Company Name:: Angora

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Company Name:



Abdul Rehman


P1267/B, Peoples Colony No. 1, Chenone Rd، Block B People's Colony No 1, Faisalabad




Business Overview


Source: (Google)

Angora is a Bohemian-inspired clothing brand emphasizing chic, urban designs that highlight
the wearer’s playful and artistic side. Our clothing line will be sold in select specialty
boutiques on the East Coast and then expand into wholesale to reach a greater number of
stores and, eventually, department stores. It will also aim to sell via ecommerce on third party
sites and will explore the incorporation of an ecommerce platform on its own site later in the

Angora will offer a women’s clothing line that is exquisite and sophisticated, as well as
practical and wearable. Angora provides chic and effortless style. Angora offers a full range
collection where each piece is special individually. Angora creates inimitable pieces that can
be worn for years; combined with basics or trends.

Success Factors

Angora is uniquely qualified to succeed for the following reasons:

 Angora provides high fashion, quality and affordability all at once. Much of designer
fashion has shifted towards mass production. With an increasing desire to
differentiate, especially through attire, young affluent individuals are looking to

brands that provide the same level of quality as the traditional high-end brands, but
with designs that are not commonly found everywhere.

 With many point of sale options, Angora will thus be highly convenient to significant
numbers of shoppers.

 The management team has a track record of success in the fashion and clothing

 The clothing line business is a proven business and has succeeded in communities
throughout the Pakistan.


 Be a market leader and competitive in the retail fashion industry.

 Be innovative, cost effective and constant focus on the development of our products.
 Maintain highest standards in terms of quality of our products.
 Provide outstanding customer service and continuous improvement of customer’s
shopping experience


To be the top and biggest fashion retailer in Pakistan and internationally and to maintain our
image as a highly reputed brand by continuous innovation in delivering the best quality
products and outstanding customer service.

Products and Services

Angora will offer a women’s clothing line that is exquisite and sophisticated, as well as
practical and wearable. Angora breathes provides chic and effortless style. Angora offers a
full range collection where each piece is special individually. Angora creates inimitable
pieces that can be worn for years; combined with basics or trends.

Figure - 2

Source: (Google)

Customer Focus

Angora will primarily serve women aged 20-44 with disposable income. The demographics
of these customers are as follows:

 207,862,518 total population

 0-14 years: 30.76% (male 32,828,078 /female 31,118,626)
 15-24 years: 20.94% (male 22,446,320 /female 21,076,265)
 25-54 years: 38.04% (male 41,021,803 /female 38,039,766)

Angora’s Products

Below is Angora’s initial list or product categories. Where appropriate, items are offered for
Infant, Toddler, and Pre-School ages.

 Tops (long sleeve and short sleeve)

 Bottoms (pants, skirts, shirts, shorts)

 Sleepwear
 Swimwear
 Accessories
 Shoes
 Sweaters
 Jeans
 Dresses
 Outerwear
 Skirts

Industry Analysis

Angora directly or indirectly competes with other fashion designers and clothing lines.
Competition will come from mass market clothing brands as well as independent fashion


Source: (Google)

Industry Statistics & Trends

The following industry size facts and statistics bode well for Angora.

Over the next five years, the Fashion Designers industry is poised for further growth. Industry
revenue will benefit from rising per capita disposable income and increased consumer
confidence; it will also be aided by downstream apparel-manufacturing industries. As
consumers demand trendier yet reasonably priced items, department stores will continue
collaborating with designers to create product lines with mass appeal. Additionally, as the
fast-fashion retail model continues to flourish, retailers will require more designer services in
order to quickly replicate looks from New York Fashion Week and other highly visible
international fashion shows. The textile exports over the years in Pakistan as shown in
Figure-5 is the major source of economic development.


