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Bawang Putih & Bawang Merah, which about two siblings with opposite characters

and a step mother. Bawang Putih always bullied by her stepmother after her parents
died. The death of her mother is caused by the stepmother who push her into the
river. One day, Bawang Putih sees a live fish who is able to speak. It is her mother
who has came back. However, the stepmother and Bawang Merah cook the fish for
Bawang Putih’s dinner one day. After she knew, she quickly bury the fish bone
underneath a tree. The fish bone then become a magical swing where she loves to
sing at. One day, a Prince who is hunting nearby hears her song. The Prince
eventually find the home of Bawang Putih. The stepmother quickly introduce her
daughter to the Prince. However, when Bawang Merah is singing at the swing, the
swing does not move. The Prince feels angry and order the stepmother to tell the
truth. The stepmother admit that there is another daughter hidden in house. The
Prince bring Bawang Putih from house to the swing immediately. Finally, the magical
swing move when Bawang Putih is singing. The Prince is overjoyed and asks
Bawang Putih to marry him. She agrees and they live happily ever after. Thus, this
folklore tell us that kindness will bring us a better relationship as Bawang Putih can
live with the Prince happily and no need to stay with the devil stepmother and
Bawang Merah again.

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