New Constitution

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Sec. 1. This body of Christian dis-

THE ciples shall be known by the inspired
name, as revealed in the Scriptures, The
Church of God.
CONSTITUTION Sec. 2. This body shall retain the
Apostolic form of the primitive Church,
and consist of:

The Twelve The Elders

OF The Seventy The Helpers
The Seven The Disciples
The Deacons


The following offices are to be
CHURCH held as stated and as long as the
individuals are able to perform
their duties.
Sec. 1. THE TWELVE shall be
chosen from among the Elders in the
faith, under the direction of the Holy
Spirit, by lot, after fasting and prayer.
(7th DAY) They shall continue in their respective
offices during life, or as long as they
continue to keep the faith of Jesus and
the Commandments of God, as upheld
SALEM by this Constitution. Successors to be
chosen in like manner.
For the following positions, the
lot may be used to fill a vacancy:
*9 Apostles present voted unanimously for the following. Those absent were Brothers Pas, Paul, Yehoshuva.

Sec. 2. THE SEVENTY shall be are men chosen from among the breth- as trustees for all property, or proper-
chosen from among the Elders, under ren. These shall continue in their various ties, pertaining to the general body. The
the direction of the Holy Spirit with duties where God has called them as Seven shall also act as agents in mon-
prayer. They shall continue in their re- long as faithful, and needs require. etary matters for the Church at large;
spective offices during life, or as long as Sec. 6. THE HELPERS AND but always under the supervision of the
true to the faith of the Church. THE DISCIPLES shall consist of all Twelve. They shall have a voice in all
Sec. 3. THE SEVEN shall be cho- faithful men and women whom the Lord councils of the Church.
sen from among the brethren, under the has seen fit to add unto the Church of Sec. 4. THE ELDERS shall give
direction of the Holy Spirit, with prayer, God, who keep the commandments of themselves to the ministry of the Word,
and ordained by the Twelve, and shall God and the faith of Jesus, as upheld in and to prayers, according to their sev-
continue in their respective offices dur- this Constitution. eral talents, and occasions provided, for
ing life, or as long as true to the faith of the advancement of the truth. All or-
the Church, and their several trusts. ARTICLE 3 - THE DUTIES OF dained Elders shall have a voice in the
Sec. 4. THE ELDERS are men THE MEMBERS deliberations of councils as to doctrine
who are ordained or licensed ministers. Sec. 1. THE TWELVE shall have or the Constitution of the body.
Licensed Elders shall be those dis- the oversight over the body of believers Sec. 5. THE DEACONS shall give
ciples accepted into the ministry upon as a whole, and shall give themselves themselves to the advancement of the
the recommendation of an ordained El- continually to prayer and the ministry of work and the Truth, as the Lord hath
der, one of the Seventy, or Twelve, af- the Word. One from among the Twelve, given them talents and opportunity, be-
ter thorough investigation, both from in- selected by themselves, shall preside at ing obedient unto those who have the
side and from outside the Church, as to all meetings of the Twelve, and at all oversight over them.
his character, his attributes of a Chris- general assemblies of the body. The Sec. 6. THE HELPERS AND
tian, his ability to teach, and his faithful- Twelve shall have the supervision over THE DISCIPLES shall give themselves
ness in the doctrine of the Church. He all councils, for the discussion and deci- wholly into the Lord's hands to use as
must have had at least six months of ex- sion of doctrine of the Constitution. He will, being obedient unto the Word,
perience before license can be issued Sec. 2. THE SEVENTY shall give grounded and settled in the faith, grow-
by the Twelve. themselves to the evangelistic ministry ing in grace and knowledge through
Ordained Elders are credentialed of the Word, according to the command Christ Jesus, using their time, their
ministers and shall be selected from of Jesus. They shall also have a voice in means, their prayers, as faithful servants
among the licensed Elders, and ordained the deliberations of the body, as to doc- who will have to give account unto the
by the Twelve, after at least two years trine, or relating to the Constitution of Master in due time.
of active and faithful service in the min- the body.
istry as a licensed Elder. Sec. 3. THE SEVEN shall have the ARTICLE 4 - PROPERTY OF
Sec. 5. THE DEACONS who are general oversight and management of THE CHURCH AT LARGE
local leaders, approved by the ministry, the business of the Church, and shall act
-3- -4- -5-
The approval of the Twelve is re- of the Seven, and they being in unison Church. Christ is the supreme governor
quired on all transactions. upon all transactions. over the body, of which He is the head.
