Testing and Modeling of Soil-Structure Interface

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Testing and Modeling of Soil-Structure Interface

Liming Hu1 and Jialiu Pu2

Abstract: An accurate modeling of soil-structure interfaces is very important in order to obtain realistic solutions of many soil-structure
interaction problems. To study the mechanical characteristics of soil-structure interface, a series of direct shear tests were performed. A
charged-coupled-device camera was used to observe the sand particle movements near the interface. It is shown that two different failure
modes exist during interface shearing. Elastic perfect-plastic failure mode occurs along the smooth interface, while strain localization
occurs in a rough interface accompanied with strong strain-softening and bulk dilatancy. To describe the behavior of the rough interface,
this paper proposes a damage constitutive model with ten parameters. The parameters are identified using data from laboratory interface
shear tests. The proposed model is capable of capturing most of the important characteristics of interface behavior, such as hardening,
softening, and dilative response. The interface behaviors under direct and simple shear tests have been well predicted by the model.
Furthermore, the present model has been implemented in a finite element procedure correctly and calculation results are satisfactory.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲1090-0241共2004兲130:8共851兲
CE Database subject headings: Soil-structural interaction; Interfaces; Roughness; Strain softening; Dilatancy; Damage; Constitutive
relations; Finite element method.

Introduction Background

The interaction between structures and soils is a critical problem Direct shear tests have often been used to study the behavior of
in geotechnical engineering. The mechanical behavior between soil-structure interfaces. Several factors such as structural mate-
soil and construction materials is of major concern in soil- rial, soil properties, and surface roughness have been investigated
structure interaction problems including retaining structures, deep to better understand their effects on the interface characteristics
foundations, cutoff walls, and earth reinforcement. Study of the 共Potyondy 1961; Coyle and Sulaiman 1967; Kulhaway and Peter-
son 1979兲. Yoshimi and Kishida 共1981兲 utilized a ring torsion
frictional characteristics of soil-structure interface is important in
apparatus for interface testing and observed sand deformation by
terms of both theoretical analysis and practical engineering. A
using x-ray photography. Uesugi and Kishida 共1986a,b兲 used a
limited review of previous work is provided below. Past efforts
simple shear test device to study the interface behavior between
have concentrated on measuring the skin friction coefficient and
several kinds of soils and steel plates of different roughness. Their
many constitutive models have been developed in conjunction comprehensive work concluded that surface roughness had an
with numerical procedures designed to solve such problems. The important influence on the friction coefficient at yielding. Uesugi
material parameters involved in these models need to be deter- et al. 共1988兲 tracked the particle behavior near the interface using
mined from appropriate laboratory and field tests in order to de- close-up photographs and observed the formation of a shear zone
scribe the interface behavior in a realistic manner. with a thickness of 5D 50 within the sand mass along the rough
The objectives of this study are 共1兲 to study the mechanical interface. Yin et al. 共1995兲 conducted a large direct shear test to
characteristics of interfaces with different relative roughness; 共2兲 observe the distribution of relative displacement along the inter-
to develop a constitutive model to describe the behavior of inter- face. Paikowsky et al. 共1995兲 developed a dual interface testing
faces according to test results; 共3兲 to predict the interface behavior apparatus that allowed measurement of friction distribution along
for validation of the model; and 共4兲 to use the proposed model for the interface. Using normalized roughness R n and roughness
numerical simulation. angle ␣, the interface was categorized into three zones:
‘‘smooth,’’ ‘‘intermediate,’’ and ‘‘rough.’’ Evgin and Fakharian
共1996兲 set up an interface simple shear apparatus C3DSSI to per-
PhD, Associate Professor, Institute of Geotechnical Engineering, form two-way cyclic tangential-displacement-controlled experi-
Dept. of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua Univ., Beijing 100084, ments with different normal stiffness. The test results showed that
People’s Republic of China. stress path significantly influenced the shear stress-tangential dis-
Professor, Institute of Geotechnical Engineering, Dept. of Hydraulic placement and volume change behavior of the interface. Frost
Engineering, Tsinghua Univ., Beijing 100084, People’s Republic of et al. 共1999兲 studied the evolution of the structure of sand adja-
China. cent to the geomembrane, and found that it was directly influ-
Note. Discussion open until January 1, 2005. Separate discussions enced by the surface roughness. A number of studies have shown
must be submitted for individual papers. To extend the closing date by
that surface topography is important in the behavior of soil-
one month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Managing
Editor. The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and pos- structure interfaces 共Hryciw and Irsyam 1993; Nakamura et al.
sible publication on December 20, 2000; approved on October 6, 2003. 1999; Dove and Harpring 1999; Dove and Jarrett 2002兲. This
This paper is part of the Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental current study attempts to investigate interfacial shear and friction
Engineering, Vol. 130, No. 8, August 1, 2004. ©ASCE, ISSN 1090- strength based on the micromechanism between soil particles and
0241/2004/8-851– 860/$18.00. a solid surface using theoretical and experimental approaches.


