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A Air

A Ampere
A Assembly
A&SP Advertising and Sales Promotion
A/C Aftercooler
A/C Air Conditioning
A/C Div Caterpillar Aircraft Division
A/F Air Fuel Ratio
A/F Asbestos Free
A/I Accommodation Invoice
A/P Accounts Payable
A/T After Treatment
A/T Device Completed assembly, DPF unit, filter section, sensor box assembly including sensors and tubing, inlet and outlets
AA Arithmetic Average
AAC Air After Cooling (Water)
AAO Acid Alkaline Oil Drain
AAT Ambient Air Temperature
AAU Average Assembly Usage
AB Administration Building
ABC Accelerated Basic Courses
ABC Activity Based Costing
ABC Action, Behaviour, Consequence
ABC Automatic Blade Control
ABLO Auto Bleed Leak Off
ABM Assistant Business Manager
ABMR Activity Based Management Reporting
ABP Annual Business Plan
ABRS Abrasion
ABS Anti-lock Braking System
ABS Automatic Braking System
ABS American Bureau of Shipping
AC Alternating Current
ACC Accessory
ACCB Application Change Control Board
ACCEL Acceleration
ACCLRM Accelerometer
ACCUM Accumulator
ACD Auxilliary cooling device
ACE Advanced Composition Explorer
ACE Advanced Computing Environments
ACE Adverse Channel Enhancements
ACE Agricultural Communicators in Education
ACE American Council (on) Education
ACE Angiotensin Converting Enzyme
ACE Antarctic Current Experiment
ACE Attitude Control Electronics
ACE Australian College of Educators
ACE Automatic Calibration and Equalization
ACE Automatic Calling Equipment
ACE Automatic Computing Engine
ACERT Advanced Combustion Emissions Reduction Technology
ACF2 Access Control Facility
ACK Accounting Control Key
ACK Acknowledgements

ACL Access Control List
ACL Adept Command Language
ACL Air Cleaner
ACLTR Accelerator
ACO Analog Current Output
ACOMP Air Compressor
ACR Assembly Conformance Reporting
ACRONY Alphabetically Contrived Reduction Of Nouns Yielding Mnemonics
ACS Access
ACS Automated Cartridge Syste
ACS Application Check Sheet
ACT Advance Cold Test
ACT Advance Concept Team
ACT Active
ACT Actuation
ACTL Actual
ACTR Actuator
AD Add
ADA Americans with Disability Act
ADC Asian Distribution Center
ADC Analogue to Digital Converter
ADCO Advance Design Change Order
ADD Addendum
ADDL Additional
ADE Application Development Environment
ADEI Application Development Environment Implementation
ADEM Advanced Diesel Engine Management
ADF Peterborough Information Screen
ADJ Adjust
ADJ Adjuster
ADJ Adjustable
ADJ Adjustment
ADJG Adjusting
ADJT Adjacent
ADPTR Adapter
ADT Articulated Dump Truck
ADT Asynchronous Data Transfer
ADV Advertised
AE/DM Authoring Environment Domain Model
AEC Automatic Engine Speed Control
AECD Auxiliary Emissions Control Device
AEI Air Express International
AEIS Automatic Ether Injection System
AEM Association of Equipment Manufacturers
AEM Auxiliary Equipment Manufacturer
AERA Additional Early Retirement Allowance
AES Advanced Encryption Standard
AESC Automatic Engine Speed Control
AESOP Approved Employee Share Option Plan
AET Applications of Engineering Technology
AETA Automatic Electronic Traction Aid
AFA Applied Failure Analysis
AFNOR Association Francaise De Normalisation
AFR Air Fuel Ratio

AFRC Air Fuel Ratio Control
AFTCLR Aftercooler

AGM Anything Given to Me

AGR Agriculture
AH Ampere Hour
AHC Agricultural Hitch Control
AHS Autonomous Haulage System
AI Accommodation Invoice
AI Artificial Intelligence
AI Additional Instructions
AI Application Implementation
AIAG Automotive Industry Action Group
AIF Auxiliary Information File
AIH Air Inlet Heater
AIM Administration Instruction
AIM Availability & Inventory Management
AIMS A (cluster) - Information Management System
AIQ Average Inventory Quantity
AIP Availability Improvement Plan
AIS Assembly Inf. System, Advance Inf. System
AISI American Iron and Steel Institute
AISO Air inlet shut-off
AIT Air Inlet Temperature
AJS Automated Job Scheduler
AJS Automated Job Scheduling System
AL Aluminum
ALC Alcohol
ALF Aft Looking Forward
ALG Angling
ALIGNT Alignment
ALLOW Allowance
ALM Alarm Module
ALT Assembly and Logistics Technology
ALT Alternator
ALT Altitude
ALTN Alternate 
AM Amplitude Modulation
AM Tool Application Management Tool
AMB Ambient
AMD Authorised Marine Dealer
AMM Ammeter
AMOCS Advanced Modular Cooling System (Radiator)
AMP Ampere
AMPL Amplifier
AMS Assembly Material Status
AMT Advanced Materials Technology
AMT Automated Machine Translations
AMT Automated Manufacturing Technology
AMT Autonomous Mining Truck
AMV After Market View
AN/C Advanced Notification/Communication
ANC Active Noise Control

ANC Advance Notification of Change
ANG Angle
ANN Annunciator
ANOVA Analysis of Variance
ANR Above Normal Range
ANS Advance Shipping Notices
ANSI American National Standards Institute
ANT Antenna
ANTARE Parts ordering System
ANTIFRZ Antifreeze
AOA Advance Order Action
AOALT Advance on Altitude
AOC Assembly Operation Card
AOCT Advance on Coolant Temperature
AOD Americas Operations Division
AODC Area Operating Decision Cost
AOE Area Of Excellence
AOQ Abnormal Order Quantity
AOSS Advance on Steady State
AP Accounts Payable
APA After Paint Assembly
APAC Asia Pacific Region
APD Asia Pacific Division
APF Authorized Program Facility
APG Arizona Proving Ground
API American Petroleum Institute
API All Parts International
API Antares Parts Invoicing
API Application Programming Interface
APIC American Inventory Control Authority
APL Asia Pacific Learning
APLD Applied
APM Asia Pacific Marketing
APN Alternate Part Name
APO Antares Parts Ordering System
APO Asia Pacific Operations
APO Antares Part Ordering
APPC Advanced Peer to Peer Communication
APPC Advanced Program to Program Communications
APPD Approved 
APPL Advance Production Parts List
APPL Application
APPN Advanced Peer to Peer Networking
APPROX Approximate
APQP Advanced Product Quality Planning
APR April
APS Advanced Product Services
APS Advanced Planning System
APT Advanced Production Technologies
APU Auxiliary Power Unit
AQA Advanced Quality Action
AQA Assembly Quality Analysis

AQA Application Quality Assurance
AQE All Quality Events
Assembly Quality Event

AQI Annual Quality Improvement

AQL Acceptable Quality Level
AQP Advance Quality Planning
AQR Assembly Quality Report
AQS Advanced Quality Service
AR Abrasion Resistant
AR Arrangement
ARC Automatic Retarder Control
ARD Auxiliary Regeneration Device
ARD Aftertreatment Regeneration Device
ARES Advanced Reciprocating Engines Systems
ARF Auto Reverse Fan
ARIZ Algorithm for Inventive Problem-Solving
ARM Armature

ARM Application Resource Monitoring

ARO AccuGrade Ready Option

ARPANET Advanced Research Projects Agency NETwork

ARS Action Request System
ART Articulated
ARTWK Artwork
AS Air Shielded
AS Assembly
AS Assignment Sheet
AS Application System
ASA Application Severity Analysis (Software)
ASAE American Society of Agricutural Engineers
ASAM Automated Storage Area Management
ASAP Alternative Supplier Approval Procedures
ASAP As Soon As Possible
ASB Asbestos 
ASBSTL ENG Asbestos Steel Encased
ASC Application Support Center
ASCII Amercian Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASD Advaced Systems Division
ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations
ASI Assembly and Shipping Instructions
ASIMCO Asian Strategic Investments Corporation
ASM Automated Storage Management
ASM Area Sales Manager
ASME American Society for Mechanical Engineers
ASN Advance shipping Notice
ASN Aged Shipping Notice
ASOS Air Shut Off Solenoid
ASP Asphalt Pavers
ASPAC Asia Pacific
ASPH Asphalt
ASQ American Society for Quality
ASR Air Shutoff Relay
ASR Anti-Slip Regulation
ASRS Automatic Storage Retrieval System

ASSC Authorized Sales and Service Centers
ASSY Assembly
AST Asynchronous System Traps
ASTM American Society for Testing Materials
ASVT Air System Verification Test
ASWC Air Shielded Water Cooled
AT Articulated Trucks
ATA American Trucking Association
ATA After Tests Attachments
ATA After test assembly
ATA Advanced Technology Attachment
ATAAC Air to Air After Cooled
ATB AC Transformer Box
ATC All-Terrain Crane
ATCH Attachment
ATD Analysis Tool Development
ATDC After Top Dead Centre
ATK Articulated Truck (GoldSim Terminology)
ATI Arbor Text Inc
ATL Asia Trak (Tianjin) Limited
ATL Automated Tape Library
ATM Agricultural Tractor Monitor
ATM Atmosphere
ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode
ATP Available to Promise
ATS Advance Technical Systems (after Test)
ATS After Test Assembly
ATS Assembly Tracking System
ATS Automatic Tracking System - Used in Accugrade (Grade Control)
ATS Automatic Transfer Switch
ATS Annual Target Setting
ATSO A-Time Share Option
ATTN Attention
AUG August
AUTO Automatic
AUX Auxiliary
AVC Additional Voluntary Contributions
AVG Average
AVID Added Value in Design
AVR Automatic Voltage Regulator
AWC Air Shielded - Water cooled
AWCS Automated Warehouse Control System
AWD All Wheel Drive
AWG American Wire Gage
AWS All Wheel Steer
AWS American Welding Society
AZD Achieving Zero Defects

B Bytes (B, kB, MB, GB)
B- Ground
B/C Budget Centre
B/D Bull Dozer
B/L Bill of Lading
B/M Bill of Material
B/O Backorder
B+ A positive source of battery power
BAB Babbitt
BACT Best Available Current Technology
BAEB Bituminous & Aggregate Equipment Bureau
BAFF Baffle
BAG Bookbuild Autmated Generation
BAL Balance
BAL Basic Application Layer
BAO Base Art Object
BAR Unit for measuring pressure
BAT Belted Ag Tractor
BATT Battery
BATNEEC Best Available Technique Not Entailing Excessive Cost
BB Black Belt
BB Buy Back
BBDC Before Bottom Dead Center
BBR Battery-backed RAM
BBRam Battery-backed RAM
BBS Bulletin Board System
BBSDM Building Blocks Standard Data Mask
BCC Backwards Curved Centrifugal
BCI Battery Class Indicator
BCK Backed
BCL Building Customer Loyalty
BCM Business Continuity Management
BCP Building and Construction Products
BCP Business Continuance Planning Now known as DR
BCP Base Control Program
BCPD Building Construction Products Division
BCV Business Continuance Volume
BCY Banked Cubic Yard
BD Bin Denials
BDC Brazil Distribution Center
BDC Bottom Dead Centre
BDE British Department of Environment
BDI Battery Discharge Indicator
BDM Business Development Manager
BDS Business Development Services
BDY Boundry
BE Both Ends
BE Business Excellence
BEC Business Economics Commodity
BEL Bell
BE SAP Business Excellence Strategic Action Plan
BEA Boundary Element Analysis
BEAST Baseline, Estimation, Analysis, Simulation, Trends
BETW Between
BEV Bevel
BHD Bulkhead
BHL Backhoe Loader

BHN Brinell Hardness Number
BHP Brake Horsepower
BIA Business Impact Analysis
BIC Best In Class
BIC Business Information Centre
BIG Business Intelligence Group
BIMS Information Management System
BIG Business Intelligence Group
BIL Business Importance Level
BIS Business Information System
Bit Binary Digit
BITS Basic Inventory Time Solver
BJA Bolted Joint Analysis
BK Brake
BK Black
BK AIR PR Brake Air Pressure
BK OIL PR Brake Oil Pressure
BK OIL TEMP Brake Oil Temperature
BKDN Breakdown
BKHO Backhoe
BKO Breakout
BKRST Backrest
BKSVR Brakesaver
BKT Bucket
BKUP Backup
BKWD Backward
BKW Brake Kilo Watt (Engine output)
BL Blast
BL Blower
BLK Block
BLD Blade
BLD Build
BLDG Building
BLI Block Level Incremental (backup)
BLU Blue
BLR Blue Laser Recording
BM Boom
BM Business Manger
BMCM Bill of Material Consist and Prices
BMDB Bill of Material Database
BMEP Brake Mean Effective Pressure
BMMN Bill of Material Indicative Database
BMNO Bill of Material Notes
BMPR Bumper
BAR Business Management Report
BMR Build Material Request
BMS Business Management System
BN Base Number
BND Bonded
BNR Below Normal Range
BNR Billed Not Received
BNR (FL) Billing Notification Report
BNR Burner
BO Blow Off
BOC Building Operations Centre
BOD Bill Of Distribution
BOF Bought Out Finished
BOL Bowl
BOL Bill of Lading
BOM Bill of Materials

BOMCN Bill of Material Chance NOte
BOR Bought Out Rough
BOT Bottom
BOY Balance of Year
BP Business Process
BP Business Plan
BPIC British Inventory Control Authority
BPP Beyound Perkins Parts
BPS Bytes per second
BPSC Business Process Security Controls
BPSI Business Process Simplification and Improvement
BPT Business Plan Tracking
BPV Back Pressure Valve
BR Brinell
BR Brown
BRC Brace
BRC Business Resource Centre
BRD Branded
BRDG Bridge
BRG Bearing
BRM Business Risk Managment
BRKR Breaker
BRKT Bracket
BRP Business Resumption Planning
BRPS Business Resumption Plan Status
BRT BAG Reporting Tool
BRTHR Breather
BRZ Bronze
BS Balance Sheet
BS British Standard
BS Brown Sharp Gauge
BSAO Automobile
BSAU British Standards Automobile Series
BSC Basic
BSC Balanced Scorecard
BSC Byindary Synchronous Communication
BSFC Brake Specific Fuel Consumption
BSHG Bushing
BSI British Standards Institute
BSOC Brake Specific Oil Consumption
BSOC Business Strategy, Objectives and Constraints
BSP British Standard Pipe Thread
BSSB Building Services Standby
BSSB Before Shipping Stand By
BST Booster
BTC Before Top Centre
BTDC Before Top Dead Centre
BTM Brushless Torque Motor
BTRT Bottom of Top Ring Travel
BTRY Battery
BTSO B-Time Share Option
BTU British Thermal Unit
BU Bargaining Unit
BU Business Unit
BUC Business Unit Council
BUCR Business Unit Constraints Review
BV Bureau Veritas
BVMS Business Value Management Services
BW Birmingham Wire
BWG Birmingham Wire Gage

BWI Brush Wear Indicator
BX Building Xcessory
BYF Build Your Future
BYP Bypass
BYPC Bypass Closed
BYPO Bypass Open
BZ Bronze

C Programming Language
 C Celsius
 C Co
  C-TO-C Centre to Centre
  C++ An extension to C Programming Language
  C&TS Computer and Technical Services
  C/F Case to Frame
  C/H Cushion Hitch
  C/L Centerline
  C/L (CLP) Consumer List Price
  C/R Camfer/Radius of Compression Ratio
  C2C Cat to the Core
  CA Competitive Allowance
  CA Cost Allowance
  CA Competitive Advantage
  CA Team Competitive Advantage Team
  CAI Communication Adapter 1
  CAII Communication Adapter 2
  CAAP Crusader Alternate Allison Powerpack
  CAB Change Advisory Board
  CAB/EC Change Advisory Board / Executive Committee
  CAC Charge Air Cooler
  CACD Corporate Auditing and Compliance Department
  CACL Caterpillar Attachments Canada Ltd.
  CACO Cat America Co.
  CAD Computer Aided Design
  CAE Computer Aided Engineering
  CAES Computer Aided Earthmoving System
  CAF Core Acceptance Family
  CAFE Computer Aided Facility Engineering
  CAFE Corporate Average Fuel Economy
  CAGR Compound Annual Growth Rate
  CAL Caterpillar Asia Limited
  CAL Calibrate
  CALC Calculate
  CALS Continuous Acquisition and Lifecycle Support
  CAM Computer Aided Manufacturing
  CAM Camshaft
  CAMDR Camdrive
  CAMP Camshaft Position Sensor
  CAMPAR Computer Aided Marketing PAR
  CAMSH Camshaft
  CAMU Concurrent Assembly Mock Up
  CAN Canopy
  CAN Contract Amendment Note
  CAN Controller Area Network
  CANC Canceled
  CANMET Canada Center for Mineral and Energy Technology
  CAO Cab Assembly Operations
  CAP Capacity
  CAP Cost Avoidance Potential
  CAP Caterpillar Agricultural Products Inc.
  CAP Customer Alliance Program Cost Avoidance Potential
  CAPL Caterpillar Asia Pte. Ltd.
  CAPP Corp. Accounts Parts Purchases
  CAPP+ Computer Aided Process Planning
  CaPS Casting Process Simulator
  CAPS Caterpillar Attachment Products and Services