All members of the Church, in whatever
Sec. 1. REAL ESTATE belonging ARTICLE 5 - FINANCES capacity laboring, shall be obedient unto
to the Church at large shall belong to those who have the rule over them, ac-
the general body, and shall be held in The approval of the Twelve is re- cording to the Scriptures. The Twelve
trust by the Seven as trustees for the quired on all transactions. having the general supervision over the
Church at large. entire body, and the other members
Sec. 2. REAL ESTATE belonging Sec. 1. FINANCES shall be under serving as given in the Scriptures also,
to the local congregations shall be the direct supervision of the Seven, but by, and as outlined in this Constitution.
property of the local bodies, and shall and through, the Secretary-Treasurer Sec. 2. LOCAL CHURCH gov-
be held in trust by seven trustees, or five from among their number, who is to be ernment shall also be according to the
if more convenient, same to be mem- selected forsuch work. All allowances Scriptures in all cases, the Church be-
bers of the local congregation for which and expenditures to be approved of by ing composed of the various members
they are acting. the Seven before they are binding. as a body with its Elders, in harmony
Sec. 3. OTHER PROPERTIES Sec. 2. ALL MONIES received or with the faith of the Church at large, and
OF THE CHURCH, consisting of paid out by any minister or official of obedient to the government thereof.
bonds, stocks, monies, or other valu- the Church, as church funds, must be Sec. 3. CHURCH TRIALS, local,
ables, shall be under the supervision of duly reported in due time to the Secre- shall be conducted by the members in
the Seven, who shall select from their tary-Treasurer, for the information of the good standing, with a local Elder as
number a Secretary-Treasurer, who shall Seven, and the completion of the Church chairman. Decisions will be made by
keep accurate records of the business records. majority vote. Should a decision not be
of the Church, and give an accurate ac- Sec.3. BONDS, STOCKS, accepted, it must be referred to the
count of all transactions passing through NOTES, shall in no wise be bought or Twelve for their decision.
his hands, he reporting to the Seven, and sold, or given, without the due consid- Sec. 4. CHURCH TRIALS, gen-
they in turn reporting to the Twelve. eration of the entire Seven, and their eral, shall be conducted by the Twelve,
Sec. 4. BUYING OR SELLING approval to be in unison. the Seventy, the Seven, and the ordained
OF PROPERTY, OR PROPERTIES, Elders. Decisions will be made by a
shall be only upon, and after, due con- ARTICLE 6 - majority vote, and will be final.
sideration of the entire Seven, they be- CHURCH GOVERNMENT
ing in unison upon all transactions. ARTICLE 7 - THE
Sec. 5. OTHER BUSINESS, and Sec. 1. GENERAL church govern- CONSTITUTION
TRANSACTIONS, binding upon the ment shall in all cases be apostolic, that Sec. 1. THESE ARTICLES, em-
general body shall be concluded only is according to the records given in the braced in this writing, shall be known as
upon, and after thorough consideration Scriptures, pertaining to the primitive the Constitution of the Church of God,
-6- -7- -8-
with headquarters at Salem, West Vir- 3. Jesus of Nazareth is the only be- be destroyed in the lake of fire.
ginia, and shall in all cases govern this gotten Son of God, conceived by the
body of believers. power of God, born of the Virgin Mary, 7. Man was created perfect origi-
Sec. 2. ACCEPTANCE of this and is our Lord, Christ, and Redeemer. nally, but through disobedience fell,
Constitution shall be by the Twelve, the Jesus is the beginning of the creation of bringing imperfection, death and God's
Seventy, and the Seven, unanimously, God (Revelation 3:14). He was with wrath upon mankind.
and shall then be declared in force. God at the creation of all things.
