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Consequences of the Armed Conflict,

Forced Human Displacement, and Land

Abandonment on Forest Cover Change in
Colombia: A Multi-scaled Analysis

Ana María Sánchez-Cuervo &

T. Mitchell Aide


ISSN 1432-9840

DOI 10.1007/s10021-013-9667-y

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DOI: 10.1007/s10021-013-9667-y
 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York

Consequences of the Armed Conflict,

Forced Human Displacement, and
Land Abandonment on Forest Cover
Change in Colombia: A Multi-scaled
Ana Marı́a Sánchez-Cuervo* and T. Mitchell Aide

Department of Biology, University of Puerto Rico-Rı́o Piedras, P.O. Box 23360, San Juan, Puerto Rico 00931-3360, USA

Most studies of land change have focused on pat- uses across multiple spatial scales. Demographic
terns, rates, and drivers of deforestation, but much variables were important at the biome and ecore-
less is known about the dynamics associated with gion scales and appear to be a consequence of the
agricultural abandonment and ecosystem recovery. armed conflict, particularly through forced human
Furthermore, most studies are conducted at a single displacement (for example, rural–urban migra-
spatial scale, and few have included variables re- tion), which in some areas has resulted in forest
lated with internal socio-political conflicts. Here we regrowth. In other areas, the impact of illegal
evaluated the effect of environmental, demo- armed groups has reduced forest cover, particularly
graphic, and socio-economic variables on woody in areas rich in gold and lands appropriate for cattle
cover change in Colombia between 2001 and 2010 grazing. This multi-scale and multivariate approach
at the country, biome, and ecoregion scales. We provides a new insight into the complex relation-
also incorporated factors that reflect the unique ship between woody cover change and land aban-
history of Colombia such as the presence of illegal- donment triggered mainly by armed conflict.
armed groups and forced human displacement.
Environmental variables explained the patterns of Key words: forest change; land abandonment;
deforestation and forest regrowth at all scales be- armed conflict; forced displacement; multiple spa-
cause they can restrict or encourage different land tial scales; multivariate approach.

Land change is a key component of global envi-
ronmental change, and it has direct and indirect
Received 25 January 2013; accepted 14 March 2013 impacts on climate, biodiversity, and natural and
Electronic supplementary material: The online version of this article human systems (Sala and others 2000; Geist and
(doi:10.1007/s10021-013-9667-y) contains supplementary material,
which is available to authorized users.
Lambin 2002; Lambin and others 2003; Thuiller and
Author Contributions: ASC contributed to study design, performed others 2005). Land change is driven by the complex
research, analyzed data, and wrote the manuscript. TMA conceived the interaction between multiple factors that act from
study, contributed to study design, and edited the text. global (for example, climate change, international
*Corresponding author; e-mail:
Author's personal copy
A. M. Sánchez-Cuervo and T. M. Aide

markets) to local scales (for example, topography, contributed to the rural–urban migration and
soil fertility) (Lambin and others 2001; Geist and abandonment of farming and grazing on marginal
Lambin 2002; Aide and Grau 2004). Most land- lands giving way to forest regrowth (Aide and Grau
change research has focused on drivers, patterns, 2004). Other studies have stressed that forest cover
and rates of deforestation (Achard and others 2002; change could also be triggered by armed conflict
Lambin and others 2003) because it is the prevailing (Aide and Grau 2004). These conflicts can have
process of forest cover change; however, others mixed environmental effects, either promoting
have suggested that there is a global reforestation deforestation through overuse and empowerment of
trend (Rudel and others 2005; Kauppi and others natural resources by the armed groups (Etter and
2006). Spontaneous forest regeneration on aban- others 2006a) or stimulating forest regrowth as
doned agricultural lands can potentially diminish agricultural fields are abandon and wood extraction
the ecological damage of deforestation and degra- is hindered (Witmer and O’Loughlin 2009; Stevens
dation (Guariguata and Ostertag 2001; Chazdon and others 2011). Some studies have shown that
2008). Thus, forest cover change (that is, defores- after the conflict deforestation increases because
tation and reforestation) needs to be investigated people resettled and expanded agricultural lands
because both processes have repercussions for bio- (Stevens and others 2011). These examples illustrate
diversity, soil conservation, carbon sequestration, the complexity of land change during and following
and carbon emission. civil strife. Consequently, it is essential to under-
Furthermore, it is important to determine the stand the direct and indirect impacts of armed con-
causes of deforestation and reforestation to flict on ecosystems and global biodiversity
improve management and conservation activities. conservation (Sutherland and others 2009).
In addition, these causes should be analyzed at Colombia has had a long history of armed con-
multiple spatial scales because they are likely to flict and socio-political instability, and thus pro-
vary depending on the location, resolution, and vides an excellent opportunity to incorporate
extent of the analysis (Veldkamp and Lambin 2001; armed conflict variables in a multivariate analysis
Redo and others 2012). Forest cover change has of patterns of deforestation and reforestation. In
been related to environmental factors because they Colombia, studies of land change have mainly
can restrict or enhance the expansion of economic focused on deforestation of lowland areas, partic-
activities. For example, areas with favorable envi- ularly in the Amazon and Orinoco regions. Most of
ronmental conditions will be more economically these studies in the Amazon have been conducted
attractive; therefore, more likely to be deforested. in the Caquetá river basin (Etter and others 2006a,
In contrast, areas with harsh environmental con- b) and other lowland forest areas (Armenteras and
ditions located in less productive lands may expe- others 2006), whereas in the Orinoco region stud-
rience agricultural abandonment and subsequent ies have been conducted in the foothills (Viña and
forest regrowth (Aide and Grau 2004; Wright and Cavelier 1999), in the lowlands (Etter and others
Muller-Landau 2006; Meyerson and others 2007). 2006c) or in the entire region (Romero-Ruiz and
These recovery patterns have been documented in others 2011). Only a few studies have been con-
developed countries (Rudel and others 2005), and ducted in montane forests (Etter and van Wynga-
in many developing countries, including Colombia, arden 2000), and dry forest dynamics have been
Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, and Puerto Rico virtually ignored. The few studies that have
(Rudel and others 2002; Céspedes and others 2003; included both reforestation and deforestation were
Grau and others 2003; Klooster 2003; Sanchez- conducted in specific areas located in both lowlands
Cuervo and others 2012). and highlands throughout Colombia (Etter and
Several studies have shown that forest cover others 2006c; Dávalos and others 2011), and in a
change is also affected by demographic dynamics, historical analysis (1,500–2,000) at the country
where deforestation is often associated with popu- scale (Etter and others 2008).
lation growth (Geist and Lambin 2002; Carr 2004), Typically, the factors explaining deforestation in
whereas forest regrowth is mainly associated with a Colombia have been related with accessibility,
decline in local population (Aide and Grau 2004; slope, climate, soils, demography, and land use
Rudel and others 2005). For example, rural–urban (Armenteras and others 2006; Etter and others
migration could promote ecosystem recovery due to 2006c; Dávalos and others 2011). Nevertheless,
the reduction of human pressure on natural these models have not taken into account multiple
resources (Aide and Grau 2004; Wright and spatial scales or non-traditional variables such as
Muller-Landau 2006; Meyerson and others 2007). armed conflict, gold production, poverty, and forced
Industrialization and urbanization patterns have human displacement. The relative importance of
Author's personal copy
A Multi-scale Analysis of Forest Change in Colombia

