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Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 286 (2005) 747–754

Effect of glycerol on micelle formation by ionic and

nonionic surfactants at 25 ◦C
Gerardino D’Errico ∗ , Donato Ciccarelli, Ornella Ortona
Chemistry Department of Naples University “Federico II,” Via Cintia, Complesso di Montesantangelo, I-80126 Naples, Italy
Received 14 October 2004; accepted 21 January 2005
Available online 2 March 2005

The effect of glycerol on the micellization of the cationic surfactant cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) and of the ethoxylated
nonionic surfactant Brij 58 has been investigated by various experimental techniques. For both surfactants the critical micellar concentration
(cmc), determined by surface tension measurements, is almost unaffected by the presence of glycerol in the mixture; only at high glycerol
concentrations (20% w/w) does the cmc significantly increase. The area per surfactant molecule at the air–solution interface, A, increases
with increasing glycerol weight percentage, wg . Fluorescence quenching measurements indicate that the presence of glycerol induces a
lowering of the aggregation number of both surfactants. The glycerol intradiffusion coefficient has been measured by the pulsed-gradient
spin–echo NMR technique as a function of glycerol content at constant surfactant concentration. It is almost unaffected by the presence
of the surfactants, indicating that no direct glycerol–surfactant interaction occurs in the mixture. The surfactant intradiffusion coefficient
has been also measured. In the case of CTAB, it increases with increasing glycerol concentration, a reflection of the decreased aggregation
number. For Brij 58, in spite of the lowering of the aggregation number, the surfactant intradiffusion coefficient decreases with increasing
glycerol concentration, suggesting an increase of the intermicellar interaction. The experimental evidence shows that for both surfactants the
micellization is affected by the presence of glycerol through an indirect, solvent-mediated mechanism. In the case of CTAB, the main effect
of glycerol is a lowering of the medium dielectric constant, which enhances the electrostatic interactions in solution. In the case of Brij 58,
the results can be interpreted in terms of a salting-out effect according to which glycerol competes with the surfactant for water molecules,
causing a dehydration of the surfactant ethoxylic headgroup.
 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Micellization; Glycerol; Surface tension; Fluorescence quenching; Intradiffusion

1. Introduction glycerol on the delicate balance of hydrophilic/hydrophobic

interactions that determine surfactant micellization could
Characterization of surfactants’ self-aggregation in glyc- help the comprehension of more complicated processes in
erol aqueous mixtures is important from a technological which similar effects are important. As an example, glyc-
as well as a basic viewpoint. Glycerol and surfactants are erol is extremely effective in the protection of enzymes
simultaneously present in many pharmaceutical and cos- against the denaturing effects of urea [2] and temperature
metic products; in such formulations, surfactants are em- changes [3].
ployed as carriers of active materials, while glycerol is added Various papers have been published concerning the
in order to improve the sensory perception (e.g., viscosity, physicochemical characterization of surfactants’ micelliza-
sweetness) [1]. At the same time, analysis of the effect of tion in aqueous glycerol mixtures. Initially, most of them
dealt with ionic surfactants [4–8]; more recently, nonionic
* Corresponding author. Fax: +39-081-674090. surfactants [9] and amphiphilic block copolymers have also
E-mail address: (G. D’Errico). been considered [10,11]. The extent of glycerol effects, and
0021-9797/$ – see front matter  2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
748 G. D’Errico et al. / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 286 (2005) 747–754

