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C l e f t Li p a n d Pa l a t e

An Evidence-Based Review
David Shaye, MDa, C. Carrie Liu, MDb, Travis T. Tollefson, MD, MPHc,*

 Cleft lip  Cleft palate  Evidence-based medicine  Outcomes

 The repair of unilateral cleft lip is performed using a rotation-advancement, geometric, straight-line,
or hybrid technique.
 For bilateral cleft lip repair, most surgeons use either the Millard or Mulliken technique, and their
 Most cleft centers perform cleft lip repair at the age of 3 to 5 months.
 Presurgical infant orthopedics, which can include nasoalveolar molding, is used before definitive
cleft lip repair.
 For cleft palate repair, the 2-flap palatoplasty and Furlow double-opposing Z-plasty are most
commonly used.

INTRODUCTION pediatrics, pediatric dentistry, physical anthropol-

ogy, plastic surgery, prosthodontics, psychiatry,
At an estimated prevalence of 16.86 cases per psychology, social work, and speech-language pa-
10,000 live births, isolated cleft palate, as well as thology.2 Although every specialty may not be rep-
cleft lip with or without cleft palate, is the most com- resented, the quality of care is augmented through
mon congenital orofacial malformation in the United collaborative discussion and coordination of care.
States.1 Children with cleft anomalies may experi- Broadly speaking, orofacial cleft anomalies may
ence a multitude of physical and developmental be unilateral or bilateral and involve the lip, the
challenges. There also may be psychosocial and palate, or both. Although there have been consid-
emotional concerns for the patients and their fam- erable publications on this topic, most are single-
ilies. As such, comprehensive care for the patient surgeon/center experience papers or are
with cleft lip and/or palate requires an interdisci- retrospective in nature. As a result, the cleft lip–
plinary team. The guidelines for team care outlined cleft palate literature regarding the clinical and sur-
by the American Cleft Palate Association recom- gical decision points lacks consensus. This review
mend team members that may include anesthesi- article seeks to define the typical management
ology, audiology, genetics, neurosurgery, nursing, plans, describe the various viewpoints, and sug-
ophthalmology, oral maxillofacial surgery, ortho- gest recommendations based on the levels of ev-
dontics, otolaryngology–head and neck surgery, idence (Table 1) on the management of cleft lip

Funding sources: none.

Conflicts of interest: none.

Division of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Massachusetts Eye & Ear Infirmary, Harvard Medical
School, 243 Charles Street, Boston, MA 02114, USA; b Division of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery,
Department of Surgery, Foothills Medical Centre, University of Calgary, 1403 - 29 Street Northwest, South
Tower Room 602, Calgary, Alberta T2N 2T9, Canada; c Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Department
of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, University of California, Davis, 2521 Stockton Boulevard, Suite
7200, Sacramento, CA 95817, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:

Facial Plast Surg Clin N Am 23 (2015) 357–372
1064-7406/15/$ – see front matter Ó 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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358 Shaye et al

Table 1
complete or notched. Independent of the cleft lip
Levels of evidence type, the cleft palate is described as unilateral
(one palatal shelf is attached to the nasal septum)
Level I High-quality, properly powered and or bilateral. The extent of the cleft is classified as
conducted randomized controlled complete (Fig. 1), incomplete (Fig. 2), or microform
trial, systematic review, or meta- (Fig. 3). In the complete cleft, there is disruption of
analysis of these studies the lip’s mucosal up to the nasal floor with the
Level II Well-designed controlled trial associated nasal deformity. There is a spectrum
without randomization; of incomplete clefting, ranging from vermilion
prospective comparative cohort notching to near-complete disruption of the lip
trial with a remaining Simonart band.3 An incomplete
Level III Retrospective cohort study, case- bilateral cleft lip can be quite asymmetric (Fig. 4).
control study, or systematic review The severity of the cleft lip width can make the
of these studies repair more difficult because of wound tension.
Level IV Case series with or without Management of the more severe cleft lip often re-
intervention; cross-sectional study quires a more prolonged presurgical preparation
Level V Expert opinion, case reports, or period (eg, presurgical infant orthopedics [PSIO]).
bench research In the complete unilateral cleft lip, there is an
Adapted from Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medi- external and upward rotation of the medial
cine. Available at: segment of the premaxilla and an internal and pos-
o51001. Accessed April 16, 2015. terior rotation of the lateral segment.2 Fibers of the
orbicularis oris muscle attach medially to the base
of the columella and laterally to the alar base. The
and palate. The article is organized to address
nasal septum is dislocated from the vomerian
management of the techniques, timing, outcomes,
groove with a shortening of the columella. The
and complications starting with cleft lip, and then
alar cartilage of the cleft side is deformed such
addressing the same in cleft palate management.
that the medial crus is displaced posteriorly and
the lateral crus is flattened over the cleft.2
In the complete bilateral cleft lip deformity, the
premaxilla and prolabium are entirely separate
A typical orofacial cleft can be classified by lateral- from the lateral lip and maxillary segments. As a
ity, extent, and severity. The laterality (left, right, result, the premaxilla protrudes past the lateral
asymmetric/symmetric bilateral) is noted with the segments. The prolabium can vary in size and
unilateral deformity being more common than the lacks the normal philtral structure of a central
bilateral. The extent of the cleft lip is variable and groove and philtral ridges. The vermilion cuta-
can include the cleft alveolus, which can be neous junction and cutaneous (white) roll are often

