19 Businesses Without Capital PDF

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The information presented herein represents the view of the author as of the
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While every attempt has been made to verify the information provided in this
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© 2020 TAYO ALADETOYINBO - All Rights Reserved

www.tabusinesshub.com +234 (0) 8055710626


This book is dedicated to my parents, Chief F.A and Mrs. R.S

Aladetoyinbo, who permitted me to do business right from my primary
school days. Those lessons that I learnt are what built me today. And also
to my wife, Adeola Aladetoyinbo, who supported my business spirit. This
is a result of your support.

Hey, thank you for downloading this e-book and a big congratulations!
You‟ve shown that you‟re not part of the crowd who don‟t like to take
actions that can change their lives. You‟re willing to make that change that
your generation will be glad for.

You‟ve shown that you‟re serious to venture into the entrepreneurship

world, where you have your own business or businesses that can finance
the lifestyle that you desire.

Even though, the world of business is not a roller-coaster ride, it’s

a world that is worth exploring because of the opportunities it
affords. You can choose your own time. You can choose where you work
from. You can decide when to go on vacation and all.

Going into business is not a yardstick to leaving your paid job. It‟s not a
way to hit back at your boss or to prove a point. If you‟re not fully ready
for it both “mentally, physically and financially”, I‟ll advice you don‟t take
the plunge. Stick with your paid employment and be a good employee.

Why did I write this book?

Everywhere that I go, I meet people who often complain about how what
they‟re earning is not enough, how they would have finished the previous
month salary before the end of the present month, how they couldn‟t get a
job and they don‟t have what to do to earn a living, how life is miserable.
They talk about money, money and money. If the way they talk about
money is the way they make money, they would have been

My replies to these people have always been “get another stream of

income.” And I often get back these responses:

“There‟s no capital to start a business.”

“A lot of people are already doing the business that I love to do.”

“I don‟t have any business idea.”

“I don‟t know how to market things.”

In short, they give one million and one reasons why they can‟t get another
stream of income.

The people are not comfortable with their financial state yet they
lack the internal energy and conviction to make a change that
they desire.

The answer to these responses is what you‟ll find in this book. There are a
lot of businesses you don‟t need capital to start. A lot of them.

You may have heard about the businesses in this book and feel you need
big money to venture into them. What I’ve just done for you is giving
you a smart way to go about them.

I‟ve penned down 19 of such businesses. Personally, I‟ve done a good

number of them. And I‟ve made good money from them. But the ones that
I‟ve not done, I‟ve met people who have done them and found out how
they did it.

NOTE: nothing works if you‟re not going to work it. These businesses are
not for lazy souls who are expecting miracles to happen while they fold
their hands doing nothing. But if you can put in the mental and physical
work, I promise you it‟ll work.

Get yourself composed. Get yourself into the right frame of mind and have
a positive attitude as you read through. Come out of your shell. Brace up
as we enter into the beautiful world of business.

I do hope you find the book interesting and impactful. And hopefully you
get started with your entrepreneurial journey.

Good luck!

Tayo Aladetoyinbo

This is one of the businesses that I love so much because of the high
demand it commands. A lot of Nigerians, I mean a lot of them travel
outside this country.

Just go to the two most used airports (Lagos and Abuja), you‟ll confirm my
point. And the good thing about the business is that you don’t
need capital to start. This may be hard for you to believe. All you need
is wisdom on partnership and marketing.

Get a reputable travel agency, go to their office and tell them you want to
work with and/or for them. Get all their travel packages and prices;
negotiate their prices as per an agent. Most of the times, they can give you
up to 30k discount….then charge your own price.

Your price must not be too much from their own, for example, if they do
United State visa for 150k and they give you for 120k, you can decide to
put your price at the same 150k or say your own is 160k. It all depends on
how smart you are and how you can convince clients.

In my case, I have a brother who works with a travel agency company in

Lagos who I partnered with. He gave me all their packages and prices. I
took my time to learn all the terminologies there is to learn about
each country’s visa….and before you know it, I was already talking to
clients like somebody who have been in the business for 10 years.
Don‟t forget I said that I took my time to learn all the terminologies. That
is where it starts from. You must not sound to a client like you‟re a novice
or else you‟re not going to get business.

Caution: there are a lot of challenges in travel industry. You have to know
about this so as to be ready for them when they come up. One of the
challenges is that there are a lot of impersonators in travel industry. You
must recognize them and avoid their traps.

