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“RoadLab Pro" App Setup and Data Collection Guide Content ‘ist time application launch Main menu ‘Create new rect and Create new road ‘Select Project/Road Record Concition Tag Eeatures ew Data Exoort Data Settings ‘About Se The RoadLab Pro app estimates the road roughness based on kinematic and GPS sensors in smartphones, records the path taken and the bumps encountered, {and allows entering road tags. Please follow the guidelines here in order to get more reliable estimation of road roughness and interpretation of information on the screen 1.The cellphone should be mounted securely on the windshield (preferred) or flat and fim dashboard (less preferred). The phone should be ‘mounted in a vertical position, 2. tis important to select proper vehicle suspension type. Note the suspension type also reflects the influence of cellphone cradle: a wobbling cradle could increase the variability of the acceleration measured. The hard: medium type is suitable for most general passenger cars while other types can be selected separately as well To use the app, take the following in consideration: 1.itis a necessity a define “project” and fa “road” name first before start tracking 2.Link to Dropbox, Google Drive or OneDrive account at the “Settings” menu to allow data to be easily uploaded to cloud. Optionally, you can send data to an e-mail 3.To edit, delete or export a project or road, scroll lft on the project or road hen listing projects oF roads, 4, After selecting a road, every te one presses the “START TRACKING” button, the app creates a link for that road that ends when one presses the: "STOP TRACKING" button. Thus, a road is composed of one or many links. 5.Data collection interface displays several key parameters: a.The dynamic plot in the middle shows the time series plot of vertical acceleration, which Is rectly related to road roughness, 'b. The color coded “roughness in the ppast 100 meters" provides a visual ilustration of road roughness «.Itisplays the roughness in the past 100 meters so there is a time lag: it reflects the past 100 meters, NOT the current driving section Note this range is for visual display purpose. The output table contains the ‘measured Il values. aa aati ESE fa Catectn Proce ~ Alter clicking “Start button, the IR data collection wil start when speed is higher than 15 km per hour (for better accuracy) while GPS coordinates are recorded all the time regardless of speed. ~ If you like to monitor the data collection process, select “Screen Always On" button in the “Setting” menu though this is mote likely to consume battery faster. - There is a tab button (“+* sign) on the upper right comer of the data collection screen. You can add tags if needed. Warning: Driver should focus on driving at all ime. Distracted driving can lead to traffic accidents. There is no need for drivers to engage in app operation while driving. Any app related operation during driving (for example adding a tag) should be done by a passenger. First time application launch When user launches the application for the fist time, the application will show the Splash screen and Tutorial. Tutorial will lead the user through the key application features. The user can switch between the Tutorial screens via swipe gesture, or click “x icon to skip the Tutorial. On subsequent launches the Tutorial will not be shown, but the user ‘can access it under “About section. At first start the application will ask the user for permissions, ‘The default application settings are = "Suspension Type” - Car Hard ‘Suspension: ~ Sync data type ~ Dropbox = "Screen Always On * = Off ~ "Dropbox account” ~ not set = Road conditions categories data: For For PaveD | UNPAVED roads | roads Verygood | <2 <6 Good 20-40 | 60-10,0 100 Fair 40-60 | eo 150- Poor 60-100 | So verypoor | >100 | >200 not set The recent Project and recent Road is € —Apalicatonm Main menu ‘The menu consists of the folowing menu items: ~ Create new project -to create a new Project ~ Create new road ~ to create a new Road ~ Select Project/Road - to select or eit existing Project and/or Road = Record Condition - to make roughness and path measurements ‘and see them on the map, ~ Tag Features - to add, view, remove and edit tags - View/Edit Data - to view, remove and edit Project, Road or Link ~ Export Data ~ to export Road Data, Project Data or All Data to Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, E-mail or Mobile phone ~ Settings - to manage application settings - About - screen to show some information about the application and access Tutorial Note: the font in application is defined as normal by default so if the font in the phone settings is changed (e.g. into big or large) there can be word wrap so the screen view will be different. = new project = Create new road User's nat able to start immediately data collection procedure by tapping the “START TRACKING’ bution it is necessary first to create @ new Project ‘and then creste a Road within this Project. To create a new Road, User should fulfil ‘at least two mandatory fields: ‘Road Unique 1D’ and ‘Select Rod Pavement Type’. All other fields inthis section are optional (road lane being measured: road number: road name; road national region: road regional region: road local region; road start point name: road end point name: road start point chainager oad end point chainage: road network type: road class: road management entity; toad number of lanes; road cariageway width; road shoulder with; road surface type: road terrain type: road traffic level: road traffic direction: road observed pavement condition; road observed drainage condition; road observed drainage condition: road posted speed limit: oad pavement ager landside —vulnerabily; _rockfal vulnerabilty: erosion vuinerabilty mudfiow vulnerability; flash flood vulnerability; flood area vulnerabiliy snow fall vulerabilty: fog vulnerability ice on carriage vulnerability; boulders on cariageway vulherabiity, wildfire area vulnerability; road comments) NB: By default, @ new Road can be created in currently selected Project. When creating a new Road User should pay attention to the Project he adds @ new Road to. After Project and new Road are created and selected User is able to start Measurement process. The new Project and new Road created after first launch of the application become the recent Project and recent Road after creation. Ther tiles are put as the first item ofthe Side Left side menu. “Tapping on the first item opens the Main screen and User is able to start The new Project and new Road created after first launch of the application become the recent Project and recent Road after creation. Their titles are put as the first item of the Slide Left side menu. Tapping on the first item opens the Main screen and User is able to start Measurement process and data collection, Select Project/Road ‘Select Project/Road’ menu item helps users to set data structure for projects. The application opens the Projects screen where user is able to see the whole list of existing Projects and to create a new Project and 2 new Road tapping on ‘+ sign. Search panel is available for Projects screen and Roads screen. Pret tr Pret or aoa 103) Each Project item contains the name of the Project, amount of Roads, Road vistance (Total Distance) in rmetersiklometers, Road distance with roughness (Roughness Distance) in rmetersikilometers and date of Project creation, User is allowed to delete the Project by swiping tothe left and clicking on the red ‘basket icon. After User's confirmation the Project folder with all the content is, deleted. User Is allowed to delete the Road by ‘swiping tothe left and clicking on the red ’oasket icon. After User's confirmation the Road folder with all the content s deleted User can also choose ‘More’ by swiping to the left and proceed with the provided options: ~ Rename and Ealt ~ allows to change the name of the Road and edit its contents = Move allows to select and move the Road to another Project = Send ~ allows to export information by E-mail = Export to Dropbox/Google Drive/OneDrive - allows to export data to the chosen cloud storage and Cantirms the directory. User has to log into the cloud on Side Left side menu in Settings section first to allow the data export ~ Cancel ~ retus back ‘menuitem, View Data Selected Project and Road may be seen in the top of left side menu and in the header on the ‘Record Condition’ screen. Ancioidleft side iOS et side mens ‘rena with wit Road anc and Project Project selected selected Detailed information about Project and Road (Info, Roughness, Map) is available in Record Condition section Record