Fig. 1. Infant with unilateral complete cleft lip and palate. (A) Preoperative. (B) Illustration depicting the alveolus
of the premaxilla, perioral muscles, and typical cleft nasal deformity. The arrows show the vermilion height,
which should be made symmetric and the red line of Noordhoff (wet-dry junction) of the lip. (C) Postoperative
view of same child after modified Mohler rotation-advancement repair and primary rhinoplasty. w-d, wet-dry
vermillion. (From [A, B] Tollefson TT, Sykes JM. Unilateral cleft lip. In: Goudy S, Tollefson TT, editors. Complete
cleft care. New York: Thieme; 2015. p. 40; with permission.)

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Cleft Lip and Palate 359

Fig. 2. Infant with incomplete cleft lip. (A) Preoperative. (B) Postoperative after a Fisher Subunit repair was used.

deficient. In a completed bilateral cleft lip, the pro- Surgical Techniques

labium does not contain orbicularis oris muscle.
Unilateral cleft lip
The nasal deformity associated with bilateral cleft
The objective of cleft lip repair is to approximate
lip is a shortened columella, flattened nasal tip,
the medial and lateral lip elements with preserva-
and alar hooding. Flaring of the alar base is com-
tion of natural landmarks, align a functional
mon with inadequate alar base repair.2
concentric orbicularis, and to establish symmetry
and proportionality. Unilateral cleft lip repair de-
signs can be divided into 3 schools, which include
(1) straight-line closure, (2) geometric, and (3)
rotation-advancement techniques. The most com-
mon technique used to repair a unilateral cleft lip is
the Millard rotation-advancement flap, as well as
its modifications, including the Noordhoff
vermilion flap and the Mohler modification.3 There
are few studies that compare the outcomes of
various cleft lip repair techniques. Holtmann and
Wray4 (1983) studied patients randomized to
receiving either the Millard rotation-advancement
repair or the triangular (geometric) cleft lip repair,
as described by Randall and colleagues5 (Level II
evidence). They did not find any significant differ-
ences in esthetic outcomes between the 2 groups.
Chowdri and colleagues6 (1990) also compared
the Millard and Randall techniques in a random-
ized study (Level I evidence). Similar to Holtmann
and Wray,4 no differences were found in outcomes
and both techniques were recommended in the
repair of cleft lip.
There has been debate regarding whether the
extent that the orbicularis oris muscles should be
extensively released from the aberrant insertions
on the maxilla to facilitate cleft lip repair. Some
Fig. 3. Infant with microform cleft lip showing the (1) have felt that excessive dissection and a tense
elevated Cupid peak, (2) furrowing of the philtrum, approximation of the muscular elements will lead
(3) medial dry vermilion deficient, (4) alar base malpo- to maxillary growth disturbance.7 However, there
sition, (5) notched mucosa, and (6) deficient orbicula- is no evidence at present that muscular reconstruc-
ris oris muscle. tion leads to growth disturbance8 (Level IV

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360 Shaye et al

Fig. 4. (A) Two-week-old infant with asymmetric bilateral cleft lip and palate (incomplete on right and complete
on left). (B) Six months postoperative.

evidence). In addition, the prevailing theory is that osteotomy can be performed with caution. The
reconstructed musculature encourages normal risks of devascularizing the premaxilla as well as
and symmetric facial skeletal growth.9,10 Two maxillary growth inhibition should be considered18
studies have suggested that muscular reconstruc- (Level IV evidence). Most North American sur-
tion leads to improved facial development10,11 geons use the Millard and Mulliken bilateral cleft
(Level II evidence). Although additional evidence is lip techniques or a variation thereof.17 Similar to
needed to conclude definitively regarding muscular unilateral cleft lip repair, there is insufficient evi-
reconstruction, it does seem to be associated with dence to suggest the superiority of one technique
improved functional and esthetic outcomes. over another.

