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Energy Geotechnics – Wuttke, Bauer & Sánchez (Eds)

© 2016 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-03299-6

A comparative study of wind farm potential in shallow-waters in

Brazil and Scotland

G. Alves & S.B. Mickovski

School of Engineering and Built Environment, Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow Scotland, UK

ABSTRACT: Facing the predicted climate changes and the potential measures to reduce carbon dioxide emis-
sions globally, there is an increased use of clean renewable energy sources. In Europe, the wind power has often
been used in the last decades and, more recently, a trend for offshore utilization has been noticed. However,
there is a lack of knowledge on the specific planning and engineering considerations relevant to construction of
wind farms in shallow waters. The aim of this study is investigate the potential for wind power plants in shallow
waters at sites with contrasting bio-geo-climatic characteristics. Scotland is well known for the potential offshore
wind energy and in Brazil, where this technique is not yet in use, there are only initial studies with indication
of governmental interest for future implantations in great lakes. The focus of this study is on the environmental
impact assessment as well as the impact on coastal communities and public participation in the decision-making.
To this end, this study reviews the current practice in site determination, planning, and construction while inves-
tigating the potential for construction of wind farms at two shallow waters locations in Scotland and Brazil. A
comparative study between the two countries for offshore wind turbines geotechnics with proper structure at
low depths of water, taking into accounts the environmental characteristics and needs along with suitable wind
towers construction is outlined. The results show variation of construction models used by both countries regard-
ing the environmental impact assessment and a convergent tendency for projects planning acceptance by the
communities. The study identifies a potential transfer of knowledge in specific areas of planning, development,
and construction of offshore wind farms in shallow waters. Additionally, this study recognizes the importance
of geo-environmental site investigation and classification within a sustainability framework.

Keywords: wind power, offshore geotechnics, shallow water, environmental impact assessment, planning,
public participation

1 INTRODUCTION in the de-carbonization of the EU energy system. For

the UK it is expected that by 2020, 15% of the gener-
In many countries, natural gas, oil, coal and nuclear ated energy (electricity, heating and transport) will be
sources are the main source of energy. These are recog- coming from renewable sources (DECC et al. 2015),
nized as highly harmful to the environment for energy and a commitment from public and private sector will
production, either by their extraction, use/waste burn- be needed.
ing and returned to the environment and also its rarity Wind energy has been very important in clean
nature, not being renewable. Policies for reduction car- energy production for being one of the most mature
bon emissions in the atmosphere have been adopted technologies in use, especially in shallow waters (Koh,
and have given impulse to development and energy Ng 2016), but offshore wind projects can present
production from renewable energy sources and not pol- environmental problems such as noise, landscape alter-
luting (Ochieng et al. 2014). With individual targets for ation, mortality of wildlife especially birds, shadow
reduction of emission of greenhouse gases to be met, flicker, in addition to deal with the constant require-
countries are committed to limiting the emission of ments of the people living around the enterprises and
certain gases to the environment so as to combat the feel affected in some way (Aitken 2010). Hence, to
greenhouse effect. ensure the viability of projects with perceived potential
The renewable energy is a term that refers to the for environmental threat, it is necessary to include pub-
source of energy that is not exhausted by the long- lic consultations for the feasibility of projects (BWEA,
term use, and regenerates in relatively short time such 2002).
as the wind energy. Commonly recognized as environ- Wind farms have a tendency to be expensive when
mentally friendly, it has been playing an important part compared to other forms of power generation (Levitt