Condition Data collection process can be displayed either on Info tab, Roughness tab or on the Map tab - INFO tab contains area with ‘acceleration graph, icons to cisplay the device orientation state and the GPS status, some technical data related to recent measurement process, road condition percentage for current Road and Link, and the button to start/stop measurement 10 Recors condition sere before and curing covcting dota ~ ROUGHNESS tab contains area with graph displaying Roughness (IR!) info for 1000 m distance, icons to display the device orientation state and the GPS status, some technical data related to recent measurement process, road condition percentage for current Road and Link, and the button to start/stop measurement: AnavoidRacerd 108 Recora auning cotecing during cotecing ota i ROUGHNESS Tab ROUGHNESS Tab - MAP tab displays the recent Measurement data on the Google Maps screen: the road intervals, road bumps and the tags of the recent measurement are displayed there. If GPS function is not activated on the phone the default location will be determined as London, & eon at Note: Total Travel Time on INFO and ROUGHNESS tabs is displayed in minutes and seconds format (2 min 15 sec) but in export document summary it has two decimal places (2.25). Android Record 10S Record condition screen condition screen during cofecting during colecting data~MAP Tab data -MAP Tab ‘Al thee tabs share common Ul elements: ~"¥TAG" Icon - adds a new Tag: ~ Device orientation indicator - shows current position status of the device; "Red" means the phone is not securely fed and data collection will not star ~ GPS accuracy indicator - has two statuses: “red” (no GPS signal) or "green" (good signal) ~"Start tracking button’ - initiates new session of collecting. When process stars, the text on the button switches 10 “Stop tracking’ When collecting data is in progress (after pressing the button “Start tracking’) some menu items are disabled. Only Record Condition, Tag Features, Export Data and About items are available during the data collection. Ifthe export is done during the tracking process only the information saved at the moment of export will be exported. eee enn - Some info relevant to current measurement is displayed along with graph (map). When “Stop tracking” button is tapped, “Save to.." action sheet is displayed. It allows 10 seconds to select a destination. The "Save to..." bar will show time left for selection. There are _—_ following possibilities for saving measurement: - "Project Name - Road Name” - saves data into project set as “Current’; ~ “Select” - opens screen with the list of projects. User can either select one of the projects in the list or create a new project. After that screen, the screen for selecting road is displayed, where user can select existing roads or create a new road. oY ication manual User can access and replace saved data later in “View/Edit Data” section. Android Record condition screen after stopping collecting data ~ saving data 108 Record condition sereen after stopping collecting data ~ saving data Tag Features LUST tab contains information about the created and saved tags. MAP tab displays the recent ‘measurement ofthe tag “# Icon on "Measurement" screen, a new tag on current location is stored and "Tag was successfuly added” dialog is displayed. Users can add additional details to this tag immediately or skip and ‘add detals later (saved tags are displayed on the “Intervals” screen). In the header tag name, project and road names are displayed, “Add tag details screen allows adding folowing information about tag: ~"Tag ID* ~ adds generic name of the ‘20; = "Tag Type" - provides the list tag types (other; climate vulnerabilty bridge; culvert; slope; drainage: pavements; —houlder; roadside ‘actives tunnel: other stucture: biack + Flog Area Vunerabily = te op-down list is provided (negligible ow medium: high + Snow Fal Vulerabity - tre Pop-down ist Is provided (egg ows medium: high + Fog Valnerabilty- the pop-down, Ist fs provides (nogliite: low: rmessum: high + Ice on Cariageway Vunerabiity ~ the pon-down lst is provided {oegligbe:ow medium high Boulders 0 Catrageway \Vulnerabilty the pop-cown ist Is provided (egigibe: low: ‘masium high + Widtve Area VUnerabity = te pop-down list is prewided (negligible ov medium: high For Bridge + Bridge Name ~ text comments should be added: + Bridge Location ~ text comments should be added: + Bridge Type ~ the pop-down list, Is provides tboam of aiden arch: uss: suspension ccantiover: cable stayed ‘moveable: pontoon; othe * Bridge Span =the pop-dawn list is provided (single spans continuous spans: cantlever spans then Number of Spans tex ‘comments shoud be added + Bridge Profile Shape ~ the poo down Ist is provided (rectangle rounds other + Bridge Material ~ the pop-down list is previded (wood: masonry, steel cement concrete ‘composite; then swt ot Bridge Deck - tet ‘comments shad be adds ‘Total Length of Bridge ~ text ‘comments shoud be added + Longth of Longest Span ~ tox ‘comments shad be added! + Minimum Vetical Clearance ~ text comments should be added Bridge Overall Structural Condtion ~ the pop-cown Kit is provided (excellent; good fat: Poon): Presence of Water Flow Obstacles ~ the pop-down ist is provided (low medium: high) Comments ~ text comments should be added. For Culver: + Cuvert Location: * Culvert Type - the pop-dawn list is provided (box: pipe: archi other; + Culvert Material - the pop-down list is. provided (steel, cement concrete; plastic; aluminum; polyethylene; composite; other! * Total Length of Cutvert = text comments should be added: + Number of Blocks/Pipes/Arches- text ‘comments should be added * Block Culvert Width - text ‘comments should be added: * Block Culvert Height - text ‘comments should be added * Pipe or Arch Culvert Diameter ~ text comments should be added: Seietaacens | + Headwall Type ~ the pop-down For Siope list is provided (concrete: steel; fe ae eee masonary: other); should be added: * Culvert Overall Structural + Slope Type - the pop-down lst is Condition ~ the pop-down list is provided (cut fair: other: provided (excellent: good: fair; * Slope Length along the Road ~ oo text comments should be added: + Maximum Slope Height - text ‘comments should be added: Average Slope Angle - text * Evidence of Recent Overtopping - the pop-down list is provided (yes; no); ‘comments should be added: * Approximate Culvert Profile * Soil Type - the pop-down list is Grade - the pop-down list is provided (gravel/sands silt clay provided (steep; moderate; rocks other} fallow: * Vegetation Cover - text ‘comments should be added * Slope Surface Condition = the pop-down list is provided (dry Presence of Water Flow Obstacles - the pop-down list is provided (low: medium: high); wet; saturated) * Description of Observed Scour + Slope Failure ~ the pop-down ist and Erosion Conceins - text is provided (yes: no ‘comments should be added + Retaining Structures Types - the “Comments - text comments pop-down list is provided (gravity wall: gabion wall; rock should be added. wall; anchors; wire mesh; other); ‘Slope Protection Issues - the op-down list is provided (negligible: ow; medium: high); + Surface Drainage Issues ~ the pop-down list Is provided (negigible; ow; medium high) * Adverse Hydrological Issues ~ the pop-down ist is provided (negligible: ow; medium; high); + Adverse Geological Issues ~ the op-down list Is provided (negigible; ow; medium high) * Comments - text comments should be added - "Tag Description” - adds the description of tag: = ‘Tag Condition’ - adds the information about tag condition ~ "Tag Size" ~ adds the information about tag size ~ "Tag Value" ~ adds the information about tag value, ~ “Tag Note” = adds the additional notes ~ "Tag “Pictures” ~ adds pictures from device or takes new pictures: To save the tag information User clicks ‘on "Save" on the upper-right comer ‘otherwise the information is not saved. View/Edit Data View/Eit Data menu item displays the list of created Projects, Roads, Links and Intervals Search panel is the text feld that allows User to search for the necessary Project. User is allowed to delete and edt the Project. The procedure is described in Select Project/Road, “+” icon allows to create the New Project. In the ist of Projects each Project tem has the name of the Project, amount of Roads, total Road distance in metersiklometers, Road distance with roughness (Roughness Distance) in metersilometers and date of Project creation, Tapping on a certain Project the list of Roads is reflected on the LIST tab, MAP tab and Summary tab. Search panel is the text field that allows User to search for the Road. List tab includes