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65 Estimates of the magnitude of the glob- 4. CZCS: Coastal Zone Color Scanner (NASA), 1978 to called Pbmax parameter) and its dependence on the
64 al NPP may improve as better knowledge 1984. SeaWiFS: Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sen- ambient temperature. The irradiance level above
sor (NASA), launched in 1997, ongoing. MODIS: Mod- which the light-saturation regime sets in (an indicator
63 of algal physiology and ecology is incor- erate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (NASA), of photoacclimation status) also heavily impacts the
62 porated into the computations. In contrast, launched in 1999, ongoing. MERIS: Medium Resolu- NPP computations. See, for example (23).
61 the spatial and temporal evolution of the tion Imaging Spectrometer (European Space Agency), 13. A. Longhurst, S. Sathyendranath, T. Platt, C. Caverhill,
60 2002, ongoing. J. Plankton Res. 17, 1245 (1995).
ocean productivity is already described 14. J. K. Moore et al., Deep-Sea Res. II 49, 463 (2002).
5. This term would be perfectly constrained if the entire
59 with a tremendous wealth of detail. The biomass were “seen” by a satellite sensor. However, 15. J. L. Sarmiento et al., Global Biogeochem. Cycles 14,
58 synergistic use of modeling and data from only the upper part (about 20%) of the productive 1267 (2000).
57 various sensors (for ocean color, tempera- layer is detected, and the chlorophyll vertical profile 16. ———, Global Biogeochem. Cycles 15, 443 (2001).
must therefore be inferred from the value deter- 17. D. Turk et al., Science 293, 471 (2001).
56 ture, clouds, wind, surface height) is the mined near the surface. Statistical analysis of many 18. M. R. Lewis, in Phytoplankton Productivity, P. J. le B.
55 recipe for future progress. An international profiles measured at sea allows this extrapolation to Williams, D. N. Thomas, C. S. Reynolds, Eds. (Blackwell
54 strategy for the implementation of a glob- be performed. See, for example (20, 21). Science, Oxford, UK, 2002), pp. 141–155.
53 al-scale, internally consistent, temporally 6. M. J. Behrenfeld, P. G. Falkowski, Limnol. Oceanogr. 19. J. A. Yoder, Ed., Status and Plans for Satellite Ocean-
42, 1479 (1997). Colour Missions, International Ocean-Colour Coordi-
52 uninterrupted set of such data is impera- 7. D. Antoine, A. Morel, Global Biogeochem. Cycles 10, nating Group, Report 2 (IOCCG, Dartmouth, Canada,
51 tive (19). 43 (1996). 1999), pp. 1–43.
50 8. M. J. Behrenfeld, P. G. Falkowski, Limnol. Oceanogr. 20. A. Morel, J-F Berthon, Limnol. Oceanogr. 34, 1545
42, 1 (1997). (1989).
49 References and Notes 9. Preliminary results of this intercomparison exercise 21. S. Sathyendranath, T. Platt, Appl. Opt. 28, 490 (1989).
48 1. O. J. Koblentz-Mishke et al., in Scientific Exploration have been presented (22). 22. M.-E. Carr, M. Friedrichs, Eos Trans. AGU 83, OS12J-
47 of the South Pacific, W. S. Wooster, Ed. (National 10. D. A. Siegel et al., Deep-Sea Res. II 48, 1865 (2001). 10 (2002).
Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC, 1970), pp. 11. A. Morel et al., Deep-Sea Res. I 43, 1273 (1996). 23. E. Sakshaug et al., J. Plankton Res. 19, 1637 (1997).
46 183–193. 12. Among these parameters, the most crucial ones seem 24. D. A. Siegel, S. C. Doney, J. A. Yoder, Science 296, 730
45 2. J. H. Ryther, Science 166, 72 (1969). to be the light-saturated, maximum rate of photosyn- (2002).
44 3. C. B. Field et al., Science 281, 237 (1998). thesis per unit of chlorophyll concentration (the so- 25. F. P. Chavez et al., Science 286, 2126 (1999).
