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Paraffin Deposition in

Petroleum Production
Norman F. Carnahan, SPE, Rice U.

Simply put, high-molecular-weight solids of the reservoir fluid during transit from bot-
precipitate ":'henever anything occurs that tomhole to the surface. Pressure change re-
I'-- decreases the carrying capacity of the fluid sulting in liberation of volatile light ends as
II:' solvent. Three classes of problems associat- gas may prove to be a very significant mech- -
~ ed with paraffin deposition in petroleum pro- anism in terms of its impact on overall
-~ duction are supercritical fluid phenomena in recovery of oil and gas.
I:'- the reservoir; temperature changes in the
f'- t'---.
production tubing; and pressure and temper- Pressure and Temperature /
""'~~ ature changes in surface facilities, gather-
ing systems, and trunklines .
Changes in Surface
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Facilities and Pipelines
Carbon Number Precipitation of paraffin in surface equip-
Supercritical Solvent Effects ment results from lower fluid temperature
in the Reservoir and from a decrease in fluid pressure. In
Fig. 1-Typical oil composition vs. carbon In deep, hot reservoirs, fluids have separators, precipitation results from flash-
number. equilibrated over geologic time. The reser- ing and the resulting decrease in the amount
voir temperature typically exceeds the crit- of light ends that are part of the solvent frac-
ical temperature of several of the light ends, tion. Paraffin deposition in surface equip-
such as methane and ethane, and associated ment is a relatively minor technical problem
Precipitation of solids, generically called nonhydrocarbon gases, such as nitrogen and because it is easily accessible and most of
''paraffins, ' ' is a well-recognized· produc- C0 2 . These '' supercritical'' components the heavier fraction has already precipitated
tion problem. The severity and nature of the are known to act as effective solvents5-7 for in the well bore and the reservoir.
problem can be predicted by use of accurate heavy ends. The most notable application of Nonetheless, paraffin deposition in trunk-
composition of the c7 + fraction and prin- supercritical-solvent extraction technology lines and transmission lines exposed to se-
ciples of solution thermodynamics. is the decaffeination of coffee with C0 2 . verely cold climatic conditions remains an
Paraffin problems commonly result from Similar applications demonstrate the general expensive aspect of getting oil to the mar-
cooling and subsequent precipitation of high- affinity of supercritical fluids for macro- ketplace, especially when pipelines are on
molecular-weight hydrocarbons during tran- molecular solutes. the ocean floor, such as at the Beatrice
sit from the reservoir to the surface. Paraffin When a well begins producing hydrocar- field 9 in the North Sea and the Hibernia
deposits form on the wall of downhole tubu- bons and associated fluids to the surface, a field offshore Newfoundland, or in Arctic
lars and in low-velocity zones near entrances pressure gradient is established, resulting in regions, such as the Alaskan North Slope,
and exits of chokes, collars, or similar re- flow of reservoir fluid through the porous the Daqing and Shen-Yang fields in north-
strictions in the flow path. Costly preven- medium. The.· carrying capacity of the ern China, and fields in Siberia.
tive chemical treatments or remedial supercritical-solvent fraction decreases dra-
workover procedures are required to cut matically as the pressure decreases in the Reservoir Engineering
away the paraffin deposit with mechanical direction of the wellbore. Precipitation of of Paraffin Fluids
knives or scrapers. As an alternative, hot oil dissolved heavy ends, 8 in the reservoir
can be used to melt these deposits. rock, is predictable. Accumulation of Today's reservoir fluid must be thought of
Even more significant, but generally un- precipitated heavy ends in the reservoir is as a complex mixture of light ends (methane,
addressed, is the problem of backpressure a plausible contribution to relative permea- ethane, propane, butanes, pentanes, hex-
on the reservoir caused by paraffin deposits bility decrease with cumulative production. anes, etc.) and heavy ends (a near-
in the production tubing, which decreases continuum of molecular weight fractions
the fluid withdrawal rate and defers produc- Temperature Changes in characterized as distributions of paraffins,
tion. Heavy hydrocarbons can also precipi- Production Tubing naphthenes, aromatics, resins; bitumens,
tate within the reservoir, reducing the asphaltenes, etc.). It is not sufficient to char-
Solids deposition in production tubing, the
permeability at distances that are untreata- acterize reservoir fluids simply in terms of
most common example of the paraffin prob-
ble from the wellbore, thereby posing a large weight percent C 7+, ASTM D-86 Pour
lem observed in production, is primarily a
production restriction. Point, and API gravity.
result of decreasing temperature, which
Precipitation of solid paraffin is actually _ Reliable sampling and compositional
causes a certain portion of the high-
an example of fluid/solid phase equilibrium. analysis 10 of the reservoir fluid, _initially
molecular-weight fraction to precipitate. ·1 ,2
It is explained in terms of established prin- and during production, are essen~1~l. Ac-
Mechanisms other than decreasing temper-
ciples of thermodynamics of solutions-i.e., curate knowledge of fluid compositiOn en-
ature, such as pressure change, can reduce
the solution of higher-molecular-weight ables the engineer to forecast and define the
the carrying capacity of the solvent fraction
hydrocarbons in lower-molecular-weight severity of paraffin deposition problems as-
hydrocarbons that act as a solvent. 1-4 Copyright 1989 Society of Petroleum Engineers sociated with production.