the Colombian armed conflict on forest cover natural and mineral resources to accumulate
change has been debated (Etter and others 2006a; wealth and power (Cotte 2010). Since the 1990s,
Dávalos and others 2011; Sanchez-Cuervo and the principal illegal-armed groups are the Fuerzas
others 2012), but no study has included armed Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC-left-
conflict variables in a formal analysis. In a country wing) and the Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia or
with over 50 years of internal conflict, contrasting paramilitaries (AUC-right-wing). The FARC is
political decisions (for example, Plan Colombia), financed partially from the drug trade and devotes
social instability, poverty, and the active presence about one-third of its soldiers to indirect or direct
of illegal armed groups, one could expect impacts coca-related activities (Echandı́a 1999). This illegal
on natural resources. These issues are particularly economy (stimulated by the increase of interna-
worrisome given that Colombia has been identified tional demand) had a gross value of about US$517
as a mega-diverse country (Chaves and Arango million in 2008, and the total area under illicit
1998) and that its biodiversity and natural re- crops increased from approximately 250 km2 in
sources are at risk. Therefore, it is essential to 1985 to approximately 1,600 km2 in 1999 (UNODC
identify the variables that influence forest cover 2008). The paramilitary groups are mainly financed
change at multiple scales to predict the future tra- by drug traffickers, landowners with extensive
jectory of forest dynamics, and to understand the properties, and even security officers for petroleum
causes of habitat and biodiversity loss. companies (Gillard and others 1998). The para-
In this study, we analyzed woody vegetation militaries typically cause forced displacement of
change (deforestation and reforestation) between rural populations (for example, peasants) by seizing
2001 and 2010 for all municipalities at the country, the land and resources for their clients. Therefore,
biome, and ecoregion scales. In addition to incor- landowners and traffickers are able to expand their
porating traditional environmental and socioeco- holdings and increase the size of their cattle-
nomic variables, we also incorporated variables ranching farms (Cubides 1999). The government
that reflected the unique history of Colombia (for response to overcome the drug economy was the
example, variables related to armed conflict). The implementation of Plan Colombia during the term
simultaneous analysis of deforestation and refor- of President Andrés Pastrana (1998–2002). Under
estation patterns coupled with the analysis of the President Alvaro Uribe (2002–2010), Plan Colom-
factors explaining these changes can provide bia continued with the coca crop eradication pro-
important insights for land change science and gram, but expanded to include the ‘‘Democratic
the development of appropriate conservation Security’’ program. This program is based on the
strategies. premise that the major socio-economic problems of
Colombia are caused by violence and insecurity;
therefore, the program focused on reducing the
presence and power of guerrilla groups, particularly
Study Area the FARC (Acevedo and others 2008). These socio-
political issues represent important factors that may
Colombia is rich in natural and mineral resources;
influence land change in Colombia.
half of the country is covered by forest and there
In this study, municipalities (second administra-
are large deposits of metals, oil, and natural gas.
tive scale) were the main unit of analysis. We
Colombia also has remarkable differences in ele-
included 1,097 municipalities and 20 areas no mu-
vation (0–5800 m), precipitation (350–12,000 mm/
nicipalizadas or corregimientos (name of the third
y), and annual mean temperature (over 27C in the
administrative scale in Colombia) because these
lowlands and between 13 and 17C in the high-
areas occupied almost 190,000 km2 in the Ama-
lands), which have promoted high diversity of
zonas, Guainı́a, and Vaupes departments.
habitats and species, making Colombia one of the
most biodiverse countries on earth (Chaves and
Arango 1998).
Land-Use Mapping
Even though Colombia has vast amounts of Our LULC classification methodology follows the
natural resources, a long history of social disparity, methods described in Clark and others (2012) and
unequal distribution of land and wealth, coupled Sanchez-Cuervo and others (2012). Here, we
with high levels of poverty promoted the rise of summarize the three main steps used to produce
several guerrilla groups during the 1960s. Since the the maps analyzed in this study.
1980s, the armed conflict expanded as these groups First, reference data (over 10,000 samples) for
shifted from political motives to the control of classifier training and accuracy assessment were
Author's personal copy
A. M. Sánchez-Cuervo and T. M. Aide

