4) Findings and Recommendations and Conclusions-Okk

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Chapter- 5

Findings of the study


This survey is based on twenty six questionnaires segmenting by product, price, and place and
promotional issues of Walton. Service holder, businessman and young generation were my
respondent and each group contains twenty sample sizes.

Product related questions are based on some key words. Those are given below-

Better than other

Nice looking ( design,colour,shapes and sizes)
Available in the market
Long lasting
Service is good
Brand image
Brand reputation

Price related questions based on some key words-

Reasonable price
Psychological pricing of Walton
Discount pricing
Price is less compare to other foreign company’s products.

Place related questions based on some key words-

Available in nearby Walton plaza

Delivers product quickly
Service centre is available.

Promotion related questions based on some key words-

Radio advertisement is attractive

Walton website provides sufficient information
Direct marketing is influential
Models are attractive
Sales ma are well mannered
Walton ‘AMADER PONNO’ increase perception level
Walton maintain good relation with customers
Promotional activities are enough.

By doing the study found that the 4’p related questions are reliable. So these factors are
indicating that Customers’ perception to products of Walton is positive. Then by doing
the questionnaire survey researcher found that, the product related factors (sizes &
shapes, brand reputation, colors of goods, different products, after sales service, long
lasting, nice looking, brand image, other electronic products) are standing agree.

The price related factors (price is reasonable, less than other electronic products, discount
pricing) most of the customers were agreed. (Compare to foreign company, international
pricing, dynamic price) price related factors customers gives positive responses. (But the
price of body kit, psychological pricing of almost 3 that is undecided). That means these
factors are standing between agree and strongly agree as the price factors.

The place related factors (available in the nearby Walton plaza, available in Walton
exclusive dealer point, available in the nearby Walton dealer point, delivers products
quickly, service center is available) almost all is standing in agree position.

The promotion related factors (direct marketing, newspapers ads are influential, amadar
ponno, promotional activities, various types of public, sales people behavior, sales people
are well get up, sufficient information, models perform, radio advertisement etc) are
standing between agree and undecided, but almost all is standing in agree position.

Chapter- 6

Recommendation of the study


The following recommendations are made based on responses from questionnaire and
over the counter claim, those are described below:

 Walton should provide information and aware customer that the quality of Walton
products is very good.

 Colors, Design and better quality affect customer to aware or purchase the Walton

 Walton need to develop their after sales service system. Customers are wary for
after sales service.

 The overall marketing and promotion needs to be on the brand rather than one
single product. Walton needs to increase the number of catchy billboards and TV
and newspaper advertisement to promote it’s brand. TV/electronic media are a

very powerful media from where the message of a product can reach to the people
very fast.

 If Walton increases their advertisement then they would be able to reach them
easily. By this way it will be possible to get a good number of customers who are
belongs to their group.

 Walton need to motivated their dealers or retailers to help make decision about
their product.

 Improve brand reputation to the customers. Brand reputation will help to increase
the sales. Good brand reputation is positive brand awareness.

 Through direct mailing, arranging seminars, product catalogues, etc. Walton

should deliver the right message to the right people at right time.

 Walton brand is a Bangladeshi brand. Quality is good and reliable, but price is

 Walton should provide special offers for the corporate customer to popularize its
product. In order to capture this lucrative market segments.

 Walton should consider putting on extra effort to popularize the Walton products
among the corporate customer. Like giving discounts on price.

 Walton needs to improve their website. That is how consumers or any interested
person can get information quickly.

 Have to use the benefit of country of origin. We are Bangladeshi patriot nation.
As a local company of Walton can use this advantage to increase their sales.

 The packaging is not that important so that the Walton did not provide a good
packaging for the product. In this case if they improve the quality of packaging
more customers will come to buy Walton products.

 Walton can create a large corporate team to increase their sale and develop their
own brand image.

Chapter- 7



From the close up and practical inspection of customer dealing procedures during the
whole period of my internship preparation in Walton HIL, Corporate Sales & Marketing
Department, I have reached in firm and concrete conclusion confidently. I believe that
my realization will be in harmony with most of the manufacturer thinkers.

After doing this research I learn many things about the customers’ perception to
corporate level of Walton. The Walton products are very popular in our country.
Customers are aware and positive perception about Walton Brand products. There are
many colorful and attractive design is available. From the researcher found many factors
that affect the customers’ perception to corporate level of Walton. From the respondents
study found that they purchase Walton products for the Colorful design, quality, long
lasting, reasonable price and availability etc.

Walton HIL has a great potential growth in the country as a leading national brand.
Walton is not achieving success in their entire products unit. To achieve the leading
position and success, lot of improvement is required for every sectors of it. As electronics
products became essential for the humane day by day, many manufacturers are coming
with this product in this electric & electronic industry. So that it has also become a
competitive market for Walton products having a good brand image and local presence in
Bangladesh. They should also take much more attention and careful action to establish its
product line in the market. To build a positive perception and awareness among the
customer about their product they have to be stronger in their promotional activities and
should maintain a good relationship both internally and externally in their corporate life.


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