the mechanism through which they are supposed to act, de- 2.2. Tensiometry
pend on the considered surfactant.
In the present paper, we report the results of an ex- The surface tension, γ , was measured by the De Nouy
perimental investigation on the effects of glycerol on the ring method using a KSV Sigma 70 digital tensiometer
micellization of a cationic surfactant, cetyltrimethylammo- equipped with an automatic device to set the time between
nium bromide (CTAB), and a nonionic ethoxylated surfac- two consecutive measurements and to select the rising ve-
tant, Brij 58. The systems water–glycerol–CTAB and water– locity of the platinum ring. Care has to be taken in using
glycerol–Brij 58 have been studied by various experimen- the De Nouy ring method to deduce surfactant properties,
tal techniques, analyzing the changes in the surfactant self- because the surfactant adsorption kinetics can influence the
aggregation as a function of the glycerol concentration in results [12]. In our experiments the ring rinsing velocity
the system. Surface tension measurements have made it pos- was chosen low enough to allow the surfactant adsorption
sible to determine the surfactants’ critical micelle concen- to reach equilibrium. For the binary system water–glycerol,
tration, cmc, and the area at the air–solution interface per measurements were performed using independently pre-
surfactant molecule, A. Measurements of static fluorescence pared mixtures covering the whole composition range. For
quenching have furnished the surfactants’ mean aggrega- the binary systems water–CTAB and water–Brij 58, weighed
tion number, N . Intradiffusion coefficients, obtained by the amounts of a surfactant solution at a concentration well
pulsed-gradient spin–echo (PGSE) NMR technique, have above its cmc were added into a weighed amount of water
given information on the hydrodynamic dimensions of the in the tensiometer circular vessel, thermostatted at 25.00 ±
micellar aggregates. The combined analysis of the experi- 0.01 ◦ C.
mental results obtained by these techniques allows a detailed In the case of the ternary systems water–glycerol–CTAB
description of the surfactants’ behavior in the presence of and water–glycerol–Brij 58, both the titrating and titrated so-
glycerol. lutions presented the same glycerol weight percent, wg , so
The report is organized as follows: in Section 3 the results that it remained constant in the measurement vessel during
obtained for the two surfactants are presented separately; in the titrating procedure. For each surfactant, titrations were
Section 4, the findings for the two considered surfactants are made at different wg , ranging from 2 to 30% w/w.
discussed and compared, in the attempt to achieve a general
comprehension of the mechanism through which glycerol af- 2.3. Fluorescence quenching
fects surfactant micellization.
The CTAB and Brij 58 aggregation numbers, N , both
in water and in glycerol aqueous solution, were deter-
2. Experimental
mined by analyzing the reduction of the pyrene fluores-
cence due to the presence of cetylpyridinium bromide
2.1. Materials
acting as quencher [13]. The variation of the pyrene flu-
orescence spectrum was investigated by a Model FP-750
Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (n-hexadecyltrimeth-
Jasco spectrofluorimeter using an excitation wavelength of
ylammonium bromide, CH3 (CH2 )15 N(CH3 )3 Br, CTAB), a
290 nm. For the binary systems water–CTAB and water–
Fluka product with purity > 98%, was used without further
Brij 58, an aqueous solution containing the surfactant at
a molality well above its cmc, the quencher, and pyrene
Brij 58 was purchased from Sigma and used without fur-
(2 × 10−6 mol dm−3 ) was initially put into the spectroflu-
ther purification. Brij is a registered trademark of ICI Sur-
orimetric cuvette, thermostatted at 25.0 ± 0.1 ◦ C. Weighed
factants. Brij products present a monodisperse alkyl tail and
amounts of a solution containing the same components, at
a polydisperse ethoxylic head. The mean molecular formula
the same concentration, except the quencher, were subse-
of Brij 58 is CH3 (CH2 )15 (OCH2 CH2 )20 OH, C16 E20 .
quently added, the pyrene fluorescence spectra being regis-
Glycerol, a Sigma product with purity > 99%, was used
tered after each addition.
without further purification.
According to the Tachiya model [14], a simple relation
Both the fluorescent molecular probe pyrene (Sigma
applies between the pyrene fluorescence intensities at a fixed
product, purity > 99%) and the fluorescent quencher cetyl-
wavelength with and without the quencher, I and I0 , respec-
pyridinium bromide (Aldrich product, purity > 98%) were
tively, and the quencher molar concentration, [Q],
used without further purification.
Twice distilled and degassed water was used as a sol-  
I = I0 exp −[Q]/[M] , (1)
vent for surface tension and fluorescence quenching mea-
surements. Heavy water (Sigma product, purity > 99%) was where [M] is the micelle molar concentration. The surfactant
used as a solvent for PGSE-NMR measurements. All solu- stoichiometric concentration, C0 , and [M] are related by the
tions were prepared by weight. equation
All the experimental data are available by request to the
authors. [M] = (C0 − Cmon )/N, (2)
G. D’Errico et al. / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 286 (2005) 747–754 749

