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Internship Report


Customers’ perception to Walton: A study on corporate level


Umana Anjalin

Assistant Professor

Faculty of Business Administration

University of Asia Pacific


Md.Suruzzaman Sumon

ID: 07202005

BBA Program, 23rd Batch

Major in Marketing



I am Md. Suruzzaman Sumon, a student of BBA, University of Asia Pacific, hereby

declare that the internship report titled Customers’ perception to Walton: A study on
corporate level is prepared after the completion of my internship at R.B Group (Walton)
Corporate Sales & Marketing Department under the intensive supervision and Guidance
of Mr. Serajul Islam (Asst.Director) Corporate Sales & Marketing and Umana Anjalin
Asst. Professor, University of Asia Pacific.

I also declare that the internship report is prepared for academic purpose only.



Md. Suruzzaman Sumon

ID: 07202005
BBA Program, 23rd Batch
Major in Marketing

Letter of Transmittal

10 November, 2011

Umana Anjalin
Asst. Professor
Faculty of Business Administration
University of Asia Pacific

Subject: Submission on Internship Report.

Dear Madam,

Here is my internship report you have assigned me as a partial fulfillment of my BBA

degree. It is an obligatory requirement of BBA student to be attached with an
organization for 3 months in order to gain practical knowledge about management and
other related issues, which is referred to as the Internship Program. I have got an
opportunity to practically work in R. B. Group of Companies Ltd. (Walton) as an

In this report, I have tried to give my best effort. Besides this, there may be shortcomings.
I would be grateful if you consider those from excusable manner.

Sincerely yours

Md. Suruzzaman Sumon
ID: 07202005
23rd Batch
Major in Marketing


At first, I would like to express my gratitude to God for giving me the strength and
opportunity to complete this report in the schedule time successfully.

I am deeply indebted to my supervisor, Umana Anjalin, Asst. Professor, Faculty of

Business Administration for her stimulating inspiration, kind guidance, and valuable
suggestions & advices during my internship period. Her suggestions & guidance have
made the report in a good manner.

I express my sincere gratitude to Mr. Serajul Islam (Asst. Director), Mr. Asaduzzaman
(Senior Manager) my supervisor at Corporate Marketing & Sales Section of Walton HIL
(Walton), R. B. Group, for their cordial attitude & extending help, which make me able to
prepare my internship report properly.

Special thanks all other employees, who have helped me while working in Walton HIL,
Corporate Marketing & Sales. My special thanks to other officers of Walton HIL,
Corporate Marketing & Sales for giving me their valuable time and some special clients
of Walton HIL, Corporate Marketing & Sales.

Finally, I would like to thank all the reader and user of this report.

Executive Summery

The requirements for every student of BBA program is that we must go through the
practical orientation program. It is the procedure through which a student gets the real life
working experience and also gets the scope to implement his knowledge. Theoretical
knowledge gets a complete shape only when it is applied in a practical field. To breeze up
the gap between theory and practice, the Faculty of Business Administration, University
of Asia Pacific has introduced the internship program for BBA course to bring the
students closer to the practical work. This is undoubtedly a valuable appreciable addition
to the institutional education. This report is based on my working experience in Corporate
Sales & Marketing, Walton HIL (R. B. Group).

For preparing the internship report at first, I had to select my objectives. The broad
objective of this study is to find out customers’ perception to corporate level of Walton.
To fulfill my report objectives then I fixed my objectives. After then I justified this report
to know that, who will be benefited with the research. I had faced some scope &
limitations to do the research. I also mentioned that. After that I followed some
methodology to do the research. Those are as sampling frame, sampling technique,
primary and secondary data collection, preparing a budget and fix a time schedule.

Finally, after analyzing the customer survey through direct questions to the customers the
study has come with some suggestions & solutions. People have positive perception and
brand awareness about the Walton refrigerator.

“Customers are the heart of the organization.”

Table of Content


1.0 INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………….01
1.1 Background of the Study…………………………………………………...01
1.2 Problem Statement………………………………………………………….02
1.3 Objective of the Study……………………………………………………...03
1.4 Scope and Limitation of the Study………………………………………....04

2.0 METHODOLOGY………………………………………………………………05
2.1 Research Design…………………………………………………………….05
2.2 Population…………………………………………………………………...05
2.3 Sampling Frame……………………………………………………………..05
2.4 Sample Size…………………………………………………………………05
2.5 Data Collection Method……………………………………………………..06
2.6 Data Presentation & Analysis…………………………………………….....06

3.0 COMPANEY OVERVIEW……………………………………………………...07

3.1 History of the Walton HIL…………………………………………………..07
3.2 Organizational Structure…………………………………………………….08
3.3 Mission, Vision, & Objective of Walton HIL……………………………….09
3.4 Sister Concerns of R. B. Group……………………………………………..10
3.5 Customer Services…………………………………………………….…….12

3.6 Historical background of R. B. Group……………………………………....13
3.7 Products of the Walton HIL…………………………………………………14
3.8 Portfolio of Walton HIL……………………………………………………..15
3.9 Walton Market………………………………………………………………17
3.10 SWOT Analysis of Walton HIL…………………………………………….18
3.11 Area of Improvement………………………………………………………..20

4.0 ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION………………………………………21

4.1 Customer Perception………………………………………………21
4.2 Corporate level of Walton………………………………………..
4.3 Customers’ perception to products of Walton………………….
4.4 Customers’ perception to price of Walton……………………..
4.5 Customers’ perception to place of Walton…………………….
4.6 Customers’ perception to promotion of Walton ……………….
4.7 Summery of open ended question………………………………


7.0 CONCLUSION……………………………………………………….
Appendices -I

Appendices -vii

Appendices -vii

List of Abbreviations and Acronyms

 R. B. = Rezvi and Brothers

 R. B. Group = R. B. Groups of Companies Ltd.
 CRT = Cathode Ray Display
 LCD = Liquid Crystal Display
 LED = Liquid Electronic Display
 Walton HIL = Walton Hi-Tech Industries Ltd.
 Plaza = Company’s own Outlet or Showroom.


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