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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, No-1, February- 2018


Amrita Lodh

12/A Gurudas sarker Len, Dhaka, Bangladesh-1203

Number: +8801678097673

ABSTRACT: Electromagnetic wave's energy grows up at the direction to the center

of a gravitational field and goes down at the opposite direction to the center of
the gravitational field. The amount of the change of energy depends on the wave
length & frequency, mass of the matter which is creating gravitational field, radios
of the matter and distance of the wave from the Scarface of the matter. The only
changeable variable is the distance.

Key Words: Electromagnetic, gravitational field, wave length & frequency, radios, Scarface.

Considering light as an electromagnetic wave it has no mass to be more pacific it
has a negligible mass. So in Newtonian gravitation, gravity has no effect on light
but through the equableness principal we see that gravity has some effect on
light. To be more pacific from G.R we know that mass creates carves on space-
time fabric so light has to change its way. If we start from equableness principle, if
we attach a laser on the top of a box falling freely in a gravitational field in the
direction of the center of the field, the relative velocity of the light beam will never
change respective to a light beam outside the box but if that happen the velocity
will change respective to the box.

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, No-1, February- 2018

A beam outside the box

Fig: 1

Fig: 2 Fig: 4

Fig: 3

Fig 1, 2, 3 represents the state of light beam inside the box & Fig 4 represents a
light beam outside the box. The velocity will decries for the wave length
decrement. The wave length will decries the same amount the box will travail in
the time the light beam moving. We know the energy of an electromagnetic
energy depends on the wave length (Planks quantum). The frequency will stay
unchanged. The change will occur in the wave length & waves extinction.


Mathematical materials Introduction:
If the velocity of the light beam is, C then in the time of t it will go Ct distance. The
gravitational acceleration is g. The gravitational constant is G. Radius is R,
Distance is d. Planks constant is h, Mass is M, wave length is λ, the frequency is f
& the wave period is T .The relation between frequency and period is,

Mathematical prove:
Planks quantum theory says the energy of a photon is,


International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, No-1, February- 2018

But in the box we know that the wave length decreases. So that the equation will be
something like this, E= Where k is the decrement. This k depends on the

movement of the box in the gravitational field. The displacement of the box in the
time, T [T=t] is, => [ ]

Now the λ equation will be λ=

We can substitute the g to because the box represents the gravitational

field. So the finial equation of λ will be,


 λ=

Now we can substitute the λ into the equation E= and by this we can find the

final mathematical equation of this Energy.

E= [In the direction of the center of the gravitational field]

In the opposite direction of the gravitational field the equation will be, E=

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, No-1, February- 2018

I have used Newtonian Gravitational theory to avoid the complexity of general
relativity. Because the energy is a scaler that’s why using the Newtonian
Gravitational theory would not occur any error. From this we can clearly see this
gravitational field not only have effect on the way of electromagnetic wave but also
on the energy of the wave.

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