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Langmuir 1996, 12, 2737-2746 2737

Chain Length Dependence of the Striped Phases of

Alkanethiol Monolayers Self-Assembled on Au(111): An
Atomic Beam Diffraction Study
N. Camillone III,†,‡ T. Y. B. Leung,† P. Schwartz,§ P. Eisenberger,| and
G. Scoles*,†
Princeton Materials Institute, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544

Received December 1, 1995. In Final Form: February 29, 1996X

Low-energy helium atom diffraction measurements of the surface structure of n-alkanethiol films deposited
from a molecular beam on to the (111) face of gold single crystals (at an impingement rate on the order
of 1011(1 molecules cm-2 s-1) show that the thiols form “striped” overlayers. These structures are similar
to those previously seen by Dubois et al. in a recent low energy electron diffraction (LEED) study of
vapor-deposited overlayers (J. Chem. Phys. 1993, 98, 678), by Poirier et al. in a scanning tunneling microscope
(STM) study of low coverage solution-grown short-chain thiols monolayers (Langmuir 1994, 10, 3383), and
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more recently by us, Poirier, and Tarlov by thermal treatment of the full-coverage c(4x3×2x3)R30° phase
formed in the standard way by self-assembly from solution (J. Chem. Phys. 1994, 101, 11031). The surface
periodicity of the monolayer structures observed in the present study can be described (with respect to
the Au(111) surface lattice) in terms of a rectangular p×x3 unit mesh where p, the periodicity of the
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stripes, scales linearly with the length of the adsorbed thiol. The absolute value of the stripes’ period is,
with a maximum deviation of 3%, 1.9 times the length of the corresponding fully stretched thiolate fragment
which coincides with the length of the corresponding fully stretched dialkyl disulfide. The present results,
analyzed in the context of the others, confirm the presence of coverage-dependent and chain-length-
dependent phase behavior in these systems and suggest that, at the lowest “full” coverages, the molecules
may assume a near-flat configuration on the gold substrate.

I. Introduction This complexity is reflected in both the structure of the

“Self-assembly” methods provide a wet-chemical ap- monolayers and the kinetics of their formation. For
proach to the fabrication of highly ordered organic example, it is now well documented that the packing of
monolayers.1 Simple immersion of a clean substrate into molecules in the monolayer differs from that expected
a dilute solution of surfactant molecules can, for certain based on simple analogy with the structure of bulk
systems, result in the spontaneous assembly of a mono- n-alkane crystals.4,7,9,10 The periodicity along one of the
layer film possessing long-range (∼102-103 Å) molecular primary unit cell directions of the monolayer is twice that
order.2-7 During the past few years, n-alkanethiols found in analogous bulk crystal phases.4 The root cause
(CH3(CH2)n-1SH, referred to as Cn) adsorbed on gold have of this doubling is almost certainly due to interactions at
served as the archetypical examples of such systems and the organic/inorganic interface and has been attributed
are arguably the most intensively studied and best to the formation of a disulfide-like moiety.7b
characterized class of organic thin films.8 In this paper we report the results of helium atom
The relative simplicity of self-assembly methods con- diffraction studies of monolayers, mostly, but not exclu-
ceals the complexity of intermolecular and interfacial sively, prepared in vacuo via molecular beam deposition.
interactions involved in the formation of the monolayers. In the context of the complexity of the interactions and
kinetics involved in monolayer formation, in vacuo mo-
†Also Chemistry Department, Princeton University.
lecular beam deposition of n-alkanethiols onto gold
‡Present address: Department of Chemistry, University of North surfaces is of interest for a variety of reasons. First,
Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27599. molecular beam deposition provides a means to prepare
§ Also Department of Astrophysical Sciences, Princeton Uni- monolayers of short-chain thiols under very well-controlled
versity. conditions. We have recently focused our attention on
| Also Physics Department, Princeton University.
X Abstract published in Advance ACS Abstracts, May 1, 1996.
these short-chain monolayers (n e 10), expecting the
ordering to be more strongly influenced by interfacial
(1) See, for example: (a) Nuzzo, R. G.; Allara, D. L. J. Am. Chem.
Soc. 1983, 105, 4481. (b) Netzer, L.; Iscovici, R.; Sagiv, J. Thin Solid forces when compared with that of the longer-chain
Films 1983, 99, 235. (c) Porter, M. D.; Bright, T. B.; Allara, D. L.; Chidsey, homologues. We found that, for short-chain thiols, the
C. E. D. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1987, 109, 3559. (d) Bain, C. D.; Troughton, conventional self-assembly methodology results in mono-
E. B.; Tao, Y. T.; Evall, J.; Whitesides, G.; Nuzzo, R. G. J. Am. Chem.
Soc. 1989, 111, 321. (e) Bain, C. D.; Evall, J.; Whitesides, G. J. Am.
layers of irreproducible quality, possibly due to the inferior
Chem. Soc. 1989, 111, 7155. (f) Wasserman, S. R.; Tao, Y.-T.; Whitesides, ability of the shorter chains to provide protection against
G. M. Langmuir 1989, 5, 1074. (g) Ulman, A. Adv. Mater. 1990, 2, 573. diffusion of atmospheric and solution-borne contaminants
(h) Whitesides, G. M.; Laibinis, P. Langmuir 1990, 6, 87. to the interface. Since in vacuo preparation of monolayers
(2) Strong, L.; Whitesides, G. Langmuir 1988, 4, 546.
(3) Camillone, N., III; Chidsey, C. E. D.; Liu, G.-Y.; Scoles, G. J. avoids contact with atmosphere and solution, it provides
Chem. Phys. 1991, 94, 8493. the means to study short-chain monolayer formation free
(4) Camillone, N., III; Chidsey, C. E. D.; Liu, G.-Y.; Scoles, G. J. from any external contamination. Recently Chailapakul
Chem. Phys. 1993, 98, 3503.
(5) Camillone, N., III; Chidsey, C. E. D.; Liu, G.-Y.; Scoles, G. J.
et al.11 have compared, using nondiffractive techniques,
Chem. Phys. 1993, 98, 4234.
(6) Camillone, N., III; Chidsey, C. E. D.; Eisenberger, P.; Fenter, P.; (9) Poirier, G. E.; Tarlov, M. J. Langmuir 1994, 10, 2853.
Li, J.; Liang, K. S.; Liu, G.-Y.; Scoles, G. J. Chem. Phys. 1993, 99, 744. (10) (a) Anselmetti, D.; Baratoff, A.; Güntherodt, H.-J.; Delamarche,
(7) (a) Fenter, P.; Eisenberger, P.; Liang, K. S. Phys. Rev. Lett. 1993, E.; Michel, B.; Gerber, Ch.; Kang, H.; Wolf, H.; Ringsdorf, H. Europhys.
70, 2447. (b) Fenter, P.; Eberhardt, A.; Eisenberger, P. Science 1994, Lett. 1994, 27, 365. (b) Delamarche, E.; Michel, B.; Gerber, Ch.;
266, 1216. Anselmetti, D.; Güntherodt, H.-J.; Wolf, H.; Ringsdorf, H. Langmuir
(8) Dubois, L. H.; Nuzzo, R. G. Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem. 1992, 43, 437. 1994, 10, 2869.

