Li Worthy

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The major main processing deal with waveform is a basic concept of logic’s behavior

has to support the reality show of proportionality across over away, meanwhile

q N-n
a=log 2 (1+ ) , q=1− p=
1+n*p N

valid transformation of n . Therefore

p= , n=n (bytes)=meet ( read(encoding))

N=total (bytes)=fptr . seekg(0 L , std ::ifstream:: end)

using this associate assignment has become huge important to impose principles of
environmental processing has to integrate the required tools of getting encoding
data from corresponding file or pipe … Hence the principles of pipeline (fetch,
decode = , run away = field programmable gate array, encode = binary show. Register
Transfer Language would call storage space). Therefore digital concept has to
simulate an appreciate environment of associate standards meanwhile the instructing
“to fetch” has to deliver on going edges into support documents refers to the
reality show of buffer concept. Hence, silicon valley concept has to work around
useful logic’s can discover the effectiveness of an intentional environment handles
the clear concept of transition traceability while the resulting in reality of
waveform compression is a translation tool allows much more autonomy has to support
the principles of transition tractability while looking towards principles of

linear pointer encoding when N=total (bytes)=fptr . seekg (0 L , std : : ifstream:: end) is a

primordial show for scanning files looking forwards input data to move around over
away in order to create excitement of higher hierarchy show when the file transfer
principles shall adjust concepts of conscience and logic thoughts.
template<class T, class V> class hold{

friend bool operator==( T& ch, hold& obj){

return( ch == obj.key );


hold() : ptr() { }

hold( T x , std::vector<V> y) : key( x ), appear( ) { ptr = pObj; }

hold( const hold<T, V>* obj) : pObj( obj ) {

pObj = new hold( obj->key, obj->appear);

~hold() {

if( ptr ) delete ptr; else { }

if( pObj ) delete pObj; else { }

inline virtual void SetKey( T x ) { key = x ; }

inline virtual float SetProb( long n ){

//float a0 = log2( 1 + n ) / ( 1 + log2( 1 + n ));

//float a1 = exp( n ) / ( 1 + exp( n ));

//float a2 = n / ( n + 1 );

//float xf = n / LL;

//float yf = 1 - xf;

//float a3 = log2( 1 + yf / ( 1 + n * xf ));

float b = log2( 1 + ( N - n ) / ( N + n * n ));

return( b );

inline virtual void SetAppear( V& n ) {

switch( typein( n ) ){

case "l":

appear.push_back( SetProb( n ) );


case "i":

appear.push_back( n );


inline virtual T GetKey() const { return( key ); }

inline virtual std::vector<V> GetAppear() const { return( appear ); }

inline virtual bool operator==( T& ch ) {

///return ( std::operator==( ch, key ) );

return ( ch == key );

inline virtual void IncrementAppear() { }

inline virtual hold* GetPtr() const { return( ptr ); }

inline virtual hold<T, std::vector<V>>* GetHold() const
{ return( pObj ); }

inline virtual void MakeClean() {

if( ptr ) delete ptr;

else if( pObj ) delete pObj;

else { }


T key;

std::vector<V> appear;

hold* ptr;

hold<T, std::vector<V>>* pObj;


In fact, digital designation uses terms of float encoding through illustrative

show runs principles of digital show. The ideology stands behind waveform
compression techniques has to work around valid usefulness of associate composite
has to rectify the concept of reading through dynamics description has to evolve
job schedule show around over away. The validation concept maintains ( to do what
it takes to would ( hope or wish ) support soul’s satisfaction ). The principles of
digital modeling has to join useful concept of transition tractability ( to fetch,
to decode, to run away, to encode, to call Register Transfer Language) settlement
set. The great opportunity of digital encoding is a support sensitivity across::

float SetFloat( std::ifstream fptr){

std::ifstream::pos_type ix = fptr.tellg();

const long n = long( i0x );

std::ifstream::pos_type i0x = std::ios::beg;

fptr.seekg( 0L, std::ios::end);

i0x = fptr.tellg();

long N = long( i0x );

float a = log2( 1 + ( ( N - n ) / ( N + n * n)));

(N −n)
a=log 2 (1+ )→ std ::ifstream:: postype i 0 x=std : :ios ::beg ;
( N +n 2)

fptr . seekg( 0 L , std ::ios : :end );i 0 x=fptr . tellg ();

return a;

algorithm combines instructive concept has to generate parameter show for linear
pointer encoding when the mapping pair ( choice = n, total = N) has to perform
principles of transaction terminology. Hence, for each object within the associate

tansacion j =(encodingi ) j
environment of has to combine principles of matching
encodingi=char i∨short i

existence whereby transition terminology could deliver much more performance at a

speed of extracted exploitation for which the reality show would adjust principles
of existence has to obey to driven design respects boundary barrier limit when
whence can transport the principles of linear point encoding shall resist the
reality show of job scheduling holds a major main stream registers all sort kind
stuffs of ( fetch, decode, run away, encode, call register transfer language )
settlement set shall perform principles the human logic’s and impose an
illustrative images of exploitation unify the discrete methodology would affect
digital challenge around over away. Hence, using linear pointer encoding where
transfer of transaction data has to meet all sort kind stuffs of timing simulation.

( N −n)
a=log 2 (1+ )→ std ::ifstream:: postype i 0 x=std ::ios ::beg ;
Thereupon ( N +n 2) across over away

fptr . seekg( 0 L , std ::ios ::end ); i 0 x=fptr . tellg () ;

looking towards much more influence on what waveform compression techniques has to
return in order to validate the principles of job scheduling around over away. The
honestly harmony of human logic’s is running over away a measurable amount of data

which can be equal to char ch [n], encodingi=fptr .read (ch ,n) ;∫ atoi( ch) which has to

deploy principles of optimization would meet all sort kind stuffs of digital

( N −n)
a=log 2 (1+ )→ std ::ifstream:: postype i 0 x=std ::ios ::beg ;
challenge show. Hence ( N +n 2) is

fptr . seekg( 0 L , std ::ios ::end ); i 0 x=fptr . tellg () ;

tool utility for which valid concept of waveform compression has to describe or
purpose the principles of digital composite = ( key = encoding, appear = mirroring
occurrence ) mapping pair where the valid judgment of any situation has to obey to
an intentional imaging impact of ( instill( node ), infuse(edge )) mapping pair
holds principles of translation terminology would describe the corresponding world
of digital designation when data has to be running token within the associate world
of digital pipeline ( fetch, decode, field programmable gate array, encode,
register transfer language ) settlement set, a set has to improve the concept of
transition tractability looking towards valid concept of envisage exploitation

points to clear concept char ch [n], encodingi=fptr .read (ch ,n) ;∫ atoi( ch) across over

away. The (custom( encoding), trust(time→ count a day away to be aware ) principles
which refer to valid concept of transition terminology across harmony of
instauration language looks to stand moody motivated enough while running

transition has to accept char ch [n], encodingi=fptr .read (ch ,n) ;∫ atoi( ch) for its

coherence and so on. Liable linguistic logic’s is the basic support to handle
linear pointer encoding in septate translation terminology show.

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdbool>
#include <cmath>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <ios>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <iomanip>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <iterator>
#include <typeinfo>

#define Min( x, y ) ( x < y ) ? x : y

#define Max( x, y ) ( x > y ) ? x : y

#define eval( p ) ( p != 0 ) ? 1 - p * ( 1 - p ) : 1

using namespace std;

using std::vector;

using std::map;

using std::ofstream;

using std::ifstream;

const float pi = 22 / 7;

const float TT = 1 / 4;

const float f0 = 0.0000;

long N = 100L ;

enum {


} ntyp;

template<class T, class V> class hold{

friend bool operator==( T& ch, hold& obj){

return( ch == obj.key );

hold() : ptr() { }

hold( T x , std::vector<V> y) : key( x ), appear( ) { ptr = pObj; }

hold( const hold<T, V>* obj) : pObj( obj ) {

pObj = new hold( obj->key, obj->appear);

~hold() {

if( ptr ) delete ptr; else { }

if( pObj ) delete pObj; else { }


inline virtual void SetKey( T x ) { key = x ; }

inline virtual float SetProb( long n ){

//float a0 = log2( 1 + n ) / ( 1 + log2( 1 + n ));

//float a1 = exp( n ) / ( 1 + exp( n ));

//float a2 = n / ( n + 1 );

//float xf = n / LL;

//float yf = 1 - xf;

//float a3 = log2( 1 + yf / ( 1 + n * xf ));

float b = log2( 1 + ( N - n ) / ( N + n * n ));

return( b );

inline virtual void SetAppear( V& n ) {

switch( typein( n ) ){

case "l":

appear.push_back( SetProb( n ) );


case "i":

appear.push_back( n );


inline virtual T GetKey() const { return( key ); }

inline virtual std::vector<V> GetAppear() const { return( appear ); }

inline virtual bool operator==( T& ch ) {

///return ( std::operator==( ch, key ) );

return ( ch == key );

inline virtual void IncrementAppear() { }

inline virtual hold* GetPtr() const { return( ptr ); }

inline virtual hold<T, std::vector<V>>* GetHold() const

{ return( pObj ); }

inline virtual void MakeClean() {

if( ptr ) delete ptr;

else if( pObj ) delete pObj;

else { }


T key;

std::vector<V> appear;

hold* ptr;

hold<T, std::vector<V>>* pObj;


template<class T, class V> float SetFloat( long& n , const long& N ){

//std::ifstream::pos_type ix = std::ios::beg;

//fptr.seekg( 0L, std::ios::end);

//ix = fptr.tellg();

float a = log2( 1 + ( ( N - n ) / ( N + n * n)));

return a;

template<class T, class V> void Ohold( T& ch, std::vector<hold<T, std::vector< V >
> >& vect,
long& n, const long& N){

std::vector<V> xv;

float a = SetFloat( n, N );

xv.push_back( a );

hold<T, std::vector<V>>* obj = new hold( ch, xv );

vect.push_back( *obj );

delete obj;

template<class T, class V> void SetVect( T& ch, std::vector<hold<T,

std::vector<V>>>& vect,
long& n, const long& N){

if( vect.size() ){

bool ae = false ;

for( auto& z : vect ){

if( z.operator==( ch ) ){

switch( typein( n ) ) {

case "l": {
float a = SetFloat( n, N );

z.SetAppear( a );

case "i":
z.SetAappear( n );

if( ae == false ) ae = true;

if( ae == false ) Ohold( ch, vect, n, N );

}else Ohold( ch, vect, n, N);


int main( int argc, char** argv ){

if( argc != 3 ) {

fputs( "not enough parameters ( usage:: eval in out ) \n", stderr);



std::vector< hold< short, std::vector< float > > > vect;

std::ifstream fptr; argv[1], std::ios::in | std::ios::binary );

if( fptr && ( fptr.good() )){

std::ifstream::pos_type ix = std::ios::beg;

fptr.seekg( ix, std::ifstream::end );

std::ifstream::pos_type i0x = fptr.tellg();

const long N = long( i0x );


char ch[2];

fptr.seekg( ix, std::ios::cur );

short vl = atoi( ch );

SetVect( vl, vect, long( ix ), N);

ix = fptr.tellg();

}while( !fptr.eof());

///}while( ix != i0x );


std::ofstream gptr; argv[2], std::ios::out | std::ios::binary );

for( auto& k : vect ){

short n = k.GetKey();

gptr << n;

std::vector<float> xw = k.GetAppear();

for( auto& j : xw ){
gptr << j ;
gptr << '\0';


return 0;

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <cstring>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <ios>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <iterator>

#define Min(x, y) ( x < y ) ? x : y

#define Max(x, y) ( x > y ) ? x : y

#define eval( p ) ( p != 0 ) ? 1 - p * ( 1 - p ) : 1

const float pi = 22 / 7 ;

const float TT = 1 / 4 ;

const float f0 = 0.0000;

using namespace std;

using std::map;

using std::pair;

using std::vector;

using std::cerr;

using std::ifstream;

using std::ofstream;

template<class T, class V> class hold{

friend bool operator==( T& ch, hold& obj ){

return( ch == obj.key );


hold() : ptr() { }

hold( T x, V y) : key( x ), ntimes( y ) { }

hold<T, V>(const hold<T, V>* obj ) : pObj( obj ) {

ptr = new hold(obj->key, obj->ntimes);

pObj = ptr;

~hold() {
if( ptr ) delete ptr ; else { }

if( pObj ) delete pObj; else { }


inline virtual void SetKey( T& x ) { key = x ; }

inline virtual float RetProb( long m ) {

return ( log2( 1 + m ) / ( 1 + log2( 1 + m )) );


inline virtual void SetNtimes( long& v ) {

ntimes.push_back( RetProb( v ) ); }

inline virtual void SetHold( T& x, V& y ) { new hold(x, y); }

inline virtual void SetPtr( hold<T, V>* obj) { pObj = new hold( obj-
>key, obj->ntimes ); }

inline virtual T GetKey() const { return key; }

inline virtual V GetNtimes() const { return ntimes; }

inline virtual hold<T, V>* GetHold( hold<T, V>& obj) {

SetPtr( &obj ) ;

return( pObj );

inline virtual bool operator==( T& ch ){

return ( ch == key );

inline virtual void MakeClean() {

if( ptr ) delete ptr;

else if( pObj ) delete pObj;

else { }

T key;

vector<float> ntimes;

hold* ptr;

hold<T, V>* pObj;


template<class T, class V> void Ohold( T& ch, vector< hold< T, V>>& vect, long m ){

vector<float> xx ;

hold<T, V> obj;

hold<T, V>* pObj = &obj;

float a = pObj->RetProb( m );

xx.push_back( a );

pObj = new hold( ch, xx );