et al. 2011), and considering the offshore energy gen- designed for the country, Firth of Forth, in the region
erated, the expenses are even higher with increasing of Edinburgh, will have more than 700 wind turbines
distance from the coast and depth at which the struc- in relatively shallow depth (50 m; (O’Keeffe, Haggett
tures will be installed have being the main factors 2012). It is expected that the foundation structure to
that influence the high value of the investments (Hig- be used in this project is the same used in the Energy
gins, Foley 2014). Typically, in remote off-shore the Park Life demonstration tower already installed.
wind speeds tend to be larger (Cavazzi, Dutton 2016). In Brazil, through the NPCC – National Policy on
Therefore, more robust structures are used with greater Climate Change (MMA – Ministerio do Meio Ambi-
demand for materials and there is a greater need for ente, Brazil 2009), the country ensures efforts to build
services and logistics (Sovacool, Enevoldsen 2015). a low-carbon consumption savings in electric power
However, the notion of depth is according to the evo- generation. Thus, as it is established by the Kyoto Pro-
lution of technology. In shallow waters, the technology tocol, Brazil voluntarily assumes the commitment for
for construction of structures is already well known, reduction of greenhouse gases emission projected until
and the foundation is the main differential being 5 2020. Currently, Brazil already has its energetic and,
types of foundation structures usually used (Koh, Ng more specifically, its electric matrix based on renew-
2016). The need for applying each of the structures able energy. Hydropower is the largest electric power
varies with the depth that will be accessed: Monopile supplier in the Brazilian electrical system where the
(0–25 m), Gravity based (0–25 m), Jacket (20–50 m), non-renewable energy source is only 26.9% in 2014. In
Tripod (20–50 m), Tripile (30–50). the same year the wind energy production had 85.6%
In the meantime, the costs of projects of this nature, increases over the previous year, reaching 12.210 GWh
offshore, tend to have up, often, three times the cost of (EPE Brazil 2015).
the projects to be carried out onshore and this is due At the moment, Brazil still does not use off-
not only the distance from the coast or depth, but also shore technology for wind power generation; however,
for all special treatment that the structures need to sup- potential sites for the development have been investi-
port the abrasive conditions of the sea (Wu et al. 2014). gated (Schubert et al. 2014). In general, the areas in
However, this is only an assumption, since the compar- which the studies of viable and favorable winds are
ison of values between offshore projects is relatively located are the sites with the lower depths, in areas
complex, especially when considering the different near the coast. This favors the installation of wind tur-
physical and environmental characteristics, and eco- bines with more mature and inexpensive technology.
nomic reality of the construction sites (Dismukes, Offshore wind farms usually have large dimensions,
Upton Jr. 2015). and in view of the necessary capital investment for
generation, financial details are quite important.
According to the complementarity theory of
2 BACKGROUND hydropower system in Brazil (Silva et al. 2016) the
wind energy can provide an alternative clean source
Currently, the alternatives of offshore wind energy of electric energy during the periods of lower level of
to be explored are not only related to the generation water storage due to decreased rainfall. Wind energy
capacity of the wind turbines but also to installation has great potential to be explored favoring the main-
sites (Le et al. 2014). Some of the sites with favorable tenance of the level of reservoirs of rainfall shortage
wind for the power plants can present challenges to the periods (ONS Brazil 2015).
implementation. However, the governments of Brazil It was approved in 2014 by CONAMA – National
and Scotland are driving efforts to develop the wind Environmental Council (Brazil) rules that regulate the
energy technology in theirs territory, once this source environmental licensing and establishes criteria for
has a huge potential to be explored in both countries. onshore electric plants and establishes that for enter-
Via the decisions of public policies, both countries, prises with low level environmental impact, the need
Brazil and Scotland, are driving their energetic sys- for public consultation is eliminated. Knowing that
tems to use mainly renewable energy sources in the offshore wind turbine development may affect marine
composition of their energetic matrix. Among these life negatively (Toonen, Lindeboom 2015), and many
efforts, it is the increasing of security of supply of other positive and negative effects are still unknown, it
energy sources from renewable alternatives sources, is necessary to have more studies to identify and assess
notably wind farms. the level of offshore wind plants impact.
Scotland decided to expand the UK targets and The rules that will regulate the environmental
aims to ensure that whole electric power generated in licensing for offshore power plants in Brazil would
the country can be provided from renewable energy be developed after the elaboration of standards for
sources (O’Keeffe, Haggett 2012), with planned at onshore projects, and has not been published up to
least 4.5 GW from offshore wind energy (DECC this date. It must be considered essential for a coun-
et al. 2015). A demonstration project (7 MW turbine try owning the regularization statutory process for
founded on jacket foundation; Renewable UK 2015) large enterprise development procedure as the imple-
was used to prove the concept, and a number of projects mentation of offshore wind farms. It ensures legal
are currently at different stages albeit none at construc- security and presents the projects more attractive to
tion phase. One of the biggest wind generation parks investors.

