Cuadernillo 6o Grado

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In Tamaulipas we understand the importance of educating our children for the future and
because of the circumstances we are living in this moment where COVID-19 has changed our
lifestyle and closed our schools temporarily, we are trying to find new ways to fulfill the right our
children have for an education based on principles of inclusion and equity by designing
different educational tools that support distance education.

During this period of staying at home, we are facing new challenges, but thanks to the
commitment every member of our education community has made, we have come up with a
group of different educational strategies that will help our students continue their learning
process from home taking into consideration the diversity of the student community, the
existing gap in social inequity and the different social contexts.

The designed strategies are part of a program called “Clases en tu Hogar” which provides
different options of activities for teachers in order to reach every student they have and
strengthen the distance learning process by enhancing the cooperation amongst teachers
and parents. These activities include: TV sessions, radio programs, online courses and also
printed material for those who do not have access to technological devices.

Dear Tamaulipas Students, in this moment where worry and instability have become a health
issue worldwide, we have designed these workbooks for you. They will help you to continue
with your learning process while you stay safe at home.

The activities inside these books are made to be solved at your own pace and time, try to find
a clean space at home where you have enough light and is free of distractions, this will allow
you to concentrate easier and be able to reach the expected learnings marked on the
program as well as your own goals in a more successful way.

Students, please be confident that your teachers have the best interest in your learning
process and are very committed to help you every time you have doubts or you need help.
Also, remember that you have a loving family that is there to support and help you at any time.

In Tamaulipas, we are strong and responsible citizens, and we will get through this
contingency in the best way. I am sure that when the time comes to reopen our schools, we all
will be back stronger, more creative and prepared than ever.

I recognize your dedication and effort to continue learning from home, as well as taking
special care of your health by following the instructions given by the Health Department.
Remember that is your commitment to continue learning at home through “Clases en tu
Hogar” what assures you a promising future.

I wish you the best.

Mario Gómez Monroy

Secretary of Education in Tamaulipas

El Gobierno del Estado de Tamaulipas, preocupado por otorgar el derecho a la educación,

bajo los principios de calidad, pertenencia, inclusión y equidad educativas hasta los
contextos más vulnerables, en zonas de riesgo, marginación y en condiciones difíciles, ante
la contingencia sanitaria por COVID-19 que ha traído el cierre de los planteles escolares
como parte de la prevención para preservar la salud, ha preparado esta herramienta de

Con la enseñanza a distancia se hizo necesario enfrentar retos con la participación

comprometida de todos los miembros de la comunidad educativa, estableciendo estrategias
con acciones escolares para aprender desde sus hogares, que atiendan a la diversidad y que
acorten la brecha de desigualdad social.

Con la Estrategia Educativa Clases en tu Hogar, se pone a disposición de los docentes un

abanico de posibilidades para elegir la opción que fortalezca de la mejor manera el trabajo de
la educación a distancia, con prácticas de cooperación y ayuda mutua entre los docentes y
padres de familia, a través de herramientas como las Tecnologías de la Información y la
Comunicación (TIC's) y material impreso para regiones y hogares que no cuentan con

Estimadas alumnas y alumnos, en este momento de inestabilidad y preocupación a nivel

mundial por la preservación de la salud, se envía hasta su hogar este Cuadernillo de
Actividades para que, ante este periodo de aislamiento social, continúes aprendiendo y
fortaleciendo los aprendizajes esperados del grado escolar, desde la seguridad de tu casa.
Para resolver las actividades y ejercicios que fueron elaborados especialmente para ti, elige
un horario específico, busca un espacio limpio, donde tengas iluminación suficiente, libre de
ruidos excesivos y asegúrate de tener al alcance tus libros de texto, lee detenidamente y
comparte con tu familia tus logros.

Distinguidos estudiantes, siéntanse seguros de que el compromiso de sus maestras y

maestros está presente para disipar dudas y que el afecto de su familia los respalda en casa,
para que al regreso a nuestras escuelas, puedan contar con gran satisfacción que los
tamaulipecos somos fuertes, decididos y creativos y que salimos de esta contingencia con
éxito; reconozco su dedicación y esfuerzo para seguir aprendiendo desde casa, así como el
tener especial cuidado de su salud realizando todas las medidas sanitarias para seguir
cuidándote y cuidar a quienes te rodean.

