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Custody Agreement

I​ ​Peter Jones, ​of​ 1576 35th Ave, E Vancouver, BC, V3B 6N5, Canada,​ ​as the custodial
parent of:
List the Full Names of Each Children: List Each Child’s Birth Date

Sofia Rose Jones  November 27, 2003 

Emma Anne Jones  March 14, 2005 

Liam Kai Jones  January 2, 2007 

do hereby grant custody of above listed custody to​:

List the Full Name of the Individual(s) to List Person’s Relationship

Whom You Are Granting Custody to Children

Janet Aarons  Mother 

Ms.​ ​Aaron​’s current address is​ ​1487 27th Ave, E Vancouver, BC, V5N 2W6, Canada​.

Statement of Consent: (To be signed in the presence of a legalized notary public.)

I​ ​Peter Jones​, ​hereby grant custody of the above children whom I have legal custody of,​ ​to
Janet Aarons.  
Reason of Custody Case: ​(oldest child will explain)
My name is Sofia Rose Jones. I am born in Canada and have an European 
descent. My mother is a Jew who was born in Czechoslovakia. My father is a 
Christian who was born in Greece. I have 2 siblings, a younger brother and sister. My 
parents met in Canada. They started hanging out without their families knowing. 
They were not married when they had me. Once I was born they decided to get 
married. Eventually they started having complications in their relationship. They 
would fight everyday. Even after all the fights they stayed together, thinking 
everything would get better overtime. Then my two younger siblings were born. In 
my childhood all I saw was my parents fighting. Especially during the wintertime 
since my mother wanted to celebrate Hanukkah and my father wanted to celebrate 
Christmas. When I was 5 years old, my parents decided to divorce. Now both of 
them are fighting for custody. Since my dad is too irresponsible my mom won 
custody. My life was full of problems. With all the spare time, since I never spend 
time with my family I decided to start babysitting. 
Mothers Signature: ​ Janet Aarons  
Fathers Signature: ​ ​Peter Jones ​Date: ​December ​2, 

On​ December 2, 2008, Janet Aarons and Peter Jones, ​personally appeared before me in​ ​the
province of ​British Columbia, ​and in my presence, signed this Custody form.

Name of Notary Official:​ ​BC Notaries Association  

Signature:​ ​David Williams 

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