collected with human interpretation (authors) agriculture and herbaceous, mixed-woody and
using a custom web-based application: the Virtual plantations, and built-up and bare. The combining
Interpretation of Earth Web-Interface Tool (VIEW- of classes into a five-class scheme helped reduce
IT) that overlays MODIS pixel (250 9 250 m) on inter-class confusion and increase map accuracy
high-resolution imagery in Google Earth (Clark while still allowing us to focus on major trajectories
and Aide 2011). Each sample was assigned the year of change in woody vegetation. The final five-class
of the image and the percent cover of seven cover maps had an average overall accuracy of 87.4%
classes: woody (woody vegetation including trees (±4.3%), with non-water average producer’s
and shrubs), herbaceous vegetation, agriculture, accuracies ranging from 36.3% (mixed-woody/
plantations, built-up areas, bare areas, and water. plantations) to 96.9% (woody) and user’s accura-
Samples were assigned to a class if the cover in this cies ranging from 72.5% (mixed-woody/planta-
class was 80% or more. Samples with 20–80% tions) to 89.4% (woody) (see Sanchez-Cuervo and
woody, with a bare soil, herbaceous vegetation or others 2012). The five-class LULC map was sum-
agriculture components were assigned to a mixed- marized for the 1,117 municipalities or study units.
woody class.
Second, we used the MODIS MOD13Q1 Vege- Explanatory Variables
tation Indices 250 m product (Collection 5) for
We collected data for 52 variables at the munici-
LULC classification (Clark and others 2010; Clark
pality scale (n = 1,117) to evaluate their effect on
and others 2012). The product is a 16-day com-
woody cover change. These variables were grouped
posite of the highest-quality pixels from daily
into six categories: (1) Accessibility: density of riv-
images and includes the Enhanced Vegetation
ers, paved roads, unpaved roads, and dirt roads;
Index (EVI), red, near infrared (NIR), and mid-
(2) Land-use data: change in coca crops area (2001–
infrared (MIR) reflectance and pixel reliability with
2010) and the change in crop area (2006–2010) for
23 scenes per year available from 2001 to present
cotton, corn, mechanized rice, irrigated rice, plan-
(Huete and others 2002). For each pixel, we cal-
tains, potatoes, and sugarcane. We also included the
culated the mean, standard deviation, minimum,
extent of coffee plantations (2007); (3) socio-eco-
maximum, and range for EVI, and red, NIR and
nomic: poverty (1993 and 2005), head of cattle
MIR reflectance values for calendar years 2001 to
(2006), and total gold production (2008); (4) armed
2010. Statistics were calculated for all 12 months, 2
conflict: forced human displacement (1996 and
six-month periods, and 3 four-month periods. The
2009), and its change (1996 to 2009), paramilitary-
MOD13Q1 pixel reliability layer was used to
AUC presence (2001 and 2005), and guerilla-FARC
remove all unreliable samples (value = 3) prior to
presence (2001 and 2005); (5) demographic: total
calculating statistics.
population size (1993, 2005, and 2010), total pop-
Third, we mapped LULC with the Random For-
ulation density (1993, 2005, and 2010), total pop-
ests (RF) tree-based classifier (Breiman 2001) fol-
ulation change (1993–2005 and 2005–2010), and
lowing methods in Clark and others (2012). The RF
total population density change (1993–2005 and
classifier was implemented using R (v. 2.12.2; (R
2005–2010); (6) environmental: biome, ecoregion,
2011) and the randomForest package (v. 4.6-2;
topographic index, elevation, precipitation, and
(Liaw and Wiener 2002)). Predictor variables were
temperature. See Table 1 and supplementary
MODIS-based 4-, 6- and 12-month statistics for
material Appendix A for detailed descriptions of
EVI, red, NIR and MIR, and were extracted for the
these variables and their sources.
year corresponding to the QuickBird image year
(2001 to 2010; Clark and Aide, 2011) for each GE
reference sample. We trained four separate RF
Woody Cover Dynamics
based on samples in separate biomes (that is, To evaluate the patterns of woody cover change
Tropical and Subtropical Moist Broadleaf Forests, within each municipality, we analyzed the trends
Tropical and Subtropical Dry Forests, and Tropical performing a linear regression of woody cover area
and Subtropical Tropical Grasslands, Savannas and (dependent variable) against time (independent
Shrublands) with boundaries defined by munici- variable, the 10 years of the study—2001 to 2010).
palities (see Sanchez-Cuervo and others 2012). We If more than 1% of the total municipality area had
used R and the RGDAL library to apply the RF pixels mapped as No Data for a given year, the land
objects to every pixel in MODIS tiles covering cover data for that year were removed from the
the zone-biome region for each year, 2001 to 2010. regression. To determine the strength of this linear
The four separate maps were then mosaicked relationship (area vs. time) we used Pearson’s
and reclassified (post-classification) by grouping correlation coefficient (R), where positive values of
Table 1. Description and Data Sources of Independent Variables for Each Municipality in Colombia
Category Code Variable description Source
Accessibility RiverDen River density: calculated as the total river length divided by municipality area (km ) SIGOT-IGAC1
PavroadDen Paved road density: calculated as the total road length divided by municipality area (km2) SIGOT-IGAC
UnpavroadDen Unpaved road density: calculated as the total unpaved road length divided by municipality SIGOT-IGAC
area (km2)
DirtroadDen Dirt road density: calculated as the total dirt road length divided by municipality area (km2) SIGOT-IGAC
Land use CocaChange0110 Difference between extent of coca crop area in 2001 and 2010 (km2) SIMCI-UNODC2
CottonChange0610 Difference between extent of cotton crop area in 2006 and 2010 (km2) SIGOT-IGAC
CornChange0610 Difference between extent of corn crop area in 2006 and 2010 (km2) SIGOT-IGAC
MechRiceChange0610 Difference between extent of mechanized rice crop area in 2006 and 2010 (km2) SIGOT-IGAC
IrrigatedRiceChange0610 Difference between extent of irrigated rice crop area in 2001 and 2010 (km2) SIGOT-IGAC
PlantainChange0610 Difference between extent of plantain plantations area in 2006 and 2010 (km2) SIGOT-IGAC
PotatoesChange0610 Difference between extent of potatoes crop area in 2006 and 2010 (km2) SIGOT-IGAC
SugarcaneChange0610 Difference between extent of sugarcane crop area in 2006 and 2010 (km2) SIGOT-IGAC
Coffee07 Extent of coffee crop area in 2007 (km2) SIGOT-IGAC
Socio-economic Poverty93 Unsatisfied basic needs (%) in 1993 DANE3
Poverty05 Unsatisfied basic needs (%) in 2005 DANE
HeadCattle06 The number of head of cattle in 2006 SIGOT-IGAC
Gold08 Total gold production in 2008 (gr) SIGOT-IGAC
Armed conflict Displacement96 Number of displace people registered in 1996 SIPOD4
Displacement09 Number of displace people registered in 2009 SIPOD
DisplacementChange9609 Difference between displace people in 1996 and 2009 SIPOD
AUC01 Paramilitaries active presence: calculated as density level in 2001 Derechos Humanos5
AUC05 Paramilitaries active presence: calculated as density level in 2005 Derechos Humanos
FARC01 Guerrilla active presence: calculated as the number of confrontations against national Derechos Humanos
army in 2001
Author's personal copy