///obj = pObj->GetHold( hold( ch, xx ) );

vect.push_back( *pObj );

std::cout << " value of converted float = " << a << std::endl;

delete pObj;

template<class T, class V> void SetVect( T& ch, vector< hold< T, V >>& vect, long&
ll ){

if( vect.size() ){

bool ae = false;

for( auto& z : vect ){

if( z.operator==( ch ) ){


z.SetNtimes( ll );

std::cout << " value long = " << ll << std::endl;

if( ae == false ) ae = true;


if( ae == false ) Ohold( ch, vect, ll );

}else Ohold( ch, vect, ll );


int main( int argc, char** argv ){

if( argc != 3 ){

fputs( "not enough parameters ( usage eval in out ) \n", stderr);



ifstream fptr; argv[1], std::ios::in | std::ios::binary );

vector< hold<short, vector<float>>> vect;

if( fptr && ( fptr.good() ) ){

ifstream::pos_type ix = fptr.tellg();

char ch[2];

fptr.seekg( ix ); ch, 2 );

short vl = atoi( ch );

long mm = long( ix );

SetVect( vl, vect, mm );

ix = fptr.tellg();

fptr.seekg( ix );

std::cout << " value of valid " << std::endl;

}while( ! fptr.eof());


fputs( "not possible to open file \n", stderr);



ofstream gptr; argv[2], std::ios::out | std::ios::binary );

for( auto& k : vect ){

short n = k.GetKey();

vector<float> m = k.GetNtimes();
///float ax = n / ( n + 1 );

gptr << n;

for( auto& j : m ){

gptr << j;

gptr << '\0';


return 0;
Performance of waveform compression pointer register< matching = occurrence,

float (fptr .tellg ( ))=
(long(mn)−long( i1 ))

appearance=availability> n architecture can

(1− )
(long(mn)−long (i 1 ))
a=log 2 (1+ )
(1+n⋅( ))
(long(mn )−long(i 1))

Digital management is a better way to invoke the meaningfulness of exerting

existence. Therefore transition tractability is a settable respect of a piece of
Lord. The principles of human existence has to observe things through primordial

16 24 - 16
principles of “count a day away to be aware” (summer , winter= )mapping .
24 24

Thus the principles of appreciate associate composite for which useful logic’s has
to adopt generic judgment refers to a symbolic level of education whereas
transition policy shall decide whether resulting in reality of “count a day away to
be aware” piece string shall treat and emphasize the secrete hidden soul show

corresponding to existence abstract:: template < class T , vector <class V >> . Thereupon

based upon the investigation of human logic’s where the transition policy shall
decide whether transition traceability has to hold driven dream would offer much
more for data operating systems. Systems which has to unify the meaningfulness of

something can be equal to template < class T , vector <class V >> . This equivalence

exploitation shall then match proportional processing has to manipulate the

existence of digital driven draw description when the original works have to refer
to principles of signal complexity can model realistic world of mirror imaging has
to imagine that principles of transition traceability can run over away something
(1+n⋅p) (1+n⋅(1− p))
log ( )⋅log ( )
belongs to
1−p p for which honestly principles of digital
p 1− p
1+16⋅(1+cos 2)⋅exp( ∨ )
1− p p

opinions shall purpose a driven subject’s concerns deal with situation judgment
handle all sort kind stuffs of gracefulness. The Appreciate show of probabilistic
world has to think about valuable principles of complex situations where resulting
in reality of digital driven draw description design has to point to objectivity of

proposal processing of
∏ (1−i⋅p) card(choice) . Thereupon at an intentional
, p=
1−p⋅(1− p) card(fully)

iteration it iterator→char ch [n]; fptr . read( ch ,n) which has to return valuable context

of existence Yeah Data can be pointed by char pointer array which has the
capability to return a descriptive world design or designate or hacks the
principles of sensitive sensibility. This world of sensitive sensibility has to
affect the reality show of signal transaction round around appreciate show of

logic’s usefulness. The valid show of log 2 (1+ p⋅∑ ( )) . This charging choice of
n n!

probabilistic world has to purpose valid evaluation show concerns the primordial

principles of template < class T , vector <class V >> whereby the traceability of human

existence has investigate subjects of inspired image still has great opportunity to

1 (f )
affect sensitivity existence of ( 2
, 2
)→mapping . The ideal principles of
(1+ f ) (1+ f )

human logic’s whereby valid context of proposal processing holds concrete show of
the three dimensional design = ( energy for event’s occurrence, proportionality
show treats and investigates appreciate appearance ( how can or shall an occurrence
(event) appear ? ), associate determination of passage bridge where which at least
two component refer to maintaining membership (accessibility, visibility,

( Min()⋅Max ()⋅(Max( )−Min( )))

virtuality, …). Thus 3
. Thus using inertial
( Max()+ Min( ))

principles would generate statement show has to adopt the secret sign of digital
(1− p)⋅(1−2⋅p)
processing belongs to useful mapping of ∫ log 2(1+ (1−p⋅(1−p))
)∂ p in order to

charge transition tractability of a bridge show would accept importance of driven

(∂ progress)
( 2
(∂time ) when the principles of associate
(illusion∓ )

composite shall accept the purposes aiming harmony of descriptive balance handle

(1− )
( exp( ))
(1− p)
the principles of across over away refers to “her” existence.
( )
(exp( ))
(1− p)

Yeah Elizabeth exists anywhere else where the digital context has to provide people
with the required tools to gather all ability of adoption in generic form locates

( p⋅q)
the useful growth log 2 (1+ ) . Many digital inventors would know the
(1+ p⋅q)

log 2 ( )
efficiency of an exerting envelop which has to combine its
(1+ n⋅p)
log2 ( )
(1− p)

purposing show o aside apart study of signal complexity has to determine whether
the reality show of existence can match an appropriate involvement or apparition
( apparatus ) has to provide waveform compression coherence with honestly

meaningfulness of template < class T , vector <class V >> . Thanks to the ordinary works

of chemistry and physics, whereby principles of translation tractability and

transformation terminology has to manipulate harmony designation can impose the
realistic world of appliance either through resulting in reading through of
valuation or based upon an exploiting excitement has to study boundary barrier
limit looks towards a resulting which has to translate the
( p⋅(1− p)+(1−2⋅p)2 )

meaningfulness or matching mount management points to harmony concept generate

adoptive assignment of lot of statements round around appreciate show of human

logic’s imposes the reality show: iterator( fptr .tellg ())→char ch[ n]; fptr . read( ch , n) at a

stage level of comprehensiveness has to work around the useful tools for next after
statement show. Still ahead staff is the English Dictionary show which has to index
the “ a b c wanna want to be … a b c it is turn for me “ to support scheduling

hierarchy. Hence iterator( fptr .tellg ( ))→char ch[n]; fptr . read(ch , n) is a validation of an

inertial concept can hold the principles of float encoding which can explore

2 2
(sin −cos )
reality show across resulting 2 2 2 2 2
, θ =2 π⋅f ⋅n⋅T across over away.
(sin ⋅cos +(sin −cos ) )

Transition terminology which has to accept principles of signal complexity shall

design in complicit composite runs along over away principles of translated
terminology has to valid the context of exerting existence. The existence can be
mirrored or referred to by a pass by bridge show would assure that valid digital
concept belongs to “count a day away to be aware” characteristics shall overload

testimony show. Thus
w at the time when the
( 2
)⋅exp(complex ( θ =2 π⋅f⋅n⋅T ))
(1+w )

judgment of validation has to obey to something leaf like induction insight has to
invoke the principle of revolutionary behavior around appreciate adjustment and its
corresponding driven kernel cores have to teach people how something much more
important can influence the whole principles of translation terminology around over
away while looking towards innocent behavior of proportionality can adjust
principles of existence opportunity: it can exit Composite which has to reign
around about the genuine tools of open mind and transparency show whose resulting
in comportment shall obey to productivity performance around over forth and worthy.
Thus liable linguistic logic’s based upon principles of transition scheduling show.

Of having tools iterator( fptr .tellg ())→char ch[ n]; fptr . read( ch , n) for float encoding


involve effectiveness of pass frequency balance whose built in behavior turns

availability into challenge round around across optimization of human logic’s.
Draft copy 06/01/20

The availability principles of surrounding illustrative insight holds all sort kind
stuffs of probabilistic processing are translation terminology has to review the
driven design of digital description where the discrete event simulation has to
join this approach deals with waveform compression with clear concept turn the
principles of studying waveform compression into philosophical characteristics
would impose the support of human exigence and exaggeration. Therefore the
associate indexing signs of existence where things can be exist either in
independently individual form or in dependency form of registered occurrence and

harmonic happening along over away. The char ( ch[2]); fptr . read (ch , 2); short (atoi(ch))

has to invoke the useful design of digital manufacturing. The concept of float
encoding has to provide support for digital inventors when the great job of human
thoughts have to perform the learning concept of driven indexes using

std::vector<class T = encoding, class v = existence> whereby the progress of programmable

logic’s and field programmable gate array has become hugely complex for diversity
of productivity and a performance analysis has to combine super scaling policy and
turn basic expression of digital behavior into intensified density of hardware
capability. The process of automatic instruction is its entirely presentation would
discuss the multi-frequency executing of energetic ongoing edges have to implicitly
express themselves as traditional computing of digital composite has to split in a
concurrence mechanism would assure the principle of computing and complexity deal.
The performance judgment has to raise through productivity of data support would
deliver transformation the aim objects of softly transportability of “count a day
away to be aware”. The number of appearance occurrence would implement multi-
frequency processing imagines that the super scale policy has to send a development
conscience provides much more than a touch control of synchronized standards.
Thereupon digital preference has to state the dimensional design of existence. The
existence of competitive efficiency can typify all sort kind stuff of consuming
performance which has to host implementable necessity of proportionality
(1− p)
a=log 2 (1+ ) , when the determination of the valuable evaluation has to

return a fundamental algorithm can match the complexity of advance algorithm

char ( ch[2]); fptr . read (ch , 2); short (atoi(ch)) en threads the exploitation of digital

management. The clear concept of digital manufacturing is an optimal performance of

extraction of point overviews and expectations. Digital manufacturing is an
implicit sharing of application of standards can translate any digital point
overview has to create valuable link into human logic’s would exist in different
forms of functionality. Thus for any advance algorithm has to increase the number

of appearance is std : :ifstream :: pos=turning( ) but the abstract way
(long (mn )−long (i 1))

is showing the streaming logic’s challenge through covering the integrity of

interface management fptr . tellg()=turning( ) can design the
(long(mn )−long(i 1))

standards the discrete functionality of digital concepts can focus on appreciate

approach has to accelerate the softly simulation environment of same point overview
consumes the philosophic aspect of human touch would deal with envisage settlement

and expertise pair<Traceability = encoding, Valuation = existence> looks towards ahead

staff of digital support to return request of sensitivity response. Thus the

guarantee of using all sort kind stuffs of serving components which can add more
attention of functionality of virtuality turn all sort kind of digital ordering
into massive management of objectivity and the complexity of solving the existence
which has to program gathering insight of environmental signs of harmonic
usefulness of digital abstraction and the industry of availability when to match an
associate objectivity is driven imagination of settlement parts holds the dumping
process of originality. Is it true that human existence can be assigned to a
virtual machine of sharing objectivity = ( childhood, dreams, quietness, etc) which
has to mention valid link into interactive environment of encoding and exploitation
would implement the abstraction of objectivity. Using the required tokens:

fptr . tellg()=turning( )
(long (mn )−long(i 1))
which has to talk about originality of
(n⋅float( fptr .tellg ()))
a=log 2 (1+ )
(n+ float( fptr .tellg ( )))

stochastic basics. This token objectivity has to perform a check in coverage of

translated traceability has to keep touch track around behind resulting release
mapping call: pair<Traceability = encoding, Valuation = existence> yield a caching

application needs to translate the meaningfulness of waveform compression into

terms of argumentative agreements has to allocate flags for complete show of
usefulness. The principles of using something much more competitive across the
digital modeling would accept that the honestly run away:

float ( fptr . tellg ())=
(long(mn )−long(i 1))

( n⋅float ( fptr .tellg ( )))

a=log 2 (1+ )
(n+ float (fptr . tellg ( )))

used to recognize digital effectiveness monitors the shaping scheduling interacts

with a real world of design valid processing across probabilistic modeling directs
the verification of existence with associate management of signal complexity. The
great part of waveform compression is to support the training stage runs stepping
advance design which generates standards for functionality of design. The features

n n
float (fptr . tellg ())= float( fptr .tellg ())=
(long(m n )−long(i 1)) (long( mn)−long(i 1 ))
(1−float (fptr . tellg ())) (float (fptr . tellg ()))
a=log 2 (1+ ) a=log 2 (1+ )
(1+n⋅float (fptr . tellg( ))) (1+n⋅(1−float (fptr . tellg( ))))

which would perform check ins appearance ( n = number of times ) requests to

monitor all discrete aspects of digital component. The meaningfulness of digital
composite would interface with the platform deign of piece string “count a day away

float ( fptr .tellg ( ))=
(long (mn)−long(i1 ))

to be aware” in massive modeling show: n where

(1− )
(long (mn)−long (i 1 ))
a=log 2 (1+ )
(1+n⋅( ))
(long (mn )−long (i 1))

n = number of appearance times or occurred times in a slave role which would

translate principles of digital composite can extract and instantiate massive
references of objectivity experiments triggered traceability “guide me as it would
show me the right as it would” which looks points to abstract part of existence.