This is the reason why you must work with a reputable travel company and
you must not be greedy of gain too. Make sure you have integrity.

People without integrity often sleep inside the police station on regular
basis which I don‟t wish for you. But if you do your homework well, you
can make a lot of money in this business.


Real Estate is one of my favourites. This is because of the high margin of

profit it gives. There’s no business that is as real as real estate. The
problem that people have is their inability to spot opportunities that will
make them money not scarcity of these opportunities.

There is a house in your neighbourhood right now for sale or that needs
occupant and all you need is just to act as the agent. Get somebody to buy
the house, buy the land or rent the apartment and pocket your 10% or 5%

Imagine you can get a buyer for a 5 million naira house….that is 500
thousand naira commission at 10%. What if you can sell a house for 30
million naira, you have 3 million naira cool cash.

Some people are looking for land for farming now and you have access to
land more than what they need. You just need to be what I call “The
Connector”. Connect the buyer with the seller and collect your

This is what some people do that you‟re wondering what they are doing for
a living that they‟re riding big jeeps. Because you see them go out late in
the morning, and they come back before closing hour, you think that
they‟re “thieves”.

Your definition of work is wrong. Work doesn’t have to be hard.

My financial mentor, Tayo Ayinla, an Abuja based real estate developer and
a business man, the CEO of Wisetrust International Limited started real
estate without capital. They now have estates in Nasarawa State, Makurdi
and Enugu. He taught me the same principle which I‟ve used to start
Mavilla Properties. www.mavillaproperties.com
Real estate is a goldmine and you don‟t need capital to start. All you need
is to get somebody to put you through and roll your sleeves and get down
to work.

The main categories of real estate are: land, residential, commercial

and industrial.

You can focus on any of these areas of real estate industry:


Sales and marketing


Professional services for example law, accounting etc.


Property management


This is a business model that has to do with you training people through
digital channels either through video apps, social media, WhatsApp etc.

It‟s a business model that doesn‟t need capital.

All you need is your phone or laptop and your brain. What skills do you
have? What are you an expert in? What are you passionate about?

See a list here:

Sex and relationships:

- Marriage counseling
- Dating advice
- Relationship tips


- Skin care
- Hair care

Marketing and Advertising:

- Facebook ads, Google and Instagram Ads

- Lead generation
- Data analytics
- Affiliate marketing
- Copywriting
- Etc.

Health and fitness:

- Weight loss and diet

- Supplements
- Fitness training
Others are:

C.V writing, vaginal problems, stretch mark and acne, stock trading,
premature ejaculation, baby care, fashion, project writing, photography,
make-up, crypto currency, bookkeeping, parenting, business plan writing,
grant writing, Bitcoin, cooking, web design, graphics design, real estate.
The list is endless.

Most of the times we have what can be translated into money but
the hardest part with us is how to actually translate it into money.

The best way to make money now is through digital. Covid-19 has taught
us that. A lot of people are begging for money now because they can‟t do
business because of the lockdown. But some of us who understand digital
training are making money in the lockdown.

Recently, during the covid-19 lockdown, I conducted training for 718

people on WhatsApp on copywriting. I did an advanced class that
people paid for and I also sold my e-book.

I was just receiving alerts inside the lockdown. I trained the 718 people at
the comfort of my room not lifting any load.

All you need to start this business is your phone, your brain (that is, what
you already know) that you didn‟t know can make money.

This business model is what you can start now. All you need is how to go
about it. We have a course that will put you through to start this business
and start making money with digital training.
The course is called Brain Money Academy. Everything you need, from
how and where to get information to repackage, mistakes to avoid, how to
become an instant expert, how to hypnotize people to buy your information
etc. are all in the course.

Check it here: https://tabusinesshub.com/shop/ to get your Brain Money

Academy or send a WhatsApp message to +234 (0) 8055710626


Car dealership is a business where you sell cars of different types, models
and specification. You may be wondering how you can start without capital
considering the fact that a unit of a good car starts from 800k and above.
Don‟t worry, I‟ll show you the exact model you can use.

Go and meet a car dealer with a good track record, introduce yourself to
them. Tell them you want to partner with them….that you want to be
helping them to sell their cars.
Ask for everything you need to know about the company: their branches,
addresses, year of business registration, the team, their brochure etc. and
get yourself familiar with these things.