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2004.130:851-860.

Table 1. Sand Properties
Grain size distribution Density and void ratio Internal friction
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D 50 D 10 D 60 ␥ max ␥ min ␾
共mm兲 共mm兲 共mm兲 Cu Cc Gs 共kN/m3兲 共kN/m3兲 e max e min 共deg兲
1.0 0.59 1.20 2.1 0.87 2.65 16.02 13.08 1.026 0.654 34.4

The mechanical characteristics of interfaces between structural structure interface have been reported, various interface behaviors
and geological materials and accurate modeling are very impor- such as strain softening and dilative behavior are not adequately
tant if numerical methods are to be used in predicting soil- simulated, or large numbers of the parameters increase the com-
structure interaction. In this context, numerical methods such as plexity and minimize further application of the models. A simple
finite element methods, special interface elements, and constitu- model with fewer parameters and strong simulation capability has
tive models are often used to account for relative motion and yet to be developed.
deformation modes. One of the commonly used interface ele-
ments in soil-structure interaction is based on the joint element
proposed by Goodman et al. 共1968兲. The element formation was Interface Test
derived from the relationship of relative nodal displacements and
stresses of the interface element. For two-dimensional analysis, A series of sand-steel interface direct shear tests were performed
the constitutive relation was expressed as to obtain the stress-strain relationship. Yongdinghe sand, which is

再 冎冋 册再 冎
a coarse silica sand with subangular particles, was used in the
d␴ k nn 0 dv tests. The physical properties of Yongdinghe sand are presented in
d␶ ⫽ 0 k ss du (1)
Table 1. Low-carbon steel plates with five different values of
where ␴ and ␶⫽normal and shear stresses; v and u⫽relative nor- surface roughness were used to make the interface. The surface
mal and shear displacements of the interface, respectively; and k ss was grooved by lathe in the direction normal to that of tangential
and k nn ⫽tangential and normal stiffness of the interface. For ap- load and the surface profile was measured by a stylus profilome-
plication to soil-structure interaction problems, the thickness of ter. The quantification of surface roughness in terms relative in-
the element is often assumed to be zero. Zienkiewicz et al. 共1970兲 terface roughness R n , as reported by Uesugi and Kishida
used a thin isoparametric finite element formulation for soil- 共1986b兲, was defined by measuring R max 共vertical distance be-
structure interfaces, which was treated essentially like a solid el- tween the highest peak and the lowest trough兲 along a profile
ement. Ghaboussi et al. 共1973兲 proposed an interface formulation, length L equal to the mean grain size D 50 and then normalizing it
which was derived by considering relative motions between sur- by D 50 , that is
rounding solid elements as independent degrees of freedom. Ka- R n ⫽R max共 L⫽D 50兲 /D 50 (3)
tona 共1983兲 derived an interface model from the virtual work
principle modified by appropriate constraint conditions. Desai The roughness of steel plates is listed in Table 2.
et al. 共1984兲 used a thin layer element for interfaces and joints, A schematic layout of the experimental setup is presented in
which can consider relative motions such as slippage, debonding, Fig. 1. The interface between steel and sand was 60 mm in length
rebonding, and separation as occurring in the thin zone. The thin and 53 mm in width. The dimension of the steel plate was
layer element can be ameliorated to prevent interpenetration be- 110 mm⫻125 mm, and the area of interface can remain constant
tween soil and structure. Various constitutive laws have been de- during shearing due to the length of the plate. The sand was
veloped to describe interface behavior. The elastic perfect-plastic air-pulviated using a sand rainer so as to yield uniform sand
model can be used for the soil-structure interface, in which k ss in specimens at 90% relative density. The sand sample was placed in
Eq. 共1兲 is set equal to zero when the shear stress exceeds the shear a transparent plexiglas shear box with inside graduated grids to
strength. The nonlinear elastic model developed by Clough and facilitate visual observation of sand particle displacement near the
Duncan 共1971兲 has been used widely in the analysis of soil- interface. A SANYO VPC-Z400 digital charged-coupled-device
structure interface behavior. The hyperbolic relationship of shear 共CCD兲 camera with a resolution of 1600 共H兲 by 1200 共V兲 pixels
stress and relative displacement is obtained from the interface was introduced to record the microdisplacements of the sand par-
direct shear test. The coefficient of tangential stiffness k ss can be ticles. In each series of test, the normal stress was maintained at
expressed as 50, 100, 200, and 400 kPa, respectively, and the steel plate moved