The mostly analyzed basic token std : :ifstream :: pos=long( mn ) where this address is

the creativity defends primordial argumentative usefulness of probabilistic

processing knows the operative optionality aims target for portability support of
acceleration and timing simulation analysis. The associate processing for update of

digital composite std :: pair < matching →traceability , existence →analysis > shifting the

whole show to defend human generic argumentation when digital commutativity has to
highlight all sort kind stuffs of basic design of input output streams having
periodicity. The digital transfer menu commands closely evaluation of human

float ( fptr .tellg ( ))=
(long (mn)−long(i1 ))

creativity. Notice that n is very useful

(1− )
(long (mn)−long (i 1 ))
a=log 2 (1+ )
(1+n⋅( ))
(long (mn )−long (i 1))

because it defines the resulting in relationship between frequently menu and

extensible transformation of specification. The generic composite of constructing
freedom provide illustrative show of transition tractability generate familiarity
on what a frequently concept or terminology has to introduce a basic learning close
to be understanding concept of original requirement for people to valid the concept
of frequency respect accepts knowledge culture drives discrete event in a launch
form of designation cooperate with frequency originality through valid judgment of
arrivals of data and the valid adjustment of reconstruction. This float approach

float (fptr .tellg ())=
(long (mn)−long( i1 ))

use this secrete n has to refer to appreciate

(1− )
(long(mn)−long(i 1 ))
a=log 2 (1+ )
(1+n⋅( ))
(long (mn )−long (i 1))

respect of float modeling when eight bytes in proper show has to calculate the
required sets for certainty while the advantage of validity is subject of

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <ios>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>

#define Min(x, y) ( x < y ) ? x : y

#define Max(x, y) ( x > y ) ? x : y

#define eval( p ) ( p != 0 ) ? 1 - p * ( 1 - p ) : 1

const float pi = 22 / 7;

const float TT = 1 / 4;

const float f0 = 0.000;

using namespace std;

using std::ifstream;

using std::vector;

using std::map;

using std::ofstream;

template<class T, class V> class hold{

friend bool operator==( T& ch, hold& obj){

return( ch == obj.key );


hold() : ptr() { } //default constructor

//hold( T x, V y) : ptr( pObj ) {

hold( T x, V y) : key( x ), ntimes( y ) {

pObj = new hold(key, ntimes );

ptr = pObj;

hold<T, V>( const hold* obj ) : ptr( obj ) {

ptr = new hold( obj->key, obj->ntimes );

pObj = ptr;

~hold() {
if( ptr ) delete ptr; else { }

if( pObj ) delete pObj; else { }


inline virtual void SetKey( T& ch ) { key = ch ; }

inline virtual void SetNtimes( V& n ) { ntimes = n ; }

inline virtual void SetPtr(T& x, V& y ) { pObj = new hold( x, y) ; }

inline virtual void SetObj( ) { ptr = pObj; }

inline virtual T GetKey() const { return( key ); }

inline virtual V GetNtimes() const { return( ntimes ); }

inline virtual hold* GetPtr() const { return( ptr ); }

inline virtual hold<T, V>* GetObj() const { return( pObj ); }

inline virtual bool operator==( T& ch ){

return( ch == key );

inline virtual int operator++( int m ){

return ( m++ );

inline virtual void MakeClean(){

if( ptr ) delete ptr;

else if( pObj ) delete pObj;

else { }


T key;

V ntimes;

hold* ptr;

hold<T, V>* pObj;


template<class T, class V> void Ohold( T& ch, std::vector<hold<T, V>>& vect){
hold<T, V>* obj = new hold<T, V>( T( ch ), V( 1 ));

vect.push_back( *obj );

delete obj;

template<class T, class V> void SetVect( T& ch, std::vector<hold<T, V>>& vect){

if( vect.size() ){

bool ae = false;

for( auto& z : vect ){

if( z.operator==( ch ) ){


if( ae == false ) ae = true;


if( ae == false ) Ohold( ch, vect );

}else Ohold( ch, vect );


template<class T, class V> void Remplir( vector<float>& vect, T& n, V m, char*


std::ofstream gptr; output, std::ios::out | std::ios::binary );

int j = 0;

for(auto& k : vect ){

//float a = (1 - m * k) / eval( k );

float a = log2( 1 + ( 1 - k ) / ( 1 + n * k )) / eval( k );

if( j == 0 ){

gptr << ( n + a ) ;


//z.operator++( j );

}else gptr << ( a );


template<class T, class V> void SetFloatEncoding( map<T, vector<float>>& inmap,

vector<hold<T, V>>& vect, char* ot){

int i = 0;

for(auto& z : vect ){

T n = z.GetKey();

V m = z.GetNtimes();

vector<float> ur =;

if( ur.size() == 0 ) {

fputs( " There is a mistake but thanks to be familiar with this\

n", stderr);



Remplir( ur, n, m, ot);


int main( int argc, char** argv){

if( argc != 3){

fputs(" not enough parameters to run away (usage eval in out ) \n",


std::vector<hold<short, unsigned int>> vect;

std::map<short, vector<float>> inmap;

std::map<short, vector<float>>::iterator it = inmap.begin();

std::ifstream fptr; argv[1], std::ios::in | std::ios::binary );

if( fptr && ( fptr.good())){

std::ifstream::pos_type ix = std::ios::beg;

//std::ifstream::pos ix = std::ifstream::beg;
char ch[2];

fptr.seekg( ix );

float ax = log2( 1 + long( ix )) / ( 1 + log2( 1 + long( ix

))); ch, 2 );

short vl = atoi( ch );

it = inmap.find( vl );

//let guess if
if( it == inmap.end() ){

vector<float> wv;

wv.push_back( ax );

inmap.insert( it++, std::pair<short,

vector<float>>(vl, wv));

}else ( it->second ).push_back( ax );

ix = fptr.tellg();



fputs(" not possible to open input for any reason \n", stderr);



SetFloatEncoding<short, unsigned int>( inmap, vect, argv[2] );

return 0;

The basic concept of surrounding a clear combination could shows end concept
demonstrates that the float encoding has great opportunity can bring upon
throughout valid context permission of transition tractability would work around
appreciate assignment of input and output stream have to accomplish adequate

log( 1 + std::ifstream::pos )
objectivity: std::ifstream::pos = fptr.tellg(); p=
1 + log( 1 + std::ifstream::pos )
where insight indexing is great validation of human logic’s. Thereupon the great
prosperity is to support the concept of human commonly sense looks around
faithfulness in order to get the required contexts of meaningfulness. Hence, when
purposeful processing of waveform compression shall decide whether clear challenge
of digital driven draw description design. Yeah the clean concept of uniformity has

log( 1 + std::ifstream::pos )
to accept that this p= can rule around appreciate
1 + log( 1 + std::ifstream::pos )

assignment of probabilistic context would show that the importance of associate

compiler of waveform compression is to set the ideal meaningfulness of valid run

( )
away: valuation. Although units are differently
std ::ifstream :: pos=−1+ e (1− p)

concepts shall refer to operative ownership when the context of probabilistic

card( choice )
processing, yeah thanks to work of Laplace p= and similar works leaf
card( fully )

like the usage utility of proportional processing has to match the concept of

α⋅log( 1 + std::ifstream::pos ) where α can refer to

runtime while the principles p=
1 + log( 1 + std::ifstream::pos )

principles of illustrative insight would encourage or allow digital challenge to

take over away while the useful characteristics of probabilistic world has to
comply with the innocent image of human harmony. Thus using Laplace with clear

ch[n]; fptr . read(ch , n);

concept of choice=std ::ifstream : : pos ; has to play great important role within an

fully=sizeof (fptr) ;

envisage new concept uses float encoding to support the principles of driven
dynamics of digital challenge. Thus the major main translation tools would enable
the concept of discrete event simulation to accept the inheritance image of
transition terminology. Thereupon digital mainstream is a real world of
illustrative insight holds the idea to be informed when the prophetic processing
has to predict the reality show of honest honorable behavior shall obey the the
challenge of education when the innocence belongs to “neither guilty nor faulty”
would guide the whole harmony purpose a valid coordination of collectivism has to
perform much more neutrality when the original opportunity of human kindness has to
adopt the run away of energy excitement. Therefore digital realistic world work
around the prophetic concept when and at the time when prediction terminology has
to think about illustrative insight seems having the power the describe and combine
all sort kind stuffs greatness and gracefulness across appreciate assignment of
owning behavior:: therefore someone is innocent if the translation or the appliance
of owning behavior has to influence the whole procedures of performance and would
then measure the ability of productivity. One day, a woman like or similar to
Elizabeth would have children to simulate principles of being mother. Moreover the
appreciate behavior across her thoughts has to combine the concept of loyalty and
sustainability corresponds to cheerfulness looks like that people has to weigh the
principles of education, the capital of money, the comportment during the stage of
solving problems and the driven kernel cores believe in the principles of
“confidence in selfish ownership” while the ordinary show of owning honestly
behavior would turn traditionary show into associative adoptive admittance has to
support entirely show of intentional integrity. Thus finest human being can gather
resulting in reality of probabilistic world would weigh and measure driven indexes
of illustrative insight shows the mirrors tasks run around over away or shall
schedule principles of cooperative collectivism or harmonic coordination. Yeah one
day a woman like Elizabeth has to dream of having children in order to support the
inertial magnetism refers to appreciate role of being mother around over away. The
role of mother can be much more complex and would translate principles of human
joyfulness issuing from vital vivid design of harmony and kindness. Transition
terminology has to accept worthy wealthy way for human thoughts has to bring
scaling policy into a support show of human commonly sense. The driven design of
this probabilistic approach has to join bearing uniformity with principles of
sensibility and sensitivity. Transition tractability has to invoke the illustrative
insight holds all sort kind stuff of human component when the joyfulness can
reflect to an appreciate achievement. Additionally probabilistic world has to drive

ch[n];fptr . read( ch , n) ;

the harmony of choice=std :: ifstream :: pos ; when Laplace has to show and demonstrate

fully=sizeof (fptr);

that this world of probabilistic processing can be usefully exploited either during
an environmental instantiation or across appreciate transformation of human logic’s
work to believe in the powerful processing of proportionality. Thanks to work of
discrete event simulation when the illustrative insight has to support principles
of uniformity in order to gain much more confidence of digital dynamics. Thus (LOW,
HIGH) mapping pair has to refer to a clear concept of transition terminology for
which the usage utility of waveform compression has to stand around behind an
innocent image of human commonly sene ( neither guilty nor faulty principles). The
hidden soul of digital compression has to assign principles of a scaling policy
would translate transition transfer into useful tools of probabilistic support.

