Braided Cowl

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Braided cowl

Chunky Yarn
Circular knitting needles 9 mm or size 13
Cable needle

This scarf has a top part that’s knitted flat with cables to
give a sort of braided look, then the bottom part is knitted
in the round. This scarf is very easy to knit and can be
made in less than 4 hours! Please read all of the pattern
before you start.

Cast on 20 sts
sl = slip
Row 1: sl 1, k 1, p 16, k 2 k = knit
Row 2: sl 1, k 19 p = purl
Row 3: sl 1, k 1, p 16, k 2 m = make
Row 4: sl 1, k 19 sts = stitches
Row 5: sl 1, k 1, p 16, k 2
Row 6: sl 1, k 1, c10b, k 8 c10b = slip 5 sts on cable needle,
Row 7: sl 1, k 1, p 16, k 2 leave at back of work, k 5, k 5 from cable needle
Row 8: sl 1, k 19
Row 9: sl 1, k 1, p 16, k 2 c10f = slip 5 sts on cable needle, leave at front of
Row 10: sl 1, k 19 work, k 5, k 5 from cable needle
Row 11: sl 1, k 1, p 16, k 2
Row 12: sl 1, k 7, c10f, k 2

Repeat row 1-12 three more times, you know have repeated the cable pattern 4 times.
Now repeat 1-5 one last time and then cast off. You can now close the back seem and weave in ends, but you
could also do that in the end.

Pick up 55 stitches at the bottom on circular needles on the right side

Row 1: k 26, m1 x 2, k 27 (57sts)

Row 2: k 27, m1 x 2, k 28 (59sts)
Row 3: k 28, m1 x 2, k 29 (61sts)
Row 4: k 29, m1 x 2, k 30 (63sts)
Row 5: k 30, m1 x 2, k 31 (65sts)
Row 6: k 31, m1 x 2, k 32 (67sts)
Row 7: k 32, m1 x 2, k 33 (69sts)
Row 8: k 33, m1 x 2, k 34 (71sts)
Row 9: k 34, m1 x 2, k 35 (73sts)
Row 10: k 35, m1 x 2, k 36 (75sts)

Cast off and weave in ends.

I have to add that because of its color it was pretty hard to take pictures.
However I’m very pleased with this cowl because of its fit, which is kind off
narrow, and it’s shape.
Because of its tight fit I do advise to see if it fits over your head after your
done with the cabled part, if not simply continue the same way a little
longer till it does fit, but make sure to stop after row 5.

If you have any questions you can always email me. I love to hear what you
think about this pattern and look forward to seeing what you’ve made of it!

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