冉 冊
at a horizontal displacement rate of 0.6 mm/min. The test was
R f s •␶ 2
terminated at 10 mm of total horizontal displacement. The shear
k ss ⫽K s ␥ ␻ 共 ␴ n / P a 兲 n s 1⫺ (2)
␴ n tan ␦ s ⫹c s stress, tangential displacement, and normal displacement were
where ␥ w ⫽unit weight of water; and P a ⫽atmospheric pressure.
There are five parameters in this model. The model is incapable of
capturing restrained dilation that is the phenomenon consistently Table 2. Properties of Structure Material
observed in dense sand-structure interface. Several plastic models Surface roughness Relative roughness
were proposed to consider the coupling of normal and shear be- Plate number R max (mm) Rn
havior 共Ghaboussi et al. 1973; Boulon and Nova 1990; Gens
1 0.01 0.01
et al. 1990兲. The disturbed state concept 共DSC兲 was proposed to
2 0.05 0.05
describe the coupling behavior of soil-structure interfaces and
3 0.10 0.10
rock joints and predict interface test results 共Desai and Ma 1992;
4 0.20 0.20
Navayogarajah et al. 1992; Pal and Wathugala 1999; Fakharian
5 0.50 0.50
and Evgin 2000兲. Although several constitutive models for soil-


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2004.130:851-860.

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Fig. 1. Scheme of direct shear apparatus for interface test 共unit: mm兲

