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10210672020 Atle: Gis cant be what they cant see: Ally Watson, Founder and CEO of Code Like a Gil — People Mattors "& People Learning in the times of rater | 0 Distributed Everything ‘APoople Matters & UneldoLS Study 4 ((2_utm=evtkpsi Unsteady times call for the most steady payroll partner roe aC (/2__utm=Shwrdixp&_utm_medium=site%2Fthebigbanner&_utm_index=0) Diversity (/categorylorganizational-culture/diversity?utm_content=diversity) Girls can't be what they can't see: Ally Watson, Founder and CEO of Code Like a Girl In her keynote at Perspectives 2020, Ally Watson, Founder and CEO of Code Like a Girl, shares inspiring anecdotes on why itis important providing girs with the tools, knowledge and support to enter and flourish in the world of coding. This web-site uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our web-site, By continuing you're agreeing our Terms & Conditions (https:/ & Privacy Policy (https:/ hitpsswww_peoplematersinarttoldversiylgis-cant-be-what-thoy-cant-soe-ally-watson-founer-ané-ceo-of-codeke-2-¢-25654 18 10210672020 Atle: Gis cant be what they cant see: Ally Watson, Founder and CEO of Code Like a Gil — People Mattors HOME ALLY WAUSON Founder & CEO, Code Like a Girl skilsoft* | sumtotal” | eae, PERSPECTIVES 2020 Ni igs eerie) Se err) Driving gender diversity in tech should be everyone's agenda but how can once change mindsets around it? Ally Watson, Founder and CEO of Code Like a Girl, an education startup with the social mission to close the gender gap in technology, shared inspiring anecdotes at global digital learning experience Perspectives 2020 (https:/, on why it is important providing girls with the tools, knowledge, and support to enter and flourish in the world of coding. Ally founded Code Like a Git five years ago with the aim to expose more girls to the incredible opportunities, within the world of technology. This mission also stems from her early experiences as a software engineer when she would often find herself to be the only girl, only woman-be it a classroom or an office. Its this isolation that wore her down, making her long for friendship within her career, share a glass of wine with another woman in her industry, talk about programming languages, products, platforms. And so instead of getting disappointed, she decided to take action and start Code Like a Gir, Topics: Diversity /category/organizati 2 Pee ance ace at ted content aise TUULSERG My (/cateyory/technology- outsourcing/technologyutm, Soure milogy),#Perspectives2020 (/tag/perspectives2020?utm __source=post_article&utm_content=perspectives2020) Did you find this story helpful? [ob ]["@ Author ‘Shweta Modgil (/author/shweta-modgil) ‘Shweta is working as a Senior Features Writer with People Matters, You can reach out to her at shweta.modgil@peoplematters in. “i THEN f& uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our web-site. 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