41 tidal lagoons and eutectic freezing of dilute
39 Some Like It Hot, aqueous solutions may also have assisted
concentration. The latter process is particu-
38 larly effective in the nonenzymatic synthe-
But Not the First Biomolecules sis of oligonucleotides (5).
As polymerized molecules became larger
35 Jeffrey L. Bada and Antonio Lazcano and more complex, some of them began to
34 fold into configurations that could bind and
33 ver since the pioneering work of The inventory of organic compounds on interact with other molecules, expanding the
E Aleksandr Oparin and John Haldane
nearly a century ago, the prebiotic
soup theory has dominated thinking about
the early Earth may thus have been derived
from a number of sources: Earth-based
syntheses, asteroid and comet impacts, and
list of primitive catalysts that could promote
nonenzymatic reactions. Some of these cat-
alytic reactions, especially those involving
29 how life emerged on Earth (1, 2). Accord- the accretion of meteorites and inter- hydrogen-bond formation, may have assisted
28 ing to the modern version of this theory, planetary dust particles. These abiotic, in making polymerization more efficient. As
27 organic compounds accumulated in the monomeric organic compounds would the variety of polymeric combinations in-
26 primordial oceans and underwent poly- have accumulated in the early oceans, pro- creased, some polymers may have developed
25 merization, producing increasingly com- viding the raw material for subsequent re- the ability to catalyze their own imperfect
24 plex macromolecules that eventually actions. Eventually these reactions would self-replication and that of their molecular
23 evolved the ability to catalyze their own have led to life as we know it: membrane-
22 replication (see the figure). But is this re- enclosed systems of polymers such as nu- Organics
21 ally how life originated? And what were cleic acids and proteins, the core molecules from space
20 the conditions that favored its emergence? involved in the central biological functions
19 Experimental support for the prebiotic of replication and catalysis.
18 soup theory was first provided in 1953 by For monomers in the early oceans to
17 Stanley Miller, who demonstrated that im- undergo polymerization, a thermody- Abio
iotic synthe
Prebiotic soup
rreactions on the
16 portant biomolecules such as amino acids namically unfavorable process, concen- early
arly Earth

15 could be synthesized under simulated ear- tration of the soup constituents, would Pr
Prebiotic polyme
14 ly-Earth conditions. The discovery of ex- have been required. Experimental evi-
13 traterrestrial amino acids in the Murchison dence suggests that clays, metal
12 meteorite in 1970 showed that reactions cations, and imidazole derivatives, Protein/DNA
11 like those in Miller’s experiment (involv- among others, may have catalyzed pre- RNA
world (modern The origin
orig of life
10 ing ammonia, hydrogen cyanide, and alde- biotic reactions, including polymeriza- biochemistry)
9 hydes or ketones) occurred on meteorite tion. Selective absorption of molecules
8 parent bodies early in the history of the onto mineral surfaces has been shown to
7 solar system. promote concentration and polymerization
6 of various activated monomers in the labo-
5 ratory (3). Because absorption involves the
4 J. L. Bada is at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Uni- formation of weak noncovalent bonds, How did life emerge? Various steps thought
versity of California at San Diego, La Jolla, CA 02093,
3 USA. A. Lazcano is at Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM,
mineral-based concentration would have to be involved in the origin of life on Earth. The
2 04510 Mexico D. F., Mexico. E-mail: been most efficient at low temperatures (4). shaded area represents the contribution from
1 (J.L.B.), (A.L.) Other processes such as evaporation of the metabolist theory to the overall scheme.

1982 14 JUNE 2002 VOL 296 SCIENCE

S C I E N C E ’ S C O M PA S S
65 kin. This would have marked the appearance Self-sustaining autotrophic chemical re- isms (23). Second, primitive stages of life that
64 of the first molecular entities capable of mul- actions could have arisen in any environ- may have existed before protein biosynthesis
63 tiplication, heredity, and variation, and thus ment, as long as the reactant/product was invented are not amenable to molecular
62 the origin of both life and evolution. molecules survived long enough to continue phylogenetic analysis. Finally, alternative
61 This scheme is necessarily speculative but to be part of the reaction chain. Proponents mechanisms can explain the early emergence
60 has an intrinsic heuristic value: Experimental of this scenario, however, generally favor of heat-loving organisms. For example, they
59 models can be developed to construct a co- hydrothermal environments [for example, may have been the survivors from early
58 herent narrative of this evolutionary se- see (19)]. Various metabolic reaction Archean high-temperature regimes generated
57 quence. The chemical nature of the polymers schemes have been proposed and investigat- by severe impact events (24).