Investments are extremely important in supplies Patos, has a considerable number of indigenous com-
coming from alternative energy systems to the existing munities and areas of integral protection. On the other
hydroelectric system in Brazil. The greatest potential hand, in Scotland, it is possible to encounter a number
for hydroelectric power in the country is in use, leav- of ship wrecks in the areas for potential development.
ing the ones with greater environmental complexity The above can contribute negatively for the perception
(Eletrosul 2008) to be developed. These systems could of the offshore enterprises by the communities.
lower the dependence of the present hydropower sys- According to the review of several studies
tem and contribute to the sustainable development of (Betakova et al. 2015, Ladenburg, Lutzeyer 2012,
region accessed. Westerberg et al. 2015), the factor with the greatest
influence on the decision to supporting or not the wind
projects would be the loss of landscape or its alteration
thereof. The landscape alteration can bring social reac-
tions and, if we consider large developments, effects
on the local fauna (Hammar et al. 2014). The environ-
According to surveys assessing the tendency of Euro-
mental impacts related to construction for wind power
pean citizens to fund and pay the price by advances
generation largely depend siting and the local envi-
in clean energy (Haggett 2011), if it could reflect in
ronmental (Leung, Yang 2012). The above shows that
the energy bill, it is still not clear with studies report-
there is a gap between public acceptance and local
ing conflicting results (Walker et al. 2014). Therefore,
opposition, and it can be better understood “when con-
it should be considered that not everyone is willing
sidering the environmental trade-off and global gains”
to pay for such development (Wüstenhagen, Bilharz
(Hall et al. 2013).
2006). Developers also assume the task of trying to
keep the accessible costs of the offshore wind farms,
since there is the unpopularity caused the increase in
energy bills. It is believed that developers would be 4 POTENTIAL ISSUES WITH WINDFARM
more willing to seek lower costs if this factor could CONSTRUCTION IN SHALLOW WATERS
raise the number of public supporters (Hooper et al.
2015). Shallow waters are those included in up to 50 meters
During the licensing process for offshore wind depth and the areas that comprise this water lamina
projects in UK, public consultation is necessary height are the most targeted for development projects
according to the standards set by The Crown Estate (Raadal et al. 2014). The tendency is that the depth
with presentation of environmental impact assess- maritime increase according to the distance from the
ment (EIA) studies for discussion with the public. coast. Thus, the shallow waters, ideal for enterprises
At this stage a range of stakeholders are considered, with low cost of construction are located in areas where
together with other interested parties for clarifications the visual impact is considered a factor to decrease
and agreements that may be necessary and possible support the execution of the projects. Direct impacts
financial compensation or mitigating environmen- related to the public would be linked to the changes
tal measures caused by the construction process are presented in the landscape. The divergence of opinion
sought. as the landscape alteration caused by wind structures
Environmental issues, such as landscape change, is still considered an area of research that needs further
can clearly change public perception (Dai et al. 2015). clarification.
The study of public participation becomes neces- The foundations design and construction for these
sary since the lack of support for development from projects can also be regarded as environmental impact
the public (e.g. NIMBY – Not in My Back Yard; factor. The installation of the structures can provoke
Bidwell 2013) can seriously derail offshore projects. disturbances in the marine environment, even being
Companies seek to compensate residents affected by insensitive to the human being, at the first moment; it
environmental problems what cause in many partici- can become harmful to marine species. Basically, all
pants the feeling of bribery. (Walker et al. 2014) and structures require a step of drilling the seabed, with
the developers must consider the socioeconomic real- exception of gravity base foundation. Such founda-
ity of the region affected during planning. Factors such tions that require drilling for installation may suspend
as age, income and educational level of the affected seabed sediments becoming harmful to life the fish and
population can interfere with understanding capacity even their reproduction. Depending on the structure of
of the proposed projects and even consider the possi- the soil in chosen sites, it is possible that more harmful
bility of the respondents individuals possess different alternatives need to be used, as the use of explosives.
interests when suggested projects. The impact sound emitted by construction works of the
The connection of the communities with the land projects may also be mentioned as an environmental
and cultural heritage can be determining factors for threat factor. Some studies try to identify if there are
decision support or opposition (Lombard, Ferreira environmental threat related to grid connection by the
2014). Indigenous communities in several areas in emission of possible electromagnetic waves.
Brazil have deep cultural connection with the envi- Considering the continental shelf, the water depths
ronment. One of the study areas for offshore wind in the coastal areas of southern Brazil and coast bor-
farm implementation in southern Brazil, the Lagoa dos dering the Lagoa dos Patos are relatively shallow. The

