DLP in Out Activities

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For this afternoon, we are
going to discuss about indoor and Students are listening.
outdoor recreational activities.

(The teacher will post the IMs)

During your activity earlier, you

put the pictures that shows
playing badminton, volleyball, and
dancing on Column A which you Yes Sir.
identify as indoor activities. Am I

Okay. Let us talk about Badminton

first. Who can give me its brief
description? Kindly also give it’s
nature and background which (Lemuel will read what is written
includes its rules, mechanics, etc. in the IMs)
Yes, Lemuel?

Excellent! How about Volleyball?

Please share it’s nature, (Xien will share what is written in
background, rules, mechanics, etc. the IMs)
Yes, Xien?

Amazing! Are there any benefits

of playing these sports? Yes, Dani? Yes Sir. (Dani will read its benefits)
Good job! Let’s proceed to Dance. (Veda explains why)
Why is it that dance is considered
as an indoor alternative
recreation? Yes, Veda?

Precisely! An example would be

the Zumba Fitness Dance. Can you (Rick will read what is written in
give me a brief description? Yes, the IMs)

Nice! But why should we dance

Zumba? What are its benefits? (Grace will share the benefits)
Yes, Grace?

Thank you! Who can cite

examples of Basic Zumba steps? (Mel gives some examples)
Yes, Mel?

Very good! Do you love

adventures? Have you tried
climbing mountains? Swimming? Yes sir. We love experiencing new
Or going to caves, and trails? things.

Okay! Since you love adventures, I

bet that you want to do more
outdoor recreational activities. An
example would be hiking. Can you (Shaira will read what is written in
give me its description? Yes, the IMs)
Good. Have you experienced
walking in a longer distance? It’s feels so good sir because I
How was the feeling? Yes, Edwin? know that it’s also a kind of
Nice to hear that since it has a lot
of benefits. What are those? Yes, (Elvis will give the benefits)

Amazing! Have you thought of a

good destination to go
on hiking? Well, you should first
be guided by the
reminders on going outdoors. Can Yes sir. (Salva shares the tips)
you please give the tips? Yes,

Excellent! How about the The Ten

Essential checklist for
backpackers? (for safety, survival
and basic comfort) Please (Leah will read what is written in
enumerate. Yes, Leah? the IMs)

Thank you! What are the things

that you need to prepare and do
before and during hiking? Yes, (Mila gives the things needed)

Precisely! Let’s proceed to an

outdoor navigational recreational
activity which is called
ORIENTEERING. Can you give me
its brief description and the
benefits we can claim from it?
Yes, Salome?
(Salome will read what is written
Very good! The fundamental skill in the IMs)
in orienteering is orientating the
map or setting the map. What
should you do in moving the map?
Yes, Hermes? (Hermes shares all about orienting
the map)
Good job! Can you please
elaborate Map? Its map key and
the golden rule in orienting. Yes,
(Yen gives the information
Nice! Who can give me the details needed)
about orienting compass and its
parts? Yes, Villa?
(Villa will read the details)
Good! How about the Bearing?
Kindly give its meaning and how
do you take the Bearing? Yes,
(Macky shares all about Bearing)

E. Activity
We will be having a simple debate
for the 2nd time with the same
groupings last meeting. But this
time, which do you prefer? Indoor
or Outdoor recreational activity?
The learners are actively
F. Application participating in their debate.
Do you have any questions or

Good.But I have a question for So far, none sir.

you, how these games affect one’s
health in terms of managing
weight? Yes, Vic?

Participation in active recreation

influences your healthy lifestyle. It
improves health condition in
many ways. It also helps you to
Very good! use the calories better and
sustain a desirable weight.

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