56 used by the first self-replicating entities re- ed, but none have been demonstrated to be If the transition from abiotic chemistry
55 mains uncertain, but threose-based RNA autocatalytic. Nor are there any empirical to the first biochemistry on the early Earth
54 analogs and peptide nucleic acid molecules indications that this is even possible in a indeed took place at low temperatures, it
53 are possible contenders (6–8). It is generally prebiotic context (20). could have occurred during cold, quiescent
52 thought that the first living molecular entities Furthermore, most of the proposed reac- periods between large, sterilizing impact
51 evolved into the RNA world, which was in tions are probably not unique to hydrother- events (13). But regardless of how the first
50 turn a stepping stone to the DNA/protein mal settings and would also occur at lower life arose, it may not have survived subse-
49 world of modern biochemistry. temperatures, albeit at slower rates (21). Ex- quent impacts. Life may have originated
48 Low temperatures are the most favorable ceptions may include the formation of short several times before surface conditions be-
47 for the long-term survival of organic com- peptides from amino acids. This reaction be- came tranquil enough for periods sufficient-
46 pounds (9), especially those carrying genetic comes thermodynamically more favorable ly long to permit the survival and evolution
45 information, and for the stability of catalytic with increasing temperature, but peptide of the first living entities into the prokaryot-
44 polymer configurations. Studies of fossils bonds are also rapidly hydrolyzed at elevat- ic microbes whose remnants may be present
43 have shown that ancient DNA is preserved ed temperatures (22). The steady-state con- in ~3.5-billion-year-old rocks (25).
42 for ~100,000 years in cool, high-latitude en- centration of peptides under hydrothermal
41 vironments, compared with only 1000 to conditions is therefore problematic. References and Notes
40 10,000 years in warmer, lower latitude envi- If self-sustaining reaction chains did 1. C. Wills, J. Bada, in The Spark of Life: Darwin and the
Primeval Soup (Perseus, Cambridge, MA, 2000).
39 ronments (10, 11). RNA is much more frag- arise on early Earth, they could have played 2. It has also been proposed that life began elsewhere
38 ile (12). Although the survival of nucleic an important role in enriching the prebiotic and was transported to Earth, but this only shifts the
37 acids may be extended by encapsulation into soup in molecules not readily synthesized problem of the origin of life to a different location.
3. J. P. Ferris, A. R. Hill, R. Liu, L. E. Orgel, Nature 381, 59
36 hydrocarbons, such as amberlike resins (10), by other abiotic reactions or derived from (1996).
35 it is unknown whether this would have been space. The metabolist theory can thus be 4. S. J. Sowerby, C.-M. Mörth, N. G. Holm, Astrobiology
34 important in enhancing the stability of genet- viewed as a component of the prebiotic soup 1, 481 (2001).
5. A. Kanavarioti, P. A. Monnard, D. W. Deamer, Astrobi-
33 ic molecules in early biotic systems. theory (see the figure). But regardless of its ology 1, 271 (2001).
32 The prebiotic soup scenario thus sug- initial complexity, autocatalytic chemical- 6. K.-U. Schöning et al., Science 290, 1347 (2001).
7. P. E. Nielsen, Origins Life Evol. Biosphere 23, 323
31 gests that the first living entities appeared, based metabolic life could not have evolved (1993).
30 and evolved through the RNA world to in the absence of a genetic replication mech- 8. K. Nelson, M Levy, S. L. Miller, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.
29 DNA/protein biochemistry, when Earth was anism ensuring the maintenance, stability, U.S.A. 97, 3868 (2000).
9. M. Levy, S. L. Miller, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 95,
28 cool rather than boiling hot. Because of the and diversification of its components. In the 7933 (1998).
