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RULE 103/108 – CHANGE OF NAME pursuant to Article 412 of the Civil Code, in

relation to Rule 108 of the Rules of Court may

be allowed even if errors to be corrected are
ELOSIDA V CIV REGISTRAR OF QC substantial and not merely clerical errors of a
harmless and innocuous nature.
Lourdes Eleosida filed a petition before the
Regional Trial Court of Quezon City seeking to Whether substantial errors affecting a person’s
correct the following entries in the birth civil status may be allowed in a petition for
certificate of her son, Charles Christian: first, correction of entries.
the surname “Borbon” should be changed to RULING
Eleoside; second, the date of the parents’
wedding should be left blank; and third, the YES. Rule 108 of the Revised Rules of Court
mother’s name should be Lourdes Eleosida provides the procedure for cancellation or
instead of Lourdes Borbon. In support of her correction of entries in the civil registry. The
petition, she alleged that she gave birth to her proceedings under said rule may either be
son out of wedlock and that she and the boy’s summary or adversary in nature. If the
father, Carlos Borbon, never married; and that correction sought to be made in the civil
the child is therefore illegitimate and should register is clerical, then the procedure to
follow the mother’s surname. The petition be adopted is summary. If the
impleaded the Local Civil Registrar of Quezon rectification affects the civil status,
City and Carlos Borbon as respondents. citizenship or nationality of a party, it is
deemed substantial, and the procedure
The trial court set the petition for hearing and to be adopted is adversary.This is our
ordered that the following be given copies of ruling in Republic vs. Valenciawhere we held
the petition: (1) Carlos Borbon, (2) Local Civil that even substantial errors in a civil
Registrar of Quezon City, and (3) the Solicitor registry may be corrected and the true
General, who are given 15 days from notice to facts established under Rule 108
file their opposition. There being no provided the parties aggrieved by the
opposition, the trial court issued another order error avail themselves of the
setting a hearing for Lourdes to present appropriate adversary proceeding. An
evidence and compliance with the appropriate adversary suit or proceeding is one
jurisdictional requirements. Subsequently, the where the trial court has conducted
trial court motu proprio dismissedthe proceedings where all relevant facts have been
petition for lack of merit. fully and properly developed, where opposing
The trial court ruled that only clerical errors of counsel have been given opportunity to
a harmless and innocuous nature may be the demolish the opposite party's case, and where
subject of a judicial order, authorizing changes the evidence has been thoroughly weighedand
or corrections and not as may affect the civil considered.
status, nationality or citizenship of the persons Thus, the persons who must be made parties to
involved. Lourdes filed the instant petition for a proceeding concerning the cancellation or
review raising the issue of whether correction correction of an entry in the civil register are—
of entries in the certificate of live birth (1) the civil registrar, and (2) all persons who
have or claim any interest which would be
affected thereby. Upon the filing of the petition,
it becomes the duty of the court to—(1) issue an
order fixing the time and place for the hearing
of the petition, and (2) cause the order for
hearing to be published once a week for three
(3) consecutive weeks in a newspaper of
general circulation in the province. The
following are likewise entitled to oppose the
petition:--(1) the civil registrar, and (2) any
person having or claiming any interest under
the entry whose cancellation or correction is

It is true in the case at bar that the changes

sought to be made by petitioner are not merely
clerical or harmless errors but substantial ones

they would affect the status of the marriage

between petitioner and Carlos Borbon, as well
as the legitimacy of their son, Charles
Christian. Changes of such nature, however,
are now allowed under Rule 108 in accordance
with our ruling in Republic vs. Valencia
provided that the appropriate procedural
requirements are complied with. The foregoing
satisfy all the requirements of Rule 108 to
make it an adversary proceeding. It was
therefore an error for the trial court to dismiss
the petition motu proprio without allowing the
petitioner to present evidence to support her
petition and all the other persons who have an
interest over the matter to oppose the same.