monitored during the process of shearing 共Hu and Pu 2001兲. Typi-

cal experimental curves of shear stress and normal displacement Fig. 2. Interface shear test curves of different R n (D r ⫽90%, ␴ n
versus relative tangential displacement for different relative ⫽200 kPa)
roughness R n are shown in Fig. 2. Ten high-resolution CCD pic-
tures of sand particles were taken during the shear process in each
test and two typical pictures are shown in Fig. 3. One is the initial structure interface. Using R n and R cr , interfaces can be catego-
state at which no relative tangential displacement occurred, and rized into two types: smooth and rough. When R n is smaller than
the other is the ultimate state at which relative tangential displace- R cr 共smooth interface兲, the mode of the interface shear failure is
ment reached 10 mm. The steel plate is located just below the elastic perfect plastic, and there is little dilatancy near the inter-
sand mass in the pictures. Six sand particles are marked with face. It can be easily described by the elastic perfect-plastic
different colors in Fig. 3, from which the particle displacements model. If R n is larger than R cr 共rough interface兲, strain localiza-
can be observed clearly. The tangential and normal displacements tion occurs near the interface and a shear zone is formed. The
of sand particles near the interface were acquired by processing of shear failure is accompanied with strain softening and strong di-
the CCD images. The area of the captured image is 80 mm 共H兲 by latancy. A damage model is developed accordingly to describe the
60 mm 共H兲, so the precision of measurement is 0.05 mm. Fig. 4 mechanical characteristics of the rough interface, as elaborated on
shows the sand particle displacements at the ultimate state of the below.
tests for different relative roughness R n values of 0.01, 0.05, 0.1,
0.2, and 0.5, while constant normal stress is 200 kPa.
Figs. 2 and 4 show that the relative roughness has a significant Damage Model for Soil-Structure Interface
influence on the peak strength and bulk dilatancy, as reported by
other authors 共e.g., Uesugi and Kishida 1986b; Paikowsky et al. Damage mechanics was proposed by Kachanov 共1958兲 to study
1995; etc.兲. Moreover, there exist two failure modes due to dif- creep behavior of metal material. An internal variable was intro-
ferent relative roughness R n . When R n ⬍0.1, the failure mode of duced which, in a simple but physically justified manner, provides
the interface is elastic perfect-plastic and sand particles slip along qualitative and quantitative deterministic, continuous measures of
the interface during shearing; the peak and residual strengths in- the effect which randomly distributed microdefects exert on the
crease when R n becomes larger. When R n ⭓0.1, the behavior of macroparameters of a structure and its macroresponse. Based on
the interface demonstrates strain softening and bulk dilatancy; the this concept, Desai 共1987兲 proposed DSC for constitutive model-
peak strength and bulk dilatancy increase with increase of R n , ing of engineering materials, and used DSC to simulate the be-
while the residual friction angle stays close to the internal friction havior of soil-structure interfaces and rock joints 共Desai and Ma
angle of sand. Fig. 4 shows that when R n ⭓0.1, bulk dilatancy is 1992; Navayogarajah et al. 1992兲. The approach can predict
concentrated in a narrow zone of sand mass near the rough inter- strain-softening and dilatancy behavior; however, the model for
face up to about five grains thick where the appreciable shear interface had as many as 15 parameters.
strain also occurs, which is consistent with the findings by Uesugi The fundamental idea of DSC is that during deformation, a
et al. 共1988兲. material element can be considered to be a mixture of the material
The test results indicate that there exists a critical relative in two reference states. On the basis of DSC, a damage model is
roughness R cr (R cr⫽0.1 in the tests of this paper兲 of the soil- developed in this paper to simulate the stress-strain relationship of


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2004.130:851-860.

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Fig. 4. Displacements of sand particles near interface at ultimate

state (D r ⫽90%,␴ n ⫽200 kPa)

关 De兴⫽ 冋 Ds
0 Dn
册 (5)

in which D s and D n ⫽shear and normal elastic modulus; d␶ i and

d␴⫽shear and normal stress increments; and d␧ se ,d␧ ev ⫽shear and
normal elastic strain increments, respectively.
Considering the shear zone thickness t, the interfacial shear
strain ␧ s can be expressed by the relative displacement ␻
␧ s ⫽␻/t (6)
The relationship between shear stress, ␶ , and interfacial shear

strain, ␧ s , is assumed to be hyperbolic, that is

␧s 1 1
⫽ ⫹ •␧ (7)
␶ i D s ␴•tan ␦ 0 s
where the superscript ‘‘i’’ means the intact state; D s ⫽shear elastic
modulus in elastic matrix of Eq. 共5兲; and ␦ 0 ⫽ultimate friction
The shear strain consists of an elastic and a plastic part, that is
Fig. 3. Typical photos of sand particles deformation near interface
␧ s ⫽␧ es ⫹␧ sp (8)
共steel plate is below the sand sample兲
where ␧ se
and ␧ sp ⫽elastic
and plastic shear strain of the interface,
respectively. The elastic shear strain can be expressed as

a rough soil-structure interface. The material of the thin layer ␧ es ⫽␶ i /D s (9)

zone is composed of materials of two different states: intact and Substitution of Eqs. 共8兲 and 共9兲 in Eq. 共7兲 leads to
critical. The shearing process is regarded as the evolution from 2
intact material to critical material due to microstructural changes. ␶ i /D s ⫹␧ sp 共 ␶ i ⫺␴•tan ␦ 0 兲 ⫽0 (10)
The stresses and strains of the interface can be considered as the
linear summation of the material behavior of the two different
states, as shown in Fig. 5. The two states of soil-structure inter-
face are described with different constitutive models.