where Cmon is the molar concentration of the free monomer The experimental uncertainties in the intradiffusion coeffi-
and N is the mean aggregation number of the micelles. By cients were generally less than 3%.
using Eqs. (1) and (2) and on the reasonable hypothesis that For the ternary systems water–glycerol–CTAB and water–
Cmon ∼= cmc, N/(C0 − cmc) is the slope of the straight line glycerol–Brij 58, measurements were performed at constant
obtained reporting ln(I0 /I ) as a function of [Q]. Thus the fit surfactant molality (0.05 mol kg−1 ) and at a glycerol weight
of Eqs. (1) and (2) to the experimental ln(I0 /I ) values al- percent ranging from 0.5 to 4% w/w. Higher wg were not
lows the determination of the mean aggregation number, N . considered for two reasons: (i) the glycerol NMR signals
Since all the considered solutions were sufficiently diluted, would make the determination of the surfactant diffusion
the surfactant molalities were used instead of the molar con- coefficient more difficult and uncertain; (ii) the viscosity in-
centrations. crease of the solution would make the interpretation of the
In the case of the ternary systems water–glycerol–CTAB experimental data in terms of hydrodynamic dimension of
and water–glycerol–Brij 58, experiments were performed the diffusion particles less reliable.
following the same procedure, with the further condition
of having the same glycerol weight percent, wg , in both
the titrating and titrated solutions. For each surfactant, a 3. Results
set of titrations were made at constant surfactant molality
(0.05 mol kg−1 ) and at wg ranging from 1 to 30% w/w. The 3.1. Ternary system: water–glycerol–CTAB
uncertainty in the N values, evaluated by repeating the mea-
surements several times for selected systems, is ∼10%. The surface tension data for the binary system water–
CTAB, reported as a function of the surfactant molality, m,
2.4. PGSE-NMR are shown in Fig. 1 on a semilogarithmic scale. With increas-
ing m, the surface tension, γ , decreases; as the cmc (1.0 ×
The intradiffusion coefficients of glycerol, Dg , and sur- 10−3 mol kg−1 ) is reached, the curve changes its slope and
factants, Ds , in the systems heavy water–glycerol–CTAB approaches a constant value, γcmc = 36.0 mN m−1 .
and heavy water–glycerol–Brij 58 were determined by the The area at the air–solution interface per surfactant mole-
FT-PGSE NMR technique [15], employing a Varian FT80 cule at the cmc, A, was estimated through the relation [17]
1 H NMR spectrometer with an internal deuterium lock. The
spectrometer was equipped with a pulsed magnetic field 1 1 ∂γ
A=− , (4)
gradient unit, made by Stelar (Mede, Italy). The tempera- NA qRT ∂ ln m T ,p
ture was controlled at 25.0 ± 0.1 ◦ C with a Stelar variable
where NA is the Avogadro number, R is the gas constant,
temperature controller, Model VTC87. The individual spin–
and T is the temperature. The factor q depends on the sur-
echo peak amplitude, a, for a considered line is given by the
factant type; its value is 1 for most nonionic and zwitterionic
surfactants, while it is 2 for most 1:1 ionic surfactants [18].
δ The surface tension derivative at the cmc was evaluated by
a = a0 exp −γgm g Dδ  −
2 2 2
, (3) differentiating a polynomial equation fitted to the premi-
cellar data. For CTAB, the measured interfacial area was
where a0 is a constant for a given set of experimental con-
A = (43 ± 2) Å. The cmc, γcmc , and A values obtained in
ditions, γgm is the gyromagnetic ratio of the proton, g is the
the present study are in very good agreement with literature
strength of the applied gradient, and  and δ are the spac-
ing and the length of the gradient pulses, respectively. Echo
delays were kept fixed so that the effects of relaxation were
constant and need not be taken into consideration. The dura-
tion of the two gradient pulses, δ, was varied over a suitable
range to observe the decay of the spin–echo signal. For glyc-
erol the signal amplitude for the protons of the CH2 of the
alkyl tails was followed (chemical shift = 3.7). For CTAB
and Brij 58 the signal amplitude for the protons of the CH2
of the alkyl tails was followed (chemical shift = 1.3). The in-
tradiffusion coefficients of glycerol and surfactant, denoted
as Dg and Ds , respectively, were obtained by applying a non-
linear least-squares routine to the decay of a as a function
of δ. In order to evaluate the values of the intradiffusion co-
efficients, g must be known. Measurements to establish its
value were performed on a reference sample with known Fig. 1. Surface tension vs surfactant molality at 25 ◦ C. Water–glycerol–
intradiffusion coefficient; we used heavy water with trace CTAB mixtures: (!) 0% w/w glycerol; (P) 30% w/w glycerol. Water–
amounts of light water (DHDO = 1.872 × 10−9 m2 s−1 [16]). glycerol–Brij 58 mixtures: (") 0% w/w glycerol; (Q) 30% w/w glycerol.
750 G. D’Errico et al. / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 286 (2005) 747–754

