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Form: Procedure Form Code: Fo-HSE-01 Issue# (2) Rev.

(0) Rev Date: 7 Apr 2019

HAZOP Procedure
Issue Revision
1 March 2020
Procedure Code: PR-HSE-36 1

1. DOCUMENT ACCEPTANCE and RELEASE NOTICE: ...Error! Bookmark not defined.
2. PROCEDURE OWNER (S):..................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
3. UPDATE HISTORY: ...............................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
4. APPROVAL & AUTHORIZATION: .......................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Contents......................................................................................................................................... 1
5. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 2
5.1 Purpose ................................................................................................................................... 2
5.2 Scope....................................................................................................................................... 2
5.3 Important terms and definitions ........................................................................................... 2
5.4 References ............................................................................................................................. 4
6. Introduction and Scope ........................................................................................................... 5
6.1 WHAT IS HAZOP .................................................................................................................. 5
6.2 HAZOP TIMING AND COMPLEXITY ........................................................................... 5
6.2.1 Project HAZOP ................................................................................................................. 5
6.2.2 Asset HAZOP.................................................................................................................... 6
6.2.3 HAZOP Complexity .......................................................................................................... 6
6.3 HAZOP ORGANIZATION AND ROLES ....................................................................... 7
6.3.1 HAZOP Organization and Execution ................................................................................. 7
A summary of the steps and key roles is shown in Table 2 ............................................................ 7
6.3.7 Ghjh .................................................................................................................................. 10
6.4 HAZOP Preparation ....................................................................................................... 11
6.5 HAZOP EXECUTE ......................................................................................................... 12
6.6 HAZOP FOLLOW UP .................................................................................................... 13
8. LIST OF FORMS ................................................................................................................... 17
9. APPENDICES ........................................................................................................................ 18
10. DISTRIBUTION LIST .......................................................................................................... 18

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HAZOP Procedure
Issue Revision
1 March 2020
Procedure Code: PR-HSE-36 1

The purpose of this document is to provide the guideline for carrying out HAZOP
5.1 Purpose Studies (including Process Safety Review and Desktop Safety Review) within
Rashpetco, from identification, through execution to closeout. The guideline also
defines the responsibilities of the main parties involved.
This document can be used for Rashpetco facilities both Onshore and Offshore for all
5.2 Scope projects (modification to Brownfield and new Greenfield project) and asset / facilities.

The target audience for this document is primarily HAZOP leaders, secretaries and
team members involved in HAZOP. It is also applicable to project managers, engineers
and anyone involved in the decision to hold a HAZOP or the planning, scheduling and
follow-up of a study during the project development (refer to Section 2.1).

5.3 Important ATA Asset Technical Authority

terms and
definitions BEM Brownfield Engineering Manager
BCM Brownfield Construction Manager
BRF Brownfield
DCC Document Controller
DCS The electronic document control system
ESP Engineering Service Provider
General Manager (normally the most senior person (s) in
the department)
HSE Heath, Safety and Environment
HSSE Heath, Safety, Security and Environment
IFC Issued for Construction
JHA Job Hazard Analysis
Job Responsible Engineer (nominated by Brownfield
Engineering Manager or Operations Support GM)
MOC Management of Change
Ops Operations
OSGM Operations Support General Manager
EM Brownfield Engineering Manager
PSIC Protective Systems Isolation Control

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HAZOP Procedure
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1 March 2020
Procedure Code: PR-HSE-36 1

RACI Responsible Accountable Consulted Informed

SCE Safety Critical Element
SIL Safety Integrity Level
SOD Site Operations Director
SROR Safety, Reliability and Operability Review
TGM Technical General Manager