α⋅log( 1 + std::ifstream::pos )
Thereupon settable validation p= has to enable
1 + log( 1 + std::ifstream::pos )

principles of illustrative insight for which the world of probabilistic processing

has to impact an entirely concept of transition terminology. Therefore the valid
balancing behavior of human commonly sense would learn much more English Dictionary
concept to inspire a valid translation terminology has to grow with the support of
balancing behavior. The principles of measurable data has to weigh the harmony of
mapping (genuine = something, unjust = something else or anything else) this
returns the valid characteristics across that hidden world of secret scheduling
looks very usefully around over away. The principles of waveform compression
comprehends the driven run away of sensitive behavior has to obey to challenge of
input output stream when defined logic’s has to comply with driven kernel cores of
purposeful energy has to reign along over away synchronized instantiation show
where operative objectivity shall mirror valid creativity concept of exerting
( )
education. Thus using (1− p) can learn more and much more
std :: ifstream :: pos=−1+ e

about the valid concept of storage space or the driven distance serving consciously
challenge to adopt principles of human logic’s stands around behind the innocent
image of human commonly sense. The clear behavior of waveform compression would
correlate with useful tools invoke judgment of harmony yield principles of
translation has to admit that the best artistic work around English Dictionary show

would offer more and much more harmony when eval( p)=1−p⋅(1− p) is a primordial

show for a usefully approach has to adjust the energetic environment of waveform
compression across around illustration of commonly sense, a sense would demonstrate
that the imagination is an abstraction of probabilistic world has to deliver from
home to at home super-scheduling show can predict whether principles of royalty has
to ne involved within any individual insight across over away. This principle of
exerting education where rational run away would hold challenge of digital driven

( )
draw description. Therefore using principles of (1− p) show
std ::ifstream :: pos=−1+ e

for which realistic world of digital harmony has to support all sort kind stuffs of
logic’s greatness. Thus it is a basic balance when the input output streams are the
first functionality for digital elaboration to turn the meaningfulness of

programmable logic’s eval( p)=1−p⋅(1− p) to be worth show joins useful

instrumentation with its resulting in run over away. Therefore digital concept is a
productivity show for being consciously enough to think about the works of envisage

( )
environment (1− p) that can weigh and measure or handle
std ::ifstream :: pos=−1+ e

principles of knowledge culture would affect translation terminology where waveform

technology would wave across associate principles of situation judgment and the
principles of regulation. Yeah it is always time to consider rightly dynamics of
vital and vivid issues work for hidden soul of humanity to run over away principles

( )
of education. The great challenge of (1− p) is to illustrate
std :: ifstream :: pos=−1+ e

the real world of associate sequential scheduling has to perform principles of

digital mount management across over away. Waveform compressibility uses this kind

( )
of probabilistic world shall design its confidence in
std : :ifstream :: pos=−1+ e (1− p)

a valid measurable instantiated show where transition terminology has to register

the inheritance of human logic’s and consuming combination of commonly sense looks
or seems very important to be involved within an inner intentional modeling
management would deal with encoding codes. The principles of float encoding is much
more convenient when digital concept has to surround traceability show along over
numerical management ( count a day away to be aware and piece string leaf like a b
c wanna want to be a b c it shall be turn for me a b c it is so holly a b c it is
available support a b c it is all about a show a b c it is a hard talk and much
more a b c it is subject of hidden issues across over away …. Waveform compression
is the honestly harmony for digital concept to think about more and much about

( )
super design of (1− p) show has to accept all sort kind
std :: ifstream :: pos=−1+ e

stuffs of great important challenge of digital character. Therefore principle of

( )
elaboration runs show would or can impose more and
std : :ifstream :: pos=−1+ e (1− p)

much more traceability of consciously context has to alter and affect reality of a
compiler remissibility allows the return into associate world has to combine a
sensible behavior with a realistic world would refer to human commonly sense.

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <cstring>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <ios>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
#include <complex>

#define bc ' '

#define Min( x, y ) ( x < y ) ? x : y

#define Max( x, y ) ( x > y ) ? x : y

#define Eval( p ) ( x != 0 ) ? 1 - p * ( 1 - p ) : 1

using namespace std;

using std::ofstream;

using std::ifstream;

using std::vector;

using std::map;

const static float pi = 22 / 7 ;

const static float TT = 1 / 4;

const static float f0 = 0.0000;

template<class T, class V> class hold{

friend bool operator==( T& ch, hold& obj ){

return ( ch == obj.key );


///hold( ) : ptr( hold::key, hold::ntimes ) {

hold( ) : ptr( ) {

ptr = new hold( key, ntimes );

pObj = ptr; }

hold( T x, V y) : ptr( hold::pObj ){

pObj->operator=( x );

pObj->operator=( y ); }

///hold<T, V>( T x, V y) : key( x ), ntimes( y ) { } //default


~hold() {

if( ptr ) delete ptr; else { }

if( pObj ) delete pObj; else { } }

inline virtual T operator=( T x){

return ( key = x ); }

inline virtual V operator=( V y){

return ( ntimes = y ); }

/*inline virtual hold<T, V> operator=( hold<T,V> obj){

///return ( obj = new hold<T V>( obj.key, obj.ntimes );

return ( obj = new hold<T, V>( obj.key, obj.ntimes )); }*/

inline virtual bool operator==( T& ch ){

return ( ch == key ); }

inline virtual void SetKey( T x ) {

if( x == 0 ) key = x; }
inline virtual void SetNtimes( V y ){

if( y == 0 ) ntimes = y; }

inline virtual void SetPtr( hold* obj){

if ( ptr == NULL) ptr = obj;

else ptr = new hold(obj->key, obj->ntimes); }

inline virtual void SetHold( hold<T, V>* obj){

if( obj != NULL ){

if( pObj == NULL ) ptr = obj;

else pObj = new hold<T, V>(obj->key, obj->ntimes);


if( ( key != 0 ) && ( ntimes != 0 ) ){

pObj = new hold<T, V>( hold::key, hold::ntimes );

ptr = pObj;


fputs("obj is equal to NULL it cannot pursue \n",




inline virtual T GetKey( ) const { return( key ); }

inline virtual V GetNtimes( ) const { return( ntimes ); }

inline virtual hold* GetPtr( ) const { return( ptr ); }

inline virtual hold<T, V>* GetHold( ) const { return( pObj ); }

inline virtual void incrementNtimes( ) { ntimes += 1; }

inline virtual void MakeClean( ) {

if( ptr ) delete ptr;

else if( pObj ) delete pObj;

else { }

//The membership of the class hold has definition

////class T auto key; //function ruf ( calling function )

T key ; //function ruf ( calling function )

///class V auto ntimes; //same as

V ntimes;

//to point to an objabstract class

hold* ptr;

hold<T, V>* pObj;

// }ObjName;

template<class T, class V > float Worthy( T& x, V& y ){

T d = x;

d = x * ( 1 - y * d );

float z = d / Eval( x ) ;

return z;

template<class T, class V> float Wealth( T& ch, V& x){

float ax = log2( 1 + x ) / ( 1 + log2( 1 + x ));

///float ax = exp( x ) / ( 1 + exp( x ));

float bx = Worthy< T, V >( ax, x );

return bx;

template<class T, class V> void Ohold( T& ch, std::vector<hold<T, V>>& vect){

hold<T, V> obj;

//obj = new hold( T( ch ), V( 1) );

obj.SetKey( T( ch ) );

obj.SetNtimes( V( 1 ) );

//obj.operator=( obj );

hold<T, V>* pointer = &obj;

obj.SetHold( pointer );
vect.push_back( obj );

obj.MakeClean() ; }

template<class T, class V> void SetVect( T& ch, std::vector<hold<T, V>>& vect){

if( vect.size() ){

bool ae = false;

for( auto& z : vect ){

if( z.operator==( ch ) ){

z.incrementNtimes( );

if( ae == false ) ae = true;


if( ae == false ) Ohold( ch, vect );

}else Ohold( ch, vect );

int main( int argc, char** argv ){

if( argc != 3 ){

fputs("not enough parameters (usage eval in out ) \n", stderr);



std::vector<hold< short, unsigned int>> vect;

std::map<short, std::vector<long>> inmap;

std::map<short, std::vector<long>>::iterator it = inmap.begin();

std::ifstream fptr; argv[1], std::ios::in | std::ios::binary );

if( ( fptr ) && ( fptr.good() ) ){

std::ifstream::pos_type ix = fptr.tellg();

//std::ifstream::pos_type ix = std::ios::beg;
//std::ifstream::pos_type ix = std::ifstream::beg;

while( !( fptr.eof() )){

char ch[2];, 2);

ix = fptr.tellg( );

short bq = atoi( ch );

it = inmap.find( bq );

if( it == inmap.end() ){

std::vector< long > wx;

wx.push_back( ( long )( ix ));

inmap.insert( it++, std::pair<short,

vector<long>>( bq, wx ));

}else (it->second).push_back( (long)( ix ));

SetVect( bq, vect );

///ftpr.seekg( std::ios::beg, ix );


fputs( " not possible to open input \n", stderr );


fptr.close( );

std::map<short, vector<float>> outmap;

std::map<short, vector<float>>::iterator ig = outmap.begin();

for( auto& z : vect ){

short n = z.GetKey( );

unsigned int m = z.GetNtimes( );

///float ax = Wealth( n, m );

it = inmap.find( n );

if( it == inmap.end() ){

fputs(" not possible to run over away \n", stderr);


std::vector<float> yards;

for( auto& k : it->second ){

//float ax = Wealth( n, m );
float yx = log2( 1 + k ) / ( 1 + log2( 1 + k ) );

yards.push_back( yx );

outmap.insert( ig++, std::pair<short,

std::vector<float>>(n, yards));

std::ofstream gptr; argv[2], std::ios::in | std::ios::binary );

for( auto& u : outmap ){

gptr << u.first;

for( auto& j : u.second ){

gptr << j;

gptr << '\0';


return 0;
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <cstdbool>
#include <cstring>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <ios>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <map>

#define pi 3.1426

#define TT 0.25

#define Min( x, y ) ( x < y ) ? x : y

#define Max( x, y ) ( x > y ) ? x : y

#define eval( x ) ( x != 0 ) ? 1 - x * ( 1 - x) : 1

using namespace std;

using std::ifstream;

using std::ofstream;

template<class T, class V> class hold{

friend bool operator==( T& ch, hold& obj ){

return ( ch == obj.key );


hold() : ptr(NULL) {}

hold(const hold<T, V>* obj) : pObj( obj ){

pObj = new hold(obj->key, obj->ntimes );

ptr = pObj;

hold( T x, V y ) : key( x ), ntimes( y ) { } //dynamics

/*hold(const hold* obj ) : ptr( obj ) {

pObj = new hold( obj->key, obj->ntimes );

ptr = pObj;

~hold( ) {

if( ptr ) delete ptr; else { }

if( pObj ) delete pObj; else { }


inline virtual void SetKey( T x) { key = x; }

inline virtual void SetNtimes( V y) { ntimes = y; }

inline virtual void SetHold(T x, V y) { pObj = new hold( x, y ); }

inline virtual void SetPtr( hold* obj) { ptr = new hold( obj->key, obj-
>ntimes ); }

inline virtual T GetKey() const { return( key ); }

inline virtual V GetNtimes() const { return( ntimes ); }

inline virtual hold* GetPtr() const { return( ptr ); }

inline virtual hold<T, V>* GetPobj() const{ return( pObj ); }

inline virtual bool operator==( T& ch ){

return( ch == key );

inline virtual void incrementNtimes() {

ntimes += 1 ;

inline virtual int operator++( int n ){

return( n++ );

/*inline virtual ostream operator<<( ostream& ot ){

return ( ot<< key );


inline virtual void MakeClean() {

if( ptr ) delete ptr;

else if( pObj ) delete pObj;

else{ }


T key;

V ntimes;

hold* ptr;

hold<T, V>* pObj;


template<class T, class V> float Evaluates( T& ch , V& n ){

///static float a = exp( n ) / ( 1 + exp( n ));

float a = log( 1 + n ) / ( 1 + log( 1 + n )); // n = number of appear( event-


///static int b = atoi( T( ch ) );

int b = int( T( ch ) );

const float d = log2( 1 + ( a * b ) / ( a + b ) );

const float v = log2( 2 - d );

const float w = -1 + exp( d / v );

const float y = -1 + exp( v / d );

const float s0 = w + y;

float s = s0 * s0;

s = s0 * s;

float z = w * y * ( y - w ) / ( s );

float rr = d + z; // log2( d + z );

return rr;

template<class T, class V> void Ohold( T& ch, std::vector<hold<T, V>>& vect){

hold<T, V>* obj = new hold<T, V>( T(ch), V( 1 ) );

vect.push_back( *obj );

delete obj;

template<class T, class V> void SetVect( T& ch, std::vector<hold<T, V>>& vect){

if( vect.size() ){

bool ae = false;

for( auto& z : vect ){

if( z.operator==( ch )){

if( ae = false ) ae = true;

if( ae == false ) Ohold( ch, vect );

}else Ohold( ch, vect );

int main( int argc, char** argv ){

if( argc != 3 ){

fputs( " not enough parameters for running away ( usage eval in out ) \
n", stderr );


std::vector<hold<int, unsigned int>> vect;

std::map<int, vector<long>> inmap;

std::map<int, vector<long>>::iterator it = inmap.begin();

std::ifstream fptr; argv[1], std::ios::in | std::ios::binary );

std::ifstream::pos_type ix = std::ios::beg;

///ifstream::pos_type ix = fptr.tellg();

if( ( fptr ) && ( fptr.good() )){

while( ! fptr.eof() ){

char ch[4];

fptr.seekg( ix, std::ios::end );

///fptr.seekg( ix, std::ifstream::end);

// ch, 4 );

int vx = atoi( ch );

it = inmap.find( vx );

if( it == inmap.end()){

std::vector<long> wx;

wx.push_back( (long)(ix) );

///inmap.insert(it, std::pair<int, vector<long>>(vx,


inmap.insert(std::pair<int, vector<long>>(vx, wx));

else {
(it->second).push_back( (long)(ix) );

SetVect(vx, vect);

ix = fptr.tellg();

fputs(" input is either not good or not opened \n", stderr);



std::map<int, vector< float >> outmap;

std::map<int, vector< float >>::iterator ig = outmap.begin();

for( auto& z : vect ){

int n = z.GetKey();

unsigned int m = z.GetNtimes();

float xa = Evaluates( n, m );

it = inmap.find( n );

vector<float> qo;

if( it == inmap.end() ) {

fputs(" element not found in inmap \n", stderr);


}else for( auto& k : it->second){

float xb = ( 1 - k * xa ) / eval( xa );

qo.push_back( xb );

//outmap.insert(ig++, std::pair<int, vector< float >>( n, xb ));

outmap.insert(std::pair<int, vector< float >>( n, qo ));

std::ofstream gptr;[2], std::ios::out | std::ios::binary );

for( auto& z : outmap){

gptr << z.first;

for( auto& k : z.second ){

gptr << k ;

gptr.close( );
return 0;

In fact, along over away, the mechanism of gathering data in sequential show has to
adjust transition tractability would translate valid existence into an emphasis
show would elaborate the principles of sequential design. Thereupon, the position
level of balancing benefit has to accept the principles of occurred appearance
across associate assignment hold all sort kind stuffs of a major main design of
harmony seems having the power to model sequential index refer to

2 n
vector < ,... , > , n=ntimes(appear (event))
(it j−it i ) (it m −it i)

appearance when an appreciate occurrence has to maintain the great opportunity show
of Digital design holds the major main stream of liable linguistic logic’s for
which the appearance handlers are the useful instruments around compressibility
would explore itself results in mirror management encodes principles of existence.
Since the first generation of Intel Compilers since 1971 when the four bits has to
run over away at speed of transmission would be enough satisfaction when the
enjoyable show of soul satisfaction has to designate the principles of transition
tractability, whereas waveform compression has to grow within support of value
change dump processing, the validity of advance algorithm, the selectivity of
scheduling and the enhancement of existence.

