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BSNS 7350


Peter J Mellalieu

Feedback on this iBook
Version 4.1+, 2016-02-02 (Development) - Zotero.

This is one of the first iBooks I have written. I have attempted to exploit many of the
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fail to be converted properly. “It’s a mystery”. You could copy and paste the full link
into your browser. For those enrolled in the Unitec courses BSNS 6350 and 7350
you will be able to locate the resources on the course learning management system,

I welcome your feedback on your experience of the iBook and pdf versions of the
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This iBook is updated in response to your feedback. You can download the latest

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Pdf version (via DropBox) http://tinyurl.com/opsmanpdf peter.me@me.com

Thanks for your feedback!

Peter J Mellalieu

Left: Norske Skog Tasman newsprint mill, Kawerau.
Cover: Thomas Alva Edison holding a creativity-inspiring steel ball; Inventor of the
electricity distribution industry and the industrial research laboratory; Founding
entrepreneur of General Electric Corporation (GEC).


Course Handbook
Measure what is measurable, and make
measurable what is not so.
Galileo Galilei

BSNS 7350
Operations Management

Lecturer: !! Peter J MELLALIEU

Office:! ! OAKRIDGE 054-1012
Phone:! ! 815 4321 Extension 8108
Mobile:! ! 021 42 0118 (Preferred)
Email:! ! pmellalieu@unitec.ac.nz

Department of Management and Marketing

Bachelor of Business
Unitec Institute of Technology


Figure 1.1 Unitec staff

1. What is the aim of this

2. What can I learn from
previous students?
3. Who can help me be
successful with my study?
4. What assessments must I
5. What resources are available
to help me?

Unitec staff are usually happy to discuss with you how to achieve success in your studies and life on campus.

All businesses must satisfy customers and deliver products to This course is explores the principles and techniques to assist
customers efficiently. The manner in which delivery is man- the focus on efficiency improvement. The course builds upon
aged must match the organisation’s strategy to ensure busi- BSNS 6350 Business Process Improvement with a particular
ness success. Senior management must fully support the strat- focus on applying your learning to investigate and solve a
egy and business philosophy adopted. Furthermore, it is nec- practical problem for a business client.
essary to coordinate the organisation’s activities with those
operations of other organisations, such as suppliers and dis- Welcome to Unitec BSNS 7350 Operations Management.

1. Welcome
Interactive 1.1 Introducing BSNS 7350 Operations Man-
The aims of this course are agement
To enable you to investigate methods, systems, and procedures for managing
planned co-ordination of operations"

To develop you as professional operations managers capable of investigating,

planning, and leading successfully a significant operations-related programme
of productivity enhancement, business growth, new venture creation, technol-
ogy transfer, environmental sustainability, or risk mitigation.

The prime focus will be on achieving world-class competitiveness in medium and

small enterprise from New Zealand in the manufacturing, services, and technology
sectors. Emerging global trends and opportunities in the operations management
professions and disciplines will also be considered for relevance to your interests
and career ambitions.

To achieve these aims you will work in a team to identify effective solutions for ad-
dressing a specific operations management challenge facing a real company as your

The video Interactive 1.1 present a brief snapshot of the elements of BSNS 7350.

Source: Mellalieu, P. J. (2015). Applied workplace learning in

operations management at Unitec New Zealand. Auckland:
MyndSurfers/Department of Management & Marketing, Unitec Institute
of Technology. Retrieved from

2. Advice from previous graduates
Interactive 1.2 Advice from previous students
Previous graduates of the class remark that the class is both different, challenging,
but immensely valuable for their professional and career development.

Watch the video Interactive 1.2 discussing previous students’ experience of BSNS
7350 Operations Management. Take note of their advice on how to succeed in the
class and team project.


3. Key Staff Key Contacts
Support Centre / Counselling Service, B28 Tel. 815 4321, Ext 7248 or 8160
Sukesh Sukumaran, Head of Department: Management & Marketing
Maia Māori Development Staff, Pukenga B171 Tel. 815 4321 Ext 7093
(DoMM), Tel. 815 4321, Ext 8635, ssukumaran@unitec.ac.nz
UBS Bookstore, Tel. 815 4321 Ext 7490 or DD 8155400
Dr. Liz Rainsbury Head of Department: Accounting & Finance, Tel. 815 4321,
Ext 8803, erainsbury@unitec.ac.nz Te Puna Ako - Learning Support Centre, Tel. 815 4321 Ext 8611
Ken Newlands — Programme Leader (Deputy)— BBus, Tel. 815 4321, Ext Unitec Library Front Desk, Tel. 815 4185
7061 knewlands@unitec.ac.nz Pacific Centre for Teaching, Learning and Research, Tel. 815 2949
Maura Kempin, Programme Leader — BBus, Tel. 815 4321, Ext 8811 Student Loans & Allowances Administrators Jacky Brodie Tel. 815 4321 Ex
mkempin@unitec.ac.nz 8244
Nadesa Goundar Programme Leader —NZDipBus Tel. 815 4321, Ext 7097 Ed Collective at Unitec (Formerly USU) contacted@edcollective.org.nz
Course Tutor: Dr. Peter Mellalieu, Associate Professor, Tel 021 42 0118, +64 9
Alastair Emerson Programme Leader — Dip Mgt/. GDipBus, Lecturer Depart- 815 4321 Ext 8108 pmellalieu@unitec.ac.nz, Interactive 1.6, Office :Oakridge
ment of Management & Marketing Tel. 815 4321, Ext 7033. 054-1012,
Jeff Marriott, Programme Leader – MBus, Tel 815 4321, Ext 8131
Ngaire Molyneux Lecturer/Maori Advisor Tel. 815 4321, Ext 7065,
Malama Solomona Lecturer/Pacific Advisor, Tel. 815 4321, Ext 7030
msolomona@unitec.ac.nz, or pacific@unitec.ac.nz Tel 8154321 ext
Manjula Kambalapuram Programme Administrator - BBus, DipMgt/
GDipBus, DipProfAcc, Tel. 815 4321, Ext 8622, mkambalapuram@unitec.ac.nz

4. Course descriptor:
Learning outcomes
Course title Operations Management
Evaluate the particular challenges of leading and improving operations in New
Course number: BSNS 7350 1. Zealand, especially within the context of achieving world-class competitive
Main programme: Bachelor of Business performance in the manufacturing, services, and technology sectors.
Level: 7 Evaluate and design solutions using contemporary and emerging information,
Credits 15 2. communications, process, and other technologies to manage and improve selected
operations processes, products, services and/or structures.
Pre-requisites: BBus: BSNS 6350 Business
Process Improvement Identify the comparative costs and benefits of operations solutions for risk
Co-requisites: DMgt: BSNS 6350 Business 3. mitigation, and improving flexibility, safety, resilience, environmental sustainability,
Process Improvement and corporate social responsibility.
Restrictions: APMG 7350
Design integrated operations management solutions to operations issues that both
Compulsory/elective: Compulsory (Management Ops 4. support current operations while enhancing the enterprise's future competitive
stream) strategy and sustainability.

Learning time: Design, present, and defend a detailed project plan for leading a significant
5. programme for improving operations processes and strategies in a New Zealand-
Lecturer contact hours Non-contact hours Total hours based enterprise to enhance its world-class performance.
39 111 150
Practise and reflect on the art and science of leading a productivity improvement
6 team, consultancy investigation, and/or operations management line function
Course aims: drawing on the student's particular technical and leadership strengths.
To enable students to investigate methods, systems and procedures for managing
planned co-ordination of operations and the global impact on firms in New Zea- Topics/Content outline:
land. Integration of previous and new learning through the use of case studies, the charac-
teristics of world class production and service operations. The steps and decisions
To develop students as professional operations managers capable of investigating,
of an operations strategic plan.
planning, and leading successfully a significant operations-related programme of
productivity enhancement, business growth, new venture creation, technology Course scope and exclusions: analytical models
transfer, environmental sustainability, and risk mitigation. The prime focus will be The scope of the course excludes supply chain management, quality management,
on achieving world-class competitiveness in medium and small enterprise from and project management. These topics are covered in depth in other courses con-
New Zealand in the manufacturing, services, and technology sectors. Emerging ducted by the Unitec Department of Management.
global trends and opportunities in the operations management professions and dis-
ciplines will also be considered for relevance to the student's interests and career

Learning and teaching approaches
A mixture of in-class discussions, lectures, video clips, class exercises will be util-
Interactive 1.3 Overview of course assignments
ised. Guest lectures will be arranged where possible. The principal mode of learn-
ing is through a Team Based Consultancy Project (TBC) with an external client. An Consultancy Project for Competencies
Operations Management
overview of the TBC and its relation to other course elements is presented in Interac- BSNS 7350

tive 1.3 Pre-Requisite

Assessment Professional

Team Project Team Contribution Personal and Personal and

Technical Writing Technical
Outputs by Peer Evaluation Professional Insight Technical expertise Project Management Team Achievement Professional
30 % Communications
25 % 25 % 20 % Reflection