Bilateral cleft lip Timing

There are a few approaches to the repair of bilat- There are advocates for cleft lip repair over a range
eral cleft lip. One approach is a 2-stage repair of time frames, from the neonatal period to 5 to
with columellar elongation as the second proce- 6 months of age19,20 (Level V evidence). Intrauter-
dure between the ages of 1 and 5 years12 (Level ine repair has been piloted using animal models
V evidence). Alternatively, a 1-stage approach based on the potential benefit of no scar forma-
with primary rhinoplasty at the time of cleft lip tion21,22 (Level V evidence); however, this has not
repair has been advocated for symmetric been seriously pursued in humans, as the theoretic
cases13–15 (Level IV–V evidence). benefits do not outweigh the risks of exposing
The severely wide bilateral cleft lip with signifi- both the mother and fetus to this procedure.
cantly projected premaxilla may necessitate with Neonatal repair also has been investigated for
a staged cleft lip repair, PSIO, delayed repair, or the similar reasons of minimizing scar formation
premaxillary setback. In grossly asymmetric clefts and potentially allowing molding of the nasal carti-
or when a prolabium is less than 6 mm in height, a lages due to the intrauterine exposure to maternal
lip adhesion is performed, followed by a delayed hormones.13 Earlier repair also has the proposed
definitive cleft lip repair, after the adhesion has benefits of facilitating maternal-child bonding;
successfully brought the soft tissue elements and however, studies have not been able to substanti-
maxillary arches closer together16 (Level V evi- ate this23 (Level V evidence).
dence). Presurgical infant orthopedics, which in- In the absence of an obvious benefit with earlier
cludes nasoalveolar molding, is effective at repair, most surgeons adhere to the conventional
decreasing the severity of the cleft width by rule of 10’s. Specifically, surgery is deferred until
applying orthopedic forces to the maxillary arches the child is 10 pounds in weight, at or after 10 weeks
and premaxilla with an oral appliance.17 Where of age, with a hemoglobin concentration of
presurgical infant orthopedics is ineffective or un- 10 g/dL.24 This increases the safety of undergoing
available, premaxillary setback with vomer anesthesia. It also has been argued to improve

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Cleft Lip and Palate 361

esthetic results, as waiting allows for the lip muscu- review concluded that there is some evidence for its
lature to grow20,25 (Levels IV and V evidence). use in the unilateral cleft population in improving
nasal symmetry33 (Level III evidence). Although ran-
Other Therapeutic Options domized controlled trials at multi-institutional levels
are lacking, there is evidence that NAM should be
Presurgical infant orthopedics and incorporated into the routine management of both
nasoalveolar molding unilateral and bilateral clefts. In a phone survey
Evidence supporting the use of PSIO is conflicting. that contacted 89% of North American cleft cen-
This can likely be attributed to sparse evidence to ters, more than one-third of the centers offer NAM
definitively suggest a presurgical method is supe- as an adjunct to surgical repair of unilateral and
rior to another. Existing studies fail to use consis- bilateral cleft lip.3,34
tent outcome measures, which have partially
driven the development of Eurocleft and Americleft Lip adhesion
research groups.26 Two systematic reviews that Lip adhesion surgery can be performed in unilat-
examine the utility of PSIOs concluded that there eral and bilateral cleft lip. It is performed before
is insufficient evidence to suggest an improvement definitive surgery, typically before 3 months of
in maxillary arch form/facial growth/occlusion, age. The rationale is that it applies orthopedic
motherhood satisfaction, infant feeding/nutritional pressure on the underlying maxilla, thereby nar-
status, or speech27,28 (Level II evidence). rowing the cleft for the definitive repair35,36 (Level
Nasoalveolar molding (NAM) is a type of PSIO V evidence); however, the evidence is limited and
that incorporates the intraoral appliance with nostril there is the potential disadvantage of additional
prongs to improve the cleft nasal deformity (Fig. 5). scarring37 (Level IV evidence).
There is more supportive evidence for PSIO due to
Alveolar bone grafting
the beginning of intraoral devices decades before
Primary alveolar bone grafting is typically per-
NAM. Studies have shown that when instituted at
formed at approximately 8 to 10 years of age.
1 week of age and continued for 3 to 4 months,
Some centers graft the alveolar cleft at age of 5 to
NAM is effective in approximating the cleft as well
7 years, before the eruption of the permanent ca-
as improving the nasal deformity. Specifically, pa-
nines so as to improve bone height, dentofacial es-
tients undergoing NAM treatment experienced
thetics, and function38 (Level IV evidence).
improved nasal alar symmetry, columella length-
Performing a primary graft in children younger
ening, and nasal tip projection29–32 (Levels II to V
than this is associated with the risk of insufficient
evidence). The counter arguments include nasal
alveolar bone volume. Bone grafting in older chil-
relapse and maxillary growth constriction. A recent
dren may be associated with an increased risk of
failure, as healing occurs more slowly and there is
increased donor site morbidity39 (Level II evidence).
Iliac crest cancellous bone harvest is the standard,
but other donor sites and off-label use of bone-
morphogenetic protein have been described.
More rarely described is the use of a split-rib tech-
nique with minimal maxillary dissection used for pri-
mary alveolar bone grafting, but the risks of
maxillary growth restriction if performed too early
must be considered40 (Level IV evidence).

Primary rhinoplasty
A paradigm shift to include primary rhinoplasty at
the time of cleft lip repair has been noted over
the past few decades41 (Level V evidence). Given
the complexity of the nasal deformities associated
with cleft lip, definitive rhinoplasty has and still is
typically deferred until after adolescence and full
Fig. 5. Infant with left complete cleft lip and palate
skeletal growth42 (Level V evidence). The rationale
with NAM appliance. Tape will be secured into place
with tape to the cheeks. Note the nasal prong that for minimal primary rhinoplasty during infancy was
is expanded over time. This expands the soft tissue concern that significant change would occur dur-
and cartilage, molding the nose before cleft lip repair. ing adolescent growth, necessitating repeat sur-
Also note the Haberman Feeder, allowing the parent gery.43 There was also the theoretic risk of
to control the flow of formula into the mouth. excessive scar tissue that would interfere with