Change Addition, removal, replacement, modification or deviation

from existing operating systems or process, hardware,
software, material of feed/product or equipment/
component, or organizational structure / HSE critical
Change The person who owns the overall responsibility to manage
Owner / ensure the satisfactory completion of the MOC process
from initiation through to close out. The EIR initiator is
generally assigned to be the change owner.
Change BRF EMs, TGM / OSGM will be the Change Approvers for
Approver Significant Changes (Category 1 EIR’s) to be executed by
Responsible ATA(s), TGM / OSGM will be the Change
Approvers for Minor Changes (Category 2 EIR’s).
By approving a change for execution, the Change Approver
is formally accepting that equipment and/ or processes or
activity will be modified and they accept the risk as identified
in the Change Studies.
Change The person who owns and maintains the MOC Register,
Administrator track and record the start through to close out of a MOC
process and document the MOC records / files
COMPANY Rashid Petroleum Company or the Burullus Gas Company
Like-for-like / A replacement which satisfies all the original design
Replacement specifications (material, function, service, size, or condition
in kind etc.)
An identical replacement or any other alternative
specifically provided for the same design specification, as
long as the alternative does not in any way adversely affect
the function or safety of the item or associated items.

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HAZOP Procedure
Issue Revision
1 March 2020
Procedure Code: PR-HSE-36 1

Risk Management Procedure (PR-HSE-10)

5.4 References

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HAZOP Procedure
Issue Revision
1 March 2020
Procedure Code: PR-HSE-36 1

6. Introduction and Scope

Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP) is a structured and systematic technique for identifying
hazards and operating problems through reviewing process drawings and/or procedures.

A series of parameter and guide word filters are used to structure the brainstorming process by a
multi- discipline team; this process should facilitate the finding of any foreseeable deviations.

HAZOP analysis is typically executed in 4 phases:

a) Phase 1: Definition / Identify
b) Phase 2: Preparation
c) Phase 3: Examination / Execute
d) Phase 4: Documentation and Follow-Up

This will be further explained in Section 3.

There is often confusion between HAZID and HAZOP. Both are hazard identification and risk
assessment tools used during projects or operational activities. The main difference is HAZOP is
focussing on the process and operability of the equipment and/or system, while HAZID is generally
focused on the physical hazard factor of the activity, and less on the impact to the process system.


6.2.1 Project HAZOP

When required by Project Specification 01 (PG01), HAZOP study is considered an integral part
of the project activity. It should be planned throughout the ORP lifecycle of a project. Figure 1
below shows the general sequence of HAZOP studies through a project.
Figure 1 – Sequence of HAZOP studies.

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HAZOP Procedure
Issue Revision
1 March 2020
Procedure Code: PR-HSE-36 1

There are 3 HAZOPs that should be carried out:

1. Coarse HAZOP
To review the selected process functionality, specifications and operability, to identify
major hazards and to explore opportunities of alternative options towards an inherently
safe design prior to detailed design. This is typically done in Select or early Define
2. Main HAZOP
To assess the design of the project and shall be done during Define phase (conceptual
3. Final HAZOP
Similar to main HAZOP, focusing on any changes done to the design. This is typically
done during Execute Phase.
Note that this is applicable for Project only. Requirement whether to carry out all the 3 HAZOP
studies listed above depends on the complexity of the project, and if there are design changes
made in between the Project Phases (Select, Define and Execute) and shall be decided during
developing the Scope and PCAP of Project.

6.2.2 Asset HAZOP

Asset HAZOP, also known as Legacy or Facilities HAZOP, is only valid for maximum 5 years.
Beyond this, revalidation HAZOP needs to be carried out. Relevant outcome from previous
Project or ad-hoc Asset HAZOP done during the 5-year timeline should be used as a reference
during the revalidation exercise.

6.2.3 HAZOP Complexity

Not all activities will require 3 HAZOP studies (as mentioned in Section 2.1). For
example, adhoc operational issues typically require 1 HAZOP studies. However,
complexity of the activity will determine the scale of the HAZOP study required.
Activities / Project shall be assessed on a risk based approach, and depending on:
- Work scope / type
- Specific tasks
- Combined operations
- Maintenance and Inspections
- Stage of the project (FEED, CD or DD)
- Level of difficulties (if there’s any new technologies being used)
As a guide, refer to Table 1 for the example of activities and its level of complexity.