Source: (Google)

Fashion design is a relatively high-profit activity. Industry operators make functional and


Total Population 207,862,518

Population Male 96,296,201

Population Female 90,234,657

Median Age 57.5%

Target Population by age

Age 25 to 34 13.08%

Age 35 to 44 12.94%

Target Population by Income

Income 500,000 to 749,999 18.03%

Income 750,000 to 999,999 12.97%

Income 1000,000 to 1,124,999 8.65%

Income 1,125,000 to Over 5.40%

aesthetically pleasing designs for clothing, jewelry and accessories out of raw inputs such as
fabric, precious metals and leather. The value added to the initial input is significant, which
translates into high profit margins for many industry operators. As the economy continues to
expand and trends like collaborations and flash fashion propel the industry forward, profit
margins are expected to remain stable.

As global economic conditions continue to recover, international demand for designs created
in the United States will strengthen. Domestic designers are expected to steadily capture an
increasing share of the global fashion design markets (e.g. apparel, footwear and jewelry),
while retaining their position in the US market. While the production of clothing and
accessories will likely continue to move offshore to low-wage countries in Asia (and
potentially Africa),

the design process remains a core and vital function to product development and will be kept

Demographic Profile of Target Market

Angora will serve women in the Pakistan aged 25-44 with disposable income.

The precise demographics of this market are as follows:

Direct & Indirect Competitors

The following independent clothing lines offer unique clothing for women with disposable
incomes thus providing either direct or indirect competition for Angora:

Gul Ahmed


Source: (Google)

The Gul Ahmed Group began trading in textiles in the early 20th century. In 1953, the group
decided to enter the field of manufacturing under the name Gul Ahmed Textile Mills
Limited, and was incorporated as a privately limited company. In 1970, it was listed on the
Karachi Stock Exchange are also providing same products to the customers as provided by
the Angora



Source: (Google)

ChenOne offers exquisite fashion apparel for ladies, gents & kid's garments, premium quality
home textile products, a collection of stylish home accessories that encompasses a wide range
of decorating styles; kitchen accessories, hand painted crockery, shoes, belts, ladies bags,
imported stuff toys, opulent furniture, unique interior decoration products, dry arrangements
and lingerie.



Source: (Google)

The first store was opened in Karachi's Zamzama in 1999. Khaadi then expands to multi-stores
within two years of its inception and introduced wide range of product lines. Leading architecture
firm ASA served as the interior designer for Khaadi stores at Pakistan, UK and UAE until 2017
Khaadi also providing same products to the customers as provided by the Angora

SWOT Analysis


Source: (Google)


Well design, best quality and we also use tight quality control strategies. Therefore, our
products have better quality than any other competitors.

Legally import from china.

Well packing to avoid damage by transportations.

Only sell qualified products there is no damage items.


Selling price may be a bit problem for ordinary class customers because of our product’s
target market is for elite customers.

Distribution direct from manufacturers to the retailer so we aren’t sure the retailers do their
work perfect or not.

Our company is newly established. As we are in introduction stage, the awareness of people
about our brand may be smaller even though our product is nice.

We need lots of promotional strategies than other existing competitors to penetrate the


We allow some opportunities for our customers and also authorized agent too. If a customer
buys goods for 200,000ks within a month we give him/her 5%discount card up to two years.

For authorized agent if their revenues touch the focus target, we allow them to get feedback
5% of their revenues as bonuses for them and also free trips to China.


One biggest threat for our product is that there are lots of famous competitors.

Delay transportation, for example, when we import out products from China by ship if the
weather is terrible our stocks will be delay. We have to sell our products according to the
weather if our stocks are delayed we can’t sell these delay product on that time. If we are
going to sell those products in coming season it is sure that our products are not up to date.

Another one is inflation because of that the value of Myanmar Kyat became low so when
exchanging money fluctuation is threat for us.

Business Strategy and marketing plan


Source: (Google)

Action Plan

We will provide our customers with the best quality products.By giving opportunities helps
our firm to increase the volume of sales.

Make our product well-know and satisfying consumer wants by developing goods and special

We fight our main competitor by making priority of consumer wants on the other hand their
weakness is they only focus on making money by selling men wears whereas we make satisfy
our consumers by selling both genders and also accessories for both of them and also
discount systems. We will build trust with our consumers and let them know that our product
is reliable and qualified in these ways we hope to build strengths and to overcome our

Competitive Pricing

  Chenone Khaadi Gul Ahmed

Sweaters 3000-4000 3300-4150 3350-4160

Pants/Jeans 2060-2800 2150-3200 2160-3175

Dresses 4000-6000 4100-5150 7075-8085

Price Setting Methods

We will use Cost-plus pricing method. (Total cost +desire profit) is also call markup pricing.