27 reduced luminosity of the young Sun, Earth absence of hereditary mechanisms, au- 10. H. N. Poinar, M. Höss, J. L. Bada, S. Päabo, Science
26 272, 864 (1996).
may indeed have been completely covered totrophic reaction chains would have come 11. I Barnes, P. Matheus, B. Shapiro, D. Jensen, A. Cooper,
25 with ice during its early history (13). The and gone without leaving any direct descen- Science 295, 2267 (2002).
24 first self-replicating molecular entities may dants able to resurrect the process. 12. T. Lindhal, Nature 362, 709 (1993).
13. J. L. Bada, C. Bigham, S. L. Miller, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.
23 have developed under these conditions from Life as we know it consists of both chem- U.S.A. 91, 1248 (1994).
22 the prebiotic organic ingredients. istry and information. If metabolic life existed 14. G. Wächtershäuser, Prog. Biophys. Mol. Biol. 58, 85
21 In the last decade, the validity of the on the early Earth, converting it to life as we (1992).
15. ———, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 91, 4283 (1994).
20 prebiotic soup theory has been questioned, know it would have required the emergence 16. H. J. Morowitz, J. D. Kostelnik, J. Yang, G. D. Cody, Proc.
19 particularly with respect to the robustness of some type of genetic information system. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 97, 7704 (2000).
17. M. Ycas, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 41, 714 (1955).
18 of polymer synthesis. An alternative Polymer stability would have been critical as 18. G. Wächtershäuser, Science 289, 1307 (2000).
17 “metabolist” theory has been proposed an autocatalytic reaction system advanced to 19. G. D. Cody, N. Z. Boctor, R. M., J. A. Brandes, H. Mo-
16 (14–16), although it is not a new idea (17). the point of synthesizing information-carry- rowitz, H. S. Yoder, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 65,
3557 (2001).
15 According to this theory, the first living sys- ing molecules, such as nucleic acids, which 20. L. E. Orgel, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 97, 12503
14 tem on Earth was a primitive metabolic life deteriorate rapidly at elevated temperatures (2000).
13 21. A relevant example is petroleum formation.
characterized by a series of self-sustaining (10, 12). As metabolic life evolved closer to Petroleum is produced from sedimentary organic
12 reactions based on monomeric organic com- modern biochemistry, it would likely only matter by a series of geochemical reactions that take
11 pounds made directly from simple con- have been feasible in cool environments. place at temperatures of 50° to 175°C over time
scales of several million years. At hydrothermal vent
10 stituents (CO2, CO) in the presence of metal Proponents of a high-temperature transi- temperatures of 300° to 350°C, these reactions are
9 sulfide catalysts. A primitive type of reduc- tion from purely chemical reactions to the much more rapid, and petroleum may be produced in
8 tive citric acid cycle is often cited as a mod- first autonomous self-replicating entities and periods as short as 100 years. On a global scale, how-
ever, the amount of hydrothermal petroleum is small
7 el. According to this theory, life in its begin- their evolution into cellular organisms often compared with that generated at lower geologic
6 ning was nothing more than a self-sustain- assert that the universal tree of life appears to temperatures.
22. A. W. Flegmann, R. Tattersall, J. Mol. Evol. 12, 349
5 ing chain of chemical reactions associated be rooted in hyperthermophilic (high-temper- (1979).
4 with mineral surfaces, with no requirement ature) organisms. However, this argument is 23. C. Brochier, H. Phillippe, Nature 417, 244 (2002).
3 for genetic information. Metabolic life is flawed. First, there is disagreement about 24. E. G. Nisbet, N. H. Sleep, Nature 409, 1083 (2001).
25. J. W. Schopf, in The Cradle of Life: The Discovery of
2 thus rightfully referred to as “life as we whether the deepest branches in the tree of the Earth’s Earliest Fossils (Princeton Univ. Press,
1 don’t know it” (18). life are indeed occupied by heat-loving organ- Princeton, 1999), p. 336. SCIENCE VOL 296 14 JUNE 2002 1983

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