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HAZOP Procedure
Issue Revision
1 March 2020
Procedure Code: PR-HSE-36 1

Table 1 – Activities and its level of complexity

HAZOP Level of Complexity
Lean / Minor HAZOP Medium HAZOP Major HAZOP
- Hydrocarbon cleaning activities - Medium scale project for FEED - Major project (Greenfield or
and Conceptual Design stage Brownfield)
- Pigging operations
- Pipeline Replacement (2 - Facility Rejuvenation (major
- Minor concept select
pipelines) scope)
- Bulk loading (chemical) /
- Facility Rejuvenation (medium - Pipeline Replacement (3 or
Hydrocarbon loading activities
scope) more pipelines)
- Well testing activities
- Medium-sized vendor - Major vendor equipment (eg.
- Minor facility (topside) equipment (eg. Air compressor Gas turbine compressor unit)
modification system, sand removal package,
- Asset HAZOP (revalidation
- Pipeline Replacement (1 HAZOP)
pipeline) - Bulk Chemical Loading
- Simple vendor equipment (eg.
- Well Tie In (WTI)
- Project raised based on CIN
Typically between 1 to 3 nodes Typically between 4 to 7 nodes Typically 8 or more

1. Examples above are non-exhaustive. For activities not listed in the table, the
complexity can be determined on a risk-based approach (refer to the factors
listed earlier) or by consulting HSE/62.
2. Nodes suggestion listed in Table 1 above are provided as guidance and in no way


6.3.1 HAZOP Organization and Execution

A summary of the steps and key roles is shown in Table 2

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HAZOP Procedure
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1 March 2020
Procedure Code: PR-HSE-36 1

Table 2 – HAZOP Organisation

Phase Step Accountabilities Position
Identify Define Scope Define scope Sponsor / Authorised
HAZOP Team Provide competent team members (as Sponsor / Authorised
recommended by discipline lead) and resourcing Person
of Chairperson and Recorder (HAZOP scribe)
Identification of HAZOP Coordinator Sponsor / Authorized
Determine the required expertise is in the Authorized person
HAZOP study.
Preparation Planning the Plan the HAZOP, co-ordinate with the HAZOP Coordinator
(Section 4) HAZOP Authorised Person, Chairperson and team
members in the areas of scheduling, logistics, IT
services, collation of drawings/relevant
documents, kick-off meeting and any preparation
work required leading up to the HAZOP review.

Prepare ToR, Prepare Term of Reference, Nodes Chairperson (with

Nodes and and Programme for HAZOP input from Authorized
Programme Person)
Execute Perform HAZOP Lead the team through the HAZOP process Chairperson
(Section 5)
Record the minutes of HAZOP Document Recorder / Scribe
the hazards and problem areas
identified, recommendations made and any actions
for follow-up.

Follow-up Prepare Draft Prepare draft report, issue and Chairperson

(Section 6) Report, Issue and incorporate comments Or Recorder / Scribe
Incorporate delegated and
Comments monitored by

Track and Close- Track and Close-out Recommendations HAZOP Close-out

Out Coordinator

Confirm that the proposed resolution of the Technical Discipline

HAZOP recommendation addresses the TA2, Technical Safety
gaps identified in the HAZOP review. TA2 or Business
(As per Section 6.2.1) Equivalent Competent
Issue Close-Out Issue Close-out Report and Audit HAZOP Close-out
Report and Audit Coordinator

Sign off close-out report Authorized Person /


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HAZOP Procedure
Issue Revision
1 March 2020
Procedure Code: PR-HSE-36 1

1. Decision whether to carry out HAZOP study for a particular activity or project can be
discussed with the Authorized Person.
2. HAZOP Coordinator and HAZOP Close-Out Coordinator can be the same person.

6.3.2 HAZOP Roles and Responsibility in BSP

Table 3 below summarizes the accountable party for each step defined in Table 2, Section 6.3.1.