1024 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------October 1989•JPT

sPE Technology
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0 -300
W.G.a.-t( 962) t'-... .......
. . ~
-400 - 2 50 - 2 0 0 -1_5 0 -1 0 0 - 50 0 50 100
0 20 40 60 80 100
Temperature, of
Carbon Number

Fig. 2-Solidification temperatures vs. carbon number for nor- Fig. 3-Cumulative solids precipitation vs. temperature for a
mal paraffin hydrocarbons. North Sea crude oil (from Pedersen et a/.1 4).

Fig. 1 shows a semilogarithmic distribu- for primary production, and enhanced ing and-management of paraffin problems.
tion of molecular weights (expressed as car- recovery. Together with principles of solution thermo-
bon numbers, in this example) for a sample 2. Solids deposition is quantitatively pre- dynamics, the composition allows quantita-
of west Texas (San Andres) crude oil. The dictable, based on accurate compositional tive prediction of the nature and severity of
semilogarithmic distribution of carbon num- analysis of the whole reservoir fluid, espe- the problem and provides a useful method
bers or molecular weights is typical of many cially the c7 + fraction, in terms of for estimating the effectiveness of proposed
naturally occurring petroleum fluids. paraffin/naphthene/aromatic (PNA) and remedial measures.
Fig. 2 illustrates a correlation of the molecular weight distribution. Solution-
solidification temperature experimentally theory calculations show good correlation References
determined for various high-molecular- between predicted and observed quantities
and composition of precipitated solids. 1. Won, K.W.: "Thermodynamics for Solid-
weight n-alkane paraffin hydrocar-
3. Solids deposition is manageable, based Liquid-Vapor Equilibria: Wax Phase Forma-
bons.ll-13 When a reservoir fluid cools to
on conventional, established principles of tion From Heavy Hydrocarbon Mixtures,"
temperature T, paraffin hydrocarbons hav- Fluid Phase Equilibria (1986) 30, 265-79.
ing solidification temperatures greater than solution thermodynamics, chemical addi-
2. Weingarten, J.S. and Buchner, J.A.:
Ttend to precipitat~ from solution.:Similar tives, etc.
"Methods for Predicting Wax Precipitation
data exist-or can he experimentally deter- 4. Solids deposition in petroleum produc- and Deposition," SPEPE (Feb. 1988)
mined for ilonparaffin hydrocarbons and tion consists of wax and asphaltene precipi- 121-26.
other components of reservoir fluids. tation, and is related to polymer solutions 3. Hansen, J.H. et al.: "A Thermodynamic
Fig. 3 illustrates the relation between the (especially extraction of polymer fractions), Model for Predicting Wax Formation in
temperature of a petroleum mixture, origi- supercritical fluid extraction technology. Crude Oils," A!ChE J. (1988) 34, No. 12,
nally liquid at reservoir temperature, and the These phenomena are quantitatively predict- 1937-42.
able by means of the thermodynamics of 4. Carnahan, N.F.: "Solution Theoryfor High
cumulative percent of the total mixture that
continuous high-molecular-weight mixtures Pour Point Paraffinic Oils," paper 36b
precipitates as a solid for a North Sea crude
and thermodynamics of solutions. presented at the 1988 AIChE Natl. Meeting,
oil sample as reported by Pedersen et
al. 3,14 Paraffin deposition is ( 1) an example of New Orleans, March 6-10.
fluid/solid phase equilibrium; (2) a result of 5. Kim,-S. and Johnston, K.P.: "Clustering in
The modern approach to reservoir engi- Supercritical Fluid Mixtures,'' A!ChE J.
changes in "solvent capacity" of lighter
neering recognizes that accurate composi- (1987) 33, No. 10, 1603-11.
ends to dissolve heavy "solute" molecules
tional analysis of petroleum fluid~, together resulting from temperature changes in the 6. Campanella, E.A., Mathias, P.M., and
with reliable experimental data for solidifi- wellbore, pressure and temperature changes O'Connell, J.P.: "Equilibrium Properties of
cation temperatures-heats of fusion, etc.- in surface equipment and pipelines, and su- Liquids Containing Supercritical Sub-
for individual components, allows the en- percritical solvent phenomenon in the reser- stances," A!ChE J. (1987) 33, No. 12,
gineer to predict the amount and composi- voir; (3) predictable when based on accurate 2057-66.
tion of solid_ that will precipitate from the reservoir fluid composition analysis; 7. Debenedetti, P.G. and Kumar, S.K.: "The
reservoir fluid. (4) manageable by use of conventional prin- Molecular Basis of Temperature Effects in
Supercritical Extraction," AIChE J. (1988) ,
ciples of solution thermodynamics; and
Summary 34, No. 4, 645-57.
(5) related to asphaltene precipitation, poly-
8. Carnahan, N .F.: "Reservoir Fluids Classifi-
1. Solids deposition mechanisms must be mer solution behavior, supercritical fluid so- cation for EOR,'' Proc., DOE Regional
more generally recognized and understood lutions, and thermodynamics of continuous · Forum o~ Geoscience Research, Houston
to make better economic decisions concern- mixtures. (June 16-17, 1988).
ing the modem approach to petroleum reser- Accurate compositional analysis of the
voir development, production system design c7+ fraction is the key to better engineer- (To Page 11 06)