(log 2 (1+ntimes))
a=appear (event)⋅log 2 (2− )
(1+ log 2( 1+ ntimes))

( ) (log 2 (1+ntimes))
2−2 (appear(event))
(1+log 2 (1+ntimes))
( )
(2−2 ( appear (event )) )
( a
( )
( appear( event))
(−1+2 )
1+ ntimes=2

apear (event)=behavior(how to appear?) , event=encoding( vector<bits>),char , short , ....

In fact, liable linguistic logic’s would express the importance of a combination methodology holds the
major mainstream of valid concept of proportionality where the judgment of scaling policy for which
units for estimation’s simulation has to support industry based upon valid concept of transition
tractability where the harmony of scaling policy evaluates resulting in reality of mapping worthy

(1+n⋅p) (1+n⋅(1− p ))
(cos2⋅log2 ( )⋅log2 ( ))
(1− p) p
wealth exposes its corresponding harmony of associate
(1− p) p
(1+16⋅(1+cos 2)⋅exp( ∨ ))
p (1− p)

assumptions which locate the principles of scaling policy would elaborate dynamics of usefulness
across impressionability when joining the harmony of signal complexity has to combine all art wisely
and wisdom structural language of being considerable and consciously awaken to adapt the principles
of numerical approaches which shall combine its principles with the valid evaluation of logic’s
assumption when the gracefulness has to impose its existence around over away while the worthy walk
is primordial principles of switch(choice) : case choice one :: do statements; break, case choice two ::
do statements; break, …. etc case choice n::: do statements; break; default nothing to be done; BREAK.
The world of imposing expressions ( wait until realization of objectivity ( wish and hopes has to reign
along away while human harmony joins the principles of commonly sense where ( it is a place fo which
human finest being has to accept the generic concept of integrity) somewhere valid comprehensive

approach handles the principles of mapping mechanism mapping<numerics, logic's> would purpose

suggestions or opinion aiming to solve problems across simulation principles and inline robust control
when the principles of finest human being and commonly sense has to accept and adapt the
meaningfulness of intentional insight and its corresponding harmony. Thus it is a support references
have to deal with debates around over away while principles of usefulness and kindness. Thereupon the
wavy behavior is a synchronized show matches the principles of scaling policy when the principles of
job scheduling has to balance shall maintain valid concept of commonly sense works to accept generic
show of reasonable traceability that can be useful across scaling policy has to engender and match or
meet the resulting in reality of mapping < std::unique existence ( no composite is allowable or
permitted to be inserted within this heterogeneously harmonic product), std:: reduction of required
space (leaf like tower and highest build when real earth will be use within the next generation)>
coupling characteristics. Thereupon waveform techniques use the principles of float encoding can have
impact show mirrors the driven dynamics of wavy behavior when the principles of transition could
influence the entirely way of selectivity. The wavy behavior as it shown in some illustrative insight
herewith, can provide people being proud of a principles of running dynamics when #define wavy(x)
( x != 0 ) ? 1 – x * ( 1 – x ) : 1 in a software language which would reflect the inner inspired translation
of choosing the number of appearance times ( how many times a proposal proportionality
p( event( char)) has to be occurred or seeming having impact on the great worthy show of occurrence
within given collectivism kernel has to gather reality based upon implementable manufacturing show
would deliver all kindness of well manipulation when the structural schemes of inserting digital data
within a laser process has to reflect the principles of choice of 16 Gigs bytes or more to be store in less
than 12 seconds time unit. Hence it is a vector<byte( index(iterator))> = byte( iterator it ) is again
occurred and the corresponding number of appearance times has to increment itself across away.
Hence, for each storage space which would be translated to fixed constant length which has to be equal
to the total amount of bytes or of iterators ( notice that for each char type or short type or integer type
or double type or similar, it is possible to assign an iterator it has to refer to position vector = vector< I
= iterator( first occurrence), j = iterator( second occurrence ), …, m = iterator( n times of occurrence)>
when this vector will be used to impose intentional principles of additive component ( leaf like the
constant component inside any digital modulation show ) . Thus using this
vector<char<iterator<placement = where to be found>> which would deliver the value of variable
vector has to refer to any stored char or short or integer type or double type being sequential scaling

usage=vector<char<iterator = position( offset )>>

schemes of appointment which shall obey
( p⋅offset )
storage=vector< char <vector < log 2(1+ )>>
p + offset

to inner inertial principles of validation has to support the great show of digital composite when the
resulting in reality of progressive regression has to accept that digital inventors like Elizabeth still
looking towards forwards better implementable instrumentation could measure the required value of

float (char(it))=
((it) j−(it)i )
(∂2 progress)
valuable variation 2
handle principles of ::statement that
(∂ time ) (it)i=appear (ntimes=1)

(it )j=appear (ntimes=2)

could return the valid show of float encoding. This driven dynamics has to invoke the principles of
great show could reach its summit show when great work of human logic’s shall decide whether
resulting in reality of an imagination world has to build up opportunity for transition tractability around

over away. Therefore float (char (it))= n , when the principles of float encoding
(offset (m)−offset (i))

could then meet the reality of sequential show has to schedule principles of existence and complexity at
the same time. Thus it is sensitive show of efforts to gain the associate advantage of principles of float
encoding when the judgment of complexity is a subject of the entirely exploitation of #include <signal>
being having the great power on any sort kind staff of: light leaf like laser to be involved within the

∓( X ( p)⋅Y ( p)⋅(Y ( p)− X ( p)))

wavy ( p)= 3
( X ( p)+Y ( p))

great opportunity of wavy benefit p for any reason this is

X ( p)=−1+ exp( )
(1− p)

(1− p)
Y ( p)=−1+exp( )
the honestly honorable harmony of gathering and capturing ( laser → light running away to be captured
based upon measurable approach has to highlight the strength of light rays ( like sun rays), blue rays ).
Thereupon the major main principles of associate sequential scaling of indexing( appearance) either
when the envisage object can be the same ( charr(iterator it) ) or differentially when a number of
iterators have to refer to sharply scheduling around being exist anywhere along over away leaf like
Moses wide spread noisy approach when the Lord Creator God was appear to transform a huge heavy
mountain into a sensitive existence of traceability:: first of all all, it is assume that such a story of
Moses would be true, but is highly recommended to think about the transformation had happened
when the whole things on the mountain were be transported to other places as some historians did say
it, the primordial principles of wide spread noisy approach belongs to Moses and ithe historic moment
of the transformation of the corresponding mountain which has been built in other mountains or other
placer around the globe ( nothing has to be lost, this is the principles of lossy less show) hopes regains
aspects of trustfulness of speed up and healthy compression algorithm like the works of Lempel and
Ziv who dir invent the driven dynamics of read( char ) similar to laser impact which could transfer
amount of laser to be recorded reality of data to be turned into exactitude of extracting insight holds
principles of sensible behavior and operative observation looks towards exerting envelops to sustain
along over away while the harmony of waveform compression shines or seems have enough energy to
balance its support for being units of inner inspired insight deals with the :

2 n
1. exerting existence : vector < ,... , > , n=ntimes(appear (event))
(it j−it i ) (it m −it i)

2. kindness and resulting in relationship between float encoding ( being small: Elizabeth was so
small as she was one year old but tall enough as she was twenty five years old … and so on )

3. being clever enough or exploration of moral compass when the sequential tri has to believe in
the supervisory of advance algorithm::: yeah while ( not( end of file )) get char or get short or
get integer or get double … etc it is driven dynamics to remember that preregistered keys have
to appear within the decompression algorithm in a new version of

4. translation of traceability when the float , n=ntimes(appear (event)) has to be
(it m−it i )

able and capable to study and investigate the availability of sustainability around a number of
appearance times, and on somehow in which function form has to be set around over away.

5. mount management of an inner build in behavior looks towards a constructive insight hold all
sort kind stuffs of real world matches the ex-existence driven sequential float have owing

2 n
support to handle the principles vector < ,... , > , n=ntimes(appear (event))
(it j−it i ) (it m −it i)

of decompression.
The major main principles of designing a robust methodology would affect the principles of
philosophical aspect involved within data compression algorithm when the famous bzip2, gzip, zip,
unzip, tar, … have to show and demonstrate the fundamental characteristics of waveform compression
whereas Cadences through its famous Value Change Dump has to provide elaboration stage of digital
circuitous evaluation would simulate the whole design around input output streams which could then
depicts principles of Very Large Scaled hardware description language entity( a : signal in/out) which
would be instantiated to match the objectivity of an associate timing simulation challenges the harmony
of composite along over away. Waveform compression techniques are instrumental tools for the
philosophical aspects to treat soul scheduling signs. Thus it all about a sensitivity modeling show of
soul satisfaction when the Value Change Dump could then generate illustrative worry of bein afraid
about any associate storage space manage the existence of clear concept refer to transition tractablity

2 n
around over over vector < ,... , > , n=ntimes(appear (event)) while the aim objects
(it j−it i ) (it m −it i)

of waveform compression has to work for innocent images of human logics has to compose rhthmical
reality of valid level variaton when the excitemnt of any transition has to accept the required necessity
forwards energy enhancement. Therefore, laser rays could reach more and much more distance when
the Watt’s power has to impose itself looking for much more modeling show around transporting
energy into a work engines of usefulness and when the valid concept of productivity shall decide
whether the reality of digital driven draw description has to regroup the units of traceability ( existence,
productivity ( recitative appearance :: grandparents have great influence on the runtime of childhood,
while solving problem still subject of objectivity ). Although, it is a convenience of trustfulness when
digital data has to comply with transition terminology could explain why the valid usefulness of
balancing behavior has to build in valid concept of translation and transformed scheduling signs around
over away while looking for better design shall predict whether this method

2 n
vector < ,... , > , n=ntimes(appear (event)) has to support logic’s language of
(it j−it i ) (it m −it i)

exerting existence: in which sort kind stuff something has to be found or existed or extracted? But also
where to find that thing or to point to ? This dimensional design of mapping<< kindness = typifying,
pointer object or object pointer or matching extracting insight or manufacturing concrete composite>
has to obligate digital inventors and workers looking for artful artificial arrangement has to join valid
balance benefit with the principles of gracefulness. The discrete show where

2 n
vector < ,... , > , n=ntimes(appear (event)) has to stand around behind the
(it j−it i ) (it m −it i)

joyfulness around over away at the moment when timing simulation is the primordial tool looks

forward treasury’s portability assure associate assignment of if signal ' event when the wait

statement is aspirating growth of hopefulness. The usage utility of valid transformation of existence has
to rectify and regulate the choice charging of waveform compression would estimate that settlement of
2 n
envisage kindness vector < ,... , > , n=ntimes(appear (event)) would develop its
(it j−it i ) (it m −it i)

great powerfulness around over away. Therefore it is a subject of moving sequential occurrences or
occurred appearance look to build the entirely excitement of extracted objectivity has to illustrate the
principles of hacking the truth or mirroring the resulting reality. Using the principles of an environment