Recuerda que tu dedicación para seguir aprendiendo con Clases en tu Hogar te asegura un
futuro prometedor. ¡Mucho éxito!

Mario Gómez Monroy

Secretario de Educación en Tamaulipas
Activity 1a
Let’s go shopping
In the activities that you will be working during this week of May, you
will be reviewing vocabulary related to buying or selling an object.
Therefore, it is important that you first review the following vocabulary:
phrases that are used in everyday transactions when buying or selling
as well as types of shops found in your local area.
En las actividades que estarás trabajando durante esta primera semana de mayo, estarás
trabajando con vocabulario relacionado con la venta o compra de un producto. Por lo tanto, es
necesario que primero repases el siguiente vocabulario: expresiones o frases que se usan en
transacciones de día a día cuando compras o vendes algo al igual que algunas tiendas que puedes
encontrar en tu localidad.

Categories Questions
Offers help/service Can I help you?
Ofrecer ayuda /un servicio ¿Le puedo ayudar en algo?
Makes a request Can I have a _________?
Hacer una solicitud ¿Me puede dar un/una ____________?
Asks about price How much is ________?
Preguntar sobre el precio c
¿Cuanto cuesta ___________?
Indicates price It is ________ Cuesta ____________.
Indicar el precio That is _______ Eso cuesta _________.
Asks about weight How much does the _________ weigh?
Preguntar sobre el peso ¿Cuanto pesa ____________?
de algo
Ends the conversation Have a good day.
Terminar la conversación Que tengas un buen día.
Thank you.
Activity 1b
Let’s go shopping
A. Copy the vocabulary above in your English notebook. You can draw or
use cutouts of the different shops, don’t forget to write their
corresponding names.
Copia el vocabulario anterior en tu cuaderno de inglés. Puedes dibujar o
usar recortes de las diferentes tiendas, no olvides escribir sus nombres

B. Once you have copied the vocabulary in your notebook, unscramble

the following words and write them in the correct order.
Una vez que hayas terminado de copiar el vocabulario en tu cuaderno,
descifra las siguientes palabras y escribe las en el orden correcto.

1. s-u-r-t-h-b-e-c p-o-h-s = 6. i-o-u-b-t-u-q-e =

2. o-s-e-h p-o-h-s = 7. y-n-a-d-c h-s-p-o =
3. l-s-f-r-i-o-t-s p-o-h-s = 8. t-r-n-e-a-s-r-t-u-a=
4. e-a-r-t-m-k = 9. t-s-e-u-k-p-r-e-m-a-r =
5. w-n-a-p p-h-o-s = 10. k-b-y-a-e-r =

C. Look at the following conversation and fill in the blanks with

the missing words.
Observa la siguiente conversación y rellena los espacios con las palabras

Salesperson: Hello. Can I ________ you Miss?

Woman: Yes, _____I have a bag of lollipops, please?
Salesperson: Do you want a large bag or a small bag?
Woman: How much does the large bag _______?
Salesperson: It weighs 2 kilos.
Activity 1c
Let’s go shopping
Read the following sentences carefully. Match the descriptions
with the correct shop by writing the corresponding number.
Lee las siguientes oraciones con cuidado. Une cada una
de las descripciones de las tiendas escribiendo el
número correspondiente a la tienda con un círculo.

1 The shop where

I work is every 3 In my shop you
2 You go to this shop to
child’s favorite can find many
get your hair cut.
store. I sell lots of beautiful plants.
sweet things.
6 I sell many
4 In my shop you
5 My mom likes to visit different things
can find a menu
this shop to buy fresh that people leave
with different
vegetables and fruit. me in return for
types of food.
7 I sell lots of
c money.
9 Here you can
8 In my shop you can
sweets and cakes find all kinds of
find lots of tools.
at my shop. food.
11 In my shop you can
10 I sell clothes 12 In my shop you
find beautiful
for men, women, can find lots of
accessories to cover
and children. meat.
your feet.
Activity 2a
Let’s go shopping
Read the following conversation and answer the questions.
Lee la siguiente conversación y contesta las preguntas.
Salesperson: Hi. Welcome to Ruby´s boutique. Can I help you?
Carol: Yes, thank you. I’m looking for a blue sweater.
Salesperson: Ok, this way. Here you are.
Carol: Thanks. Oh! This sweater is nice but it looks a little big. Do you have
this in a smaller size?
Salesperson: I think so. Let me look. Oh, here’s one. Would you like to use
the fitting room to try it on?
Carol: Sure. Thanks.
Salesperson: How did it fit?
Carol: Good. I think I'll take it.
Salesperson: How would you like to pay?
Carol: Cash
Salesperson: Okay, with taxes it comes to $24.93.
Carol: Here you are.
Salesperson: Thanks. Here you go. Enjoy your sweater and have a nice day.
Carol: Thanks.