S0743-7463(95)01097-3 CCC: $12.00 © 1996 American Chemical Society

2738 Langmuir, Vol. 12, No. 11, 1996 Camillone et al.

the properties of monolayers self-assembled from solution to the periodicities observed for thermally-treated, solu-
to those prepared by equilibrium vapor phase deposition. tion-grown monolayers, we complement the results ob-
While some differences were found, no clear-cut pattern tained by molecular beam deposition with a few mea-
emerged from that study. surements obtained by thermal treatment of solution-
Second, thermal treatment of solution-prepared mono- grown phases so to arrive at a rudimentary phase diagram
layers has recently been observed by us12,13 and others15 that relates chain length with monolayer structure and
to result in the formation of “striped” phases: i.e., surface coverage.
monolayer structures characterized by rows spaced at
intervals in the range of 7.5-13 times the gold-gold II. Experimental Section
nearest neighbor separation, dAu-Au, which appear as a (a) Substrate Preparation. Clean gold surfaces were
pinstripe pattern in STM images.13,15 Some of the prepared in the following manner: a gold single crystal cut to
structures observed in our experiments are similar to the expose the (111) face is cleaned as outlined in our previous work
structures observed by LEED in recent vapor dosing by repeated cycles of Ar+ sputtering and annealing to ∼800 °C.3-6
Once the surface is confirmed to be clean and well-ordered by
experiments which have been proposed to be lower in
Auger spectroscopy and LEED, the crystal is removed from the
density relative to the familiar solution-grown UHV chamber and immersed into a dilute solution of C10, C11,
c(4x3×2x3)R30° monolayer.16 The two sets of observa- or C12. The crystal is then installed into the helium atom
tion do overlap in general, but disagree in some details. diffractometer. (The diffraction apparatus is described in detail
Furthermore, n-alkanethiol monolayers are known to in previous publications.23 ) Upon completing our study of the
be damaged by electron beam exposure.2 Since the solution-grown monolayer, we cleaned the gold surface by
structure of the striped monolayers may depend on subtle desorbing the monolayer by heating the crystal to ∼190 °C for
electronic effects associated with adsorbate-induced re- ∼48 h. During and subsequent to the desorption of the monolayer,
construction of the gold surface, they may be even more the crystal is maintained within two, concentric, liquid-nitrogen-
cooled enclosures. The cleanliness and order of the gold surface
sensitive to electron beam exposure than their solution- are confirmed by helium atom diffraction studies. Surfaces are
grown counterparts. Nonperturbative helium atom dif- judged clean when (1) the intensity of the specular reflection is
fraction studies of molecular beam deposited striped films ∼20% of that of the incident beam, (2) a well-resolved first-order
is clearly free from these problems and provides a route diffraction peak is observed, and (3) evidence of the well-known
for probing the coverage dependence of the overlayer 23×x3 surface reconstruction is observed. As confirmed by these
structure. criteria, the crystal can be kept clean in our apparatus for at
Finally, the preparation of monolayers in vacuo allows least 1 month, provided that the crystal enclosures are maintained
easy access to nonequilibrium routes of monolayer growth. at the temperature of boiling nitrogen.
(b) Procedures for in Vacuo Monolayer Growth. To
It is known, for example, that the molecules in a monolayer
guarantee the purity of the thiols impinging on the crystal surface,
in solution are in dynamic equilibrium with the molecules the beam deposition source (nozzle diameter = 0.5 mm) was
in the supernatant solution.17,18 This equilibrium is constructed out of Teflon. As early attempts to dose thiols using
thought to play a role in the dissolution of the gold a gas manifold of copper and stainless steel construction were
surface.19-22 This process is not present under normal frustrated by nozzle clogs and the accumulation of yellow and
operating conditions (near room temperature and below) white powders inside the manifold, it became obvious that the
in the vacuum apparatus, where desorption of chemisorbed manifold needed to be constructed of less reactive materials. The
thiols is expected to be negligible at temperatures less manifold used in the present experiments was constructed of
than ∼50 °C.13 Teflon tubing, nylon connectors, and glass valves with Teflon
plungers. Prior to dosing, the manifold is evacuated by a
The present work shows that the nonequilibrium
mechanical pump through a liquid nitrogen trap. During dosing,
molecular beam deposition of short-chain (Cn, 6 e n e 10) the thiol pressure in the deposition source is typically 200-800
n-alkanethiols on Au(111) single crystal substrates, at mTorr.
relatively low exposures, results in the formation of striped All n-alkanethiols (96-99% purity) were obtained from the
phases. Our observation that the period of the stripes is, Aldrich Chemical Company and used without further purification.
within 3%, the same as the length of the corresponding Monolayer growth was accomplished by exposing the crystal to
dialkyl disulfide (see below) and that the same phases a molecular beam extracted from the vapor of liquid thiols
can be obtained by thermal treatment (i.e., evaporation) (hexane-, octane-, and decanethiol). From the attenuation rate
of these monolayers indicates that these striped phases of the intensity of the specular reflection during dosing at low
temperatures (where the sticking coefficient can be assumed to
may have a surface density substantially lower than that
be unity), the thiol flux at the surface during all of the in vacuo
corresponding to a fully occupied c(4x3×2x3)R30° over- growth experiments is estimated to be of the order of 1011(1
layer lattice. Since the observed periodicities are related molecules cm-2 s-1.
We have experimented with two methodologies: low-temper-
(11) Chailapakul, O.; Sun, L.; Xu, C.; Crooks, R. M. J. Am. Chem. ature growth and near-room-temperature growth. At crystal
Soc. 1993, 115, 12459. temperatures near 100 K, the sticking probability is much higher,
(12) Camillone, N., III; Leung, T. Y. Becky; Scoles, Giacinto SPIE,
OE/LASE 1994 Proceedings 1994, 2125.
and it becomes possible to completely cover the gold surface after
(13) Camillone, N., III; Eisenberger, P.; Leung, T. Y. B.; Schwartz, 2 min, depending on the intensity of the thiol beam. When the
P.; Scoles, G.; Poirier, G. E.; Tarlov, M. J. J. Chem. Phys. 1994, 101, surface is at 100 K, we were able to monitor the intensity of the
11031. specularly-scattered helium beam during the deposition. Upon
(14) Schönenberger, C.; Jorritsma, J.; Sondag-Huethorst, J. A. M.; exposure to the thiol flux, the specular drops dramatically in the
Fokkink, L. G. J. J. Phys. Chem. 1995, 99, 3259. first 30 s and reaches saturation at I(0,0)/I(0,0),t)0 ∼ 10-2, within
(15) Poirier, G. E.; Tarlov, M. J.; Rushmeier, H. E. Langmuir 1994, 2 min. No surface order is observed subsequent to such low-
10, 3383.
(16) Dubois, L. H.; Zegarski, B. R.; Nuzzo, R. G. J. Chem. Phys. 1993, temperature depositions. We expect that the molecules simply
98, 678. stick where they land, and, at 100 K, there are not enough thermal
(17) Chidsey, C. E. D.; Bertozzi, C. R.; Putvinski, T. M.; Mujsce, A. fluctuations to enable diffusion and reorganization producing a
M. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1990, 112, 4301. very rough, disordered surface that has very weak specular
(18) Biebuyck, H. A.; Whitesides, G. M. Langmuir 1993, 9, 1766. reflectivity. Upon heating, however, the molecules reorganize,
(19) Edinger, K.; Gölzhäuser, A.; Demota, K.; Wöll, Ch.; Grunze, M. and diffraction patterns are observed. Normally, the crystal is
Langmuir 1993, 9, 4.
(20) McCarley, R. L.; Dunaway, D. J.; Willicut, R. J. Langmuir 1993, heated incrementally: the crystal is brought to an elevated
9, 2775. temperature, held there for 1-5 min, and then cooled back down
(21) Schönenberger, C.; Sondag-Huethorst, J. A. M.; Jorritsma, J.;
Fokkink, L. G. J. Langmuir 1994, 10, 611. (23) Danielson, L.; Ruiz, J. C.; Schwartz, C.; Scoles, G.; Hutson, J.
(22) Bucher, J.-P.; Santesson, L.; Kern, K. Langmuir 1994, 10, 979. M. Faraday Discuss. Chem. Soc. 1985, 80, 47.
SAM Striped Phases Langmuir, Vol. 12, No. 11, 1996 2739