FARC05 Guerrilla active presence: calculated as the number of confrontations against Derechos Humanos
national army in 2005
A Multi-scale Analysis of Forest Change in Colombia
Table 1. continued
Category Code Variable description Source

Demographic Population93 Total population registered in 1993 census DANE

PopulationDen93 Population density: total population per km2 in 1993 DANE
Population05 Total population registered in 2005 census DANE
PopulationDen05 Population density: total population per km2 in 2005 DANE
PopulationChange9305 Difference between total population registered in 1993 and 2005 DANE
PopulationDenChange9305 Difference between total population density in 1993 and 2005 DANE
Population10 Projection of population for 2010 calculated from registered population DANE
between 1993 and 2005
PopulationDen10 Population density: total population per km2 in 2010 DANE
PopulationChange0510 Difference between total population registered in 2005 and 2010 DANE
PopulationDenChange0510 Difference between total population density in 2005 and 2010 DANE
UrbanChange9305 Difference between urban population in 1993 and 2005 DANE
A. M. Sánchez-Cuervo and T. M. Aide

Rural93 Number of people registered in rural areas in 1993 DANE

Rural05 Number of people registered in rural areas in 2005 DANE
Rural10 Number of people registered in rural areas in 2010 DANE
RuralChange9305 Difference between rural population in 1993 and 2005 DANE
RuralChange0510 Difference between rural population in 2005 and 2010 DANE
Environmental Biome World Wildlife Fund biome classification Olson and others (2001)
Ecoregion Thirteen ecoregions following World Wildlife Fund ecoregion classification Olson and others (2001)
TopoInd Topography index: standard deviation derived from SRTM (90 m): CGIAR-CSI6
larger values represented complex topography (e.g., mountains)
DEMMinimum Minimum elevation derived from SRTM (90 m) CGIAR-CSI
DEMMaximum Maximum elevation derived from SRTM (90 m) CGIAR-CSI
DEMMean Mean elevation derived from SRTM (90 m) CGIAR-CSI
PrecipStdMeanMonthly Standard deviation of mean monthly precipitation (1990–2005) CRUD7
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PrecipMeanAnnual Mean annual precipitation (1990–2005) CRUD

PrecipStdAnnual Standard deviation of annual precipitation (1990–2005) CRUD
TempStdMeanMonthly Standard deviation of mean monthly temperature (1990–2005) CRUD
TempMeanAnnual Mean annual temperature (1990–2005) CRUD
TempStdAnnual Standard deviation of annual temperature (1990–2005) CRUD

SIGOT-IGAC: Geoportal of the Agustin Codazzi Geographic Institute (Sistema de Información Geográfica para la Planeación y el Ordenamiento Territorial Nacional.
SIMCI-UNODC: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime through the Colombian Integrated System for Illicit Crops Monitoring project.
DANE: National Administrative Department of Statistics.
SIPOD: Sistema de Información para la Población Desplazada in the Agencia Presidencial para la Acción Social y la Cooperación Internacional (
Derechos Humanos: Programa Presidencial de Derechos Humanos y Derecho Internacional Humanitario.
CGIAR-CSI: Consultative Group on International Agriculture Research-Consortium for Spatial Research. SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) 90 m Database (
CRUD: Climatic Research Unit Datasets, University of East Anglia (2008).
Author's personal copy
A Multi-scale Analysis of Forest Change in Colombia

R represent an increase in woody cover and nega- to visualize the relationship between woody cover
tive values of R represent a decrease. We used this change (R) and the explanatory variable with the
approach to standardize woody cover change highest predictive power we created a scatterplot
through time due to outliers or missing data in any overlaid by a partial dependence plot. The partial
given year, and the use of R for trends allows us to dependence plot shows the directionality and range
compare municipalities, which can vary in size of values of the predictor variable where there are
from 17,6 to 65,568 km2. In addition, this trend important changes in forest cover.
analysis takes advantage of the 10 years of data,
and it is not based on just two points in time.
Although with MODIS we cannot detect changes at
the sub pixel level (250 m), the accumulative Patterns of Woody Cover Change
change from the small scale conversion can be Between 2001 and 2010
captured by the trend analysis based on the
There was a clear geographical pattern of woody
aggregation of all pixels within a municipality (see
cover change between 2001 and 2010 (Figure 1):
Sanchez-Cuervo and others 2012; Clark and others
municipalities with significant gains were concen-
2012). Municipalities with significant changes in
trated in the Andes, whereas municipalities that
woody vegetation had P £ 0.05. All analyses
lost woody cover occurred mainly in the lowlands.
incorporating absolute area were performed using
Overall, woody cover increased from 580,420 km2
estimates based on each municipality’s regression
in 2001 to 597,383 km2 in 2010, with a net gain of
model, rather than the raw area data used to fit the
16,963 km2 for the entire country. At the biome
model. We calculated the net change in cover
scale, the net gain in woody vegetation was located
(km2) of the woody cover class between 2001 and
mainly in the Moist Forest biome (16,077 km2)
2010 considering the six biomes and 13 ecoregions.
followed by the Desert (1,629 km2) and the Dry
To assess the effect of the 52 explanatory vari-
Forest (688 km2) biomes (Figure 2A). In contrast,
ables on woody cover change we used Random
woody cover showed a net loss only in the Grass-
Forest (RF) regression analysis using the package
land biome (-1,636 km2). At the ecoregion scale,
randomForest (Liaw and Wiener 2002) for R soft-
woody cover increased in eleven ecoregions, par-
ware (R, 2011). We used RF regression analysis
ticularly in the Montane Forest ecoregions with a
instead of classic regression models (for example,
net gain that varied from 4,535 km2 in the North-
ordinary least squares) due to RF’s ability to handle
ern Andean to 891 km2 in the Cordillera Oriental
complex data distributions, non-linear relation-
ecoregions (Figure 2B). The Moist Forest ecore-
ships, and spatial autocorrelation (Segal 2004). The
gions also showed an increase in woody cover from
random forest model has two parameters: ntree
2,955 in the Magdalena-Urabá Moist to only
(overall number of trees in the forest) and mtry
144 km2 in the Caquetá Moist which is the largest
(randomly preselected predictors for each split). It
ecoregion in Colombia (472,066 km2). The Dry
is important to set ntree and mtry because these
Forest ecoregions had a net gain in woody cover,
parameters control variable selection and variable
particularly in the Sinú Valley (1,290 km2) and in
importance are unbiased (Strobl and others 2007).
the Magdalena Valley (164 km2), whereas the
The square root of the number of variables is rec-
Apure-Villavicencio had a net loss of 691 km2. The
ommended as a mtry value to guarantee stable
Guajira Xeric and the Northern Andean Páramo
results (Strobl and others 2007). Therefore, we grew
ecoregions also showed an increase of woody cover
2,000 trees and we set mtry to seven because we
of 1,778 and 63 km2, respectively. The Llanos
incorporated 52 explanatory variables. RF for
ecoregion had the greatest net loss (-1,636 km2) of
regression analysis determines the most predictive
all ecoregions.
variables reporting a percentage increase in mean
square error (%IncMSE) instead of coefficient of
multiple determination (R2). Our random forest Factors Explaining Woody Cover Change
model included woody cover trends (Pearson’s cor-
at Multiple Scales
relation coefficient R) as the dependent variable and
the 52 explanatory variables as the independent At the national scale, the random forest regression
variables (see Table 1 for more details). We performed analysis explained 36.8% of the variation in woody
separate random forest models for: (a) all munici- vegetation change. This analysis showed that
palities in Colombia, (b) five biomes (excluding the environmental variables were the most important
Mangroves biome due to the small number of predictors (Table 2). For example, the standard
municipalities; n = 6) and (c) 13 ecoregions. Finally, deviation of mean monthly temperature, minimum
Author's personal copy
A. M. Sánchez-Cuervo and T. M. Aide