  CAPS Corp. Account Payable System
  CAPT Computer Programs for Design
  CAPT Computer Aided Product Technology
  CAS Content Addressable Storage
  CAS Corporate Accounting Services
  CAR Corrective Action Report
  CAR Corrective Action Request
  CARB California Air Regulation Board
  CARB California Air Resources Board
  CARB California Emission Regulations
  CARB Carburetor
  CARBZ Carburize
  CARP Crusader Alternate Rank Powerpack
  CARR Carriage
  CARS Caterpillar Account Registration System
  CARS Common Access Request System
  CART Cartridge
  CASE Computer Aided Software Engineering
  CAT Caterpillar Inc
  CAT Caterpillar Acronym Table
  CAT ET Caterpillar  Electronic Technician
  CAT PAC Caterpillar Employee Political Action Committee
  CAT PC Caterpillar Engine Power Connection
  CATDUG CATerpillar DB2 User Group
  CATS Cost Activity Tracking System
  CAW Customer Assembly Workspace
  CAV Customer Acceptance Validation
  CB Centre Ball
  CB Circuit Breaker
  CB Citizen Band
  CB Counter Balance
  CBC Customer Business Centre
  CBE Corporate Brand Equity Division
  CBHT Centre Ball Hydraulic Tilt
  CBL Caterpillar Brazil Ltd.
  CBL Cable
  CBM Critical Business Measures
  CBMT Centre Ball Manual Tilt
  CBN Cubic Boron Nitride
  CBORE Counter bore
  CBP CAT Branded Products
  CBR Critical Business Requirements
  CBR Case Based Reasoning
  CBRAT Case Based Reasoning Authoring Tool
  CBS Corporate Business System
  CBS Configurable Broadcast System
  CBSA Caterpillar Brazil South America
  CBSA Caterpillar Belgium S.A.
  CBT Computer Based Training
  CBT Component Based Troubleshooting
  CBT Critical To Business
  CBU Completely Built Up
  CBU Capacity Backup Upgrade
  CC Cable Control
  CC Contamination Control 
  CC Critical Characteristics
  CC Chrome Covered
  CC Cycle Counts
  CCA Cat - Claas America
  CCA Cold Cranking Amps

  CCAC Combine Circuit Aftercooler
  CCB Closed Circuit Breather
  CCC Customer Communication Component
  CCC Customer Competency Centre
  CCC Customer Chasing Call
  CCCA Corporate Customer Code Administration
  CCE Cat - Claas Europe
  CCE Claas Caterpillar Europe
  CCE Compact Construction Equipment
  CCF Command Control Facility
  CCG Canadian Coast Guard
  CCI Caterpillar (China) Investment Co. Ltd.
  CCII Newsgroup cat.comp.intranet.issues
  CCL Caterpillar China Ltd.
  CCM Customer Communication Module
  CCM Customer Change Management
  CCMA Chinese Construction Manufacturers Association
  CCO Customer Care Officer
  CCP Can Calibration Protocol
  CCR Critical Customer Requirements
  CCR Caterpillar Certified Rebuild
  CCR CAT Common Rail
  CCR Compact Common Rail
  CCR Critical Customer Requirements
  CCRT Catalytic Continuously Regenerated Trap (DOC & Catalysed PM Trap)
  CCS Caterpillar Cooling Systems
  CCS China Classification Society
  CCS Command Control Steering
  CCS Customised (Customized) Coverage System
  CCSID Coded Character Set Identification
  CCTA Computing & Telecommunications Agency
  CCTARAM Computing & Telecommunications Agency Risk Assessment Management
  CCV Closed Crankcase Ventilation
  CCW Counter Clock Wise
  CCY Compacted Cubic Yard
  CD Caterpillar Defence
  CD Cold Drawn
  CD Common Drawn
  CD Compact Disk
  CD Cross Dock
  CD ROM Compact Disk Read Only Memory
  CDA Content Display Application
  CDA Caterpillar Diagnostic Advisor
  CDB Capacity Database
  CDD Commercial Development Department
  CDE Customised Data Entry
  CDF Cumulative Density Function
  CDI Contract Distribution Incorporated
  CDID Customer Dealer Indicative Data System
  CDIM Corporate Disciplined Issue management
  CDIS Cat. Dlr. Information System
  CDL CAT Data Link
  CDL Commercial Drivers License
  CDM Construction & Design Management
  CDM Cool Database Manager
  CDMS Conversion Data Management System
  CDP Career Development Process
  CDP Caterpillar Defence Products
  CDP Continuous Data Protection
  CDPF Catalyzed Diesel Particulate Filter

  CDOP Caterpillar Defence Operating Procedure
  CDRILL Counterdrill
  CDS Caterpillar Distribution System
  CDSA-PC Common Data Standards Assembly PC
  CDSW-PC Common Data Standards Weld PC
  CDSw-V Common Data Standards Weld VAX
  CDVR Caterpillar Digital Voltage Regulator
  CE Caterpillar Environment
  CE Certified European
  CE Cycle Efficiencies
  CEA Custom Engineering Authorisation
  CEAC Common Engine Arrangement Configuration
  CEAP Caterpillar Educational Assistance Program.
  CEBIS Combine Electronic Board Information System
  CEC Commission of the European Communities
  CECE Committee for European Construction Equipment
  CECR Combine Electronic Board Information System
  CEI Clean Exhaust Induction
  CEL Call and Event Logging
  CEL Check Engine Light
  CEMA Japanese Construction Equipment Manufacturers Association
  CEMC Caterpillar Employees Motorsports Club
  CEMS Continuous Monitoring System
  CEMS Corporate Enterprise Mailbox System
  CENG Control Engineer
  CENN Caterpillar Employee News Network
  CENT Central
  CENTFG Centrifuge
  CEO Cooperative Extension Option
  CEOPS Corporate Engine Orders Processing System
  CEOS Configuration Electronic Options Sign Off
  CEP CAT Electric Power
  CEP CAT Expanded Products
  CEPL Caterpillar Elphinstone Pty. Ltd.
  CEPR Chief Engineer Program Review
  CER Capital Expenditure Request
  CER Certified Engine Rebuild
  CERT Certification
  CES Caterpillar Export Services
  CET Caterpillar Environment Technology
  CET Customer Equipment Training
  CEXHAN Centralised Exception Handling
  CF Carbon Faced
  CF Cold Finished
  CF Coupling Facility
  CFA Consolidated Financial Analysis
  CFAL Caterpillar Financial Australia Limited
  CFB Carbon Free Depth
  CFD Computational Fluid Dynamics
  CFEL Cat. Far East Limited
  CFIA Component Failure Impact Analysis
  CFL Custom Finishing List
  CFLG Center Flange
  CFM Cubic Feet Per Minute
  CFM Code Fragment Manager
  CFPI-SL Caterpillar Forest Products Incorporated - Sweden
  CFRC Caterpillar Financial Receivables Corp.
  CFS Cubic Feet Per Second
  CFS Caterpillar Financial Service
  CFS Cold Finished Surface

  CFS Corporate Financial Services
  CFSA Caterpillar France S.A.
  CFSC Caterpillar Financial Services Corporation
  CFSK Caterpillar Financial Services Korea Ltd.
  CFSL Caterpillar Financial Services Limited
  CG Compacted Graphite
  CG+S Customer Growth and Satisfaction
  CGCM Caterpillar Global Change Model
  CGD Caterpillar Guided Diagnostics
  CGDS Caterpillar Global Directory Service
  CGI Clean Gas Induction
  CGI Compacted Graphite Iron
  CGI Core & Growth Industries
  CGI Cooled Gas Induction (emissions reduction system)
  CGM Caterpillar Global Mining
  CGM Computer Graphics Metafile
  CGS Corporate Gauge System
  CGT College Graduate Trainee
  CH Container Handler
  CHAM Chamfer
  CHAMB Chamber
  CHAR Character
  CHAS Chassis
  CHG Change
  CHGD Changed
  CHL Caterpillar Hungary Limited
  CHK Check
  CHP Combined Heat & Power
  CHRG Charging
  CHUK Chuck
  CI Calibration Instruction
  CI Compression Ignition
  CI Continuous Improvement
  CI Component Identifier / Identification
  CI Configuration Item
  CIC Centralized Inventory Control
  CIC Customer Interaction Center
  CICS Customer Informatin Control System
  CIDB Customer Information Database
  CIDS Critical Item Definition Specification
  CIF Contractors Indemnity Form
  CIF Cost Insurance and Freight
  CIF Customs Insurance and Freight
  CIFS Common Internet File System
  CIGS Caterpillar IMS Gen System
  CII Caterpillar Industrial Inc.
  CIM Chartered Institute of Marketing
  CIM Customer Interface Module
  CIM Common Information Model
  CIM Commercial Issues Manager
  CIMA Chartered Institute of Management Accountants
  CIMA Construction Industry Manufacturers Association  - discontinued in 2002
  CIN Customer Information Network
  CIO Chief Information Officer
  CIP Cost and Insurance to Port
  CIP Carriage and Insurance to Port
  CIPD Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development
  CIPI Caterpillar Industrial Products Inc.
  CIPL Caterpillar Impact Products Ltd.
  CIPL Caterpillar India Private Limited 

  CIRC Circle
  CIRC Circular
  CIRT Corporate Issue and Resolution Tracking
  CIS Commonwealth of Independent states
  CIS Corporate Information Services
  CIS Cost Information Services
  CIS Cost Information Systems
  CISC Caterpillar Insurance Services Corporation
  CISC Complex Instruction Set Computer
  CITA Caterpillar Information Technology Architecture
  CKD Complete Knock Down
  CKP Crankshaft Position
  CKT Circuit
  CL Class
  CL Clutch
  CL Control Limit
  CLC China Learning Center
  CLD Corporate Literature Distribution
  CLEC Centralised Legal Entity Control
  CLG Cooling
  CLI Command Line Interface
  CLIBD Corporate Logistics Information Data Base
  CLIRS Corporate Logistics Information Reporting System
  CLK Clock
  CLMS Caterpillar Learning Management System
  CLMSH Clam Shell
  CLN Clean
  CLNR Cleaner
  CLNR Clearance
  CLR Cooler
  CLS Caterpillar Logistics Services
  CLS Coolant Level Sensor
  CLTS Caterpillar Logistics Technical Services
  CLUES Caterpillar Look Up Everyone System
  CM Centimeter
  CM2 Configuration Management II
  CM3 Cubic Centimeter
  CMA Content Management Application
  CMA Complete Machine Arrangement
  CMB Centre Mounted Balancer
  CMB Combination
  CMB Combiner
  CMC Caterpillar Moldboard Control
  CMDB Configuration Management Database
  CMDS Caterpillar Machine Diagnostic System
  CMEC Caterpillar Machine Engine Component
  CMI Component Module Identifier
  CMIPS Corporate Miscellaneous Invoice Processing System
  CMIS Core Management Information System
  CMIS Common Management Information Standard
  CMLS Corp. Mail List System
  CMLS Caterpillar Learning Management System
  CMM Capability Maturity Model
  CMM Coordinate Measuring Machine
  CMM Cost Management Meeting
  CMM Customised Maintenance Management
  CMM Customized Maintenance Management/ Coordinate Measuring Machine
  CMMI CITIC Machinery Manufacturing Inc
  CMMS Component Manufacturing & Marketing Services
  CMMS CAT Media Management System

  CMO Cast Metals Organisation
  CMOPS Corporate Machine Orders Processing System
  CMOPS Caterpillar Machine Orders Processing System
  CMP Camshaft Position
  CMP Custom Machine Product
  CMPN Companion
  CMPNT Component
  CMQS Caterpillar Manufacturing Quality System
  CMR Caterpillar Materials Routiers S. A.
  CMS Computerised Monitoring System
  CMS Capital Management System
  CMS Certificate in Management Studies
  CMS Corporate Mailbox System
  CMS Cost Management System
  CMS Conversational Monitor System
  CMSII Computerised Monitoring System II
  CMT Centre for Machine Translations
  CMT Construction Mining Trucks
  CMTB Caterpillar Mec-Track
  CNC Computer Numeric Code
  CNG Credit Note
  CNG Compressed Natural Gas
  CNG Conditions Not Met
  CNR Cases Not Received Indicator
  CNT Control
  CNT Continuous
  CNTFGL Centrifugal
  CNTOR Contractor
  CNU Canceled Never Used
  CNVR Conveyor
  CNVRSN Conversion
  Co-Op Student Trainee Program
  CO Carbon Monoxide
  CO Country of Origin
  CO Company
  COB Close of Business
  COc Cost of Change
  COD Cash on Delivery
  COD Court Ordered Deduction
  COD Capacity on Demand
  CODAG Combined Diesel and Gas
  COE Common Operating Environment
  COE Center of Excellence
  CofA Caterpillar of Australia
  CofO Certificate of Origin
  CofO Country of Origin
  CoPQ Cost of Poor Quality
  COL Column
  COLA Cost of Living Adjustment
  COLA Cost of Living Awards
  COLD Computer Output to LaserDisc
  COLL Collecter
  COM Commercial
  COM Comnmunication
  COM Compactors
  COM Component Object Model
  COM Component Option Model
  COMB Combustion
  COML Commercial
  COMP Compensating

  COMP Compensator
  COMP Compression
  COMP Compressor
  COMP Customer Ordered Manufacturing Plan
  COMP Complete
  COMPSN Composition
  COMPR Compressor
  COMPREX Air Injection System (Compression)
  COMPT Compactor
  COMPT Compartment
  CON Connection
  CONC Concentric
  COND Condensor
  COND Condition
  CONDR Conditioner
  CONF Conformance
  CONFIG Configuration
  CONL Concial
  CONN Connection
  CONN Connecting
  CONN Connector
  CONS Consumption
  CONT Control
  CONT Continue
  CONT Continuous
  ConTraSt Concern Tracking System
  CONV Conversion
  CONV Converter
  CONVENT Conventional
  COO Country of Origin
  COOL Coolant
  COOL.FLOW Coolant Flow
  COOL.TEMP Coolant Termperature
  COOL-1 Cooling Package Sizing Tool
  COPPS Corporate Order Processing and Pricing System
  COPS Company Operating Procedures
  COPQ Cost of Poor Quality
  COPS Company Order Process System
  COPS Company Operating Procedure
  COPY Copyright
  CoQ Cost of Quality
  CORE-EX Core Exchange Report
  CORP Corporation
  CORP Corporate
  CORR Correction
  COS Corporate Office Services
  COS Cost of Service
  COSCOR Corporate Office Services
  COSA Caterpillar Overseas SA
  COSHH Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
  COT Cat Operator Training
  COTS Commercial off the Shelf Software Package
  CP Candle Power
  CP Circular Pitch
  CP Cold Planer
  CP Cold Players
  CP Contract Processor
  CP&CS Component Products & Control Systems
  CPA Corporate Public Affairs
  CPAC Cabs Platforms and Controls

  CPBU Chemical Products Business Unit
  CPC Computerised Profiler Control
  CPC Constant Pressure Combustion
  CPD Component Products Division
  CPH Cost Per Hour
  CPI Characters Per Inch
  CPI Continuous Process Improvement
  CPI Continuous Product Improvement
  CPI Core Processing Instructions
  CPK Process Capability
  CPL Caterpillar Peterlee Ltd
  CPL Corporate Price List
  CPL Crack-n-Peel Labels
  CPLG Coupling
  CPLR Coupler
  CPLS Caterpillar Product Link System
  CPMS Corporate Production Material Processing System
  CPN Customer Part Name
  CPO Central Parts Operations
  CPO Commercial Power Organisation
  CPOH Contract Processor On-Hand Quantity
  CPPD Collaborative Product and Process Development
  CPPD Concurrent Product and Process Development
  CPPE Caterpillar Paving Products Europe
  CPPI Caterpillar Paving Products
  CPPM Concurrent Product and Process Management
  CPR Competitive Parts Reports
  CPRSN Compression
  CPS Caterpillar Precision Seals
  CPS Caterpillar Production System
  CPS Corporate Price System
  CPS Corporate Pricing System
  CPS Critical Path Scheduling
  CPS Cycles Per Second
  CPSD Compact Power Systems Division
  CPSE Corporate Planning Sales Estimate
  CPSI Caterpillar Power Systems Inc.
  CPT Carriage Paid To
  CPT Certified Power Train
  CPU Central Processing Unit
  CPU Cost Per Unit
  CQD Customer Quality Department
  CQR Custom Quote Request
  CQS Custom Quote System
  CR Change Request
  CR Creation
  CR Credit
  CR Cold Rolled
  CR Compression Ratio
  CR Controlled Radius
  CRB Cancelled Replaced By
  CRC Camera Ready Copy
  CRC CAT Rental College
  CRC Component Repair Center
  CRCLT Circulate
  CRD Customer Requirements Document
  CRDL Cradle
  CRF Customer Response Form
  CRG Carraige
  CRIPTIC Cost Reduction Implementation Programme

