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Feng Shui & Chinese Architecture

By : Shanky Chandra


I. Abstract
II. Introduction
a. Feng Shui : Theories and Concepts in Ancient Chinese Mind.
b. Liu An (劉安)and Zhuang Zi (莊子)
c. Confucianism (孔子)
d. Feng Shui
III. 2 )Feng Shui- How it works on Chinese architecture ?
IV. 3) Chinese Architectural Form
a. 3.1) Walled enclosure
b. 3.2) Axiality and cardinal orientation
c. 3.3) Courtyard
V. 4) Feng Shui In Modern Architecture
VI. 5)Conclusion


Chinese architecture and Feng Shui is the soul of china’s ancient architectural theories . It enjoys
a high status in china’s architecture history Creating and keeping balance is the basic and the
most important principle of Chinese traditional philosophy. It provides the fundamental
philosophical basis for Chinese Feng Shui in pursuing coexistence between human and nature.
Influenced by the traditional Chinese philosophy , Chinese Feng Shui shows the concepts of
balance, harmony and order in the planning of ancient living environment and development of
traditional settlement .No matter what us building is, Feng Shui gone apply. Feng shui is the
concept that only apply to the buildings and build environment . This paper attempts to point out
some important aspects of Feng Shui in the mind of Chinese people from the cultural point of
view, as well as how these concepts influence and reflect the form and pattern of Chinese

One of the most important aspect of the traditional Chinese Feng Shui is that how to make a
balance or harmony between human and nature. In an intellectual discourses on Chinese culture
and context, no aspect has been more neglected than architecture. It results partly from rapid
change and growth of the modern society, partly from the current research which is largely
focused on aesthetics and form of the traditional Chinese architecture.

Feng Shui is based on the flow of “Qi” , the energy that connects people with their environment .
Feng shui teaches that design of your home and the correct placement of objects affect your
balance and the flow of energy. So how to design our buildings and working environment on the
land so we can be more expose the energy of the planet because the entire concept of Feng Shui
is based on “Life vs Energy”, therefore there is a discourse that those in anything that circulate
things,that exist in nature whether it is the human being , Plants or animal, the earth everything is
connected with the circle of energy, this is the base what Feng Shui is.

It may seem odd to discuss the Feng Shui principals in an architecture extending over two
thousand years. However, the development of Chinese architecture and its culture is the long
process of evolution, rather than immediate revolution. The continuous tradition has no bound.
The specific pattern could take place anywhere, whether in a farm house or in a theater, whether
in an official building or a tea house in a common street.

These feng Shui concepts are not only the form of architecture but also its theories and
philosophy which is very different from the rest of the world.


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