Fig. 2. Water–glycerol mixtures: (1) surface tension and (2) viscosity vs

glycerol weight percent at 25 ◦ C. Fig. 3. Surfactant critical micellar concentration in glycerol aqueous mix-
tures, relative to that in water, as a function of the glycerol weight percent
at 25 ◦ C. (!) Water–glycerol–CTAB mixtures; (") water–glycerol–Brij 58
Table 1
Surfactant critical micellar concentration, equilibrium surface tension of
micellar solutions and area at the air–solution interface per surfactant mole-
cule in the ternary systems water–glycerol–CTAB and water–glycerol–Brij Table 2
58 at 25 ◦ C, as evaluated by surface tension measurements Surfactant aggregation number in the ternary systems water–glycerol–
CTAB and water–glycerol–Brij 58 at 25 ◦ C, as evaluated by fluorescence
wg (% w/w) cmc (mol kg−1 ) γcmc (mN m−1 ) A (Å2 )
quenching measurements
wg (% w/w) N
0 1.0 × 10−3 36.0 ± 0.1 43 ± 2
2 1.0 × 10−6 36.2 ± 0.2 47 ± 3 Water–glycerol–CTAB
5 1.0 × 10−6 35.8 ± 0.3 51 ± 3 0 72
10 1.0 × 10−6 36.3 ± 0.2 56 ± 4 1 70
15 1.0 × 10−6 36.0 ± 0.3 65 ± 5 2 64
20 1.0 × 10−6 36.3 ± 0.1 78 ± 9 5 60
30 1.5 × 10−6 36.2 ± 0.3 90 ± 15 10 50
20 48
Water–glycerol–Brij 58 30 42
0 6.0 × 10−6 41.2 ± 0.1 54 ± 1
Water–glycerol–Brij 58
2 6.0 × 10−6 40.9 ± 0.2 61 ± 2
0 93
5 6.0 × 10−6 41.0 ± 0.2 67 ± 3
1 78
10 6.5 × 10−6 40.7 ± 0.2 76 ± 4
2 74
15 7.0 × 10−6 40.9 ± 0.1 83 ± 7 5 66
20 10.0 × 10−6 40.0 ± 0.4 89 ± 10 10 57
30 40.0 × 10−6 39.5 ± 0.2 120 ± 20 20 51
30 45

values, obtained using a drop-volume instrument, thus con-

firming the reliability of our experimental approach [18]. cmc, and an A value was computed from the slope of the
The measurements for the ternary mixtures water–glyc- γ trend, as described for the binary system. Inspection of
erol–CTAB, performed at constant glycerol weight percent, Table 1 shows that the CTAB cmc is not affected by the
wg , present similar γ trends. The data of the tensiometric presence of glycerol in the mixtures; see also Fig. 3; only
titration with wg = 30% w/w are reported as examples in for wg  30% w/w does the cmc seem to increase slightly.
Fig. 1. At low m the data of the ternary mixtures are slightly Analogously, the γcmc is constant; in contrast, the A values
lower than those of the binary system; the difference tends increase with the wg value, indicating a less dense packing
to decrease with increasing m. This evidence is due to mild of the surfactant molecules at the air–solution interface.
surface activity of glycerol, as confirmed by inspection of The mean aggregation numbers, N , of CTAB in water
Fig. 2, in which surface tension data for the binary system and in glycerol aqueous mixtures, determined by fluores-
water–glycerol are reported. These experimental data are in cence quenching experiments, are collected in Table 2. The
very good agreement with literature data obtained by the datum of the binary system is in good agreement with liter-
capillary tube method [19], further confirming the reliabil- ature data [20,21]. N decreases with increasing wg . In these
ity of our experimental approach. conditions, a decrease of the hydrodynamic dimension of the
Similarly to what is observed for the binary system aggregates is expected, which in turn should cause an in-
water–CTAB, and also for the ternary system water–glyc- crease of the aggregates’ intradiffusion coefficient. This is
erol–CTAB, a constant γcmc value is reached above the confirmed by the experimental CTAB intradiffusion coeffi-
G. D’Errico et al. / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 286 (2005) 747–754 751