  CRKC Crankcase
  CRM Corporate Records Management
  CRM Customer Relationship Management
  CRMP Corporate Records Mgmt. Program
  CRP CAT Rental Power
  CRO Command Receive Object
  CRS Caterpillar Regeneration System (CATs ARD)
  CRS CAT Rental Store
  CRS Croatian Register of Shipping
  CRS Customer Response System
  CRSCNT Crescent
  CRSI Cat Redistribution Services Inc.
  CRSN Corrosion
  CRT Component Release Timing
  CRT Continuously Regenerated Trap (DOC & uncatalysed PM Trap)
  CRT Cathode Ray Tube
  CRTG Cartridge
  CRWFT Crowfoot
  CS Center Sump
  CS Civil Society
  CS Cooling System
  CS Copy Services
  CSA Canadian Standards Authority
  CSA Customer Supplier Agreement
  CSA Customer Support Agreement
  CSA Common System Area
  CSARL Caterpillar Société à Responsabilité Limitée
  CSASTS Corporate Security & Aviation Services Training Services
  CSA BMS Customer Service Agreement Business Management System
  CSC Convention for Sale Containers
  CSCS Corporate Standard Cost System
  CSD Cool System Design
  CSD Corporate Services Division
  CSD Committed Ship Date
  CSF Critical Success Factor
  CSFC Calculated/Corrected Specific Fuel Consumption
  CSFS Current Scroll Fuel System
  CSG Control System Group
  CSHFT Crankshaft
  CSHFT Countershaft
  CSHIFT Centershift
  CSI Customer Satisfaction Index
  CSI Caterpillar Servizi Italia srl (Bitelli - located in Minerbio, Italy)

  CSI Corporate Strategic Investments

  CSIC Customer Service Improvement Committee
  CSK Countersink
  CSL Caterpillar Services Limited
  CSL Caterpillar Stockton Ltd
  CSL Console

  CSL Common Service Level

  CSM Customer Service Manager
  CSM Caterpillar Shin-Mitsubishi
  CSM Custom Shop Modification
  CSN Caterpillar Scheduling Network
  CSO Customer Support/Serivce Officer
  CSO Consolidated Shipping Order
  CSP Customer Satisfaction Program
  CSPC Corporate Security PC
  CSPD Caterpillar Production System Division
  CSPI Consolidated Product Information

  CSS Client Support Services
  CSS Corporate Security Services
  CSS Customer Satisfaction Survey
  CSSI Customer Service Satisfaction Index
  CSSP Caterpillar Strategic Systems Plan
  CST Cast
  CSt CentiStoke - unit of viscosity
  CST Counter ShaftTransmission
  CST Consolidated Service Test
  CSTG Caterpillar Service Technology Group
  CSTG Casting
  CSV Comma-separated variable
  CSY Coordinate System
  CT Corporate Translations
  CT Control Test
  CTAES Component Test and Experimental Stress
  CTC Coolant Temperature Compensation
  CTC Caterpillar Technician Certification
  CTC Caterpillar Tool Centre
  CTC Caterpillar Track Components
  CTC Consistent to Configuration
  CTC Core to Core
  CTC Computer to Computer
  CTCo Caterpillar Tractor Company
  CTCT Caterpillar Trimble Control Technology
  CTD Coated
  CTE Caterpillar Technical English
  CTE/LE Caterpillar Technical English / Language Editor
  CTEMS Caterpillar Television & Electronic Media Solutions
  CTF Cat Transmissions France
  CTG Cutting
  CTI Caterpillar Training Institute
  CTI Center Tread Idler
  CTL Cut to Length
  CTL Control
  CTNM Contamination
  CTO Core Technology Organisation
  C-TO-C Centre to Centre
  CTP Critical to The Process
  CTPS Corporate Transfer Pricing System
  CTR Centre
  CTR Crank Terminate Relay
  CTR Competitive Test Report
  CTRL Control
  CTRS Component Timing Release Schedule
  CTRSUNK Countersunk
  CTS Cantilevered Tooth Sprocket
  CTS Controlled Throttle Shift
  CTS Coolant Temperature Compensation
  CTS Custom Track Service
  CTSE Component Test & Stress Engineer
  CTSO C-Time Share Option
  CTTG Computer Technology Training Group
  CTWT Counterweight
  CU Cubic
  CU Ft Cubic Feet
  CU IN Cubic inch
  CU YD Cubic Yard
  CUPID Corporate Unique Person IDentifier
  CUR Current

  CUSH Cushion
  CUST Customer
  CV/RTD Converter Retarder Oil Temperature
  CV1 Single Cylinder Engine
  CVR Component Validation Request
  CVRC Caterpillar VR Centre
  CVSP Customer Value Survey Program
  CVSP Customer Value Satisfaction Program
  CVT Continuous Variable Transmission
  CW Cold Weather
  CW Clock Wise
  CWL Compact Wheel Loader
  CWOI Crank without Injection
  CWPG Corporate Waste Products Group
  CWS Corporate Web Security
  CWT Hundred Weight
  CWTC Caterpillar World Trading Corporation
  CWTS Caterpillar Work Tools & Services - Europe
  CWTS - AAP Caterpillar Work Tools & Services - Americas Asia Pacific
  CXL Caterpillar Xuzhou Ltd
  CY Cycle
  CYL Cylinder
  CYLC Cyclic

D/N Dealer Net
D/N Dealer Net Price
D&A Disassembly & Assembly
D2D Dealer to Dealer
DA Diagnostic Advisor
DAI Diagnostics Authoring Integartion
DAR Disposal of Assets Request
DAR Drawing Approval Record
DARPA Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency
DART Direct And Rapid Response
DASD Direct Access Storage Device
DAT Diagnostic Authorising Tool
DATK Data Analysis Tool Kit
DB Defined Benefits (Employee Pension Plan)
DB(A) Decibels per (A) Scale
DBAM Database Attribute Management
DBCS Double Byter Character Set
DBL Double
DBM Database Management System
DBR Dyno Build Request
DBS Dealer Business System
DBSI Dealer Business System (Integration)
DBT Document Builder Tool
DC Deployment Champion 
DC Design Change
DC Direct Control
DC Direct Current
DC Distribution Centre
DC Ditch Cleaning
DC Defined Contribution (Employee Pension Plan)
DCAL Dealer Cost Acceptance Level
DCAL Dealer Customer Acceptance Level
DCC Design Collaboration Centre
DCCP Dynamic Customer Chargeback Process
DCD Dealer Capability Department
DCDD Data Communication  Directory for Dealer
DCE Distributed Communications Environment
DCE Distributed Computing Environment
DCES Dealer Channel Entry System
DCF Discounted Cash Flow
DCF Deliverables Completion Form
DCI Design Change Information
DCO Design Change Order
DCO Document Content Outline
DCOST Decision Cost
DCP Design Change Proposal
DCP Design Change Process
DCR Drawing Change Request
DCS Dealer Channel System
DCS Desktop Computer Services
DCSG Dealer Channel Systems Group
DCTB Discount Pricing Table
DD Direct Drive
DDE Dynamic Data Exchange
DDMS Dealer Demand Management System
DDP Delivered Duty Paid
DDP DBSi Deployment Portal
DDS Dealer Data System

DDS Delphi Diesel Systems
DDT Digital Diagnostic Tool
DE Diesel Engine
DE Design Engineer
DE Dual Element
DEA Discrete Element Analysis
DEAC Diesel Engine Antifreeze Coolant
DEC Digital Workstation
DECL Decelerator
Def Ops Defence Operations
DEFCONs UK MOD Index of Defence Contracts
DEG Degree
DEI Dealer Equipment Inventory
DEO Diesel Engine Oil
DEO-ULS Diesel Engine Oil Ultra Low Sulphur
DEP Depth
DERA Defence Evaluation Research Agency
DES Design
DF Deterioration Factor
DF Double Flange
DFA Design for Assembly
DFCO Declaration Fuel Cut-off
DFE Design for the Environment
DFLG Double Flange
DFM Design for Manufacturing
DFMA Design for Manufacture and Assembly
DFMEA Design Failure Mode and Effects Analysis
DFP Defence and Federal Products
DFP Diesel Particulate Filter
DFT Dealer Forecast Tracking
DFSS Design for Six Sigma
DG Diagnostic Guide
DG Double Grouser
DGAS Design Group Activity Schedule
DGM Design Goal Matrix
DGST Digester (Fuel)
DI Direct Injection
DIA Diameter
DIAG Diagonal
DIBFR Double Iron Band Flat
DIFF Differential
DIFN Direct Injector Fuel Nozzle
DIL Dealer Info Link
DIM Dimension
DIM Dealer Inventory Match
DIN Deutsche Institute fur Normug (German equivalent of BS)
DIN European Industry Standards
DIN German Standards and Specifications
DIOR Daily Inspection Output Records
DIR Dirty
DIR Direction
DIS Disposable
DIS Dynamic Inclination Sensor
DISC Discounted
DISP Displacement
DISPOS Disposal
DIST Distance
DIST Distributors
DISTA Direct Injection Series Turbo Aftercooled
DISTR Distributor

DIT Direct Injection Turbochargers
DITA Direct Injection Turbocharged Aftercooler
DITAAAAC Direct Injection, Turbo Charged, Air to Air Aftercooled
DITCAR Direct Inventory Transaction Costing and Reporting
DITTA Direct Injection Twin Turbo Charged Aftercooled
DITTCA Direct Injection Twin Turbo Charged Aftercooled
DITL Day-in-the-Life
DIV Division
DLCM Data Link Converter Module
DLMS Dealer Learning Management System
DLRTSO Dealer Time Share Option
DLRUSER Caterpillar Dealers User Network Services
DLV Deflection Limiting Volume
DM Decimeter
DMAIC Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve and Control
DMC Detonation Mixing Control
DMCE Direct Material Cost Effectiveness
DMCE Direct Material Cost Estimate
DMEDI Define, Measure, Explore, Develop, Implement
DMK Domain Model Kernel
DMM Digital Multimeter
DMOD Description Modifier
DMOPIP Design, Metric, Ownership, Performers, Infrastructure, Performance
DMR Defective Material Report
DMS Dipolma in Management Studies
DMS Drawing Management System
DMS Document Management System
DMT During Machine Time
DN Down
DN Despatch Note
DNC Direct Numerical Control
DNS Domain Name Services
DNV Det Norske Veritas
DO Differentiated Orders
DOC Diesel Oxidation Catalyst
DOC Department Of Commerce
DOE Department of Energy
DOE Design Of Experiments
DOF Dealer Order File
DOI Dealer Order Inquiry (Dealer Orders Report)
DOLRS Dealer on Line Registration System
DOM Dealer Opportunity Model
DOM Drawing Office Manual
DOP Degree Option Program
DOS Disc Operating System
DP Data Processing
DP/DPA/DPS Distribution Pump (Fuel)
DPF Diesel particular filter
DPI Deployment Process Indicator
DPMO Defects per Million Opportunities
DPN Dummy Parts Number
DPN Defective Part Number (s)
DPO Defects per Opportunity
DPO Dealer Parts Orders
DPORS Dealer Parts Orders Reporting System
DPP Diversified Power Products
DPSID Delivery Product Structure Identification
DPSO Data Process Service Order
DPSO Delivery Product Structure Outline
DPSR Data Processing Service Request

DPTS Declared Peak Torque Speed
DPW Demand Planner Workbench
DR Dead Reckoning
DR Draft
DR Dealer Return
DR Drive
DRC Deutsch Rectangular Connector
DRF Dealer Repair Frequency
DRG Drawing
DROI% Direct Return on Investment
DRS Direct Reports
DRM Data Resource Management
DRP Distribution Requirements Planning
DRP Disaster Recovery Plan
DRS Diagonal Retention System
DRV Drive
DS Diesel Safe
DS Double Strength
DSCHRG Discharg
DSDB Discount Standards Database
DSEL Destination-Specific Emissions Labeling
DSF Dealer Store Front
DSIA Dealer Sales/Inventory Analysis
DSIM Dealer Sales and Inventory Maintenance
DSN Dealer Solution Network
DSOEM Dealer Supporting Original Equipment Manufacturer
DSPA Differentiated Sustainable Product Availiability
DSSSL Document Style Sematics & Specifications Language
DST Detonation Sensitive Timing
DSTAB Dealer Service Training Advisory Board
DSU Data Sending Unit
DSUO Dealer Solicited User Order
DSUP Design Support
DT Deutsch Transportation
DT Division Topic
DT Type of Deutsch Rectangular Connector
DTAB Dealer Training Advisory Board
DTC Dealer Technical Communicator
DTD Desk Top Design
DTD Document Type Definition
DTF Division Topic Failure
DTI Department of Trade and Industry
DTO Data Transmission Object
DTR Dealer Transaction Reporting
DTS Dealer Terminal System
DTS Drivetrain Simulator
DTSO D-Time Sharing Option
DUES Dealer Used Equipment System
DUT Device Under Test
DV Design Validation
DV Design Verification
DVC Direct Variable Cost
DVD Digital Video/Versatile Disk
DVM Digital Volt Meter
DVOM Digital Volt-Ohm Meter
DVP Direct Variable Profit
DVP&R Design Verification Plan and Report
DVR Digital Voltage Regulator
DWI Design Work Instruction
DWR Deep Worldwide Recession

DYNASTY Dynamic Analysis of Systems

1E Engineering Specifications
E Voltage
E&E Electrical & Electronic
E&E Eng Electric and Electronic Engineering
E&ES Electronic & Electrical Systems
E/H Electro-hydraulic Implement Systems
E/O End Out - Exhausts
E/ROPS Enclosed Roll Over Protection System
E/ROPS Enclosed Rollover Protection System
EA Enterprise Architecture (Caterpillar standards)
EAC Engine Arrangement Complete
EAC Environmental Advisory Committee
EAF Enquiry Action Form
EAI Engineering Animation Inc.
EAME Europe, Africa and Middle East
EAS Engine Acceptance Schedule
EAS Engine Audit Schedule
EAS Executive Attachment Schedule
EAU Estimated Annual Usage
EBI Engine Build Instructions
EBP Exhaust Back Pressure
EBR Engine Build Request
EC Electronic Test Procedure
EC Engineering Change
EC&SE Electrical Components & Standard Engineering
ECALS Enterprise Continuous Acquisition & Life Cycle Support
ECAP Electronic Control Analyser And Programmer
ECAP Engine Controller Analyzer Programmer
ECB Electronic Clutch Brake
ECC Emergency Cover Contract
ECC Engineering Change Co-ordinator
ECCS Enterprise Contact Center Services
ECCP Enterprise Component Capacity Program
ECCP Enterprise Component Capacity Plan
ECDS Employee Compensation Distribution System
ECE Economic Commission for Europe
ECI Event Category Indicator
ECI  Endless Chain Idler
ECIM Engine Commercial Issue Manager
ECL Engine Coolant Level
ECL Enterprise Call List
ECM Electronic Control Model
ECM Electronic Control Module
ECM Engine Control Module
ECM European Common Market
ECN Electronic Communicator Newsletter
ECN Engineering Change Notice
ECO Engineering Change Order
ECPC Electronic Clutch Pressure Control
ECR Engineering Change Request
ECS Electric Cable Shovel
ECS Electronic Control System