Reference State I: Intact Material

The intact material is simulated by an elastoplastic constitutive
model. The elastic part is expressed with stresses and elastic

再 冎
d␶ i
d␴ ⫽ 关 D e
再 冎

d␧ es
d␧ ev
Fig. 5. Scheme of damage model
where the elastic matrix is


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2004.130:851-860.

关 D ep 兴 i ⫽ 冋 ep
D ss D ep
册 (16)
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D ep
ns Dn

The elements of the stiffness matrix are derived as follows:

ns ⫽0
D ep (17)

1⫺␶ i /␴•tan ␦ 0
D ss ⫽ (18)
␧ sp /␴•tan ␦ 0 ⫹1/D s

␧ sp /␴
sn ⫽D n
D ep (19)
␧ sp /␴•tan ␦ 0 ⫹1/D s

Fig. 6. Yield surfaces in stress space of intact state Reference State II: Critical Material

The critical material is assumed when the interface is at the criti-

We can assume that the yield function F, expressed by shear cal state and no additional volume change occurs with additional
stress ␶ i and plastic shear strain ␧ sp , is shear deformation 共for a given normal stress兲. The stress and
2 strain relationship can be described by a rigid-plastic constitutive
F⫽␶ i /D s ⫹␧ sp 共 ␶ i ⫺␴•tan ␦ 0 兲 (11) model. The interface strength can be described by Mohr-Coulomb
The yield surfaces in stress spaces are shown in Fig. 6, and the failure criteria and the volume strain can be expressed by an
function of ultimate envelop 共i.e., function of failure surface兲 is empirical formula from the test results
F u ⫽␶ i ⫺␴•tan ␦ 0 ⫽0 (12) ␶ c ⫽␴•tan ␦ r
The normal and shear stress loading path on the interface
plane during testing is also plotted in Fig. 6. With the increase of ␧ cv ⫽␧ 0v • 关 1⫺D r ⫺exp共 ⫺K•␴ 兲兴
shear stress, yield surface changes and approaches the ultimate
where the superscript ‘‘c’’⫽critical state; ␦ r ⫽friction angle in
The nonassociated flow rule is adopted and the potential func- critical state; D r ⫽relative density of sand; K⫽empirical coeffi-
tion Q is given by cient; and ␧ 0v ⫽maximum volumetric strain of soil

Q⫽␶ i (13) e max⫺e min

␧ 0v ⫽ (21)
According to the plastic theory, the plastic strain is orthogonal 1⫹e
to potential surface Q. The flow rule gives that
⳵Q Damage Function D
d␧ vp ⫽d␭ ⫽0 (14)
The damage increases as the shear deformation increases. At the
So there is no plastic volumetric strain in intact material. beginning of shearing, the damage function D is zero; when D
The elastoplastic stiffness matrix is approaches 1.0, the material is in critical state. The damage func-

关 D ep 兴 ⫽ 关 D e 兴 ⫺
再 冎再 冎
关 De兴
关 De兴T
tion D is defined as a function of plastic shear strain ␧ sp

D⫽1⫺exp共 ⫺a•␰ b 兲 (22)

再 冎 再 冎
⳵F T
⳵Q ⳵F
关 De兴 ˜ ⫺ p where ␰⫽ 兰 (d␧ sp •d␧ sp ) 1/2 is the trajectory of plastic shear strain;
˜ ⳵␴ ⳵␧ s
a,b⫽empirical coefficients, which can be determined from the
The stiffness matrix can be expressed as test results.

Table 3. Parameters List of Damage Model for Interface

Model parameters Name Symbol Unit
Interface parameter Relative roughness Rn —
Soil parameters Relative density Dr —
Maximum volumetric strain ␧ 0v —
Intact state Ultimate friction angle ␦0 deg
Tangential elastic stiffness Ds kPa or MPa
Normal elastic stiffness Dn kPa or MPa
Critical state Critical friction angle ␦r deg
Volume dilatancy coefficient K —
Damage function Curve fitting coefficients a,b —


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2004.130:851-860.

