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Michelle Lam
Influences: ‘Pretty
Bones’ by Yeule
The banquet table scene within my music video was
inspired by Yeule’s ‘Pretty Bones’. This would
become the centre piece in which all the action will
unfold around. The banquet table will play as a
‘stage’ or symbol of consumption.
Likewise, the change of tone where Yeule is being
grabbed by the wall inspires the hallucination
sequence within my own music video. This
insinuates an inescapable nightmare.
Influences: ‘Kingfisher’
by Jungle By Night
‘Kingfisher’ has resonated with me for a number of reasons, from
the subtle elusions to art history to the social commentary it
gives on the relevance of religion within society.
Most of all, the symbols that are attached to the characters.
Especially, the character shown to the right. This is ‘God’ as a
conductor (he controls the music and the way in which other
characters move). As we progress, we see images eluding to man
and the industrial era surrounded by smoke – a corrupt state.
Eventually, God breathes out smoke. He is now corrupt. This is
commentary on religion being corrupt, especially Christianity with
its many denominations.
Similarly, I want to build in symbolic meanings behind my
characters; who/what do they represent, their characteristics, are
they pure/corrupt?
Influences: Victor Chan
Instagram: @onlythebadsleepwell
Victor Chan is a portrait and visionist photographer. He
captions this particular photo, “will there be hope pn
This will be the ultimate resonating image at the end of
my music video. The idea that our carbon footprint and
plastic pollution will come back to us and suffocate us,
much like it already does to the likes of marine life.
I believe this photo places humans into a different state
of vulnerability, whereby our control is taken away from
us. Something as natural as breathing is withheld.
I was inspired by the ‘The Last Supper’ for
its banquet table and the meaning of a final
meal. Similar connotations could be made
for plastic pollution.
Influences: Greta
I was recently inspired by child, climate change activist, Gretna
Thunberg. She gave a passionate speech, now deemed, “How
dare you?” to the world leaders in September 2019. Thunberg
often protests school strikes for climate change.
This heavily influenced why I wanted to make a music video which
contains social commentary on plastic pollution.
Over the summer (2019) I had worked at the Lancashire Science
Fair, whereby I represented the University of Cumbria with a stall
which educates primary school children on plastic pollution,
sustainable plastic alternatives and how to reduce, reuse and
recycle. This experience taught me the urgency for change
against plastic pollution.
Children are easily convinced, but adults who’s lives are driven by
habit are more difficult to persuade. Thus, why I believe a music
video on plastic pollution would be more effective in shocking
them to reconsider their use of plastic.
I was inspired by the green-yellow
lighting combo by Pierre-Emile Havette
(IG: @peh____).
I wanted to use yellow to be symbolic of
corruption and decay, and green for
There will be light choreography at the
start of the music video, where high key
light (green + yellow) will show a frozen
pose. Then when lights turn off (low
key, green only) the bodies will move
more. This is to suggest the conceded
motives of those at the table.
Red will be used during the
hallucination sequence to give a
nightmarish element and symbolise the
subject’s lack of control.
Music: ‘Death, Pillage, Plunder’ by
This is an alternative/indie song, whereby the artist confronts “self destructive inner
demons”, whereby he pushes those closet to him away.
I refused to watch the official music video or search the meaning behind this song
initially, as to not taint my own interpretation. For the purpose of my plastic pollution
theme, I had interpreted the element of self-destruction and linked it to our own
destruction to the environment when we pollute.
The song follows a four beat structure, whereby Mellah sings off-beat. This would
support my music video, in that something isn’t right at this banquet table scene.
I had been in contact with Mellah’s managers; Adam Faires and Sam Denniston, to gain
permission and a license from SONY to use the track. This was a success.
I had chosen to cast Year 3 Musical Theatre
students who are trained in physical theatre
(naturalistic acting) and contemporary dance.
I had also had a meeting with their Senior
Lecturer of Drama, James Issitt, to discuss
directing performers. He had given me the
same advice, in terms of scripting and
directing, he had given to his students, “Know
what drink your character would bring to bed
with them.”
That is to suggest “why characters are doing
what they are”, so there’ll be a level of subtle
actions that the audience will have to be more
attentive towards.

- Inspired by De Stijl by Piet Mondrian.

- Neoplasticism which only uses vertical and
horizontal lines and primary colours, black and
- Bold style and colours which are often translated
into furniture made from plastic.
- A rigid structure with common colours which
reflects the habit of using plastic.

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