Roads items that contain the name of the Road, amount of links, total links distance in meters/ kilometers, links distance with roughness (Roughness Distance) in meters/kilometers, date of Road creation, Roughness index and percentage rate of road condition categories. Road condition categories data is provided in Setting menu item. Road can be deleted and edited. The procedure is described in Select Project/Road. “+” icon allows to create the New Road, PravctUstiab for Projet Let tb for ansio as Map tab displays the recent measurement data marked by the certain color according to road condition categories data that is defined in Setting section. Map tab allows to ‘Select Fiter’ by clicking on the blue icon in the bottom right comer of the screen. User ticks the appropriate below options and clicks on ‘Apply’ Road Path: ~ Roughness: = Bumps: ~Tags. Applied fters on Road Map tab are also saved and displayed for Roads and Links Map tabs. Avgiyeg ters for_Aopyg tes or eet oranas PocttorioS ‘Summary tab contains data about Project conditions percentage rate categories (Very Poor: Poor: Fair: Good: Very Good) marked by certain color. It also includes the below fields: = Date Project created - the date of Project creation, = Total Project Travel Time - total time Of the selected project in minutes and seconds format = Total Project Length - distance in meters/ kilometers; ~ Total Project Length with Roughness ~ distance in meters/ kilometers; = Average Project IRI - Roughness index: ~ Average Project IRI with Roughness = Roughness index with bumps: = Average Project Speed - speed data; = Average Project Speed with Roughness - speed data with roughness; = Number of roads - amount of roads in Project; ~ Project Number of Bumps - amount cof bumps: = Project Number of Tags - amount of added tags. Tapping on the certain Road on the List tab the Links are displayed on the List tab, Each Link item contains the amount of Intervals, the total distance of intervals in meters! klometers and IR index. User is allowed to delete the Link item by swiping tothe left and clicking on the red ‘basket ‘icon, After User's confirmation the link is deleted. User is also allowed to move the Link to ‘another Project by swiping tothe left and choosing ‘Move’. User has to choose the Map tab displays the recent measurement data marked by the certain color according to road condltion categories data that is defined in Setting section Map tab allows to ‘Select Fiter’ by clicking on the blue ican in the bottom right corner of the screen. User ticks the ‘appropriate below options and clicks on ‘Apply: ~ Road Path; ~ Roughness: ~ Bumps: ~Tags. It the User applies some fiters on Project Map tao the same fiters wil be already ticked for Road Map tab, ‘Summary tab contains data about Road conditions percentage rate categories (Very Poor: Poor: Fair: Good: Very Good) marked by the certain color. It also includes the below fields: = Date Road Crested - the date of Road creation; =Total Road Travel Time - total time of the selected road in minutes and seconds format; = Total Road Length ~ distance in meters! klometers; = Total Road Length with Roughness ~ distance in meters! Klometers; = Average Road IRI - Roughness index ~ Average Road IRI with Roughness ~ Roughness index with bumps: ~ Average Road Speed speed data = Average Road Speed with Roughness - speed data with roughness: = Nurser of Links ~ amount of Links in the Roads Road Number of Bumps ~ amount of bumps: = Road Number of Tags ~ amount of added tags: = Road Type (Pavec/Unpaved) ~ the type Is chosen when the Road is created. The procedure is described in ‘Create new road! section ‘By clicking on the Link the detailed list of Roughness Links and Path Links appears Con the List tab. Each Roughness Link item has the Information about interval distance, average speed and Il index Each Path Link item has the coordinates (latitude, longitude), average speed and IR index. Map tab displays the recent ‘measurement data of the interval Map tab allows to ‘Select Fier’ by ccking on the blue icon in the bottem Fight comer of the sereen. User teks the ‘appropriate below options and clicks on “Apply = Road Path Roughness: ~ Bumps: ~Tags. the User applies some fiters on Project and Road Map tab the same fiters will bbe already ticked for Link Map tab. © a Contaris data about