REPUBLIC V KHO 18, 2001 addressed to the trial court, the city
civil registrar stated her observations and
FACTS: suggestions to the proposed corrections in the
On February 12, 2001, Carlito and his siblings birth records of Carlito and his siblings but
Michael, Mercy Nona and Heddy Moira filed interposed no objections to the other
before the RTC of Butuan City a verified amendments. On January 31, 2002,
petition for correction of entries in the civil respondents presented documentary evidence
registry of Butuan City to effect changes in showing compliance with the jurisdictional
their respective birth certificates. Carlito also requirements of the petition. They also
asked the court in behalf of his minor children, presented testimonial evidenceconsisting of the
Kevin and Kelly, to order the correction of testimonies of Carlito and his mother, Epifania.
someentries in their birth certificates. During the same hearing, an additional
correction in the birth certificates of Carlitos
In the case of Carlito, he requested the children was requested to the effect that the
correction in his birth certificate of the first name of their mother be rectified from
citizenship of his mother to Filipino instead of Maribel to Marivel.
Chinese, as well as the deletion of the word
married opposite the phrase Date of marriage RTC:the trial court directed the local civil
of parents because his parents, Juan Kho and registrar of Butuan City to correct the entries in
Epifania Inchoco (Epifania), were allegedly not the record of birth of Carlito, as follows: (1)
legally married. The same request to delete the change the citizenship of his mother from
married status of their parents from their Chinese to Filipino; (2) delete John from his
respective birth certificates was made by name; and (3) delete the word married
Carlitos siblings Michael, Mercy Nona, and opposite the date of marriage of his parents.
Heddy Moira. With respect to the birth The last correction was ordered to be effected
certificates of Carlitos children, he prayed that likewise in the birth certificates of respondents
the date of his and his wifes marriage be Michael, Mercy Nona, and Heddy Moira.
corrected from April 27, 1989 to January 21, Additionally, the trial court ordered the
2000, the date appearing in their marriage correction of the birth certificates of the minor
certificate. The Local Civil Registrar of Butuan children of Carlito to reflect the date of
City was impleaded as respondent. On April 23, marriage of Carlito and Marivel Dogmoc
2001, Carlito et al. filed an Amended Petition (Marivel) as January 21, 2000, instead of April
in which it was additionally prayed that 27, 1989, and the name Maribel as Marivel.
Carlitos second name of John be deleted With respect to the marriage certificateof
Carlito and Marivel, the corrections ordered
from his record of birth; and that the name and pertained to the alteration of the name of
citizenship of Carlitos father in his (Carlitos) Carlitos father from John Kho to Juan Kho and
marriage certificate be corrected from John the latters citizenship from Filipino to Chinese.
Kho to Juan Kho and Filipino to Chinese,
respectively. As required, the petition was Petitioner, Republic of the Philippines,
published for three consecutive weeks in appealed the RTC Decision to the CA, faulting
Mindanao Daily Patrol-CARAGA, a newspaper the trial court in granting the petition for
of general circulation, after which it was set for correction of entries in the subject documents
hearing on August 9, 2001. In a letter of June despite the failure of respondents to implead
the minors mother, Marivel, as an
indispensable party and to offer sufficient providedthe parties aggrieved by the error avail
evidence to warrant the corrections with regard themselves of the appropriate adversary
to the questioned married status of Carlito and proceeding. What is meant by appropriate
his siblings parents, and the latters citizenship. adversary proceeding? Blacks Law Dictionary
Petitioner also faulted the trial court for defines adversary proceeding as follows: One
ordering the change of the name Carlito John having opposing parties; contested, as
Kho to Carlito Kho for non-compliance with distinguished from an ex parte application, one
jurisdictional requirements for a change of which the party seeking relief has given legal
warning to the other party, and afforded the
of name under Rule 103 of the Rules of Court. latter an opportunity to contest it.
CA:denied petitioners appeal and affirmed the
decision of the trial court. The enactment in March 2001 of Republic Act
No. 9048, otherwise known as ANACT
(1)Whether ornot the changes sought by the CIVIL REGISTRAR OR THE CONSUL
respondents could only be granted through an GENERAL TO CORRECT A CLERICAL OR
adversarial proceeding TYPOGRAPHICAL ERROR IN AN ENTRY
(2) Whether or not he failure to implead NICKNAME IN THE CIVIL REGISTER
Marivel and Carlitos parents rendered the trial WITHOUT NEED OF JUDICIAL ORDER, has
short of the required adversary proceeding and been considered to lend legislative affirmation
the trial courts judgment void. to the judicial precedence that substantial
corrections to the civil status of persons
recorded in the civil registry may be effected
1.NO. This Court ruled, and has since through the filing of a petition under Rule 108.
repeatedly ruled, that even substantial Thus, this Court in Republic v.
errors in a civil registry may be Benemeritoobserved that the obvious effect of
corrected through a petition filed under Republic Act No. 9048 is to make possible the
Rule 108. administrative correction of clerical or
typographical errors or change of first name or
nickname in entries in the civil register, leaving
It is undoubtedly true that if the subject matter
of a petition is not for thecorrection of clerical Rule 108 the correction of substantial changes
errors of a harmless and innocuous nature, but in the civil registry in appropriate adversarial
one involving nationality or citizenship, which proceedings. When all the procedural
is indisputably substantial as well as requirements under Rule 108 are thus
controverted, affirmative relief cannot be followed, the appropriate adversary proceeding
granted in a proceeding summary in nature. necessary to effect substantial corrections to
However, it is also true that a right in law may the entries of the civil register is satisfied.
be enforced and a wrong may be remedied as
long as the appropriate remedy is used. This There is no dispute that the trial courts Order
Court adheres to the principle that even setting the petition for hearing and directing
substantial errors in a civil registry may be any person or entity having interest in the
corrected and the true facts established petition to oppose it was posted as well as
published for the required period; that notices improbable that Marivel was unaware of the
of hearings were duly served on the Solicitor proceedings to correct the entries in her
General, the city prosecutor of Butuan and the childrens birth certificates, especially since the
local civil registrar; and that trial was notices, orders and decision of the trial court
conducted on January 31, 2002 during which were all sent to the residence she shared with
the public prosecutor, acting in behalf of the Carlito and the children. It is also well to
OSG, actively participated by cross-examining remember that the role of the court in hearing
Carlito and Epifania. a petition to correct certain entries in the civil
registry is to
1.NO. The defect was cured by
compliance with Section 4, Rule 108, ascertain the truth about the facts recorded
which requires notice by publication. therein. With respect to the date of marriage of
Carlito and Marivel, their certificate of
marriage shows that indeed they were married
The purpose precisely of Section 4, Rule 108 is on January 21, 2000, not on April 27, 1989.
to bind the whole world to the subsequent Explaining the error, Carlito declared that the
judgment on the petition. The sweep of the date April 27, 1989 was supplied by his helper,
decision would cover even parties who should adding that he was not married to Marivel at
have been impleaded under Section 3, Rule the time his sons were born because his
108, but were inadvertently left out. previous marriage was annulled only in 1999.
Given the evidence presented by respondents,
Verily, a petition for correction is an action in the CA observed that the minors were
rem, an action against a thing and not against a illegitimate at birth, hence, the correction
person. The decisionon the petition binds not would bring about no change at all in the
only the parties thereto but the whole world. nature of their filiation. With respect to
An in remproceeding is validated essentially Carlitos mother, it bears noting that she
through publication. Publication is notice to declared at the witness stand that she was not
the whole world that the proceeding has for its married to Juan Kho who died in 1959. Again,
object to bar indefinitely all who might that testimony was not challenged by the city
beminded to make an objection of any sort prosecutor. The documentary evidence
against the right sought to be established. It is supporting the deletion from Carlitos and his
the publication of such notice that brings in the siblings birth certificates of the entry
whole world as a party in the case and vests the Marriedopposite the date of marriage of their
court with jurisdiction to hear and decide it. parents, moreover, consisted of a certification
issued on November 24, 1973 by St. Joseph
Given the above ruling, it becomes unnecessary
(Butuan City) Parish priest Eugene van Vught
to rule on whether Marivel or respondents
stating that Juan Kho and Epifania had been
parents should have been impleaded as parties
living together as common law couple since
to the proceeding. It may not be amiss to
1935 but have never contracted marriage
mention, however, that during the hearing on
legally. A certification from the office of the city
January 31, 2002, the city prosecutor who was
registrar, which was appended to respondents
acting as representative of the OSG did not
Amended Petition, likewise stated that it has
raise any objection to the non-inclusion of
no record of marriage between Juan Kho and
Marivel and Carlitos parents as parties to the
Epifania. Under the circumstances, the
proceeding. Parenthetically, it seems highly
deletion of the word Married opposite the date
of marriage of parents is warranted. With
respect to the correction in Carlitos birth
certificate of his name from Carlito John to
Carlito, the same was properly granted under
Rule 108 of the Rules of Court. Hence, while
the jurisdictional requirements of Rule 103
(which governs petitions for change of name)
were not complied with, observance of the
provisions of Rule 108 suffices to effect the
correction sought for. More importantly,
Carlitos official transcript of record from the
Urious College in Butuan City, certificate of
eligibility from the Civil Service Commission,
and voter registration record satisfactorily
show that he has been known by his first name
only. No prejudice is thus likely to arise from
the dropping of the second name. The
correction of the mothers citizenship from
Chinese to Filipino as appearing in Carlitos
birth record was also proper. Of note is the fact
that during the cross examination by the city
prosecutor of Epifania, he did not deem fit to
question her citizenship. Such failure to oppose
the correction prayed for, which certainly was
not respondents fault, does not in any way
change the adversarial nature of the
proceedings. Also significant to note is that the
birth certificates of Carlitos siblings uniformly
stated the citizenship of Epifania as Filipino. To
disallow the correction in Carlitos birth record
of his mothers citizenship would perpetuate an
inconsistency in the

natal circumstances of the siblings who are

unquestionably born of the same mother and
father. Outside the ambit of substantial
corrections, of course, is the correction of the
name of Carlitos wife from Maribel to Marivel.
The mistake is clearly clerical or typographical,
which is not only visible to the eyes, but is also
obvious to the understanding considering that
the name reflected in the marriage certificate of
Carlito and his wife is Marivel.

Petition for Change of name of Julian the name of Julian Lin Carulasan Wang is
Lim Carulasan Wang requested to be changed to Julian Lin Wang.