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362 Shaye et al

nasal growth. Finally, patients with cleft lip often using nasal stents include poor patient tolerance,
require orthognathic surgery, which should pre- possible airway distress in the case of stent
cede definitive rhinoplasty. dislodgement, and pressure ulcers.55 Currently,
Arguments against delaying rhinoplasty until there are no randomized controlled trials exam-
adolescence are that waiting may lead to a wors- ining the benefits of postoperative nasal stenting.
ened nasal deformity as well as symptoms of nasal
obstruction and increased rates of revision sur- Clinical Outcomes
gery44 (Level IV evidence). It also may be associ-
There is significant variation among studies in
ated with psychological stress, given that patients
measuring and reporting outcomes after cleft lip
will have to live with the unrepaired deformity until
repair.57 Some investigators have used clinical pho-
adolescence.40 Over the past 3 decades, various
tographs with subjective scoring, whereas others
investigators have published on their experiences
use 3-dimensional imaging or anthropometry. The
with primary cleft rhinoplasty, demonstrating that
heterogeneity among patient populations, surgical
stable long-term results can be achieved with min-
techniques, and outcome assessment strategies
imal growth disturbance45–53 (Level III–IV evidence).
make comparisons across studies difficult.
Therefore, some evidence does exist to support pri-
One outcome measure that can be used to
mary rhinoplasty in improving nasal appearance
gauge the success of cleft lip repairs is the rate
and function. A recent study showed that more
of revision surgery. In a review of 50 consecutive
than half of North American cleft surgeons do
patients with bilateral cleft lip with either a cleft pal-
perform a limited rhinoplasty at the time of primary
ate or cleft alveolus, Mulliken and colleagues58
lip repair.3
found a nasolabial revision rate of 33% in the cleft
lip and palate group (Level IV evidence). In the cleft
Postoperative nasal stents lip and alveolus group, the revision rate was
Nasal stents have been used for the goal of pre- 12.5%. In a review of 750 patients with unilateral
venting secondary deformities with healing and cleft lip, secondary reconstruction was performed
scarring following primary repair (Fig. 6).54 There in approximately 35% of patients37 (Level IV evi-
have been case series, as well as one prospective dence). The highest revision rates were reported
study, demonstrating improved alar symmetry in by the Eurocleft study, which assessed the prac-
those who underwent postoperative internal nostril tice patterns and outcomes of 5 cleft centers in
stenting54–56 (Level IV evidence). The limitations of Northern Europe59 (Level II evidence). Four centers
provided revision rate data. One center reported a
lip revision rate of 4%, and the remaining reported
rates from 63% to 69%. For revision rates specific
to nasal reconstruction, Mehrotra and Pradhan60
reported a second rhinoplasty rate of 10% after
primary rhinoplasty at the time of cleft lip repair
(Level IV evidence).
Although revision rates provide a quantifiable
method of gauging outcomes, it must be inter-
preted with caution. The decision to undertake
revision surgery is family and surgeon-
dependent. As such, the undertaking of revision
surgery may be as reflective of these preferences
as it is of the esthetic and functional outcomes
from the primary repair. Furthermore, higher revi-
sion rates as an indicator of poorer outcome may
not be accurate, as a child undergoing multiple re-
visions may actually have a final result that is more
esthetically and functionally pleasing than a child
who does not undergo any revisions.

Complications and Concerns

Fig. 6. Infant shown weeks after cleft lip repair with
nasal conformers made of soft silicone secured in Wound complications
the nostrils. The optimal length of stenting the nos- In a recent retrospective review of 3108 cases,
trils after primary rhinoplasty has not been estab- Schonmeyr and colleagues61 reported an overall
lished, but the senior author (TT) prefers 6 weeks. short-term complication rate of 4.4% (Level IV