2 n
exploration looks towards vector < ,... , > , n=ntimes(appear (event)) being useful
(it j−it i ) (it m −it i)

greatness registers the triggered principles of float encoding inside a deep bright show of harmony of
digital driven draw description design has to support the principles of situation judgment and its
associate affairs. Let’s look to an other object ( char belongs to iterator ig or char belongs to iterator ih
or char belongs to iterator ik or char belongs to iterator ix or char belongs to iterator iy … when the
principles of float encoding in its complex concept has to deliver resulting in reality of a manner or a
truth of existence of any corresponding kind or type stuff of envisage encoding. Because the char type
could refer to the ASCII codes and the short type to a two byte encoding data based upon the principles
of binary encoding and the same thing would be happen for integer type or double type when the four
or eight bytes would be used to point to data would may be repeat itself for informative reason has to
find or to select ort to settle or to set the rightly rigidity of digital challenge. Using the simply easy

2 n
image of vector < ,... , > , n=ntimes(appear (event)) dynamics unifies the
(it j−it i ) (it m −it i)

exploration of transition traceability and tractability at a speed of iteration running rally. The principles
of iterating existence along over away ( leaf like best story of Prophet and Messenger of Lord Creator
God Moses and the right concept of being afraid worrying about the innocent image of believing.
Although believe in the principles of float encoding uses a truly real context has to adopt associate

2 n
convergence of vector < ,... , > , n=ntimes(appear (event)) concept supporting its
(it j−it i ) (it m −it i)

credibility when a progressive productivity: yeah the digital handlers at the association of illustrative
iterator it = position ( I or j or m ) could produce either only one kind stuff of chosen type

( char( iterator it )) at the position ( I ) when could be converted to proportionally ∫i or

(length(input ))

(∫ ( j−i)∂ byte)
next after at the position ( j ) where or when a last standing has to refer to the
( length(input))

position ( m ) in corresponding input stream. Thus the principles of float encoding is a settlement show
(∫ ( meet−origin)∂ byte)
(length(input ))
of relativity could reign around a composite’s integrity where is the
meet=meet (ntimes)


honesty highest valuation level would expose its implementable extraction looks good enough to
transform the resulting into innocent images of digital designation has to accept the principles of

2 n
transition tractability around over away vector < ,... , > , n=ntimes(appear (event))
(it j−it i ) (it m −it i)

for better rationality of digital hard talk when the signal complexity and implicit productivity of
sequential show has to support the unified language of discrete event simulation ( count a day away to
be aware, which would refers to the inner inspired translation of individualism show has to manage the
principles of political show would impose human character being useful tools for building features of
collectivity and predicting future harmony looks towards driven design of enhancement and rectifying
behavior while adaptive assignment and homogeneity could reign harmony of communication.

(∂2 progress)
( 2
(∂ time )
(illusion∓ )

while the associate approach of transition terminology has to expose principles of numerical dynamics
combined with approaches for logic’s around over away while the secrete of job scheduling has to
provide all sort kind stuffs of gracefulness and hopefulness shall designate the harmony of acceptance
and purpose the reality of digital necessity while looking into principles of transition terminology.
Although job schedule is a jump-branch design for associate arrangement has to simulate the
cheerfulness of commonly sense and finest human being work for imposing sensitive synthesis has to
hold major main streams of hopefulness around over away. Resulting in requests shall stand around
behind an approach of commonly sense impose illustrative show hold all sort kind stuffs of pressure
would explore human composite characters:: first it is a great opportunity to learn much more and
more, second it is a worthy walk into inertial principles of soul’s cheerfulness that valid evaluation
images of simulation has to join usefulness with energetic wavy effects and effectiveness handle the
principles of vibration and optimal oscillation show would define the significance of rotational effects
has to wave around over away while transporting transition into appliance of human thoughts has to
accept the associate show of logic principles define valid show of harmony:::

z (new )= z (old )⋅exp(i⋅φ)+ z (center)⋅(1−exp(i⋅φ ))

for each objective show the principles of running statements has to evaluate reality show of ability and
capability. The imagination world where associate assumptions estimate all possible cases of existence
around imaging impacts have to elaborate charges for sustainability and its correlation. The adequate
answer for being holding the useful tools to solve principles of scaling policy is to consider valid
simulation of wide spread noisy theory sounding having impact and influence on transition terminology

when the numerical returns are subject of exerting elaboration:: θ⋅sin (2 π⋅f⋅n⋅T ) has to illustrate or

demonstrate the importance of vivid vital issues generate driven kernels of light and enlightenment rays
would combine principles of commonly sense and finest human being. The greatness across
productivity performing and the logic balance of believing in the strength of inertial insight has to
manipulate the resulting in show of usage utility and the driven deductibles match and point on valid
concept of human thoughts:: think of imaging which could translate innocence show, think about valid
concept of constructive character show has to support transition terminology. The generic concept of
using instrumentation#s tools work around over away for imposing the terminology of honestly
thoughts could conserve and reserve valid show on what commonly sene has to handle around over
away while looking towards driven designation (meaningfulness) of sensitivity specification has to
specify the harmony of cooperative existence of digital compilers optimization where the liable
linguistic logic’s would manipulate resulting reign of human harmony. Thereupon useful schemes have
to invoke the imaging mirror show in order to reserve distance show at the moment when job
scheduling runs itemizing insight around over away::

(((measurable ::amount , utility : :tools), (instill ::node ,infuse :: edge)),(custom ::event , trust :: time))

it ∃Composite R (std :: pair <classT , class V >(among , basics))

The ideology and idealism is two indexing values shall work for useful approach has to accept the
fully designation and description of wide spread noisy approach sounded have power to support digital
induction generate numerical aspects adjust valid level variation of implementable commonly sense
and finest human being. Liable linguistic logic’s is the great opportunity of digital gravity and imaging
integrity while looking towards wide spread noisy approach to impact the world of digital description
accepting the harmony of judgment and solving problems of political management. Transition
terminology is valid show for supporting usefulness of numerical aspects around and across impressive
show of logic’s sensibility. Although job scheduling is fully adapted to run principles of associate
assignment when rolling rules have to balance transitions of traceability ( Adams story is a historic
moment of existence exploitation shall controversially remember the effect of consciously
comprehension show unify valid terminology of existence. Yeah it is possible to assume that the
principles of consciously existence whose resulting in root has to adapt fully aspect show of
philosophical methodology imposing scientific criteria and tools working around induction and

manufacturing industry it ∃Composite R (std :: pair <classT , class V >(among , basics)) assuming

having power to model and simulate principles of commonly sense and finest human being when
looking towards environment excitement of energetic exploration has to turn ( point overview return)
fluctuate rounding away while job scheduling could have roles to manipulate the terminology of
resulting in requests for scaling policy and transformation of sensibility into useful sign scheduling way
has to combine possibility of integrity (cultural integrity, reasonable integrity, employing integrity, …)
when driven digital description design could have its owning support to deliver or perform what human
commonly sense would mean either in details or involved within the selective show of discrete event

simulation.. Yeah it ∃Composite R (std :: pair <classT , class V >(among , basics)) is primordial

design of pointed harmony when useful combined codes of human existence has to scale the principles
of wellness and quietness around over away. For any reason growing with the inertia principles of
acceptance could affect the entirely exploitation of human commonly sense when the valid modeling
process of transition terminology could impact a world of consciously imagination reserve fully
encouragement to solve any problem of exigence. Existence principles are much more complex when
the assignment of thread tasks has to become more and more complex across the associate amount of
multi-frequency processing would assure the validity of usefulness. The principles of managing the
running way of read( encoding( vector<bits>), amount(how many units ( bytes ))) from corresponding
input-output streams are consciously of receiving data holt for moments of gathering and collecting
coordination signs around over away. The principles of digital coordination has to accept the design of
harmonic statement looks like the balancing behavior of transition tractability zings to fulfill principles
requirement of joyfulness when great works around innocent images of philosophical aspects shall
comply with useful dynamics of knowledge culture. Therefore it is proposal subject of digital driven
draw description is required to evaluate and challenge the harmony of exerting existence manages the
principles for commonly sense and finest human being. Thereupon it is proposal processing around
implementable insight holds the structural secret sign for holding happiness handler schemes. To
handle and discuss in great debate show principles of waveform compression :::
std::ifstream fptr; argv[1], std::ios::in | std::ios::binary );

std::vector<hold<int, unsigned int>> vect;

std::map<int, std::vector<long int>> mapch;

std::map<int, std::vector<long int>>::iterator it = mapch.begin();

if( fptr ) {

if( fptr.good() ){

std::ifstream::pos_type ckptr = std::ios::beg;

//std::ifstream::pos_type ckptr = fptr.tellg()


char ch[4];

fptr.seekg( ckptr, std::ifstream::beg);

//fptr.seekg( ckptr, std::ios::beg )

//fptr.seekg( ckptr, std::ios::cur ) ch, 4 );

int xv = atoi( ch );

it = mapch.find( xv );

if( it == mapch.end() ){

std::vector<long int> wk ;

wk.push_back( (long int)ckptr );

mapch.insert( it, std::pair<int,

std::vector<long int>>( xv, wk));


((*it).second).push_back((long int)ckptr);

SetVect( xv, vect );

ckptr = fptr.tellg();

}while( ! fptr.eof());

Waveform compression is usefulness of wavy behavior would deploy the resulting

show of illustrative indexing schemes. Although the principles of optimal driven
kernels have to handle talent transparency of float encoding when the required
level is an inertial illustration of adequate associate arrangement has to model
and simulate principles of
In fact great opportunity of liable linguistic logic’s has to join expressions of
correct behavior for wavy benefits.
The waveform compression techniques is the best art class modeling design of inner intellectual
harmony looks for joyfulness to be associated with the usefulness of principles of human logic’s
around over away.

The driven kernel cores for better illustrative show of choosing a proportionality implementation looks
towards the highlight of surely assumption seems having power to describe the valid convoy of
exerting excitement.
Let assume that forgiveness is the great subject around intentional pressure has to charge fully
ownership of consciously character show would try to determine whether proposal personality shall
simulate the bearing behavior at any associate moment refers to a managing mirror of liable linguistic
logic’s. Yeah someone exits but someone else could be exist anywhere else.
What is the resulting in asset to think about that person assumed being someone else like Elizabeth at
work or Elizabeth at home when joyfulness is pointed having revolutionary power to join

it ∃Composite R (std :: pair <classT , class V >(among , basics)) with inner integrity looks toward

transformation of human assets::

∫ log 2 (1+ (1− p⋅(1− p)) )∂ p

( α⋅log2 (1+ntimes (appear (event ))))

(1+ ∑ log 2 (1+ntimes(appear (event ))))

across over away has to sway translation traceability for each objective holds major main stream of
happiness, and hopefulness.
While looking towards great opportunity of enhancement and amelioration has to improve principles of
optimization around across away for further better design of principles of human loyalty.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <ios>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstring>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>

#define bc ' '

#define pi 3.1426

#define Min(x, y) ( x < y ) ? x : y

#define Max(x, y) ( x > y ) ? x : y

#define eval(x) ( x != 0 ) ? 1 - x * ( 1 - x ) : 1

using namespace std;;

template<class T, class V> class hold {

friend bool operator==( T& ch, hold& obj) {

return ( ch == obj.key );


hold() : ptr(NULL) { //nothing to have been done

/////pObj = new hold< T, V >( key, ntimes );

///SetPtr( pObj );

hold<T, V>(T x, V y) : key( x ), ntimes( y ) { }

inline virtual void SetKey( T x ) { key = x; }

inline virtual void SetNtimes( V y ) { ntimes = y; }

inline virtual void SetHold( T x, V y ) { pObj = new hold<T, V>(x,

y); }

inline virtual void SetPtr( hold<T, V>* obj ) {

ptr = new hold< T, V >( obj->key, obj->ntimes );


inline virtual T GetKey( ) const { return( key ); }

inline virtual V GetNtimes( ) const { return( ntimes ); }

inline virtual hold* GetHold() const { return( ptr ); }

inline virtual hold<T, V>* GetPtr() const { return( pObj ); }

inline virtual bool operator==( T& ch ){

return ( ch == key );

///inline virtual void incrementNtimes() { ntimes += V( 1 ) ; }

inline virtual void incrementNtimes() { ntimes += 1 ; }

inline virtual void MakeClean() {

if( ptr ) delete ptr;

else if( pObj ) delete pObj;

else{ }

inline virtual int operator++( int co ){

return ( co++ );

~hold() {

if( ptr ) delete ptr ; else { }

if( pObj ) delete pObj; else { }



T key;

V ntimes;

hold* ptr;

hold<T, V>* pObj;


template<class T, class V> void Ohold( T& ch, std::vector<hold<T, V>>& vect){

///hold<T, V>* obj = new hold<T, V>( T(ch), V( 1 ));

hold<T, V>* obj = new hold<T, V>( ch, 1 );

vect.push_back( *obj );

delete obj;

template<class T, class V> void SetVect( T& ch, std::vector<hold<T, V>>& vect){

if( vect.size() ) {

bool ae = false;

for( auto& z : vect ){

if( z.operator==( ch ) ){

if( ae == false ) ae = true;

if( ae = false ) Ohold( ch, vect );