ECS Endless Chain Sprocket
ECS Engine Control Switch
ECS Estimate Cost System
ECT Engine Coolant Temperature
ECU Electronic Control Unit
ED Engine Division
EDAG Engine Division Administrative Group Procedure
EDB Engineering as a Dimension of Business
EDB Engineering Development Block Number
EDC European Design Centre
EDD Excavator Design Centre
EDD Executive Drive Demand
EDD Execution Drive Demand
EDE Engine Division Engineering
EDF Engineering Directive Form (as used by PSEL)
EDF Equipment Detail Form (as used by PEPL)
EDH Engineering Development Head Number
EDI Electronic Data Interchange
EDIS Engine Division Information Services
EDM Electronic Data Management
EDMS Electronic Document Management System
EDN Engineering data notification
EDN Engineering Deawing Notice
EDNS Engineering Data Notification System
EDP Employee Development Process
EDR Electronic Data Routing
EDR Engine Design Requirements
EDS Electronic Data System
EDS Engineering Data System
EDSE Engine Division Service Engineering
EDSM Engine Division Supplier Management
EDT Engineering Data Transmittal
EDT Entering Differential Temperature
EE Enterprise Employee
EEBU Electrical Electronic Business Unit
EEC European Economic Community
EEF Engine End Frame
EEO Equal Employment Opportunity
EEOL Equipment End Of Life
EEPROM Electronically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
EER Energy Efficiency Ratio
EERD Electrical and Electronic Research and Development
EF Efficiency
EFIT Electronics Fitter
EFT Electronic Funds Transfer
EG-3C Electric Governor - 31 LB. Ft. Compensated
EG-3P Electric Governor - 31 LB. Ft. Proportional
EGC Electronic Governor Control
EGO External Graphic Object
EGR Exhaust Gas Restrictor
EGR Exhaust Gas Recirculation
EHSSC Environmental Health & Safety Steering Committee
EIA Engine Investment Analysis
EICS Electronic Implement Control System

EID Event Identifier
EIMS Engine Information Management System
EIP Employee Investment Plan
EIS Electronic Ignition System
EIS Engine Information System
EIS Executive Information System
EISD Enterprise Information Service Delivery
EISP Equipment Investment Special Price
EIU Electrical Interface Unit
EKW Electrical Kilo Watt (Generator output)
ELC Entity Level Controls
ELC Extended Life Coolant
ELE Element
ELEC Electronics Engineer
ELEC Electric
ELECTSG Electric Starting
ELEM Element
ELPS Enterprise Label Print System
EM Equipment Management 
EMA Engineering Manufacturing Authorisation
EMC Electro Magnetic Compatibility
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility
EMC Electronic Media Centre
EMCC Engineering Manufacturing Change Control
EMCP Electronic Modular Control Panel
EMD Electronic Media Development
EMD Electronic Media Delivery
EMD Engineering & Manufacturing Development
EMDI Electronic Media Delivery Interface
EMDI Electronic Media Development Interface
EMER Emergency
EMER VEH Emergency Vehicle
EMF Earthmoving Fundamentals Software
EMI Electro Magnetic Interference
EMI Equipment Manufacturers Institute - discontinued in 2002
EMIS Emissions Engineer
EML Enterprise Metric Library
EMP Engine/Machine/lift Truck Population
EMR Emergency
EMR Electromagnetic Radiation
EMR Engineering Model Retrieval
EMS Electronic Monitoring System
EMS Engine Monitoring System
EMS Environmental Management System
EMS Equipment Management System
EMT Engine Mounted Tachometer
EMTF Electronic Machine Tool Folder
EN Engine
EN Engine News
EN European Norm
EN European Standards and Specifications
ENC Enclosed
ENERG Energise
ENFLEX Environmental Compliance System

ENG Engine
Eng_No Engine Number
Electronic Notification of New Order

ENTRAC Engine Tracking

EO Engineering Order
EOC End of Current
EOC Engine Order Complete
EOC Equal Opportunities Commission
EOCS Engine Order Communication System
EOD Engine Order Division
EOI End of Injection
EOL End of Line
EOMP Engine Order Management Programme
EOMP Engine Order Management Project
EOP Engine Oil Pressure
EOQ Economic Order Quantity
EOR Executive Office Review
EOS Employee Opinion Survey
EOT End of Test
EOT Engine Oil Temperature
EP Electric Power
EP Eng. East Peoria Engineering
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
EPC Engine Performance Center
EPD Engine Product Division
EPE Every Part Every Day
EPE Engine Pump Endurance (Test for HEX Machines)
EPG Electric Power Generation
EPI Eagle-Picher Industries
EPIC Employee Profile Information Control
EPL Electronic Price List
EPP Engineering Product Program
EPP Environmental Protection Programme
EPP Equipment Protection Plan
EPP Executive Product Plan
EPP Executive Product Program
EPR Exhaust Pressure Regulator
EPROM Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
EPS Earnings Per Share
EPS Encapsulated PostScript
EPS Executive Production Schedule
EPSR Engine Product Support Rep
EPTC Electronic Programmable Transmission Control
EPTC II Electronic Programmable Transmission Control (Second Generation)
EQ Equally
EQFD Enhanced Quality Function Development
EQM Effective Quality Management
EQM European Quality Model
EQUAL Equalizer
EQUIP Equipment
ER Engine Release
ERD Engineering Rotational Development
ERF Engine Radiator Fan

ERG Exhaust Recirculation Gases
ERI Engine Rig Instructions
Engine Repair Indicator Kit
ERLG Equipment Repair & Labour Guidelines
ERM Electronic Records Management
ERM Engine Reference Manual
ERP Enterprise Resource Planning
ERS Equipment Reporting System
ES Electric Set
ES Engineering Services
ES Emergency Stop
ES Extreme Service
ES Extreme Service Undercarriage
ESB Engine System Builder
ESC Extended Service Coverage
ESC Enterprise Service Center
ESD Electrostatic Discharge
ESD Electronic Support Department
ESI Early Supplier Involvement
ESI Electrostatic Interference
ESIT Employee Satisfaction Initiative Team (GTO)
ESL Electronic Sales Library
ESL Electronic Speed Limiter
ESM Engine Specification Manual
ESM Engine SalesManual
ESO Engine Shipping Order
ESO Engine Special Order
ESOP Employee Stock Ownership Plan
ESOS Electronic Shut Off Solenoid
ESP Employee Satisfaction Process
ESPB E-Stop Push Button
ESR Electrostatic Radiation
ESRS Engine Specification Reporting System
ESRT External Supplier Response Time
ESS Electronic Speed Switch
ESS Electronic Service Support
ESS Engineering Support Services
EST Electronic Service Tool
EST Electrostatic Service Tool
EST Equal Size Tires
ESy Engineering Systems
ET Engine Test
ET Electronic Technician
ETA Electronic Timing Advance
ETAC Electronic Traction Aid Control
ETDS Engine Technical Data Sheet
ETDS Engine Technical Data System
ETDBW Easy to do business with
ETE Engine Test Evaluation
ETG Environmental Technologies Group (ILS Company)
ETI Engineering Technical Instructions
ETLC Engine Torque Load Control
ETO Engineered To Order

ETR Energized To Run
ETRS Engine Tracking Sheet (as used by PEPL)
ETRS Engineering Tracking Release Schedule (as used by Ptech)
ETS Engine Tracking System
ETS Engine Tank System
ETS Engine Test Schedule
ETS Energised To Shutdown
EUI Electronic Unit Injection
EUI Electronic Unit Injector
EUOA Excessive Use of Acronyms
Euro 1 Automotive 1st stage emissions legislation
Euro 2 Automotive 2nd stage emissions legislation
Euro 3 Automotive 3rd stage emissions legislation
Euro 4 Automotive 4th stage emissions legislation
EVA Economic Value Added
EVA Exhaust Valve Actuation
EVO Exhaust Valve Opening
EWC Extended Warranty Cover
EWEP E Web Edit Pro (Wed Editing Tool)
EWGC Electronic Waste Gate Control
EWL Extended Wear Life
EWP Electric Water Pump
EWUI External Web User Interface
EX Experimental Drawing
EXC Excavator
EXCH Exchanger
EXH Exhaust
EXP Expansion
EXPAT Ex-patriot
EXT External
EXT Extension
EXW Ex Works


F Front
F/P Fuel Pump
F/U/W For Use With
FAB Fabricated
FAB Features, Advantages and Benefits
FACL Facilities Engineer
FACM Factoring Pricing Table
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
FARC Fuel Air Ratio Control
FAS Free Acceleration Smoke
FAS Free Alongside Ship
FASIP Fabrication of Advanced Structures using Intelligent and Synergistic Processing
FATT First Article Type Test
FBC Feature Based Configurator
FC Flash Code
FCA Fitzgerald Compagna Associates
FCC Front Cable Control
FCC Forward Curved Centrifugal
FCO Fuel Cut Off
FCR Fuel Control Relay
FCS Future Combat System
FCTB Financially Cleared to Build
FD Front Down
FDD Forecast Driven Demand
FDO Future Dated Order
FDR Flexible Data Recorder
FDS Financial Distribution System
FEA Finite Element Analysis
FEAD Front End Accessory Drive
FEL Family Emission Limit
FELA Fatigue Equivalent Load Analysis (a calculated value to indicate stress on Off Highway Trucks)
FENG Field Test Engineer
FEUTA Federal Unemployment Tax Act
FF Full Flow
FF Fill Factor
FF Flat Face (on Flywheel)
FF Focus Facility in Oxford
FF Freight Forwarder
FFF Fit Form Function
FFL Full free lift
FFH Free Fork Height
FFTL Full Free Tiple Lift
FFS Flash File Search
FGM Functional Gradient Materials
FGW FG Wilson
FH Flat Head
FHP Flywheel Horsepower
FICHE Microfiche
FID Fuel Injection Department
FIE Fuel Injection Equipment
FIED Fuel Injector Fitter
FIFO First In, First Out
FIND For Information, News & Documents
FIL Filter

FILHD Fillister Head
FIND-SIRS FIND Service Information Retrieval System
FIM Factory Inventory Match
FIO Factory Information Only
FIO Factory Installation Only
FIRE Fire Pump-Standby
FIP Fuel Injection Pump
FIS Fleet Information System
FIS Filter Information Systems
FIT Federal Income Tax
FIT Feature Integration Team
FITT Fitter
FL Full
FL Facility Logistics
FL Flange Cooled (liner)
FL Floor
FLACS Full Load After Cold Start
FLASH Bulk electrically erasable programmable read only memory
FLC Fuzzy Logic Controller
FLEX Flexible
FLEX Flexible Scheduling System
FLG Flange
FLGANN Fuzzy Logic Genetic Algorithm Neural Network
FL-Rails Floor-Rails
FLRS Full Load Rated Speed
FLS Full Load Setting
FLS Full Load Static Fuel Setting
FLS/FTS Full Load Setting/Full Torque Setting
FLY Flywheel
FLYCL Flywheel Clutch
FM Fleet Manager
FM Federal Mogul
FMA Failure Mode Analysis
FMEA Failure Mode and Effects Analysis
FMECA Failure Mode Effects & Critical Analysis
FMI Failure Mode Identification / Indicator / Identifier
FMI For More Information
FMR Facilities Material Request
FMRG Financial Management Reporting Guide
FMRS Financial Management Reporting System
FMS File Management System
FMS Flexible Manufacturing System
FMS Flash Memory System
FN Form Number
FNL Factory Notification List
FOB Free on Board
FOC Free of Charge
FOE Facility Operating Engineer
FOG Falling Object Guard
FOGAP Facility Oriented General Accounting Package
FON Fleet Owners Net
FOPS Falling Object Protective Structure
FORG Forged
FOSI Formatting Output Specification Instance
FP Fixed Price
FP Factory Planner
FPC Finish Protected Components
FPD Financial Products Division
FPG Finishing Product Group

FPG Forest Products Group
FPI Finishing Process Instructions
FPIQC Factory PIQ Coordinator
FPM Feet Per Minute
FPS Factory Password System
FPO Fleet Productivity Optimization
FPVS First Production Validation Sign-off
FR Frame
FR Facilities Request
FRACS Factory Reporting And Accounting System
FRC Fuel Ratio Control (Rack Limiter)
FRC Fuel Ration Control (previously known as FARC or AFRC)
FRD Functional Requirements Document
FRDN Front Down
FREP Financial Representative
FRES Future Rapid Effects System
FRG Forging
FRM From
FRONT-LF Front Left
FRONT-RT Front Right
FRS Financial Reporting System
FRS Functional Requirement Specification
FRT Front
FS Front Sump
FS Fuel System
FS Full Scale
FS Front Shovel
FSA Facility Storage Availability
FSA Financially Significant Application
FSC Forecast & Stock Control
FSC Foreign Sales Corporation
FSOS Fuel Shut Off Solenoid
FSR Field Service Report
FST Fuel Systems Test
FT Feet
FT File Transfer
FT Foot
FTA Failure Test Analysis
FTC Finger Tip Control
FTE Full Time Equivalence
FTP File Transfer Protocol
FTP First Test Pass
FTP Fuel Transfer pump
FTP Fully Tapered and Polished
FTRS Front Track Roller Frame
FTRV Fire Truck Recreation Vehicle
FTS Full Torque Setting
FTS Full Torque Static Fuel Setting
FtS Full Load Static Fuel Setting
FTST Field Test Fitter
FUL Full
FULF Full Flow
FUL F-SO Full Flow Spin On
FUW Follow up with
FUW For Use With
FWD Foward
FWH Flywheel Housing
FWIW For What It's Worth
FYI For Your Information

G&D Shipping Company
GA Gauge
GA General Arrangement
GA Genetic Algorithms
GAL Gallon
GAPS Group and Assembly Pricing System
GAV Gas Admission Valve
GB Green Belt
GBP Great British Pounds
GD Guard
GD&T Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing
GDC Grimbergen Distribution Center
GDLS General Dynamics Land System
GEC Greenville Engine Centre
GECM Gas Engine Control Module
GED Global Engine Development
GEIM Graphics and Engineering Information Management Division
GEMS Greenville Engine Management System
GEN Generator
GESM Global Engine Supply Management
GET Ground Engaging Tools
GFT Global Finance Transformation
GF&SS Global Finance & Strategic Support
GF&SSD Global Finance & Strategic Support Division
GHG Green House Gases
GHRMS Global Human Resource Management Systems
GI Gas Induction
GIM General Installation Manual
GIS Global Industry Solutions
GL Germanischer Lloyd
GLPS Global Labeling Printing System
GLS General Ledger System
GLT Grease Lubricated Track
GM General Manager
GMM General Management Meeting
GMO Geographic Marketing Organisation
GMT General Motor Type
GO General Office
GOPACS Goal Oriented Planning And Control System
GOV Governor
GP Group

GP-E Global Purchase - Engines

GPH Gallons Per Hour
GPM Gallons Per Minute
GPO Global Process Optimization
GPO Gross Profit Margin
GPP Global Product Profitability
GPP Global Parts Protection
GPS Global Positioning System
GR Gear
GR Grouser
GRAD Graduate
GREDI Graphical Editor
GRI Gas Research Institute
GRIPS Goals, Roles, Interactions, Process, Style
GRN Goods Receiving Note

GRPTS Guidelines for Reusable Parts
GRUED Global Rental & Used Division
GS Gas Safe
GSC Global Supply Chain
GSC Generator Set Control
GSG Global Support Group
GSLPD Global Service Learning & Performance Division
GST Goods and Services Tax
GTO Global Technology Organisation
GTR Global Travel Reporting
GTS Global Technical Services
GUCG Graphic Users Communicator Group
GUI Graphical User Interface
GW Gateway
GWT Global Work Tools


Health and Safety

H/W Hardware
HAL Hardware Abstraction Layer
HALB In House Assembled Semi Finished Component
HASAW Health and Safety at Work
HCCI Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition
HCLA Heated Chemiluminescence’s  Analyser
HCMD Heavy Construction and Mining Division
HCP Health Care Premium
HCP Health Care Provider
HD Head
HD Heavy Duty
HD10 Type of Deutsch connector (Round)
HDCR Help Desk Calls Reduction
HE Heat Exchanger
HEDC Hydraulic Excavator Design Control
HEP  Head End Power 
HEPL Hydraulic Electronic Pump & Line
HESS Hall Effect Speed Sensor
HET Lamp High Exhaust Temperature Lamp
HEUI Hydraulic Actuated Electronically Controlled Unit Injection
HEUI Hydraulic Electronic Unit Injector
HEX Hydraulic Excavator
HEX Heat Exchanger
HEX Hexagon
HFBU Hydraulics Fabrications Business Unit
HFID Heated Flame Ionisation Detector
HH Head -- Harvester
HHDE Heavy Heavy Duty Engine
HHIS Hydraulic Hose Information System
HI High Idle
HI Hydraulic Injector 
HID High Intensity Gas Discharge (HID) Lights
HIP Hydraulic Injection Product
HIS Hydraulic Information System
HLA Hydraulic Lash Adjustment
HMCD Heavy Construction & Mining Division
HMI Hydraulic Machine Inspection
HML Hindustan Motors Ltd.
HMSO Hydro mechanical Shut Off
HMU Steering Hand Metering Unit Steering
HOR Horizontal
HP Head Processor
HP Hewlett-Packard
HP High Pressure
HP Horse Power
HPAC High performance Aftercooler
HPCU Hystat Power Control Units
HPE High Performance Extrusions
HPC Hystat Pressure Control