If you know how to use the new media (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube,
WhatsApp, Snapchat etc) for marketing, you‟re ready for this business.
They will be willing to do business with you. After all, what every
business needs is more sales.

And since you‟re not going home with their cars, there will not be issues as
touching whether you‟re a „419‟ (fraudster) or whatever can bring
suspicion. Their cars will be with them….you just bring customers to them
and make your own money.

Get the prices they sell their cars, ask them how much they‟ll give each to
you. Most of the times, you can get from 50 to 100k as profit. And all you
need is to have a good picture of each, start doing your marketing on your
phone using WhatsApp and social media and bring them the sales.

But if you have little cash, you can create a website where you display
these cars and write articles on different cars, their parts, maintenance and
services. You can even meet more than one car dealer.

But don‟t do more than 3 good ones. That‟s how you start selling cars
without spending a dime on buying one.

NOTE: for some of these businesses, you need to first learn their language
because you don‟t want to look as a novice to customers or as someone
who doesn‟t know what they‟re doing.
Know different cars, how many plugs they have, and year of production;
know everything there is to know about each car such that when you‟re in
a discussion with a customer, they‟ll think you were part of those who
made the car. You understand that kind of knowledge.


There would be situations when you cannot sell your physical products. It
happened to everybody during the Corona Virus pandemic. Even if you
decide to open you shop, who is going to come out to buy your goods.

But digital products are products that have bulletproofs against

the time of crises. Nothing can stop you selling your products

As a matter of fact, even if there‟s not going to be a lockdown like this

again in human history, I want to advice that you consider a digital
business. It‟s easy, simple, less expensive, fast and without borders.

After I taught 718 people on copywriting, I converted the notes to an e-

book which I sold again at the comfort of my room.

I just did a cover page design. I went to the notes in my document and I
converted it to a PDF format. My book was ready. I didn‟t spend a dime to
produce this beautiful book you‟re looking at. That is the good side of a
digital product like this.

Another beautiful thing was that while I couldn‟t make money from my
physical businesses due to the lockdown, I was making money through the
digital products.

Immediately I released the e-book, people started buying. The fun and the
rewarding part is that long after I‟ve taught the class, people were still
requesting from the book.

Those who bought the book and saw the value and resources packed in it
started telling their friends about it, how it‟ll help their businesses and
finances. It‟s still selling. This is the beauty of digital products.
You can convert your digital trainings to:




Group mentorship

Online course

All these can happen at the comfort of your house. And you don‟t need
capital. All you need is your phone or laptop and your brain. That is all.


E-commerce is a billion dollar industry. There‟s no limit to what you can sell
using this business model. How to start the business without capital is to
partner with people who are already into the business.

Get the images of the products they sell and help them sell it. Most of us
have plenty contacts on our phone and all we use Whatsapp for is to
upload pictures on status, watch other peoples statuses and chat.

Rather than wasting the many contacts you have, sell something to them.
Even though there‟s no much gain from those little things you sell, it‟s a
good place to start. You can also partner with the Ecommerce giant like
Jumia and Konga.

There are other ways to do Ecommerce with other people‟s money. But
you‟re going to need money to set up a website, do some advertising on
Facebook or Instagram. The scope of this book is limited to how you can
do it without capital or to reduce your cost to almost zero.

Get people who are into it, collect the images of the products they‟re
selling at the moment and start marketing them on your WhatsApp and
social media.


There‟s a big demand for website designers as there are just few of them
around. This is skill you can learn within a month if you‟re really serious
with it and start making from 25k and above even as a starter that is not
yet a professional.

Why you‟re going to be making 25k and above is because you‟re just
starting out and you‟ve not yet mastered some technical aspect. Once you
become a master at it, you can start charging from 75k and above.
From the basic to master level can take you 6 months. You‟re upgrading
for that 6 months and you‟re making money alongside. Website design
doesn‟t need capital….all you need is readiness and seriousness to learn
the skill.

With two or three rich videos on Youtube on HTML 5 and CSS3, which is
like the basics, you‟re good to go. You can also focus on how to design a
Wordpress site as more than half of the world website is on Wordpress


This is one of the skills in high demand online as online consumption has
sporadically increased from written and audio content to video content.

Video content has proven to convert more than written or audio

content. And that is why every marketer and businesses are adopting
video content in their marketing strategies to drive more sales.