FACTS: RTC –denied petition. It found that the reason

given for the change of name sought in the
On 22 September 2002, petitioner Julian Lin petition that is, that petitioner Julian may be
Carulasan Wang, a minor, represented by his discriminated against when studies in
mother Anna Lisa Wang, filed a petition dated Singapore because of his middle name did not
19 September 2002 for change of name and/or fall within the grounds recognized by law. The
correction/cancellation of entry in the Civil trial court ruled that the change sought is
Registry of Julian Lin Carulasan Wang. merely for the convenience of the child. Since
Petitioner sought to drop his middle name and the State has an interest in the name of a
have his registered name changed from Julian person, names cannot be changed to suit the
Lin Carulasan Wang to Julian Lin Wang. convenience of the bearers. Under Article 174
The petition was docketed as Special of the Family Code, legitimate children have
Proceedings Case No. 11458 CEB and raffled to the right to bear the surnames of the father and
the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Cebu City, the mother, and there is no reason why this
Branch 57. Julian Lin Carulasan Wang was right should now be taken from petitioner
born in Cebu City on February 20, 1998 to Julian, considering that he is still a minor. The
parents Anna Lisa Wang and Sing-Foe Wang trial court added that when petitioner Julian
who were then not yet married to each other. reaches the age of majority, he could then
When his parents subsequently got married on decide whether he will change his name by
September 22, 1998, ...they executed a deed of dropping his middle name.
legitimation of their son so that the child’s Petitioner filed a motion for reconsideration of
name was changed from Julian Lin Carulasan the decision but this was denied in a resolution
to Julian Lin Carulasan Wang. dated 20 May 2004. The trial court maintained
The parents of Julian Lin Carulasan Wang plan that the Singaporean practice of not carrying a
to stay in Singapore for a long time because middle name does not justify the dropping of
they will let him study there together with his the middle name of a legitimate Filipino child
sister named Wang Mei Jasmine who was born who intends to study there. The dropping of the
in Singapore. Since in Singapore middle names middle name would be tantamount to giving
or the maiden surname of the mother are not due recognition to or application of the laws of
carriedin a person’s name, they anticipate that Singapore instead of Philippine law which is
Julian Lin Carulasan Wang will be controlling. That the change of name would not
discriminatedagainst because of his current prejudice public interest or would not be for a
registered name which carries a middle name. fraudulent purpose would not suffice to grant
Julian and his sister might also be asking the petition if the reason for the change of
whether they are brother and sister since they name is itself not reasonable
have different surnames. Carulasan sounds ISSUE: whether or not dropping the middle
funny in Singapores Mandarin language since name of a minor child on the ground of
they do not have the letter R but if there is, they convenience of the child is a valid reason for
pronounce it as L. It is for these reasons that changing the name as long as it will not
prejudice the State and others.
HELD/RATIO: mere matter of allowance or disallowance of
the request, but a judicious evaluation of the
NO. The Court has had occasion to express the sufficiency and propriety of the justifications
view that the State has an interest in the names advanced in support thereof, mindful of the
borne by individuals and entities for purposes consequent results in the event of its grant and
of identification, and that a change of name is a with the sole prerogative for making such
privilege and not a right, so that before a determination being lodged in the courts.
person can be authorized to change his name
given him either in his certificate of birth or The petition before us is unlike other petitions
civil registry, he must show proper or for change of name, as it does not simply seek
reasonable cause, or any compelling reason to change the name of the minor petitioner and
which may justify such change. Otherwise, the adopt another, but instead seeks to drop the
request should be denied. middle name altogether. Decided cases in this
jurisdiction involving petitions for change of
The touchstone for the grant of a change of name usually deal with requests for change of
name is that there be proper and reasonable surname. There are only a handful of cases
cause for which the change is sought. To justify involving requests for change of the given
a request for change of name, petitioner must name and none on requests for changing or
show not only some proper or compelling dropping of the middle name. Does the law
reason therefore but also that he will be allow one to drop the middle name from his
prejudiced by the useof his true and official registered name? We have to answer in the
name. Among the grounds for change of name negative.
which have been held valid are: (a) when the
name is ridiculous, dishonorable or extremely A discussion on the legal significance of a
difficult to write or pronounce; (b) when the person’s name is relevant at this point.For all
change results as a legal consequence, as practical and legal purposes, a man's name is
the designation by which he is known and
in legitimation; (c) when the change will avoid called in the community in which he lives and
confusion; (d) when one has continuously used is best known. It is defined as the word or
and been known since childhood by a Filipino combination of words by which a person is
name, and was unaware of alien parentage; (e) distinguished from other individuals and, also,
a sincere desire to adopt a Filipino name to as the labelor appellation which he bears for
erase signs of former alienage, all in good faith the convenience of the world at large
and without prejudicing anybody; and (f) when addressing him, or in speaking of or dealing
the surname causes embarrassment and there with him. Names are used merely as one
is no showing that the desired change of name method of indicating the identity of persons;
was for a fraudulent purpose or that the change they are descriptive of persons for
of name would prejudice public interest. identification, since, the identity is the essential
In granting or denying petitions for change of thing and it has frequently been held that,
name, the question of proper and reasonable when identity is certain, a variance in, or
cause is left to the sound discretion of the misspelling of, the name is immaterial. The
court. The evidence presented need only be names of individuals usually have two parts:
satisfactory to the court and not all the best the given name or proper name, and the
evidence available. What is involved is not a surname or family name. The given or proper
name is that which is given to the individual at
birth or baptism, to distinguish him from other when the illegitimate child is legitimated by the
individuals. The name or family name is that subsequent marriage of his parents or
which identifies the family to which he belongs acknowledged by the father in a public
and is continued from parent to document or private handwritten instrument
that he bears both his mother’s surname as his
child. The given name may be freely selected by middle name and his father’s surname as his
the parents for the child; but the surname to surname, reflecting his status as a legitimated
which the child is entitled is fixed by law. child or an acknowledged illegitimate child.
A name is said to have the following Accordingly, the registration in the civil
characteristics: (1) It is absolute, intended to registry of the birth of such individuals requires
protect the individual from being confused that the middle name be indicated in the
with others. (2) It is obligatory in certain certificate. The registered name of a legitimate,
respects, for nobody can be without a name. (3) legitimated and recognized illegitimate child
It is fixed, unchangeable, or immutable, at least thus contains a given or proper name, a middle
at the start, and may be changed only for good name, and a surname.
cause and by judicial proceedings. (4) It is
outside the commerce of man, and, therefore, Weighing petitioners reason of convenience for
inalienable and intransmissible by act inter the change of his name against the standards
vivos or mortis causa. (5) It is imprescriptible. set in the cases he cites to support his
contention would show that his justification is
This citation does not make any reference to amorphous, to say the least, and could not
middle names, but this does not mean that warrant favorable action on his petition.
middle names have no practical or legal
significance. Middle names serve to identify the In the case at bar, the only reason advanced by
maternal lineage or filiation of a person as well petitioner for the dropping his middle name is
as further distinguish him from others who convenience. However, how such change of
may have the same given name and surname as name would make
he has.
his integration into Singaporean society easier
Our laws on the use of surnames state that and convenient is not clearly established. That
legitimate and legitimated children shall the continued useof his middle name would
principally use the surname of the father. The cause confusion and difficulty does not
Family Code gives legitimate children the right constitute proper and reasonable cause to drop
to bear the surnames of the father and the it from his registered complete name.
mother, while illegitimate children shall use
the surname of their mother, unless theirfather In addition, petitioner is only a minor.
recognizes their filiation, in which case they Considering the nebulous foundation on which
may bear the fathers surname. his petition for change of name is based, it is
best that the matter of change of his name be
Applying these laws, an illegitimate child left to his judgment and discretion when he
whose filiation is not recognized by the father reaches the age of majority. As he is of tender
bears only a given name and his mother’s age, he may not yet understand and appreciate
surname, and does not have a middle name. the value of the change of his name and
The name of the unrecognized illegitimate granting of the same at this point may just
child therefore identifies him as such. It is only prejudice him in his rights under our laws.
BRAZA V CIV REG of NEG. OCC paternity and filiation; and 3) the declaration
of nullity of the legitimation of Patrick as stated
Petitioner Ma. Cristina Torres (Ma. Cristina) in his birth certificate and, for this purpose, the
and Pablo Sicad Braza, Jr. (Pablo), also known declaration of the marriage of Lucille and
as "Pablito Sicad Braza," were married on Pablo as bigamous.
January 4, 1978. The union bore Ma. Cristina’s
co-petitioners Paolo Josefand Janelle Ann on On Patrick’s Motion to Dismiss for Lack of
May 8, 1978 and June 7, 1983, respectively, Jurisdiction, the trial court, by Order of
and Gian Carlo on June 4, 1980. September 6, 2007, dismissed the petition
without prejudice, it holding that in a special
Pablo died on April 15, 2002 in a vehicular proceeding for correction of entry, the court,
accident in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. which is not acting as a family court under the
During the wake following the repatriation of Family Code, has no jurisdiction over an action
his remains to the Philippines, respondent to annul the marriage of Lucille and Pablo,
Lucille Titular (Lucille) began introducing her impugn the legitimacy of Patrick, and order
co-respondent minor Patrick Alvin Titular Patrick to be subjected to a DNA test, hence,
Braza (Patrick) as her and Pablo's son. Ma. the controversy should be ventilated in an
Cristina thereupon made inquiries inthe course ordinary adversarial action.
of which she obtained Patrick's birth certificate Petitioners’ motion for reconsideration having
from the Local Civil Registrar of Himamaylan been denied by Order of November 29, 2007,
City, Negros Occidental with the following they filed the present petition for review.
ISSUE: whether or not the court a quo may
Ma. Cristina likewise obtained a copy of a pass upon the validity of marriage and
marriage contract showing that Pablo and questions on legitimacy even in an action to
Lucille were married on April 22, 1998, correct entries in the civil registrar.
drawing her and her co-petitioners to file on
December 23, 2005 before the Regional Trial Whether or not substantial errors, such as
Court of Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental a those sought to be corrected in the present
petition to correct the entries in the birth case, can be the subject of a petition under Rule
record of Patrick in the Local Civil Register. 108.