Table 3 – Who’s who in HAZOP

Accountable Party Position
Authorized person Technical Safety TA2
Sponsor Project Manager / Asset Manager
HAZOP Coordinator Project Engineer /Operations Support Engineer
Chairperson Approved HAZOP Facilitator
Recorder / Scribe As indicated by HAZOP Chairperson
HAZOP Close-out Coordinator Project Engineer / Operations Support Engineer
Core Team Members (as a Process Engineer Project
minimum) Engineer Technical Safety
Control and Automation Engineer
Operations (Production and Maintenance) Representative
Operational Readiness (required for project-related HAZOP)

Part-time Discipline Team Civil / Structural Engineer

Members Mechanical Engineer (Static, Rotating, Corrosion, Materials)
Pipeline Engineer Electrical
Engineer Independent Observer
On Call Front-line Operators
Commissioning Engineer Production
Technologist (Wells)

Presence of discipline engineers above will depend on the

scope of the project / asset

1. Core team members’ presence is mandatory at every HAZOP workshop. HAZOP
shall not proceed if there is any absentees from the Core Team or if the team
members’ requirements (as outlined in Section 5.1) are not met.
2. It is mandatory to have experienced team member present during the workshop.

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HAZOP Procedure
Issue Revision
1 March 2020
Procedure Code: PR-HSE-36 1

Qualification required for core members of the HAZOP team is mentioned in

Shell DEP (DEM1), Page 17 – 19, Section 4.3.2 and Section 5.1
in this Guideline).
3. As per Shell DEP (DEM1) requirement , it is highly recommended:
a. For new projects, the operations representative should have spent time on a
unit of similar process design (e.g., 5+ years) or have relevant industry
experience (e.g., 10+ years).
b. For existing facilities, the operations representative should have sufficient
experience (e.g., 5+ years) in the unit under review.
4. Additionally, for Operation (Production and Maintenance) Representative, COS/FOS
(Complex Operation Supervisor or Field Operation Supervisor) experience preferred
5. For project that is not done in-house (design done by Consultants), it is beneficial to have
BSP representatives (for the listed discipline) in the workshop, on opportunity basis.

6.3.3 Approved HAZOP Chairperson

“The HAZOP Chairperson SHALL be independent of the project team organization.

Independent in this context means, the appointment Chairperson has a separate
reporting line from the project or asset organization. A Chairperson provided by the EPC
contractor is from a third party that is not a subsidiary of the EPC.”

HAZOP workshop should only be led by approved HAZOP Chairperson, evaluated by

Rashpetco TAs/ assessor. Chairperson is also required to:
1. Pass HAZOP facilitating assessment done by Assessor team. Composition of the
Assessor team will be defined by Rashpetco Technical Safety.
2. Previously attended at least 3 HAZOP for any level of complexity within the last 2 years
3. Become a leader (Chairperson) for at least 1 HAZOP with supervision of an
approved HAZOP Chairperson previously
4. Be aware of any updates of the HAZOP guideline, the HAZOP Chairperson
(Rashpetco and external) should familiarize themselves with the updated
Rashpetco HAZOP Procedure.

Approved Chairperson who is observed to perform poorly by Authorized Person will not
be allowed to lead HAZOP until evidence of re-training and re-assessment is provided.

6.3.4 Cxcx
6.3.5 Xcxcx

6.3.7 Ghjh

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HAZOP Procedure
Issue Revision
1 March 2020
Procedure Code: PR-HSE-36 1

6.4 HAZOP Preparation

6.4.1 Preparation
Once the need to have HAZOP studies has been identified and scope has been defined,
preparation for the workshop can be carried out.
As per Shell DEP (DEM1)
1. The Chairperson shall prepare, and agree with the Sponsor, a Terms of
Reference (ToR) to define the precise scope of the HAZOP
2. The Chairperson shall be responsible for ensuring that preparation (and
completion) activities are conducted.
HAZOP Coordinator should arrange a HAZOP kick-off meeting between the Authorized
Person, Chairperson and HAZOP Coordinator as a start.
General rule is that 3 P&ID/PEFS is the maximum that may be reviewed in a six-hour
per day session. However, this will depends on the complexity of the process. In many
cases, generally 5 P&ID/PEFS are achievable in a day.
Section outlines the requirement for Term of Reference, ToR.
Preparation of documents/venue shall be done by the HAZOP Coordinator. Appendix
1 summarizes the documents that need to be available for the team during the workshop.
It is recommended to review existing HAZOP close out report, if relevant studies (related
to the project or facilities) had been done previously. Terms of Reference (TOR)

