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Covin Hassler


Period 6

27, august, 2019

It was the first week before 6th grade at Vail Ranch middle school and I was ecstatic. I

was given my schedule and compared it with all my friends. Then it struck me I had only a

handful of classes with friends and I was covered in greef. My mom came over and told me that I

should talk to everyone I meet so I can make more friends. I made the biggest mistake of

ignoring her advice and on the first day of school I didn't say a word and this lead to a misrebul


I was lucky enough to be able to eat lunch with my friends but that was nothing

compared to the hours of torcher that was the other parts of the day. What made it even worse is

that all the people I knew from elementary school went to another school so I was there alone

with only a few people I could name. Things were looking dows for quite a while until I joined a

tennis team that all my friends were playing on and that gave me a new sense of hope. That's

where I met a person who we’ll call Ned and he was a great friend. He had a similar sense of

humor and we got along very well. I also met someone at tennis who was way better than me

who we can call Dr.E and he was shy but a really nice person. By 7th grade I had made more

friends and became more outgoing. I started to hangout more with Dr.E and a new friend who

will go by D. We would sit together at lunch and eventually I brought them into my friend group

(we are good friends now). I began to talk to people and started to get more involved. This then
lead to me being liked and looked upon by many students which boosted my self esteem. That

marked the end of my 7th grade year and as I moved to 8th grade I was happy to have more

friends and to not be shy. 8th grade went perfectly I talked to people, introduced myself, was

nice, and made friends with everyone I met. Because I made more friends almost every class had

people I knew and that I could talk to. I started to play solos in the school Jazz band and became

one of the best trumpet players. I also became friends with everyone on my tennis team and in

my band class. I started to talk to kids who were alone, I was nice to kids who didn't have

friends, and most importantly, I tried to be a good person.

As a kid I always wondered how people could be so outgoing and upbeat but from my

mom telling me to just talk to people, that changed my life. Continuing into high school I kept up

all of the good habits and have already made new friends. This shows how just a few simple

words can make a whole persons attitude change for the better.

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