Contending that Patrick could not have been HELD: The petition fails. In a special
legitimated by the supposed marriage between proceeding for correction of entry under Rule
Lucille and Pablo, said marriage being 108 (Cancellation or Correction of Entries in
bigamous on account of the valid and the Original Registry), the trial court has no
subsisting marriage between Ma. Cristina and jurisdiction to nullify marriages and rule on
Pablo, petitioners prayed for (1) the correction legitimacy and filiation.
of the entries in Patrick's birth record with
respect to his legitimation, the name of the Rule 108 of the Rules of Court vis a vis Article
father and his acknowledgment, and the use of 412 of the Civil Code charts the procedure by
the last name "Braza"; 2) a directive to Leon, which an entry in the civil registry may be
Cecilia and Lucille, all surnamed Titular, as cancelled or corrected. The proceeding
guardians of the minor Patrick, to submit contemplated therein may generally be used
Parick to DNA testing to determine his only to correct clerical, spelling, typographical
and other innocuous errors in the civil registry. Cariño v. Cariño was an action filed by a
A clerical error is one which is visible to the second wife against the first wife for the return
eyes or obvious to the understanding; an error of one-half of the death benefits received by the
made by a clerk or a transcriber; a mistake in first after the death of the husband. Since the
copying or writing, or a harmless change such second wife contracted marriage with the
as a correction of name that is clearly husband while the latter’s marriage to the first
misspelled or of a misstatement of the wife wasstill subsisting, the Court ruled
occupation of the parent. Substantial or
contentious alterations may be allowed only in on the validity of the two marriages, it being
adversarial proceedings, in which all interested essential to the determination of who is
parties are impleaded and due process is rightfully entitled to the death benefits.
properly observed. In Lee v. Court of Appeals, the Court held that
The allegations of the petition filed before the contrary to the contention that the petitions
trial court clearly show that petitioners seek to filed by the therein petitioners before the lower
nullify the marriage between Pablo and Lucille courts were actions to impugn legitimacy, the
on the ground that it is bigamous and impugn prayer was not to declare that the petitioners
Patrick’s filiation in connection with which they are illegitimate children of Keh Shiok Cheng as
ask the court to order Patrick to be subjected to stated in their records of birth but to establish
a DNA test. that they are not the latter’s children, hence,
there was nothing to impugn as there was no
Petitioners insist, however, that the main cause blood relation at all between
of action is for the correction of Patrick’s birth
records and that the rest of the prayers are the petitioners and Keh Shiok Cheng. That is
merely incidental thereto. why the Court ordered the cancellation of the
name of Keh Shiok Cheng as the petitioners’
Petitioners’ position does notlie. Their cause of mother andthe substitution thereof with "Tiu
action is actually to seek the declaration of Chuan" who is their biological mother. Thus,
Pablo and Lucille’s marriage as void for being the collateral attack was allowed and the
bigamous and impugn Patrick’s legitimacy, petition deemed as adversarial proceeding
which causes of action are governed not by contemplated under Rule 108.
Rule 108 but by A.M. No. 02-11-10-SC which
took effect onMarch 15, 2003, and Art. 171 of In Republic v. Kho, it was the petitioners
the Family Code, respectively, hence, the themselves who sought the correction of the
petition should be filed in a Family Court as entries in their respective birth records to
expressly provided in said Code. reflect that they were illegitimate and that their
citizenship is "Filipino," not Chinese, because
It is well to emphasize that, doctrinally, validity their parents were never legally married. Again,
of marriages as well as legitimacy and filiation considering that the changes sought tobe made
can be questioned only in a direct action were substantial and not merely innocuous, the
seasonably filed by the proper party, and not Court, finding the proceedings under Rule 108
through collateral attack such as the petition to be adversarial in nature, upheld the lower
filed before the court a quo. court’s grant of the petition.

Petitioners’ reliance on the cases they cited is

It is thus clear that the facts in the above-cited · Changes in the physical features of rommel
cases are vastly differentfrom those obtaining does not entitle him to the “corrections” sought
in the present case. in the civil registry

· ART. 376. No person can change his name or

surname without judicial authority.
· This Civil Code provision was amended by RA
Facts: 9048 (Clerical Error Law). In particular,
· Rommel Jacinto Dantes Silverio filed a Section 1 of RA 9048 provides:
petition for the change of his first name and sex · SECTION 1. Authority to Correct Clerical or
in his birth certificate in the Regional Trial Typographical Error and Change of First
Court of Manila, Branch 8. Name or Nickname. –No entry in a civil
· He has undergone sex reassignment surgery register shall be changed or corrected without a
and is set to be married to his foreigner judicial order, except for clerical or
boyfriend. typographical errors and change of first name
or nickname which can be corrected or
· He then sought to have his name in his changed by the concerned city or municipal
birthcertificate changed from "Rommel civil registrar or consul general in accordance
Jacinto" to "Mely," and his sex from "male" to with the provisions of this Act and its
"female." implementing rules and regulations.

· The trial court granted his petition · RA 9048 now governs the change of first
name.14It vests the power and authority to
· Ca reversed the trial court decision
entertain petitions for change of first name to
o the Court of Appeals7rendered a decision8in the city or municipal civil registrar or consul
favor of the Republic. It ruled that the trial general concerned. Under the law, therefore,
court’s decision lacked legal basis. There is no jurisdiction over applications for change of first
law allowing the change of either name or sex name is now primarily lodged with the
in the certificate of birth on the ground of sex aforementioned administrative officers
reassignment through surgery
· The intent and effect of the law is to exclude
· Petitioner essentiallyclaims that the change of the change of first name from the coverage of
his name and sex in his birth certificate is Rules 103 (Change of Name) and 108
allowed under Articles 407 to 413 of the Civil (Cancellation or Correction of Entries in the
Code, Rules 103 and 108 of the Rules of Court Civil Registry) of the Rules of Court, until and
and RA 9048 unless an administrative petition for change of
name is first filed and subsequently denied
Issue: whether a person has the right to have
his sex and name changed because of sex · RA 9048 likewise provides the grounds for
reassignment surgery? which change of first name may be allowed:

Sc ruling: NO · SECTION 4. Grounds for Change of First

Name or Nickname. –The petition for change

of first name or nickname may be allowed in harmless and innocuous, such as misspelled
any of the following cases: name or misspelled place of birth or the like,
which is visible to the eyes or obvious to the
o (1) The petitioner finds the first name or understanding, and can be corrected or
nickname to be ridiculous, tainted with changed only by reference to other existing
dishonor or extremely difficult to write or record or records: Provided, however,That no
pronounce; correction must involve the change
o (2) The new first name or nickname has been ofnationality,age, status or sexof the
habitually and continuously used by the petitioner.
petitioner and he has been publicly known by · Under RA 9048, a correction in the civil
that first name or nickname in the community; registry involving the change of sex is not a
or mere clerical or typographical error. It is a
o (3) The change will avoid confusion. substantial change for which the applicable
procedure is Rule 108 of the Rules of Court.
· RA 9048 doesnot sanction a change of first
name on the ground of sex reassignment. · ART. 412. No entry in the civil register shall
Rather than avoiding confusion, changing be changed or corrected without a judicial
petitioner’s first name for his declared purpose order.
may only create grave complications in the civil · The entries envisaged in Article 412 of the
registry and the public interest. Civil Code and correctable under Rule 108 of
· In this case, he failed to show, or even allege, the Rules of Court are those provided in
any prejudice that he might suffer as a result of Articles 407 and 408 of the Civil Code:24
using his true and official name. · ART. 407. Acts, events and judicial decrees
· It was an improper remedy because the concerning the civil status of persons shall be
proper remedy was administrative, that is, that recorded in the civil register.
provided under RA 9048. It was also filed in · ART. 408. The following shall be entered in
the wrong venue as the proper venue was in the the civil register:
Office of the Civil Registrar of Manila where his
birth certificate is kept. More importantly, it o (1) Births;
had no merit since the use of his true and
official name does not prejudice him at all. For o (2) marriages;
all these reasons, the Court of Appeals correctly o (3) deaths;
dismissed petitioner’s petition in so far as the
change of his first name was concerned. o (4) legal separations;

· No Law Allows The Change of Entry In o (5) annulments of marriage;

The Birth Certificate As To Sex On the
o (6) judgments declaring marriages void from
Ground of Sex Reassignment
the beginning;
· (3) "Clerical or typographical error" refers to a
o (7) legitimations;
mistake committed in the performance of
clerical work in writing, copying, transcribing o (8) adoptions;
or typing an entry in the civil register that is
o (9) acknowledgments of natural children; provisionsof the Labor Code on employment of
women,39certain felonies under the Revised
o (10) naturalization; Penal Code40and the presumption of
o (11) loss, or survivorship in case of calamities under Rule
131 of the Rules of Court,41among others.
o (12) recovery of citizenship; These laws underscore the public policy in
relation to women
o (13) civil interdiction;
which could be substantially affected if
o (14) judicial determination of filiation;
petitioner’s petition were to be granted.
o (15) voluntary emancipation of a minor; and
· WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby
o (16) changes of name. DENIED.

· Under the Civil Register Law, a birth

certificate is a historical record of the facts as
they existed at the time of birth.29Thus, the
sex of a person is determined at birth,visually
done by the birth attendant (the physician or
midwife) by examining the genitals of the
infant. Considering that there is no law legally
recognizingsex reassignment, the
determination of a person’s sex made at the
time of his or her birth, if not attended by
error,30is immutable