Client Project Peer Ranking by Final Reflective Technical

Final Report Conduct "Team Professional and Executive Operations Identification of Formal Technical Reflective
Team Output
7.5 % Evaluation Achievement" Personal "Artefact" Summaries (x 3) management Client Report Writing Journaling
7.5 % Criteria 12.5 % 15 %

Weekly and Event- Peer Reviews of

Peer critique of Development of
Net Grade for driven Reflective Formal Writing Consultancy Formal Oral Emotional
Final Draft Report Project Scope and Team Input
"Project Outputs" Journal (x3) Practice Presentation Intelligence
2.5 % Objectives
7.5 % 15 %

Oral Presentation Negotiation of

Technical Team Harmony ,
with Client and Final Project Milestones Informal Technical
investigation and Inclusion, and
5% Assessment
and Project Plan
with Client

Case Study Team Leadership,

Final Draft Report Provisional Proofreading and
Analysis and Project Execution Creativity, and
2.5 % 5% Copyediting
Debate Enterprise

Project Delivery
Peer Marking of
(Formal Report
Formal Technical
and Oral

Client Project Team and Project

Evaluation Data Management

Download from the course Moodle, or


Co-requisite infographic and video
An infographic and video explaining the pre/co-requisite course aims, BSNS 6350
Interactive 1.4 Introduction to Business Process Improvement at
Business Process Improvement, is available in Interactive 1.4. Unitec - pre/co-requisite course [Video]

Mellalieu, P. J. (2013). Introduction to Business Process Improvement at Unitec.

Unitec Institute of Technology. [video] Retrieved from

Mellalieu, P. J. (2013). Introduction to Business Process Improvement at Unitec [Info-

graphic]. Retrieved from


5. Assessment Assessment breakdown and due dates
Component Week
Id Weight Nature of assessment Sub-weight
Learning Id due
Id Weighting Nature of assessment
Team Consultancy
1a 25
Team Consultancy Project (Report and oral all Project: Outputs
1a 25
Draft report 1a.1 0 10
Team Contribution by Peer Evaluation all
1b 25 Oral presentation with 1a.2 5 11
2 20 Professional Reflective Learning Journal
Peer critique of draft report 1a.3 5 12
3 15 Technical writing (Executive Summaries)
Final Report 1a.4 7.5 13
Technical writing (Peer reviews of Executive 1, 3, 4, 5
4 15 Client project conduct 1a.5 7.5 14
Team Contribution by
1b 25
Peer Evaluation

Provisional 1b.1 5 4
WARNING!!! You are required to submit ALL assignments. Failure to submit an
assignment will result in FAILURE of the course. If you fail to resubmit an IN-
Final 1b.2 20 14
COMPLETE assignment, then you will fail the course as a whole.
Professional and
2 20
personal insight

Action Plan and Reflection 2a 7.5 5

on peer evaluation

Final reflective professional 2b 12.5 14

and personal ‘essay’

Technical writing

Executive Summaries of 3.1, 3.2 15 2, 5

3 15
Case Analyses(x 2)

Peer reviews of Executive 4.1, 4.2 15 4, 7

4 15
Summaries (x 2)

TOTAL 100 100

Semester-Specific dates of classes and assignments are here.

Assignment assessment policy
All assignments submitted for this course are required to conform to the course as-
signment assessment policies and standards.

These standards are presented on the course e-learning site in these sections:

Course assignment assessment policy

Mandatory written and oral communication standards
General information
Assessment Breakdown
The specifications and assessment rubrics for all assignments are detailed on the
course e-learning site.

3 Technical writing
4 Peer Review

2 Professional Insight
1b Team Contribution 20%

1a Team Project

6. Topics, content, and reading schedule
Course topics , semester-specific dates of classes, and Turnitin assignment submis-
sion times are presented on the course eLearning site,

Semester-specific calendar and assignment due dates for 2016-1

BSNS 7350 Operations Management
Electronic submission DATE for Assignments: On the date specified for the class session.
Submission TIME: Submit before 10 am on the day class commences.
Risk management: You may submit and replace DRAFT versions of your assignment prior to your final submission. Submitting drafts is
Late assignments cannot!, CANNOT!!, CANNOT!!! be admitted into the Turnitin Peer Evaluation system.
ALL assignments must be submitted on-line to http://turnitin.com. See access codes and password on the page ‘Turnitin Registration’
All feedback and marks for written assignments are provided through the Turnitin system.
All Peer Reviews of written assignments are conducted through the Turnitin system.
Teaching locations and times available on the Unitec main website here: http://www.unitec.ac.nz/career-and-study-options/

Semester 1

Ass 1b: Team Peer

Ass 2: Ass 3 & 4:
Date Week Agenda Ass 1a: Team Project Evaluation
Professional Insight Technical Writing

Assignment 1
Ass 2: Journaling
1-Mar 1 Introduction commences: Team

Case Discussion:
Ass 3.1: Draft: Inner
8-Mar 2 Inner City Paints
City Paints (ICP)

Ass 3.1 Revision 1:

15-Mar 3

Ass 1b.1: Provisional

Ass 4.1 Peer review
22-Mar 4 Peer Evaluation of
of 4.1 ICP
team contribution

Easter Break
29-Mar 5
(Commences 25 Mar)

Ass 1b.1 Action Plan

Case Discusion: Ass 3.2: Draft: Kelly
5-Apr 6 and Reflection on
Kelly Tarlton (KT) Tarlton (KT)
Peer Evaluation

12-Apr 7
13 Ass 3.2 Revision 1:
7. Learning resources
Prescribed text
Heizer, J., & Render, B. (2014). Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply
Chain Management [Global Edition] (11th ed.). Pearson Education.

New Zealand eBook version available here: (cheaper, interactive features)

Heizer, J., & Render, B. (2013). Operations Management: [Global eBook Instant Ac-
cess Edition] (11e ed.). Pearson Education.

Recommended texts

Barlow, J. (2006). Excel Models for Business and Operations Management [online e-
book]. John Wiley & Sons.

Turner, K., Ireland, L., Krenus, B., & Pointon, L. (2011). Essential Academic Skills
(2nd ed.). Melbourne: Oxford University Press.

Manalo, E., Wong-Toi, G. & Bartlett-Trafford, J. (2009). The business of writing: Writ-
ten communication skills for business students (3rd ed.). North Shore, NZ:
Pearson Prentice Hall.

Students are required to access Unitec e-learning Moodle site and the internet for
materials relevant to this course.

Online resources Student Learning Support Centre (Te Puna Ako)
Students are required to Te Puna Ako, Learning Support Centre 815 4321 Extn 8611

Building 180, Mt Albert campus
Access the Unitec Learning Management System (LMS) Moodle internet site
for materials and communications relevant to this course. Monday to Friday, ! ! 8.30am - 4.30pm

! ! ! ! Evenings by arrangement
Moodle Course BSNS 7350:
https://moodle.unitec.ac.nz/course/info.php?id=546 Mt Albert campus

Use http://turnitin.com to submit written components forming parts of all Phone ! ! ! +64 9 815 4321 ext 8611
assignments. The Turnitin course access code and password is provided in In-
teractive 1.5 Web address; ! ! http://libguides.unitec.ac.nz/TPA

Use a citation management system such as Endnote or Zotero to manage their

database of reading. See http://www.zotero.org. and see Interactive 2.7.
To make the best use of the Learning Support Centre, Te Puna Ako, watch the video
Use Unitec library - all prescribed texts and reference texts are placed on
Interactive 1.5.
course reserve for your emergency use.
Use Unitec Library online databases

How to access library assistance How to gain excellent marks in assignments

Main Library Do you want to improve your assignments and grades?

Building 110, Gate 4, ! Mt Albert campus
 You could:

Monday to Thursday, ! 8.00am - 9.00pm

Talk with your lecturer or programme director. 
Friday, ! ! ! 8.00am - 6.00pm

Weekends, ! ! ! 9.00am - 4.30pm Visit Te Puno Ako or Maia for learning advice and support. 
Visit the Pacific Centre for Teaching, Learning and Research. 
Phone: ! ! ! Front Desk ! (09) 815 4185
Contact the Student Issues Advocates for independent advice. For contact de-
Email: ! ! ! library@unitec.ac.nz tails and more information, visit

Web address: ! ! http://library.unitec.ac.nz/

Study Guides: The Unitec Study ToolBox


Interactive 1.5 Make the best use of the Learning
Support Centre, Te Puna Ako

Available from:


Figure 1.2 Campus view from Gate 4, Carrington Road

1. Must I attend class?

2. Who is the course lecturer?
3. What are my responsibilities
as a student?
4. What are Unitec’s
obligations to me?
5. What are Unitec’s rules and
policies that are relevant to

"The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance." Socrates

1. Contact sessions: Studios and conduct
Your learning experience assumes that you will attend class contact studios to clar-
ify assignment requirements and to participate in extending the learning you gain
from the section: Topics and Content Outline: Reading Schedule, Section 4. Accord-
ingly, all studio sessions are compulsory. Email your team and tutor in advance if
you cannot attend.