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Cleft Lip and Palate 363

evidence). In 0.5% of these cases, the complica- Surgical Techniques

tion was severe enough to warrant revision sur-
The goals of cleft palate repair include closure of
gery. The most common early postoperative
the soft palate and reorientation of the levator
complications were wound dehiscence and/or
veli palatini to obtain normal velopharyngeal
infection, which were 4.3% in the previously
closure and speech. Closure of the hard palate
mentioned study. This was consistent with the
cleft separates the oral and nasal cavities. There
rates of 2.6% to 4.6% reported by other
are numerous techniques for cleft palate repair
studies26,62 (Level IV evidence). Complete clefts
and there is significant variation in treatment pro-
and bilateral clefts were both significantly associ-
tocols across cleft centers.70
ated with wound dehiscence61 (Level IV evidence).
One of the oldest procedures performed is the
Other complications included stitch granuloma
von Langenbeck palatoplasty. With this technique,
(0.2%) and pressure necrosis (0.05%).
bipedicled mucoperiosteal flaps are raised off of
Maxillary growth the hard palate. The cleft edges are incised and
Concern also has been raised regarding cleft lip both nasal and oral mucosa are medialized. The
repair and effects on maxillary growth. There are biggest drawback to this technique is that it does
various hypotheses for how lip repair can lead to not add additional length to the soft palate20 (Level
maxillary retrusion. Some postulate that pressure V evidence). Other techniques have been de-
from a repaired lip restricts maxillary growth63,64 signed to improve velopharyngeal function by
(Level V evidence). Maxillary growth restriction lengthening the velum. One such technique is the
theoretically could be greater in complete cleft Veau-Wardill-Kilner palatoplasty, which is a varia-
lip-palate as the maxillary segments would be tion of the V-Y pushback. Mucoperiosteal flaps are
less able to withstand the restrictive forces65,66 raised and retropositioned. This lengthens the
(Level IV evidence). In a review of 82 patients velum but leaves a large area of exposed hard pal-
with unilateral cleft lip, alveolus, and palate, lip ate anteriorly, which heals by secondary intention.
repair was found to be associated with maxillary Variations of the V-Y pushback technique have
retrusion67 (Level IV evidence). Those with more fallen out of favor because of poor maxillary
severe defects were found to have greater retru- growth outcomes20 (Level V evidence).
sion. In a prospective study of 22 patients with uni- Two-flap palatoplasty (Fig. 7) was first intro-
lateral cleft lip and palate, lip repair was found to duced in 1967 by Bardach.71 Large mucoperios-
cause transverse narrowing of the maxilla without teal flaps based on the greater palatine
any effects on sagittal growth68 (Level IV vasculature are raised. Closure is layered to mini-
evidence). mize tension, with approximation of the nasal and
then oral mucosa. The soft palate musculature is
then repaired via an intravelar veloplasty (IVV).
CLEFT PALATE IVV involves releasing the levator veli palatini
Overview from its aberrant attachment to the posterior
hard palate. Among cleft surgeons, consensus
A cleft deformity can occur in both the primary
is that IVV does improve velopharyngeal function
and secondary palates. Clefts of the primary pal-
and may reduce rates of secondary speech sur-
ate range from an alveolar notch to those that
gery; the drawbacks include additional operative
extend through the hard and soft palates. Clefts
time and devascularizing the muscle.20 The mus-
of the secondary palate range from a bifid uvula
cle fibers are then reapproximated in the trans-
to clefts that extend to the incisive foramen.2
verse direction to establish the palatal muscular
The soft palate consists of 5 muscles that are
sling.20 Since its introduction, studies on the
responsible for velopharyngeal closure, including
effectiveness of IVV have had conflicting but
the musculus uvulae, the palatoglossus, the pala-
overall supportive results. Marsh and Galic72 pro-
topharyngeus, the tensor veli palatini, and the le-
spectively studied 51 patients randomized to
vator veli palatini. The levator veli palatini is the
receive or not receive IVV during cleft palate
primary muscle involved in velopharyngeal
repair. In this study, IVV was not associated
closure. Normally, it originates from the Eusta-
with improved speech (Level II evidence). On
chian tube and inserts anteromedially onto the
the contrary, a retrospective study of 213 pa-
tensor aponeurosis, along with the tensor veli pal-
tients showed that IVV improved speech and
atine.69 In the cleft palate, the levator muscles
decreased the rate of secondary velopharyngeal
insert aberrantly onto the posterior edge of the
insufficiency73 (Level IV evidence). Neither study
hard palate.2 Contractions of the palatal muscles
found an increased rate of complications with
therefore become ineffective at closing the
IVV. Other studies also have found improved

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364 Shaye et al

Fig. 7. Two-flap palatoplasty. (A) The flaps are elevated off the palatal bones and soft palate is dissected to create
2 flaps based off of the greater palatine neurovascular bundles. The orientation of the levator veli palatini mus-
cles is corrected with or without a more extensive intravelar veloplasty. (B) A layered closure of the flap is then
performed. (From Chiang T, Allen GC. Cleft palate repair. In: Goudy S, Tollefson TT, editors. Complete cleft care.
New York: Thieme; 2015. p. 103; with permission.)

speech and velopharyngeal function with IVV74,75 Furlow technique and the 2-flap palatoplasty and
(Levels I and II evidence). a need for standardized speech outcomes collec-
The Furlow double-opposing Z-plasty technique tion to allow comparisons.
(Fig. 8) has gained popularity since its introduction
in 1978. The soft palate is reapproximated in a way Timing
that lengthens it and realigns the musculature into
Evidence of the optimal timing of cleft palate repair
a more anatomically correct position.20 One remains inconclusive. Earlier repair provides the
concern raised with this technique is the increased structural framework for speech development. De-
rates of oronasal fistulas.76 Only anecdotal evi- laying repair may avoid potential maxillary growth
dence is available for the use of acellular dermis inhibition. The consensus has leaned toward a
placed between the oral and nasal flaps to timing of 10 and 14 months of age; however, evi-
decrease in fistula rates77,78 (Level IV evidence). dence of alternative timing strategies deserve
Studies have compared the various cleft repair attention, including speech outcomes, maxillary
techniques. Williams and colleagues76 growth, and staged soft palate/hard palate closure.
randomized patients to receive either a Furlow
double-opposing Z-plasty or a von Langenbeck Speech Cleft palate surgery should occur early
palatoplasty with IVV. Improved velopharyngeal enough to facilitate optimal speech development.
function was found in the group that received the This means that repair should occur before the
Furlow double-opposing Z-plasty (Level I evi- development of meaningful speech. Some have
dence). Other studies also have found improved argued for palatoplasty no later than 13 months.82
speech outcomes with the Furlow technique79–81 In a study by Dorf and Curtin,83 80 children under-
(Level IV evidence). There is insufficient evidence went palate repair. Twenty-one of these children
to suggest a difference in outcomes between the underwent repair earlier than 12 months of age