· The changes sought by petitioner will have

serious and wide-ranging legal and public
policy consequences. First, even the trial court
itself found that the petition was but
petitioner’s first step towards his eventual
marriage to his male fiancé. However,
marriage, one of the most sacred social
institutions, is a special contract of permanent
union between a man and a woman.37One of
its essential requisites is the legal capacityof
the contracting parties who must be a male
and a female.38To grant the changes sought by
petitioner will substantially reconfigure and
greatly alter the laws on marriage and family
relations. It will allow the union of a man with
another man who has undergone sex
reassignment (a male-to-female post-operative
transsexual). Second, there are various laws
which apply particularly to women such as the
REPUBLIC V CAGANDAHAN He further testified that respondent's condition
is permanent and recommended the change of
FACTS: gender
On December 11, 2003, respondent Jennifer because respondent has made up her mind,
Cagandahan filed a Petition for Correction of adjusted to her chosen role as male, and the
Entries in Birth Certificate before the RTC, gender change would be advantageous to her.
Branch 33 of Siniloan, Laguna. She alleged that
she was born on January 13, 1981 and was The RTC granted her petition. Thus, the OSG
registered as a female in the Certificate of Live filed a petition for review under Rule 45
Birth but while growing up, she developed seeking a reversal of the abovementioned
secondary male characteristics and was ruling.
diagnosed to have Congenital Adrenal
Hyperplasia (CAH) which is a condition where ISSUE/S: Whether the trial court erred in
persons thus afflicted possess both male and ordering the correction of entries in the birth
female characteristics. She further alleged that certificate of respondent to change her sex or
she was diagnosed to have clitoral hyperthropy gender, from female to male, on the ground of
in her early years and at age six, underwent an her medical condition known as CAH, and her
ultrasound where it was discovered that she name from "Jennifer" to "Jeff," under Rules
has small ovaries. At age thirteen, tests 103 and 108 of the Rules of Court. NO
revealed that her ovarian structures had DOCTRINE:
minimized, she has stopped growing and she
has no breast or menstrual development. She The contention of the Office of the Solicitor
then alleged that for all interests and General that the petition is fatally defective
appearances as well as in mind and emotion, because it failed to implead the local civil
she has become a male person. Thus, she registrar as well as all persons who have or
prayed that her birth certificate be corrected claim any interest therein is not without merit.
such that her gender be changed from female However, it must be stressed that private
to male and her first name be changed from respondent furnished the local civil registrar a
Jennifer to Jeff. copy of the petition, the order to publish on
December 16, 2003 and all pleadings, orders or
To prove her claim, respondent testified and processes in the course of the proceedings. In
presented the testimony of Dr. Michael which case, the Supreme Court ruled that there
Sionzon of the Department of Psychiatry, is substantial compliance of the provisions of
University of the Philippines-Philippine Rules 103 and 108 of the Rules of Court.
General Hospital. Dr. Sionzon issued a medical
certificate stating that respondent's condition The determination of a person's sex appearing
is known as CAH. He explained that genetically in his birth certificate is a legal issue and the
respondent is female but because her body court must look to the statutes. In this
secretes male hormones, her female organs did connection, Article 412 of the Civil Code
not develop normally and she has two sex provides:
organs -female and male. He testified that this
ART. 412. No entry in a civil register shall be
condition is very rare, that respondent's uterus
changed or corrected without a judicial order.
is not fully developed because of lack of female
hormones, and that she has no monthly period.
Together with Article 376 of the Civil Code, this no denying that evidence points that
provision was amended by Republic Act No. respondent is male. In determining respondent
9048 in so far as clerical or typographical to be a female, there is no basis for a change in
errors are involved. The correction or change of the birth certificate entry for gender. The
such matters can now be made through Supreme Court held that where the person is
administrative proceedings and without the biologically or naturallyintersex the
need for a judicial order. In effect, Rep. Act No. determining factor in his gender classification
9048 removed from the ambit of Rule 108 of would be what the individual, like respondent,
the Rules of Court the correction of such errors. having reached the age of majority, with good
Rule 108 now applies only to substantial reason thinks of his/her sex. Sexual
changes and corrections in entries in the civil development in cases of intersex persons
register. Under Rep. Act No. 9048, a correction makes the gender classification at birth
in the civil registry involving the change of sex inconclusive. It is at maturity that the gender of
is not a mere clerical or typographical error. It such persons, like respondent, is fixed. The
is a substantial change for which the applicable Court will not consider respondent as having
procedure is Rule 108 of the Rules of Court. erred in not choosing to undergo treatment in
order to become or remain as a female. Neither
In deciding the case, the Supreme Court brings willthe Court force respondent to undergo
forth the need to elaborate the term treatment and to take medication in order to fit
“intersexuality” which is the condition or let us the mold of a female, as society commonly
say a disorder that respondent is undergoing. currently knows this gender of the human
INTERSEXUALITY applies to human beings species. Respondent is the one who has to live
who cannot be classified as either male or with his intersex anatomy. To him belongs the
female. It is the state of a living thing of a human right to the pursuit of happiness and of
gonochoristic species whose sex chromosomes, health. Thus, to him should belong the
genitalia, and/or secondary sex characteristics primordial choice of what courses of action to
are determined to be neither exclusively male take along the path of his sexual development
nor female. and maturation. In the absence of evidence
It is said that an organism with intersex may that respondent is an “incompetent” and in the
have biological characteristics of both male and absence of evidence to show that classifying
female sexes. In view of the foregoing, the respondent as a male will harm other members
highest tribunal of the land consider the of society who are equally entitled to protection
compassionate calls for recognition of the under the law, the Supreme Court affirmed as
various degrees of intersex as variations which valid and justified the respondent’s position
should not be subject to outright denial. and his personal judgment of being a male.

The current state of Philippine statutes As for respondent's change of name under Rule
apparently compels that a person be classified 103, this Court has held that a change of name
either as a male or as a female, but this Court is is not a matter of right but of judicial
not controlled by mere appearances when discretion, to be exercised in the light of the
nature itself fundamentally negates such rigid reasons adduced and the consequences that
classification. That is, Philippine courts must will follow. The trial court's grant of
render judgment based on law and the respondent's change of name from Jennifer to
evidence presented. In the instant case,there is Jeff implies a change of a feminine name to a

masculine name. Considering the consequence hearing, with the directive that the said Order
that respondent's change of name merely be published in a newspaper of general
recognizes his circulation in the City of Gingoog and the
Province of Misamis Oriental at least once a
preferred gender, we find merit in respondent's week for three (3) consecutive weeksat the
change of name. Such a change will conform expense of respondent, and that the order and
with the change of the entry in his birth petition be furnished the Office of the Solicitor
certificate from female to male. General (OSG) and the City Prosecutor’s Office
for their information and guidance.Pursuant to
the RTC Order, respondent complied with the
REPUBLIC V UY publication requirement.

FACTS: (After publication) RTC: issued an Order in

favor of respondent. It concluded that
Dr. Uy filed a Petition for Correction of
respondent’s petition would neither prejudice
Entry in her Certificate of Live Birth.
the government nor any third party. It also
Impleaded as respondent is the Local Civil
held that the names "Norma Sy Lugsanay" and
Registrar of Gingoog City. She alleged that she
"Anita Sy"
was born on February 8, 1952 and is the
illegitimate daughter of Sy Ton and Sotera refer to one and the same person, especially
Lugsanay. Her Certificate of Live Birth shows since the Local Civil Registrar of Gingoog City
that her full name is "Anita Sy" when in fact has effected the correction. Considering that
she is allegedly known to her family and friends respondent has continuously used and has
as "Norma S. Lugsanay." She further claimed been known since childhood as "Norma Sy
that her school records, Professional Lugsanay" and as a Filipino citizen, the RTC
Regulation Commission (PRC) Board of granted the petition to avoid confusion.
Medicine Certificate, and passport bear the
name "Norma S. Lugsanay." She also alleged CA: affirmed RTC. Respondent’s failure to
that she is an illegitimate child considering that implead other indispensable parties was cured
her parents were never married, so she had to upon the publication of the Order setting the
follow the surname of her mother. She also case for hearing in a newspaper of general
contended that she is a Filipino citizen and not circulation for three (3) consecutive weeks and
Chinese, and all her siblings bear the surname by serving a copy of the notice to the Local Civil
Lugsanay and are all Filipinos. Registrar, the OSG and the City Prosecutor’s
Office. As to whether the petition is a collateral
Respondent allegedly filed earlier a petition for attack on respondent’s filiation, the CA ruled in
correction of entries with the Office of theLocal favor of respondent, considering that her
Civil Registrar of Gingoog City to effect the parents were not legally married and that her
corrections on her name and citizenship which siblings’ birth certificates uniformly state that
was supposedly granted. However, the NSO their surname is Lugsanay and their citizenship
records did not bear such changes. Hence, the is Filipino. –MR denied.
petition before the RTC.
ISSUE: Whether petition is dismissible for
RTC: finding the petition to be sufficient failure to implead indispensable parties?
inform and substance and setting the case for
YES.She should have impleaded and notified certificatesespecially since the notices, orders
not only the Local Civil Registrar but also her and decision of the trial court were all sent to
parents and siblings as the persons who have the residence she shared with them.
interest and are affected by the changes or
corrections respondent wanted to make. Alba v. CA, the Courtfound nothing wrong with
the trial court’s decision granting the petition
Cancellation or correction of entries inthe civil for correction of entries filed by respondent
registry is governed by Rule 108 of the Rules of although the proceedings was not actually
Court. known by petitioner. In that case, petitioner’s
mother and guardian was impleaded in the
In this case, respondent sought the correction petition for correction of entries, and notices
of entries in her birth certificate, particularly were sent to her address appearing in the
those pertaining to her first name, surname subject birth certificate. However, the notice
and citizenship. was returned unserved, because apparently she
The changes, however, are obviously not mere no longer lived there. Thus, when she allegedly
clerical as they touch on respondent’s filiation learned of the granting of the petition, she
and citizenship. In changing her surname from sought the annulment of judgment which the
"Sy" (which is the surname of her father) to Court denied. Considering that the petition for
"Lugsanay" (which is the surname of her correction of entries is a proceeding in rem, the
mother), she, in effect, changes her status from Court held that acquisition of jurisdiction
legitimate toillegitimate; and in changing her over the person of the petitioner is,
citizenship from Chinese to Filipino, the same therefore, not required and the absence of
affects her rights and obligations in this personal service was cured by the trial
country. Clearly, the changes are court’s compliance with Rule 108 which
substantial. requires notice by publication.