Term of Reference (ToR) shall define the scope that will be covered as part of the
HAZOP studies. Reference to document and drawings shall be made where necessary.
This will be prepared by the Chairperson, with inputs from the Authorized
Person/HAZOP Coordinator.
ToR should be submitted to the Authorized Person for approval. The approved ToR
should be distributed to the HAZOP participants at least 1 week prior to the workshop.
ToR should contain the information outlined in Table 4. Sample of ToR is attached in Appendix
Table 4 – Structure of ToR
Meeting Details Title, place and timing
Team Member Disciplines with required qualification (as per Section 3.2 in this Guideline)
Project Description Project overview
Study Scope/ Project scope and interfaces involved (where applicable)
Boundary List of the drawing numbers (actual revision numbers and status) to be included in the final
Operation Modes List of the operating modes that will be considered during the study.

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HAZOP Procedure
Issue Revision
1 March 2020
Procedure Code: PR-HSE-36 1

Life-cycle Issues List of the life-cycle issues that will be considered during the study.
LFI list Listing of incidents applicable for the unit and nodes under review to be addressed and
managed within the design.
Proposed Node List For use in the meeting but subject to change during the study.


6.5.1 HAZOP Workshop
List of recommended participants is outlined in Section 6.3.2. As mentioned in the same
section, it is preferable to have experienced team member present during the workshop.
Qualification required for core members of the HAZOP team, as a guide, should be as
Rashpetco staff Minimum of 5+ years relevant experience in their field

Business Partners (Design Minimum of 10 years relevant experience in their field

Consultant) staff

It is also advisable to have an independent observer present during the workshop. The
intention of having an observer is to give an independent input to the HAZOP workshop
based on the observer’s experience to add value to their findings. Observer is
recommended for Asset revalidation HAZOP and Major HAZOP (for Brownfield and
Greenfield project). The independent Observer can be from BSP or Business Partners
who is not part of the Project / Asset Team and can provide input from cold eyes
perspective during the HAZOP workshop.
Qualification of the observer includes:
- Having minimum 10 years of experience in their field preferably with Process or
Operations (Production and Maintenance) or Technical Safety background.
- Having HAZOP facilitation experience and / or had attended at least 10
HAZOP during his / her career.
- Technical Safety TA2 should be consulted for the selection of the Observer.

The Chairperson has the right to cancel the HAZOP workshop should there be absences
from the core team member or insufficient experience from the team. Refer to Section
6.3.2 for necessary attendees.
At the start of the workshop, it is advisable to have a short introduction of the project,
typically prepared and presented by the HAZOP Coordinator.
Chairperson is responsible for the direction and recording of the sessions. Specific
software (for example common template developed on Microsoft Access, Excel, etc.)
may be used for recording purposes, as per Chairperson’s preference and endorsed by
Authorized Person. Template of HAZOP worksheet can be found in Appendix 3.

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HAZOP Procedure
Issue Revision
1 March 2020
Procedure Code: PR-HSE-36 1

For each node, the following item should be recorded:

- Operating conditions, i.e. Operating pressure and temperature
- Maximum and minimum design pressure and temperature
- Node description (design intent)
- PEFS reviewed, etc.

The process hazards that are present in the nodes shall be assessed using the Rashpetco Risk
Assessment Matrix (RAM) based on its composition, pressure and temperature. This is specific to
process hazard of the given node, not for the intention of ranking recommendation/action
Guidewords shall be used as guidance for evaluation of hazard during the workshop. Refer
to Appendix 4 for typical guidewords used during HAZOP.
For any issues or concerns that raised recommendations, a clear description of the
scenario and associated consequences shall be recorded to facilitate understanding of
required action. Close-out of these recommendations is covered in Section 6.6.2.
Team should review the HAZOP recordings at the end of each node to confirm
everything has been recorded accurately.
Any unknown data or information not readily available during the workshop shall be
parked into the observation list (“Parking Lot”). Items in the “Parking Lot” should be
clarified or resolved before the end of HAZOP session.
Recommendations raised should be smart – no multiple actions should be lumped
together with under one recommendation. Risk ranking of the HAZOP recommendations
is not required.
However, level of urgency (High, Medium or Low) for the recommendations raised
should be agreed within the team during the workshop. For existing Asset HAZOP or
Facility Revalidation HAZOP if any recommendation considered as High priority and
required interim resolution it has to be communicated accordingly by HAZOP
Coordinator to the Asset to allow Asset define the interim solution.


