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Lal Das Rahul Kumar (19SF32100)

➢ Q1.
The energy dissipated by a viscous damper per sinusoidal cycle is given by,
Wnc = -πωCXp2 ------ (1)
now the hysteretic damping or structural damping force is given by,
Wnc = -πhXp2 ------ (2)
If we equate the two equations we get:
C = h/ω ------ (3)
This is known as equivalent damping. Damping is rarely viscous but we can
often model the appropriate type of damping using equivalent viscous
damping. Hence, we replace the C with Ceq for the modeling purpose, the
equation for the energy dissipated by a viscous damper per sinusoidal cycle is
given by,
Wnc = -πωCeqXp2 ------ (4)

➢ Q2.
𝑚𝑥̈ + 𝑐𝑥̇ + 𝑘𝑥 = 𝐹0 cos 𝜔𝑡
we know;

then equation becomes

The solution of the above equation (2nd order differential equation) is,

the special solution is

Lal Das Rahul Kumar (19SF32100)
The general solution of nonhomogeneous equation is:

For initial condition the equation reduces to

by substituting the solution into the differential equation, we get:



is called frequency ratio.

➢ Q3
Laplace transform is tool to model a complex system into mathematically
suitable system of equation which adequately represents the original recorded
response of any system. This is used for solution of complex frequency
domain functions.
Frequency response function is the function that represents the system
characteristics. It is used to calculate the dynamic response of the system.
➢ Q4
impulse response function, of a dynamic system is its output when presented
with a brief input signal, called an impulse.

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