In sustaining the RTC decision, the CA relied Barco v. CA, the Court addressed the question
on the Court’s conclusion in Republic v. Kho, of whether the court acquired jurisdiction over
Alba v. CA, and Barco v. CA,that the failure to petitioner and all other indispensable parties to
implead indispensable parties was cured by the the petition for correction of entries despite the
publication of the notice of hearing pursuant to failure to implead them in said case. While
the provisions of Rule 108 of the Rules of recognizing that petitioner was indeed an
Court. indispensable party, the failure to implead her
was cured by compliance with Section 4 of
Republic v. Kho, petitioner therein appealed Rule108 which requires notice by publication.
the RTC decision granting the petition for In so ruling, the Court pointed out that the
correction of entries despite respondents’ petitioner in a petition for correction cannot be
failure to implead the minor’s mother as an presumed to be aware of all the parties whose
indispensable party. The Court, however, did interests may be affected by the granting of a
not strictly apply the provisions of Rule 108, petition. It emphasized that the petitioner
because it opined that it was highly therein exerted earnest effort to comply with
the provisions of Rule 108. Thus, the
improbable that the mother was
publication of the notice of hearing was
unaware of the proceedings to correct
considered to have cured the failure to
the entries in her children’s birth
implead indispensable parties.
In this case, it was only the Local CivilRegistrar court all possible interested parties. Such
of Gingoog City who was impleaded as failurewas likewise excused where:
respondent in the petition below.
-the interested parties themselves initiated the
Respondent’s birth certificate shows that her corrections proceedings;
full name is Anita Sy, that she is a Chinese
citizen and a legitimate child of Sy Ton and -when there is no actual or presumptive
Sotera Lugsanay. In filing the petition, awareness of the existence of the interested
however, she seeks the correction of her first parties; or
name and surname, her status from -when a party is inadvertently left out.
"legitimate" to "illegitimate" and her
citizenship from "Chinese" to "Filipino." Thus, It is clear from the foregoing discussion that
respondent should have impleaded and when a petition for cancellation or
notified not only the Local Civil correction of an entryin the civil register
Registrar but also her parents and involves substantial and controversial
siblings as the persons who have interest alterations, including those on citizenship,
and are affected by the changes or legitimacy of paternity or filiation, or
corrections respondent wanted to make. legitimacy of marriage, a strict compliance
with the requirements of Rule 108 ofthe
The fact that the notice of hearing was Rules of Court is mandated.If the entries in
published in a newspaper of general circulation the civil register could be corrected or changed
and notice thereof was served upon the State through mere summary proceedings and not
will not change the nature of the proceedings through appropriate action wherein all parties
taken. who may be affected by the entries are notified
A reading of Sections 4 and 5, Rule 108 of the or represented, the door to fraud or other
Rules of Court shows that the Rules mandate mischief would be set open, the consequence of
two sets of notices to different potential which might be detrimental and far reaching.
oppositors: one given to the persons
named in the petition and another given
to other persons who are not named in
the petition but nonetheless may be
considered interested or affected
parties. Summons must, therefore, be served
not for the purpose of vesting the courts with
jurisdiction but to comply with
therequirements of fair play and due process to
afford the person concerned the opportunity to
protect his interest if he so chooses.

While there may be cases where the Court held

that the failure to implead and notify the
affected or interested parties may be cured by
the publication of the notice of hearing, earnest
efforts were made by petitioners in bringing to

FUJIKI V MARINAY passport. Olaybar also presented as witness a
certain Eufrocina Natinga, an employee of
FACTS: MTCC, Branch 1, who confirmed that the
Merlinda Olaybar (Olaybar) requested from the marriage of Ye Son Sune was indeed celebrated
National Statistics Office (NSO) a Certificate of in their office, but claimed that the alleged wife
No Marriage (CENOMAR) as one of the who appeared was definitely not
requirements for her marriage with her Olaybar.Lastly, a document examiner testified
boyfriend of five years. Upon receipt thereof, that the signature appearing in the marriage
she discovered that she was already married to contract was forged.
a certain Ye Son Sune, a Korean National, on On May 5, 2009, the RTC granted the petition
June 24, 2002, at the Office of the Municipal in favor Merlinda L. Olaybar, and directed the
Trial Court in Cities (MTCC), Palace of Justice. Local Civil Registrar of Cebu City to cancel all
She denied having contracted said marriage the entries in the WIFE portion of the alleged
and claimed that: marriage contract of Olaybar petitioner and Ye
a. she did not know the alleged husband; Son Sune. Finding that the signature appearing
in the subject marriage contract was not that of
b. she did not appear before the solemnizing respondent, the court found basis in granting
officer; and, Olaybar’s prayer to straighten her record and
rectify the terrible mistake
c. the signature appearing in the marriage
certificate is not hers. The Republic, however, moved for the
reconsideration of the assailed Decision on the
She, thus, filed a Petition for Cancellation of
grounds that:
Entries in the Marriage Contract, especially the
entries in the wife portion thereof. Olaybar (1) there was no clerical spelling, typographical
impleaded the Local Civil Registrar of Cebu and other innocuous errors in the marriage
City, as well as her alleged husband, as parties contract for it to fall within the provisions of
to the case. Rule 108 of the Rules of Court; and