Table 3
Surfactant and glycerol intradiffusion coefficients in the ternary systems
water–glycerol–CTAB and water–glycerol–Brij 58 at 25 ◦ C, as evaluated
by PGSE-NMR measurements
wg (% w/w) Ds × 109 (m2 s−1 ) Dg × 109 (m2 s−1 )
0 0.033
0.5 0.038 0.84
1 0.040 0.81
2 0.041 0.75
3 0.041 0.73
4 0.043 0.74
Water–glycerol–Brij 58
0 0.035
0.5 0.028 0.81
1 0.026 0.82
Fig. 4. Apparent hydrodynamic radius of surfactants’ aggregates in glycerol
2 0.023 0.73
aqueous mixtures as a function of the glycerol weight percent at 25 ◦ C.
3 0.024 0.74
(!) Water–glycerol–CTAB mixtures; (") water–glycerol–Brij 58 mixtures.
4 0.024 0.70
The surfactant molality is 0.05 mol kg−1 .

cients, Ds , collected in Table 3. Note that the CTAB molality,

in samples for intradiffusion measurements (0.05 mol kg−1 ),
is much higher than the cmc, so that the monomer contribu-
tion can be neglected and the experimental Ds values coin-
cide with those of the micellar aggregates. An indication of
the hydrodynamic dimension of the micellar aggregates can
be obtained using the Stokes–Einstein equation,
kB T
Rapp = , (5)
where kB is the Boltzmann constant and η is the dynamic
viscosity of the glycerol aqueous mixtures in which the ag-
gregate diffuse, which was computed from kinematic viscos-
ity [22] and density data [23] from the literature; see Fig. 2.
The values of the apparent hydrodynamic radius, Rapp , com- Fig. 5. Glycerol intradiffusion coefficient as a function of the glycerol
puted through Eq. (5) show, as expected, that the hydrody- weight percent at 25 ◦ C. (!) Water–glycerol–CTAB mixtures; (") water–
glycerol–Brij 58 mixtures. The surfactant molality is 0.05 mol kg−1 . The
namic dimension of CTAB micelles decreases with increas-
dotted line is the trend of glycerol intradiffusion coefficient in the binary
ing glycerol content in the mixture; see Fig. 4. However, as system water–glycerol, as reported in Ref. [22].
will be discussed further, Eq. (5) strictly holds for noninter-
acting spherical particles diffusing in a continuous medium.
Various experimental techniques put in evidence that CTAB estimation of the cmc (6.1×10−6 mol kg−1 ), above which γ
forms rodlike-shaped micelles [24]; consequently, the com- approaches a constant value, γcmc = 41.2 mN m−1 . The area
puted Rapp values have to be considered as a qualitative in- at the air–solution interface per Brij 58 molecule at the cmc
dication of the aggregates’ hydrodynamic dimension rather was estimated through Eq. (4), obtaining A = (54 ± 1) Å .
than as true geometrical parameters. These surface tension data are in good agreement with pre-
The values of the glycerol intradiffusion coefficient, Dg , vious literature data [26].
in the ternary system heavy water–glycerol–CTAB are also The measurements for the ternary mixtures water–glyc-
reported in Table 3. Inspection of Fig. 5 shows that, within erol–Brij 58, performed at constant wg , present similar γ
experimental error, Dg assumes the same values measured in trends; also in this case, at very low m, the data of the ternary
the binary system heavy water–glycerol [25], indicating that mixtures are slightly lower than those of the binary sys-
the glycerol mobility is almost unaffected by the presence of tem, because of the surface activity of glycerol. The cmc,
CTAB in the mixture. γcmc , and the A values are collected in Table 1. The Brij 58
cmc is only slightly affected by the presence of glycerol in
3.2. Ternary system: water–glycerol–Brij 58 the mixtures up to wg = 15% w/w; with further increasing
wg , the cmc dramatically increases; see Fig. 3. Inspection
The surface tension data for the binary system water–Brij of Table 1 shows also that γcmc is practically constant up to
58, reported as a function of the surfactant molality, m, are wg = 15% w/w and at higher wg slightly decreases; A in-
shown in Fig. 1. The slope change in the γ trend allows the creases with increasing wg .
752 G. D’Errico et al. / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 286 (2005) 747–754

