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Leanne Kim Balceda


The Shift Reviewer

People have their own dreams and ambition for their future. The movie illustrates how and why
to make the move from ambition to meaning. It eliminates our feelings of separateness, illuminates our
spiritual connectedness, and involves moving from the ego-directed morning into the afternoon of life
where everything is primarily influenced by purpose. Some caregivers are torn with their roles either to
save lives or just to earn money. However, whatever might the reason of each caregiver may be;
caregiving is not easy.

The movie revealed how difficult nurses accustom to the ways around the hospital especially in
dealing with patients who have suffered the most; where some had to choose between isolating their
emotions or keeping that emotion which is the foundation of giving care. The veteran nurse, Kayle
(Leonel Oliva), and the new nurse, Amanda (Casey Fitzgerald), are at odds throughout the story because,
while they both struggle with the spiritual turmoil of what is right and wrong, they have both come to
very different conclusions. Kayle, who was trained by Floyd, believes in doing whatever is best for the
patient, even if that means letting them rest in peace. Amanda believes you should fight for everyone
until there is nothing left. While Kayle and Amanda take care of several patients that night, there is one
patient, a young girl named Emily, who makes them question their beliefs. Emily is dying of cancer and
has come to the ER due to another infection. The dichotomy of Emily's bravery and her mother's distress
eats at the hearts of the two nurses. Emily’s mother was desperate in keeping her daughter alive and
was willing to take the risk just for her. However, Emily had a different perspective and only saw the
suffering of her mother. She saw how her mother was hurting for her and didn’t want her to suffer
more. She told Kayle that she didn’t want her mother to get hurt which triggered Kayle to make choices
that ended his career as a nurse.

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