1. What is the name of the

c 4. A fitting room is a place where
store? you...
a. Rock’s a. buy clothes
b. Rules’ b. try on clothes
c. Ruby’s c. eat clothes
2. What is Carol looking for? 5. Carol says "I’ll take it." It means
a. red pants she will...
b. a green dress a. buy the sweater
c. a blue sweater b. try on the sweater
3. When Carol sees the sweater, c. buy nothing.
she likes it. But she would prefer
___. 6.How much does the sweater
a. a smaller size
b. a larger size a. 42.93
c. a green one b. 24.93
c. 24.39
Activity 2b
Let’s go shopping
Look at the following conversation and choose the correct word that completes the
Observa la siguiente conversación y escoge la palabra correcta que complete la

Conversations at a boutique

Assistant: ________ I help you? (Can/Would)

Lisa: Yes, how ___________ is that skirt? (much/many)
Assistant: _________ $40. (Its/ It’s)
Lisa: Can I _________ it on? (run/try)
Assistant: Yes, ___________ size, are you? (who/what)
Lisa: I don't know.

Assistant: Ok, try a size 10. The __________ room is over
there. (living / fitting)
(Lisa puts on the skirt. It's too small)
Lisa: Do you have it in a __________ size? (smaller/bigger)
Assistant: Yes, here you are.
Lisa: Thank you
(Lisa puts on the new skirt. It fits)
Assistant: How was __________? (they/it)
Lisa: I'll take it.
Activity 3
Creative collage
For the last activity you will make a collage in your English notebook or
sheet of paper with the different shops and articles that you can buy in
each store. You can draw or use cutouts.
Por último, harás un collage en tu cuaderno de inglés o en una hoja de máquina de
todas las diferentes tiendas que hay, al igual que los diferentes artículos que puedes
encontrar en ellas. Puedes dibujar o usar recortes.

Activity 4a
Read about Mexico
Read about Mexico and complete what is asked.
Lee acerca de México y contesta la información que se te pide.

Mexico is located on the North American continent and shares
borders with it the USA in the north and Belize and Guatemala in
the south.
Mexico’s terrain: mountains in the eastern and northern parts of
the country, rainforests in the southern and eastern parts, and
deserts in the West.
The climate in this country varies from tropical to desert. Mexico
has four time zones!
Mexico has a population of over 130 million people. The capital
is Mexico City and has 9 million inhabitants, that is why is the
biggest city in the country.
Mexico was conquered and colonized by Spain and Spanish
became the most spoken language. Years later the
Independence happened and Mexico became a democratic
republic, but the language remained.
Some of the most famous landmarks are: Acapulco Beach,
Monte Alban Ruins and Chichen Itza.
Mexico has a lot of natural resources like minerals, petroleum
and agriculture.
Mexican typical food includes tortillas, guacamole, pan de
muerto, etc.
Mexico is very rich in traditions, one of the most known around
the world is El Dia de Los Muertos, celebrated on November 2nd.
Mexico has a lot of famous people just like Guillermo del Toro
and Alfonso Cuaron.
Activity 4b
Write about México

Activity 5
Let’s read!
Read and Answer
Lee y contesta

Activity 6
Let’s read!
Read and Answer
Lee y contesta

Activity 7
Let’s read!
Read and Answer
Lee y contesta.
Ida´s Kindness
Ida was a kind-hearted girl, and one day when crossing a bridge, she
saw two boys on the stream trying to drown a little dog.
She ran to the shore crying loudly, “Oh! How can you be so cruel to
that poor little dog?”
The boys looked at her in wonder, and one of them said “Father told us
to drown it.”
The dog escaped, reached the bank and crept towards Ida. “Poor
little fellow”, she said, patting his head, “Will you give it to me?” “Yes”,
said the boys, “You may have him”.
Ida thanked the boys and ran home.
“Oh” Mamma,” she cried, “look at this dear little dog; two boys were
trying to drown him and I asked them to give him to me”. May I keep
him, Mamma?
“My dear child”, said Mrs. Mason, “I am very glad to hear that you
saved the little dog from pain.”