Roar conditions percentage rate categories, (Very Poor: Poor Fair; Good: Very Good). It also includes the below fields: Export Data Export data menu item contains: ~ Date Link created - the date and ~ Export Al Data time of Link creation ~ Export Project Data ~ Total Link Travel Time ~ total ime of ~ Export Road Data. the selected link in minutes and ee Aline data is presentedin the les, = Total Link Length = distance in By choosing the data (all data, concrete eee arate project or road) the export can be done ~ Total Link Length with Roughness ~ according othe below options. distance in meters! kiometers ~ Average Link IRI- Roughness index: ~ Export to Mobile Phone - downloads ~ Average Link IRI with Roughness = files directly on the mobile phone. The Roughness index wth bumps: exported data is saved on the intemal ~ Average Link Speed - speed data phone storage in RoadLabPro folder ~ Average Link Speed with Roughness that includes Audio, Images and ~ speed data with roughness: Projects subfolders (My fles - Phone ~ Road Number of Bumps - amount of memory - RoadLabPro bumps: AudiovImages/Projects), It is possible = Number of Tags ~ amount of added to save exported data on the phone tags: memory card but such route should = Road Type (Paved/Unpaved) ~ the bbe chosen by user in the phone type is chosen when the Road is settings. For most Android devices the created. The procedure is described memory card data saving is available in ‘Create new road’ section. (Memory card - RoadLabPro ~ ‘Audiolimages/Projects). 10s devices =a support only internal phone storage number | 5 Mee data saving. ks the Road = Export to Dropbox/Google DrivefOneDrive - is available only length ro Total ength when the User is logged in. Choose sdtaiat | £235 | Srtnerosa the cloud storage (Dropbox/Google Drive/OneDrive) and log in Settings avg_spee fo menuitem. | 5073 | ee = Export to E-Mail - exports files via tal archives (zips), ava_roug Average Descriation ofthe fe stnicture tess | 2.41 | Roughness ad_total index There is a Main folder which contains al the Project folders that are exported condition Road from the device. tion “adn | 69 | Soon The Main folder has specific name one (2018_03_28_17_39) which reflect the bd — date of creation in Y-M-D format and the ae ah time of creation. Saarod | soos | crnosd wan Project folder has the name defined by eee fe bit avg_spee Average The Project folder contains the Road d.road_w | 557, | speed data folders and Project summary in csv Roughnes with format s Roughness a | face 008 average herizontaly spon | Ya Roughness ‘and is not cee = index fixed in a dial credie inside ne vec condition Road inevenicee “category canton eran eae era foad_wR joo category cS = oughness data ae -e.175 | otinear wouaey |g) | Toulvavel x a5 | eee etme time ee mu Theat "eve ene of added 7 145739 | ofinoar i tags y 8453 | acceleration vector number | 4 The amount febumps of bumps Zane vale i 748174 | ofinear Te Road folder contains TAGS fers, 358 | accatraton Link folders and Road summary in csv vector romat === Name of the Links folders is structured value of according to the Road name, Link bump.val ietaly date in Y-M-D format and the time of teow. | ooo | seederton cxeaton peed a) eo nour road_end End polntot inch theread aaa ahaoe section caer vere road Network mo. second bums | | actaleraon wocye | S22"! | spearthe ae a vector for e road Pe the speed Sok rads cass nane v ‘hour s oe of the road Stucture of csv Roughness Link file road_man fee of aoernent | ent cs geoment. | nity | anagemen i Example | Description tentity: on ea pina | Sree [EE 51 | Time and ber_ota | © ‘Amount of time 2018 date of link Lanes lanes Marches | ceo nes Marc | Sata fee ea Carriageway Road name ageway_ | 1452 7 tedden wt dat foad.iden | Road defined by width bese rad sho 7 ier 128.92 | payeg | Paver Uerwer {606 | Stowe ment Ha : road_pav road_sut | Surface SUT | Treame | Surface ype ace_type nt road_terr Ste | i Terral saaineel |e, errain type road_tratfi | 3001- | Traffic level clevel | 5000 | data road.tratti| 5, | Typeof cdirectio | traffic n 8 | rection road_obs Pavernent erved_pa | Very | condition vement_c | Good | characteristi condition c road_obs Drainage cerved_dra condition inage_co characteris nition c road_post me ‘Speed limit, ssoeed | 5003 | Sn we a io rows | | Sots ulnerabilit type