}else Ohold( ch, vect );

int main( int argc, char** argv ){

if( argc != 3 ){

fputs("not enough paramters to run away ( usage eval in out ) \n",

stderr );



std::ifstream fptr; argv[1], std::ios::in | std::ios::binary );

std::vector<hold<int, unsigned int>> vect;

std::map<int, std::vector<long int>> mapch;

std::map<int, std::vector<long int>>::iterator it = mapch.begin();

if( fptr ) {

if( fptr.good() ){

std::ifstream::pos_type ckptr = std::ios::beg;

//std::ifstream::pos_type ckptr = fptr.tellg()


char ch[4];

fptr.seekg( ckptr, std::ifstream::beg);

//fptr.seekg( ckptr, std::ios::beg )

//fptr.seekg( ckptr, std::ios::cur ) ch, 4 );

int xv = atoi( ch );

it = mapch.find( xv );

if( it == mapch.end() ){
std::vector<long int> wk ;

wk.push_back( (long int)ckptr );

mapch.insert( it, std::pair<int,

std::vector<long int>>( xv, wk));


((*it).second).push_back((long int)ckptr);

SetVect( xv, vect );

ckptr = fptr.tellg();

}while( ! fptr.eof());


fputs( "file is not good \n", stderr );



fputs(" not possible to file yet for any reason \n", stderr);


std::ofstream gptr; argv[2], std::ios::out | std::ios::binary );

it = mapch.begin();

//int i = 0;

for( auto& z : vect ){

//it->second =;

int n = z.GetKey();

it = mapch.find( n );

unsigned int m = z.GetNtimes();

float a = exp( m ) / ( 1 + exp(m ));

for( auto& r : it->second ){

float b = ( 1 - r * a);

gptr << n << b ;



return 0;
The old versions could be reference for inspiration which can turn the attention into deep process of
excitement enable awaken revolutionary inside the want and the wish being attached to principles of
knowledge culture.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include <ios>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdbool>
#include <cstring>
#include <cmath>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
///#include <cgraphics>

#define bc ' '

#define TT =.025

#define Min(x, y) ( x < y ) ? x : y

#define Max( x, y ) ( x > y ) ? x : y

#define density(x, y) ( x != 0) ? 1 - x * y : 1

using namespace std;

template<class T, class V> class hold{

friend bool operator==( T ch, hold& obj){

return ( ch == obj.key);

hold() : ptr() {

ptr = new hold(key, ntimes);

pObj = ptr;

//hold( T x, V y) : key(x), ntimes(y) { }

hold( T x, V y) : key(x), ntimes(y) {

key = x;

ntimes = y;

hold( hold<T, V>* obj) : pObj(obj) {

pObj = new hold<T, V>(obj->key, obj->ntimes);

ptr = pObj;

~hold() {

if( ptr != NULL ) delete ptr; else {}

if( pObj != NULL ) delete pObj; else {}

virtual inline void SetKey( T x ) { key = x; }

virtual inline void SetNtimes( V y ) { ntimes = y; }

virtual inline void SetHold( T x, V y) { new hold(x, y);}

virtual inline void SetRef( T x, T y) { new hold<T, V>(x, y); }

virtual inline T GetKey() const { return( key ); }

virtual inline V GetNtimes() const { return( ntimes ); }

virtual inline hold* GetHold() const { return( ptr ); }

virtual inline hold<T, V>* RetPtr() const { return( pObj ); }

inline virtual bool operator==( T ch ){

return( ch == key );
inline virtual void incrementNtimes() { ntimes += 1; }


T key;
V ntimes;

hold* ptr;

hold<T, V>* pObj;

inline virtual void Makeclean(){

if ( ptr != NULL ) delete[] ptr;

else if( pObj != NULL) delete[] pObj;

else { {} }

template<class T, class V> void Ohold( T& ch, std::vector<hold<T, V>>& vect){

hold<T, V>* obj = new hold<T, V>( T(ch), V(1));


delete obj;

template<class T, class V> void Remplir( T& ch, std::vector<hold<T, V>>& vect){

bool ae = false;

if( vect.size() == 0 )

Ohold(ch, vect);


for(auto& z : vect){


if( ae == false ) ae = true;


if( ae == false ) Ohold(ch, vect);


int main( int argc, char** argv){

if( argc != 3 ) {

fputs("not enough parameters (usage program in out) \n", stderr);



ifstream fptr;[1], std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);

if( fptr.is_open() ) {

////std::vector<hold<char, unsigned int>> vect;

std::vector<hold<short, unsigned int>> vect;

char ch[2] = { '0', '0'};

//char ch[1];


ifstream::pos_type marker = fptr.tellg();

fptr.seekg(0, ifstream::end);

ifstream::pos_type mark = fptr.tellg();


///fptr.seekg( marker, ifstream::cur);

///ifstream::pos_type mark = fptr.tellg(); != fptr.seekg(0,

///fptr.seekg( marker, std::ios::cur);

fptr.seekg( marker, std::ios::beg);, 2);
///, 1);

const char* val = &ch[0];

short uch = atoi(val);

std::cout << "integer valuation is = " << uch << std::endl;

Remplir( uch, vect );

///marker = 2 * sizeof(char) + marker;

marker = fptr.tellg();

}while( ! fptr.eof( ));

///}while( marker != mark);

//}while( marker != std::ios::end );

///}while( marker == ifstream::end);


delete[] ch;


ofstream lptr;[2], std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);

for(auto& z : vect){

int n = (int)(z.GetKey());

unsigned int m = z.GetNtimes();

float a = log2( 2 - log2( ( m + 3 ) / ( m + 1 ) ));

float b = n * a;

lptr << b << bc;


return 0;

fputs("not possible to open file for any reason \n", stderr);

judgment of situation where the principles of using voluminously variation when the
“making pressure” dynamics (look at picture below for more details) could then
invoke the reality of float encoding. Hence for each energetic excitement, making

pressure on what motivated wavy behavior ( ḣ⋅η= λ ×celerity , λ =wave' slength ) has to

return alignment pointers shall join the useful threads credibility with an
environmental exploitation of distance computation: through associate composite of
inertial delay or based validation of driven desires look good enough to support
transition terminology around over away.
Trusting the harmony of liable linguistic logic’s when judgment of intentional
insight has to accept principles of driven dynamics where valid simulation schemes
have to refer to resulting in point overviews while looking towards valid
robustness shall design engenders transparency across sensitive sensibility that
hold hopefulness at the valid concept reviews all almost kind of concrete
transition terminology that shall vocalize harmony that has to invoke valid
productivity of transition tractability shall convoy impressive images shall decide
whether compiler build in behavior has to develop more concrete excitement of
#include <signal> expression which could offer much more quietness across liable
linguistic logic’s that can has to deploy a principle of exerting existence at the
moment when the networking of mapping<genuine, unjust>(something, something or
anything else) mapping pair shall overdrive provability show across the most likely
preference of productivity while job scheduling has to adapt the wide spread noisy
approach as a sounding theory has to resit the transformation of composite.
Thereupon the associate composite is the wish and want of essential dynamics could
solve problems based upon aa unique language of exerting existence.
Yeah it can be great opportunity to assume that the powerful excitement of energy
productivity would evolve or assure the wavy behavior does considerably represent
the effect of transparency and innocence refers to principles of preference whose
objectives would work around apart aside for evolving harmony of human composite.
Human productivity is somehow a touch control fluctuate (moving in wavelike
patterns) would impose the proposal swaying scales to allow associate helpfulness
looking to innocent images of the importance of float encoding engenders the
driving target of operative toggles has to comprehend the necessity for clear
characteristics of float encoding believes in valid variation of certainty and
precision. Be sure that something like compiler manipulation ahead would refer to
intervention units of progress consideration of mapping looks towards gratefulness

(1− p) p
and hopefulness that x 0=log 2(1+ ), x 1=log 2 (1+ ) pair can or shall
(1+n⋅p) (1+n⋅(1− p))

bring upon the consciously image or the resulting in meaningfulness of float

encoding at the moment when something much more simply and easy like many inventor
will has to provide people with the astrict part binding and linking the
principles of optimization to human integrity when the resulting in harmony could
then handle job scheduling in its fully image of ability looking towards
selectivity show of gracefulness . Thus job scheduling is a clear greatness meeting
principles across approximation and arrangement :
3+n 3+n a
a=appear (event)⋅log 2 (2−log 2 ( ))→log 2 (2−log 2 ( ))=
n+1 n+1 appear(event)
( )
a (2−2 appear(event) )
n+3 (
(−3+2 ) of
=2(2 −2 )
→n=ntimes(event )=
1+n (
(1−2 )
apear (event )=behavior (how to appear?), event =encoding(vector<bits>), char , short , ....

float encoding design refers to associate principles of balancing behavior mirrors

the energetic environment of float encoding.

It is that the resulting in reality of float encoding shall grow with imaging
impact of purposes of digital driven description design thus the valid concept of
proportionality he most frequently representative usefulness of measurable
approach is to surround illustrative show could demonstrate that the principles of
appear(event) inside set = (“rarely”, “most frequently”, “remarkable”, “through
wish”, “based upon suddenly show”, “randomly”, “programmable thread tasks”,
“selectivity”, “sensible behavior”, “revolutionary”, …) list can describe the
necessity to define modes, and a translation being mirroring the concept of imaging

impact so that f (mode )>f (X i), i=0. ... N , f =frequency(appear (event )) can be useful for
exploiting the imaging impact of wide spread noisy approach sounded to be theory.
Thus it all about choosing the convenient concept of describing the composite of
modeling digital behavior across inertial attractive gravity of timing simulation
when the primordial principles of “wait on” or “wait until” or “wait for” has to
validate resulting reality of transition traceability.

Let’s look around towards the significance of driven density when the string piece
can evaluate the resulting requests of “count a day away to be aware”. The

principles to charge all powerful processing of p=log 2 (2−log 2 ( )) when things

are going to be valid concept of human coordination ( mapping< class T, class V> in

abstract world of (poorest< possibly > , mostly< likely< probably > >) mapping pair where

the idea around behind the effectiveness of float encoding has to deliver for each

has been read char or for any encoding ( fptr . read (ch , 1)), ∀ char when the principles

of receiving signals is useful to gain much more loyalty across principles of

possibility and productivity. Thereupon float encoding is something suitable for
resulting realistic world of comprehensive characters would run away the importance
of envisage Composite allows people winning much more confidence when valid
elaboration process and exploitation environment ( yeah saying herewith environment
or warding (be ready to tell her (Elizabeth) it is a consciously cheerfulness that
would ward Elizabeth from many several risks ) of harmony has to construct the
valid concept of charges has to run away something invoke the inner intellectual
inspiration insight hold all sort kind stuffs of progress and willing to improve
and ameliorate environment’s arrangement around over away while looking toward a
better exploitation of consciously criteria would simulate a world of imagination
has to accept or adopt the token simulation leaf like being informed about a
process of decompression shall comply with structural scheduling across associate

3+n 3+n a
a=appear (event )⋅log 2 (2−log 2 ( ))→log 2 (2−log 2( ))=
n+1 n+1 appear(event)
( )
a (2−2 appear(event) )
any n+3 (2−2
) (−3+2 )
=2 →n=ntimes (event)=
1+n (
(1−2 )
apear ( event)=behavior(how to appear?) , event=encoding(vector<bits>),char , short , ....

composite predicts the running ways of worthy wealthy schemes along over away when
the corresponding ability shall agree deffer from a complex withdraw (taking
incoming edges into a realistic world of manipulated thoughts believing in the
harmony of exerting existence and exigence whose primordial values or examination
terms would respect associative assignment has to work for an innocent images
impact the world of dependency. Thereupon it is a an abstract show when waveform
compression shall deliver much more reality shows unify the effects of driven
designations using robust instrumentation around realistic stochastic compiles the
imaging impact of liable linguistic logic’s affects the principles of quietness::

getting (objects)∨instantiation=std::pair< class T, class V>

mapping< key = vector< bits> ,tolerance ∨kindness=float (unique)>(fptr . read( ch ,1) , n⋅var )

var =n⋅log 2 (2−log 2 ( )) , m=how many times would be occurred ? ,n=∫ appear ( event) ∂ p

In fact, the float encoding is the best way to support the talent transparency of

thing:: dynamics=envelop(ios ::∈set , ios ::out→∃ portability ), ios=manufacturing (streams)

shall be clear within any associate comprehensive concept when the peacefulness is
the valuable thing shall be reign around over away while looking towards the
principles of cooperative consciously character show has to hold the entirely
exploitation of usefulness at the moment when driven kernel cores would invoke the
logic’s of exerting existence. Yep the whole show shall schedule the sensitive
processing associate answer ( what is going on? ), it is sway avoids and abstains
signal complexity in a meaningfulness and commonly sense of quadratic computing::
it ∃Composite R( a−b)=extract (reason), std :: pair <among , basics>(ongoing , incoming)

R(a−b)=extract (reason)= ⋅X '⋅Q⋅X + α⋅X+ β , a=origin , b= X

When children and childhood would be the origins of extracting any combined
composite unify the language of harmony of existence. Many things around the
impressive design of running statements based upon thoughts deliverance or
exploitation of variable environments have to bear witness involves and includes
the associate aspects of correlation and kindness. Hence being kindly enough is the
subject of harmony highlight when the driven kernel cores of human existence has to
adopt useful tools for better concept of inertial insight has to accept *this::

∀ object ∈Set =well-done ,super-well-done , achieving-and-arrangment , selectivity-and-supervisory ,

enemy-fullness ,consciously-designation , much-more-enough , ownership-sweetness ...

towards a wide spread noisy approach assumed to hold all sort kind stuffs of
believing in human composite which has to combine all moody motivated engines ready
to run consciously induction around over away.


