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{I} 6. Via has tweleve bars of chocolate.

She share four piece for Rizky,

Kiki, Febi and Bian. So, Rizky, Kiki, Febi and Bian have…. bars of
Hello my name is Judith. My spell name is J-U-D-I-T-H. I am eleven years old. chocolate.
I am from Bali. I am student. I study at MIN Jannah. I live with my father, a. Four
mother, two brother and three cats. Thank you. b. Five
c. Three
Number 1-3
7. Brian’s hobby is reading, he has sixty nine book. His grand father
1. How old are Judith? give nine books. Brian get three books from Gramedia. So, she has..
a. Eleven book.
b. Ten a. Eighty
c. Twelve b. Seventy one
2. Where does Judith come from? c. Eighty one
a. Bandung 8. This weather is hot. I need to drink ice tea. I feel..
b. Bali a. Thirsty
c. Korea b. Hungry
3. Does Judith has three brothers? c. Tired
a. Yes, she does 9. My mother got influenza. Then, she go to doctor and get a
b. No, she does medicine. So, she is..
c. No, she does not a. Sleepy
b. Sick
For number 4-5
c. Happy
Nisa: “Good afternoon, Hasyim”

Hasyim: “…………………….. (4), Nisa.

Nisa: “This is Niki.”

Hasyim: “Hi Niki. I am Hasyim. …………………”

Niki : “Nice to meet you, too. I am Niki.”
4. a. good afternoon a. Are speaking
b. good evening b. Is listening
c. good night c. Am speaking
5. a. nice to meet you , too 11. Nana bermain perosotan. Translate in english
b. nice to meet you a. Nana am playing skiping rope
c. nice to meet b. Nana are playing seesaw
c. Nana is playing slide
12. What time do you study lessons at home?
a. Seven o’clock (a.m.) 24. Awan and Putra ………………………… (mencuci) the dish
b. One twelve (p.m.) 25. Example 6.10= ten past six
c. Six thirty (p.m.) a. 11.55 =…………….
13. Saya makan siang jam 01.15. translate in English b. 03.30=……………..
a. I have lunch at one past quarter
b. I have lunch at quarter past one {III}
c. I have dinner at quarter pas one 26. Translate in Indonesia
a. Next =
b. Sometimes =
c. Selalu =
27. Telling your daily acticity!
28. a. sixty plus twelve is =
b. five times five is =
c. forty five divide nine =
14. 29. Translate in English
a. She fries banana a. saya sedang mendengarkan .feast =
b. She sells banana
c. She tries banana b. Anjing sedang minum air =
15. My father (tidak menyusun) kursi.
a. Do not arrange c. Adinda and I tidak sedang menyiram =
b. Does not arrange
c. Does not arranges 30. Translate in Indonesia
a. Brama menulis =
{II} b. Maudy dan Ayu menjual mobil =

16. You say someone for sleeping at night. So, you c. Tulus and I tidak memberi makan kelinci =
17. a. Saya tidak pernah merasa sendiri. Translate in
b. I feel……………………… (kecewa) because my tes is bad.
18. I run for a log time. I feel
19. One hundrend plus ten is…………
20. Eighty minus seventy six is………..
21. Baskara and I ……………………………. (sedang duduk) in the chair.
22. Does Adnan mopping in the floor? Translate in
23. Ana …………………………….. (buka) notebook

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