to 40 or 50 K prior to being probed by helium diffraction. In this function of the instrument and the quality of the early
way, the temperature at which reorganization occurs can be experimental data made it all but impossible to distinguish
determined, and the dependence of the structure upon annealing unequivocally between a (5x3×x3)R30° pattern and the
temperature can be monitored. In general we find that a single, rectangular 7.5×x3 pattern shown in Figure 1c,d, or any
well-defined diffraction pattern develops after annealing to
temperatures between 260 and 350 K. Heating to lower
of a family of structures characterized by rows of crys-
temperatures leaves the films somewhat disordered, and heating tallographically identical molecules spaced (along the
to higher temperatures (∼400 K) results in desorption. rows) at intervals of x3×dAu-Au with the repeat distance
Near-room-temperature growth involves exposing the crystal between the rows of 7.5 ×dAu-Au. We shall refer to
to the thiol beam at elevated temperatures, usually between 280 structures belonging to this family as 7.5-fold, striped
and 330 K. Since helium diffraction is very sensitive to vertical structures. Since Dubois et al.16 clearly observed a
(thermal) displacements of the molecules at the surface, obser- (5x3×x3)R30° LEED pattern for C6/Au(111), it is rea-
vation of diffraction from these soft organic materials requires sonable to assume that, when the repeat distance between
lowering the surface temperature to ∼50 K. Thus, we performed equivalent rows is 7.5×dAu-Au, the molecules arrange
interrupted growth studies: the crystal is held at temperatures
themselves according to this unit mesh. With the present
near 300 K and exposed to the thiol beam for ∼5 min intervals.
The crystal is cooled after each deposition and the surface is higher-quality data, we will show below that it is in fact
probed by helium diffraction. Since the sticking probability for a (5x3×x3)R30° unit mesh.
the thiols is expected to be quite low at room temperature, at A more gradual molecular-beam deposition of C6 results
least one-half hour total exposure time is required to grow a initially in a diffraction pattern along the nearest-neighbor
monolayer in this manner. direction of the gold substrate (hereafter referred to as
In the course of this work we have found that desorption of the 〈11 h 0〉 direction) comprised of intensity near the
self-assembled monolayers results in gold surfaces of varying (x3×x3)R30° positions and peaks quite close to the
degrees of cleanliness. In general, C10 and C12 self-assembled
specular (see Figure 2a), and a pattern along the next
monolayers which give high-quality helium atom diffraction
patterns desorb leaving behind high-quality gold surfaces (as
nearest-neighbor direction of the gold substrate (hereafter
evidenced by a >20% specular reflectivity, a well-resolved first- referred to as the 〈11 h 2〉 direction) characterized by a
order diffraction peak, and observation of the well-known 23×x3 doubling of the bare gold surface periodicity (see Figure
surface reconstruction). Most poorly-diffracting self-assembled 2b). A closer look at the pattern in Figure 2a reveals that
monolayers desorb leaving behind only a somewhat contaminated the peaks are not consistent with a (5x3×x3)R30°
metal surface (∼5-10% specular reflectivity). overlayer (i.e., a 7.5-fold periodicity relative to dAu-Au).
(c) Data Collection. All measurements are done in the in- Rather, as indicated in Figure 2a, they are in good
plane scattering configuration, i.e., the primary helium beam, agreement with an 8-fold periodicity, strongly suggesting
the surface normal, and the detector are all in the same plane. a rectangular 8×x3 lattice. The average over six samples
Diffraction patterns are taken by measuring the intensity of the
scattered helium as a function of polar angle θ as the detector
provides the values of (7.9 ( 0.2)×x3 or 22.8 ( 0.6 Å.
is rotated in the scattering plane. In order to obtain a detailed Examination of the 〈11h 2〉 spectrum strongly supports this
picture of the reciprocal space, polar angle scans are taken at 5° conclusion (Figure 2b).
increments of the azimuthal angle φ spanning a range of 120°. The deviation of these results from both those of our
These data in θ space can be transformed into the momentum earlier work, as well as the results of Dubois et al. raises
space by the use of the equation at least two questions. First, the patterns shown in Figure
2a,b were obtained by dosing at a surface temperature of
∆K// ) ki(sin θf - sin θi) 100 K, followed by annealing to room temperature, while
the results of Dubois et al. were obtained by growing the
where ∆K// is the momentum transfer parallel to the surface, θf adlayer at 300-350 K (and may be affected by beam
is the detector angle, ki and θi are the incident wavevector and damage which is virtually unavoidable with electrons).
angle. Therefore, we should pose the question whether or not
The θ resolution is estimated to be 0.5° which corresponds to the 7.5-fold (5x3×x3)R30° pattern can be obtained by
1% at ∆K// ) 6 Å-1 and 15% at ∆K// ) 0.2 Å-1. The φ resolution
depends on θ and ranges from 7° to 40° respectively at 90° and
dosing or annealing to higher temperatures. Second, a
10° from the specular reflection when the latter is located at 60° larger unit cell (8-fold periodicity instead of 7.5-fold) is
from the normal to the surface. The uncertainty in the angular suggestive of a lower-coverage structure. Is it possible
position of a peak is dependent on the quality of the diffraction that repeated dosing will eventually lead to production of
pattern. For the organic surfaces described here, the uncertainty a 7.5-fold pattern?
is typically 0.05°. A worst case analysis shows that this translates To answer the first question, we carried out interrupted
into an uncertainty of less than (1% in ∆K// for any individual growth experiments, as described in section II.b, at a
readings. For weak or asymmetrical peaks, the uncertainty in crystal temperature of ∼316 K. (The small sticking
θ may be as large as 0.2°, which translates into an uncertainty
of (4% in ∆K// in the worst cases. Also, because of the poor
coefficient for C6 on Au(111) at high temperatures made
quality of the diffraction patterns obtained for some of the 316 K the highest temperature at which we could carry
solution-grown monolayers, the calibration of the sample align- out the experiment over reasonable time scales.) Selected
ment could not be carried out exactly. This may cause an scans taken subsequent to cooling the crystal to 40 K are
uncertainty of 4.5% in the observed periodicities. For clarity, all presented in Figure 3. We discover two new features of
diffraction peaks described here are indexed according to the the growth of C6/Au(111): (1) with repeated exposure the
hexagonal unit mesh of either the overlayer or the substrate as pattern shifts from agreeing with an 8-fold periodicity to
indicated. agreeing with a 7.5-fold periodicity and (2) extra peaks
half-way between the “1/5-order” spacing (see Figure 3)
III. Results can be discerned, indicating the possible existence of a
(a) n-Hexanethiol. Early experiments involving mo- doubling of the unit mesh, i.e., a 15-fold periodicity
lecular-beam deposition of n-hexanethiol on Au(111) (possibly a (10x3×x3)R30° lattice). Due to the relatively
produced diffraction patterns consistent with the forma- weak intensity of these extra peaks and lack of azimuthal
tion of a (5x3×x3)R30° overlayer lattice.12 The real space resolution of the present experimental setup, we cannot
unit cell and expected reciprocal space (diffraction pattern) provide unambiguous confirmation of this (10x3×x3)R30°
are illustrated in Figure 1a,b. The (5x3×x3)R30° mesh lattice: the apparent half-order peaks may actually be
is the simplest unit mesh capable of explaining the diffraction belonging to nearby azimuths (see Figure 1).
observed diffraction pattern. However, the resolution We have also observed that annealing a fully-formed,
2740 Langmuir, Vol. 12, No. 11, 1996 Camillone et al.