HPG Hydraulic Pressure Governor
HPIT Governor
HPL High Pressure Loop
HPL Hindustan Powerplus Ltd.
HPP High Pressure Pump 
HPR High Performance Rubber
HPRG High Performance Rubber Group
HR15 Hardness Rockwell 15 N Scale
HR30 Hardness Rockwell 30N Scale
HR Heat Rejection
HR Human Resources
HRB Hardness Rockwell B Scale
HRBIS Human Resource Benefits Information System
HRC Hardness Rockwell C Scale
HRI Human Resource Information
HRSS Human Resources Self-Service
HSE Health & Safety Executive
HSG Housing
HSGE High Speed Gas Engines
HSLA High Strength Low Alloy
HSM Heavy Sleeve Metering
HT Heat
HT High Tower
HTA Heat Treat Audit
HTC Hydraulic Truck Crane
HTC Heat Transfer Coefficient
HTEXCH Heat Exchanger
HTIS Heat Treat Instruction Sheet
HTJIS Heat Treat Job Instruction Sheet
HTML Hypertext Mark-up Language
HTOP Heat Treat Operating Procedure
HTS CODE Harmonized Tariff Schedule Code
HTTP Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
HTTPD Hyper Text Transport Protocol Daemon
HTTR Heat Treated
HV High Velocity
HVAC Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning
HVC High Velocity Caterpillar
HVM High Velocity Machine
HVOF High Velocity Oxygen Fuel
HW HardWare
HWT Hundred Weight
HYD Hydraulic
HYDO Hydraulic Oil
HYDRA-MECH Hydra Mechanical Governor
HYDRO Hydrostatic
HYDRTD Hydrotarder
HYTime Hypermedia/Time-Based Structuring Lanuage
Hz Hertz

  I/C Intercompany
  I/O Input / Output
  IA Installation Appraisal
  IACAR Internal Audit Corrective Action Request
  IAD Interaxle Differential Lock
  IAPCV Injection Action Pressure Control Valve
  IAT Intake Air Temperature
  IAW In Accordance With
  IAS Intergrated Accounting System
  IBC Integrated Brake Control
  IBS Integrated Braking System
  IBM International Business Machines
  IC Interlock Code
  IC Integrated Circuit
  ICA Interim Corrective Action
  ICAP Individual Career Advancement Process
  ICCD In Cylinder Charge Dilution
  ICD Interface Control Document
  IE Information Element
  ICEMC Image Centre's Electronic Media Centre
  ICM Individual Clutch Modulation (a type of transmission used on Off-Highway trucks
and other products)
  ICP Injection Control Pressure
  ICP Internal Cylinder Pressure
  ICP Internal Company Policy
  ICP Incentive Compensation Plan
  ICSM Integrated Combustion Sensing Module
  ICT International CPPD Teams
  ICTB Intercompany Pricing Factors for Subsidiaries
  ICTC Impeller Clutch Torque Converter
  ID Inside Diameter
  ID Identification Number
  IDENT Identification
  IDI Indirect Injection
  IDP Interdepartmental Procedure
  IE Information Element
  IE Internet Explorer
  IEC Internal Electronic Commission
  IEC International Electro-Technical Commission
  IEID Information Element Identifier
  IFM Interim File Manager

  IFP Innas Free Piston Engine

  IFRN Inter-factory Reject Note
  IGBT Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor
  IGES Initial Graphics Exchange Sequence
  IGEAF Intra-Group Enquiry Action Form
  IGN Ignition
  IGP Intra Group Proposal
 IHRSC India HR Service Center
 IHS Information Handling Service
 II Inspection Instruction
  IITCR Indirect Inventory Transaction Costing and Reporting
 IIU Incremental Information Update
 ILC Inbound Logistics Centre
 ILC Indirect Logistics Control
 ILI Infonorm London Information

 ILS Integrated Logistics Support
 ILSC In-line Super Charging
  ILT Instructor Led Training
  ILU Independent Logical Unit
  IM&E Indirect materials and expenses
  IM&TE Inspection, Measurement & Test Equipment

  IMAP Identity Management & Account Provisioning 

  IMC Information Management Consultant
  IMCE Indirect Materials Cost Effectiveness
  IMechE Institute of Mechanical Engineers

  IMG Implementation Guide (SAP)

  IMH Inlet Manifold Heater
  IMO International Maritime Organisation
  IMO In My Opinion
  IMP Implement
  IMPCO Imperial Co., Carburettor

  IMR Internal Material Requisition

  IMR Individuals Moving Range
  IMRF Item Master Request Form
  IMRG Internal Machine Reliability Growth
  IMRM Improved Multi-Row Module (Radiator)
  IMRRM Individual Multi-row Radiator Module or IMRM

  IMS Information Management System

  IMT Inlet Manifold Temperature
  IMT International Marketing Teams
  IMV Independent Metering Valve
  IN Inch
  IN Internal Report
  IND Indefinite
  IND Industrial
  INJ Injection
  INJ Injector
  INL Inlet
  INS Insulated
  INS Inertial Navigation System
  INS Unique identification given to equipment
  INSP Inspection
  INSTL Installed
 INSTL Installation
  INSTR Instruction
  INSTR Instrument
  INT Intake
  INT Intermittent
  INT Interim

  IO Internal Operations
  IO Industrial Organisation
  IOPU Industrial Open Power Unit
  IOUS Index of Unreliability Severity
  IP Ingress Protection
  IP Intellectual Property
  IPA Intellectual Property Agreement
  IPBU Industrial Power Business Unit
  IPD Initial Professional Development
  IPDD Infrastructure Product Development Division
  IPG Information Protection Guidelines
  IPI Integrated Product Information
  IPI Integrated Product & Process Information
  IPL Individual Project Log
  IPL Illustrated Parts List

  IPL Interplant packing list
  IPP Independent Power Producers
  IPPD Integrated Product and Process Development
  IPR Injector Pressure Regulator
  IPR Intellectual Property Right
  IPSD Industrial Power Systems Division
  IPSS Integrated Power Systems Solutions
  IPST Interim Property Sheet Tool
  IPV In Process Validation
  IQA Incoming Quality Audit
  IQI Internal Quality Initiative
  IR Infrared
  IRCR Isolated Rim Carrier Roller
  IRF Injector Return Flow
  IRI Isolated Rim Idler
  IRM Information Release Memo
  IROI Initial Rate of Injection (mm cubed)
  IRR Internal Rate of Return
  IRRIG Irrigation Pump

  IRS Internal Revenue Services

  IRU Inertial Reference Unit
  IS Improvement Suggestion
  IS Information Services
  ISA Internet Sales Application (Quoting & ordering tool)
  ISB Information System Builder
  ISD Infrastructure Services Division
  ISDB Invoicing Standard Database
  ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network
  ISE International Service Executive
  ISE International Service Employee
  ISD Industrial Service Distributor
  ISIR Initial Sample Inspection Report
  ISM Ishikawajima-Shibaura Machinery Company Limited
  ISMD Industrial Site Maintenance Division
  ISO International Organisation for Standardisation
  ISO International Standards Organisation
  ISO International Switchgear Organisation
  ISO Intelligent Switchgear Organisation
  ISPF Interactive System Productivity Facility
  ISS East Peoria Interplant Shipping System
  ISS Information Security Services
  ISS Interplant Shipping Systems
  IT Information Technology
  IT Integrated Tool carriers
  ITI International to International
  ITSM Integrated Temperature Sensing Module
  IVA Intake Valve Actuation
  IVA Inlet Valve Actuation
  IVC Inlet Valve Closing
  IVDB Invoicing Database
  IVR Interactive Voice Response
  IVT International VehicleTeams
  IWUI Internal Web User Interface

J1 Job 1
JAD Joint Application Development
JAF Job Authorisation Form
JAMS Joliet Assembly Material System
JAS Job Authorisation Sheet
JAVA Sun Microsystems proprietary network programming language
JCL Job Control Language
JCL Johnson Controls Limited
JEGRPS Journal Entry/Interplant Group Status Detail Screen
JEIES Journal Entry/ Interplant Status Detail Screen
JENO Global table containing valid journal entries for a facility
JES Job Entry Subsystem
JET Joint Electronics Team
JFD Job Function Description
JIC Joint Industrial Council
JIS Job Instruction Sheet
JIS Japanese Standards and Specifications
JIT Just-in-Time
JITD Just-in-Time Delivery
JMI Job Method Information
JOS Job Objective Sheet
JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group (picture file)
JRC Job Related Characteristics
JTS Job Termination Sheet
JT Jupiter Technology - visualization file type/extension
JV Joint Venture
JVL Joint Venture Licensee
JW Jacket Water
JWAC Jacket Water After Cooler

KANBAN A signal for production or withdrawal of parts in a pull system
KANT Knowledge-based Automatic Natural-language Translation
KANTOO KANT Object Orientated
Kb Kilobyte
KBA Key Business Activity
KBL Knowledge-Based Language
KBO Key Business Opportunity
Kbps Kilobyte per Second
KC Key Characteristic 
KCC Key Control Characteristic
KE Kenworth, Kilowatt
KEC Kiel Engine Centre
kg Kilogram
KISS Keep It Short and Simple
KIV Key Input Variable
KM Knowledge Management
KMATS Configurable Sales Order Specific Materials
KMT Knowledge Maintenance Tool
KN Knowledge Network
KOCEMA Korean Construction Equipment Manufacturers Association 
kPa Kilopascal
KPI Key Performance Indicator
KPO Kaizen Promotions Office
KPV Key Process Variable
KRS Korean Register of Shipping
KS Kolbenschmidt
KTL Kenny Transport Limited
kvA Kilovolt Amps
kW Kilowatt

L Long Undercarriage
LACD Latin America Commercial Division
LAN Local Area Network
LAO London Area Office
LAR Latin America Region
LAS Linkage Analysis Software
LB Lower
LB Pound
LC Letter of Credit
LCC Life Cycle Costing
LCC Low Cost Country
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LCP Life Cycle Planner
LCV Low Crevice Volume (Piston)
LCY Loose Cubic Yard
LD&P Logging, Diagnostics & Prognostics
LD Long Drop
LD Lifting Device
LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Control
LDC Lesser Developed Country
LDIS Logistics Division Information Services
LDPO Lift Truck Dealer Parts Order
LDS Lucas Diesel Systems
LDW Last Day Worked
LE Low Emissions
LE Lexical Editor
LEAC Load Enhanced Anticipatory Control
LEC Lafayette Engine Centre
LED Light Emitting Diode
LEUI Linear EUI (Linear Electronic Unit Injector)
LGP Low Ground Pressure
LGFCR Large Ground Floor Conference Room
LH Left Hand
LHD Load Haul Dump (Elphinstone)
LHEX Large Hydraulic Excavator
LHPU Labour Hours Per Unit
LHV Lower Heating Value
LI Low Idle
LL Line to Line
LLESS Logistics Lot Size Evaluation Support System
LLSC Lafayette Logistics Service Centre
LLW Low Level Warning
LMP Large Mining Products
LMS Location Management System
LMST Series of Morton screens that provide information about modules
LMT Large Mining Trucks
LMT Lexical Maintenance Tool
LN Line to Neutral
LOA Leave of Absence
LOGNET Logsitics Network
LOGS Logistics Staff
LOHT Large Off-Highway Truck
LOS Line Of Sight
LOTO Lock out/tag out
LP Liquid Petroleum
LP Low Pressure

LPC Larne Packaging Centre
LPDP Logistics Professional Development Program
LPFS Low Pressure Fuel System
LPI Lines Per Inch
LPL Low Pressure Loop
LPO Local Process Owner
LPP Lower Power train Products
LPS Liquid Petroleum Safe
LPSD Large Power Systems Division
LPWD Logistics Planner Workbench
LR Long Reach
LR Lloyd's Register
LRC Less Regulated Countries
LRIP Low Rate Initial Production
LRNA Land Rover North America
LRS Lab Reporting System
LR Lloyd's Register of Shipping
LRQA Lloyds Register Quality Assurance
LRU Line Replacement Unit
LSA Location Storage Availability
LSC Logistics Service Centre
LSD Legal Services Division
LSD-RG Legal Services Division - Regulatory Division
LSD Low Sulphur Diesel
LSO Literature Shipping Order
LSQ Location Storage Quantity
LST Library Search Tool
LT2 Lower Tier 2
LTCD Light Truck Clean Diesel
LTCFR Lost Time Case Frequency Rate
LTD Language Translation Database
LTD Long Term Disability
LTF Leland Transmission Facility
LTG Lighting
LTL Loose Top Land (piston)
LTP Long Term Planning
LTTT Large Track-Type Tractor
LUB Lubrication, Lubricating
LUC Lockup Clutch
LVC Lock-up Torque Converter
LVDT Linear Variable Displacement Transducer
LVDT Linear Variable Displacement Transformer
LWI Local Work Instructions
LWL Large Wheel Loaders

M3PC Medium Priority Proportional Pressure Compensation Valve
M/C Machine Control
M/U Mark-up
M&PS Materials & Procurement Services
MA Merchandising Arrangement
MA Milli Amps
MAA Mechanically Attached Adapter System for Buckets
MAC Maximum Ambient Capability
MACH Machinist
MAF Mass Air Flow (see VMAF)
MAK MaK Motoren GmbH & Co. KG
MAMM Manufacturing and Material Management
MANR Manager
MAO Made as Ordered
MAP Merchandise Assist Program
MAPS Manufacturing and Production Structures
MAPS Machine Application and Performance Seminar
MARC Maintenance and Repair Contract
MARC Multiple Application Reduced Cost elastomeric engine/cab mounts
MAS Manufacturing Acceptance Standards
MASH Machine Sales History
MAT LAB Materials Laboratory
MATCON Material Concession
MAWPS Mechanically Attached Wear plate System
MAX Maximum
MBM Manufacturing Bill of Material
MBQ Minimum Batch Quantity
MBU Marketing Business Unit
MCBM Major Component Exchange
MCCOT Master Course Component Outline Template
MCE Manufacturing Configured Bill of Material
MCE Major Component Exchange
MCE Mining and Construction Equipment
MCG Machine Classification Guide
MCM Machine Control Module
MCP Major Component Price
MCP Master Control Plan
MCP Maximum Cylinder Pressure (as used on Crusader)
MCR Material Change Request
MCR Magneto Control Relay
MCS Maintenance Control System
MCS Manufacturing Control System
MCS Marine Classification Society
MCS Material Control System
MCS Monitoring and Control System
MD Monthly Disability
MD&A Management’s Discussion & Analysis
MDC Machine Development Centre
MDI Managing for Daily Improvements
MDR Material Data Resource
MDRF Means Dealer Repair Frequency
MDS Master Demand System
MDSSO Multi-Domain Single-Sign-On
MDT Manufacturing Development Team
MDTC Malaga Demonstration and Training Centre
MDW Marketing Data Warehouse

M&E Machinery and Engines
ME Manufacturing Engineer
ME Mass Excavator
ME Margin Enhancement
MEAS Microencapsulated Anaerobic Sealant
MEC Mossville Engine Centre
MEC Mechanism
MEGS Mining Edge Guard System for Excavator Mining Buckets
MEHEX Mini Type Hydraulic Exacavtors (<6t)
MENG Mechanical Engineer
MEP Mean Effective Pressure
MEPD Medium Engine Product Division
MEPM Model for Excellence in Process Management
MEPS Marine Engine Parts & Service
MER Mounted Equipment Resonance
MES Manufacturing Execution System
MESH Motor Grader Electronic Shift Handle
MET Media Effectivity Tool
METS Mining & Earthmoving Technology Systems
MEUI Mechanically Electronic Unit Injector
MEWS Mechanised Work Standard
MFD Microfarad
MFD Master File Directory
MFG Manufacturing
MFH Maximum Fork Height
MFP Material Flow Process
MFPI Manufacturing Facilities Protection Instruction
MFR Most Frequently Received
MG Motor Grade
MGM Machine Guidance Module
MGPP Multi Generational Product Planning
MHA Material Handling Arrangement
MHDE Medium Heavy Duty Engine
MHE Mini Hydraulic Excavator
MHI Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
MHP Marine Horse Power
MHz Mega Hertz (Clock Rate)
MGPP Multi- Generational Process Plan
MGPP Multi- Generational Product Plan
MI Manufacturing Instruction
MIC Machine Interface Connector
MID Message Identifier
MID Module Identification
MID Module Identifier
MIDS Machine Information Display System
MIM Machine Impact Matrix
MIM/SRM Multimedia Information Manager/Student Record Manager
MIN Minimum
MIP Mechanical Injection Products
MIS Management Information System
MIS Marketing Information System
MISC Miscellaneous
MIST Maintenance Interval Schedule Tool
MISO Misc. Interplant Shipping Order
MIT Miscellaneous Interplant Transfer
ML&T Manufacturing Logistics and Transportation
MLAB Materials Laboratory
ML&C Medium & Large Construction Equipment
MLDB Multi-Lingual Data Base