Studio sessions will be the primary time discussions will be held about the assess-

Please ensure that before coming to the studio sessions that you are prepared. Skim
read the relevant chapters prior to the relevant class. Prepare questions and/or case
examples you would like to discuss drawn from recent news events.

Follow up classes by reading fully the chapters indicated in the section: Topics, con-
tent and reading schedule

2. Lecture attendance and conduct

Unitec is required BY NZ LAW to record and report to the immigration

department on the attendance of any student present in New Zealand
under a Student Visa. Therefore, if you are attending Unitec on a Stu-
dent Visa you are expected to attend all lectures.
ALL students are strongly encouraged to attend every session as a range of
differing subject matter, guest lecturers and in class group activities and discus-
sions are designed to enhance student learning and experience. Punctuality is
an important courtesy for lecturers and students and is, of course, a manda-
tory requirement in the business environment. 
Email the tutor and your team beforehand if you have to miss a class.
An attendance register will be taken at the start and end of each class to moni-
tor the attendance of each student for administrative purposes.
Lecture sessions for all students will be the primary time for coaching and dis-
cussions. Class meetings will include discussion about the assessments and
assignments. Please ensure that before coming to the lecture sessions and tuto-
rials that you are prepared. Read the relevant chapters (at least) the night be-
fore lectures. Prepare questions and/or case examples you would like to dis-
cuss. We expect you to be up to date on current industry developments.
Team work is an essential component of this class. You will be rated on the
quantity and quality of your contribution to your team’s assignments. Your
team will expect to check in with your progress on team tasks prior to and af-
ter the formal component of the class session.
Cell phones are not permitted to be on, or used, during class time and must
only be done so during break times or by prior lecturer agreement.  
Our lecture sessions should be fun and interactive. Please feel free, and wel-
come, to participate in any discussion and debate. We want to hear your
In grading all assessments, consideration may be taken into account of stu-
dents who do not regularly attend lectures and team meetings.

3. Unitec and BBus policies and procedures Unitec’s commitment and expectations of students
Unitec is committed to providing you with:
Unitec guidelines on policies and procedures
Lecturers who are well prepared and organised
Please read the policies specific to the Bachelor of Business in conjunction with the
Display a thorough knowledge of their subject
Unitec publication, “Your Guide to Unitec’s Rules and Policies”.
Good communicators
All students should obtain a free copy of the “BBus Student Handbook” which in-
Provide you with useful feedback on your performance
cludes information on:
Responsive to your learning needs
Lectures and Conduct
Qualifications that are credible and portable
Academic Dishonesty
A quality education in a climate of continuous improvement
Online Enrolment
Accurate information about your programme
Attendance Policy (International and Domestic)
Assessment that is fair, valid and timely
Assignments (Format, Presentation, Referencing, Submission, Extensions)
The opportunity to evaluate courses and teaching in confidence
Exams (Regulations, Timetables, Special Consideration Applications)
A learning environment that is safe and one that enables you to achieve your
Assessment (Collection of Assessments, Uncollected Assessments, Reconsid- full potential.
Special Assessment Consideration (SAC)
We expect students to:
These documents are available on Moodle and via Unitec’s main site: Be punctual and reliable in attendance

Unitec rules and policies: Be well organised and prepared for each class
http://www.unitec.ac.nz/current-students/support/rules-and-policies/rules-and- Be committed to your own learning
Participate actively in group work and other learning activities associated
Bachelor of Business Homepage with their programme.
On Unitec’s eLearn site, Moodle Abide by Unitec statutes and regulations

http://moodle.unitec.ac.nz/course/view.php?id=1235 Respect the rights of your fellow students and Unitec staff
Provide useful feedback to courses and teaching to assist us in improving our
programmes and services.

4. Course tutor Mihi
Ko Tongariro te maunga
Ko Waikato te awa
Ko Huguenot te iwi
Ko Geering te rangatira
Ko Mellalieu te hapū
Ko Pukawa te marae
Ko Boeing te waka
Ko Kaiako Jean-Pierre ahau

Associate Professor Peter MELLALIEU teaches innovation, strategic thinking, new
venture development, and ‘wealth from green’ at Unitec Institute of Technology,

Peter emigrated from the United Kingdom in the mid-1960s. He grew up in the Wai-
kato, later studying biotechnology, industrial engineering, and management at Mas-
sey University (Manawatu).

After university graduation he worked in Wellington as an industrial scientist imple-

menting novel Decision Support Systems for long-range strategic development in
several agribusiness sectors including the New Zealand dairy industry. Later, Peter
worked in Belgium in an entrepreneurial new venture information technology
(CAD/CAM) systems company. The Flanders-based company was located near his
family’s 17th century Huguenot roots as silk-weavers in a north-east French village,
Malaloy, in the Champagne producing region of Alsace-Lorraine.

Returning to the Manawatu in 1987, Peter commenced his tertiary academic teach-
ing career at Massey University. In 2000, he organised a conference on the theme
Peter J MELLALIEU, PhD, BTech(Hons), MPubPol, CertIwiEnvMgt ‘strategies for sustainability and success’ in which he engaged thought leader theolo-
gian Sir Lloyd Geering as keynote speaker. This conference lead to his current re-
StrengthsQuest Talents: Strategy. Learner. Ideation. Activation. Intellection. search interests in education for sustainability, eco-innovation, eco-enterprise, and

He spends many happy hours walking, sailing, singing, and skiing with family,
friends, and learning partners around Tongariro, Taupo, and Auckland.

Department of Management and Marketing
Faculty of Creative Industries & Business
Unitec Institute of Technology
Carrington Road, Mt Albert, Auckland

Office:! ! OAKRIDGE 054-1012

Mobile: ! 021 42 0118 (Preferred) Interactive 1.6 Peter Mellalieu’s Office at Oakridge 054
Phone:! 815 4321 Extension 8108
Email:!! pmellalieu@unitec.ac.nz

LinkedIn:! http://www.linkedin.com/in/petermellalieu


Journal:! http://pogus.tumblr.com

Skype:!! myndsurfer

Unitec:! Staff directory

Appointments and communications with course tutor

For an appointment with the with course tutor, please email, text, or phone at least
24 hours in advance. All efforts will be made to accommodate your request for an
appointment. All requests for an appointment will be confirmed prior to any ap-
Location: https://goo.gl/maps/qUwPy
If you “drop in” for an unconfirmed appointment while the lecturer is busy with
other duties, an appointment may not be appropriate or possible. In these instances,
offence is not intended. You are encouraged to make an appointment by phone or
email to avoid this possible occurrence. 

Please ensure your written communications use formal business English. plz dnt uz
txt. That is, please avoid text abbreviation language.

You may attempt to text or phone this lecturer between the hours of 8:00 am and
9:00 pm 24/7.


Assignment guidelines
Writing and success
Write. Rewrite. When not writing or
rewriting, read. I know of no shortcuts.
Larry L. King

Feedback from employers informs

Unitec that you can DOUBLE your
entry-level salary in a management
position through possessing writing and
oral communication standards that
Example of a cover
page for a formal re- enable your work to be presented
port. Source: (“An-
nual Report 2007:
Carbon Finance for directly to an employer’s clients without
Sustainable Develop-
ment,” 2007) ‘hand-holding’ by your manager.


Written reports
Figure 2.1 Students collaborating to write a report

1. What are the requirements

for a Formal Technical
2. What are the requirements
for an Executive Summary?
3. How can I improve my
professional writing to meet
the requirements of this
4. What is a typical assessment
rubric for a Formal Report?
5. What is the six-trait rubric
for professional writing?

Assignment requirements Formal Technical Report: Required sequence of sections
Unitec Assignment Cover Sheet
Report your recommendations, analysis and discussion in the format of a For-
mal Technical Report with Executive Summary. See Required Sections below. Report Title Page
State all assumptions and estimates that you use. Table of Contents
List of Illustrations (i.e. Figures and Tables)
Ensure you show all workings and formulae for calculations. Include examples Abbreviations and Glossary
of your calculations. Acknowledgements
Submit copies of spreadsheets used in your calculations as Appendixes to your
reports. Executive Summary (Further details here)
Use additional resources where necessary to aid your discussions. 1.0 Introduction (what is the purpose of the investigation; overview of report)
Submit your report through http://Turnitin.com immediately before class on 2.0 Background (who is the audience/client for the report; where is the investiga-
the due date. Turnitin access codes, Semester-Specific dates of classes and as- tion to be conducted; relevant theory and principles; what work has already been
signment submission times are presented here, and on the course eLearning done on related projects by others?)
site, https://moodle.unitec.ac.nz/course/info.php?id=546 and the course Tur-
3.0 Investigation Method (how was/will be the study carried out in practice.)
nitin site.
4.0 Results (Present the data collected. Use appropriate analytical frameworks to
Interactive 2.1 shows a typical assessment rubric for a Formal Technical Re-
analyse data. Provide examples of calculations)
port. The EXACT rubric for each specific assignment will be detailed in the As-
signment Specification for that assignment. 5.0 Discussion (Discuss the implications of your results in relation to the client’s
All Formal Reports are required to include an Executive Summary, Interactive requirements and purpose of the report)
2.3 5.0 Conclusions (Summarise the key results and discussion. Present succinct con-
Formal writing is required to meet a high professional standard, the require- clusions. Note any limitations of the study and areas for future investigation.)
ments for which are detailed in Interactive 2.5. 6.0 Recommendations (On the basis of your summary and conclusions, what
Use a citation management system such as Endnote or Zotero to manage the actions do you recommend the client/audience should implement?)
literature your find from web searches, research databases and other reading.
See http://www.zotero.org. See Interactive 2.7. References