Figure 1. (a, b) Illustrations of reciprocal-space (a) and real-space (b) for the (5x3×x3)R30° lattice. In (a), the reciprocal-space
unit mesh is outlined by a solid line. The total pattern is the superposition of three identical lattices rotated by 120° with respect
to each other. Each lattice is marked with a different symbol (9, (, and b). The positions coinciding with the reciprocal-space lattice
of the Au(111) surface are also marked (O). The dashed-line box illustrates how, in this case, for a scan along the 〈11 h 0〉 azimuth,
the resolution function of the apparatus can cause off-azimuth diffraction to appear as half-order diffraction. The real space unit
mesh is outlined in (b) (shaded circles) atop the Au(111) surface lattice (open circles). The real space diagram shows that the distance
between equivalent rows in the (5x3×x3)R30° lattice is equal to 7.5 times the gold nearest-neighbor spacing. Coverage should
not be inferred from this diagram. (c, d) Illustrations of reciprocal-space (c) and real-space (d) for a rectangular p×x3 lattice with
p ) 7.5. In (c), the reciprocal-space unit mesh is outlined by a solid line. The total pattern is the superposition of three identical
lattices rotated by 120° with respect to each other. Each lattice is marked with a different symbol (9, (, and b). The positions
coinciding with the reciprocal-space lattice of the Au(111) surface are also marked (O). The dashed-line box is the same as in (a).
Note that the distribution of overlayer spots in the vicinity of the (1,0) substrate spot is markedly different from that in (a). This
region in (a) and (c) forms the basis for Figure 5. Again, coverage should not be inferred from the real-space lattice diagram.