MLIT Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport
MLRT Maximum Likelihood Ratio Test
MM Millimeter
MMA Material Master Administrator

MMB Maintenance Management Bundle

MMDB Master Media Database
MMIS Machine Marketing Information
MMS Marine Monitoring System
MMS Mossville Management System
MMU Mechanical Mass Update
MMRS DCO Media Number Revision Specific Document Control Outline
MOADS Corporate Metlab System
MOC Ministry of Construction
MOCS Machine Order Communication System
MOD Machine Order Division
MOD Ministry of Defence
MODGEN Model Generation
MODIF Modification
MOL Medium Overlap (camshaft)
MOLDB Moldboard
MOPs Measures of Performance
MOS Management Operating System
MOT Ministry of Transportation
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
MOV Metal Oxide Varistor
MPa Mega Pascal
MPC Marketing Profit Centre
MPC-10 Multi-purpose Electronic Control
MPCD Motion & Power Controls Division
MPDB Market Price Database
MPDP Manufacturing Professionals Development Program
MPDS Monitored Professional Development Scheme
MPEG A standard format for multi-media information
MPGM Multipurpose Molybdenum Grease
MPH Miles Per Hour
MPI Magnetic Particle Inspection
MPI Moulding Process Instructions
MPLT Master List/Net Price
MPNO Master Price Notes
MPP Machine Performance Panel
MPPS Multipoint Pressure Sensing
MPR Marine, Petroleum, Rail
MPRT Master Price Indicative Data
MPS Master Production Schedule
MPS Marine Power System
MPSA Motori Perkins SA (Perkins France)
MPSD Marketing & Product Support Division
MPSPA Motori Perkins SpA (Perkins Italy)
MPTS Machine Performance Trending System
MPU Electromagnetic Pick-up
MQ Manufacturing Quality
MQA Material Quality Analysis
MQCAR Manufacturing Quality Corrective Action Request
MR Machine Research
MR Metering Rail
MR Mechanical Retrieval Batch
MRB Materials Review Board
MRB Management Review Board
MRC Material replenishment Collaboration
MRD Material Requirement Date

MRDR Material Rejection Disposition Report
MRO Maintenance, Repairs and Operations
MRM Marketing Resource Management
MRP Machine Readiness Process
MRP Material Resource Planning
MRP Materials Requirement Planning
MRPII MAMM Replacement Program
MRPIII Manufacturing Resource Planning
MRQS Material Receipt Query Sheet
MRR Miscellaneous Receiving Report
MRS Machine Readiness Summary
MRU Machine Retrofit Upgrade Program
MS Machine Shop
MS Machine Shop Job Card
MS Microsoft
MS Moderate Service
MSC Machine Specification Comparison
MSC My Supply Cabinet
MSCRM Microsoft Customer Relationship Management
MSD Measurement Systems Development
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheets
MSGE Medium Speed Gas Engines
MSHA Mine Safety & Health Administration
MSII Milestones
MSNETWRK Management Science Network Services
MSNUSER Management Science Network Services - User Network
MSO Machine Shipping Order
MSP Marketing Support Program
MSP Microsoft Project
MSQ Machine Sales Quote
MSS Machine Security System
MST Management Steering Team
MST Maintenance Support and Tests
MT2000 Medium Tractor 2000
MTA Mechanical Timing Advance
MTBF Mean Time Between Failures
MTBF Mean Time Before Failures
MTBR Mean Time Between Repairs
MTD Mounted
MTG Mounting
MTO Made To Order
MTO Multi-purpose Tractor Oil
MTS Material Tracking System
MTS Mobil-trac System
MUI Mechanical Unit Injector
MV Material Vision
MV Milli Volts
MVS Multiple Virtual Storage
MWaF Masters with a Future
MWL Medium Wheel Loader

N Narrow Truck
N/F/U/W Not For Use With
NA Naturally Aspirated
NACD North American Commercial Division
NADS North American Dealer Sales
NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement
NARS Notification for Access Removal System
NAS North American Stock
NAT GAS Natural Gas
NAV Navigation Module
NBR New Build Request
NBR0 Specification for quote 
NBR1 Project engine
NBR2 Production list 
NC National Coarse
NC Normally Closed
NC Noise Control
NC Numerically Controlled
NCC Network Control Centre
NCI New Capital Introduction
NCM Non-Conformance Management system
NCMR Non-Conformance Material Report
NCN Numerical Control Network
NCP Non-conformance penalties
NCR Non Compliance Report
NCT Negative Temperature Coefficient
NDA Non Disclosure Agreement
NDC Normal Distribution Curve
NDE Non-Destructive Evaluation
NDES Normal Desired Engine Speed
NDM Network Data Mover
NDRI Non Descriptive Infra-red Analyser
NDT Non Destructive Testing
NEEF Non Engine End Frame
NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association
NENG Noise Engineer
NEOP New Employee Orientation Program
NES New Electronics System
NERO New Engine Replacement Order
NF National Fine
NFF No Failure Found
NFND Not For New Design
NFPM Non-financial Performance Measure
NG New Generation
NGEO Natural Gas Engine Oils
NGMR Next Generation Modular Radiator
NGO Non Goverment Organisation
NHL Next Higher Level
NINA150 Competitor Analysis
NIA New Item Added
NIC National Insurance Contributions

NIOSH National Institutue of Occupational Safety and Health
NJSU New Job Start Up
NK Nippon Kajii Kyokai
NLA No Longer Available
NMHC Non Methane Hydro Carbons
NMOG Non Methane Organic Gases
NN Neural Network
NO Normally Open
NO Number
NOCHA New Order Critical Change Audit
NONO Notification of New Order
NOPS Non-Operational Product Status
NORF New Options Request Form
NOV Notice of Violations
NOx Nitrous Oxides (regulated emission)
NOx Nitric Oxides Emissions
NPC Normal Plant Cost
NPI New Product Introduction
NPPI New Product and Process Introduction
NPR Numerical Part Record
NPT National Pipe Thread
NPTF National Pipe Thread Fine
NPV Net Present Value
NRMM Non Road Mobile Machine
NRT NOx Reduction Technology
NRTC Nonroad Transient Cycle
NS National Special
NSEAF Non-saleable Enquiry Action Form
NSFS New Scroll Fuel System
NSI New Service Introduction
NSM Network Systems Management
NSN NATO Stock Number
NSPE National Society of Professional Engineers
NSPR Non-Standard Product Requirement
NSRM Not Stocked Rough Material
NSSN National Standards Systems Network
NSTP Non-SIS Translation Process
NTE Not to Exceed
NTF No Text Follows
NTI New Technology Introduction
NTSA National Transportation & Safety Administration
NUMD Non-Useable Material Disposition
NVH Noise Vibration Harshness
NVM Non-volatile Memory
NVQ National Vocational Qualification

O/P Oil Pump
O/ROPS Open Roll Over Protection System
O&O Owning & Operating
OAC Office Area Certification
OAL Overall Lowered
OAR Order Absence Report
OASDI Old Age Survivor Disability Income
OBC Operator Balance Chart
OBD On-Board Diagnostics
OBESE Octave Band Enclosure Sound Equation
OC October
OCB Open Circuit Breather
OCC Output Circuit Continuity
OCHS Other Chargeable Staff
OCM Organisational Change Management
OCR Optical Character Recognition

OCT Object Creation Tool

OCV Open Crankcase Ventilation
OD Obstacle Detection
OD Outside Diameter
OD Outside Drawing
ODB Operations Data Base
ODBC Open Database Connectivity/Communication
ODI Oil Drain Interval
ODS Object Directory Services - Teamcenter Multisite "Global Index"
OE Operational Engineering
OEE Overall Equipment Effectiveness
OE&E Organisational effectiveness and engagement
OE&I Operator Environment and Interface
OEL Operating Environment Layer
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
OEM Other Equipment Manufacturer
OFAT One factor at a Time
OFEOD Order from Engine Order Division
OFFED Order from Frod Engine Division
OFIOD Order from Industrial Division
OFI Opportunity for Improvement
OFMHI Order from Mitsubishi Heavy Industry
OFMOD Order from Machine Order Division
OFPG Order from Perkins Dealer oif Grimbergen
OFPTI Order from Production Technology Inc.
OFRPC Order from Rome Plow Company
OFRPC Order from Tube-Loc Company
OFSSM Order from Swing Swift Manufacturing Company
OHT On Highway Truck
OIL Office Information letter
OIL OSEK Implementation Language
OIS Office Information Services
OJT On the Job Training
OL Open Loop
OLE Object Linking and Embedding
OLE Overall Line Effectiveness
OLPL On-Line Price List
OMEGA Miscellaneous Indirect Material Purchasing System
OMG Overhaul Maintenance Guide
OMM Operation and Maintenance Manual.
OMSA On Machine Stress Analysis

OMT Outline Maintenance Tool
ONA Olympia North America
OO Object Oriented
OoO Out of Office
OOP Out of Process
OP Oil Pressure
OPE Overall Process Effectiveness
OPQ Overall Product Quality
OPS Oil Pressure Sensor
OPS Operator Protection Structure
OPT Option
OPT Overhaul Protection for trucks
OQR Operations Quality Representative
ORFC Orifice Reverse Flow Check
ORFS O-Ring Face Seal
ORS Oil Renewal System
OS Operating System
OS Over Size
OS Over Speed
OSCILL Oscillating
OSCVM On Site Container Vehicle Management System
OS&D Over Short and Damaged
OSEK Automotive Standard Operating System
OSHA Occupational Safety & Health Administration
OSP Over Seas Preparation
OSS Order Specific Sequence
OST Off Site Tool
OTB Oil To Bearing
OTB Out of the Box - software purchased from vendor
OTD Order To Delivery
OTG Output Transfer Gear
OTICS Opportunity To Improve Customer Satisfaction
OTO One-Time-Only
OTR Optical Test Rig
OTS Offer to Sell
OTW On the Water
OVERHD Overhead
OVIB One Voice In Britain
OVSA On-Vehicle Stress Analysis
OWS Oil Well Service
OZ Ounce

P1 Perkins Financial Accounting - Period
P&B Plunger & Barrel
P&ID Piping and Instrumentation Diagram
P&L Profit & Losses
P&SS Parts & Service Support
P.O. Purchase Order
PA Pricing Arrangement
PA Production Associate
PA Prototype Alteration
PAAR Perkins Advice and Action Report
PABACS Parts Book Automated Compiling System
PAC2 Product And Component Planning And Costing
PAD Personal Achievement and Development
PAF Project Approval form
PAFP Parts Annual Forecast Project
PAL Perkins America Limited
PAM Product Approval Meeting
PAM Performance Award Methodology
PAN Product Activity Notice/Note
PAPL Perkins Asia Pacific Limited
PAR Performance Analysis Report
PAR Price Assistance Request
PAT Portable Appliance Test
PAT Power Angle Tilt
PAT Product Acceptance Test
PAT Production Analysis Team
PATS Peoria Area Telephone System
PAYE Pay As You Earn (Income Tax)
PB Product Bulletin
PBA Paint Before Assembly
PBO Product Build Order
PBP Parts Business Plan
PBRR Planning Burden & Routing Record
PBX Public Branch Exchange
PC Pre-Combustion Chamber
PC Personal Computer
PCA Permanent Corrective Action
PCA Price Change Analysis
PCB Parts Comparison Bulletin
PCB Parts Comparative Bulletin
PCB Printed Circuit Board
PCB Polychlorinated Biphenyls
PCC Pre-Combustion Chamber
PCC Product Change Control
PCC Produce Change Co-ordinator
PCD Price Check Discrepancies
PCDB Perkins Customer Database
PCE Process Control Engineer
PCF Personnel Change Form
PCFA Parent Company Financial Accounting
PCI Product Code Index
PCI Process Control Index  (Relative to NPI and CPPD)
PCL Parts Coverage Listing
PCMCIA PC Memory Card International Association
PCMI Perconal Computer Memory Card Internationl Association
PCN Product Change Notification
PCP Peak Cylinder Pressure

PCR Packaging Complaint Report
PCR Packaging Change Request
PCR Procedure Change Request
PCR Product Change Request
PCR Product Creation Rate
PCR Production Commitment Review
PCS Parts Commercial System
PCS Payload Control System
PCT Parts Caption Tool
PCTA Pre-Combustion Turbo Aftercooled
PCV Product Crankcase Ventiliation
PCWP Product Committee Working Party
PD Problem Description
PD Prove Design
PD&S Process Development & Services
PD/DT GDLS Reference Number
PDA Pre-Delivery Audit
PDA Personal Digital Assistant
PDA Pending Dealer Action
PDC Parts Distribution Centre
PDC Product Distribution Center
PDC Problem Description Code
PDCA Plan Do Check Act
PDCC Power Demand Cruise Control
PDES Designer
PDET Detailer
PDF Portable Data Format
PDF Probability Density Function
PDI Pre-Delivery Inspection
PDL Perkins Data Link
PDL Product Decision Letter
PDL Product Development Lead-time
PDL Production Discrepancy Label
PDLMS Parts Distribution Location Management System
PDM Parametric Design Manager
PDM Product Data Management
PDM Project Data Manager
PDM Proportional Driver Module
PDMS Product Data Management System
PDOD Product Development & Operations Division
PDP Participatory Discount Program
PDP Performance Development Process
PDP Project Development Phase
PDQ Pretty Damn Quick
PDQ Pre-defined Query
PDQ Product Development Quality
PDRR Programme Definition Risk Reduction
PDS Post Design Services
PDS Product Development Service
PDS Project Definition System
PDUG Product Definitions Users Group
PE Paving Equipment
PE Product Engineering
PE(P)L Perkins Engines (Peterborough) Limited
PE(S)L Perkins Engines (Shrewsbury) Limited
PE(ST)L Perkins Engines (Stafford) Limited
PEC Peterborough Engine Centre
PECL Perkins Engines Company Limited
PEDRO Perkins Engineering Data Retrieval Organisation (microfiche)
PEEC Programmable Electronic Engine Control

PEF Parts Extract File
PEG Product Evaluation Group
PEHL Pre-Production Engine History Log
PEM Product Engineering Manager
PEMM Project Engineering Management Meeting
PENG Performance Engineer
PEORM Product Engineering Operations Review Meeting
PEP Parts Extract Process
PEP Performance Engine Products
PEP Product Engineering Process
PEPD Performance Engine Product Division
PERG Prediction & Evaluation of Reliability Growth
PERG Product Evaluation Reliability Growth
PERL Practical Extraction and Report Language
PES Parts Exchange Service
PES Product Engineering Solutions
PET Parts Editing Tool
PET Product Evaluation Test
PETS Parts Entry Terminal System
PEWA Perkins Europe and West Asia
PF Perkins Forms
PF Power Factor
PF Purchased Finished
PF12 Function Key 12
PFC Positive Flow Control
PFEP Plan For Every Part
PFMEA Process Failure Mode and Effect Analysis
PFP Pay for Performance
PG Partsgram
PGB Parameter Group Broadcast
PGI Post Goods Issue
Ph7 Heads Phase 7 Cylinder Heads
PHA Preliminary Hazard Assessment
PHB Performance Handbook
PI Personal Involvement
PI People Involvement
PIC Price in Chassis
PID Parameter Identification
PID Process Improvement Dialogues
PID Proportional / Integral / Derivative
PID Proportional Integral and Derivative Controller
PIDS Prime Item Development Specification
PIL Perkins International Limited
PIL Product Investigation Letter
PIM Product Introduction Meeting
PIM Product Improvement Meeting
PIMS Product Information Management System Parts Marketing
PIMS Profit Impact of Market Strategy
PIN Product Identification Number
PINS Percentage of Industry Sales
PIP Product Improvement Program
PIQ Partners in Quality
PIQC Partners in Quality Coordinator
PIR Product Improvement Request
PIR Product Information Report
PIR Product Information Request
PIS Product Information System
PIT Problem Identification Team
PITCH Total time needed to produce one container of part - TAKT time
PJM Production Job Management

