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In uencer Social Media

Name Instagram
Eddy Medd Morbi ut odio.

Email Twitter Morbi ut odio.

Phone Number Facebook

+93 (9) 336-2294 Morbi ut odio.

Address YouTube
0 Fallview Plaza, 8747 Rockefeller Morbi ut odio.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 15220
United States

Advertiser Campaign

Contact Name Start Date

Eddy Medd June 3, 1987

Company Name End Date

Morbi ut odio. June 3, 1987

Email Total Payment ($) 2

0 Fallview Plaza, 8747 Rockefeller
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 15220
United States

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Terms & Conditions

I. INTRODUCTION - This contract was made on      Wednesday, June 3, 1987     . This contract is between the      Eddy
Medd      (In uencer) and the            (Advertiser).

II. ACKNOWLEDGMENT - The advertiser and the in uencer acknowledge the terms of this Contract and will comply.

III. TERMS - This contract will begin on      Wednesday, June 3, 1987      and will end on      Wednesday, June 3, 1987     . A
new contract will be created for the renewal of the term.

IV. PAYMENT FEES - The total payment will be $     2     . Payment will be made by      Option 3     . The payment should be
made at the start or during the campaign.  The in uencer will be liable for paying appropriate taxes.

A. The in uencer should create original content that is decent, honest, and factual.
B. An approval from the advertiser is      Option 3      before uploading the content.
C. The approved created content will be shared by the in uencer to his/her social media accounts listed above.
D. The advertiser can request to the in uencer to add tags, links, or titles in the description of the uploaded media.
E. The content should be compliant with the terms and conditions of the social media platform being used.
F. The content should not contain any vulgar language and should be suited for everyone.

VI. COPYRIGHT - The      Option 3      will own the copyright of the uploaded media. However, both parties are allowed to
share it with their own respective channels.

VII. CONFIDENTIALITY - This contract is strictly con dential and only authorized persons are allowed to see.

VIII. AMENDMENT - This contract can only be changed or modi ed through the written consent of both parties (Advertiser
and In uencer).

IX. GOVERNING LAW - This contract shall be governed under the laws of       Pennsylvania      (USA).

Advertiser Signature In uencer Signature

Date Contract Executed June 3, 1987

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