Figure 1. Map of the 13

ecoregions. Red and blue
dots represent
municipalities with
significant loss or gain in
woody cover,
respectively. Inset shows
the distribution of the six
biomes (Color figure

elevation, and mean annual temperature were the in woody vegetation in the Moist Forest, Dry Forest,
three most important variables explaining defor- and the Grassland biomes, whereas in the Montane
estation and reforestation patterns. The partial Grassland and the Desert biomes the analysis
dependency plots showed that woody cover explained less than 20% (Table 2). Environmental
decreased in municipalities with a higher standard variables explained most of the variation in woody
deviation of mean monthly temperature (>0.6C), cover, particularly in the Moist Forest, the Dry
at lower elevations (<250 m; Figure 3A, B), and Forest, and the Deserts biomes, whereas socio-eco-
higher temperatures (>25C) in the Grassland nomic and armed conflict variables were the most
biome but also in other municipalities scattered important factors in the Grassland and the Montane
throughout the Moist Forest biome. In contrast, Grassland biomes. The partial dependency plots for
woody cover increased in municipalities with a the Moist Forest biome showed that woody cover
lower standard deviation of mean monthly tem- increased in municipalities with mean annual
perature, in the highlands, and lower temperatures temperature above16C, high population density
particularly in the Moist Forest biome. (>30 people/km2 in 2005), and low seasonality
At the biome scale, the random forest regression (<0.6C), particularly in the Northern and
analysis explained more than 28% of the variation the Northwestern Andean ecoregions (Table 2;
Author's personal copy
A Multi-scale Analysis of Forest Change in Colombia

Figure 2. Net change of

woody cover from 2001
to 2010 by biome (A) and
ecoregion (B) scales.

Figure 4). In contrast, woody cover decreased in biome, woody cover decreased as forced displacement
municipalities with high mean annual temperature increased in 1996, in municipalities with larger pop-
(>25C), low population density (<30 people/km2 ulations in 1993 (>5000people), and in municipali-
in 2005), and high seasonality (>0.6C) mostly in ties with a lower unpaved road density. In the
the Caquetá Moist Forest and Northern Andean Montane Grassland biome, woody cover decreased in
Montane Forest ecoregions. In the Dry Forest the poorest municipalities in 1993 and 2005
biome, woody cover increased in municipalities (UBN > 30%) and in those with higher population
with annual precipitation below 1,500 mm, at ele- density (>30 people/km2 in 2005).
vations above 200 m, and with low unpaved road At the ecoregion scale, the random forest
density, mainly in the Sinú Valley ecoregion regression analysis explained more than 20% of the
(Table 2; Figure 4). In contrast, woody cover variation in woody vegetation in six of the 13 eco-
decreased in municipalities located in wetter areas, at regions (Table 2). The woody cover change in the
lower elevations, and where there was a higher Moist Forest ecoregions (that is, lowlands) within
density of unpaved roads, mainly in the Apure-Vil- the Moist Forest biome was explained mostly by
lavicencio and the Magdalena Valley ecoregions. In environmental variables followed by demographic
the Desert biome, woody cover increased mostly variables. The partial dependency plots in the Moist
when topographic variation increased, at higher ele- Forest ecoregions illustrated that in the Caquetá
vations (>100 m), and where there were low den- Moist Forest, woody cover decreased mostly in
sities of rivers (Table 2; Figure 4). In the Grassland municipalities with high seasonality (>0.20C) and
Table 2. Random Forest Results at the Country, Biome, and Ecoregion Scales
Random forest models (% Var) Important variables IncMSE % Trends in woody cover change

Country scale TempStdMeanMonthly 32.2 Decreased as standard deviation increased

% Var = 36.8 (>0.6C)
DEMMinimum 30.1 Increased as elevation increased (>250 m)
TempMeanAnnual 29.0 Decreased as mean temperature increased
Biome scale TempMeanAnnual 27.0 Decreased as mean temperature increased
Moist Forest (>25C)
% Var = 28.2
PopulationDen05 26.0 Increased as pop density increased
(>30 people/km2)
TempStdMeanMonthly 24.3 Decreased as standard deviation increased
A. M. Sánchez-Cuervo and T. M. Aide