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Cleft Lip and Palate 365

Fig. 8. Double-opposing Z-plasty (Furlow) palatoplasty. (A) Note that the left palate posteriorly based oral myo-
mucosal layer is rotated posteriorly, whereas the left nasal mucosal layer is rotated anteriorly. (B) Conversely, the
right anteriorly based mucosal layer is rotated anteriorly and the nasal myomucosal layer is rotated posteriorly.
(C) This allows for the recreation of the levator sling and extends the palate posteriorly. (From Chiang T, Allen GC.
Cleft palate repair. In: Goudy S, Tollefson TT, editors. Complete cleft care. New York: Thieme; 2015. p. 103; with

and the remainder underwent “late” repair, be- Alternatively, Ye and colleagues89 found significant
tween 12 and 27 months. They found that children anterior dental arch constriction in those who had
who underwent repair before 12 months of age ex- undergone a palatoplasty (Level IV evidence).
hibited better speech compared with those with
One-stage versus 2-stage (Schweckendiek) palate
late repair (Level IV evidence). In another study,
repair To mitigate the risk of growth interference,
by Pradel and colleagues,84 1-stage closure at 9
to 12 months of age was compared with 2-stage centers have experimented with 2-stage palate re-
closure, with soft palate closure at 9 to 12 months pairs with delayed hard palate closure.90,91 An
of age and hard palate closure at 24 to 36 months. argument in favor of the 2-stage approach is that
Again, 1-stage closure at 9 to 12 months was by performing a veloplasty first, the hard palate
found to yield better speech development (Level is encouraged to narrow. This allows for the use
IV evidence). Finally, Chapman and colleagues85 of smaller flaps at the time of the hard palate
found that children who underwent repair at the repair92 (Level V evidence). Studies have sup-
average age of 11 months had better speech out- ported the use of a 2-stage procedure as it facili-
comes compared with those who underwent tates normal midfacial growth93–96 (Level IV
repair at the average age of 15 months (Level IV evidence). However, delayed hard palate closure
evidence). The lack of consistent speech out- has been associated with a higher incidence of ve-
comes collection makes direct comparison lopharyngeal insufficiency and compensatory mis-
articulations97 (Level IV evidence).
between studies difficult.
With consideration of both speech and facial skel-
Facial growth Cleft surgeons are concerned that eton growth, most cleft centers perform 1-stage
dissection during palatoplasty disrupts the blood repair. As discussed previously, repair before the
supply to the maxilla, leading to inhibited facial age of 15 months is associated with superior speech
skeletal growth86,87 (Level IV–V evidence). Studies outcomes83–85 (Level IV evidence). Kirschner and
investigating the effect of surgery on maxillary colleagues98 investigated whether performing the
growth have had conflicting results, but often use repair before 7 months improved velopharyngeal
dental arch models for comparisons and measure- function and speech and concluded that there is
ments. Chen and colleagues88 compared sagittal no benefit (Level IV evidence).
maxillary growth in adults who had undergone
Summary Therefore, the current literature sup-
palatal repair with those who had unrepaired cleft
palates. They concluded that surgical trauma was ports timing of the surgery to be between 7 to
not associated with more maxillary retrusion 15 months of age.20 Steps taken to optimize maxil-
due to the similar retrusion between those with lary growth include minimizing subperiosteal
and without palatoplasty (Level IV evidence). dissection and reducing exposure of the hard pal-
ate99 (Level IV evidence).

