in acupuncture is
due to the needles stimulating the nervous,
endocrine, and lymphatic systems.
A system of traditional medicine native to
the Indian subcontinent and a form of
alternative medicine.

 Ayurvedicpractitioners utilize yoga,

meditation, massage, or healing herbs or
foods as a supplement to the biomedical
 Herbalismis the study and use of
medicinal properties of plants.

 Herbalist uses herbs (plants and plant

extracts) as their way of healing and
alleviating illness.
A system of alternative medicine originated in
1796 by Samuel Hahnemann, based on his
doctrine of similia similibus curentur ("like cures
like"), according to which a substance that
causes the symptoms of a disease in healthy
people will cure similar symptoms in sick people.

 Homeopathic practitioners use animal, plant,

mineral, and synthetic substances for remedies.
 Naturopath follows a natural approach to
healing of the body using natural remedies
and the body's vital ability to heal and
maintain itself.

 Naturopathic
philosophy favors a holistic
approach and minimal use of surgery and
 One
of the oldest medical systems known to
 Siddhars are the masters of the medicine.
 Treatment in siddha medicine is aimed at
keeping the three humors in equilibrium. So
proper diet, medicine and a disciplined
regimen of life are advised for a healthy living
and to restore equilibrium of humors in
diseased condition.
A form of traditional medicine widely
practiced by Muslims.

 Unani medicine is based on the concept of

the four humors: Phlegm (Balgham), Blood
(Dam), Yellow bile (Ṣafrā') and Black bile
 Inthe Philippines, there are different types
of traditional healers. Most of these
healers consider their healing craft as
God-given, a calling from a supernatural
being, and consequently, their healing
practices are profusely infused with
prayers and religious rituals. Usually rural-
based, they are also present in the urban
and suburban communities.
 They believe in animistic and mythological creatures
such as nuno, lamang lupa, tikbalang and kapres-
creatures that often complicate the conundrum of
 Methods of treatment used: prayers, spitting, rubbing,
plastering and murmuring.
 Although most are available for daily consultations,
some practice their craft only on tuesdays and fridays,
days of the week coinciding with the feast of the Sto.
Niño and the feast of the Black Nazarene, when they
believe their healing powers to be at their optimum.
 ‘Chiropractic'
manipulation and massage for
the diagnosis and treatment of
musculoligamentous and muskuloskeletal

 Like the albularyo, the hilot 's services are

free-of-charge, fearing that set fees will
lessen the hilot's healing power abilities.
Voluntary donations are accepted: P10 - 100
or in kind - cigarettes, snacks, etc.
 Determines the cause of an illness through the ritual of
 Ritual paraphernalia consists of the kalanghuga (a kind
of freshwater or saltwater shell), salt (to weaken the
supernatural spirits), benditang palaspas (piece of
blessed palm leaves from Palm Sunday), charcoal
made from a coconut shell, a coconut midrib and a tin
 A fiery concoction is made from these elements on a
tin plate, in consonance with prayers and invocations
and performing the sign-of-the-cross thrice over the
patient, the kalanghuga is examined.
 The diagnosis is suggested by its appearance: Roughness, a
slight affliction; stickiness, a sprain; a figure or form (hugis-
hugis), a displeased environmental spirit; brittleness, a really
angered spirit.
 The treatment is then suggested and the necessary alternative
referral made. After the diagnostic ritual, the shell is powdered
while praying, a sign-of-the-cross is performed on the patient's
forehead, both palms and plantar arches of both feet.
 Then, the ritual paraphernalia are thrown under the entrance
stairs to prevent the evil spirits from reentering the house.
 Performed by most alternative healers that
serves in providing clues as to the nature
and cause of the illness.

 Tawas refers to a diagnostic ritual or

procedure, utilizing a variety of materials:
candles, eggs, mirrors, plain paper,
cigarette rolling-paper, and alum.
 Mediums are believed to possess
extraordinary powers to cure sickness, to
exorcise evil spirits from the rice fields, or out
of the human body, and to intercede with
good spirits for the petitions of the people.

 Theyperform all important rituals, chant

prayers for the community when the barrio
faces a crisis. To insult or harm a medium is
to endanger one's life.
Psychic or astral surgeons
who claim to cut incisions with
their fingers and perform other
miracles of para-science.
Western medicine is the term used to
describe the treatment of conditions with
medications, by doctors, nurses, and other
conventional health care providers who
employ methods developed according to
Western medical and scientific traditions.
Their approach to treatment relies heavily
upon industrially produced medications and
a strict compliance to the formal scientific
Western medicine encompasses all types of
conventional medical treatment, including
surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and
physical therapy. The practitioners of
Western medicine are doctors, nurses,
physical, occupational, and respiratory
 Black Americans have maintained a distinctive
culture even after living in the United States for
many generations. Within this culture, however,
vast differences exists regarding health care.
 Unfortunately, black Americans have a 5.9-year
shorter life expectancy and a much higher
incidence of hypertension and stroke compared
with white Americans. Although poverty,
discrimination, and limited access to health care
explain some of these statistics, mistrust of " white
" health care institutions can exacerbate the
 African Americans practicing as traditional midwives use
folk methods rather than nursing school training in their
practice. Their dissatisfaction grew with medical doctors
who insisted on hospitalization. They referred to the medical
profession's tendency to force delivery or perform a
Caesarean after so many hours of labor as a " technological
birth " , not a humanistic birth, not a holistic birth.
 Religious faith and prayer remain powerful influences within
the black Christian community. Religious healing is often
the first resort for devout black Christians and church
involvement is associated with improved health and social
well being.
 Root medicine is an African healing tradition
common in the Southern United States in
which healers or " root doctors " use
incantations to heal the mind and body.
Witchcraft and " fixing " ( i.e. causing spells to
cause illness ) are widely accepted but
seldom discussed openly. Conspiracy
theories may be common in some black
communities. For example, some blacks are
reluctant to donate organs because they
believe that they will receive less aggressive
 Health and healing are among the most important concerns of Native
American ritual. It is essential to understand the concept of health
other than in terms of Western medicine.