During trial, Olaybar testified on her behalf (2) granting the cancellation of all the entries
and explained that she could not have appeared in the wife portion of the alleged marriage
before Judge Mamerto Califlores, the supposed contract is, in effect, declaring the marriage
solemnizing officer, at the time the marriage void ab initio.
was allegedly celebrated, because she was then
in Makati working as a medical distributor in In an Order dated August 25, 2009, the RTC
Hansao Pharma. She completely denied having denied the Republic’s motion for
known the supposed husband, but she revealed reconsideration. Contrary to the Republic’s
that she recognized the named witnesses to the stand, the RTC held that it had jurisdiction to
marriage as she had met them while she was take cognizance of cases for correction of
working as a receptionist in Tadels Pension entries even on substantial errors under Rule
House. She believed that her name was used by 108 of the Rules of Court being the appropriate
a certain Johnny Singh, who owned a travel adversary proceeding required. Considering
agency, whom she gave her personal that Olaybar’s identity was used by an
circumstances in order for her to obtain a unknown person to contract marriage with a
Korean national, it would not be feasible for
Olabyar to institute an action for declaration of corrected through a petition filed under Rule
nullity of marriage since it is not one of the 108, with the true facts established and the
void marriages under Articles 35 and 36 of the parties aggrieved by the error availing
Family Code. themselves of the appropriate adversarial
proceeding."An appropriate adversary suit or
Hence, this petition for review on certiorari proceeding is one where the trial court has
under Rule 45. The Republic claims that conducted proceedings where all relevant facts
thereare no errors in the entries sought to be have been fully and properly developed, where
cancelled or corrected, because the entries opposing counsel have been given opportunity
made in the certificate of marriage are the ones to demolish the opposite party’s case, and
provided by the person who appeared and where the evidence has been thoroughly
represented herself as Merlinda L. Olaybar and weighed and considered.
are, in fact, the latter’s personal
circumstances.In directing the cancellation of It is true that in special proceedings, formal
the entries in the wife portion of the certificate pleadings and a hearing may be dispensed
of marriage, the RTC, in effect, declared the with, and the remedy [is] granted upon mere
marriage null and void ab initio. Thus, the application or motion. However, a special
petition instituted by Olaybar is actually a proceeding is not always summary. The
petition for declaration of nullity of marriage in procedure laid down in Rule 108 is not a
the guise of a Rule 108 proceeding summary proceeding per se. It requires
publication of the petition; it mandates the
ISSUE: inclusion as parties of all persons who may
WON the cancellation of entries in the claim interest which would be affected by the
marriage contract, as in the case at bar, which, cancellation or correction; it also requires the
in effect, nullifies the marriage may be civil registrar and any person in interest to file
undertaken in a Rule 108 proceeding. their opposition, if any; and it states that
although the court may make orders expediting
HELD: the proceedings, it is after hearing that the
court shall either dismiss the petition or issue
an order granting the same. Thus, as long as
RATIO: the procedural requirements in Rule 108 are
followed, it is the appropriate adversary
Rule 108 of the Rules of Court provides the proceeding to effect substantial corrections and
procedure for cancellation or correction of changes in entries of the civil register.
entries in the civil registry. The proceedings
may either be summary or adversary. If the In this case, the entries made in the wife
correction is clerical, then the procedure to be portion of the certificate of marriage are
adopted is summary. Ifthe rectification affects admittedly the personal circumstances of
the civil status, citizenship or nationality of a Olaybar. Olaybar, however, claims that her
party, it is deemed substantial, and the signature was forged and she was not the one
procedure to be adopted is adversary. Since the who contracted marriage with the purported
promulgation of Republic v. Valencia in 1986, husband. In other words, she claims that no
the Court has repeatedly ruled that "even such marriage was entered into or if there was,
substantial errors in a civil registry may be she was not the one who entered into such
contract. It must be recalled that when Olaybar
tried to obtain a CENOMAR from the NSO, it prevent circumvention of the substantive and
appeared that she was married to a procedural safeguards of marriage under the
Family Code, A.M. No. 02-11-10-SC and other
certain Ye Son Sune. She then sought related laws….In other words, a Filipino citizen
thecancellation of entries in the wife portion of cannot dissolve his marriage by the mere
the marriage certificate. expedient of changing his entry of marriage in
In filing the petition for correction of entry the civil registry.
under Rule 108, Olaybar made the Local Civil [However,] aside from the certificate of
Registrar of Cebu City, as well as her alleged marriage, no such evidence was presented [by
husband Ye Son Sune, as parties-respondents. the Republic] to show the existence of
It is likewise undisputed that the procedural marriage. Rather, Olaybar showed by
requirements set forth in Rule 108 were overwhelming evidence that no marriage was
complied with. The Office of the Solicitor entered into and that she was not even aware of
General was likewise notified of the petition such existence. The testimonial and
which in turn authorized the Office of the City documentary evidence clearly established that
Prosecutor to participate in the proceedings. the only "evidence" of marriage which is the
More importantly, trial was conducted where marriage certificate was a forgery. While the
Olaybar herself, the stenographer of the court Supreme Court maintains that Rule 108
where the alleged marriage was conducted, as cannot be availed of to determine the
well as a document examiner, testified. Several validity of marriage, the Supreme Court
documents were also considered as evidence. cannot nullify the
With the testimonies and other evidence
presented, the trial court found that the proceedings before the trial court where
signature appearing in the subject marriage allthe parties had been given the
certificate was different from Olaybar’s opportunity to contest the allegations of
signature appearing in some of her government respondent; the procedures were
issued identification cards. The court thus followed, and all the evidence of the
made a categorical conclusion that Olaybar’s parties had already been admitted and
signature in the marriage certificate was not examined. Olaybar indeed sought, not
hers and, therefore, was forged. Clearly, it was the nullification of marriage as there
established that, as she claimed in her petition, was no marriage to speak of, but the
no such marriage was celebrated. correction of the record of such
marriage to reflect the truth as set forth
Indeed the Court made a pronouncement in by the evidence.Otherwise stated, in
therecent case of Minoru Fujiki v. Maria Paz allowing the correction of the subject certificate
Galela Marinay, Shinichi Maekara, Local Civil of marriage by cancelling the wife portion
Registrar of Quezon City, and the thereof, the trial court did not, in any way,
Administrator and Civil Registrar General of declare the marriage void as there was no
the National Statistics Office that: marriage to speak of.
To be sure, a petition for correction or
cancellation of an entry in the civil registry
cannot substitute for an action to invalidate a
marriage. A direct action is necessary to

REPUBLIC V OLAYBAR substantial errors under Rule 108 of the Rules
of Court being the appropriate adversary
FACTS: proceeding required. Considering that
respondents identity was used by an unknown
            Respondent requested from the National person to contract marriage with a Korean
Statistics Office (NSO) a Certificate of No national, it would not be feasible for
Marriage (CENOMAR) as one of the respondent to institute an action for
requirements for her marriage with her declaration of nullity of marriage since it is not
boyfriend of five years. Upon receipt thereof, one of the void marriages under Articles 35 and
she discovered that she was already married to 36 of the Family Code.
a certain Ye Son Sune, a Korean National. She
denied having contracted said marriage and ISSUE: Whether or not the cancellation of
claimed that she did not know the alleged entries in the marriage contract which, in
husband; She, thus, filed a Petition for effect, nullifies the marriage may be
Cancellation of Entries in the Marriage undertaken in a Rule 108 proceeding.
Contract, especially the entries in the wife
portion thereof. HELD:
            During trial, She completely denied
having known the supposed husband, but she             Rule 108 of the Rules of Court provides
revealed that she recognized the named the procedure for cancellation or correction of
witnesses to the marriage as she had met them entries in the civil registry. The proceedings
while she was working as a receptionist in may either be summary or adversary. If the
Tadels Pension House. She believed that her correction is clerical, then the procedure to be
name was used by a certain Johnny Singh, who adopted is summary. If the rectification affects
owned a travel agency, whom she gave her the civil status, citizenship or nationality of a
personal circumstances in order for her to party, it is deemed substantial, and the
obtain a passport. A document examiner procedure to be adopted is adversary.
testified that the signature appearing in the
marriage contract was forged.             Since the promulgation of Republic v.
The RTC held in favor of the petitioner, Valencia 225 Phil. 408 the Court has
Merlinda L. Olaybar. repeatedly ruled that "even substantial errors
            Petitioner, however, moved for the in a civil registry may be corrected through a
reconsideration of the assailed Decision on the petition filed under Rule 108, with the true
grounds that: (1) there was no clerical spelling, facts established and the parties aggrieved by
typographical and other innocuous errors in the error availing themselves of the appropriate
the marriage contract for it to fall within the adversarial proceeding."An appropriate
provisions of Rule 108 of the Rules of Court; adversary suit or proceeding is one where the
and (2) granting the cancellation of all the trial court has conducted proceedings where all
entries in the wife portion of the alleged relevant facts have been fully and properly
marriage contract is, in effect, declaring the developed, where opposing counsel have been
marriage void ab initio. given opportunity to demolish the opposite
            Contrary to petitioners stand, the RTC partys case, and where the evidence has been
held that it had jurisdiction to take cognizance thoroughly weighed and considered.
of cases for correction of entries even on             It is true that in special proceedings,