PKG Package, Packing
PL Pipe Layers
PL Plunger
PL Product Letter
PL Price List
PL01 First list derived from a registered project
PL80 Costing List for a Registered Project
PL90 Advanced Production Parts list for a prototype engine build
PL95 Advanced Production Parts list for a Production engine build
PLC Programmable Logic Control
PLC Product Line Cascade
PLCN Price List Change Notification
PLIF Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence
PLM Product Lifecycle Management
PLP Product Line Profitability
PM Particulate Matter (regulated emission)
PM Permanent Magnet
PM Personality Module
PM Personal Manager; IBM Mainframe calendar
PM Powder Metal
PM Predictive Maintenance
PM Participative Management
PM Preventive Maintenance
PM Product Mover
PM Project Management
PMA Planned Method Audit
PMAN Project Manager
PMCM Product Margin and Cost Monitor
PMCM Profit Margin and Cost Monitor
PMCM Projected Manufacturing Costs & Margins (Verified Cost)
PME Permanent Magnet Excitation
PMG Permanent Magnet Generator
PMGMBH Perkins Motoren GmbH (Perkins Germany)
PMI Positive Management Initiatives
PMI Process Maturity Index
PMI Product Monitoring Information
PMIS Parts Marketing Information System
PMOD Permanent Modifier
PMP Performance Management Process
PMP Preventive Maintenance Program
PMP Production Maintenance Process
PMP Project Management Professional
PMPB Process Management Business Plan
PMPG Preventive Maintenance Products Group
PMS Perkins Material Standards
PMS Price Movement Sheet
PMS Problem Monitor System
PMS Product Monitoriing System
PMTPS Pedal Mounted Throttle Position Sensor
PN Part Number
PNPI Part Number Price Inquiry
PO Process Owner
PO Production Order
PO Purchase Order
POC Product Outline Compatibility
POC Point of Contact
POD Proof of Delivery
POD Print on Demand
PODD Percentage Of Dealer Deliveries
POEN Port of ENtry

POMS Pricing Orders Marketing Systems Division
POP Product Organisation Process
POPIMS Parts Order Processing Inventory Management Systems
POPL Product Outline / Price List
POPS Percent of Potential Sales
POPS Percent of Population Sales
POPS Percent of Parts Sales
PO's Product Objectives
POT Potential (Average water Temperature. - entering air)
POU Point Of Use
PP Price List Rack Settings
PPA Parts Product Analyst
PPAP Production Parts Approval Process
PPC Parts Product Code
PPC Polution Prevention Control
PPCAR Prime Product Costing & Reporting System
PPCAR Prime Product Costing and Reporting
PPCAR Pre-production Corrective Action Request
PPD Power Products Division
PPDB Parts Pricing Database
PPDC Perkins Powerpart Distribution Centre
PPDC Planning Process Documentation & Compliance
PPE Personal Protection Equipment
PPE Production Problem Related Expense
PPF Prime Product Forecast System
PPG Peoria Proving Grounds
PPIDS Parts Pricing Information and Distribution Systems
PPG Machine Prime Product Information
PPL Priority Project List
PPL Perkins Parts Limited
PPL Plant Problem List
PPM Parts Per Million
PPM Prime Product Mover
PPM Product Problem Management
PPP Parts Projection Planner
PPP Perkins Product Promotion
PPP Power Protection Plan
PPP Power Protection Program
PPPC Proportional Priority Pressure Compensated
PPR Positive Pin Retention
PPR2 Positive Pin Retention, alternate design
PPRA Prime Product Return Authorisation
PPRD Pre-Production Reliability Development
PPRE Product Problem Related Expense
PPRM Process Partner Relationship Manager
PPS Performance Planning summary
PPS Profit Per Share
PPV Parallel Path Variable
PPV Purchase Price Variance
PQAR Product Quality Audit Report
PQDC People Quality Delivery Cost
PQE Product Quality Engineer
PQI Product Quality Indicator
PQS Power Quotation System
PQT Petroleum Quality Technology
PQT Pre Qualification Tool
PQT Preliminary/Professional Qualification Test
PQT Product Qualification Team
PQT Product Qualification Test
PQT Production Qualification Test

PQT Protection Qualification Test
PQT Prototype Qualification Test
PQVC People, Quality, Velocity, Cost
PR Purchase Requisition
PRC Production Readiness Criteria
PRCM Programmable Relay Control Module
PRDB Product Reference Database
PRDR Product Reference Database
PRECOMB Precombustion
PRED Predictive Engineer
PRESS Pressure
PRF Purchase Requisition Form
PRIDE Peers Recognising Individual's Direct Efforts
PRIDE Product Reliability Improvement Definition Effort
PRIME Pre-Injection Metering
PRIMEs Primary
PRIP Product Reliability Improvement Potential
PRL Piston Ring Liner
PRM Product Reliability Monitoring
PROCMT Procure
PROCMT Procurement
PROF PSM Reauthoring Old Format
PRO/E Pro/Engineer
PRO/PDM Parametric Design Manager
PROM Project Meeting
PROS Predictive Reliability Operations Services
PROSPECT Possibility of On-Site Power Economic Test
PROT Protective
PRR Product Return Request
PRR Product Realisation Review
PRS Polski Rejestr Statkow
PRV Pre Rotation Valve
PRV Pressure relief Valve
PRWB Product Release Workbench
PS&EC Product Safety & Environmental Control
PS&D Product Support and Distribution
PS2 Power System Simulator
PS Postscript
PS Product Services
PSA Part Stock Authorisation
PSA Product Support Agreement
PSA Power Systems Associates
PSA Purchase Services Agreement
PSAP Product Support Activity Plan
PSC Post Sales Credits
PSD Power Spectral Density
PSD Power Systems Distributors
PSD Prevent Significant Deterioration
PSD Product Support Division
PSD Product Structure Delivery
PSE Project Support Engineer
PSEL Perkins Shibaura Engines Limited
PSF Performance Summary Form
PSG Pressure Compensated Simple Gov. (Woodward)
PSI Pounds per Square Inch
PSIA Pounds Per Square Inch - Absolute
PSIA Absolute Pressure
PSID Parts and Service Information Division
PSID Product Structure Identification
PSID Pounds per Square Inch Difference

PSIG Pounds Per Square Inch - Gauge

PSIO Product Structure Information Only

PSK Parts Sales Kit
PSM Product Structure Matrix
PSMD Power Systems Marketing Division
PSNA Power Systems North America
PSO Part Shipping Order
PSO Pension Schemes Office
PSO Power System Operation
PSOMS Product Support Opportunity Management System
PSOPS Product Supply Operations
PSORM Product Supply Operations Review Meeting
PSP Problem Solving Process
PSP Product Support Program
PSPD Product Source Planning Department
PSPS Program Software Programming System
PSPS Product Software Programming System
PSQ Product Support Quotation
PSR Parts Stock Recommendation
PSR Product Support Repository
PSS Product Structure System
PSS Project Scheduling System
PSS Powered Side Shift
PSS Power System Simulator
PSSR Parts & Service Sales Representative
PSSR Product Support Service Representative
PSt Property Sheet Tool
PSTR Power Steering
PSW Part Submission Warrant
PT Exhaust Particulates
PT Potential Transformer
PT Point
PT Pressure Time
PTA Product Test Analysis
PTC Parametric Technology Corporation
PTC Perkins Technology Consultancy
PTD Permanent Total Disability
PTE Purchasing Traffic Europe
PTeC Perkins Technology Consultancy
PTHD Pipe Thread
PTL Perkins Test Lab
PTMI Perkins Technical Marketing Information
PTNR P.T. Natra Raya; Manufacturing joint venture in Jakarta Indonesia
PTO Power Take Off Point
PTO Power Take Off
PTOP Product Improvement Program
PTOS Product Tracking & Opportunity System
PTS Part Throttle Shifting
PTT Parts Translator Tool
PTWO Perkins Technology Works Order
PUPH Purification Unit w/ Plumbing Homogenization
PUP Paste Up
PURE Packaged Unit for Reduction of Emissions
PV Production Validation
PVD Physical Vapor Deposition
PVR Product Variant Request
PVS Print Vendor Selection
PWAF Plant With A Future.
PWM Pulse Width Modulated
PWO Parts Work Order

PWR Power

Q1 Perkins Financial Accounting - Quarter

Q&PMR Quality and Performance Management Review
Q&RGO Quality and Reliability General Offices
Q1 Quality is Job 1
QA Quality Assurance
QAR Quality Alert Recommendation
QC Quality Control
QC NOTE Quality Control Reject Note
QCDP Quality, Cost, Delivery, People
QCIR Quality control Inspection Report
QCLDM Quality Cost Logistics Development Management
QCP Quality Control Procedure
QCO Quick Change Over
QCR Quality Complaint Report
QE Quality Engineering
QFA Quality Focus Area
QFD Quality Function Deployment
QIR Quality Improvement Request
QIR Quality Inspection Report
QIS Quality Information System
QLF Quality Loss Function
QMF Query Management Facility
QMS Quality Management System
QNET Quality Network
QPR Quality Problem Report
QR&R Quarterly Review and Reports
QRWB Quality and Reliability Work Bench
QS Quality Standards
QS Quality Specialist
QSC Quality System Control
QSC Quality Services - Corporate
QSI Quality System International
QSO Qualified Sales Option
QTTD Quantity
QUIC QUAC Quick Response Quality Action Report
QWS Quote Writer System

R&R Roles and Responsibilities
R/A Rocker Arm
R/F Radio Frequency
RAAT Record Accuracy & Audit Trail
RAC Road Analysis Control (Software)
RACI Responsible Accountable Consulted Informed
RACT Reasonable Available Control Technology
RAD Radiator
RAD Role Activity Diagram
RAG Red Amber Green
RAID Risk And Impact Detail
RAM Random Access Memory
RAM Real-time Analysis Manager
RAM Records Accurary Management
RAM Reliability, Availability and Maintainability
RAN Remote Annunciator
RAP Round About Plan
RAS Rectification Approval Sheets
RAS Reticular Activating System
RASIC Responsible Accountable Supporting Informed Consulted
RASTAR Electronic system used to access engineering prints
RASTAR Random Access Storage Architecture System
RAT Remote Authoring Tool
RBF Repair Before Failure
RBIPS Retirement Benefits and Payment System
RBM Rolling Business Management
RBM Rolling Business Model
RBOM Repair Bill Of Materials
RBT Rotating Bushing Track
RCC Rear Cable Control
RCCA Root Cause Corrective Action
RCS Revision Control System
RDBMS Relational Data Base Management System
RDC Regional Distribution Centre (Parts Depot)
RDD Redistribution Discount
RDM Relay Driver Module
RDSL Recommended Dealer Stocking List (parts)
RECAS Receivable and Cash System
REDI Research and Engineering Document Inquiry
REDG Reducing
REINF Reinforcement
REG Regulation
REG Regulator
REL Release
REMAN Remanufactured
REOP Robot Engineering Operating Procedure
REPL Replacement
REQD Required
RES Resistor
RET Retainer
REV Reverse

RF Radio Frequency
RFE Request For Estimate
RFI Radio Frequency Interference
RFI Request For Investment
RFM Rental Financial Metrics
RFM Rental Fleet Management
RFQ Request For Quotation
RFT Request For Tooling
RFTB Read the Factory Book
RH Right Hand
RIB Rental Inventory Barometer
RIF Recordable Injury Frequency
RIF Reduction In Force
RINA Registry Italian Navale
RIS Regional Information Centre
RIW Rapid Improvement Workshop
RLR Roller
RMA Return Material Authorisation
RMDA Records Management & Document Access
RMA Return Material Authorisation
RMDS Report Management Distribution System
RMF Resource Management Facility
RMI Requirements Management Index
RMN Remanufactured Parts Information
RMS Receivable Management System
RMS Root Mean Square
RN Replacement Notice
RNB Received Not Billed
ROA Return on Assets
ROA Recognised Operating Agency
ROG Reactive Organic Gases
ROI Return on Investment
ROIC Return On Invested Capital
ROIP Rate of Injection Parameter
ROM Range of Motion
ROM Read Only Memory
ROM Rough Order of Magnitude
ROP Repair Opportunity Planner
ROP Repair Option Program
ROPS Roll over Safety Protection Structure
ROPS Rollover Protection System
ROSS Retard on State
ROSS RIC Open Systems Storage
ROT Rotating, Rotation
RPA Returned Parts Analysis
RPAC Rapid Prototyping for Automatic Controls
RPC Remote Procedure Call
RPCV Rail Pressure Control Valve (HEUI)
RPE Repair Process Engineering
RPI Repair Process Integration/Intergrator
RPIR Request for Product Improvement Request
RPM Revolutions Per Minute
RPM Risk Priority Management
RPN Risk Priority Number

RPPI Replacement Parts Protection Instruction
RPS Rail Pressure Sensor
RPS Rhythm Production Scheduler
RPTO Rear Power Take Off
RR Rear
RR Run Relay
RRCN Receiving Report Correction Notice
RS Russian Maritime Register of Shipping
RSM Regional Sales Manager
RSSM Request to Scrap Surplus Material
RTC Real Time Clock
RTC Regional Translation Centre
RTD Resistance Temperature Device
RTDs Repetitive Trauma Disorders
RTF Rich Text Format
RTL Recommended Tool Program
RTM Resin Transfer Molding
RTOS Real Time Operating System
RTR Rent-to-rent
RTRF Rear Track Roller Frame
RTS Ready to Ship
RTS Return to Workshop (Crusader)
RTPSE Road to Product Support Excellence
RTV Room Temperature Vulcanizing
RTW Return to Work
RUA Rental Used and Attachements
RVIC Residual Value In Component 
RWA Reliability Warranty Analysis
RWAC Raw Water After Cooled

S Short Reach
S&L Sealed and Lubricated
S&OP Sales and Operations Planning
S+PD Systems and Processes Division
S&R Standards and Regulations
S/COS Sales/Cost of Sales
S/N Serial Number
S/O Side Out - Exhausts
S/O Shut-Off
S/T Speed Timing (Sensor)
S/S Single Strength 
S/W Software
SA Support Analyst
SA Special Application
SA Sound Attenuated
SAAR Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate
SAC Side Apron Construction
SAC Stanadyne Automotive Corp
SAD Service Application Data
SAE American Industry Standards
SAE Society of Automotive Engineers
SAF Safety
SAI Strategic Areas of Improvements
SALT Sealed And Lubricated Track
SAM SIS applications Metrics
SAP Special Application Product
SAP Systems Application Products in Data Processing
SAP CRM SAP Customer Relationship Management
SAP ISA SAP Internet Sales Application
SAP R3 SAP Logistic System
SAPI SAP Instruction
SAS Start Aid Switch
SAS Statistical Analysis System
SBOM Structured Bill Of Material
SBMF Swept Blade Mixed Flow
SBS EIS Strategic and Business Services European Information Services
SBT Sleeve Bearing Track
SBTS Super Base Tracking System
SC Significant Characteristics
SC Special Characteristic
SCAC Separate Circuit Aftercooler
SCAF Self Cleaning Air Filter
SCAR Supplier Corrective Action Request
SCE Small Construction Equipment
SCF Supplier Concession Form
SCFS Scroll Fuel System
SCL System Common Layer
SCLIN Sub Contractors Line Item Number
SCM Shin-Caterpillar-Mitsubishi Corporation of Japan
SCM Status Control Module
SCM Supply Chain Management
SCOF Sales Capacity Order Fulfilment
SCORE Sales Configuration Owner Report System
SCP Suggested Customer Price
SCP Supplier Capacity Plan
SCR Scarifier
SCR Selective Catalyst Reduction

SCR Silicon Controlled Rectifier
SCR Standard Cost Revision
SCTE Single Cylinder Test Engine
SD Short Drop
SD Sustainable Development
SDC Sagami Design Center
SDC Special Design Characteristic
SDC Software Distribution Centre
SDC Sound Design Centre
SDCR Supplier Design Change Request
SDD Software Design Document
SDE Supplier Development Engineer
SDEC Shanghai Diesel Engine Co.
SDM Solenoid Driver Module
SDR Software Development Request
SDRLs Subcontract Data Requirements List
SDS Sound Deadened Steel
SDS Supplier Data Sheet
SE Self Excited
SE Starting Engine
SEA Selective Enforcement Audit
SEA Statistical Energy Analysis
SEAR Simultaneous Engineering Amendment Record
SEC Secondary
SEC Securities and Exchange Commission
SEGM Segmented
SEGO Service Engineering General Office
SEM SGML Entity Manager
SEMI-F Semi-finished
SEP Sales Effectiveness Process
SEP Small Engine Product
SEP PARTS Separate Parts
SER Special Engineering Request
SERF Specific Engine Requirements Form
SERR Special Engine Rating Request
SERV Serviced
SERV Service Fitter
Service Magazine Provides notification of improvements and changes to parts and products
Service Manual All literature {minus Parts Manuals} for a machine
SES Super Extreme Service
SF Single Flange
SFC Specific Fuel Consumption
SFLG Single Flange
SFM Sales Funnel Management
SFMO Sales Force Mobile Office
SG Single Grouser
SG Small Governor
SG&A Selling General & Administrative
SGI Spheroidal Graphite Iron
SGML Standard Generalised Mark-up Language

SHEX Small Type Hydraulic Excavators (7-16t)

SHM Service Hour Meter
SHP Shipment PINS
SI Spark Ignited
SI Special Instructions

SIB Send it Back

SIBI Calculate Pension Benefits
SICC Shanxi International Casting Company Ltd
SICS Sales Information Collector Systems
SID Service Information Division