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366 Shaye et al

Other Therapeutic Options They found an oronasal fistula rate of 7.87% in

the group receiving the Furlow repair and 9.81%
Tympanostomy tube placement
in the straight-line with IVV group. Children with
Cleft palate can affect the function of the Eusta-
more severe clefting as determined by the Veau
chian tube in part due to aberrant veli palatini
classification were more likely to develop a fistula.
muscular attachments and direct exposure of the
The rate of fistula formation in the Furlow and
oral cavity to the nasopharynx. This predisposes
straight-line groups was not significantly different.
the affected child to middle ear dysfunction and
Velopharyngeal insufficiency was determined by
subsequent recurrent acute otitis media and
the need for secondary corrective surgery. The dif-
chronic otitis media with effusion.100 The resultant
ference in secondary surgery rates between the
conductive hearing loss carries with it concerns
Furlow and straight-line groups was significantly
regarding speech and language development.101
different only in the unilateral cleft lip and palate
For these reasons, tympanostomy tubes are
population. In the Furlow group, between 0%
frequently placed at the time of cleft lip repair or
and 11.4% of patients with an isolated cleft palate
palatoplasty102 (Level III evidence). The evidence
and between 0% and 6.7% with unilateral cleft lip
supporting routine versus selective tube place-
and palate underwent secondary surgery. In the
ment is conflicting.
straight-line IVV group, between 9.1% and
Aside from evaluating hearing status and pres-
29.2% of those with an isolated cleft palate and
ence or absence of middle ear pathology/effusions,
between 6.7% and 19.4% of those with unilateral
the otolaryngologist must gather the evidence and
cleft lip and palate underwent secondary surgery.
provide direct clinical correlation. The routine use
Overall, the Furlow technique may be the preferred
of tympanostomy tubes may prevent chronic ear
technique, as it leads to a decreased rate of sec-
effusions and the associated conductive hearing
ondary surgery104 (Level II evidence).
loss, but this is currently a matter of clinical contro-
versy. Ponduri and colleagues103 completed a sys-
Complications and Concerns
tematic review of studies and divided these
between routine (at palatoplasty) compared with Oronasal fistula
selective placement of tympanostomy tubes in chil- The development of oronasal fistula is a concern
dren with cleft palate. A paucity of quality random- following cleft palate repair, especially if the closure
ized controlled trials were available, but routine is under tension. An overall fistula rate of 4.9% has
placement in the neonatal period did not seem to been reported105 (Level II evidence). The most com-
be indicated. (Level II evidence). This is contra- mon location of occurrence is at the soft and hard
dicted by the practice patterns of many cleft teams, palate junction. Using techniques that reduce
who tend to place the first set of tympanostomy closure tension, such as the hamular release and re-
tubes at the time of the cleft lip repair.37 Further laxing incisions, may decrease fistula occurrence.
studies are needed to address this complex clinical There are some reports purporting the benefit of
dilemma, as the children with cleft palate are an at- placing a layer of decellularized dermis in the palatal
risk population regarding speech development. closure, as an interpositional graft that may reduce
Providing the maximal hearing potential for these the fistula rate. In a retrospective review of 31 cleft
children while they develop speech may warrant palate cases repaired using the Furlow technique
more aggressive treatment than for children and decellularized dermis, only 1 patient developed
without clefts. a fistula postoperatively78 (Level IV evidence). This
small cohort was not compared with another similar
group. In another retrospective review of 7 patients,
Clinical Outcomes a 2-flap approach with IVV was used for primary
repair106 (Level IV evidence). Decellularized dermal
The outcomes of cleft palate repair can include fis- grafts were used in the repair and there were no fis-
tula occurrence, speech outcomes (eg, reso- tulas. Prospective studies would be needed to
nance, nasality, intelligibility), need for secondary develop the evidence that decellularized dermis
speech surgery, and complications. A recent sys- has a role in primary palate repairs for decreasing
tematic review compared the outcomes of cleft the risk of fistula occurrence. Additional cost and
palate repair using the Furlow technique and risk of viral transmission are major detractors to
straight-line repair methods with IVV103 (Level II the routine use of acellular cadaveric dermis in cleft
evidence). The straight-line techniques include palate repair.
the von Langenbeck, V-Y pushback, and 2-flap
palatoplasty. Ponduri and colleagues103 reviewed Velopharyngeal insufficiency
data from 11 retrospective studies and 1 prospec- Velopharyngeal dysfunction after primary cleft pal-
tive randomized trial. ate repair may require secondary speech surgery

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Cleft Lip and Palate 367

with rates reported from 5% to 38%.107 The supporting evidence that cleft centers should
inability to close the velopharyngeal sphincter encourage consistent documentation, which would
leads to nasal air escape during speech. The re- foster interdisciplinary and multi-institutional
sulting hypernasality can lead the child to develop studies.
compensatory speech errors (eg, glottal stops) Two prospective randomized trials were per-
and speech quality suffers.108 Treatment for velo- formed to compare the pharyngeal flap and
pharyngeal insufficiency (VPI) involves secondary sphincter pharyngoplasty operations. Neither
speech therapy and correction, either surgical or study found a significant difference between the
nonsurgical. Nonsurgical treatment includes an 2 in terms of VPI outcomes or complications112,113
oropharyngeal obturator, prosthetic, or palatal (Level I evidence). To optimize outcomes, the
lift; however, their use is limited by poor patient width of the pharyngeal flap or the lateral flaps in
tolerance. a sphincter pharyngoplasty can be customized ac-
There are 4 components of the velopharynx: the cording to the size of the velopharyngeal gap and
soft palate anteriorly, the lateral pharyngeal walls the quality of palatal and lateral wall motions114
bilaterally, and the posterior pharyngeal wall poste- (Level I evidence).
riorly. Surgery to restore velopharyngeal compe-
tence can involve each of these components;
however, the most common procedures are the
pharyngeal flap and sphincter pharyngoplasty
Airway Concerns
(Fig. 9). Retrospective studies have not demon-
strated the superiority of one procedure in terms of Children who have cleft palate are at a higher risk
VPI resolution and postoperative complica- of upper airway obstruction. Studies have found
tions109,110 (Level IV evidence). The speech out- the incidence of airway obstruction to be up to
comes (eg, nasal air emissions and resonance 18% in nonsyndromic children with an isolated
scores) of pharyngeal flap surgery were reported in cleft palate115,116 (Levels II and IV evidence). The
a recent retrospective study of 61 patients. Speech risk increases even more when the cleft anomaly
scores increased in all patients with a surgical revi- occurs as part of a syndrome. In the postoperative
sion rate of 19.7% (comparable to previously pub- period, this risk increases. There are a few contrib-
lished studies).111 The difficulty in comparing utors to airway obstruction postoperatively. First,
outcomes from secondary speech surgery lies in closure of the cleft causes a decrease in available
the lack of consistent reporting methods, thus airway space. Second, prolonged tongue