The elements of the matrix can be derived from the constitu-
tive models of intact and critical states, which are listed below
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D ss ⫽⫺
冉 D•h⫹ 共 1⫺D 兲 •D ep
sn /D n ⫺ 共 ␶ ⫺␶ 兲 •g•
c i
D ep
D s •D n
冊 •␧ cv •g

1 D epsn
⫹D• f ⫺g•
Dn D s •D n

⫻ 1⫺
D ep
冊 ⫹ 共 1⫺D 兲 •D ep
s ⫹ 共 ␶ ⫺␶ 兲 •g• 1⫺
c i
冉 D ep

D ep
D•h⫹ 共 1⫺D 兲 •D ep
sn /D n ⫺ 共 ␶ ⫺␶ 兲 •g•
c i
D s •D n
D sn ⫽ (28)
1 D ep
⫹D• f ⫺g•
Dn D s •D n

D ns ⫽⫺
⫹D• f ⫺g•
␧ cv •g
D epsn

• 1⫺
D ep
冊 (29)

Dn D s •D n

D nn ⫽ (30)
1 D epsn
⫹D• f ⫺g•
Dn D s •D n
Fig. 7. Relationship of shear stress and normal displacement versus
relative shear displacement (␴ n ⫽50, 100, 200, and 400 kPa; D r where
⫽90%; R n ⫽0.5) ␧s
␶ i⫽ (31)
1/D s ⫹␧ s /␴•tan ␦ 0
Stress-Strain Relationship g⫽ 共 1⫺D 兲 •a•b•␰ b⫺1 (32)
According to DSC, the shear zone is assumed to be a mixture of
f ⫽␧ 0v •exp共 ⫺K•␴ 兲 •K (33)
intact and critical state materials. Within the smeared zone, the
observed stresses and strains can be considered as follows: h⫽␶ i •tan ␦ r (34)
␧ v ⫽␧ ev ⫹␧ vp ⫽␧ ev ⫹D•␧ cv Considering the interface thickness t, the strain increments can
be expressed by the relative displacements
␧ s ⫽␧ es ⫹␧ sp ⫽␧ is ⫽␧ cs
␴⫽␴ i ⫽␴ c
再 冎 再 冎
d␧ s 1 du
d␧ v ⫽ t d v (35)

␶⫽␶ i ⫹D• 共 ␶ c ⫺␶ i 兲 Using the incremental form of stress-strain or stress-

The relationship of the stress increments and the strain incre- displacement relationship, the interface behavior for various
ments is stress paths can be predicted. The formulas above have been in-
corporated into finite element method 共FEM兲 program code to
d␧ v ⫽d␧ ev ⫹␧ cv •dD⫹D•d␧ cv perform numerical modeling of soil-structure interaction prob-
d␶⫽D•d␶ c ⫹ 共 1⫺D 兲 •d␶ i ⫹ 共 ␶ c ⫺␶ i 兲 •dD lems 共Hu et al. 2002; Hu and Pu 2002b兲.

The relationship can be derived in matrix form as

再 冎
Parameters of Damage Model and Method of
再 冎
d␶ d␧ s
d␴ ⫽ 关 D 兴 d␧ v
There are 10 parameters in the proposed model, which are listed
The stiffness matrix 关 D ep 兴 of the damage model is in Table 3. They can be easily determined from the results of the

冋 册
interface shear test.
D ss D sn
关 D ep 兴 ⫽ (26) The parameters D r , ␧ 0v , and R n can be obtained from the
D ns D nn physical properties of the sand and the structural material. Critical

Table 4. Damage Model Parameters for Direct Shear 共DS兲 and Simple Shear 共SS兲 Test
Test Rn Dr tan ␦0 tan ␦r D s (MPa) D n (MPa) a b ␧ 0v K
DS 0.50 90% 1.39 0.60 4.00 4000 3.17 1.60 0.22 0.005
SS 0.04 84% 1.08 0.60 4.00 4000 3.00 1.00 0.19 0.094


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2004.130:851-860.