100 K deposited, 7.5-fold, striped structure to ∼400 K There is another interesting observation involving low-
results in a decrease in diffracted intensity and a shift in temperature deposition. When, after the initial 100 K
peak positions toward the 8-fold periodicity (data not deposition, instead of raising the temperature directly to
shown). This observation, as well as those made in the 300 K, the annealing is done incrementally, we find that
high-temperature dosing experiment, are consistent with at temperatures of ∼180 K, diffraction consistent with a
the picture that the periodicity depends on the coverage 7.5-fold periodicity first appears, eventually giving way
and not simply on the temperature to which the monolayer to the 8-fold periodic pattern at ∼260 K (see Figure 6).
has been annealed or heated during growth. This low-temperature-annealed structure has the same
Figure 4 shows that repeated dosing at low temperatures periodicity as the “saturation-coverage” structure; how-
results in the same shift from an 8-fold to a 7.5-fold ever, it has an entirely different intensity distribution:
periodicity with increasing coverage as was observed in the “2/5-order” peak dominates in the 180 K-annealed case,
the high-temperature dosing experiment. The transition while it is the weakest of the first 5 orders of diffraction
requires several 100 K dosings followed by room tem- in the 300 K-annealed case. While a quantitative
perature annealings (not all data are shown). The 7.5- understanding of the diffraction intensity distribution is
fold structure (Figure 4, trace c) appears to be (at least)
presently beyond our capabilities, we can safely state that
a local minimum in free energy, as further dosing does
the two structures clearly have different corrugations.
not result in continued contraction of the lattice. These
observations are also consistent with the picture that the There are at least two possible explanations for the low-
periodicity depends on the coverage. temperature diffraction pattern: (1) it may correspond to
some sort of bilayer or multilayer structure or (2) it may
We further note that the improved quality of the data
correspond to a monolayer similar in coverage and form
relative to our earlier measurements12 provides now strong
evidence for the (5x3×x3)R30° structure (Figure 1a,b) to the saturation-coverage structure, only in this case the
and against the 7.5×x3 rectangular lattice (Figure 1c,d). molecules are adsorbed physically to the surface, as the
This evidence is presented in Figure 5. Detection of off- needed activation energy has not yet been supplied to
azimuth diffraction along the 〈11h 2〉 azimuth near the induce chemisorption.16 Annealing to higher temperature
position corresponding to the (-1,0) substrate diffraction results in both chemisorption and desorption and, thus,
(heavy solid vertical line) is consistent with that expected produces the lower-coverage 8-fold, striped structure. More
for a (5x3×x3)R30° overlayer lattice (solid vertical lines). careful coverage-dependence studies, or combined helium
No evidence for peaks expected for a 7.5×x3 rectangular diffraction/X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy measure-
lattice (dashed vertical lines) is observed. ments may yield additional insight into these issues.
SAM Striped Phases Langmuir, Vol. 12, No. 11, 1996 2741

Figure 3. Selected scans taken from the surface of C6/Au(111)

grown by molecular beam deposition at 316 K. With repeated
exposure, the pattern shifts from agreement with an 8×x3
lattice (marked by dashed lines) to agreement with a 7.5-fold
periodicity (actually a (5x3×x3)R30° lattice, marked by solid
lines). Since there are 5 orders of diffraction up to the peak
corresponding to first-order diffraction from a simple
(x3×x3)R30° overlayer lattice, we refer to the diffraction peaks
in trace d in terms of “1/5-order” diffraction. The predominant
peaks are the 1/5-, 3/5-, and 5/5-orders. Extra peaks half-way
between 1/5-order spacing are observed but may not indicate a
doubling of the unit mesh (see text and Figure 1a). 〈11h 0〉
azimuth, ki ) 4.84 Å-1; Tc ) 40 K, and θi ) 61.5°.
Figure 2. (a) Helium atom diffraction from C6/Au(111) along
〈11h 0〉 azimuth. The C6 was deposited onto the surface at 100
K and annealed to 290 K. The solid vertical line on the left tion. Upon inspection of this diffraction pattern, our
marks the expected position for first order diffraction from a attention is immediately drawn to three important
simple hexagonal (x3×x3)R30° overlayer. The other solid features: (1) while there is intensity near the positions
vertical line marks the position expected for a peak at ∆K// expected for a (x3×x3)R30° overlayer, the peaks in the
equal to 3/5 times that for the (x3×x3)R30° first order peak, diffracted intensity are not in good agreement with those
i.e., a peak location consistent with diffraction expected from
a (5x3×x3)R30° adlayer. Instead, the data agree well with
positions, especially at the first order position, (2) the
peak positions expected for an 8×x3 lattice, which are marked diffraction features near the (x3×x3)R30° positions are
by dashed vertical lines. The incident wavevector, ki, was 5.24 comprised of a series of diffraction peaks, and (3) there is
Å-1, the crystal temperature, Tc, was 40 K, and the incident a progression of peaks very close to the specular, corre-
angle, θi, was 61.26°. (b) Diffraction from C6/Au(111) along the sponding to a relatively large real-space periodicity.
〈112h 〉 azimuth. The C6 was deposited onto the surface at 100
K and annealed to 290 K. The solid vertical lines mark the Figure 7b is a diffraction scan taken parallel to the 〈112h 〉
expected positions for integer- and half-integer-order diffraction direction. Here we find diffraction peaks at spacings 1/2,
3/ , and 5/ times the spacing observed for a clean gold
with respect to the bare Au(111) surface lattice (the first order 2 2
is specifically labeled). The dashed vertical lines mark locations substrate, indicating a doubling of the periodicity in the
of off-azimuth diffraction expected for a 8×x3 overlayer. The 〈112 h 〉 direction, i.e., a periodicity equal to x3 times the
excellent agreement of the data with the latter strongly supports gold-gold nearest neighbor spacing, dAu-Au. Figure 7c
our assignment of the unit mesh. ki ) 4.84 Å-1; Tc ) 45 K, and
θi ) 61.26°.
provides an expanded look at the near-specular diffraction
along the 〈11h 0〉 azimuth from which we extract a periodicity
(b) n-Decanethiol. High-quality diffraction patterns equal to (11 ( 0.5)×dAu-Au, or 31.7 ( 1.4 Å (average over
have been obtained from n-decanethiol overlayers depos- six samples). Therefore, the data are consistent with a
ited either by exposure of a room temperature crystal to rectangular unit mesh with dimensions 11×x3 times
the thiol beam or by exposure of a cold (100 K) surface dAu-Au. This unit mesh is illustrated in both real and
followed by annealing to room temperature. The diffrac- reciprocal space in Figure 8.
tion patterns obtained in these two cases are nearly The structure shown in Figure 8 is quite distinct from
identical to each other. While we have not made a detailed the c(4x3×2x3)R30° structure obtained by conventional
study of the response of these overlayers to annealing at self-assembly in solution. The observed lattice is identical
higher temperatures, we have observed that heating to to the so-called “striped” phases found subsequent to
350 K results in an increase in the intensity of the thermal treatment of solution-grown C10 monolayers (see
diffraction peaks. Figure 9). We also remind the reader that, as shown in
Figure 7a is an example of diffraction from molecular- ref 13, that thermal treatment of C10 produces first a
beam-deposited C10/Au(111) taken along the 〈11 h 0〉 direc- (5x3×x3)R30° lattice (which corresponds to a p value of
2742 Langmuir, Vol. 12, No. 11, 1996 Camillone et al.