Sec. 3. ALTERING, AMENDING, 8. Salvation comes to the baptized
OR REVOKING of this Constitution, 4. Jesus proved His Messiahship by believer by grace (Titus 2:11). It is the
or any part thereof, shall be done only remaining in the tomb exactly "three days gift of God. We are saved by the grace
upon the assembly of a general council and three nights," ( Matthew 12:38-40). of the Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 15:11).
of the Twelve, the Seventy, the Seven, He was crucified on Wednesday and We are justified by His grace (Romans
and the ordained Elders and then only was resurrected in the end of the weekly 3:24). This grace reigns through righ-
by a unanimous vote of the Twelve after Sabbath. teousness unto eternal life by Jesus
due deliberations. Christ our Lord (Romans 5:21). By His
5. The Holy Spirit is the Comforter grace we are saved (Ephesians 2:5)
ARTICLE 8 - DOCTRINE which abides in the believer and is mani- through faith. It is not something earned,
fest by power, and the fruit it produces, but it is the gift of God (Ephesians 2:8).
Sec. 1. DOCTRINE shall in all as in Acts 2:1-18 and Galatians 5:22-
cases be according to the Holy Bible, 26. Manifestations are regulated ac- 9. The Christian life must be pat-
and inasmuch as the Scriptures clearly cording to I Corinthians 12. The ind- terned after the perfect man, Christ
teach the following points of doctrine, welling of the Holy Spirit is necessary in Jesus. Each member strives to give him-
the same are listed as essentials of our order for the body to be resurrected and self as a living sacrifice, and each one
faith: the living changed at the first phase of lives his life in opposition to worldliness,
Christ's Second Coming. so that the body of Christ, the Church,
1. The Bible, Old and New Testa- may be clean, unspotted and separate
ments, is inspired as no other writing is, 6. Satan is a personality, and be- from the world.
and is complete, infallible and expresses fore he became the Devil he was an
God's complete will to man. anointed angel, called Lucifer. His pride 10. The inspired Bible name for the
was lifted up, and he was cast out of Body of Christ, God's called out assem-
2. The Eternal One in Heaven is the heaven. As the Devil, he is the adver- bly, is "The Church of God".
Creator of the heaven, the earth, the sea sary of God and of all the Children of
and all that is therein. He is our heav- God. The Devil will be bound for a thou- 11. The Organization and Govern-
enly Father. sand years, and then he will be released ment of the Church be as "God did set"
to deceive the nations after which he will it - first Apostles (12); second Prophets
-9- -10- -11-
(70) (Matthew 10:2-5; Luke 10:1; laying on of hands, with the prayer of
Ephesians 2:20). Later the Seven were faith, and the anointing with oil shall save 20. The Bible teaches the eating of
appointed by the Twelve (Acts 6:1-7). the sick. clean meats as found in Leviticus 11:1-
47, but the eating of unclean meats con-
12. When believers accept the Lord 15. The Lord's Supper is to be ob- tinues to be an abomination to God.
Jesus Christ as their personal saviour, served annually, as instituted by Jesus
the following process must occur: Christ. He became the Passover and 21. Since we are children of God
i) Repentance of sins committed is was slain on the 14th day of the first and temples of the Holy Spirit, we stand
necessary. We all have sinned, and ev- month , Abib. He fulfilled the Old Tes- opposed to drunkenness, intoxication,
ery individual must repent. Sin is the tament Passover on that same day (Exo- and addiction to any narcotic or nico-
transgression of God's commandments. dus 12:2, 18; 13:4). The Lord's Sup- tine.