Evaluation of cost-plus pricing (Budgeted) Planned=10

Cost, selling price, Profit Budgeted

Labor and material costs per cloth Rs.400

Overhead (fixed cost) Rs.250

Total cost per unit = Rs.650

According to the calculation budgeted selling price per unit = Rs.650+250= Rs.900 per unit

Competitive Advantage

Angora enjoys several advantages over its competitors. These advantages include:

 Consumer Demand for Unique Designs: Angora will focus solely on unique

clothing not available through mass market channels.

 Management: Our management team has years of fashion experience that allows us

to sell to and serve customers in a much more sophisticated manner than our

 Relationships: Having been in the fashion community for years, I’ll knows all of the
relevant players and media outlets. As such, it will be relatively easy for us to build
branding and awareness of our store.

Marketing Plan

The Marketing Plan describes the type of brand Angora seeks to create and the Company’s
planned promotions and pricing strategies.

The Angora Brand

The Angora brand will focus on the Company’s unique value proposition:

 Offering high-quality, unique fashionable clothing

 Rotating clothing to always offer clothing for the proper season geared towards gift-

 Providing excellent customer service

Promotions Strategy

Angora expects its target market to be women in the Pakistan aged 20-44 with disposable
income. We will always inform and remind about our ultimate goods to our usual customers
and the other new customers through email. We’ll apply the advertising method and sale
promotion method to publicize. We’ll use 10% of annual profit for our product’s promotion.

We have prepared some contests to become familiar with some business people and
consumers. We’ll put more stress on trade shows and in-store displays. We have hired the
ball room in Sarina Hotel (Faisalabad) and Pearl Continental hotel (Lahore) to make our first
trade show in Home country. And, we have well organized to start our trade show. After that,
we are going to display our latest fashion designer clothes in some big department stores. We
also get ready to allow for the member cards if you become our loyalty customer. We have
gold, silver and platinum cards for our customers. You will see amazing rewards when you
come to our” “. You can do members at our” ” web page. If you got a profile in our websites,
you can see and shop our recent items online. We make the offering 10% off. You’ll see our
astonished plus offers and rewards.


Source: (Google)

The Company’s promotions strategy to reach these individuals includes:

Public Relations

We will contact all local and area newspapers and television stations and send them a press
release describing the opening and unique value proposition of Angora.


We’ll use the broadcasting through TV channels. We’ll print in the famous magazines and
journals to recognize by the public easily. Then, we’ll emphasize on the outdoors
advertisements _ billboards and bus sides so that a lot of people will notice our product now
and then.


Source (Google)

Ongoing Customer Communications

Angora will maintain a website and publish a monthly email newsletter to tell customers
about new events, products, and more.


Source: (By Self)

Pre-Opening Events

Before opening the store, Angora will organize pre-opening events to create buzz and
awareness for Angora.

Direct E-mail
Angora will utilize an existing client book and begin to capture email addresses at various
events and directly through their website. Newsletters will be sent out at the beginning of
each month and include updates about the collection, new postings on the company blog,
behind the scenes materials and other brand related information.

Pricing Strategy

Angora pricing will be appropriate for the high quality and level of service associated with
the store.

Hiring Plan

I will serve as the CEO. In order to launch, we need to hire the following personnel:

 Assistant Manager
 Designers
 Bookkeeper (will manage accounts payable, create statements, and execute other
administrative functions)

Financial Plan


Source: (Google)

Revenue and Cost Drivers

Angora’s revenues will come from the sale of clothing to customers and wholesalers.

The major costs for the company will be cost of goods sold (supplier costs), salaries of the
staff, and rent for a production location. In the initial years, the company’s marketing spend
will be high, as it establishes itself in the market.