6.6.1 HAZOP Report
Chairperson is accountable for the content and technical accuracy of the report. As a
minimum, the report should include the following sections:
a) Background and Scope
b) Objectives
c) Timing and schedule of the workshop
d) Team composition (attendance)
e) Study methodology

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HAZOP Procedure
Issue Revision
1 March 2020
Procedure Code: PR-HSE-36 1

f) Areas not covered (excluded during the workshop) and to be covered in the
next HAZOP (if applicable)
g) Facilities / Project Description
h) Major findings and recommendation
i) HAZOP worksheet used during the workshop
j) Marked up PEFS
k) Any reference document used

All members shall be given the opportunity to review and comment on the report. Sample of
HAZOP Report is attached in Appendix 6.
For HAZOP done in-house, all recommendation assigned to discipline engineer and other
business functions shall be reviewed and agreed by BSP respective TA2. If the HAZOP was
outsourced, HAZOP report shall be reviewed by Consultant TA2 first, before handed over to
BSP respective TA2 for review and endorsement. All HAZOP report shall be approved by
Technical Safety TA2.
List of deliverables and expected completion is listed in Table 5.
Table 5 – List of HAZOP deliverables
Document Issue date (from HAZOP Chairperson to issue to
HAZOP Action 5 working days HAZOP Coordinator
HAZOP Report (including Depends heavily on the HAZOP Coordinator
native complexity of the HAZOP.
file and/or worksheet) Typically, approximately:
- 1 week for Lean HAZOP
- 2 weeks for Medium
- 3 weeks for Major HAZOP

In projects, risk ranking does not help prioritize actions, as actions shall be addressed and
closed by the project with the urgency dependent on the project schedule and when
specific deliverables are complete.
6.6.2 HAZOP Close Out Report HAZOP Close Out

All recommendations raised during the workshop shall be closed out by the action party
assigned. Coordination of close-out shall be done by HAZOP Coordinator (more information
on roles and responsibilities in Section in this Guideline).

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1 March 2020
Procedure Code: PR-HSE-36 1

Close-out shall be recorded in a Recommendation Close-Out sheet (Appendix 5) and any

responses and evidence (datasheet, drawings, calculation and any relevant document.)
relevant to the each action item shall be kept and/or attached for record.
For in-house project, every action (recommendation) assigned to Rashpetco discipline
engineer and other business functions, all close-out (action resolution) shall be reviewed and
approved by Rashpetco respective TA2, endorsed by Technical Safety TA2, and
acknowledged by the Project Engineer / Operations Support Engineer.
For Consultants (project outsourced), all actions resolution shall be signed off and approved
internally by Lead Discipline Engineer before being submitted to Rashpetco for review. The
review (spot-checks, as a minimum) by BSP respective TA2 is required for quality check of the
action resolution. The action resolution should be endorsed (with signature) by BSP Technical
Safety TA2 and acknowledged by Project Engineer / Operations Support Engineer.
There is no requirement for Rashpetco TA2 to provide a signature/sign-off for the HAZOP
report. Spot- checks or regular engagement (between the Rashpetco Discipline and
Consultant) is a way to ensure quality assurance of the Consultants’ deliverables.