Appendix A
Appendix B

Contents of each section of a Formal Report
Interactive 2.1 Assessment rubric for a TYPICAL formal techni- Guidance on completing each section of a Formal Report is explained in detail in
cal report Interactive 2.2:

Mellalieu, P. J. (2014, May 22). Guidance for writing a formal technical report. Inno-
vation & chaos ... in search of optimality. Retrieved from

Turner, K., Ireland, L., Krenus, B., & Pointon, L. (2011). Essential Academic Skills
(2nd ed.). Melbourne: Oxford University Press. Retrieved from

Use Roman numerals (i, ii, iii, iv, v… x) commencing from the Table of Contents
(page i) through to the Abbreviations section. Use modern numerals (1, 2, 3 … 100)
commencing from the Executive Summary (Page 1).

This rubric explains precisely where you will earn marks for each
component of a typical formal technical report assignment.

Source: Mellalieu, P. J. (2014, May 27). Source: Assessment Rubric for

Operations Management Investigative Report. Peter Mellalieu’s

Interactive 2.2 Guidance for writing a formal technical report Executive summary
Your report must include an Executive Summary. An Executive summary IS NOT
AN INTRODUCTION!!!! It is a self-contained document that includes Purpose,
Overview, Scope, Findings, and Key Recommendations.

Here is a scaffold of an Executive Summary that you may adapt freely (based on
my implementation of Turner et al, Ch. 7, p. 145):

Situation (Introduction): Provide context information.

Problem: Define the issues that the paper addresses. The issues may be prob-
lems, opportunities, or challenges faced by the enterprise described briefly in
the ‘Situation’ paragraph(s).

Investigation method: The method(s) that were used to conduct the study

and investigate the costs and benefits of alternative solutions to the issue(s).

Solution: Describe the solution – its key characteristics, fundamental princi-

ples, and how the solution solves the problem.

Evaluation: Provide a summary of evidence for how well the solution solves
the problem. Summarise how efficient, effective, and appropriate is the pro-
posed solution compared with (a) the next best alternative (b) doing nothing
Source: Mellalieu, P. J. (2014, May 22). Guidance for writing a formal (c) continuing current practice (d) other alternatives.
technical report. Innovation & chaos ... in search of optimality.
Recommendations: Give suggestions for implementation or future
work. Who should do what by when? What further investigations should be

1. IMPLEMENT the ‘linear’ laboratory layout, illustrated in Figure 3.2…..

2. NOTE that the next best alternative is ..
3. NOTE that if Celestial Chocolates adopts the new biscuit chocolate then
the recommended laboratory layout is...

The audience for an executive summary is precisely what the name indicates: execu-

tives and managers. 

An Executive Summary may optionally contain brief summaries of tables and fig-

ures presented in greater detail in the full report or appendices.

For examples and guidance and guidance to writing an Executive Summary, see In-
teractive 2.3

Interactive 2.3 Guidance for writing an executive summary Formal written language quality
The quality of your communication is a CRUCIAL requirement for your success in
this course .... and your future career. Feedback from employers and recruitment
consultants informs Unitec that you can DOUBLE your entry-level salary in a man-
agement position through possessing writing and oral communication standards
that enable your work to be presented directly to an employer’s clients without
‘hand-holding’ by your manager.

Accordingly, for this course you are expected to write in a style suitable for an inter-
national business audience for whom English is a second language. This style of Eng-
lish is termed ‘Global English’.

Furthermore, all of your assignment writing is assessed according to the Figure ‘Six-
trait method’, Interactive 2.4. The figure specifies the criteria used to assess your
writing quality.

The resources in Interactive 2.5 explain some of the special writing features your
tutor requires: Global English, paragraphing, and word choice, for instance.

Assignments that fail to reach the required minimum standard of writing will be re-
turned for re-writing. You will receive no additional marks if you are required to re-
submit. Get your assignment “write” first time! Further details are explained in In-
Source: Mellalieu, P. J. (2013, October 3). Exemplars and guidance for teractive 2.5
writing a technical executive summary and report. Innovation & chaos ... Assistance to improve your professional writing and approach to assign-
in search of optimality. ments
http://pogus.tumblr.com/post/62931215234/ Review the videos Interactive 2.6
Schedule and attend a workshop or personal coaching session provided by the
Unitec Student Support Centre
Prior to attending the Unitec Student Support Centre watch this video to en-
sure you are best prepared: Interactive 1.5.
Discuss your draft writing with members of your project team, learning clus-
ter, or tutor
View the resources available at Study Guides: The Unitec Study ToolBox

Interactive 2.4 The six-trait rubric for assessing professional writing Interactive 2.5 Required formal written language quality guide-
quality lines

Many written assignments in this course are assessed against the six-trait
These guidelines provide resources to ensure you meet the writing
Source: Mellalieu, P. J. (2013, July 25). Assessment Rubric for Professional requirements for this course.
Language: Six-Trait Method for Evaluating Writing Quality (Ver 1.5) (pdf).
Unitec Institute of Technology. Retrieved from http://tinyurl.com/sixtrait Source: Mellalieu, P. J. (2013, October 3). How can we incentivise our
students to develop an appropriate professional writing style? My policy
and practice. Innovation & chaos ... in search of optimality. Retrieved from

Interactive 2.6 How to improve your writing using the six trait rubric Interactive 2.7 Information management for team-
based projects: Introducing Zotero

Peter Mellalieu and Mary Lim explain how to improve your writing through
the six aspects that contribute to professional writing quality.
Source: Mellalieu, P. J. (2015, March 11). Information
Source: Lim, M., & Mellalieu, P. (2013, November 18). Developing professional management for team-based projects: Introducing Zotero.
writing using the six trait rubric [video]. Innovation & chaos ... in search of
Retrieved from http://pogus.tumblr.com/post/113293595663


Team Contribution
Figure 2.2 A project team makes its oral presentation

1. How can the differing

contributions of team
members to a project be
rewarded fairly through
academic grades?
2. What is the Team
Contribution Calculator, and
how can I use it?
3. How can weakly
performing team members
be encouraged to contribute
to team performance - or

Overview If your team members rate your contribution highly, then you
could achieve 100 per cent for your team contribution. In con-
A proportion of the marks you earn in this course are gained
trast, if you free-load or disrupt the team's achievement, then
from your participation in a team project that delivers several
you may achieve a zero mark for your team contribution
outputs. Typically, each team member contributes a different
mark. Furthermore, if your team delivers poor results for in
amount of effort to the team's output depending on their am-
your Team Assignments then you will also achieve a lower
bition, capability, and commitment. Accordingly, this assign-
Team Contribution mark. This topic explains and provides
ment enables you to rate the contribution of each of your
the Team Contribution Calculator spreadsheet that your team
team members relative to their contribution to the team's per-
will use to calculate each team member’s Team Contribution

Team peer rating
Factors used to determine the Team Contribution The following items are determined by each team member rating the relative contri-
mark bution of every other team member. Each of the team members’ rankings are input
Your individual Team Contribution mark is based on these measures and factors: to a spreadsheet your team uses to determines the mark to be allocated for each
team member. The tutor DOES NOT expect to see every team member rated with
OUTPUT ACHIEVEMENT: Your personal on-time delivery of outputs and the same score.
promises made to your team. Quality of output delivered in support of the
Team Project assignment specifications. OUTPUT ACHIEVEMENT
LEADERSHIP AND ENTERPRISE: Actions you take to inspire and direct the LEADERSHIP AND ENTERPRISE,
team's goals, strategies, and plans; your initiative, innovation, creativity, and
TEAM HARMONY AND ENGAGEMENT: Activities you take to promote ef-
fective team communication, relationship building, positive working climate, You DO NOT need to wait until the tutor has assessed the final report. Once your
member inclusion, involvement; overcoming team conflict, team dysfunction, team has completed all work associated with your Team Assignment, please upload
and team member free-loading. the peer rating component of the spreadsheet to Moodle. The tutor will then add in
the marks for your team assignment outputs to calculate the final contribution for
INPUT BY TEAM MEMBER: Your on-time attendance and contribution to
each team member.
team meetings. Preparation for team meetings. Prompt response to communi-
cations such as messages, emails, phone calls. Anonymity or transparency of rating data
INPUT THROUGH CLASS ATTENDANCE: Your on-time attendance at class, One team member should be delegated to enter each students' ratings into the
as recorded by the course tutor. Typically this includes the first 4 weeks of the spreadsheet. To preserve the anonymity of your ratings, the task of data entry may
semester up to the point of the submission of your team’s project proposal. be delegated to a member of another team.