Ecoregion scale TempStdAnnual 13.3 Decreased as standard deviation increased

Caquetá Moist (>0.20C)
% Var = 16.2 PopulationDen05 12.7 Decreased as pop density increased
(>10 people/km2)
PopulationDen10 12.6 Decreased as pop density increased
(>10 people/km2)
Mag-Urabá Moist TempStdMeanMonthly 16.8 Increased as standard deviation increased
% Var = 22.2 (>0.45C)
PrecipMeanAnnual 11.5 Decreased at higher precipitation (>2,500 mm)
PrecipStdAnnual 11.3 Increased as standard deviation increased
(>350 mm)
Chocó-Darién Moist PopulationChange0510 10.5 Increased as pop change from lost to gain people
% Var = 13.9 Poverty93 8.9 Increased as poverty in 1993 increased (>70%)
Author's personal copy

PrecipStdAnnual 7.9 Increased as standard deviation increased

(>600 mm)
Cauca-Valley Montane DisplacementChange9609 18.0 Decreased as displacement change from lost to
% Var = 25.0 gain
DEMMean 15.0 Decreased at higher elevation (>3,000 m)
AUC05 10.7 Increased as AUC presence increased
Cordillera Oriental Montane AUC01 23.4 Increased as AUC presence increased
% Var = 24.0 DEMMean 17.0 Decreased at higher elevation (>1,000 m)
HeadCattle06 12.0 Decreased as head cattle increased
Table 2. continued
Random forest models (% Var) Important variables IncMSE % Trends in woody cover change

Northern Andean Montane AUC05 20.5 Decreased as AUC presence increased

% Var = 27.1 Gold08 19.8 Decreased as gold production increased
TempStdMeanMonthly 16.1 Increased as standard deviation increased
Northwest Andean Montane PopulationDen05 13.0 Increased as pop density increased
% Var = 3.4 (>20 people/km2)
PopulationDen10 10.1 Increased as pop density increased
(>15 people/km2)
HeadCattle06 9.0 Decreased as head cattle increased
Dry Forest PrecipMeanAnnual 23.2 Decreased at higher precipitation (>1,500 mm)
% Var = 40.3
DEMMinimum 22.4 Increased as elevation increased (>200 m)
DirtroadDen 22.2 Decreased with higher unpaved road density
Apure-Villavicencio DEMMin 13.0 Increased at higher elevation (>160 m)
% Var = 14.2
DEMMean 8.3 Increased at higher elevation (>200 m)
TempStdMeanMonthly 6.0 Decreased as standard deviation increased
Magdalena Valley Dry TempStdAnnual 25.6 Increased as standard deviation increased
% Var = 48.6 (>0.35C)
DEMMin 22.1 Increased at higher elevation (>300 m)
PrecipMeanAnnual 18.0 Decreased at higher precipitation (>1500 mm)
Sinú-Valley Dry TempStdMeanMonthly 11.8 Decreased as standard deviation increased
% Var = 26.0 (>0.50C)
PrecipMeanAnnual 10.8 Decreased at higher precipitation (>1,500 mm)
Author's personal copy

Rural05 9.0 Decreased as rural population increased

Grassland Llanos Displacement96 13.3 Decreased as displacement in 1996 increased
% Var = 43.9 Population93 10.3 Decreased as population in 1993 increased
(>5,000 people)
UnpavroadDen 10.1 Increased with higher unpaved road density
Montane Grassland Northern Páramo Poverty05 15.2 Decreased as poverty in 2005 increased (>30%)
% Var = 17.5 PopulationDen05 9.4 Increased as pop density increased
(>70 people/km2)
Poverty93 8.5 Decreased as poverty in 1993 increased (>30%)
Desert Guajira Xeric TopoInd 13.5 Increased as standard deviation increased
% Var = 13.0 DEMMax 10.0 Increased at high elevations (>100 m)
RiverDen 7.5 Decreased as river density increased

The results include the percent of variation explained by each model, the percent increase of mean square error (IncMSE%) when the variable was excluded, and the effect of the three most important variables on woody cover change.
A Multi-scale Analysis of Forest Change in Colombia
Author's personal copy
A. M. Sánchez-Cuervo and T. M. Aide

Figure 3. Scatterplots of
the standard deviation of
mean monthly
temperature (A) and
minimum elevation (B)
and woody vegetation
change (R) for all
municipalities in
Colombia. A partial
dependency plot was
added to show directional

with high population density (>10 people/km2 in high density of paramilitary groups in 2005
2005 and 2010; Table 2; Figure 5A). In the Mag- (Table 2; Figure 5C). Likewise, in the Cordillera
dalena-Urabá Moist Forest, woody cover increased Occidental woody vegetation increased in places
in municipalities with high seasonality (>0.45C), with a high density of paramilitary groups in 2001,
lower precipitation (<2500 mm), and high stan- at elevations below 1,000 m, and low numbers of
dard deviation in precipitation (>350 mm). In the cattle. In the Northern Andean, the largest Mon-
Chocó-Darién Moist Forest, woody were increased tane Forest ecoregion, the effect of the paramilitary
in municipalities that gained population between groups seems to be opposite compared with the
2005 and 2010, in the poorest municipalities in previous ecoregions because woody cover
1993 (UBN > 70%), in municipalities with high decreased in municipalities with a high density of
standard deviation in precipitation (>600 m). paramilitary groups in 2005. Woody cover also
In all Montane Forest ecoregions (that is, high- decreased in areas with high gold production and
lands) within the Moist Forest biome, woody cover with low seasonality (<0.40C). In the North-
change was mostly explained by demographic, western Andean, woody cover gains occurred in
armed conflict, socio-economic, and environmen- municipalities with a high population density
tal variables (Table 2). The partial dependency plots (>20 people/km2 in 2005 and 2010) and a low
in the Montane Forest ecoregions showed that in number of cattle.
the Cauca Valley Montane Forest, woody vegeta- In the three Dry Forest ecoregions within the Dry
tion increased mostly in municipalities that showed Forest biome, woody vegetation change was
a reduction in forced displacement between 1996 explained mainly by environmental variables
and 2009, at elevations below 3000 m, and with a (Table 2). The partial dependency plots in the Dry
Author's personal copy
A Multi-scale Analysis of Forest Change in Colombia