The mean aggregation numbers, N , of Brij 58 in wa- mide, concluded that the change of the medium dielec-
ter and in glycerol aqueous mixtures, determined by fluo- tric properties cannot be responsible for the changes in the
rescence quenching experiments, are collected in Table 2. surfactant micellization, and other effects, such as direct
Similarly to what is observed for CTAB, N decreases with glycerol–micelle interaction, should be invoked. However,
increasing wg . these authors gave no convincing experimental evidence for
The Brij 58 intradiffusion coefficients are collected in this interpretation; furthermore, their statement according to
Table 3. In this case, differently from what was observed which “the dielectric properties of water–glycerol mixtures
for CTAB, Ds decreases with increasing wg . Consequently, are close to those of water” is questionable, as discussed.
the apparent hydrodynamic radius of the aggregates, com- Our experimental evidence excludes any direct glycerol–
puted through Eq. (5), increases; see Fig. 4. However, Eq. (5) CTAB interaction; in fact, if this interaction took place, the
strictly holds for noninteracting spherical particles diffusing intradiffusion coefficient of glycerol would decrease, since a
in a continuous medium; in real systems the apparent hy- fraction of glycerol molecules would diffuse together with
drodynamic radius of the aggregates has to be considered as the micellar aggregates. The experimental glycerol diffu-
an index of both particle dimension and interparticle inter- sion coefficient is almost unaffected by the presence of the
action. Our experimental evidence for the ternary mixtures surfactant, thus confirming that no direct glycerol–CTAB in-
water–glycerol–Brij 58 can be interpreted either in terms of teraction takes place.
a real enlargement of the micelles’ dimensions, or in terms More controversial is the case of nonionic surfactants, for
of an increase of the intermicellar interactions. Comparison which both the indirect and the direct mechanism have been
with fluorescence quenching data suggests the latter inter- experimentally put in evidence, depending on the considered
pretation to be more trustworthy; see Section 4 for further additive. This is especially true for ethoxylated surfactants,
discussion on this point. whose ethoxylic headgroups form a thick layer surround-
The values of the glycerol intradiffusion coefficient, Dg , ing the micellar core. This layer, consisting of hydrated
in the ternary system heavy water–glycerol–Brij 58 are also poly(ethylene glycol) chains, is usually named “palisade”
collected in Table 3. Similarly to what is observed for CTAB, and presents good solubilizing properties toward a large
Dg is almost unaffected by the presence of Brij 58 in the number of guest molecules. As an example, some of us,
mixture; see Fig. 5. studying the micellization of penta(ethylene glycol) mono-
hexyl ether (C6 E5 ) in aqueous solutions of urea, methy-
lurea, or dimethylurea, put in evidence the presence of a
4. Discussion large number of additive molecules in the surfactant sol-
vation shell [28]. However, the analysis of our data on the
Two different mechanisms for the action of cosolvents (as system water–glycerol–Brij 58 excludes a direct glycerol–
well as of water-soluble cosolutes, both indicated as “addi- surfactant interaction: similarly to what we found for the
tives” in the discussion below) on the surfactant micelliza- system water–glycerol–CTAB, the glycerol diffusion coef-
tion can be hypothesized: an indirect mechanism, whereby ficient is almost unaffected by the presence of Brij 58 in the
the additive changes the properties of the aqueous medium mixture.
surrounding the micelles, and a direct mechanism, whereby Consequently, we conclude that the glycerol action is to
the additive replaces some of the water molecules in the modify the properties of the aqueous medium. However, de-
hydration shell of the solute. In the case of ionic surfac- tailing the physical basis of these modifications can be am-
tants, the indirect mechanism is generally accepted, espe- biguous. Many authors have interpreted their experimental
cially if no neat or partial charge is present in the additive evidence on the basis of the effect of the additive on water
molecule; the main effect of the cosolvent is considered structure; in fact, some additives (e.g., urea) are considered
to be the change of the medium dielectric constant, which structure-breakers, decreasing the number of H-bonds in
in turn affects the electrostatic interaction in solution [6,7]. bulk water, while other additives (e.g., glucose) are consid-
This interpretation is very suitable for our experimental ev- ered structure-makers, increasing the number of H-bonds in
idence on the system water–glycerol–CTAB. The glycerol bulk water. The classification of one additive as a structure-
dielectric constant (εr = 42.5) is substantially lower than breaker or structure-maker is usually based on the results
that of water (εr = 78.5) [27]; consequently, the addition of calorimetric and osmotic measurements [29]. According
of glycerol enhances the electrostatic interactions in solu- to this approach, glycerol is considered to be a structure-
tion. This effect opposes ionic surfactants’ self-aggregation, maker. Actually, some of us, by analyzing transport proper-
causing a slight increase of the cmc. Furthermore, the in- ties of the binary mixtures water–glycerol through the veloc-
creased repulsion among the CTAB cationic headgroups also ity cross-correlation coefficients’ approach [25], found the
causes an increase of the micellar surface curvature, lead- water-structuring effect of glycerol to be extremely weak.
ing to the formation of smaller aggregates with lower ag- Furthermore, Warner [30] pointed out that the glycerol mole-
gregation numbers. It is worth noting that Di Paola and cule can adopt a conformation in which the spacing between
Belleau [5], analyzing volumetric and calorimetric data on the oxygen atoms is compatible with the second nearest
the system water–glycerol–nonyltrimethylammonium bro- neighbor distance of the oxygen in liquid water, so that wa-
G. D’Errico et al. / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 286 (2005) 747–754 753

