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Santiago City, Philippines

Chapter 4


This chapter embodies the generated data in response to the problems

passed for investigation.

Table 2
Respondents as to Age

Particulars f %

20-30 years old 11 27.50

31-40 years old 19 47.50

41-50 years old 8 20.00

51 years old and above 2 5.00

Total 40 100.00

Table 3
Respondents as to Gender

Particulars f %

Male 14 35.00

Female 26 65.00

Total 40 100.00
Santiago City, Philippines

Table 4
Respondents as to Civil Status

Particulars f %

Single 16 40.00

Married 23 57.50

Widowed 1 2.50

Total 40 100.00

Table 5
Respondents as to Highest Educational Attainment

Particulars f %

Bachelor’s Degree 32 80.00

MAEd Graduate 6 15.00

With MAEd Units 1 2.50

EdD/PhD 1 2.50

Total 40 100.00
Santiago City, Philippines

Table 6
Respondents as to Present Position

Particulars f %

Teacher 1 14 35.00

Teacher 2 2 5.00

Teacher 3 20 50.00

Master Teacher 1 4 10.00

Total 40 100.00

Table 7
Respondents as to Latest Performance Rating

Particulars f %

Outstanding 19 47.50

Very Satisfactory 21 52.50

Satisfactory 0 0

Total 40 100.00
Santiago City, Philippines

Table 8
Respondents as to Length of Teaching Experience

Particulars f %

1 – 10 years 31 77.50

11 – 20 years 9 22.50

Total 40 100.00

Table 9
Respondents as to Level of In-Service Training Attended

Particulars f

National 1

Regional 2

Division 32

District 40

School 40
Frequency of Mention

Table 10
Extent of Realization of the Objectives of Using Technology in Araling
Panlipunan Instruction

Particulars W.M. Q.D. Rank

Santiago City, Philippines

1. Learning to work collaboratively 4.88 FR 1

2. Presenting information to an audience 4.83 FR 2

3. Learning to work independently 4.75 FR 3

4. Analyzing information 4.73 FR 4.5

5. Improving computer skills 4.73 FR 4.5

6. Expressing students’ ideas in writing 4.43 FR 6

7. Mastering skills just taught 4.25 FR 7

8. Remediation of skills not learned 4.20 R 8

9. Finding out about ideas and 3.80 R 9


10. Communicating electronically with 3.03 MR 10

other people

Average Weighted Mean 4.36 Fully Realized

It can be gleaned from the table that teacher-respondents that the following

methods are “very often” used in English 1 instruction: “Phonics Method” with the

highest weighted mean of 4.87, followed by “The Language Experience Method”

with a weighted mean of 4.53, as well as “The Look and Say Method” and “The

Contextual Support Method” with weighted means of 4.50 and 4.33, respectively.

The average weighted mean of 4.56 implies that the different methods are “very

often” utilized by Grade 1 teachers in English instruction.

Santiago City, Philippines

Table 11
Extent of Adherence to the Guidelines in the Effective Use of Technology in
Araling Panlipunan Instruction

Particulars W.M. Q.D. Rank

1. Create a true learning environment 4.95 FA 1

2. Contribute to the research and 4.88 FA 2

evaluation of social studies and

3. Foster the development of the skills, 4.80 FA 3

knowledge, and participation as good
citizens in a democratic society

4. Introduce technology in context 4.73 FA 4

5. Use technology to improve student 4.70 FA 5.5

learning, not just to use it

6. Include opportunities for students to 4.70 FA 5.5

study relationships among science,
technology, and society

7. Be willing to learn about different 4.68 FA 7

technologies from your students and
they will be more open to learning
from you

8. Foster the development of the skills, 4.58 FA 8

knowledge, and participation as good
citizens in a democratic society
Santiago City, Philippines

9. Extend learning beyond what could be 4.03 A 9

done without technology

10. Be willing to make mistakes 3.93 A 20

11. Research or test different tools in a 3.83 A 11

category before committing to one

Average Weighted Mean 4.53 Very Often

In terms of use of the different strategies in English 1 instruction, teacher-

respondents claimed that the following strategies are “very often” utilized: “Write to

Read” with a weighted mean of 4.80, “Word Walls” with a weighted mean of 4.73,

“Make It Personal” and “Integrate Technology” sharing a weighted mean of 4.67,

“Make It A Game” at 4.60, “Focus on Fluency and Phonics Simultaneously” at

4.53, “Graphic Organizers” at 4.50, “Use Metacognition”, “More Than Just Books”,

and “Voice and Choice” sharing a weighted mean of 4.40, “Employ the 3-2-1

Strategy” at 4.37, as well as “Explicitly Teach and Display Strategies” and “Offer