JPT • October 1 9 8 9 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 0 2 5
Paraffin Depositio·n in General References
Petroleum Production Abbasian , M .J. and Wei!, S.A.: " Phase
Equilibria: of Continuous Fossil Fuel Process
(From Page 1025) Oils ," AIChE 1. (1988) 34, No . 4, 574-82.
Chandler, ·D., Weeks, J.D., arid Andersen, H.C.:
" Vim der Waals Picture of Liquids and Phase
9. Carnahan, N.F. : "Beatrice Field Develop- Transfom1ations," Science (1983) 220,787-94.
ment: Productibn System a:nd Pipelines for
High Pour Point Waxy Cnide Oil in the North Riazi, M.R. and Daubert, T.E .: "Simplify Prop-
Sea, " The Hansard (Official Publication of erty Predictions,' ' Hydrocarbon Processing
the Houses of Parliament), London (1978) . (March 1980) 115 . Carnahan
10. Green, J.B . et al.: " Analysis of Heavy Oils: Vimalchand, P. and Donohue, M.D.: " Compar-
Method Development and Application to ison of Equations of State for Chain Mole- Norman F. Carnahan teache~ ~her­
Cerro Negro Heavy Petroleum;' ' Fossil Ener- cules," 1. Phys. Chern. (1989) 93, No. 10, modynamics at Rice U. and petroleum
gy Series, NIPER-323 (DE89000746) (June 4355-60. fl.uid properties and phase behavior at the
1989). u. of Houston. As president of Carnahan
Yu, i.M., Wu, R.S ., and Batycky, J.P.: "Charac-
11. Schaerer, A.A . et al.: "Properties of Pure Corp.; a Houston-based international con-
terization Method for Bitumen Phase Behavior
Normal Alkanes in the C 17 to C 36 Range,"
Predictions," Proc. , AIChE Nat!. Meeting , . sulting engineering firm established in
1. Amer. Chern. Soc. (1955) 77, 2017-19. ~ 977; Carnahan assisted the development
12 . Broadhurst, M.G.: "Ah Anaiysis of the Solid New Orleans (March 1988) paper 36e.
of tt'le Beatrice field, the first high-wax-
Phase Behavior of the Normal Paraffins ,'' 1. content crude oil project in the North Sea.
Res. Nat!. Bureau of Standards-A, Physics Sl Metric Conversion Factor He has provided technical consulting for
and Chemistry (May-June 1962) 66A, No . op (°F-32)/ l.S = oC the Hibernia field, for heavy-oil and high-
3, 241-49. pour-point-oil projects in the Alaskan
l3. Motgan, D.L.: "Extension of Pitzer Cotre- North Slope, North Africa, and China, .ana
sponding States Correlations Using New
Provenance . for numerous domestic and foreign EOR
Vapor Pressure Measurements of the n- This paper is SPE 19895. Technology To- projects. He holds a BS degree from ~he
Alkanes C 10 to C 28 ," PhD dissertation, day Series articles provide useful summary U. of Houston and a PhD degree fi"om the
Rice U. , Houston ( 1989). information on both classic and emerging U. of Oklahoma, both in chemical engi-
14. Pedersen, K.S. , Thomassen, P., and Fredens- neering. His engineering and research in-
concepts in petroleum engineering. Pur- terests involve the behavior of fluids and
iund, A.: " Thermodynamics of Petroleum
.ty[ixtures Containing Heavy Hydrocarbons:
pose: To provide the general reader with a fluid mixtures, including fluid/solid phase
3. Efficient Flash Calculation Procedures basic understanding of a significant concept, behavior · and its relation to rheological
Using SRK Equation of State," Ind. & technique, or development within a specific properties of mixtures.
Eng. Chern. Process Design & Development area of technology.
(1985) 24, 948. JPT
il06 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - O c t o b e r 1989 • JPT

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