Figure 4. Selected scans taken from the surface of C6/Au(111)

grown by molecular beam deposition at 100 K followed by
annealing to 290 K. As in Figure 3, with repeated exposure the
pattern shifts from agreement with an 8×x3 lattice (marked Figure 6. Systematic annealing of a 100 K-deposited C6
by dashed lines) to agreement with a 7.5-fold periodicity overlayer. The top traces were collected subsequent to annealing
(actually a (5x3×x3)R30° lattice, marked by solid lines). 〈11h 0〉 to 180 K, while the bottom trace was collected subsequent to
azimuth, ki ) 4.84 Å-1; Tc ) 45 K, and θi ) 61.37°. annealing to 260 K. With repeated annealing the pattern shifts
from agreement with a (5x3×x3)R30° lattice (marked by solid
lines) to an 8×x3 lattice (marked by dashed lines). Note the
predominance of the 2/5-order peak in the former case. 〈11h 0〉
azimuth, ki ) 4.84 Å-1; Tc ) 40 K, and θi ) 61.5°.

produce the pattern shown in Figure 10. This pattern is

well-described by a (9.4 ( 0.2)×x3 rectangular lattice
(average over five samples). Alternatively, the pattern is
consistent with an oblique unit mesh described by the
vectors a ) (0, x3×dAu-Au) and b ) (9.5×dAu-Au,
x3×dAu-Au/2), which is the simplest commensurate over-
layer lattice belonging to the family of structures com-
prised of stripes spaced at 9.5×dAu-Au. Similarly to the
case of C6/Au(111), we do not expect that we would be able
to easily distinguish between the two lattices.
The pattern for the C12 overlayer shown in Figure 10
was produced by in vacuo thermal treatment of a solution-
grown monolayer which initially displayed a well-
developed c(4x3×2x3)R30° diffraction pattern. Thermal
treatment consisted of repetitive cycling of the crystal to
increasingly higher temperatures in the vicinity of 100
Figure 5. Diffraction from the same monolayer as that in
°C. The pattern shown in the upper trace of Figure 10
Figure 4. These data were collected along the 〈112 h 〉 azimuth. was actually obtained subsequent to thermal treatment
Close inspection of the region in the vicinity of the position followed by approximately 1 week at room temperature.
corresponding to first-order diffraction from bare Au(111) Similarly long reorganization times have been observed
(marked by the heavy vertical line) reveals agreement with a previously for C10.13 The pattern in Figure 10 is in
(5x3×x3)R30° lattice (positions marked by solid lines) and no excellent agreement with a periodicity described by a (13
evidence for a rectangular 7.5×x3 lattice (marked by dashed ( 0.3)×x3 unit mesh.
lines). Also compare parts a and c of Figure 1. ki ) 4.84 Å-1;
Tc ) 45 K, and θi ) 61.08°. Finally, very recently, the thermal behavior of two
solution-grown C11 monolayers which initially showed a
c(4x3×2x3)R30° diffraction pattern was studied. Sub-
7.5 as shown in Figure 1) followed later by the striped sequent to thermal cycling the monolayers to ∼180 °C
phase. followed by about 2 days for one sample and 5 days for the
(c) Other Chain Lengths. Finally, we report the most other sample at room temperature, a new diffraction
recent results of measurements made on adlayers of C8, pattern was observed which can be described by an (11.8
C11 and C12. ( 0.8)×x3 unit mesh (data not shown).
n-Octanethiol was deposited onto Au(111) in the same Since a certain amount of “aging” at room temperature
manner as C6 and C10, dosing at a surface temperature has been found useful to observe the striped phase, we
of 100 K followed by annealing to room temperature to feel it useful to summarize here the amount of times during
SAM Striped Phases Langmuir, Vol. 12, No. 11, 1996 2743

Figure 8. (a) Reciprocal space diagram of diffraction from the

bare Au(111) surface (O) and from C10/Au(111) (b). Prior to
deposition, only the six equivalent first-order peaks (one is
marked (1,0)) are observed. Subsequent to deposition, half-
order peaks appear along the 〈112 h 〉 azimuth (vertical in the
figure), and a progression of closely spaced peaks appear along
the 〈11h 0〉 azimuth (horizontal). The reciprocal-space unit mesh
is outlined. This unit mesh corresponds to the real space unit
mesh outlined in (b).

Figure 7. (a) Diffraction from the surface of C10/Au(111) grown

by molecular beam deposition. The vertical dashed lines mark
the expected peak locations for a simple hexagonal Figure 9. A comparison of diffraction from the surface of C10/
(x3×x3)R30° overlayer, i.e., a periodicity equal to 1.5 × 2.885 Au(111) along the 〈11h 0〉 azimuth: (a) deposited from a molecular
Å. 〈11h 0〉 azimuth, ki ) 5.239 Å-1; Tc ) 45 K, and θi ) 61.36°. beam and (b) deposited from solution and thermally treated in
(b) Diffraction from the surface of C10/Au(111) grown by vacuo. Both show close agreement with a periodicity that is 11
molecular beam deposition. The dashed lines mark expected times the gold nearest-neighbor spacing which is marked by
peak locations for a periodicity of x3 times the gold next-nearest- the dashed lines. ki ) 5.24 Å-1; Tc ) (a) 40 K, (b) 45 K and θi
neighbor spacing, i.e., x3 × 2.885 Å. Only the peak labeled ) (a) 61.47°, (b) 60.70°.
(-1,0) is observed in scans taken of the clean gold surface.
〈112h 〉 azimuth, ki ) 5.24 Å-1; Tc ) 45 K, and θi ) 61.71°. (c) An
expanded view of the near-specular region of the 〈11 h 0〉 diffraction
scan shown in (a). The dashed lines mark expected peak which the different monolayers have been observed since
locations for a periodicity equal to 11 gold nearest neighbor it will provide the reader with a feeling about the reaching
spacings, i.e., 11 × 2.885 Å. of equilibrium and about the stability of these systems.
2744 Langmuir, Vol. 12, No. 11, 1996 Camillone et al.