Capital Requirements and Use of Funds

Angora is seeking a total funding of 33,00,000 to launch its store. The capital will be used for
funding capital expenditures, manpower costs, marketing expenses and working capital.

Specifically, these funds will be used as follows:

 Design/build: approximately 16,50,000

 Working capital: approximately 16,50,000 to pay for Marketing, salaries, and lease
costs until Angora reaches break-even

Key Assumptions & Forecasts

There are the key assumptions that is the financial forecast and a summary of the financial
projections over the next five years.

Retail Wholesal
  % of Collection Cost of Production
Price e Price

Jackets 2270.00 17% 1170.98 580.93

Dresses 2200.00 22% 1140.23 540.92

Tops 1340.00 31% 680.43 360.23

Bottoms 1670.00 25% 860.88 480.45

Scarves 780.00 3% 390.53 240.03

Accessories 750.00 3% 380.25 240.75

5 Year Annual Income Statement

    Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5


Product/Service 151,200 333,396 367,56 405,245 446,783

A 9

    Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Product/Service 100,800 222,264 245,04 270,163 297,855

B 6

Total Revenues 252,000 555,660 612,61 675,408 744,638


& Costs

Cost of goods 57,960 122,245 122,52 128,328 134,035

sold 3

Lease 60,000 61,500 63,038 64,613 66,229

Marketing 20,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000

Salaries 133,890 204,030 224,94 236,190 248,000


Other Expenses 3,500 4,000 4,500 $5,000 5,500

Total Expenses 271,850 412,775 435,50 454,131 473,263

& Costs 4

EBITDA (19,850) 142,885 177,11 221,277 271,374


Depreciation 36,960 36,960 36,960 36,960 36,960

EBIT (56,810) 105,925 140,15 184,317 234,414

    Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Interest 23,621 20,668 17,716 14,763 11,810

PRETAX (80,431) 85,257 122,43 169,554 222,604


Net Operating (80,431) (80,431) $0 0 0


Income Tax $0 1,689 42,853 59,344 77,911


NET (80,431) 83,568 79,583 110,210 144,693


Net - 15.00% 13.00 16.30% 19.40%

Profit %

5 Year Annual Balance Sheet

  Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5


Cash 16,710 90,188 158,95 258,570 392,389


  Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Accounts 0 0 0 $0 $0

Inventory 21,000 23,153 25,526 28,142 31,027

Total 37,710 113,34 184,48 286,712 423,416

Current 0 2

Fixed assets 246,450 246,45 246,45 246,450 246,450

0 0

Depreciatio 36,960 73,920 110,88 147,840 184,800

n 0

Net fixed 209,490 172,53 135,57 98,610 61,650

assets 0 0

TOTAL 247,200 285,87 320,05 385,322 485,066



Debt 317,971 272,54 227,12 181,698 136,273

6 2

Accounts 9,660 10,187 10,210 10,694 11,170


Total 327,631 282,73 237,33 192,391 147,443

  Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Liabilities 3 2

Share 0 0 0 0 0

Retained (80,431) 3,137 82,720 192,930 337,623


Total Equity (80,431) 3,137 82,720 192,930 337,623

TOTAL 247,200 285,87 320,05 385,322 485,066


5 Year Annual Cash Flow Statement

  Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5


Net Income (Loss) (80,431) 83,568 79,583 110,210 144,693

Change in working (11,340) (1,625) (2,350) (2,133) (2,409)


Depreciation 36,960 36,960 36,960 36,960 36,960

  Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Net Cash Flow (54,811) 118,902 114,193 145,037 179,244

from Operations


Investment (246,450 0 0 0 0

Net Cash Flow (246,450 0 0 0 0

from Investments )


Cash from equity 0 0 0 0 0

Cash from debt 317,971 (45,424) (45,424) (45,424) (45,424)

Net Cash Flow 317,971 (45,424) (45,424) (45,424) (45,424)

from Financing


Net Cash Flow 16,710 73,478 68,769 99,613 133,819

Cash at Beginning 0 16,710 90,188 158,957 258,570

of Period

  Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Cash at End of 16,710 90,188 158,957 258,570 392,389




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