area has favourable winds for the siting of a wind farm. offshore. The application of questionnaire should be
The lagoon depth ranges from 7 m into the lagoon to performed during field work in order to collect and
up to 50m in oceanic areas bordering the shore of set the sample that will be accessed. The interview
the lagoon. Due to this and because of marine habi- will have semi structured questions to allow accessed
tats, gravity foundation structure can be an option have the possibility, at some point, openly express their
more financially viable and better adaptable to the concerns. Research will also be done by observation
local environment. The use of more complex structures and informal conversations that allows the partici-
needing higher value for construction are disregarded pants to be more confidents to express their concerns.
in this case, once the towers anchored that are con- The questionnaire based on an embracing literature
siderably a new technology for deep waters (Leung, review should be built considering the place attach-
Yang 2012), which ensures the project is designed in ment and knowledge of the region, common public
that region access a technology to foundations and concerns, assessment of level of knowledge technolo-
structures with more mature technology and better gies proposed and expectations for the respondents.
economic value. For deep water, with water depth over For this analysis should be considered the evaluation of
50 meters, the structures begin to provide high value cultural heritage by the participants related to the envi-
and floating structures present a good solution (Koh, ronment, and socio-demographic characteristics as age
Ng 2016). and education, as the level of understanding of the
For Scotland, a concern reported by fishing entities level of involvement and complexity of projects that
is the issue of navigation in and adjacent to wind tur- is important factor for supporting the constructions.
bines (Schillings et al. 2012). It must be considered It is intended to separate the participants into groups
that the North Sea, in the case of Scottish waters is in order to achieve equality among socioeconomic
indeed quite busy, with oil production, gas, military factors accessed.
activities and navigation routes (Toonen, Lindeboom
2015). Co-location of offshore wind farms and fish-
eries are studied, once artificial reefs are created from
the turbine foundations. However, in many cases, it is
The present paper understands as necessary a continu-
not possible. The safety zones for the boats are 500
ous study of public acceptance of energy enterprises,
meters away from the structures (Hooper et al. 2015).
mainly the offshore wind farms. It considers the great
Such restrictive measures it is necessary for safety
number of energy production planned coming from
purposes. Thus, to practice co-location between com-
this source for the next years in United Kingdom and
panies and fisheries would be necessary application
the possibility for future implementation in Brazil.
of insurance, training and open direct communication
Assuming the evolution of energy production sector is
channel between the company and fishermen.
been targeting the generation of clean energy to avoid
the carbon emission on the atmosphere, this evolution
5 PROPOSED METHODOLOGY is a tool for achieve the common welfare, for society
and environment. This new focus for energy supply
The measurement of social acceptance of offshore combats the global warming and climate changes, and
wind farms has not been completely explained in the it is necessary to include the public participation, opin-
past, while the low level of support to the enterprises ion and understanding of the enterprises. Researches
gives a bad popularity to the technology and, there- have been showing that the level of acceptance of the
fore, makes the offshore wind farms less attractive for wind turbines can increase with the better understand-
investments. Considering the number of offshore wind ing of the enterprises, planning and benefits for the
farms planned for Scotland and the increased possibil- local communities.
ity of offshore wind farms in Brazil begin to be planned There are cases of public manifestations for no sup-
in areas where environmental issues are relevant, the porting for implantation of wind onshore parks and
assessment of social acceptance can provide a tool for the same kind of view can be replicated for the off-
best guideline of development in agreement with the shore structures, and these movements can generate
public concerns. For this study, we assessed the cur- unplanned expensive for the enterprise, once the com-
rent research on the public participation and the effects panies will have to deal with unsatisfied communities.
on the technology for offshore wind farms in shallow However better explanations and involvement of the
waters, contrasting Scotland and Brazil. communities located near the structures perhaps can
For the next stage on this research, the data collec- provide an improvement of the understanding of the
tion and analysis of the effects accessed responses, this offshore wind parks and show the importance for the
study will be carried out by interviews with the stake- whole society about the support for this source of
holders based on a standardized questionnaire survey energy supply. The enterprise near the coast might pro-
for merchants and institutions possible involved in the vide a tourist attraction linking the region to sustain-
activities undertaken at the site, which will provide able development, reflecting the ideology of providing
some quantitative data. The sites of research inter- clean energy and progress thought focused on human
est are Lagoa dos Patos, in Brazil, and the coast of well-being, or even, contributing for the local economy
Aberdeen, in Scotland. Both sites have been showing when possible, as the example of co-location between
suitable for implementation of wind energy, mainly fishers and structures.

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