TEAM RESULTS: The mark determined by the tutor for your team’s Team As- The Team Contribution Calculator spreadsheet
signment outputs. These outputs typically include: Download the Team Contribution Calculator Excel (TCC) spreadsheet here: 

Mellalieu, P. (2013, May 13). Team Contribution Calculator - Release Version 3.3
Source data for calculations [Spreadsheet]. Unitec Institute of Technology.
The following items are determined from the course tutor’s records: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/49418067/Team%20Contribution%20v3.3%
TEAM RESULTS from all assignment outputs generated by the team, such as
grades for: This video demonstrates how the Team Contribution Calculator spreadsheet func-
tions, Interactive 2.8
Team Project Proposal
Team Project Workshop or Oral Presentation
Assignment Final Report
Feedback on Final Report and conduct of project from client

Managing an under-performing team member

Manage workload and stress

As you near the middle of the semester (around weeks 4 to 5), just before the 'break
for study', it is productive for teams to ensure that all team members are willing and
able to contribute towards the team's objectives. However, this part of the semester
is especially challenging as you juggle several commitments:
Interactive 2.8 Explaining the Team Contribution Calculator
Assignments due for other courses

The Team Assignment

New life circumstances, such as a job or career change, accommodation


Family commitments

Planning a few days' vacation

Information overload

Your first challenge is to manage your personal stress - and/or help reduce your
team members' stress. Managing (reducing) stress enables you to focus more pro-
ductively on the many competing tasks you are pursuing. Managing stress also re-
duces the risks of making silly mistakes in your work and relationships. 
Source: Mellalieu, P. (2013, May 14). Team Contribution Calculator
Second, ensure your team members are aware of changes in your circumstances.
(Overview). Innovation & chaos ... in search of optimality. Retrieved May
Ask for a change in the commitments you have promised. Ask for assistance: either
13, 2013, from from your team, other students in the class, or Unitec's professional support serv-
http://pogus.tumblr.com/post/50359001293/ ices.

Due process for managing your team's 'free-riders'

In other courses, some of your team members will have discussed team develop-
ment processes. Many teams go through a dysfunctional 'storming' process prior to
establishing productive norms and performing to achieve agreed commitments.

However, the majority of a team may find that one or two members appear to be
'free-riding'. That is, relying on other team members to do their work.

From Week 4 onwards - a team IS NOT required to carry free-riders.


 7. Should the student arrive in class, members of the team should request and en-
Accordingly, a team that suspects it is carrying a free-riders may choose to exclude sure the tutor relocates the excluded student to a distant part of the classroom to
the free-rider from their group. To ensure 'fair and due process', I STRONGLY REC- minimise the prospect of disruptive, inappropriate or harassing behaviors as de-
OMMEND you adopt the following protocol before you formally exclude a team tailed below. If the student arrives late, walk up DISCRETELY to the tutor and
member: advise him of the arrival of the student.

The team should first attempt to manage the performance of the free-rider using 8. The tutor will speak to the excluded student during a scheduled class break and
the techniques advocated in Turner, Ireland, Krenus, & Pointon, (2009) or the chap- may provide an opportunity for the student to relocate to another team.
ter Peer Feedback in Carr et al (2005). See Bibliography below. 
Equity and diversity and Unitec
1. Ensure you are familiar with Unitec's policy on equity and diversity, presented
Source: Equity and diversity at Unitec. (n.d.). Retrieved February 13, 2015, from
2. The 'three strike-out' rule. If a team member fails on three 'strikes' of any from
Nobody is one-dimensional - there are many sides to each of us. That's what makes
the following, the team can prepare to vote to exclude the free-rider. A 'strike' in-
us so unique. It's these differences that make Unitec such a truly unique work and
study environment - vibrant, innovative, highly productive, and bursting with crea-
Failing to respond to communications (by email, phone, text, etc); tivity.

Failing to attend a meeting or rehearsal of the team, unless an apology is Harnessing the benefits of diversity requires an inclusive, flexible and equitable
submitted in a timely manner before the scheduled meeting; working and learning environment; one that encourages and values difference and
embraces diverse perspectives.
Failing to deliver agreed commitments by the due date/time agreed with
the team; We are all responsible for cultivating an environment that recognises the value in
our differences and uses them to achieve the best possible educational, business and
Submitting unsuitable or unprofessional material; community outcomes.

Committing acts of Academic Dishonesty, such as plagiarism. Valuing equity and diversity also means creating an environment free from:

3. The tutor MUST be advised of a team's intention to consider excluding a team Unfair treatment
member. Sometimes there are circumstances of which a team may not be aware.
Exclusionary behaviour
4. The vote to exclude should be at least 2/3 majority of the remaining team mem-
bers, and, ideally, consensus. ('Remaining' means the team members voting to Sexual, racial or any other form of harassment
exclude the alleged 'free-rider(s)').
5. The free-rider should be warned at least 24 hours prior to the team's intention
Discrimination based on membership in a social or cultural group.
to meet to discuss excluding a team member.
If you see or experience any of these behaviours, you can seek confidential help and
6. The final decision must be communicated to the course tutor by email and by
phone. If you have not received an acknowledgement of your message from the
Tutor, ensure you meet the tutor to advise him of the situation immediately prior
to the class commencement.

Relevant Unitec policies include Risk management
See: Complaints. (n.d.). Retrieved February 13, 2015, from In general, team members SHOULD ensure they are acquainted with the risks to
http://www.unitec.ac.nz/current-students/services-and-facilities/complaints-and- the achievement of the team's goals. Consequently, a team should consider a regular
policies/complaints review of each team members' workloads and other factors that may impinge on a
team member's ability to contribute.
Academic Integrity Policy

Countering Harassment Policy

Productive meeting procedure
Ensure you follow correct meeting procedure at your formal scheduled meetings.
Student Complaints Resolution Policy As per Interactive 2.9 ensure you record and communicate:

Student Disciplinary Statute Date, time, and location of meeting;

The foregoing are available from: Unitec policies. (n.d.). Retrieved September 14, Agenda: Meeting objective, topics for discussion; information to be prepared
2014, from for presentation and discussion at the meeting;
policies/unitec-policies Names of those required to attend;

Progress review against project plan

Mismatch of team member ambitions
One cause of frustration amongst team members may be that team members have Minutes: record of decisions made and actions to be undertaken by whom, by
different ambitions regarding the target grade they are seeking for the assignment. when;
Some may seek an A+, whilst others a C pass. 

 Record of attendance and apologies: Names of those team members absent or
If a mismatch in ambition occurs, it is appropriate for the team's leadership to con- attending the meeting incompletely (late arrival, early departure); Reason for
sider allocating a lesser amount of work to the person who is satisfied with a lower absence; Formal apology provided prior to the meeting?
grade. The entire team must AGREE in a timely manner that the less ambitious
members will get. To enact this agreement, there should be a written agreement for-
warded to the Presentation Judges and tutor on or before the team's presentation.
An adjustment to team members' mark is made when the tutor applies the Team
Contribution Calculator as part of the Course Assessment process, Interactive 2.8.

A large team also has the option to split into two smaller teams, sharing the topics
due for presentation at the studio. A team of ONE is entirely permissible!

Carr, S. D., Herman, E. D., Keldsen, S. Z., Miller, J. G., & Wakefield, P. A. (2005). The
Team Learning Assistant Workbook. Boston, Mass.: McGraw Hill Irwin. Retrieved
from http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/0072977264

Interactive 2.9 Process diagram for effective meetings Turner, K., Ireland, L., Krenus, B., & Pointon, L. (2009). Collaborative learning: Work-
ing in groups. In Essential Academic Skills (Revised., pp. 149 – 174). Melbourne,
Australia: Oxford University Press. Retrieved
from http://openlibrary.org/b/OL10135765M/Essential-Academic-Skills

Complaints. (n.d.). Retrieved February 13, 2015, from


Complaints and policies. (n.d.). Retrieved February 13, 2015, from

Equity and diversity at Unitec. (n.d.). Retrieved February 13, 2015, from

Unitec policies. (n.d.-a). Retrieved February 13, 2015, from

Inputs Outputs
Unitec policies. (n.d.-b). Retrieved September 14, 2014, from
CAPA policies/unitec-policies

Anderson, C. (2005, May 13). Write Procedures for Results! Retrieved from


Assignment 1: Team Project

Design, present, and defend a detailed project plan for

leading a significant programme for improving
operations processes and strategies in a New Zealand-
based enterprise to enhance its performance to world-
class benchmarks.

Practice and reflect on the art and science of leading a

productivity improvement team, consultancy
investigation, and/or operations management line
function drawing on the student's particular technical
and leadership strengths.