Proper Praise” with a common weighted mean of 4.33; while “Decoding: Focus on

Problem Sounds” and “Avoid Over-Correcting” are “often” used with weighted

means of 4.13 and 4.07, respectively. The average weighted mean of 4.56 implies

that the different strategies are “very often” utilized by teachers in English 1

Santiago City, Philippines

Table 12
Extent of Availability of Technology Resources in Araling Panlipunan 10

Particulars W.M. Q.D. Rank

1. Slides/slide shows 4.98 HA 1

2. PowerPoint presentations 4.88 HA 2

3. Transparencies 4.70 HA 3

4. Television 4.60 HA 4

5. Overhead projector 4.30 HA 5

6. Spreadsheets 4.15 A 6

7. Internet access 4.00 A 7

8. Different computer software 3.68 A 8

9. Computer laboratory 3.35 MA 9

10. Printer and scanner 3.20 MA 10

11. Computer 3.15 MA 11

Santiago City, Philippines

12. Video 2.98 MA 12

13. Computer operation manual 2.80 MA 13.5

14. Distance learning equipment and 2.80 MA 13.5


15. Computer-generated exercises, drills, 2.18 SA 15

and activities

16. Electronic mail 1.25 LA 16

Average Weighted Mean 3.35 Moderately


It is apparent from the table that the following approaches are “very often”

utilized in English 1 instruction as claimed by the respondents: “Phonics or Bottom

up Approach” with the highest mean of 4.43, “Whole Word or Top Down

Approach” with a weighted mean of4.40, “Interactive Model” at 4.37, “Basal

Reader Approach or Whole Language Approach” at 4.33, as well as “Literature-

Based Approach” and “Language Experience Approach” with a common weighted

mean of 4.27; while “Balanced Approach” is “often” employed with a weighted

mean of 4.20. The average weighted mean of 4.32 indicates that in general, the

different approaches are “very often” used in English 1 instruction.

Table 13
Extent of Use of Technology Resources in Araling Panlipunan 10 Instruction

Particulars W.M. Q.D. Rank

Santiago City, Philippines

1. PowerPoint presentations 4.48 VO 1

2. Slides/slide shows 4.30 VO 2

3. Television 3.80 O 3

4. Video 3.78 O 4

5. Internet access 2.75 So 5.5

6. Printer and scanner 2.75 So 5.5

7. Overhead projector. 2.50 Se 7.5

8. Computer operation manual 2.50 Se 7.5

9. Spreadsheets 2.08 Se 9

10. Computer 2.35 Se 10

11. Transparencies 2.03 Se 11

12. Distance learning equipment and 1.98 Se 12


13. Electronic mail 1.83 Se 13

14. Computer laboratory 1.70 NA 14

15. Computer-generated exercises, drills, 1.28 NA 15

and activities

16. Different computer software 1.10 NA 16

Average Weighted Mean 2.57 Sometimes

The table transpires that the following methods are “very effective” in

English 1 instruction: “Phonics Method” with a weighted mean of 4.80, as well as

“The Look and Say Method”, “The Language Experience Method”, and “The

Contextual Support Method” with weighted means of 4.57, 4.50, and 4.43,
Santiago City, Philippines

respectively. The average weighted mean of 4.58 is an indication that the different

methods used in English 1 instruction are “very effective” as claimed by teacher-


Table 14
Extent of Effect of Technology Resources in Araling Panlipunan 10

Particulars W.M. Q.D. Rank

1. Video 4.70 VE 1

2. Computer 4.13 VE 2

3. Internet access 4.00 VE 3

4. Overhead projector 3.98 VE 4.5

5. PowerPoint presentations 3.98 VE 4.5

6. Slides/slide shows 3.90 VE 6

7. Transparencies 3.80 VE 8.5

8. Television 3.53 VE 8.5

9. Computer laboratory 3.43 VE 8.5

Santiago City, Philippines

10. Different computer software 3.33 VE 8.5

11. Spreadsheets 2.88 VE 11.5

12. Electronic mail 2.80 VE 11.5

13. Distance learning equipment and 2.78 VE 13


14. Printer and scanner 2.48 E 14

15. Computer operation manual 2.43

16. Computer-generated exercises, drills, 2.38 E 15

and activities

Average Weighted Mean 3.42 Effective

It can be deduced from the table that the following strategies are “very

effective” in English 1 instruction: “Graphic Organizers” with the highest weighted

mean of 4.63, “Word Walls” with a weighted mean of 4.60, “Integrate Technology”

at 4.57, “Make It Personal” and “Write to Read” sharing a mean of 4.53, “Make It A

Game” at 4.47, “Focus on Fluency and Phonics Simultaneously”, “Use

Metacognition”, “More Than Just Books”, and “Voice and Choice” with a common

mean of 4.43, “Employ the 3-2-1 Strategy” and “Offer Proper Praise” sharing a

mean of 4.30, as well as “Explicitly Teach and Display Strategies” with a weighted

mean of 4.27; while “Avoid Over-Correcting” and “Decoding: Focus on Problem

Sounds” are “effective” with weighted means of 4.20 and 4.07, respectively. The
Santiago City, Philippines

average weighted mean of 4.41 implies that the different strategies are "very

effective” in English 1 instruction as claimed by teacher-respondents.