HAZOP Open Action Item and Tracking

Risk ranking using RAM should not be done in HAZOP. However, each action item can be
ranked based on priority – High, Medium or Low. It will be up to the HAZOP team to determine
the priority based on the urgency to close the action item.
For Project HAZOP, priority is based on the scope of the project and its criticality to the design.
Typically, it will be determined by the design team, as agreed with Project.
For Asset HAZOP, priority will be based on the criticality of the item, related hazard risk and
the availability of resources. It is mandatory for action items raised during Asset HAZOP to be
included in Fountain to ensure tracking and proper close-out. High priority items are to be raised
individually, while Medium and Low priority items can be raised under one entry (grouped as
one action).
Tracking of action items should be done by HAZOP Coordinator.
For Project HAZOP, any open actions during Conceptual Design (CD) to be carried forward to
Detailed Design (DD) must be indicated and followed up clearly. Statement of Fitness (SOF) will
not be signed off if there is open action item by the end of DD stage of the Project. Report Outline
HAZOP Close-Out Report shall be prepared by the HAZOP Coordinator. As a minimum, it
should include the following sections:
a) Purpose and Scope
b) Summary of findings (high priority findings)
c) Facilities / Project Description
d) List of Recommendations and Resolutions

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1 March 2020
Procedure Code: PR-HSE-36 1

List of items that has not been closed (if applicable) Sample of HAZOP Close-Out Report is
attached in Appendix 7 Roles and Responsibility HAZOP Close-Out

The roles and responsibilities for HAZOP close-out is listed in Table 6.
Table 6 – Roles and responsibilities for HAZOP close-out
Action Party Roles
HAZOP Close-Out Consolidate responses, action taken and evidence for all items
Coordinator raised during
Design Lead/Project Support HAZOP Close-Out Coordinator in closing action item
Engineer/Operation Requires to sign off each HAZOP action sheet once discipline TA
Support Engineer signed off

Discipline Engineer Provide close-out and evidences to the action items raised during
Discipline TA2 Provides the technical assurance of the action for the
recommendation raised and verifies that the response addresses
the intention of the action raised through the supporting references.
Requires to sign off each HAZOP action sheet (which is
assigned to their discipline)

Authorized Person Conducts a documentation quality check supporting the

(Technical Safety TA2) completeness of the action close-out based on the action
Requires to sign off the cover page of HAZOP Close-Out Report.
Project Manager/Asset Required to sign off on each of the action item to ensure all
Manager potential impacts (cost, time, schedule & engineering) are known
and addressed. Requires to sign off the cover page of HAZOP
Close-Out Report.

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HAZOP Procedure
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1 March 2020
Procedure Code: PR-HSE-36 1


Step Flowchart Responsible / Details


Form Code Issue / Rev. No.

HAZOP Worksheet Template FO-HSE-XXX 1/0
Action Close Out Template FO-HSE-XXX 1/0

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HAZOP Procedure
Issue Revision
1 March 2020
Procedure Code: PR-HSE-36 1

I. List of Documents for HAZOP studies
II. Sample Terms of Reference for HAZOP
III. Guidewords in HAZOP


Title Area / Dept. N. of Copies


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Form: Procedure Form Code: Fo-HSE-01 Issue# (2) Rev. (0) Rev Date: 7 Apr 2019

HAZOP Procedure
Issue Revision
1 March 2020
Procedure Code: PR-HSE-36 1

Appendix I: EIR Panel Meeting – Terms of Reference

 Discuss each EIR at early stage to understand business case and priority.
 Improve communication, alignment and quick feedback on EIRs with a clear
timelines to implement the change
Chaired By
• Engineering Manager
Participation By
Site Cairo
DFGM/SOD Technical General Manager
OSGM/Site EIR Coordinator Engineering Manager
Initiator Department GM Asset Technical Authorities
EIR Coordinator

Proposed Ways of Working

Frequency: Bi-Weekly, Wednesday 2-4 PM
Duration: 2 hours
Format: Video Conferencing with Site
Each EIR listed for the panel to be discussed with respect to following,
 Is Problem Statement Clear? Are the driver(s) clear
 Is Data/documents provided in EIR sufficient to carry out Engineering
 Establish EIR Priority Ranking, how does it impact the current year EIR plan?
 Does RCA address all relevant issues?
 What will be outcome in Do Nothing Case?
 High level Estimated Time to implement change?
 Can full value of change be realized considering time to implement?
Expected Outcome
 EIR Accepted or recycled for better definition
 EIR Category as Cat-1 or Cat-2
 Establish Priority of EIR against plan for the year
 EIR plan/schedule with assigned Job responsible engineer

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