1.- What did Ida see when she was crossing the bridge?
2.- Why did the boys drown the little dog in the stream?
3. Did the boys give the dog to Ida?
4. What did Ida´s mother say when she heard the story?
5. Do you have dogs at home? How many?
Activity 8
Let’s read
Read and Draw
Lee y dibuja.
The Little kitten was sleeping next to the steps of the house. It had
short hair. It was gray and White, but after being in the rain its White
fur had turned into a light Brown. It lay curled up, with its paws under
its head. Even though it was cold and wet, the kitten still looked happy
to be home.

Activity 9
Stop bullying!
Make a diagram with the 5 most common school problems.
Hacer un diagrama de los 5 problemas escolares más
comunes en tu escuela, por ejemplo: bullying (acoso escolar),
lots of homework (mucha tarea), difficult exams (exámenes
difíciles) etc.


Activity 10
Stop bullying!
Read and answer the questionnaire. Look at these situations
and decide what you should do.
Lee y contesta el cuestionario. Observa las siguientes
situaciones y decide que deberías hacer.
1.- There is a new girl at your school. Some kids won’t let her join in their ball game.
Hay una nueva niña en tu escuela. Algunos niños no la dejan unirse al juego de pelota.

a). Ignore them. b). Steal the ball. c). Invite the girl to join your game.
(Ignorar) (Robar la pelota) (Invitarla a unirse a tu juego )

2.- Some kids are calling another students names.

Algunos niños están dando apodos a otros alumnos.

a). Laugh. b). Support the student. c). Ignore it.

(Reír) (Apoyar al alumno) (Ignorar)

3.- Some kids pushed a new student off of his skateboard.

Algunos niños empujaron a un nuevo alumno de su patineta.

a). Help the student to get up. b). Walk away. c). Push the bully kids.
(Ayudar al alumno a levantarse) (Alejarse) (Empujar a los niños

4.- You are at a party and your friends tell you they won’t talk to your new friend: “If you
talk to her, we won´t talk to you anymore.”
Estas en una fiesta y tus amigos te dicen que no le hablaran a tu nuevo amigo. "Si le
hablas a ella, no te hablaremos a ti"

a). Go along with the group. b). Defend your friend. c). Leave the party.
(Hacerle caso al grupo) (Defender a tu amiga) (Abandonar la fiesta)
5.-You are at school and you see someone is a victim of bullying..
Estas en la escuela y ves que alguien es víctima de bullying..

a). Get help from adults or other students. b). Ignore. c). Walk away.
(Buscar ayuda de adultos u otros alumnos) (Ignorar) (Alejarse)

6.-If you are a victim of bullying, you will feel more confident talking to:
Si eres víctima de bullying, te sentirías más en confianza de hablar con..

a). My parents, b). My friend. c). My teacher.

(Mis padres) (Mi amigo) (Mi maestro)
Activity 11
Stop bullying!
Look at the following actions and write the correct name below each picture using
the words in the box.
Observa las siguientes acciones y escribe el nombre correcto debajo de cada imagen
usando las palabras en el recuadro.
Optional activity: Watch the video Types of bullying behavior available at: and identify the types of bullying.
Pushing (empujar) kicking (patear) calling people names (dar apodos)
threatening (amenazas) writing ugly posts (escribir malas publicaciones)
sending hurtful messages (mandar mensajes hirientes) ignoring (ignorar)
giving dirty looks (dar malas miradas)

Find your safe way to home. Encuentra el camino seguro a casa.