Assignment contribution weight The Team-Based Consultancy Project comprises one-half of your course assessment,
Component Week of which:
Id Weight Nature of assessment Sub-weight
Id due
Assignment 1a: Half of the mark awarded to each student will arise from the
Team Consultancy
1a 25 mark awarded for the project outputs.
Project: Outputs
Assignment 1b: Half a student's mark will be determined by an anonymous
Draft report 1a.1 0 10 peer rating, from 0 to 100, rated by the other team members of the project
Oral presentation with 1a.2 5 11 team. The mark will be determined by the 'Team Contribution Calculator'
client method, which is explained in Interactive 2.8

Peer critique of draft report 1a.3 5 12 The assignment is designed as a series of stages or milestones. These milestones en-
able your team to gain constructive feedback from your client and class members
Final Report 1a.4 7.5 13 through the progress of the project.
Client project conduct 1a.5 7.5 14

Team Contribution by
1b 25
Peer Evaluation

Provisional 1b.1 5 4

Final 1b.2 20 14

Assignment mission
Design, present, and defend a detailed project plan for leading a significant pro-
gramme for improving operations processes and strategies in a New Zealand-based
Interactive 3.1 Productivity Improvements at The Pallet
enterprise to enhance its performance to world-class benchmarks. (Learning Out-
come 5).

Whilst conducting this assignment you will also insights from your experience as
part of your Assignment 3: Professional Reflective Learning Journal. You should
commence writing entries into your journal from the first week of class.

Previous assignments
Previous students have conducted investigations including:

Productivity improvements for The Pallet Company - See Interactive 3.1

Improvements to production scheduling at LSG Sky Chefs

An improved approach to inventory management of paint at VIP Packaging 

Corporate Social Responsibility and Shareholder Engagement at Kiwi Rail

Improvements to waitress scheduling and customer service in a casino opera-


Inventory and logistics planning to meet Best Buy’s growth strategy

Operational improvement strategies for Rio Kitchen

Theobroma St Luke Operational Report

Source: Mellalieu, P. J. (2015). Experiencing operations management.

Auckland: MyndSurfers/Department of Management & Marketing,

Unitec Institute of Technology. Retrieved from


Workload and planning Assignment Milestones
You will present regular updates of your team's progress on a fortnightly basis
I anticipate the team will present its penultimate technical report including Execu- throughout the semester. Here is a guideline to the milestones that you should incor-
tive Summary with an oral presentation around week 10 or 11. porate into your team’s project plan. Note that the designation ‘Week’ refers to
Unitec teaching term weeks. Semester breaks and public holidays are excluded: you
Following your presentation you have 2 weeks to respond to the feedback from the have extra time! Follow this link for Semester-Specific dates of classes and assign-
audience to include in your team's final report document. The audience WILL in- ments, Interactive 1.5. Ensure that each meeting follows a well-structured planning,
clude the client organisation, and other technical experts relevant to the project you execution, and follow-up process, as per the generic agenda, Interactive 2.9.

One member of YOUR team will also be tasked to review critically the draft reports Milestone Week 1-2:
of at least two other Project Team’s Draft report. Your team will also include this
Outline of the Team Consultancy Project.
critical feedback into the Final Report you submit to your client.
Identification of possible client sites and projects from within students’ own
places of employment
Expected input of time
Nomination of Team Project Leaders.
Given the assessment weight is 50 per cent of the course, I anticipate that the aver-
age student seeking to gain a B grade for the assignment will contribute 50 to 75 Selection of teams.
hours. Students seeking a higher grade would expect to provide a greater and/or Create a team project overview slideshow eg using the Google Consulting Pro-
smarter input. Consequently, for a team of five students, I would anticipate your posal template
planning a project requiring 250 - 350 hours over a twelve week period. This time
Review an example of a typical BSNS 7350 Operations Management team pro-
allowance and project timeframe should be made clear to your client.
ject, presented in Interactive 3.1.
Review the advice from previous students, presented in Interactive 1.2.

Milestone Week 3:
Identified the process of engagement with your potential client (See section
below for suggestions)
Identified several potential client organisations that you can approach as candi-
dates for the assignment.
Identified the requirements for achieving world-class performance in the con-
text of a New Zealand based small-medium enterprise. See, for in-
stance Green, Agarwal, van Reenen, & Bloom, (2010)
Established procedures for sharing information and maintaining the confiden-
tiality of sensitive information.
Consider using Zotero to maintain a shared research literature database. See
Interactive 2.7.

Milestone Week 4:  Milestone Weeks 7-9 And Study Break
Identified a client and negotiated the terms of access to the site and data. Ongoing field visits to client.
Identified and discussed with your client a range of candidate productivity Progress results on results of investigations presented for critical and construc-
improvement projects, from which you will ultimately select one project to un- tive peer review in class by other teams.
dertake. Literature Review half complete.
Documented the 'Case Notes' describing the company, its industry, and the
contexts to the productivity improvement project(s) you are considering under- Milestone Week 10:
taking. ie a case document similar to the cases we have discussed in class. An
Final Draft Report uploaded to Turnitin for Peermark review by other teams.
exemplary case format is Kirkwood, J., & Ruwhiu, D. (2002).
Literature Review incorporated into Final Draft.
Outlined a project plan for the remainder of the project. The plan will establish
clear milestones and responsibilities for the team members. Guidelines for documenting your Formal Report are specified in the 'Ad-
vanced' section of: Mellalieu, P. J. (2014, May 22). Guidance for writing a for-
Author(s) of Literature Review identified. Note, Your Literature Revierw com-
mal technical report. Innovation & chaos ... in search of optimality. Retrieved
ponent could be submitted as fulfilling the requirements for the Level 7 Spe-
from http://pogus.tumblr.com/post/86483674558/
cial Topic or Negotiated Studies.
Identified issues for which you require assistance from the tutor and others.
Milestone Week 11:
You will conduct a peer review with your team members to ensure that a fair
Oral Presentation to client and class.
and balanced contribution to the team’s performance is likely to occur.
Handouts and copy of Final Draft report presented to Client.
Milestone Week 5:
Milestone Week 12 
Presentation to client of of detailed Project Plan and Draft Report Template.
PeerMark of Final Drafts completed by ALL teams to all teams.
Draft Report Template includes the following COMPLETED sections: Introduc-
tion, Purpose, Background Context, Issues, Investigation Method, Project Plan,
Team organization structure and responsibilities, Risk management, Appendix Milestone Week 13
A: Company and Industry Case Notes. Final Report submitted to Client and Course Tutor.

Milestone Week 6 Milestone Week 14

Confirmation from client of project scope, plan, resource availabilities, sched- Client completes evaluation of project conduct
ule of meetings.
Team conducts peer evaluation of contribution by team members
Submit Reflective Essay

Developing a process of Relevant literature for a consultancy
engagement with a client I suggest you do some literature searching on how to conduct a consultancy engage-
ment. Here is a useful first start:

organisation Consulting Services for Small Businesses. (n.d.). Duke Fuqua Client Consulting Prac-
ticum from
Even though you might not yet have a client organisation to approach, your team
should develop a 'process of engagement' to guide your working with your poten- For example a generic approach to this consultancy-like assignment might be:
tial client. Your 'process of engagement' outlines:
Identify the client company and gain agreement for a first meeting to explore
How you will approach your client. project options
How you will explain what your project is about. Conduct desk research to establish the context of the company, its industry,
When you would like to meet with the company, and how many times. and competition.

How you will maintain confidentiality of company data, and the results of Desk research means find out from library research as much as you can about
your analyses. the company, prior to visiting the company.

What information you might require from the company

First visit
Who you might wish to speak with (eg in terms of roles and positions within
the company. Clarify the scope of the project, the timing, and availability of your resources
ie, the project comprises a team of five final year operations management stu-
How you will manage any risks, crises, or challenges that emerge throughout
dents, in which each team member will contribute approximately 50 - 75 hours
the project relationship.
over a ten week period, etc, etc (ie as per the milestones detailed above.)
How you will plan, conduct, and review your meetings. See Interactive 2.9.
Brainstorm possible areas for conducting the investigation.
Agree on a shortlist of 1-3 topics for investigation.
Agree on a Company Liaison Person to whom inquiries for data, meetings etc
should be addressed by the team. In some cases, this person may be a member
of the student team.
Agree on the consulting team's principal Client Relationship Manager, who
will be the principal source of contact between the company and consulting
Discus ethical, safety, environmental risk factors associated with the project,
and how they will be managed.

Ensure the Company Liaison Person is provided with full contact details for
the course tutor ... and vice versa.
Commercial sensitivity:
Second visit
Presentation of detailed project plan to client. the Chatham House Rule
Further data collection, photographs, interviews. In general, you should regard ALL INFORMATION supplied by students and com-
Ensure the company client/audience(s) for the draft and final reports and oral panies as Personal, Private and/or Commercially Sensitive.  
presentation is clearly identified.
To facilitate productive sharing of ideas and insights amongst class members, all
Conduct investigations, analyses, primary and secondary research. discussions held in class with are presumed to be held under the Chatham House
Peer review of project progress with members of other teams and class. rule. Read about the Chatham House Rule here: 

Subsequent visits http://www.chathamhouse.org/about/chatham-house-rule

Ad hoc inquiries to company.

