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Why is it going to help my client?

It's going to hep my clients create clear

marketing path to follow in order to meet
their finnacial goals in their business.

What is the problem that my clients have?

How am I solving that problem?

- They don't know how to do it

-They dont know how to launch their products
-They don't know how  to take cold leads n to
paying clients
-Thelp dont know the step to tae them from
being unknown to trust?

I can solve that problem by setting a plan that

will get there clients from pont a to b in
knowing you are and show  them you are a
expert, so selling can be easier.

Wat do I offer? How can I communicate this


I offer "Landing page set up service" and 1 on

1 on how to launch your product and funnel
cold leads into paying clients.

I communicate that by giving value about how

to sttarct, nuture and sell to your auidence in
content and facebook lives.

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