 One of the main differences between Western medicine and Native

American medicine is that most Indian concepts of health and daily
living is centered on wellness not illness.

 Many Native American culture understand illness not as the result of

some biochemical, physiological, or psychological malady, but as a
sign of disorder in society or the world, which is reflected in the
illness of an individual. Diagnosis thus consists of discerning the
status of the country or the world. Healing requires repairing or
restructuring the environmental concerns.
 The term " medicine " does not have quite the same meaning for a
native American Indian as it does in white society. The word
medicine is not necessarily synonymous with curative.
 In Northern Plains tribes, the word medicine connotes the
mysterious, that is, things beyond powers of human understanding.
With this wider definition of medicine, the medicine man was not only
the doctor, but also the diviner, the rainmaker, the soothsayer, the
prophet, the priest, and in some instances, the chief or king. So great
was the influence of the medicine man upon his people that he
became obstacle number one for the Europeans who tried to impose
their culture. In most cases, whatever the medicine man refused. the
people also refused to accept. Today it is common to choose
alternative medicine even in most affluent and scientifically
advanced communities. When modern medicine fails, people seek
sources that are unconventional and often far from scientifically
 Latinos are believed to be the United States minority group.
Poverty, immigration status, and mistrust of the medical
establishment may keep many Latinos from seeking health
 Latino healing traditions includes Curanderismo in Mexico and
much of Latin America, Sanferia in Brazil and Cuba, and
Espiritismo in Puerto Rico. Most of these traditions distinguish
natural illness from supernatural illness.
 Curanderos ( traditional; healers ) use incantations and herbs,
sobaderos practice manipulation, parteras are midwives and
abuelas ( literally " grandmother " but they are not necessarily
related to the patient ) provide initial care.
 Many traditional Latin American diagnoses remain
popular among US immigrants, but some traditional
treatments, such as azarca and greta ( lead salts ) and
azogue ( mercury ) are harmful.
 Traditional Latino diagnoses are often alternative
cultural interpretations of common symptoms and may
be categorized as hot and cold illnesses. For example,
essential hypertension may be considered a hot
condition that should be managed with cold therapies
such as passion flower tea. It is critical to address the
patient's understanding of such chronic diseases at the
start of the therapy.
 Asians are culturally diverse group that includes
Chinese, Filipino, Indian, Japanese, Koreans, and
Vietnamese nationalities. Traditional Chinese medicine
remain popular. Chinese medicine is a tradition, in
which treats the person as a whole using acupuncture,
acupressure, and Chinese herbs. Dietary therapy,
traditional herbal medicine, Western medicine, and
supernatural healing may be used. Clients may be
reluctant to reveal their health care provider that they
have been using alternative treatment. Chinese
medicine is based on keeping the body's yin ( cold )
and yang ( hot ) energies in harmonious balance.
 India on one hand has a variety of medical systems of
which Western medicine is only one. Treatment and
medicine mixes fluidly with religion in Indian culture.
The medical heritage of Muslim practices called unani
tibbi integrates Arabic medicine, homeopathic systems,
and regional and local health practices. Contrary to
scientific understanding of germs, viruses, and genetic
faults, illness and diseases are considered to be a
matter of imbalance in the doshas ( three body humors
). Disease is caused by an imbalance of the bodily
humors, and cured by a restoration of the balance
through meditation, diet, and natural medicine.
 Indian society prefers to treat patients
holistically, emphasizing prevention. The
majority of Indians use herbal remedies to
cure illness. Root causes for diseases are
considered to include many things such as
physical ailments, stress, and karma.
Treatment of illness mostly involves
changes in diet, herbal remedies,
massage, application of oil to key areas
and rest.
 Vietnamese are the Asians that view American health care as
a way to relieve symptoms. They expect to be prescribed
something to cure their illness immediately. Vietnamese
frequently discontinue medicines after their symptoms
disappear because they feel that if they do not experience any
symptoms, there is no illness. Therefore, preventive, long-term
medication must be discussed in length using culturally
pertinent education. It is quite common for Vietnamese
patients to save large quantities of half-used antibiotics.
Western medicines, especially oral medications, are seen as
another barrier to compliance. Vietnamese commonly believe
that Western pharmaceuticals are developed for Americans
and Europeans. They believe that the dosage are too strong
for their culture as to their body build so they might readjust
their dosage to what they consider to be correct.
 Vietnamese hold great respect for those with
education, especially doctors. The doctor is
considered the expert on health. They expect
doctors to diagnose and heal all in one visit
with little examination or invasive laboratory
or other diagnostic tests. In addition,
laboratory procedures involving the drawing
of blood are feared and even resisted by
Vietnamese, who believe that their body
cannot replace what was lost. Surgery is
particularly feared for this reason and is used
only as last resort.
 Lastly, for the Japanese. they believe that the body is as holy
as the mind. Japanese culture does not place emphasis on
personal control, they will be more likely to view an illness as
something outside their own control. Most of Western
medicine is based on individual choice. Individual choice is a
culturally bound issue and one that the Japanese will not
always share. Therefore, they will greatly appreciate guidance
from health care providers regarding health-related issues.
Health care providers should therefore plan interventions
using structured, planned activities where roles and
expectations are clearly defined. Professionals should avoid
physical touching, which may cause anxiety in the Japanese.
A more directive approach should be utilized when working
with Japanese patients. Japanese patients typically prefer to
be guided through the world of Western medicine.
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