Motion graphics is animation but with text as a major component. Motion

graphics is a marriage of sound, motion and graphics design

Motion graphics are moving illustrations for narratives.

All you need to start this business today is a laptop, an access to the
internet and some video tutorials on YouTube.

With your own creative ability, you‟ll start making money immediately
because there‟s high demand for motion graphics experts because they‟re
few compared to graphics designers.

I know of a guy who charges from 50 US dollars on Upwork for a job. If

you can do just 5 jobs in a month, that is N105,000 as of today‟s exchange

Some of the software you need are: Adobe Photoshop, Maya 3D,
Adobe Illustrator, After Effects, Cinema 4D etc.


I‟ve done printing without having a machine and I‟ve made money from it.
Good money.

There are a lot of weddings, burial ceremonies and birthdays in Nigeria and
they‟ll use invitation card, programs, jotters and other printing souvenirs.

All you need is get a good printing company, get their prices and their past
jobs on your phone. These jobs that they‟ve done are what you‟ll be
showing people.
Don‟t show the side that has their phone numbers and address or else
you‟ll lose such a customer. Just show them the quality design, the neat
binding etc. and give them your price.

Take the job to the company. Do it and deliver.

Or better still, you can have a little design on your phone that shows your
address, phone number and all. Instead of showing the company‟s contact,
you could show your own.

You need a lot of things to know here so you can sound professional. From
different types and sizes of papers to colours to different machines and
equipment etc.

The good thing is that you can know everything in two weeks if you really
want to do the business. And the company will be willing to tell you
everything as long as they know it‟s a win-win situation.

If you know how to market well, you can get a printing contract that can
make you hundreds of thousands of naira. The beautiful part is that, as
you‟re getting jobs and taking to the company, you‟re indirectly learning
the trade. In no time, you can raise money from the jobs you‟ve done and
start your printing company fully.

You can start a business in graphics designing today. There are a lot of
videos online on this subject matter that you can watch in a day and you‟re
in business.

I have a friend who started by downloading tutorials on graphics. He did

that for two weeks, learning mostly all nights and most part of the day. He
got his first job not long after that.

And after starting from his friends, his clients increased and his price also.
He charges from 30 US dollars on Upwork presently.

All you need is a laptop or an access to one. You also need an access to
internet connections to aid your learning and growth.

You can also be a middleman. Many graphics designers don‟t know how
to access good jobs; they really don‟t know how to market themselves.

Here a single individual can simply have a network of designers and

connect them to clients. What they will do is to communicate with the
clients and relay the client‟s mind to the designer and vice versa.

Once the designer has agreed on a price, you put your cut and ensure the
job is done. The best way for this to work is never to directly connect your
designers with clients. You must always be the middleman.

The problem actually is not lack of money. It‟s lack of readiness to give
something up. We want something for nothing most of the times. And it
doesn‟t work like that anywhere in the world.

Apart from the popular research carried out by final year students in our
various tertiary institutions, there are research being done on daily basis by
different organization….and they need data analyst to analyze the data
gotten from the field.

This is a big business that you don‟t need capital to start. You don‟t need
an office or business registration. All you need is a good knowledge of
SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) and other data analysis

The good part of this business is that it doesn‟t affect your current business
or job. It‟s something you can do by the side.


This is another business that I know you can do without capital. Do you
give attention to details? Do you like organizing things around you? Do you
know where to get things at cheaper prices?

Or have you organized events before either small or big, no matter the
nature of the event? If your answer is yes to those questions that I asked,
you‟re good to go.
My wife and I planned our wedding and cut our expenses by 50%.
We wrote a book on it: How You Can Plan Your Own Wedding And Cut
Your Expenses By 50%.

You may want to ask me that how do I start?

Start with your family and friends. Talk to them that you‟ll plan their event
that they don‟t need an event planner. Do the budget for the event….this is
where bulk of the work lies. Get the things needed and organize them

For example, if it‟s wedding, you‟ll need to pick colours for them if they‟ve
not done that, look for who will decorate the venue, look for the baker who
will bake the cake, get the photographer, the DJ or life band, talk to people
who will supply the drinks and bottled water, get ladies who will be ushers
for the day….and everything needed.

As you’re doing everything, make sure you take pictures of the

journey and the event itself. These pictures are what you will use as
your portfolio for the next job which most of the times will be a
recommendation from your family and friends who you‟ve helped to plan
their events.