Table 5. Sand and Interface Properties of Simple Shear Tests 共Evgin and Fakharian 1996兲
␾ R max
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Particle D 50 Sample height

Sand type shape 共mm兲 e min e max 共deg兲 H (mm) 共mm兲
Medium, silica Angular 0.6 0.651 1.024 45 20 0.025

friction coefficient tan ␦r can be obtained from the critical strength comparisons between test results and predictions are presented in
of the interface shear test, and tan ␦0 is about 30–50% larger than Fig. 8. Although the initial contraction cannot be predicted, the
the peak friction coefficient. Incorporating the interface thickness peak strength, residual strength, and dilative response are well
t⫽5D 50 , the testing data of shear stress and relative displace- estimated in all predictions.
ments can be transformed to the stress-strain curve. Then the The comparisons between model predictions and experimental
shear modulus D s can be derived from the initial slope of the data show the very good predictive capability of the proposed
shear stress-strain curve, and the normal modulus D n usually damage model.
adopts a large value 共e.g., 1,000D s ). K can be derived from the
relationship of ultimate dilatancy and normal stress.
The damage function D can be derived from the data of inter- Finite Element Method Analysis of Interface
face shear tests
The proposed damage model has been incorporated in the FEM
␶ i ⫺␶ program, and both two- and three-dimensional formulations have
D⫽ (36) been developed to simulate soil-structure interaction problems
␶ i ⫺␶ c
共Hu and Pu 2002a, 2003兲. This section describes two simple and
Then the relationship of ln关⫺ln(1⫺D)兴 versus ␰ gives values practical applications in soil-structure interaction.
of parameter a and b
ln关 ⫺ln共 1⫺D 兲兴 ⫽ln a⫹b ln ␰ (37) Example 1: One-Element Problem
Therefore, all the parameters can be determined from a series A single interface element was idealized as a plane strain problem
of interface shear tests with different normal stresses. The details and analyzed by FEM. The constant normal stress is 50, 100, 200,
of parameter identification can be found in Hu 共2000兲. and 400 kPa for each case. The mean diameter of the sand particle
is 1 mm, so the thickness of the interface is assumed to be 5D 50 ,
i.e., 5 mm. The parameters of the damage model are those of the
Verification of Damage Model direct shear test in this paper, which are listed in Table 4. The
relative tangential displacement is controlled to increase gradually
In this section, the experimental results of direct shear and simple from 0 to 25 mm.
shear tests are predicted with the proposed model. Fig. 9 shows the computed results for the shear stress and two
displacement components and the comparison with the theoretical
Direct Shear Test solution from the damage model. It is obvious that the two solu-
tions are very close and the developed FEM program incorporates
The results of a direct shear test in this paper are predicted by the the damage model correctly.
proposed model. Fig. 7 shows the model predictions and corre-
sponding experimental data of the R n ⫽0.5 test. The line with data
markers indicates test results and the line without data markers
indicates model prediction. The damage model parameters for the
direct shear 共DS兲 test are listed in Table 4.
The predictions seem to be in good agreement with the experi-
mental results. The calculation results of the shear stress–relative
displacement curve indicate that the peak strength, residual
strength, and corresponding displacements are predicted very
well. The dilative response of the interface is also well predicted
by the proposed model. However, the sand contraction at the
onset of shearing is not described well. The reason is that the
compressive mode is controlled by the constitutive relationship of
the intact state, while the proposed model assumes that the intact
state has no plastic volumetric strain.

Simple Shear Test

Evgin and Fraharian 共1996兲 carried out simple shear interface
tests under different normal stiffness. The sand and interface
properties are listed in Table 5. The test results under constant
normal stresses are predicted using the proposed damage model.
In the three tests described here, the normal stresses were kept
Fig. 8. Comparison of model prediction with observation 共Evgin and
constant as 100, 300, and 500 kPa, respectively. The model pa-
Fakharian 1996兲
rameters are determined from test data and listed in Table 4. The


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2004.130:851-860.

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Fig. 11. Comparison of finite element method results with different