Forest ecoregions showed that in the Apure-Villa- DISCUSSION

vicencio ecoregion, woody cover loss occurred in
municipalities at elevations below 200 m and with Colombia experienced a net gain in woody cover
high seasonality (>0.75C; Table 2; Figure 5B). In between 2001 and 2010. This is a positive trend for
contrast, in the Magdalena Valley Dry Forest, biodiversity, soil conservation, and carbon seques-
woody cover decreased mostly in municipalities tration, but gaining a hectare of early successional
with low seasonality (<0.35C), at elevations species is not the same as losing a hectare of intact
above 300 m, and with precipitation above forest and its accompanying fauna (Gibson and
1,500 mm. In the Sinú Valley Dry Forest, woody others 2011). But, if these areas are allowed to
cover gains were located in municipalities with low continue recovering, secondary forest can recover
seasonality (<0.50C), low precipitation, and low forest structure, function, and diversity, and pro-
rural population. Finally, the Grassland, the Mon- vide habitat for a large proportion of the fauna
tane Grassland, and the Desert biomes only in- (Bowen and others 2007; Chazdon 2008). Analyses
cluded the Llanos, the Northern Andean Páramo, at the biome and ecoregion scales showed that
and the Guajira Xeric ecoregions, respectively; woody cover change increased mostly in the Moist
therefore, we did not make partial dependency Forest biome, particularly in the Montane Forest
plots for these ecoregions. ecoregions. In contrast, woody cover change
decreased in the Grassland and in the Dry Forest

Figure 4. Scatterplots of the mean annual temperature, mean annual precipitation, forced displacement (1996), poverty
(2005), and topographic index and woody vegetation change (R) by biome. A partial dependency plot was added to show
directional effect.
Author's personal copy
A. M. Sánchez-Cuervo and T. M. Aide

biomes, particularly in the Llanos and Apure-Vil- Variables Driving Woody Cover Change
lavicencio Dry Forest ecoregions. At the national at Multiple Scales
scale, environmental variables were the most
important explaining the patterns of reforestation At the national scale, the random forest analysis
and deforestation. At the biome and ecoregion showed that environmental variables were the
scale, environmental variables were important, but most important factors explaining woody vegeta-
demographic, armed conflict, accessibility, and tion change. Our results suggest that reforestation
socio-economic variables also helped to explain the is occurring mostly in areas with low seasonality
variation in woody cover change. and low temperatures in the highlands of the Moist

Figure 5. Scatterplots of
the most important
variables explaining
woody cover change for
the Moist Forest (A), the
Dry Forest (B), and the
Montane Forest (C)
ecoregions. A partial
dependency plot was
added to show directional
Author's personal copy
A Multi-scale Analysis of Forest Change in Colombia

Forest biome. In contrast, deforestation occurred Caquetá and Alto Putumayo regions. This could be
mainly in the Grassland biome and in municipali- the result of cattle ranching given that the agri-
ties scattered throughout the Moist Forest biome, culture/herbaceous class increased by 2,200 km2,
particularly at low elevations in areas with high whereas the woody cover decreased by 1,800 km2
temperatures and high seasonality. This pattern of in these two regions. Our results concur with pre-
reforestation concentrated in the highlands and vious studies in the western Amazon (Sierra 2000;
deforestation in the lowlands suggests that at the Armenteras and others 2006; Etter and others
country scale the environmental conditions asso- 2006c).
ciated with these regions play an important role in In the Dry Forest biome, reforestation took place
determining land use decisions. These results also mainly in municipalities with low precipitation, at
reflect the contrasting historical settlement patterns high elevations, and where there were low densi-
of the country, where most of the population is ties of dirt roads. These non-optimal environmental
concentrated in the highlands (Andean region), conditions appear to have promoted the abandon-
and where today there has been high levels of ment of marginal agricultural activities in the Sinú
rural–urban migration (Etter and others 2008). Valley and Magdalena Valley Dry Forest ecore-
Although similar results have been described in gions. In addition, the cotton industry has declined
other Latin American countries (Thomlinson and greatly in these areas due to a shift in cotton pro-
others 1996; Aide and others 2012; Bonilla-Moh- duction to other countries (Sanchez-Cuervo and
eno and others 2012; Redo and others 2012), given others 2012). In contrast, municipalities with
the biogeographic, socio-cultural, economic, and higher precipitation, at low elevations, and with
demographic differences across Colombia, it is not high densities of dirt roads tended to be deforested
surprising that other factors (for example, precipi- for the expansion of croplands and cattle ranching,
tation, illegal-armed groups, poverty) are impor- particularly in the Apure-Villavicencio (mainly the
tant for land change at more local spatial scales. foothills of the Arauca department) and in the
In the Moist Forest biome, factors that explain Magdalena Valley Dry Forest. In these municipali-
woody cover change were similar to the predictors ties woody cover decreased by approximately
(for example, temperature) found at the country 1,300 km2, whereas the agriculture/herbaceous
scale because this biome covers almost 80% of the class increased by 1,400 km2. The conversion of
national territory. Nevertheless, demographic Dry Forest into agriculture and pastures in our
variables were important in this biome because the study is similar to that documented across Latin
random forest model took into account the varia- America (Brannstrom 2009), particularly in the
tion in population density within the Moist Forest Argentine Chaco (Grau and others 2005; Gasparri
(that is, Amazon region-low) and the Montane and Grau 2009), Brazilian Cerrado (Brannstrom
Forest ecoregions (that is, Andes region-high). and others 2008; Galford and others 2008) and
Although some studies have shown that demo- Bolivian lowlands (Killeen and others 2008; Redo
graphic factors do not explain vegetation change at and others 2012).
broader scales (Aide and others 2012; Bonilla- In the Northern Andean Paramo, the only eco-
Moheno and others 2012; Redo and others 2012), region in the Montane Grassland biome, the slight
others show that these factors can have a major net gain in woody cover occurred mainly in
impact on land change (Keys and McConnell 2005; municipalities with high population density and
Hazell and Wood 2008). Overall, our results in the decreasing levels of poverty. It is possible that these
largest Colombian biome support the conclusion municipalities are in the early stages of forest
that reforestation often occurs in areas with high transition; however, the total increase in woody
population density (Hecht and Saatchi 2007; Aide cover was only 63 km2 compared with an increase
and others 2012) mainly in the Andes region (for of 188 km2 in the agriculture/herbaceous class.
example, Northwestern Andean ecoregion). This Woody cover decreased in municipalities with
pattern is probably the consequence of urbaniza- lower population densities and higher levels of
tion or changes in local economies that promote poverty, supporting the idea that impoverished
agricultural intensification in productive areas and communities with few economic opportunities can
woody regrowth in others (Grau and others 2003; be important players in deforestation (Rudel and
Aide and Grau 2004; Rudel and others 2005; Roper 1997).
Meyfroidt and Lambin 2008). Nevertheless, in the In the Desert biome, woody cover increased
Caquetá Moist Forest ecoregion woody cover mostly in municipalities with low topographic
decreased as population density increased and the variation and at lower elevations. These munici-
majority of deforestation occurred in the Alto palities (for example, Uribia, Riohacha, Maicao) are
Author's personal copy
A. M. Sánchez-Cuervo and T. M. Aide