ii) This conversion is essential to per is to be a perpetual statute until ful- Anything we can eat or drink should
salvation and receiving eternal life. filled in the kingdom of God. be sanctified by the Word of God and
iii)The believer must then be bap- with prayer, and that it be partaken of in
tized. See Doctrinal Point number 13. 16. We ought to wash one another's moderation.
iv) Sanctification (setting apart for a feet. The footwashing is to be a part of
holy purpose) will become a part of the the Lord's Supper Service. It is to be 22. The lot system is the biblical
believer's life. done before the emblems of the Lord method for choosing officers of the
v) Justification from sins through the are presented. this is the order in which Twelve. It may also be used by the gen-
Lord Jesus Christ will then occur. Jesus put it at His Last Supper. eral body down to the local congrega-
After we have been justified, we tion when necessary. God is in the dis-
become sanctified by the truth of God's 17. We should observe the seventh position of the lot when His guidance is
Word. day of the week (Saturday), from even asked for with prayer.
to even, as the Sabbath of the Lord our
13. Baptism is by immersion, for the God. Evening is at sunset when the day 23. The Ten Commandments,
remission of sins, typical of the burial ends and another day begins. No other should be taught and kept. This is the
and resurrection of Jesus Christ. it is day has been sanctified as the day of perfect "law of liberty," it is "holy, just
performed in the name Lord Jesus rest. The Sabbath Day begins at sun- and good," and a "royal law."
Christ. After the immersion, hands down on Friday and ends at sundown
should be laid on the candidate by the on Saturday. 24. Jesus Christ completed the
minister (or ministers) for the reception atonement on the cross. The two goats
of the Holy Spirit. 18. The paying of the tithe (a tenth of the Old Testament Day of Atonement
of all increase) is a continued obligation. made an atonement together, one rep-
14. There is efficacy (power to pro- 19. We stand opposed to carnal resenting the crucified Jesus and the other
duce) in the prayer of the righteous. The warfare. the resurrected Jesus.
-12- -13- -14-
is a warning against worshipping the Church. He comes only as far as the
25. The law of commandments con- beast, his image, or receiving his mark clouds and air. The Saints are caught up
tained in ordinances was nailed to the in the forehead or hand. The Seven Last to meet Him.
cross. Jesus fulfilled these ceremonial Plagues, “the wrath of God” are literal
laws that were added because of trans- and fall at the termination of the Gospel Jesus is the “King of Saints” (Rev-
gression. These added laws were writ- Age. We should not obey pagan doc- elation 15:3).
ten in a book and placed in the side of trines, or traditions of apostate Babylon,
the ark (Deuteronomy 31:24-26); which are contrary to the Scriptures. All The Warring Phase
whereas, the everlasting Ten Command- who oppose the Bible doctrines, the The second part of His return is the
ments were written by the finger of God Commandments of God, and the faith warring phase. Jesus, sitting on a white
on tables of stone and placed in the ark of Jesus, shall receive these plagues. horse and wearing many crowns, comes
(Exodus 24:12; 31:18; Hebrews 9:4 Therefore, this is a warning to all with His Saints as “King of kings” and
Deuteronomy 10:1-5). mankind to escape the indignation of “Lord of lords” to smite the armies of
God. the nations who are gathered against
26. The dead are unconscious in Him.
their graves and immortality is condi- 30. The beast of Revelation 13:1-
tional. 10 and the 17th chapter is the Pagan 32. The New Jerusalem - The City
Roman Empire. The mouth given to the of God - is the Bride of the Lord Jesus
27. The First Angel’s Message of beast of Revelation 13:5-6, and the Christ (Revelation 21:9-10). The Saints
Revelation 14:6-7, the hour of God’s woman rider of the 17th chapter is the are the invited guests to the marriage of
judgment, and the everlasting gospel was Papacy. The golden cup in her hand is the Lamb and their righteousness adorns
preached to the world during the early full of abominations and filthiness of her the City of God, the Sea of Glass
days of the Church of God and is still a sins and represents the false doctrines (Revelation 19:8; 21:2). Jesus and the
continued message today. and traditions of Pagan Rome, which Saints will dwell in this golden city (clear
were made into so-called Christian as crystal, Revelation 21:11-12).