Figure 11. A plot of observed periodicity (given in terms of

gold lattice spacings, p ) 2π/2.885δ) of the striped structures
vs the number of carbons in the molecules comprising the layer
(solid circles). The data represent measurements made for layers
prepared as follows: C6 and C8 - molecular beam deposition
only; C10 - molecular beam deposition as well as thermal
treatment; C11 and C12 - thermal treatment only. For the
(5x3×x3)R30° structure observed for C6 and C10, the distance
Figure 10. Helium atom diffraction from Cn/Au(111) along between equivalent rows is equal to 7.5 times the gold nearest-
the 〈11h 0〉 azimuth. The C6, C8, and C10 layers were prepared by neighbor spacing (open circles).
molecular beam deposition and the C12 by partial desorption
of a solution grown monolayer. The intervals δ mark the Table 1. Chain Length Dependence of the Lattice
characteristic reciprocal lattice spacings, 2π/δ gives the real- Parameter p of the Striped Phase of SAMs
space distance between stripes. C6: ki ) 4.84 Å-1; Tc ) 40 K,
and θi ) 61.51°. C8: ki ) 4.84 Å-1; Tc ) 45 K, and θi ) 61.22°. 2π/δ (Å) fragment “disulfide”
C10: ki ) 5.24 Å-1; Tc ) 45 K, and θi ) 60.72°. C12: ki ) 4.84 n p (experiment) length (Å)a R1b length (Å)c R2d
Å-1; Tc ) 45 K, and θi ) 61.36°. 6 7.9 ( 0.2 22.8 ( 0.6 11.8 1.93 22.1 1.03
8 9.4 ( 0.2 27.1 ( 0.6 14.4 1.88 27.3 0.99
Several films of C10, C11, and C12 have been found stable 10 11 ( 0.5 31.7 ( 1.4 16.95 1.87 32.4 0.98
in vacuum at room temperature for times of the order of 11 11.8 ( 0.8 34 ( 2.3 18.25 1.86 35.0 0.97
12 13 ( 0.3 37.5 ( 0.9 19.5 1.92 37.5 1.00
5 days. However on this time scale some increase in
a The length of the thiol fragment, assuming bond angles of 112°,
specular intensity was observed which may indicate either
a small amount of evaporation or molecular diffusion on bond lengths of 1.541 Å for C-C, 1.81 Å for C-S, and 1.073 Å for
the surface producing larger domains of bare gold. While C-H, and van der Waals radii of 1.85 Å for sulfur and 1.2 Å for
hydrogen. b The ratio of the observed periodicity and the fragment
a study on the stability of the C6 films has not been carried length. c The length of disulfide-like moiety at which the sulfur
out in details, we have observed almost complete des- head groups of the two thiolate fragments dimerized with S-S
orption in one of the samples at room temperature on the length of 2.2 Å. d The ratio of the observed periodicity and the length
same time scale. For C8, no stability observations were of the disulfide moiety.
on graphite.25 (The latter work includes images which
IV. Discussion are very similar in appearance to those of Poirier et al.9,13,15)
Each unit mesh would therefore contain two thiols. This
Taking the results for the five molecules, C6, C8, C10, would suggest that the coverage for these structures is
C11, and C12, together, and including both the present from 0.4 to 0.23 times that of the full-coverage
results as well as those of the earlier thermal treatment c(4x3×2x3)R30° phase (as the periodicity of the stripes
experiments, we find a linear relationship between the ranges from 7.5 to 13, respectively).
periodicity of the diffraction pattern and the number of It would be, of course, interesting to explore the bonding
carbons in the thiol (see Figure 11). The slope (0.83 ( environment of the sulfur atoms in the striped phases
0.04) is very nearly equal to twice the distance between using the available methods of electron and X-ray
carbon atoms parallel to the molecular backbone (2.55 Å) spectroscopy to confirm or contradict the presence of the
expressed in terms of gold lattice constants (2.55/2.885 ) disulfide bonds.
0.884). Furthermore, for these so-called “striped” struc- Since we have no direct evidence that the molecules
tures, the periodicity of the stripes is very nearly equal indeed lie prone on the surface, we must consider other
to twice the overall length of the molecules forming the alternatives. One possibility is that the periodicity of the
overlayer which is consistent with the possibility that the striped structures be a consequence of the variation of
molecules are adsorbed as disulfides7b (see Table 1). The adsorbate-adsorbate interaction strength as a function
coincidence of these numbers suggests that the striped of chain length. For the case of the thiols, the strength
structures consist of thiols lying flat, i.e., with their axes of the adsorbate-adsorbate interaction varies linearly
parallel to the gold surface, in a fashion similar to that with the number of carbons in the chains, so we could
found by LEED for normal paraffin vapors deposited on expect, in principle, a linear relationship between the chain
Pt(111)24 as well as to that found by STM for cyclic alkanes
(25) Wawkuschewski, A.; Cantow, H.-J.; Magonov, S. N. Langmuir
(24) Firment, L. E.; Somorjai, G. A. J. Chem. Phys. 1977, 66, 2901. 1993, 9, 2778.
SAM Striped Phases Langmuir, Vol. 12, No. 11, 1996 2745