Activity 12
Stop bullying!
Activity 4. Classify the words from the previous activity according to the
type of bullying.
Clasificar las palabras de la actividad anterior de acuerdo al tipo de
bullying que corresponden.
Verbal Psychological
Physical Cyberbullying
bullying bullying
bullying (Acoso
(Acoso (Acoso
(Acoso físico) cibernético)
verbal) psicológico)

Physical bullying: pushing, kicking Verbal bullying: calling people names, threatening
Cyberbullying: writing ugly posts, sending hurtful messages Psychological bullying: ignoring,
giving dirty looks
Activity 13
Stop bullying!
Make a poster about bullying, write 4 possible solutions to stop it and
illustrate it. If you have access to internet, check the following link for
some ideas.
Realiza un poster acerca del bullying, escribe 4 posibles soluciones para detenerlo e
ilústralo con una imagen. Si tienes acceso a internet puedes ver el siguiente video
para tomar algunas ideas.

Example (ejemplo):

Activity 14
Answering questions
Activity 1. Answer the following questions with simple ideas.
Responder las siguientes preguntas con ideas simples:

1.What is your favorite place to have a party?

(¿Cuál es tu lugar favorito para realizar una fiesta?)
Example: house, pool, etc (ejemplo: casa, alberca, etc)

2.What is the best party you have ever been to?

(¿Cuál es la mejor fiesta a la que has ido?)

Look at the invitation and identify the parts. Repeat each name aloud
(Observa la siguiente invitación e identifica sus partes. Repite cada
nombre en voz alta).
Para consultar la pronunciación de cada palabra puedes ir al sitio y buscar la palabra.
Activity 15
Wh- questions
Activity 2. Practice the Question Words. After that, look at the
invitation and answer the questions.
Repasar las palabras usadas en preguntas. Después de eso, observa
la invitación y responde a las preguntas.

•What is the event? (¿Qué evento es?) ______________
•When is the event? (¿Cuándo es el evento?)____________
•Where is the event? (¿Dónde es el evento?)_______________
•Who is the sender? (¿Quién lo envía?) _______
Activity 16
Party invitation
Activity 3. Practice the following vocabulary about invitations.
Write the correct word on each picture.
Practica el siguiente vocabulario relacionado a invitaciones.
Escribe la palabra correcta debajo de cada imagen.

Vocabulary c
Birthday (cumpleaños)
Time (hora)
Date (fecha)
Street (calle)
Telephone (teléfono)
Party (fiesta)

Practice the pronunciation of the words. To check the pronunciation use the following link and look for the words.
Para consultar la pronunciación de cada palabra puedes ir al sitio y buscar la palabra.
Activity 17
Party invitations
Activity 4. Complete the invitation using the words in the box.
(Completa la invitación usando las palabras del recuadro).

To (para)
From (de)
Email (correo electrónico)

Activity 18
Party invitations
Activity 3. Practice the following vocabulary about invitations.
Write the correct word on each picture.
Practica el siguiente vocabulario relacionado a invitaciones.
Escribe la palabra correcta debajo de cada imagen.

Birthday (cumpleaños)
Time (hora)
Date (fecha)
Street (calle)
Telephone (teléfono)
Party (fiesta)

Practice the pronunciation of the words. To check the

pronunciation use the following link and look for the words.
Para consultar la pronunciación de cada palabra puedes ir
al sitio y buscar la
Activity 19
Party invitations
Activity 5. Make an invitation following the examples from
previous activities. The invitation can be about a real or
fictional event, it must contain all the elements from activity
1 and 4. You can use the following template.
Realizar una invitación con base en los ejemplos vistos. La invitación
puede ser sobre algún evento real o ficticio, debe contener todos los
elementos que vimos en los ejemplos de la actividad 1 y 4. Puedes
utilizar un formato similar como el que se muestra a continuación.

Or you can visit the following website to design an online invitation.
O puedes usar el siguiente link para crear tu invitación online
Let’s make an invitation
Step 1: Choose your design.
Paso 1. Selecciona tu diseño

Step 2: Enter up the information.

Paso 2. Escribe la información

Steps 3 and 4: Choose the colors you prefer.
Paso 3 y 4. Selecciona colores

Step 5: Click on submit.

Paso 5. Da click and submit

Or you can visit the following website to design an online invitation.
O puedes usar el siguiente link para crear tu invitación online

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