Fig. 9. Comparison of theoretical with finite element method 共FEM兲

solution for interface behavior From the FEM calculation results, it is demonstrated that the
proposed damage model can accurately describe the interface be-
haviors of softening and dilatancy, which are not simulated by the
Example 2: Sliding Block
conventional elastic-plastic and nonlinear models. Further studies
Fig. 10 shows a sliding block model with interface elements. The are needed for more applications of the damage model to soil-
concrete block is placed on the fixed concrete base, and the inter- structure interaction problems.
face is filled with coarse sand of 1 mm mean diameter. The grav-
ity force is assumed to be zero for convenience. The vertical
stress of 100 kPa is loaded on the block surface, and the tangen- Conclusions
tial displacement of the block increases gradually until the shear
failure of the interface. The elastic perfect-plastic model, the non- The following conclusions are drawn from the present study:
linear elastic model by Clough and Duncan 共1971兲, and the dam- 1. The photography technique has been used to track the move-
age model by the writers were used in the calculation, and the ment of sand particles and provide insight into the deforma-
comparisons of calculated results are shown in Fig. 11. The pa- tion mechanism in recent years. In this paper, sand particle
rameters for all three models are determined from the same ex- behavior near the interface was recorded by means of a digi-
perimental data. The parameters for the damage model are the tal CCD camera and normal and tangential particle displace-
same as those of example 1, and the parameters for the elastic ments were obtained by image processing of high-resolution
perfect-plastic and nonlinear elastic model are listed in Table 6. digital pictures. Two different failure modes are observed
The elastic perfect-plastic and nonlinear elastic model can during the interface tests of different relative roughness.
only describe hardening behavior; softening behavior and dilative There exists a critical relative roughness R cr of the soil-
response cannot be predicted at all. The damage model solution structure interface; interfaces can be classified as smooth or
shows significant strain softening and dilatancy during the inter- rough. The shear zone was observed to develop along the
face shear, which appear to be in agreement with the test results. rough interface during interface shearing, and the shear and
volume strains were both concentrated in the shear zone of
about five-grains thickness.
2. The damage model is developed to simulate the mechanical
features of the rough soil-structure interface, such as strong

Table 6. Parameters for Elastic Perfect-Plastic and Nonlinear Elastic

Interface Model
perfect-plastic Nonlinear elastic
k ss ␦s cs ␦s
共N/m兲 共deg兲 共MPa兲 共deg兲 Rf Ks ns
Fig. 10. Sliding block model 共unit: mm兲 4.0⫻10 6
31.0 0.00 43.3 0.48 19,393 1.00


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2004.130:851-860.

strain softening and appreciable bulk dilatancy. During the t ⫽ thickness of shear zone along interface;
interface shear, the interface behavior can be considered as u ⫽ relative shear displacement;
Downloaded from ascelibrary.org by Univ Of South Australia Lib on 09/27/12. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright (c) 2012. American Society of Civil Engineers. All rights reserved.

the combination of intact state and critical state behaviors v ⫽ relative normal displacement;
with the weight of the damage function. The model has ten ␥ max ,␥ min ⫽ maximum and minimum dry unit weight of
parameters that can be determined on the basis of interface soil;
shear tests. The predictions of the proposed damage model ␥ w ⫽ unit weight of water;
agree well with the direct and simple shear test results. The ␦ r ⫽ friction angle of critical state;
hardening, softening, and dilative response of the rough in- ␦ 0 ⫽ ultimate friction angle of intact state;
terface between sand and steel plate can be well described ␧ s ⫽ shear strain in interface;
and the peak and residual strengths are adequately predicted. ␧ v ⫽ volumetric strain in interface;
3. The interface element of a damage model was integrated into ␧ 0v ⫽ maximum volumetric strain;
the FEM program correctly, and satisfactory numerical solu- ␰ ⫽ trajectory of plastic shear strain;
tions were obtained for two simple examples. The proposed ␴ ⫽ normal stress;
model can be used for soil-structure interaction problems ␶ ⫽ shear stress;
through numerical simulation. ␾ ⫽ internal friction angle; and
␻ ⫽ relative shear displacement in interface.
Acknowledgments n ⫽ normal response;
s ⫽ shear response; and
The writers would like to thank Mr. Yin Kunting and Mr. Qiu v ⫽ volumetric response.
Tong for their assistance in the laboratory experiment and Mr. Li Superscripts
Haikun for help with the numerical analysis described in this c ⫽ critical state;
paper. Financial support from the National Science Foundation of e ⫽ elastic;
China 共Project Nos. 50099620 and 50379032兲 and the Kiso-jiban ep ⫽ elastoplastic;
Consultant Company are gratefully acknowledged. i ⫽ intact state; and
p ⫽ plastic.

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