When you make money, you can now register your business and join event
planners association for other privileges. Make sure that you do the events
of your family and friends as if you were paid for it.

Don‟t do a shabby job because it‟s going to determine your success or

failure in the business.
This business is huge. There‟s no weekend in Nigeria where there‟s no
party. You can be stranded looking for events to plan if you follow my

You don‟t need any certification or credentials to start events planning

business. But when you‟ve made money, you can get some certifications;
join their membership so that if a job needs certifications, you can present


According to Pixelfield, mobile app development has become more critical

for many businesses as more than 3 billion people use smartphones
worldwide and there are more than 700 million apps download from
various app stores.

If you can learn this skill, you‟re not going to be poor again in your life.
According to Payscale survey, the current annual salary of App developers
is to reach 66,915 US dollars. That is huge.

You can learn mobile app development at edX, Udacity, Google Developers,
Udemy, Treehouse, Code School and you can watch free tutorials on
If you noticed, I‟ve been mentioning places where you can learn things for
free and start making money with the free learning. This is not
encouraging you to always be a free taker.

You can start with free but you can’t continue with free. You’ll
need to invest into premium trainings.

The reason you‟re making money with free is not for you to start eating
with all your hands, rather it‟s to set aside a portion of it towards the
development of the skill.


One of the silent, high skills in demand in today‟s business world is

copywriting. It‟s the ability to craft words that sell a product. There‟s no
business that doesn‟t want more sales.

If you‟re good in joining words together, not just words but enticing words
that can sell a product, copywriting is the way to go.

What you need is to learn the dynamics, how to do it and you‟re making
money with written words. You don‟t need to be a distinction student in
English Language to learn copywriting.
Even me I didn‟t have a distinction in English Language. But I‟ve written
long pages of sales letter that converted for me like crazy.

Why I like copywriting is that it’s formulaic in nature. In other

words, it has a step by step approach to it that if you can master this
approach, you can start making money almost immediately.

Another reason why I like copywriting is that anybody can learn the skill.
Go to any freelancing site you know and see how much a copywriter can
earn. I don‟t want to mention a specific amount. I want you to see for

I‟ve taught 718 people this skill within 10 days who have started applying it
in their personal businesses, making more sales than before and some of
them are into freelancing making money on sites like Fiverr, Upwork,
Freelancer etc.

My Copywriting Crash Course can make you learn the rudiments of

copywriting in 6 days.

Check it out here: https://tabusinesshub.com/shop/ to get your copy or send

a WhatsApp message to +234 (0) 8055710626

The book comes with many examples and 5 bonuses that will turn
you to an instant expert in copywriting and marketing generally. And you
can start making money with it and build on it as you continue in it.

Have you done business or businesses and you‟re successful at it? Then
you can start a consulting firm. You don‟t need any special certification for
now… all you need are those experiences you‟ve used to start and grow
your own business.

But that alone will not be enough. You need to understand topics like:

Business model

Sales and marketing

Strategy and operation

Human resource management

Creativity and innovation

Business ethics

You can have a consulting firm in any of these areas:

Human Resources


Management and strategy

Information Technology (IT)


If you‟re good at these subject matters, you can start a small business
consulting today. A lot of small business owners don‟t know how to drive
sales to their business. Just look for a gray area in any of the areas above
and create a solution in it. As a small business consultant, you can work
with 20 clients at a go.


More businesses are surfacing by the day. These businesses need funds to
start or to grow. But there is no financial institution or an investor that
you‟ll approach for fund, the first thing they‟ll ask you is your business

Unfortunately, a lot of business owners don‟t have a business plan or don‟t

know how to write one. I knew this when I applied for Bank of Industry
Loan in 2016.

Thousands of businesses were screened out because of their business

plans. I was selected. Majority just did copy and paste from
business plans they saw online. Some were even ignorant to the
point that they forgot to edit what they copied properly.

The good thing about business plan is that it can be learned. But how
many people are willing to sacrifice their time? If you can take your time to
learn the rudiments of a good business plan, you can start the business
today and even get your first client today.


Are you good in a particular subject especially subjects that students find
difficult to pass? Then you can start this business today.

You can start with a student or two or five depending on your

environment. And as you grow, you‟ll need more hands to teach and a
place to rent for your tutorial.