BY. Y — Food area Lace cenit io y rons Showa iors i waa veberby arated | 92.2902 | tae ny ve 7 comet wooden, — vias wa wor vane arcs | 274757 | treo Y tee oe comcnets roadie teron irons va orca coranety areata | 22229 | Sto ion winery 5 couches Peralty v0 vival» 2 | sassce | entice er Boulders on paLtatitud | 4429 | coordinates de csraneuay rg sey a = shiny oe ment | 2757 | rue vse cosets ee Wildfire area al Sein vulnerability : Eanes 282,299 | End altitude wre type ndatid | 59590 | coordinates | care | Aa wave Cerahot ments nt ‘comments ngth Oe the interval conan | oop uni perso [User | pot umber umber nitype | Defined | suspension 2 iid Rowshnes conaion | Vary | conston point att | 282.90 | atiuce SSaory | Good | ve tae | 88300 | coordinates cooler — soon | 7000 | Meg to Srucnra ates 008 Param | seameo | oasooton Taal 135051 | sin na Paramat | cramele | Desortin time oe date of Moc | #22 Mare) eos Tool teas [000s | 7042 Tone ote sod.ten fone Too our tification | Road? defined by tag_name | Tag 2 name veo a Proect ° | ooor a vba nb preci | Projets | TAME point_latit | 53.8602 | Latitude ue teen | t20 | coonaes ne oad name pono [274767 | Lorde read" | goody | done by gruce” | 8160" | coostes Use 14:45:56 waotime | 2 | gear ime | 20° | date of Tag March | ration taglatity | 53.8602 | Latitude de 6790 | coordinates tag_longit | 27.4787 | Longitude ude 8670 | coordinates tag_atitu | 282.399 | altitude de 99390 | coordinates tag_type | Shoulder | Tag type tagcimat | sow | tag climate Android screen of 108 screen of e_vunera | Poy asian exporting collected exporting collected bility type cata data tag_climat evunera | |, Tag Climate bilty_grad Grade e Settings Settings menu item allows the Users to change the following parameters: ~ Suspension type ~ displays the list of available suspensions (Car Hard ‘Suspension: Car Soft Suspension: SUV and User Defined) son Fa nticen | sgeusonse | 20x57 ane Ses ee coaticen |g aseasoeo | earosvoer Coatfcien | _opaasses | 0.0291 ‘Speed coxticen ts ° ° saute centicon ay faa | -oosmare | Oo8ze7 Spee Hard Fixed | Non-Fixed Coetticien | 258364 | 1.403616 tit Coetficien 6.90296094 7 i 5.218198143 : Coetticien | _oozes62 | 0.023603 t Speed Coetfcien tsd ° ° Square Coaticien |p ono720as | -0.03027146 ‘Speed : : suv Fixed Non-Fixed Coetfcien 1.879921 1 aa sreen1 | 2511125 Coetticien | 5.06245767 | , |, red a e.17132368 Coztfcien foemgen | -oonas | -ooaaes Coetfcien ts ° ° Square Coetfcien tsd -0.03ea4122 | “OOTIDEASS Speed User accepts the default value of available suspensions. Alternately, the ‘User Defined’ option has the parameters of SUV option by defauit that can be changed. Choosing ‘User Defined’ option User is allowed to put the generic name in text 'Name’ field and change the listed parameters: Coefficient Init; Coefficient Sd; Coefficient Speed: Coefficient Sd Square: Coefficient Sd Speed for Fixed ‘and Non-Fixed fields, If the generic name is given the same name is displayed on Settings screen in ‘Suspension type. Ifthe name is not given ‘User Defined Is displayed on Settings screen in Suspension type. ~ Syne data type allows to choose the cloud — storage __Dropbox/Google Drive/OneDrive. = "Screen always on’ function allows to keep screen on/off during testing. Settings also include the fields: Road Condition Categories Data - displays the Roughness Data Ranges and IRI Ranges for Paved and Unpaved Roads Roughness Data Range parameters are default but can be changed by User. IRI Range includes the list of colored icons where each color refers to Roughness index value. ~ Dark blue (Very Good) - < 2,0 ~ Light blue (Good) - 2,0 - 4,0 - Orange (Fait) ~ 4,0 - 6,0 ~ Red (Poor) - 6,0 - 10,0 ~ Purple (Very Poor) - > 10,0 ‘Andkoit Road candtions catego log In To__Dropbox/Google Drive/OneDrive ~ User provides the credentials to allow the data export to the cloud storage. Reset All Data - detects all the collected data from the device. The confirmation of the action is required. About About section contains the logo, brief application information and release version, Application manual and Tutorial are also available for the User. “Show Application Manual’ - User may see the full text of the manual. ‘Show Tutorial’ - User may go through the tutorial screens to follow the logical work of the application

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