SID Split Injection Device
SID System Identification
SIFT Secure Internet File Transfer
SIL Systems Integration Lab
SIMS Service Information Management System
SINA Spark Ignited Naturally Aspirated
SIP Seat Index Point
SIP Share/Stock Investment Plan
SIP Strategic Improvement Process
SIP Strategic Improvement Project
SIP Supplier Integration Program
SIPOC Suppliers, Inputs, Process, Outputs and Customer
SIR Supplier Inspection Report
SIRS Service Information Retrieval System
SIS Service Information System
SIS-J Japanese version of SIS implemented and owned by SCM
SISP Strategic Information Systems Planning
SIT State Income Tax
SITA Spark Ignited Turbocharged After cooled
SJP Safety Job Procedures
SK Sketch
SKVA Starting Kilovolt Amps
SL Service Level
SLA Service Level Agreement
SLC Super Line Charged
SLD Second Level Distributor
SLHD Slotted Head
SLID Sliding
SLIS Stock Level Information Sheet
SLO Service Level Objective
SLP Shared Leadership Position
SLV SGML Lookup Values Tool
SM Service Machine
SM/TEN Service Magazine/Truck Engine News
SMA Special Machine Arrangement
SMART Specific, Meaningful, Achievable, Realistic, Time bound
SMART Specific Measurable Action-oriented Realistic & Time-and-resource-constrained
SMART Supplier Management And Reporting Tool
SMC Sheet Moulding Compound
SMCS Service Management Control System
SMDL Sales Model
SME Society of Manufacturing Engineers
SME Subject Matter Expert
SMED Single Minute Exchange of Die
SMFS Sleeve Metering Fuel System
SMH Service Meter Hours
SMP Service Management Professional
SMR Starter Motor Relay
SMR Service Meter Reading
SMS System Management Software
SMTE Supplier Management and Traffic Europe
SMU Service Meter Units (Miles/Hours)
SN Serial Number
SNA System Network Architecture
SNP Serial Number Prefix
SNRT Super Nox Reduction Technology (92% efficiency)
SO Sales Order
SO Standing Order
SOA Strategic Opportunity Assessment
SOA Sales Order Amendment

SOA Service Oriented Architecture
SOC Start of Current
SOC Suggested Objective Cost
SOC Strategy, Objectives and Constraints
SOC Suggested Objective cost
SOD Sales Order Division
SOD Segregation Of Duties
SODA Service Operations Development & Assessment
SODB Shipping and Order Database
SOF Soluble Organic Fractions
SOFT Software Engineer
SOHC Single Overhead Camshaft
SOI Sales Order Instruction
SOI Start of Ignition
SOI Start of Injection
SOL Start on line
SOL Genset Start on Line Date
SOLAS Safety of Life At Sea
SOLSOI Start of Logic to Start of Injection
SOMA Site Operations and Maintenance Advisor
SOP Standard Operating Procedure
SOPP Strategic Operations Process Planning
SOS Schedule Oil Sampling
SOS Shop Operating System
SOS Source of Supply
SOTA System Operations, Test & Adjust
SoW Statement of Work
SOX Sarbanes-Oxley
SP Service Pack
SPA Sustainable Product Availability
SPAM Sales Project Approval Meeting
SPAR Special Price Assistance Request
SPC Service Program Code
SPC Statistical Process Control
SPC Special Process Characteristic
SPC Strategic Planning Committee
SPBU Specialty Products Business Unit
SPB Standard Parameter Broadcast
SPeC Specifications module
SPES Sales Project Engine Specification
SPET Sales Project Engine Team
SPI Serial Peripheral Interface
SPI Similar Parts Index
SPI Service & Parts Information
SPICE Supplier Price Increase Cost Evaluation
SPIFF Special Pricing Incentive For Fleets
SPL Special
SPL Similar Parts List
SPM Service Parts Management
SPM Service Program Module
SPM Supplier Performance Management
SPMS Service Problem Management System
SPN Standard Part Name
SPN Significant Part Number
SPN Suspect Parameter Number
SPO Standard Product Outline
SPOC Single Point of Contact
SPORT SPO Retention Tool
SPPC Supplier Product and Process Collaboration
SPPS Set Point Peak Shaving

SPQ Supplier Production Quality
SPQ Supply & Production Quality
SPR Sprocket
SPS Select Performance Strategy
SPT Support
SRC Strategic Council Review
SRC Special Required Characteristic
SQ Square
SQA Supplier Quality Assurance
SQCF Supply Quality Concern Form
SQE Supplier Quality Engineer
SQI Supplier Quality Improvement
SQL Supplier Quality Liaison
SQP Solutions Quality Plan
SQS Supplier Quality Standard
SR Service Request
SRA Stock Record Audit
SRAM Static Random Access Memory
SRC Strategic Review Conference
SRCR Statically Regulated Controlled Rectifier
SRCV Self Regulated Constant Voltage
SRD Software Requirement Document
SRI Stock Record Inventory
SRM Supplier Relationship Management
SRP System Readiness Process
SRR Special Rating Request
SRS System Requirement Specification
SRS System Readiness Summary
SS Semi-Standards
SS Soil Stabilizers
SS Steady State
SSD Service Support Department
SSG Machine Shipments/Sales/Inventory
SSI Shipments, Sales & Inventory
SSL Secure Sockets Layer
SSL Skid Steer Loader
SSMAR Stock Status Material Availability Request
SSO Single Sign-on
SSOB Single Story Office Block
SSOEM Self Supporting Original Equipment Manufacturer
SSS Start -Stop Switch
SSS Self-Service Site
SST Stainless Steel
ST SCAN Tool (Digital Diagnostic Tool)
STA Series Turbo After cooled
STAT Stationary
STATS Prints of line art that are to OMMs and Service Manual Modules
Stage 1 Off highway emissions legislation
Stage 2 Off highway emissions legislation
Stage 3 Off highway emissions legislation
Stage 4 Off highway emissions legislation
STB Switch To Battery
STC Snap to Connect
STD Short Term Disability
STDB Standards Table Database
STER Steering
STERCL Steering Clutch
STEX Small Track Excavators
STD Standard
STD Standard Track

STD G Standard Group
STG Switch To Ground
STI Silent Tread Idler
STIC Steering Transmission Integrated Control
STIP Short Term Incentive Plan
STLE Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers
STMG Service Training Meeting Guide
STOR Store man
STOR Straight Thread O-Ring
STP Software Test Plan
STR Strainer
STTT Small Track-Type Tractors
STU Sales To Users
STW Service Technician Workbench
SUB Subsoiler
SUB Supplemental Unemployment Benefits
SUC Suction
SUG Software Users Guide
SUTA State Unemployment Tax Act
SUP Supplementary
SUPR Suppressor
SUSP Suspension
SVC Standard Variable Cost
SVR Solutions Variant Request
SVS Single Virtual Storage
SW Switch
SWAC Sea Water After cooling
SWCS Standard Work Combination Sheet
SWE Simulated Work Enviromnent
SWES Standard Work Element Sheet
SWIP Standard Work-In-Process
SWL Small Wheel Loader
SWO Special Work Order
SWO (IT) Special Work Order (IT Software System)
SWOSS Standard Work Order Segmentation System
SWOT Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
SWS Standard Work Sheet
SYS System

T Tooth / Teeth
T&D Test and Development
T&E Test and Evaluation
T&SD Technology & Solutions Division
T/C Turbocharger
T/L Solutions Order Time-Line
T/S Trouble Shooting
TA Temporary Allocation
TA Temporary Alteration
TA Turbo Aftercooled
TACH Tachometer
TAM Trend Analysis Module
TAMS Track Adjustment Management System
TAN Technical Advice Note
TAN Total Acid Number
TAN Technical Authorisation Note
TAO Totally Automated Office
TB Turnbuckle
TBA To be Advised
TBAG TechDoc Bookbuild Automated Generation
TBC Thermal Barrier Coating
TBD To Be Determined
TBN Total Base Number
TBU Torque Backup
TBU Transmission Business Unit
TC Technical Centre
TC Technical Communicator
TC Torque Converter
TC Top Centre
TCAA Total Cost Achievement Activity
TcEng Teamcenter Engineering
TcEnt Teamcenter Enterprise
TCDP Technician Career Development Program
TCO Take Care Of
TCO Torque Converter Output
TCP Translation Check Process
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
TCS Traction Control System
TcSE Team Center Systems Engineering
TCT Total Cycle Time
TD Technical Data
TD Time Delay
TD sheet Technical Data Sheet
TDC Top Dead Centre
TDI Technical Data Interchange
TDM Top Down Modelling
TDR Transient Data Recorder
TDS Test Data System
TDTO Transmission/Drive train Oil
TE Truck Engine News
TEAM Truck Engine Account Manager
TEBM Truck Engine Business Manager - Dealer Employee
TECAP Truck Engine Coverage Assistance Program
TECH Facilities Technician
TECH DOC Technical Document
TECI Truck Engine Customer Incentive
TED Total Estimate Demand

TEDM Truck Engine District Manager - CAT Emp.
TEG Technical Engineering Guideline
TEHC Total Electronic Hystat Control
TEM Technical Engineering Manager
TEMP Targeted Engine Marketing Plan
TEMP Temperature
TEN Truck Engine News
TEN EN Truck Engine News Engine News
TEOC Truck Engine Owner/s Club
TEPS Truck Eng. Parts & Service or Total Eng. Product Support
TERM Truck Engine Regional Manager
TEST Testers
TFR Transfer
TH Telehandler.
TH Telescopic Handler
THC Total Hydro Carbons
THD Thread
THD Total Harmonic Distortion
THEX Track Type Hydraulic Excavators (>18t)
THTC Tanaja Hills Training Centre
THR Thrust
TFM Track Forest Machines
TFF Tropical Forest Foundation
TI Test Instructions
TI Turbo Intercooled
TIB Technical Information Bulletin
TIC Technical Information Centre
TIC Team Item Catalogue
TID Technical Information Division
TID Technical Information Department
TIF Technical Information File
TIFF/G4 Tagged Imaged File Format/CCITT Group 4 (a FAX Format)
TIGHT Tightener
TILT Tilting
TIM Technical Instruction Module
TIM Tool Integration Module
TIPSS The Integrated Perkins Service System
TIPSS-EST The Integrated Parts and Service System - Electronic Service Tool
TIPSS The Integrated Parts and Service System
TIR Traffic Information Release
TIR Total Indicator Reading or Tech. Information Release
TIS Traffic Information System
TIT Turbine Inlet Temperature
TL Triple Lift
TLA Three Letter Acronym
TLA Target Language Authority
TLM Target Language Maintainer
TLS Torque Level Sensor
TLV Target Language Viewer
TM&R Total Maintenance and Repair
TMI Technical Marketing Information
TMIS Tool Marketing Information System
TML Trademark Merchandise Licensing
TMO Turbo Machinery Operations
TMR Test Material Request
TMS Talent Management System
TMS Transmission Multi-Season
TMSN Transmission
TMT Translation Memory Tool
TN Training Needs Analysis

TNI Trouble Not Identified
TO Technical Objective
Truck Operations Analysis

TOC Table of Contents

TOM Total Opportunity Manager
TOPP Truck Owners Protection Plan
TOPRS Terminal Oriented Production Routing System
TOPS Tip-Over Protective Structure
TOR Torque
TOS Technical Objective Sheet
TOS Transmission Output Speed
TOWS Tool Order Writing System
TP Test Procedure (as used by PTECH)
TP Third Party (consultancy report)
TP Transfer Price (as used by PSEL)
TP Translation Process
TPA Truck Performance Analysis
TPC Total Plant Cost
TPCC Total Profit Centre Cost
TPD Transformation Process Division
TPG Technical Partsgram
TPG Tucson Proving Ground
TPL Temporary Parts List
TPM Total Productive Maintenance
TPM Total Preventive Maintenance
TPMS Truck Payload Measurement System
TPN Temporary Parts Number
TPS Testing Program Status
TPS Throttle Position Sensor
TPU Tentative Production Usage
TQ Total Quality
TQEMC Total Quality Environment Management Committee
TQM Total Quality Management
TQP Total Quality Project
TR Technical Report
TR Test Requests
TR Transient Response
TRAPS Track Shoe Production Scheduling
TRD Technical Resources Department
TRD Technical Requirements Document
TRF Track Roller Frame
TRG Time Requirement Guide
TRIMS Tool Room Information Management System
TRPC Transaction Remote Procedure Call
TRT Terminology Repository Tool
TRUN Trunnion
T&SD Technology & Solutions Division
TS Towed Scrapers
TS Tough Steel
TS&D Technical Services & Development
TSC Technical Support Centre
TSD Technical Services Division
TSD Technology & Solutions Division
TSG Technical Support Group
TSG Trouble Shooting Guide
TSK Track Skidder
TSMP Targeted Segment Marketing Planning
TSO Test Strategy Options

TSO Test Strategy Options.
TSO Time Sharing Options
TSODB Temporary Shipping And Orders Database
TSUP Technical Support (Project Office)
TST Text Search Tool
TT Travel Time
TT Track Type
TTD Total Temporary Disability
TTL Tight Top Land (Piston)
TTL Track-type Loader
TTRT Top of Top Right Travel
TTT Track Type Tractor
TTTD Track Type Tractors Division
TUF The Universal Frameworks
TUV German Homologation Regulatory group.
TVA Torsional Vibration Analysis
TVD Test and Validation Department
TVF Tooling Validation Form
TWI The Welding Institute
TWOV Transit Without Visa

U Upper
U/B Unit of Base
U/C Undercarriage
U/CTR Undercarriage Test Rig
U-JOINT Universal Joint
UAT Underground Articulated Trucks
UCC Uniform Commercial Code
UCIC Undercarriage Information System
UCS Undercarriage Selector Tool
UG Universal Governor
UGC Uniform Group Classification
ULSD Ultra Low Sulphur Diesel Fuel
UMIST University of Machester Institute of Science and Technolog
UML Underground Medium Loaders
UNF Unified Fine Thread
UNIV Universal
UI Unemployment Tax
UID Unity Identifiers
UKAS United Kingdom Accreditation Service
UOM Unit of Measure
UP Upper
UPS Uninterrupted Power Source
URL Uniform Resource Locator
URL Universal Resource Locator
US United States
US Undersize
USB Universal Serial Bus
USDN U.S. Dealer Net
USEPA United States Environmental Protective Agency
USOD United States Operations Division
USS United States Standard
UTEPP Used Truck Engine Protection Plan
UTN Upgrade To New (Reman)
UTP Unshielded Twisted Pair


W Watt
W With
W/O Without
W/P Water Pump
WAE Wagner Asia Equipment
WAN Wide Area Network
WAR Weekly Activity Report
WATK Weibull Analysis Toolkit
WAVS Work Area Vision System (basically a rear view camera for machines)
WBL Work Based Learning
WBT Web Based Training
WC Water Cooled
WCC West Coast Cab
WCM Web Content Management
WCIC World-wide Centralized Inventory Control
WCT Word Count Tool
WDWRD Woodward Governor
WECAP WEB Enabled Cataloguing And Procurement
WELD Welder
WEOP Weld Engineering Operating Procedure
WEX Wheeled Excavator
WFB Wheel Feller Buncher
WFE Water From Engine
WFM Work Flow Manager
WFS Wire Feed Speed
WHA Waste Handling Arrangement
WHAM Wiebul Hazard Analysis Method
WHL Wheeled Loader
WHP Wheel HP
WI Welding Instruction
WI Work Instruction
WIIFM What's in it for me
WIIS Warehouse Inventory/Information System
WIP Work In Progress
WL Wheel Loader
WLED Wheel Loader and Excavators Division
WMF Windows Meta File
WMS Warehouse Management System
WMSD Work Related Musculoskeletal Disorder
WO Works Order
WOD Works Order Discrepancy
WoE West of England
WOI Works Order Instruction
WOIS Work Order Issue System
WSA World Sales Analysis
WSA Worldwide SIS Authoring
WSK Wheel Skidder
WSU World Source and User
WT Water Temperature
WT Wedge Types
WT Whole Tree
WT Work Tool
WTE Water To Engine
WTL Wheel Tractor Loader
WTO World Trade Organisation
WTS Wheel Tractor Scraper

WTS Windows Terminal Server
WWW World Wide Web
WYSIWYG What you See Is What You Get
XL Extended (Long) Undercarriage
XML Extensible Markup Language
XMSN Transmission
XPS X-Ray induced Photoelectron Spectroscopy
XQ Extra Quiet
XR Extra Rear
XR Extended Undercarriage
XW Extra Wide
Y2K Year 2000
Z Zenith
Z Zero
ZC Formely China Classification Society (CCS)
ZOMR Order Management Report (General orders reporting tool)
ZSTOCK Stock Order Transactions (Stock Ordering Tool)
ZWIP Zero Warehouse Inventory Program


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