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ilonprobabltlty $amptos

CoBt ond
&scription Dsgras ol Use Advanr.0Es Dlsadvantages
1. Conwnlesw:R* Very low cost, extensively No need lor list ol population Variatrility and bias of es&
searcher usos most con- used matss canrctbe
venient sample or most or conUolled ; projecling
economical sample. beyond sample
2. Judgment:An otpert or Moderate mst, averags usc Useful br certain types of Bhs due to 6xpsrts'
experienced researcher lorecasting; sample guaran- may make sample
selects the sample to ful- teed lo m6eta specific sentativs; projecting datr
lill a purpose, such as sn- obiqctitG yond SamBle
suring all members harre
a erlain characteristie.
3. O{rola; Researcher clas- Modsrate coEt, very odgh- lntroduc€s some stfntifica- lntroduces bias in re- I .,i
si{ies population b-y perd, siwly used tion of population; requires searcherb classification d
n6nt propertio$, no list ol population subiects; nonrandom
determines desired pro. tion wilhin classes mearx
portion of samplefrom
ermrfrom population
each elass, flxes quotas be estimatod; polecting
br each interviewer. data beyo.nd sample
4. $nowball: lnilial respon- Low cost, special Useful in locating members High bias because sa
dents are eelected by situations of rars populalions unilB nol irdeperdent; :
probahility samples; addi- jecting data beyond
iional respondents are inappropriate
iic obtained'by rebrral lrom

lnitial re$pordents.

Figure 1 comparison of Nonprobability sampling Techniques

Prcbabltltf Sarpha

z' Coetano
IlesJrlptlon Oeg*oe of U*e &vantager Dhdvant&ges
1- SimWnndom:Re- High cost, not fuquedty Only minimaladvance Bagulres sampling
searcher assigns oacfi used ln prac'tice (except knowledge of pop.rtation urcrk from; &es not use
t membsr of the sanpling
frame a number, then se-
random-digit dating) needed; easy to analyze
data and compute error
knordedge of
researcher may have;
lects samplo units by a
ran&m method. enors br same sampi*
lhan slratified
jil 1
spondents may be
2. Systemattc: Hesearcher dlspersed, henee
fi,loderate cost, rnoderdety Simple to draiv sample;easy lf sampling intervat ls
uses natural ordering or used to chect to a periodic ordering d
ordarof sampling framg
population, may
selects an arbitrary start-
ing point, then selsc{s
increased variability
items al a presolocted in-
3- $tratified: Researcher Ji- Hi'gh cost, moderately used Assures representation of all
vides the population inlo Hequires accurats
groups in sample; charac{er- tion on proportion in
istics of each stralum can be stratuml f $tratffted llsts
estimated and comparisons not already arrallable,
made; reduces varhbility br can be costly to prspare
clude proportional, dis-
same sample size
-.6ft portional, and optimal
fiocation of subsample

Figure 2 comparison of probability sampling Techniques


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