Presentation of Draft Report and recommendations, including oral defence
with client and tutors.
Submission of Final Report document, taking in corrections and responses to
questions raised at the 'Oral Presentation' and peer review by other teams of
your Draft Report.

Team roles and arrange- Final Report Format
Review the guidance for writing Technical reports in the ‘Written Reports’ section of
ment this handbook, here.

In particular, see the 'Advanced' guidance here: Interactive 2.2 and Interactive 2.3,
If a member of your team is employed by a company to which you are consulting,
then I STRONGLY SUGGEST that there should be a SEPARATION of duties and
responsibilities for the role of Team Leader and Client Relationship Manager in Mellalieu, P. J. (2014, May 22). Guidance for writing a formal technical report. Inno-
your team. This SEPARATION of duties is intended to ensure: vation & chaos ... in search of optimality. Retrieved from
The avoidance of a conflict of interest between the aims of the team (repre-
sented by the Team Leader), and the aims of the Client Organisation (repre-
sented by the team's Client Relationship Manager).

A reduction in the risk of overburdening one person with overall team leader-
ship and client relationship.

This separation of roles would be sensible in ALL teams!

Figure 3.1 Client project conduct evaluation
Assessment Rubrics Q ATTRIBUTE SCORE

Rubric for Draft and Final Reports The communications, formal and informal, between
Your final report will be assessed against the assessment rubric shown for the assign- 1 the client and the Unitec team were conducted in a
ment on Turnitin. The rubric is similar to the generic rubric shown in Interactive 2.1. professional manner.
Check the rubric shown on Turnitin for the precise rubric that applies to this assign-
ment. The team's project objectives and project plan were
2 communicated and negotiated with the client in
Rubric for Team Contribution advance of pursuing the project.
Your Team Contribution is calculated using the method explained in this handbook
section: ‘Team Contribution’ The interim (draft) report and oral presentation were
3 useful to the client and delivered in a professional
Rubric for Oral Presentation
The rubric for the Oral Presentation with the client is shown in Interactive 3.2.
The final report provided valuable insight and/or
Rubric for Client Project Conduct Evaluation 4
actionable recommendations for the client.
The team’s client will be asked to complete the Client Project Conduct Evaluation
form, Figure 3.1. The final report was written in a professional style that
met the client's normal standards and practice.
The client will also be invited to make comments in support of their score, includ-
ing examples of good practice, areas for improvement. The client would consider employing at least one
A link to an on-line version of this rubric is here: (additional) member of the project team as either a
part-time employee, full-time employee, or industry-
Mellalieu, P. J. (2015). Client feedback evaluation for Unitec Operations Manage-
ment BSNS 7350. Auckland: Unitec Institute of Technology. based learning student. Please name the student(s).
tzzQgXIH340Y/edit?usp=sharing The client would engage a Unitec Operations
7 Management project team for a future project
assignment with the company.

Overall, the client's collaboration with the Unitec

Operations Management project team provided
worthwhile value and insights through a
professionally-conducted relationship.

Scoring of client project conduct evaluation
The key to the scoring system in Figure 3.1:

O, 1 = to little or no extent

2 = to some extent but below a normal professional standard

TOC P a g e 27
3= to a normal, average, and acceptable professional extent
Assessment Rubric - Assignment TWO - Team Presentation
Marking Schedule – Oral Presentation 4 = to better than the usual professional or company standard
Interactive 3.2 Oral presentation rubric
Date: Judge: Team Id: Team Name

Criteria Levels Speaker 1: Level Speaker 2: Level Speaker 3

Level 5 = to an exceptional, highly professional extent achieved by the best management
Delivery 5: Professional throughout consultancies or in-house staff.
3: Good
1: An effort
Team work 5:Excellent
3: Evident most of time
1:Some evident
The score ranges between 0 and 40 marks.
Clear speaking 5:Very clear and audible
3: All clear and audible
1: Most members mostly clear
Non-verbal 5: Exceptionally high
communication 3: Good standard
1: Mostly adequate
Visual aids 5: Very effective
3: Good standard
1: Used
Logical sequence 5: Logical
3: Logical
1: Attempted
Transitions 5: Very smooth
3: Evident
1: Attempted
Rapport & 5: Excellent
involvement 3: Gained
1: Attempted
Timing 5: Appropriate and consistent
with topic
3: Mostly appropriate and
1: Difficulties apparent
Innovation 5: Clearly evident
3: Effort made
1: Absent
Sub-Total: Mark = Level x 6
Presentation Out of 30
Purpose of 5: Clearly identified
presentation 3: Identified
1: Attempted
Topic Focus 5: Direct
3: Mainly
1: An effort made
Strategy, 5: Clearly identified
sustainability 3: Identified
principles 1: Attempted

Weighting Relevant
5: Highly relevant
3: Mostly relevant
1: Little

Sub-Total: Content Mark = Level x 6

Out of 30
1 2
Answers the 5: Completely
question 3: Present
1: Attempted
Succinct 5: To the point
3: Waffle
1: Evasive

Sub-Total: Mark = Level x 4

Questions Out of 20
Lucid 5: Easy to follow; Own words;
Comprehensive 5: Overview of presentation;
Supplementary detail
Layout and 5: Professional; Numbered
presentation and/or mindmap;
Headings; White space
Sub-Total: Handout Mark = Level x 4
Out of 20
Key Areas for

Key Areas of

TOTAL Sum of Marks 46

Out of 100
Green, R., Agarwal, R., van Reenen, J., & Bloom, N. (2010). Management Matters in
New Zealand –  How does manufacturing measure up? Findings from the New Zea-
land Management Practices and Productivity global benchmarking project. Welling-
ton, New Zealand: NZ Ministry of Economic Development/University of Technol-
ogy Sydney/LSE Centre for Economic Performance. Retrieved from

Kirkwood, J., & Ruwhiu, D. (2002). Kelly Tarlton’s Antarctic Encounter and Under-
water World. In T. Batley (Ed.), Business case studies in operations management.
Auckland: Pearson Education New Zealand.


Ass 2: Professional Insight

On reflection
A life not studied is a life not lived
James Boswell

A reflective journal is designed to help

you think deeply about your learning,
"Paris 2010 - Le Pen-
seur" by Daniel
Stockman - Flickr:
especially on issues such as: your
Paris 2010 Day 3 - 9.
Licensed under Crea- progress in learning, the difficulties you
tive Commons
Alike 2.0 via Wikime-
encountered in the process of learning,
dia Commons -
http://commons.wiki the strategies you have taken to get
eur.jpg#mediaviewer/ around those difficulties, and your
_Penseur.jpg evaluation of your own performance.

Assignment contribution weight
Recording your journal
Id Weight Nature of assessment Component Sub-weight Week Thanks to Patrick Dodd for the information in the following sections.
Id due
Your learning journals may be done via your blog on Wordpress.com or
Professional and
2 20 Tumblr.com. Alternatively, you may undertake the assignment by recording in a
personal insight
Word, Pages, or a handwritten diary. However, to ensure that no plagiarism has oc-
Action Plan and Reflection 2a 7.5 5 curred, you will be required to cut and paste your journal entries and reflective es-
on peer evaluation say into a document file and upload that file to Turnitin.com on the due dates listed
Final reflective professional 2b 12.5 14 on Turnitin.
and personal ‘essay’

Action Plan and Reflection on peer evaluation The benefits from writing a reflective learning journal
In Week 4 you will receive feedback from your team mates about your contribution
to the team’s Assignment 1 project. Based on the feedback you receive, you will pre- For your study, writing a reflective learning journal helps you:
pare an Action Plan of SMART goals to address issues identified in the feedback
bring together theory and practice,
process. The issues include both areas of strength to be developed further, and areas
of improvement. yield better understanding of the course material
Final reflective professional and personal ‘essay
For your development as a successful and independent learner, reflective journaling
This assignment requires you to produce:
helps you:
A reflective diary of events, observations, and insights related to your partici-
Identify your strength and weakness as a learner
pation and leadership of course actives including the assignments and course
meetings. Discover the methods of learning which suit your own learning style
A summative reflective essay that distills key insights from your entire 'learn- Notice how you can improve your learning in the future
ing adventure' of the course and its context. Gain a clearer picture of your learning progress placing you in a better posi-
You are required to submit these TWO components combined as one artifact at the tion to plan your learning.
end of the course.

Reflective Essay. 
Reflective Journal - as an Appendix to the Reflective Essay.
You MUST record the Journal from the beginning of the course on a week-by-week
basis, and whenever some event strikes you as being significant to record

Guidelines for writing ‘reflectively’ Sample journal
This section offers guidelines to making journal entries that are reflective and signifi- The following figure shows a typical journal entry and feedback provided by a tutor
cant to you personally. in the right-hand margin

What learning experience should I reflect upon?

Reflect on your process of learning. 

Reflect on your process of engaging with your team project.
Record any observations, experience, thoughts and insights that are significant
to you as a learner, or even as a person.

Prompt questions for your reference

The function of prompt questions is to stimulate your reflective thinking. You don’t
need to answer every one of them in any entry. In fact, you are not supposed to an-
swer every one of them in any entry.