But you don‟t need that for a start. I have a friend who has more than 500
students and each of them pay 1k per month. Do the calculation.

We are in a season where students can no longer read on their own to

pass without the help of tutors. This particular issue has made tutoring a
profitable business than what it used to be in the pass.

Do your due diligence about this business and you can start today. You
don‟t need a building or tutors for a start. You can be teaching the
students in their house especially you‟re truly good at the subject you‟re

The goal of every business is visibility (to be seen) and sales. And both of
them can be achieved via the instrumentation of marketing. Common
among these instrumentations of marketing is social media.

That is, using social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,
Snapchat, Youtube, Linkedln etc. to create brand visibility and sales. You
do not need money to start a Social Media Agency.

All you need is the technical knowhow which you can read or watch videos
tutorials to learn. There are a lot of businesses online who need somebody
to manage their social media pages for them.

A lot of businesses need somebody who can help them drive sales via
Facebook advertising, Instagram, YouTube and all. Learn these skills and
start making money. This is how to start.

Go to traditional businesses around and approach them that you can help
them build their online presence. You can offer a trial period of 1 month for
them to see the result that social media can bring for them.

Having mastered one platform, approach your friends who are doing
business that you can help them develop their Facebook business page to
five or ten or twenty thousand likes for example or you can help them drive
quality leads to their ecommerce store etc. they‟ll be glad to let you.

If you get result for them, they‟ll refer others to you.


This business model has made me over N200,000 ....and you don‟t need
capital to start. What I'm about to show you is a business model I call
"First Person Leverage" (FPL).

I used the model to start business name registration and international

passport. N200, 000 is the minimum of what I‟ve made with this business


This is a business that helps businesses get registered with Corporate

Affairs Commission, an agency that registers businesses in Nigeria. There
are a lot of businesses that are yet to be registered in Nigeria that if you
position yourself as a business that registers businesses, you‟ll make a lot
of money.

This particular business model doesn‟t need a startup capital. I know you‟re
wondering….I‟ll show you how to go about it in a moment.

In the year 2016, I wanted to register one of my businesses, Rotlad

Agency and Services. I co-founded the business with a friend. So, I went to
the Corporate Affairs Commission office in Osogbo, Osun State.

On getting there, the woman I met said it'll cost me 25k. But we eventually
reached a compromise for 22k after "plenty talks."

On top of that, I didn't want to do for the 22k.

It just occurred to me that I could try it out in Lagos. And this time, I was
in Lagos for another engagement, I decided to go their office in Lagos.

When I got there, the woman that I met said it's 25k. The same price with
their office in Osogbo.

Then, it just occurred to me that I could use the First Person Leverage
for the business name registration business.

And this is what I did....

I told the woman that I help people to register their business and that I've
come from Osun State. "I'll get you plenty jobs, let's talk business."

Long story short, I negotiated the Enterprise to 16k (what they told me 22k
at Osogbo) and the Limited Liability Company to 50k....later got it for 40k.

And then, I registered Rotlad Agency and Services. This didn't have
anything to do with me getting clients. I didn't even use it for the new
business. I only used my integrity.

When I got back to Osun State, I just put on my status....REGISTER YOUR

BUSINESS IN 14 DAYS, then calls started coming in.

I register Enterprise for 25k and Limited for 70k....I've done limited for 85k
before. That is 45k profit.

And you know the best part, I didn't leave my house. Everything happens
on my phone. You send me your details on WhatsApp, I forward it to the
CAC person (the First Person) on WhatsApp.....pay her, take the rest
(the Leverage).
When your certificate is ready, she sends it through a driver to me. I never
have to leave my house to make 45k.

Entrepreneurs are not opportunist; they're just people who look

for opportunities to make money because money never sleeps.

To do a full-fledged company, the one you call Limited, you can charge
between 60 and 80k depending on the competition in your area. For
limited, I make between 20k and 35k per one.

If you can do limited just 4 times in a month at 20k profit, which is visible
if you do your marketing well, you can be making 80k and above in a
month. It doesn‟t affect your business or job. Everything will happen on
your phone.

You must be able to recognize opportunities; it‟ll separate you from the

NGO (Non-Governmental Organisation) is there too. It‟s just that people do

more of enterprise and company


The exact template I used for business name registration was what I used
for international passport. Go to the immigration office in your area;
approach a staff you see at the desk (not security, not people walking
around). Meet the right people.
Talk to them that you want to be giving them jobs….that they should give
you their prices. Make sure that before you go, you have an idea of how
much people pay so you can negotiate better.