Table 15
Extent of Effect Technology Integration on the Academic Performance of
Students in Araling Panlipunan 10 Instruction

Particulars W.M. Q.D. Rank

1. Higher grade 4.70 VE 1

2. Better performance during classroom 4.23 VE 2

activities, e.g. experiments, group
activities, etc.
Santiago City, Philippines

3. Increased classroom 4.10 E 3


4. Higher scores in quizzes and 3.83 E 4

summative test

5. Increased interest in studies 3.78 E 5

6. Improved critical thinking skills 3.45 E 6

7. Personal learning responsibility 2.88 ME 7

8. Independence in learning 2.85 ME 8

9. Enhanced problem solving ability 1.90 SE 9

Average Weighted Mean 3.52 Effective

With regards to the extent of effect of the different approaches used in

teaching English, respondents claimed that the following approaches are “very

effective”: “Phonics or Bottom up Approach” with the highest weighted mean of

4.67, “Whole Word or Top Down Approach” with a weighted mean of 4.57, “Basal

Reader Approach or Whole Language Approach” at 4.53, “Interactive Model”,

“Literature-Based Approach”, and “Language Experience Approach” sharing a

weighted mean of 4.50, as well as “Balanced Approach” having the lowest mean

of 4.33. The average weighted mean of 4.51 signifies that teacher-respondents

highly acknowledge the effectiveness of the different approaches in English 1


Table 16
Santiago City, Philippines

Extent of the Challenges Encountered in the Integration of Technology in

Araling Panlipunan 10 Instruction

Particulars W.M. Q.D. Rank

1. Negative attitude the use of 3.52 S 1

Information and Communication

2. Lack of knowledge and experience on 3.28 MS 2

ICT instruction

3. Malfunctioning equipment which result 3.25 MS 3.5

in lost time

4. Learners may lost time in navigation 3.25 MS 3.5

5. Lack or absence of on and off shelf 3.18 MS 5

soft wares

6. Absence or poor internet connection 2.90 MS 6

7. Lack of support from the school 2.78 MS 7


8. Absence of computer and other 2.70 MS 8

resources in the classroom

9. Lack of knowledge and experience of 2.65 MS 9

teacher in technology use.

10. Overwhelming multimedia “gimmicks” 2.52 SS 10

11. Learners when left on their own too 2.10 SS 11

much and may feel overwhelmed by
the information and resources

Average Weighted Mean 2.92 Moderately

Santiago City, Philippines

As reflected on the table, pupils “very often” manifest difficulties in “Study

Strategies” and “Grammar Awareness and Structure” with means of 4.33 and

4.23, respectively; while they “often” exhibit difficulties on the following: “Book and

Print Knowledge” and “Reading Comprehension” with a common weighted mean

of 4.20, “Alphabet Knowledge” with a weighted mean of 4.17, “Oral Language”,

“Phonological Awareness”, “Spelling”, “Writing and Composition”, “Listening

Comprehension”, and “Attitudes towards language, literacy, and literature”

sharing a weighted mean of 4.10, as well as “Phonics and Word Recognition”,

“Fluency”, and “Vocabulary Development” with a common weighted mean of 4.07.

The average weighted mean of 4.14 suggests that pupils “often” manifest

difficulties in English as perceived by teacher-respondents.

Table 17
Extent of Effect of the Interventions for Successful Technology Integration
in Araling Panlipunan 10 Instruction

Particulars W.M. Q.D. Rank

1. Game-Based Learning and 4.13 E 1


2. Using Social Media to Engage 3.98 E 2


3. Project-Based Activities Incorporating 3.80 E 3

Santiago City, Philippines


4. Instructional Tools like Interactive 3.78 E 4.5

Whiteboards and Student Response

5. Web-Based Projects, Explorations, 3.78 E 4.5

and Research

6. Student-Created Media like Podcasts, 3.75 E 6

Videos, or Slideshows

7. Online Learning and Blended 3.70 E 7


8. Learning with Mobile and Handheld 3.60 E 8


9. Collaborative Online Tools like Wikis 2.60 SE 9

or Google Docs

Average Weighted Mean 3.57 Effective

Assessment of the extent of seriousness of the difficulties encountered by

teachers in English 1 instruction reveals that the following difficulties are” serious”:

“Child cannot communicate in English” with the highest weighted mean of 4.17, as

well as “Lack of motivation” and “Mother tongue interference” with weighted

means of 3.77 and 3.57, respectively. On the other hand, the following difficulties

are “moderately serious”: “Laziness” and “Lack of support by parents” with a

common weighted mean of 3.30, “Effects of poverty” at 3.27, “Past continuous

failure in school” and “Overloading of curriculum” sharing a weighted mean of

3.03, as well as “Lack of textbooks and reading materials” and “Parents’ illiteracy
Santiago City, Philippines

level” with weighted means of 2.90 and 2.77, respectively; while the following are

“slightly serious”; “Poor learning environment” with a weighted mean of 2.20, as

well as “Chronic disease”, “Genetic problems”, and “Poor teaching” sharing the

lowest weighted mean of 2.17. The average weighted mean of 2.99 implies that

there is moderate seriousness of the difficulties encountered by teachers in

English 1 instruction.

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