How does what I have learned apply to my career in business?

How what I have learned relates to my other experiences?
How what I have learned helps to explain current events?
What implications does it have regarding my learning?
What difficulties have I encountered in applying my knowledge in dealing
with everyday situations?
What would be the causes for those difficulties and how could I overcome
What has been discussed today in class? What does it mean to me?
What do I find difficult in understanding? Why?
What do I find difficult in accepting? Why?
Could it have been otherwise?

What do I write in the Reflective Learning Journal? “Now I know what to put in the entry,
Reflective learning journal writing is very different from academic assignments that
you have been writing. A journal entry is a piece of flexible, personal, informal piece but how should I write it?” 
of writing. If you are unsure about how to start, and how to write, don’t just scrab-
ble something in the journal. Writing something truly “reflective” is the most impor-
tant part of the process. These tips should give you a lift! Five tips on how to write a journal entry:

Write in first person, as if you are writing a letter to a friend

“I don’t know what to write!”

There is no right or wrong answer for a journal entry. Therefore, feel free to
express your ideas, opinion, and thoughts.
Don’t hesitate to share your personal experience if that helps to illustrate your
Five tips on what to write in a journal entry: point.
Don’t limit yourself to words – diagrams and pictures are ok, too.
Start off with whatever in your mind about your learning experience in the
course Don’t be too intimidated by English rules. It’s okay to make minor grammati-
cal mistakes if that does not interfere the transmission of ideas. So don’t put
Don’t just throw in events in chronological order too much thoughts about how to write good English, instead spend more ef-
Describe the meaning of what you learnt in the course. Also, your reaction, fort on what to write.
feeling, opinions, views on both the learning process and the learnt material
List the goods and bads, strengths and weaknesses you consider you demon-
strate in the course of your learning However, your summative Reflective Essay should be much more professionally
crafted in both writing and presentation.
Make advice for yourself and make plan for your learning in the near future
Adapted, with appreciation, from:

Dodd, P. (2014, March 24). Learning Journal Assignment Specification (BSNS 7360
International Business). Unitec Institute of Technology.

Further guidance Further examples
Mellalieu, P. J. (2010, August 7). Writing a reflective document: The DIEP frame-
work. Innovation & chaos ... in search of l’excellence. Retrieved August 7, 2010, from Reflective essay written at the conclusion of an Industry Based Learning Project by
http://pogus.tumblr.com/post/915055044/diep Unitec students

Barnes, D. (2009, October 29). Reflective essay for IBL [Unitec Industry Based Learn-
ing Project Journal]. Marketing for Fashion. Retrieved January 17, 2012, from
Exemplary reflective essays
A typical diary entry
Note: Available only to enrolled students on the course Moodle site.
Barnes, D. (2009, October 12). Journal entry 9: Media work. Marketing for Fashion.
Qureshi, H. (2012, June). Creative Me.... Reflective Essay (Reflective Essay submitted Retrieved from
in partial fulfillment for  BSNS 8118 Enterprise Creativity, Innovation and Design). http://danni-ibl.tumblr.com/post/210591244/journal-entry-9-media-work
Unitec Institute of Technology, Auckland, N.Z. here.
On-line blog of journal entries and reflective essay
Alenepi, T. (2011). The KIDzone marketing adventure [Unitec Industry Based Learn-
Vanphavong, M. (2012, May 22). Space Saving Furniture: Reflective Essay (Reflective ing Project Journal]. Retrieved January 17, 2012, from http://tracey-ibl.tumblr.com/
Essay submitted in partial fulfillment for  BSNS 8118 Enterprise Creativity, Innova-
tion and Design). Unitec Institute of Technology, Auckland. Retrieved from

Young, C. (2012, June). Cut Above’s e-learning strategy: Reflective essay (Reflective
Essay submitted in partial fulfillment for BSNS 8118 Enterprise Creativity, Innova-
tion and Design). Unitec Institute of Technology, Auckland, N.Z. here

Velikanov, D. (2012, June 30). Reflective essay on APMG8118 – Enterprise Creativity,

Design and Innovation. A breath of fresh air: The Chronicles of my new life in the new
place on the Globe. here.


Ass 3 & 4: Technical Writing

Time is the best editor
Put down everything that comes
into your head and then you're a
writer. But an author is one who
can judge his own stuff's worth,
without pity, and destroy most of it.
Colette in ‘“Casual Chance”, 1964

"Seattle Daily Times

news editor quarters
- 1900" by Alfred D.
Bowen. Licensed
under Public domain
via Wikimedia Com-
mons -

Assignment contribution weight Draft analysis and summary
Executive Summaries of 3.1, 3.2 15 2, 5 Prior to class, you will write a draft summary of your analysis in the format of an
3 15 Executive Summary. You will upload this draft assignment to the Turnitin Assign-
Case Analyses(x 2)
ment Management system.
Peer reviews of Executive 4.1, 4.2 15 4, 7
4 15
Summaries (x 2) In-class case discussion
During the case study discussion in class, you will present and defend your analy-
sis and arguments whilst listening to the equally well-considered analyses and argu-
This assignment is designed to develop several competencies including your ability ments of your classmates.
Analyse complex business situations to identify opportunities for improving Following the class, you will revise your draft Executive Summary and upload Revi-
productivity and effectiveness in an enterprise; sion 1 to Turnitin. The tutor will assess your revised submission against the assess-
ment rubric for the assignment which is located on the Turnitin site. An example of
Debate and defend your arguments for proposing specific actions to improve
the assessment rubric for an Executive Summary is provided here, Interactive 2.3.
Communicate your analysis and argument in succinct, persuasive formal, pro-
fessional English. PeerMarking
Once all students have submitted their revised Executive Summaries, you will have
Understand an apply the tutor’s standard for assessing written assignments the opportunity to review, anonymously, ALL the submissions of the students in
Compare and contrast your approach to analysis and writing with the ap- this class. Specifically, you will now assume the role of a class tutor. You will have
proaches of other students in the class. the task of marking and providing feedback to a selection of four (4) assignments.

The four assignments that you will review include:

Over the progress of the semester, you will be provided with three (3) case studies. Two assignments randomly allocated by the Turnitin system
These case studies are, typically, a technical description of an enterprise, its indus- One assignment that you choose yourself, from amongst all submitted assign-
try, and competitive situation. Your task is to read each study PRIOR to the class in ments.
which the case will be discussed. You will apply both your raw intelligence and rele-
Your OWN assignment.
vant analytical techniques to identify such factors as: issues/problems/challenges
and opportunities for improvement for the enterprise.

The case studies are: The rubric that you will employ to assess the four PeerMark assignments is shown
here, Interactive 5.1.
Inner City Paints (5 marks)
Kelly Tarlton (10 marks)
Once the PeerMark process is complete, each student will be able to review the feed-
back comments and grading against the rubric from the other students who marked
their assignment.

Your mark for this assignment
You gain higher marks from the tutor for:
Guidance to improve your writing and editing
Guidance to improve your writing and editing is provided here, Assignment Guide-
Completing the review of all four assignments
lines: Written Reports.
Providing constructive comments on the papers reviewed, including provid-
ing specific actions that the assignment writer should pursue in future assign-
ment writing tasks.
Completing a realistic and fair assessment that approximately correlates with
the standards of the course tutor.

The mark you allocate to another student IS NOT applied to the mark that student
receives for the assignment. Only the tutor’s mark for the assignment applies. How-
ever, statistical analyses of previous versions of this assignment identify that there
is a 30 % correlation between the mark a student allocates for a peermarked assign-
ment, and the grade the tutor allocates. A higher correlation is expected for this
class due to improvement the tutor has made to the peermark process and and as-
signment structure.

Critical information: Avoid late assignment submissions!

Owing to the technical implementation of the Turnitin submission and PeerMark
system, late assignments CANNOT be admitted into the process. In other words,
ALWAYS ensure that you have submitted a draft and revision assignment (Assign-
ment 4.1, 4.2., 4.3) PRIOR to the due date and time for submission. The due dates
for the assignment submission, revision, and peermark process are detailed here.
It is ESSENTIAL for the fair and correct functioning of the Turnitin Peermark sys-
tem that you submit your Assignment 4 BEFORE the due date and time for the as-
signment. No late assignments will be accepted by the Turnitin system for Peer-
mark. Reason: All students will be provided with access to ALL submitted assign-
ments within a few hours afters after the deadline for Assignment 4. That means, a
late Assignment 4 submitter could "cheat" the system by viewing other students'
submitted work then "improve" their late submission. Furthermore, the Turnitin
Peermark system WILL NOT allow a student who submits late to view and Peer-
mark the assignments of other students. I repeat: It is ESSENTIAL for the fair and
correct functioning of the Turnitin Peermark system that you submit your Assign-
ment 4 BEFORE the due date and time for the assignment.
The prudent Operations Management student will have uploaded a DRAFT version
of their assignment at least 24 hours before the deadline! 

Interactive 5.1 Rubric for PeerMarking of other students’ Execu-
tive Summary Case Studies

Available for view on the course Moodle site.



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