They‟ll give you their prices, compare other places prices to have a good
deal. Once you have their prices, you can fix your own prices based on

International passport doesn‟t have much gain like business name

registration. What I did was to combine the two. If I don‟t see business
name registration, I‟ll see international passport.

The only way you can make good money on international is when there‟s
an express job. Somebody wants to get it in two or three day, you charge

Most of the times, they don‟t mind because they need it urgently. People
who just want to use it to open a bank account don‟t mind to wait for three


This is a form of marketing where you partner with the creator of a product
and sell for them. As an affiliate, you can make up to 70% of the product‟s
price. It all depends on what the creator is willing to give his/her affiliates.

You might have heard that you need to set up a landing page, drive traffic
to it and sell your affiliate offer or write a presell article. This might not be
far from the truth.

But there‟s a way you can go about it that will not cost you money. You
can market the product on your WhatsApp or social media.

Since you‟re not going to be writing a sales letter that can push people to
buy, I‟ll advice you don‟t go for products beyond the capacity of your circle.

This is what I mean, if your circle are just students or people who are still
dependent, and you go to market a product that is N10,000 and above,
you may not make a sale. And you must not also go for products that they
don‟t need.

You can be an affiliate on Jumia, Konga, Clickbank, JV Zoo, Expertnaire

(this is Nigeria digital products market), Amazon Associate etc.

What you‟ll get is a code that you will paste on your WhatsApp or social
media. Once a sale is made through the link, you‟ll be paid your
commission either on a weekly basis or monthly basis.

Thank you for reading to the end. What you‟ve just read are 19 businesses
you can start without capital. Go over it again and look for the one that
suits your personality and start it.

Starting a business without capital is easy. All you need is

smartness, ability to market things and integrity. Please you must
not forget integrity.

Out of the 19 businesses, you should be able to see 5 to 10 that you can
pick from. Please, make sure you don‟t put mountain where there‟s no
mountain. Be positive.

Be ready to pay the price. Be willing to act and you‟re on your way to living
the life of freedom.

Entrepreneurs are people who break limits....

Go, go, go….!

I wish you success




In this book, I covered:

 What is copywriting? How is it different from content writing

 5 advertisement components you need to master to be a good copywriter
 4 basic headline formulas that will win any day any time
 Understanding the AIDA formula + emotions triggers
 How to write an effective copy
 Frequently asked question
 Etc.

The book comes with examples and 5 bonuses that will turn you into an
instant copywriter and marketer. It’ll help you drive sales into your
business like crazy.

PRICE: N1,500 N2,000

Go to https://tabusinesshub.com/shop/ to get your copy or send a WhatsApp

message to +234 (0) 8055710626


(Everybody knows one or two things…)

In this book, I covered:

 How to Identify Hot Information
 5 mistakes that you‟re making that is killing your sales
 How to turn yourself into an instant expert
 The best way to use broadcast messages
 Why people are not buying from you
 How to package your own book even if you‟ve not written one before
 Etc.

PRICE: N1,500 N2,000

Go to https://tabusinesshub.com/shop/ to get your copy or send a WhatsApp

message to +234 (0) 8055710626


My name is Tayo Aladetoyinbo

I'm the founder of TA Business Hub, an online/offline community for

entrepreneurs where we share workable business and marketing strategies for
business growth. www.tabusinesshub.com

I'm the founder of Mavilla Properties, a real estate portal where real property
sellers and buyers meet. www.mavillaproperties.com

An alumnus of Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria

An alumnus of Daystar Leadership Academy, Lagos, Nigeria

I have certification in Customer Relationship Marketing from Strathmore Business

School, Nairobi, Kenya
Certification in Effective Communication from Lagos Business School, Lagos,

I hold a Diploma in Business Administration from Federal Polytechnic, Ede, Osun

State, Nigeria

My social media handles and contact:

Twitter: @Taladetoyinbo

Facebook: Tayo Aladetoyinbo

LinkedIn: Tayo Aladetoyinbo

Instagram: Tayo Aladetoyinbo

Website: www.tabusinesshub.com

Email: tayoaladetoyinbo@gmail.com or support@tabusinesshub.com

WhatsApp only: +234 (0) 8055710626

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