Epa The Arepa.

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General objective:

To implement a sale point of arepas with a new presentation at a low cost, addressed to students
of the University of the Llanos.

Specific objectives:

1. To design a presentation different the traditional "round shape".

2. To determine the most marketing channel.
3. Creatively expose the Arepa Project.
4. Demonstrative through speech what was learned in class.

• Healthy: Eat balanced

• Arepa: Typical Latin American food
• Corn: Typical food of the region
• Cheese: Dairy product
• New presentation: Innovate in the shape of an abject or food
• Economic: An accessible price
• Acquisitive capacity: Capacity that has a person to acquire a product or object
• Traditional: Custom or typical product of region
• Product: Result of a production of a business

In this abstract we will cover the reasons why our product can be very successful in the food of
market in la Universidad de Los Llanos; we propose to demonstrate how the educational
community behaves in front of our product. We decided to create this product because the
demand that the food of the students at an affordable price.

Most experts agree that students have a poor diet[ CITATION Jes16 \l 9226 ] we will also use
qualitative and quantitative measurements that can give us a projection of the behavior of the
market which we address; the three main aspects to focus are acquisitive capacity of students,
that our product can replace a meal a day, that is healthy. The implementation of a new
presentation, according to the market study that was done to a group of students from la
University de los llanos, generally accepted opinion on the arepa with cheese by the students was

However other factors that need to be taken into account are that it is healthy and economical
[CITATION Upl19 \l 9226 ] for the students because they are in socioeconomic strata 1,2 and 3,
so our price has basic and healthy ingredients if we add more ingredients to it. I would have to
sell at a more expensive price unless they respond to these findings our business idea will not be
viable because it would generate losses and not profits.

There is strong evidence to suggest that the arepa is a food of pre-Columbian origin of Colombia
and Venezuela, made from mass of dry ground corn or pre-sewn corn flour, circular and flat.
This could indicate or lead us to suppose that the arepa is consumed in a traditional way in the
gastronomy of Colombia therefore the course of would seem to be doing the arepas in the
traditional way but we will do it with a different to innovate in the market typical Colombian
product.[CITATION rev17 \l 9226 ]

It is concluded that our product is very typical and that for years it has been done in the same
way we will innovate giving it the square shape and it will be sold at an economical price, we
believe that our product will be very well will received therefore the answer more Appropriate is
that our product will be a success. Having said this we hope it is a future to continue innovating.


The ingredients to prepare an arepa yhat you want. you need trite corn; The corn is cooked
untilit is soft and the it is ground. Finally the arepa is shaped and then cooked on the grill.

To make the cheese you need cow´swilk, you tahe some rennet tablets and after six hours it is
filterd and the cheese remains.


First you have to prepare the Arepa we need trite maize, which is cooking for 6 hours until soften
and can be done a mass of which we make the arepa Which is cooked to coal (grilled) and when
roasting we split the arepa in half and introduce the cheese

To make 20 arepas a pound of corn and cost 1000 pesos and I used 1 pound of cheese that cost

1. We were able to conclude that the product has a great acceptance in the student
2. The product will not be consumed or bought if it has a price greater than 800 pesos.
3. Could improve the food condition of the students the la Universidad de los llanos.

Causas de deserción estudiantil en la educación superior. (2017). Obtenido de U-planner:


De dónde es la arepa. (26 de 01 de 2017). Obtenido de revista semana :


Mesa, J. (7 de abril de 2016). revista semana . Obtenido de


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