Arab Uprisings: Lebanon at The Brick of Syrian Uprising (2010-2011)

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Arab uprisings: Lebanon at the brick of Syrian uprising (2010-


The Arab Spring had a tremendous impact in Syria, resulted into a escalate
conflict and tumultuous environment in the MENA region. The most affected
countries were Tunisia, Libya, Yemen, Egypt and Syria, being the last one the most
critical one. The Arab Spring can be understood by the change of regimes from
North Africa to Middle East region. It attempted to implement more democratic
regimes and response to the people’s demands, by introducing political reforms
based in human rights, freedom and prosperity.1 We found both regional and global
countries involved into the phenomenon, being important to mention the spill-over
of Syrian crisis into its neighbours. There are various reasons that led International
community interference in those countries in order to change their regimes and
establish more democratic goals and freedom among people. It is certain that the
Arab spring environment reached Syria, although it was not proved yet if the
protests among Syrians manifested the necessity of political reform or any type of
demands.2 The conflict in Syria scaled when Assad regime adopted a brutal attitude
towards its population, in the reaction of the external demands for the change of
domestic political apparatus. Soon, many groups started to emerge which
demanded a political position in the conflict. 3 This political stance, as obvious,
should be performed not only by domestic groups but as well as other organizations
sponsored by regional and foreign players. Unlike the cases of Tunisia and Egypt,
in Syria is visible a struggle for domestic power among regional player actors more
than an intentional or consistent implementation of basic rights and freedoms. 4

What started as a demand for a political reform, denied by Syrian regime

turned into a bloody civil war and left the country in no-way out. Since the Syrian
crisis that both regional and global powers have been involved in order to prevail
democratic goals and peoples freedom. Although, the widespread of Syrian conflict
resulted on regional dominance in the region, translated into the Saudi-Iran Rivalry,
including the acceleration of Israeli nuclear power development, and its reactions

Recnstruction in Syria
towards Palestine issue, that impacts negatively Lebanon. 5 The Arab Spring has
showed that ending with old orders is apparently easier than institute new ones to
replace them.6 In Syria, it is crucial to argue that the Syrian civil protests and the
posterior situation intensified the inter-sectarian relation, aggravated the
neighbours, Lebanon and Iraq, critical situation which will be involved in the
conflict with an uncertain end. Lebanon took a disassociate position towards
Syrian Conflict. Despite of Hezbollah involvement in 2013, most of Lebanese
political parties understood that a possible interference or wrong support could
spill-over into Lebanon and cause a Civil war. Also, Lebanese Government was
supposed to prepare the policy that should be adopted towards the Crisis effects in
Lebanon, and particularly, how the sectarian tensions in Lebanon could reach a
peaceful end.7 The last goal has been in Lebanese Agenda since the aftermath of
Cedar Revolution through 2008.


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