28. The Second Angel’s Message of doctrines but are not according to the
Revelation 14:8 is “Babylon is fallen”, Scriptures. The Sea of Glass to which the Saints
and is being preached by the Church of are caught up is the New Jerusalem,
God warning the people of the apostate 31. The return of Jesus will be lit- which comes down with the Lord Jesus
doctrines of Babylon. eral, visible, personal and is imminent. Christ at the Reaping Phase of the
Second Coming of Christ. It is the
29. The Third Angel’s Message of This Second Coming will be in two parts: reward of the Saints and home of the
Revelation 14:9-12 is a present day The Reaping Phase Saved.
message, and will continue to the second Christ comes first for the Saints and His
advent of the Lord Jesus. This message The Saints will be in the city and will be
-15- -16- -17-
safe from the plagues. Israel. They were the “firstfruits” unto given in this Constitution, or shall be ac-
God and the Lamb (Jesus Christ) being cepted by the body constitutionally here-
33. The Millennium, known as the the called out ones (the faithful) of Israel after, shall be amended, or altered, until
Thousand Year Reign of Christ on the by Jesus Christ and the Apostles. same has been discussed by a council
earth, is the time when the “meek shall of the Twelve, the Seventy, the Seven,
inherit the earth. “ The Saints shall dwell 37. The Church of God stands op- and unanimously decided by the Twelve.
in safety and peace and shall rule the posed to divorce and remarriage for any Sec. 5. DOCTRINE TAUGHT:
nations and people that are left after the cause except as recorded in Matthew No member who teaches a doctrine
battle of Armageddon. 19:9. contrary to any point of our essentials
of faith as taught by the body and pub-
34. At the end of Christ’s thousand 38. There are two general resur- lished through our literature, either by
year reign, Satan shall be loosed “for a rections. One is for the righteous and precept or example, shall be considered
little season.” Satan tries, for the last the other is for the wicked. The righteous a member in good standing of this body.
time, to destroy the works of God. He will be raised to eternal life while the Adopted November 4, 1933, at
encompasses the City of God. Fire wicked are raised to final judgment and Salem, West Virginia, in unison by mem-
comes “down out of heaven” and annihilation. bers of the Twelve, the Seven, and the
destroys those that come against the Seventy, who were present at the reor-
City of God. Satan is put into the “Lake This section on doctrines is printed ganization after an all night and day of
of fire.” The last act of Christ is to in a separate booklet with Bible texts fasting and prayer.
destroy “death and hell” (“hell” means and remarks concerning the different Revised December 3, 2009.
the place of the dead or grave). This is articles of faith.
the termination of the “second death.” Sec. 2. NEW DOCTRINE shall Article 7, Sec. 1. was changed in
not be accepted as the faith of the church the proper manner in July 1950.
After the Millennium, the Kingdom is until it is first presented to a council of Article 8, Sec. 1. was revised in the
turned over to the Father in heaven (I the Twelve, the Seventy, the Seven, and proper manner in January 1974.
Corinthians 15:21-28). decided unanimously by the Twelve, af-
ter fasting and prayer. The Church of God
35. The dispersed nation of Israel is Sec. 3. OLD DOCTRINE shall not Publishing House
now being regathered, and this process be abrogated until it has been discussed PO Box 328
will continue. The whole house of Israel in a council of the Twelve, the Seventy, Salem, West Virginia 26426-0328
(all twelve tribes) are included in the the Seven, and the Elders; and the Phone: 304-782-1411
regathering. Twelve decide unanimously to abrogate Fax: 304-782-2248
the point of doctrine in question.
36. The 144,000 of Revelation 7 and Sec. 4. ALTERING, OR AMEND-
14 are of the literal twelve tribes of ING, doctrine. No article of our faith, as
-18 - -19- -20-

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