Fig. 9. (A) Superiorly based pharyngeal flap. (B) Sphincter pharyngoplasty. Along with the Furlow double-
opposing Z-plasty (see Fig. 7), these represent the most common secondary speech surgeries to address velophar-
yngeal insufficiency after cleft palate repair. (From [A] Willging JP, Cohen AP. Pharyngeal flap surgery. In:
Goudy S, Tollefson TT, editors. Complete cleft care. New York: Thieme; 2015. p. 173, with permission; and [B]
Boss EF, Sie K. Sphincter pharyngoplasty. In: Goudy S, Tollefson TT, editors. Complete cleft care. New York: Thieme;
2015. p. 178, with permission.)

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368 Shaye et al

retraction during the procedure can cause acute Steroids

swelling. In anticipation of potential postoperative Perioperative dexamethasone may decrease the
airway obstruction, a nasal airway can be placed risk of airway swelling and subsequent respiratory
before extubation to decrease the risks of airway distress without detrimental effects on wound
compromise. healing115,116 (Levels II and IV evidence).

Feeding Analgesia
For immediate postoperative pain control, an in-
There is no consensus on postoperative feeding fraorbital nerve block with longer-acting local an-
protocols following repair of cleft lip and/or palate. esthetics, such as bupivacaine or ropivacaine,
The World Health Organization recommends can be used122 (Level III evidence). Much of the ev-
exclusive breastfeeding until 6 months of age, idence on post–head and neck surgery analgesia
and a recent Cochrane systematic review found in children is based on the tonsillectomy literature.
a weakly positive effect of breastfeeding on post- With the exception of ketorolac, nonsteroidal anti-
operative weight gain compared with spoon inflammatory drugs have not been associated with
feeding in infants with cleft lip117 (Level I evidence). an increased risk of bleeding complications123–125
Mothers should therefore be encouraged to (Levels I and IV evidence). Codeine has recently
breastfeed when possible, but breast milk pump- fallen out of favor. Genetic polymorphisms render
ing and use of a cleft feeder, such as the Haber- some individuals unable to metabolize codeine to
man, Pigeon, Mead Johnson, or others. In the morphine, whereas others will hypermetabolize
same review, there was insufficient evidence to it126,127 (Levels I and II evidence). Overall, codeine
conclude whether squeezable bottles are benefi- has not been found to be more effective at control-
cial compared with rigid feeding bottles for ling pain compared with plain acetaminophen after
improving growth and development.117 However, tonsillectomy128 (Level II evidence). Furthermore,
a squeezable bottle may be preferred for ease of hypermetabolism of codeine can lead to toxic
use in infants with cleft anomalies. Finally, maxil- levels of morphine and has been associated with
lary appliances did not have an adverse effect on postoperative mortality126 (Level IV evidence).
growth.117 For these reasons, a regimen consisting of acet-
aminophen and ibuprofen may be the best option,
Arm Restraints
taking into account the potential risk of bleeding
Most cleft surgeons in the United States use arm with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
restraints during the postoperative period.118 The
basis for this practice is to prevent children from
placing their fingers or objects into their mouth,
which can disrupt the surgical site. Two random- The repair of cleft lip and palate is both challenging
ized controlled trials failed to show any significant and rewarding. Most of the existing literature is
differences in the development of oronasal fistulae practice-centered with retrospective data. There
in the restrained group compared with the unre- is growing recognition, however, that more level I
strained119,120 (Level I evidence). The study de- and II evidence is needed. Furthermore, there is
signs of these randomized controlled trials were a shift toward patient-reported outcomes with re-
not ideal, and the rate of fistula or complication is gard to satisfaction and quality of life.
rare. There is inadequate evidence to comment Cleft care has evolved steadily over the past
on the use of arm restraints in the postoperative decade and research has advanced our under-
period, but a reasonable approach may include standing of the sequelae of these anomalies and
situational differences, with parents protecting the implications of various treatment options.
the surgical sites, and not relying on dogma. This article reviews the pertinent literature on the
management of cleft lip and palate. It summarizes
Relevant Pharmacology the current level of evidence and identifies areas
Antibiotics for future study. With ongoing research, this field
There is evidence to support the use of prophylac- will continue to grow to one that is firmly rooted
tic antibiotics in clean contaminated cases, such in evidence.
as in cleft lip and palate repair. Acceptable antibi-
otics include cefazolin and clindamycin. Antibi- REFERENCES
otics should be administered before the surgical
incision is made. There is no evidence for ongoing 1. Canfield MA, Honein MA, Yuskiv N, et al. National
antibiotics following surgery121 (Levels I and IV estimates and race/ethnic-specific variation of
evidence). selected birth defects in the United States,

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Cleft Lip and Palate 369

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