formal pleadings and a hearing may be cannot dissolve his marriage by the mere
dispensed with, and the remedy [is] granted expedient of changing his entry of marriage in
upon mere application or motion. However, a the civil registry. Minoru Fujiki v. Maria Paz
special proceeding is not always summary. The Galela Marinay, Shinichi Maekara, Local Civil
procedure laid down in Rule 108 is not a Registrar of Quezon City, and the
summary proceeding per se. It requires Administrator and Civil Registrar General of
publication of the petition; it mandates the the National Statistics Office G.R.No. 196049,
inclusion as parties of all persons who may June 26, 2013.
claim interest which would be affected by the             While we maintain that Rule 108 cannot
cancellation or correction; it also requires the be availed of to determine the validity of
civil registrar and any person in interest to file marriage, we cannot nullify the proceedings
their opposition, if any; and it states that before the trial court where all the parties had
although the court may make orders expediting been given the opportunity to contest the
the proceedings, it is after hearing that the allegations of respondent; the procedures were
court shall either dismiss the petition or issue followed, and all the evidence of the parties had
an order granting the same. Thus, as long as already been admitted and examined.
the procedural requirements in Rule 108 are Respondent indeed sought, not the
followed, it is the appropriate adversary nullification of marriage as there was no
proceeding to effect substantial corrections and marriage to speak of, but the correction of the
changes in entries of the civil register.Lee v. CA record of such marriage to reflect the truth as
419 Phil. 392 set forth by the evidence. Otherwise stated, in
              To be sure, a petition for correction or allowing the correction of the subject certificate
cancellation of an entry in the civil registry of marriage by cancelling the wife portion
cannot substitute for an action to invalidate a thereof, the trial court did not, in any way,
marriage. A direct action is necessary to declare the marriage void as there was no
prevent circumvention of the substantive and marriage to speak of.
procedural safeguards of marriage under the
Family Code, A.M. No. 02-11-10-SC and other The petition is denied for lack of merit.
related laws. Among these safeguards are the
requirement of proving the limited grounds for
the dissolution of marriage, support pendente
lite of the spouses and children, the liquidation,
partition and distribution of the properties of
the spouses and the investigation of the public
prosecutor to determine collusion. A direct
action for declaration of nullity or annulment
of marriage is also necessary to prevent
circumvention of the jurisdiction of the Family
Courts under the Family Courts Act of 1997
(Republic Act No. 8369), as a petition for
cancellation or correction of entries in the civil
registry may be filed in the Regional Trial
Court where the corresponding civil registry is
located. In other words, a Filipino citizen
ONDE V Civ Reg of Las Pinas RTC erred in ruling that correcting the entry on
petitioner’s birth certificate that his parents
Petitioner filed a petition2 for correction of were married on December 23, 1983 in Bicol to
entries in his certificate of live birth before the "not married" is substantial in nature requiring
R TC and named respondent Office of the Local adversarial proceedings; (3) whether the RTC
Civil Registrar of Las Pifias City as sole erred in dismissing the petition for correction
respondent. Petitioner alleged that he is the of entries; and (4) whether the RTC erred in
illegitimate child of his parents Guillermo A. ruling that there is no proof that petitioner’s
Onde and Matilde DC Pakingan, but his birth parents were not married on December 23,
certificate stated that his parents were married. 1983.
His birth certificate also stated that his
mother's first name is Tely and that his first Petitioner argues that Rule 108 ofthe Rules of
name is Franc Ler. He prayed that the Court allows a substantial correction of entries
following entries on his birth certificate be in the civil registry, stating that in Eleosida v.
corrected as follows: Local Civil Registrar of Quezon City, 3 the case
cited by the RTC, we have actually ruled that
In its Order dated October 7, 2010, the RTC substantial changes in the civil registry are now
dismissed the petition for correction of entries allowed under Rule 108 of the Rules of Court.
on the ground thatit is insufficient in form and He likewise adds that proof that his parents
substance. It ruled that the proceedings must were not married will be presented during the
be adversarial since the first correction is trial, not during the filing of the petition for
substantial in nature and would affect correction of entries.
petitioner’s status as a legitimate child. It was
further held that the correction in the first In its comment, the Office of the Solicitor
name of petitioner and his mother can be done General (OSG) contends that the RTC correctly
by the city civil registrar under Republic Act dismissed the petition for correction of entries.
(R.A.) No. 9048, entitled An Act Authorizing It points out that the first names of petitioner
the City or Municipal Civil Registrar or the and his mother can be corrected thru
ConsulGeneral to Correct a Clerical or administrative proceedings under R.A. No.
Typographical Error in an Entry and/or 9048. Such correction of the entry on
Change of First Name or Nickname in the Civil petitioner’s birth certificate that his parents
Registrar Without Need of a Judicial Order, were married on December 23, 1983 in Bicol to
Amending for this Purpose Articles 376 and "not married" is a substantial correction
412 of the Civil Code of the Philippines. affecting his legitimacy. Hence, it must be dealt
with in adversarial proceedings where all
In its Order dated March 1, 2011,the RTC interested parties are impleaded.
denied petitioner’s motion for reconsideration,
as it found no proof that petitioner’s parents We deny the petition.
were not married on December 23, 1983.
On the first issue, we agree with the RTC that
Essentially, the petition raises fourissues: (1) the first name of petitioner and his mother as
whether the RTC erred in ruling that the appearing in his birth certificate can be
correction on the first name of petitioner and corrected by the city civil registrar under R.A.
his mother can be done by the city civil No. 9048. We note that petitioner no longer
registrar under R.A. No. 9048; (2) whether the contested the RTC’s ruling on this

point.4 Indeed, under Section 15 of R.A. No. of this administrative remedy for the correction
9048, clerical or typographical errors on of his and his mother’s first name.
entries in a civil register can be corrected and
changes of first name can be done by the On the second issue, we also agree with the
concerned city civil registrar without need of a RTC in ruling that correcting the entry on
judicial order. Aforesaid Section 1, as amended petitioner’s birth certificate that his parents
by R.A. No. 10172, now reads: SECTION 1. were married on December 23, 1983 in Bicol to
Authority to Correct Clerical or Typographical "not married" is a substantial correction
Error and Change of First Name or Nickname. requiring adversarial proceedings. Said
– No entry in a civil register shall be changed correction is substantial as it will affect his
or correctedwithout a judicial order, except for legitimacy and convert him from a legitimate
clerical or typographical errors and change of child to an illegitimate one. In Republic v.
first name or nickname, the day and month in Uy,8 we held that corrections of entries in the
the dateof birth or sex of a person where it is civil register including those on citizenship,
patently clear that there was a clerical or legitimacyof paternity or filiation, or legitimacy
typographical error or mistake in the entry, of marriage,involve substantial alterations.
which can be corrected or changed by the Substantial errors in a civil registry may be
concerned city or municipalcivil registraror corrected and the true facts established
consul general in accordance with the provided the parties aggrieved by the error
provisions of this Act and its implementing avail themselves of the appropriate
rules and regulations. (Emphasis supplied.) adversaryproceedings.

In Silverio v. Republic,6 we held that under On the third issue, we likewise affirm the RTC
R.A. No. 9048, jurisdiction over applications in dismissing the petition for correction of
for change of first name is now primarily entries. As mentioned, petitioner no longer
lodged with administrative officers. The intent contested the RTC ruling that the correction he
and effect of said law is to exclude the change sought on his and his mother’s first name can
of first name from the coverage of Rules 103 be done by the city civil registrar. Under the
(Change of Name) and 108 (Cancellation or circumstances, we are constrained to deny his
Correction of Entries in the Civil Registry) of prayer that the petition for correction of entries
the Rules of Court, until and unless an before the RTC bereinstated since the same
administrative petition for change of name is petition includes the correction he sought on
first filed and subsequently denied. The remedy his and his mother’s first name.
and the proceedings regulating change of first We clarify, however, that the RTC’s dismissal is
name are primarily administrative in nature, without prejudice. As we said, petitioner can
not judicial. In Republic v. Cagandahan,7 we avail ofthe administrative remedy for the
said that under R.A.No. 9048, the correction of correction of his and his mother’s first
clerical or typographical errors can now be name.1âwphi1 He can also file a new petition
made through administrative proceedings and before the RTC to correct the alleged erroneous
without the need for a judicial order. The law entry on his birth certificate that his parents
removed from the ambit of Rule 108 of the were married on December 23, 1983 in Bicol.
Rules ofCourt the correction of clerical or This substantial correction is allowed under
typographical errors. Thus petitioner can avail Rule 108 of the Rules of Court. As we reiterated

in Eleosida v. Local Civil Registrar of Quezon Court to make the proceedings under Rule 108
City:10 adversary. In Republic v. Uy, 12 we have
similarly ruled that when a petition for
x x x This is our ruling in Republic vs. cancellation or correction of an entry in the
Valenciawhere we held that even substantial civil register involves substantial and
errors in a civil registry may be corrected and controversial alterations, including those on
the true facts established under Rule 108 [of citizenship, legitimacy of paternity or filiation,
the Rules of Court]provided the parties or legitimacy of marriage, a strict compliance
aggrieved by the error avail themselves of the with the requirements of the Rules of Court is
appropriate adversary proceeding. x x x mandated. Thus, in his new petition, petitioner
xxxx should at least implead his father and mother
as parties since the substantial correction he is
It is true in the case at bar that the changes seeking will also affect them.
sought to be made by petitioner are not merely
clerical or harmless errors but substantial ones In view of the foregoing discussion, it is no
as they would affect the status of the marriage longer necessary to dwell on the last issue as
between petitioner and Carlos Borbon, as well petitioner will have his opportunity to prove his
as the legitimacy of their son, Charles claim that his parents were not married on
Christian. Changes of such nature, however, December 23, 1983 when he files the new
are now allowed under Rule 108in accordance petition for the purpose.
with our ruling in Republic vs. WHEREFORE, we DENY the petition and
Valenciaprovided that the appropriate AFFIRM the Orders dated October 7, 2010 and
procedural requirements are complied with. x x March 1, 2011 of the Regional Trial Court,
x (Emphasis supplied.) Branch 201, Las Pifias City, in Special
We also stress that a petition seeking a Proceedings Case No. 10-0043. The dismissal
substantial correction of an entry in a civil ordered by the Regional Trial Court is,
register must implead as parties to the however, declared to be without prejudice.
proceedings not only the local civil registrar, as
petitioner did in the dismissed petition for
correction of entries, but also all persons who
have or claim any interest which would be
affected by the correction. This is required by
Section 3, Rule 108 of the Rules of Court:

SEC. 3. Parties. - When cancellation or

correction of an entry in the civil register is
sought, the civil registrar and all persons who
have or claim any interest which would be
affected thereby shall be made parties to the
proceeding. (Emphasis supplied.)

In Eleosida,11 we cited Section 3, and Sections 4

and 5 of Rule 108 of the Rules of Court, as the
procedural requirements laid down by the

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