Signs of Death: One Is Declared Dead When

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Signs of death 11

Chapter 1

Signs of death

The detennination of the time of death is time of survival of the tissues is relevant
an important question in forensic medi- from the standpoint of transplantation.
cine. However while many methods have Those tissues with a low oxygen demand
been developed establish the exact time of can be used for transplantation hours after
death, we can hardly speak of definitive death, whereas the organs with a greater
results. In most cases of death, it is not re- metabolism or oxygen demand suffer ir-
levant. However during many criminal reversible damage after a short period of
and civil proceedings such questions may time and biological death sets in. The
be presented which make the establish- widespread use of transplantation has
ment of the time of death important. One made a demand for the precise diagnosis
of the most exact definitions given about of the onset of death.
the onset of death, is linked to the name of
GENERSICH: "Death is the final and com- One is declared dead when:
plete paralysis of the central nervous a) circulatory and heart functions irre-
system, the consequence of which is the versibly cease
decline to the minimum of the physio- b) there is complete and irreversible
logical activities of the circulatory and cessation of cerebral function.
respiratory functions, which, in a short
time cease completely." Signs indicating irreversible cessation of
Three factors detennine the function of brain function:
a living organism: circulation, respiration a) unconsciousness, (coma)
and integrity of the central nervous b) absence of spontaneous breathing,
system. Any damage to one of the three c) moderately or more frequently max-
results in functional disturbance to the imally dilated pupils, pupils which do not
other two. In clinical practice, the cessa- react to light,
tion of breathing or circulation determines d) absence of the oculocephalic reflex,
the onset of death. In a significant number e) absence of corneal reflex,
of cases, heart function can be observed f) absence of reaction to painful sti-
for a short time after respiration ceases. mulus in the area of innervation by the tri-
There fore cessation of breathing and heart geminal nerve,
function mean clinical death. In this state, g) absence of laryngeal and bronchial
a number of organs and tissues survive. reflexes.
This state is called intermediate life. The The ability to elicit the autonomic spi-

L. Buris, Forensic Medicine

© László Buris 1993
12 Signs of death

nal reflexes does not exclude the determi- cerebrospinal fluid may be of value as a
nation of brain death. Extensive exami- sign of brain death. In certain instances the
nations have been developed for the de- determination of brain death is not a
termination of brain death, since medical simple task. Of the above mentioned
technology makes possible the mainte- diagnostic procedures each one has its
nance of respiratory and circulatory func- own disadvantage which, when applied to
tion - in the presence of irreversible brain different forms of death, does not provide
damage. These tests are, at present, on- sufficient information as to the time of
ly of theoretical significance. PASZTOR death. For example, the flat, isoelectric
described the existence of brain death in EEG curve does not necessarily means
detail. Brain death can be declared with brain death, and must be considered with
certainty if, caution in the cases of death due to drug
1. the capacity for reception of stimu- overdose or hypothermia, as well as in ca-
lation and reaction to stimulation are ses of death due to metabolic and endo-
completely absent, crine disturbances or following neuro-
2. spontaneous breathing is completely muscular blockade.
absent, The cessation of circulation, breathing
3. reflexes are absent. or brain activity brings about individual
This is reflected by the flat EEG. In clinical or somatic death. Despite the
brain death circulation in the brain stops, above assertion that the diagnosis of death
and thus numerous supplementary tests is not a simple task, it may be simple if the
are necessary. last minutes of a person's life are spent
The literature lists the criteria for es- under the supervision of a physician. The
tablishing brain death, which are: atony of the musculature, the cessation of
1. EEG silence; isoelectric curve, with thoracic expansion and pulse all indicate
examination of the brain with deep elec- the onset of death. These changes indi-
trode, absence of spontaneous discharge, cate that circulation and breathing have
2. caloric vestibular test; no eye move- stopped and within a few minutes irre-
ment, versible brain damage will occur. Practi-
3. electronystagmography; flat curve, cally speaking, however, these signs merit
4. echo-encephalography; no echo pul- careful consideration. The detection of
sation, cessation of heartbeat by auscultation
5. the temperature of the brain lower is made significantly more difficult if the
than that of the body, patient is obese, or the presence of se-
6. intracranial pressure measurement, vere emphysematic changes make the
very high pressure, sounds of a weakened heart undetectable.
7. carotid and vertebral angiography, As mentioned above, the diagnosis of
no contrast filling of the brain vessels, the time of death is more difficult in cer-
blood flow measurements; no circulation. tain manners of death, such as in the
8. determination of brain oxygen con- cases of electric shock, drowning, hypo-
sumption. thermic death, and sleeping pill overdose.
9. radioisotope scintigraphy, or gamma In these cases intense efforts must be di-
chamber examination; verifies cessation rected toward resuscitation.
of cerebrospinal fluid circulation. Somatic death is followed by, molecu-
The MOLNAR test for extremely high lar biological death. Biological death of
pyruvate and lactate concentrations in the the central nervous system occurs within

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