Scheme 1. A Rudimentary Phase Diagram Showing history, or (3) the structures observed by us at 40 K differ
the Relationship among the Observed Phases of from those observed at near room temperature by Dubois
Cn/Au(111) for n ) 6, 8, 10, 11, and 12a et al. and Poirier et al.
In any case all indications are that the phase vs coverage
behavior of these systems is quite complicated, and, for
a more complete understanding, may require further
study. For example, a grazing incidence X-ray diffraction
measurement of the inclination of the molecules in the
(5x3×x3)R30° structure would serve not only to specify
the structure more completely but also to shed additional
light on the issues raised in this discussion. While the
(5x3×x3)R30° phase has never been seen with grazing
incidence X-rays, by exposing a clean gold substrate to
decanethiol vapor at a background pressure 10-6 Torr,
c(4x3×2x3)R30° diffraction patterns have recently been
The arrows indicate observed transitions. observed using this technique.28 The difference between
the present results and those obtained by X-rays may be
length and the length scale of a superlattice modulation due to the substantially lower dosing rate used here.
responsible for the stripes. In this context, we note that Efforts are underway in both laboratories to prepare
for all the structures measured the value of p is, within monolayers under comparable conditions. The achieve-
experimental error, an integer or half-integer number. ment of much larger deposition fluxes is hindered, in our
Another possible explanation for the structure of the setup, by the unavoidable presence of the cryopumping
low coverage phases is related to a quantization of the action of the liquid helium cryostat which supports the
magnitude of the tilt of the molecular axis from the surface bolometer helium beam detector. While background gas
normal. It is known that as a consequence of the deposition cannot be achieved under any circumstances,
interdigitation of methylene groups, hydrocarbon chains we are presently building a shielded doser located much
prefer to pack with certain tilt angles and two-dimensional nearer to the gold surface, which will be capable of
packing densities,26 explaining why certain structures (in producing much larger impingement rates for the thiol
particular the (5x3×x3)R30° phase) seem to be common deposition.
to a number of chain lengths. Interdigitation of closely-
packed methylene groups and tilt quantization have been V. Conclusions
observed to result in displacement of chains along their
molecular axes in Langmuir-Blodgett films.27 Such a We have shown that molecular beam deposition of
displacement would have a marked effect on surface n-decane-, n-octane-, and n-hexanethiol on gold, at the
corrugation and could explain the observed helium dif- thiol flux on the order of 1011(1 molecules cm-2 s-1, does
fraction patterns for the thiols on gold system. After not produce the c(4x3×2x3)R30° structure usually
examining these alternative we feel, however, that the observed for n-decane-7b,9,13 and n-octane-9 and n-hex-
flat-on-the-surface arrangement of the molecules is the anethiol9 saturation-coverage monolayers prepared by
simplest and most likely explanation of our data. self-assembly in solution. Rather, we observe the forma-
An overall look at our results has led us to the tion of striped structures characterized by rows of
formulation of a graphic representation for the chain- molecules. These rows run parallel to the 〈112h 〉 direction
length-dependent and coverage-dependent phase behavior of the Au(111) substrate and the periodicity along the
presented in Scheme 1. The (5x3×x3)R30° structure rows is x3 times the gold nearest-neighbor distance. So
has so far been observed by us for both C6 and C10. Dubois far our observations show that, at surface temperatures
et al. observed this same structure for every even- of 40 K, the perpendicular distance between the rows scales
numbered chain length from C4 to C10.16 One could then linearly with the length of the molecules which comprise
make the hypothesis that at very low coverages the the adlayer and is, in fact, nearly equal to twice the overall
molecules lie flat and, as the coverage increases, that the length of those molecules.
molecules pack more densely giving rise to the We have seen that molecular beam deposition of C10
(5x3×x3)R30° structure. This would happen to a critical results in an 11×x3 structure that is identical to that
coverage where the molecules switch from a prone position ultimately produced by thermal treatment of a
to an orientation directed more parallel to the surface c(4x3×2x3)R30° solution-grown monolayer. C6 has been
normal. Thus this particular structure would be common seen to form two structures: (1) 7.9×x3 at low coverage
to several chain lengths. and (2) (5x3×x3)R30° at higher coverage. The latter
Neither Dubois et al. nor Poirier et al. observe the linear has the same periodicity as an intermediate structure
relationship between periodicity and chain length de- observed for C10 in the thermal treatment experiments13
scribed here; rather Dubois et al. predominantly observe as well as the structures of a variety of chain lengths
the (5x3×x3)R30° structure16 and Poirier and Tarlov prepared by background gas dosing by Dubois et al.16 The
observe a wide variety of periodicities.9,13,15 There are recurrence of the (5x3×x3)R30° mesh in the different
several possible explanations for this: (1) the periodicity chain length suggests that this structure may correspond
varies with local coverage, to which the STM measure- to a preferred packing density and (non-surface-parallel)
ments may be more sensitive than our technique which tilt angle at some intermediate coverage. The
averages over the whole surface, (2) some or all of the (5x3×x3)R30° is bracketed on the one side by the full-
measurements involve nonequilibrium structures, thus coverage c(4x3×2x3)R30° structure in which the mol-
the observations are strongly dependent on the exact ecules are tilted about 30° from the surface normal and
method of preparation of the adlayer and its thermal on the other side by the lowest coverage monolayers in
which the molecules lie parallel to the surface (as suggested
(26) Outka, D. A.; Stöhr, J.; Rabe, J. P.; Swalen, J. D.; Rotermund, by the trend shown in Scheme 1). We expect, therefore,
H. H. Phys. Rev. Lett. 1987, 59, 1321.
(27) Schwartz, D. K.; Viswanathan, R.; Zasadzinski, J. A. N. Langmuir
1993, 9, 1384. (28) Eberhardt, A.; Fenter, P. Private communication.
2746 Langmuir, Vol. 12, No. 11, 1996 Camillone et al.

that the “striped” phases are the result of increasing structures which, by their own nature, cannot provide us
molecular tilt with decreasing coverage. with structural data of equivalent precision.
The wide variety of periodicities observed by us and
others suggests that the periodicity of the stripes (and, Acknowledgments. We acknowledge the fruitful
probably, therefore, the tilt angle) depends on coverage, discussions with A. Eberhardt, P. Fenter, and G. Poirier
chain-length, and thermal history. Once they have been and Terri Cummings for her participation in the recent
fully explored, the rich phase diagrams of these intriguing measurements. We also thank Professor C. Chidsey for
systems will provide an excellent testing ground for theory. giving us the undecanethiol sample used in the measure-
If intermolecular force field and molecular-dynamics code ments. This work has been supported by the Materials
can be developed to a level where they are capable of Science Program of the Office of Basic Energy Sciences of
reproducing this rich variety of structures, it is reasonable
DOE under Grant DE-FG02-93ER45503.
to expect that they will also be able to accurately describe
the properties of cell membranes and other “solution” LA951097J

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