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Name Period Date

Topic For or against Partner’s name(s)

Argument Panel Discussion Assignment Sheet
You will participate in a panel discussion on a topic assigned to you. A panel discussion is a
discussion of a subject of public interest by a group of persons forming a panel before an
audience. You and a partner(s) will present a slide show presentation on your side of the
argument. Another pair of students assigned to the same topic will give a presentation on the
opposite side of the argument. After delivering the two sides of the topic, the class will ask
questions, and the panel members will answer the questions.

Basic components:
• Group Work – establish “norms” of how your group will work together and adhere to
them. At the end, you will assess yourself and your group members.
• Research the topic and include facts, statistics and pertinent information to support
your position on the topic.
• Prepare a slide show presentation to present the research to the class.
• Practice and time your slideshow presentation with your partner.
• Includes only essential information (facts or important points)
• No more than 3 bullets. No more than 6 words per bullet
• Correct spelling, capitalization and punctuation are used
• Must be legible (64 point font) – dark font on light background or light on dark
• Images, background, themes and animation support ideas so must be on topic.
• Include Works Cited using MLA citations ( makes it easy).
• No longer than 7 minutes to present slideshow and all main points.
• Do not read the information on slides. Refer to slides but keep eye contact with the
• Each group member presents using appropriate volume and gestures.
• Groups will time the speech when practicing, so you know you can keep it to the time
limit – 7 minutes.
• Use flash cards if you want, but they are not required. Avoid reading flash cards and/or
slides throughout your presentation.
• Partners should practice many times before presenting. You will be given class time to
practice but feel free to meet with your partner(s) outside of class.
Panel Discussion
• Follow the Panel Discussion Rules and Guidelines provided.
• Anticipate questions and responses to counter the other side’s argument.
• Attentive audience members will be assessed for their ability to record questions for
presenters, listen attentively and pose relevant questions.
• Exit survey: each student will indicate his or her personal opinion of the topic before
the panel discussion. After the panel students will indicate if their position has changed
and if so, why.

GRADING: You are graded on your ability to work well with your partner(s), research your
topic, create a slideshow, present it front of an audience and respond to questions from the
audience while following the rules of a panel discussion (see attached rubric for details).
Peer & self evaluation score= /20 Audience Participation total = /20
Panel Discussion Rubric total= /60 Total for the entire assignment = /100
Argument Panel Discussion Rubric
Elements 8-10 points 5-7 points 2-4 points 0-1 point
Includes: all Presentation content Presentation included Presentation With assistance
(above) basic exceeded the all of the information provided some presentation could
components: information outlined in outlined in the required information. have met most of
research; the assignment. Strong assignment. Responses Other components. the requirements.
slideshow; responses to questions to questions supported Responses to With time and
presentation, improved overall overall presentation. questions may have support responses
Q&A presentation been unclear or to questions could
detracted from have supported
argument argument
Research and Topic research went Topic research meets Topic research is With assistance
Topic beyond expectations of assignment incorrect, irrelevant topic research could
development assignment; insightful requirements to or in conflict with be correct and
Includes “Works information was chosen support argument; argument. May relevant to
Cited” and MLA to support argument Works cited included include an incorrect argument and
citations from many reliable and most items are or incomplete Works include a complete
correctly cited sources correctly cited using Cited page (incorrect Works cited page
MLA or incomplete MLA) with correct MLA
Presenters project Presenter exceeded the Presenter met Presenter’s speech With additional
to the audience; requirements speech expectations, showed a minimal support presenter
with maximum was memorized, eye occasionally read note amount of practice: could have read
eye contact; clear, contact engaging, cards but eye contact most of the time was note cards, or had
understandable exceptionally well was practiced: pace too fast/slow, or more eye contact
volume and pace; practiced: pace and and volume were loud/soft. Presenter and would have
well practiced and volume were appropriate; time limit had some eye contact been practiced and
kept within 7 entertaining and kept was respected but may but read note cards would have met the
minute time limit. to the time limits have needed often. Presentation time requirements.
without reminders or prompting was more than a
prompting minute over or under
the time limit
Partners/group are 100% of the time team is 85% of the time team is 70% of the time team 55% or less of the
focused during on task; each group on task and each group is on task and each time team is on task
class time; follows member has work and member has work and group member has and each group
norms and is on knows what to do knows what to do work and knows what member has work
task. to do and knows what to

Effective use of Use of multimedia Choice of multimedia Multimedia choice is With assistance
Multimedia clearly clearly communicated meets the expectation of simplified so that a multimedia could
adds to the message idea and enhanced the assignment and superficial have communicated
Follows presentation overall argument and communicates overall understanding of the the argument and
tone/mood of message. argument. No more argument is presented. followed format
Followed presentation than 3 presentation 4 or more errors in instructions.
guidelines and formats format errors. presentation format
without flaw.
Question and Exceeded expectations Responded to all Responded to some With assistance
answer sessions by responding to all questions while questions. Was not student could have
Responds to questions with a following all rules and able to follow rules responded
audience questions, formal, demeanor, and guidelines of the panel and guidelines of the questions and
follow panel politely following all discussion panel discussion. followed rules and
discussion rules and rules and guidelines guidelines.
Panel Discussion Rubric total= /60

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