located in the Guajira peninsula where environ- caused the forced displacement of thousands of
mental conditions are not optimal for agriculture peasants, and much of these areas (>2000 km2)
because this is the driest region in Colombia. The were converted into the agriculture/herbaceous
gain of woody cover (that is, shrublands) in these class, that is, cattle ranches (Defensoria del Pueblo
marginal lands could be related to a precipitation 2001; Molano 2005).
anomalies (for example, high precipitation in 2009) Another area with strong influences from illegal
or possibly to issues in the classification because the armed groups is the Llanos, the only ecoregion in
Desert biome was classified as part of the Dry Forest the Grassland biome. In the Llanos, land clearing
biome (Sanchez-Cuervo and others 2012). was evident in municipalities with high forced
displacement in 1996, a large population in 1993,
and low unpaved road density. Demographic
Impact of the Armed Conflict
changes started in the late 1980s to middle 1990s
The armed conflict has mainly impacted woody when five petroleum fields were discovered in
change in three areas: Montane Forest ecoregions, Arauca, Casanare, and Meta departments (Rausch
Llanos ecoregion, and Chocó-Darién and Magda- 2009). Following the discoveries, economic devel-
lena-Urabá Moist Forest ecoregions. The Montane opment increased rapidly, promoting a strong
Forest ecoregions were characterized by a complex migration of Andean peasants, which lead to high
dynamic between woody vegetation change and rates of land conversion toward mechanized agri-
armed conflict, demographic, and socio-economic culture (for example, rice) and cattle grazing
variables. This is not surprising because the Andes (Romero-Ruiz and others 2011). The economic
and its inter-Andean valleys have had a long his- growth and the geographic location of the Llanos
tory of colonization (Etter and others 2008), con- represented an important source of funding for ille-
tain 65% of the total population, and have the gal armed groups as well as an essential strategic
strongest economic growth in the country. We corridor between the Venezuelan border and central
found that the presence of paramilitary groups Colombia (Rausch 2009; López 2010). The presence
(that is, AUC) was among the top three variables of illegal-armed groups (for example, guerilla-FARC,
explaining woody cover change in three of the four paramilitaries-AUC) caused the displacement of
Montane Forest ecoregions and their presence was over 6,500 peasants from rural to urban areas in
associated either with reforestation or deforesta- 1996 (SIPOD 2010). It is possible that these aban-
tion, depending on the particular ecoregion. The doned areas have been transformed into cropland
effect of the paramilitary groups either promoting and pasturelands and presently are expanding be-
reforestation or deforestation seems to be depen- cause the agriculture/herbaceous class increased by
dent of the physical properties of the landscape, approximately 100% in the region. This trend is
availability of natural and mineral resources (for likely to continue given that the Llanos is considered
example, gold, oil), and the control of strategic the new agricultural frontier of Colombia.
areas for illegal activities. For example, reforesta- In the Chocó-Darién and Magdalena-Urabá
tion tended to occur in municipalities with a high Moist Forest ecoregions the armed conflict has
density of paramilitary groups at lower elevations resulted in a high level of forced displacement from
(<3000 m) in the Cordillera Oriental and to the poor rural areas to urban areas (Molano 2005) and
north of the Cauca Valley Montane Forest. It is an increase in forest cover. In the Magdalena-Urabá
possible that paramilitary groups used these Moist Forest woody cover change was explained by
mountainous areas as corridors to transport drugs environmental factors, but population change also
and weapons from the Andes to the Pacific Ocean played a key role through forced displacement of
and from the Andes to the Orinoco region almost 31,000 peasants in the 1990s (SIPOD 2010);
(Defensoria del Pueblo 2001; López 2010). On the therefore, the variable displacement in 1996 was
other hand, deforestation trends occurred mostly in among the top five variables in this ecoregion. The
municipalities with a high density of paramilitary combination of a high level of rural–urban migra-
groups and high gold production mainly in the tion, low economic growth, and the presence of the
Northern Andean Montane ecoregion, the third armed groups has contributed to forest regrowth in
largest ecoregion in Colombia. Furthermore, there several areas of these Moist Forest ecoregions.
was a dramatic increase in gold production (2001– Surprisingly, even though the FARC have had a
13 to 2008–28 tons) in the entire Northern Andean key role in the forced displacement of rural com-
Montane ecoregion (SIMCO 2012). In addition, in munities and subsequent land abandonment
the Magdalena Medio and several municipalities in since the 1990s (López 2010; Defensoria del
the coffee growing region, paramilitary groups Pueblo 2001), their presence was not an important
Author's personal copy
A Multi-scale Analysis of Forest Change in Colombia

variable explaining woody change in our analyses. Human Systems CNH grant; award # 0709598 and
It is possible that the Plan Colombia and its Dem- # 0709645). We thank Matthew L. Clark and
ocratic Security policies reduced guerrilla presence George Riner at Sonoma State University for
between 2002 and 2010 across the country helping with data processing. We also thank And-
(Acevedo and others 2008) and diminished their rés Etter, Benjamin J. Crain, and Martha Bonilla-
effect on forest cover change. Moheno for editing previous versions of this man-
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