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My thoughts on the feedback

I have asked some of my friends to give a detailed point of view on my work. I have provided them with simple questions such as – if they like my
main ideas, what I should consider for my course work, if they as a consumer would interact with my magazine etc. The feedback I have receive is
overall extremely positive however I will be considering main points from the feedback such as –
• Planning and describing how I did my photoshoot
• Adding more interviews and evidence on how misrepresentation works in the media industry
• Considering main factors on how my magazine will show and provide key information to the audience
• Make a link to the Dennis magazine
• Use language to especially target my chosen audience so that they get a clear understanding about my magazine
• Include how women have been shown during the pandemic
• Add women with different ages
• Interview new generation about their perspectives on this issue
• Address more on stereotyping
• Engage the new generation
• Provide more educational factors on the media

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