ter structure should be only slightly affected by the presence is possible to achieve a good comprehension of the mech-
of glycerol molecules. Consequently, interpretation of the anism through which glycerol affects the surfactant mi-
effect of glycerol on surfactant micellization in terms of cellization. Interestingly, this mechanism has been found
glycerol structure-making ability is questionable and other to be similar for ionic and nonionic surfactants. In fact,
effects should be looked for. the experimental evidence shows that for all surfactants
Aramaki et al. [9] interpreted small-angle X-ray scatter- the micellization is affected by the presence of glycerol
ing and PGSE-NMR data on the system water–glycerol– through an indirect, solvent-mediated, mechanism. In the
octa(ethylene glycol) dodecyl ether (C12 E8 ) in terms of case of ionic surfactants, the main effect of glycerol is a
dehydration of the ethylene glycol chains with increasing lowering of the medium dielectric constant, thus enhanc-
glycerol content. According to these authors, this effect is ing the electrostatic interaction in solution. In the case of
similar to the salting-out effect exerted by many inorganic nonionic ethoxylated surfactants, the results can be inter-
salts: glycerol is a less good solvent than water for ethoxylic preted in terms of a salting-out effect, according to which
chains at 25 ◦ C, so that not only do glycerol molecules glycerol competes with surfactants for water molecules,
not enter the solvation shell of the surfactant hydrophilic causing a dehydration of the surfactant ethoxylic head-
heads, but they also compete for water molecules, causing groups.
a dehydration of the ethoxylic chains. This interpretation
seems suitable for our experimental evidence on the sys-
tem water–glycerol–Brij 58: the dehydration of ethoxylic Acknowledgments
chains, causing an increase of the intrachain interactions,
leads to their contraction close to the micellar surface, in- This research was carried on with the financial sup-
ducing steric repulsions among surfactant headgroups. This port of the Italian MIUR-Cofin 2002. We thank Professor
effect reduces the micellization driving force, and conse- L. Costantino and Professor V. Vitagliano for their helpful
quently the cmc increases. The same effect causes an in-
crease of the curvature of the micelle surface, leading to a
decrease of the surfactant aggregation number. Furthermore,
the reduction of water–ethoxylic chain interaction favors the
intermicellar interactions [31], which reduce the surfactant
intradiffusion coefficient, resulting in a increase of the ap-
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