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1. . . . sometime during the period of April-September, 1992, I made several visits to my father
Dumaguete City, where he had moved after he left our home in Bindoy;
2. That these visits were made on different times and different days of the week;
3. That most of my visits, I would meet a woman who was also living at my father's place. This woman
4. That my basis for observing that Ms. Ching was living in my father's house is that during my visits, w
I would meet her at my father's place, not his office; she was wearing house clothes and slippers, s
street or office clothes; she was generally unkempt, not made up for work or going out; on one occasi
as well as a small child's clothing; and she conducted herself around the house in the manner of some
5. That on one of my visits, I confirmed that Ms. Ching was living with my father from Josie Vailoces
father's place;
6. Ms. Vailoces subsequently confirmed under oath the fact that my father and Ms. Jocelyn Ching w
father's place in a deposition taken in connection with Civil Case No. 10613, RTC-Dumaguete City, B
presiding. A copy of the transcript of the deposition of Ms. Vailoces is already part of the record o
pertinent portion of the written deposition of Josie Vailoces is hereto attached as Annexes "A"and "A-1
Respondent's son has this to say:
"I, RHOUEL Y. PARAS, 15 years old, single, resident of Bindoy, Negros Oriental, but presently liv
according to law, depose and say:
1. I am a high school student at the Holy Cross High School, Dumaguete City.
2. My mother is Rosa Yap Paras, and my father Justo J. Paras, a lawyer.
3. My father has left our home in Bindoy, and now lives at his mother's house in San Jose Extension, D
4. However, from October 1991 to December 1992, I was getting my allowance of P50.00 a week. I
and personally ask him for it.
5. In October 1992, between 11:30 AM and 1:00 PM, I went to San Jose Extension for my weekly allow
father's sister, if my father was around. Josephus said my father was in his room.
6. So I went direct to his room and because the door was not locked, I entered the room without knoc
side with a woman. He was only wearing a brief. The woman was wearing shorts and T-shirt.
7. They both appeared scared upon seeing me. My father hurriedly gave me P100.00 and I left immed
8. Before that incident, I used to see the woman at my father's house in San Jose Extension. Every tim
9. I later came to know that she was Ms. Jocelyn Ching, and that she was my father's "kabit" or concub
10. I am no longer getting my weekly allowance from my father." p. 112, Records
Added to the foregoing sworn statements of respondent's children is the damaging
statement under oath of Virgilio Kabrisante who was respondent's secretary when
respondent was a mayor of Bindoy, Negros Oriental which reads as follows:

"I, VIRGILIO V. KABRISANTE, of legal age, married, Filipino, a resident of Malaga, Bindoy, Negros O
with law, do hereby depose and state that:
1. I personally know Justo J. Paras, having been his secretary during his incumbency as Mayor of Bind
recommendation and intercession, I was later on appointed as OIC Mayor of the same town from Dece
2. When Justo J. Paras decided to practice law in Dumaguete City, I became his personal aide and
personal aide, I stayed in the same house and room with the latter.

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