The highest concept of believing in the secret signs of waveform compression is the
support the real realistic world of worthy wealthy driven kernel cores work
together in a coordinative cooperative character mechanism has to gather and
collect principles of harmony through valid judgment of situations for which the
running rally for objectivity is a language how of liability charging choice being
preventative advices and argumentative agreements to decode what it shall be encode
around over away while looking impressive insight transports harmony of logic’s::

3+n 3+n a
a=appear (event )⋅log 2 (2−log 2 ( ))→log 2 (2−log 2( ))=
n+1 n+1 appear(event)
( )

(−3+2(2−2 )
n+3 (
=2(2−2 )
→n=ntimes (event)=
1+n (
(1−2 )
apear (event)=behavior(how to appear?) , event=encoding ( vector<bits>),char , short , ....

based upon the harmony of personality belongs to greatness of ownership and

selective productivity of balance benefits. Liable linguistic logic’s is the
support container of convenient consciously characters have to meet the realistic
word of existence would believe in the powerfulness of individualism and stochastic
probabilistic show has to invoke the discrete event theory being tools holders of
composite harmony. Thereof, using the associate hardware design would maintain the
clear concept of cooperative collectivism when silicon valley has to assume having
principles for translated statements into illustrate show would obey to abstract
classification, would comply with exigence of consumption, would design worthy walk
into goals and aim object would affect human comportment and behavior would
guarantee all sort kind stuffs for kindness show would impose the pressure of
exploiting human being::: being finest, being angry, being nearest, being sweet
enough, being smart and smoothly ….

(((measurable :::amount ,utility ::tools) ,(instill ::node , infuse ::edge)),(custom :: event , trust ::time ))

it ∃Composite R (if ( amng)→there (basics))

finest (being)=commonly (sense)→consciously (character , pipeline (pressure))

reason=mapping (( first , scond), third )

being furthest, being what to be Is commonly sense of being, … being towards

results, being forwards hopes of wellness, being variable not terrible … being
honest not horrible being able and capable …


This model number one is illustrative show of straight convenience recommends

timing simulation exigence while transition terminology is valuable measures when
the effect of getting information based upon sensibility and sensitivity of
capturing signal from streams while looking to mirror and refer to associate
exaggeration of engagement. Yeah this kindness has to engage itself to set and
settle principles for harmony in a complex compact show joins the usefulness of
induction with introducing and maintaining the powerfulness of mount management
across aspects of associative assignment along over away.

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include <ios>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdbool>
#include <cstring>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include <map>

#define bc ' '

#define pi 3.1426

#define TT 0.025
#define nmax 100

#define Min(x, y) ( x < y ) ? x : y

#define Max(x, y) ( x > y ) ? x : y

#define mul(x, y) ( x != 0 ) ? x * y : 0

#define frac(x, y) ( y != 0 ) ? x / y : nmax;

#define density(x, y) ( x != 0 ) ? 1 - mul(x, y) : 1;

using namespace std;

template<class T, class V> class hold {

friend bool operator==(T x, hold& obj) {

return( x == obj->key );

hold() : ptr() {

ptr = new hold(key, ntimes);

pObj = ptr;

/*hold(hold& obj) : ptr(obj) {

ptr = new hold(obj.key, obj.ntimes);

pObj = ptr;

hold(hold* obj) : ptr(obj) {

ptr = new hold(obj->key, obj->ntimes);

pObj = ptr;
hold( T x, V y) : key( x ), ntimes( y ) { }

hold( hold<T, V>obj( T x, V y) ) : pObj(obj) {

//pObj = new hold<T, V>(obj->key, obj->ntimes);

pObj = new hold<T, V>(obj->x, obj->y);

ptr = pObj;

/*hold(hold<T, V>& obj) : pObj(obj) {

pObj = new hold(obj->pObj);

ptr = pObj;

~hold() {

if( ptr != NULL ) delete ptr; else { }

if( pObj != NULL ) delete pObj; else { }

virtual inline void SetKey( T x ) { key = x ; }

virtual inline void SetNtimes( V y ) { ntimes = y ; }

virtual inline void SetHold( T x, V y) { hold(x, y); }

virtual inline void SetPtr( T x, V y ) { ptr = new hold(x, y); }

virtual inline bool operator==( T ch ) {

return ( ch == key );

virtual inline T GetKey(void) const { return(key); }

virtual inline V GetNtimes(void) const { return(ntimes); }

virtual inline hold* GetPtr(void) const { return(ptr); }

virtual inline hold<T, V>* GetpObj(void) const { return(pObj);}

virtual inline void incrementNtimes() { ntimes += 1; }

///virtual inline hold<T, V>& GetAddress(void*) const { return(pObj);}

virtual inline void MakeClean() {

if ( ptr != NULL ) {

delete ptr;

delete[] ptr;

}else if ( pObj != NULL ) {

delete pObj;

delete[] pObj;

}else{ {} }

T key ;

V ntimes ;

hold* ptr ;

hold<T, V>* pObj;

///inline virtual hold<T, V>& RetAddress() const { return(&hold<T,

V>(key, ntimes)); }


template<class T, class V> void Ohold( T& ch, std::vector<hold<T, V>>& vec){

hold<T, V>* obj = new hold<T, V>( ch, V(1));

//holding creationism for next usage


delete obj;

template<class T, class V> void Consciously( T& ch, std::vector<hold<T, V>>& vect){

bool ae = false;

if( vect.size() == 0 ) {

Ohold(ch, vect);


for(auto& z : vect){



if( ae == false ) ae = true;


if( ae == false ) Ohold(ch, vect);


int main( int argc, char** argv) {

if( argc != 3 ){

fputs("not enough parameter to run away:: usage:: program in oout (eval

test.pm4 hey.dat) \n", stderr);



ifstream fptr;[1], std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);

if(fptr.is_open() ){

std::vector<hold<char, unsigned int>> vect;

char ch[1];

while( !fptr.eof() ) {, 1);

Consciously(ch[0], vect);


ofstream gptr; argv[2], std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);

for(auto& z : vect) {

int n = (int)(z.GetKey());

unsigned int m = z.GetNtimes();

float a = log2( ( m + 3 ) / ( m + 1 ));

float b = log2( 2 - a );

b = b * n;

//into inside file;


gptr << b << bc;




fputs("not possible to open file yet for any reason \n", stderr);

The model two while principles still holding to be similar but with small
difference show. That is a charging choice of believing in the constructive concept
of “ a b c wanna want to be a b c it shall turn for me … a b c let it narrows
away .. a b c meet rhythms a b c it sounds so to be … a b c resistance is subject
and plan … a b c leaf like agenda show .. a b c wanna want to be … a b c person are
transformed to items … a b c there is pointer to do this … a b c matches all around
willing a b c it is concrete consciously signs …. a b c wanna want to be … a b c
still await but wanna want to wave … a b c so holly if hope … a b c so holly if
wish … a b c so holly if wants .. a b c wanna want to be … a b c it shall turn for
me a b c round so rapidly … a b c .. it was story of history … a b c much means
more a b c more means much … a b c design and evaluate but still thoughts …. a b c
assumed to be … a b c bears when clear enough … a b c it is turn for push and pull
… a b c it is time to relax around over away .. a b c it is support for hilliness …
a b c it is set of wills …. a b c it around joy and smiles … a b c wanna want to be
.. a b c it is yep about joy and smiles … a b c it shall turn for me … a b c it is
enough while much more is well … a b c it enough while much more is well … a b c
it is enough while much more is well … a b c it is love and cry … a b c wanna want
to be … a b c it shall turn for me … a b c so it was outwards .. a b c wanna want
to be … a b c it shall turns for me … a b c towards whence … a b c forwards hopes …
a b c .. wanna want to be... predict thereof … reign therefore… a b c wanna want to
be … a b c it is enough but much more is well … a b c wanna want to be… a b c it
treasury … a b c it consciously signs for “wanna want to be” yep agenda plan yeah
it is subject support … support me while a b c .. surround me while a b c this is
the show … that is the secret sign of a b c wanna want to be .. translate into get
item is it answer or question? … a b c wanna want to be rhythmical waves … a b c
wanna want to rhythmical waves whence means there joys … a b c wanna want to be ..

to rhythmical waves whence means there joys … a b c wanna want to be ..

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdbool>
#include <cmath>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <map>

using namespace std;

#define nmax 1000

#define bc ' '

#define pi 3.1426

#define TT 0.025

#define Min(x, y) ( x < y ) ? x : y

#define Max( x, y ) ( x > y ) ? x : y

#define density( x, y ) ( x != 0 ) ? 1 - x * y : 1

#define mul(x, y) ( x != 0 ) ? x * y : 0

#define frac(x, y) ( y != 0) ? x / y : nmax

#define sqr(x) ( x != 0 ) ? mul( x, x ) : 0

using namespace std;

template<class T, class V> class hold{

friend bool operator==(T x, hold& obj) {

return( x == obj.key );


hold() : ptr() {

ptr = new hold(key, ntimes) ;

ptr = pObj;

hold(T x, V y) : key(x), ntimes(y) { }

/*hold(hold* obj) : ptr(obj) {

hold<T, V>(hold<T, V>* obj) : pObj(obj) {

pObj = new hold<T, V>(obj->key, obj->ntimes);

ptr = pObj;

~hold() {

if ( ptr != NULL ) delete ptr; else {}

if ( pObj != NULL ) delete pObj; else {}


inline virtual void SetKey( T x ) { key = x ; }

inline virtual void SetNtimes( V y ) { ntimes = y ; }

inline virtual T GetKey( ) const { return(key) ; }

inline virtual V GetNtimes( ) const { return(ntimes) ; }

inline virtual void SetHold( T x, V y) { hold(x, y) ; }

inline virtual hold* Gethold( ) const { return(ptr); }

inline virtual hold<T, V>* ReturnHold( ) const { return( pObj ); }

inline virtual void IncrementNtimes() { ntimes += 1 ; }

inline virtual bool operator==( T ch ){

return( ch == key );

inline virtual void MakeClean() {

if ( ptr != NULL ) delete ptr ;

else if ( pObj != NULL) delete pObj;

else { }


T key;

V ntimes;

hold* ptr;

hold<T, V>* pObj;

///inline virtual hold<T, V>* rHold() const


template<class T, class V> void Ohold( T ch, std::vector<hold<T, V>>& W){

hold<T,V>* obj = new hold(ch, V(1));


delete obj;

//procedure call for remplir the inhalt of vector<hold<T, V>>

template<class T, class V> void Remplir( T& ch, std::vector<hold<T, V>>& W){

bool ae = false;

if( W.size() == 0 ) {

Ohold(ch, W);

for(auto& z : W) {

if( z.operator==(ch)){

z.IncrementNtimes( );

if( ae == false ) ae = true;


if( ae == false) Ohold(ch, W);


int main(int argc, char** argv) {

if ( argc != 3 ) {

fputs("not enough paramter (please run with program_name input output

(example: eval in out) \n", stderr);



ifstream fptr;[1], std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);

if(fptr.is_open() ){

std::vector<hold<char, unsigned int>> vect;

char xch[1];

while( ! fptr.eof() ) {, 1);

Remplir(xch[0], vect);

fptr.close( );
ofstream gptr;[2], std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);

for( auto& z : vect) {

int n = (int)(z.GetKey());

int m = z.GetNtimes();

float ax = log2( frac( m + 3, 1 + m ) );

float bx = n * log2( 2 - ax );

//float dx = log2( 1 + bx );

///float ex = frac( sqr(n) * dx, n + dx );

///float ix = ( n * bx ) / ( n + bx );

///float ex = n * log2( 1 + ix);

///float dx = log2( 2 - ax) / ( 2 - log2( 2 - ax));

///float bx = log2( 1 + ax ) / ( 1 + log2( 1 + (1 -

ax) ));

///float sx = bx + dx ;

////float sx = sx * sqr(sx);

///float wx = ( bx * dx ) * ( bx - dx ) / sx ;

///wx = n * wx;

///wx = m * wx;

///gptr << wx << bc;

gptr << bx << bc;


return 0;


fputs( "not possible to open input file for any reason \n",

Digital character reading has great opportunity to return interests in liable
linguistic logic’s for which the principles of valid modeling show has to deploy
principles of trustfulness around over away while the great translation language of
commonly sense of unified dynamics has to adopt the associative assignment of wavy
behavior around over away when transition trans shall design harmony of processing
at the time when judgment of valuable excitement has to prove that simply easy

effect of store =log 2 (1+ ) , event=fptr . get ( ) assignment which
(1+index(appear (event )))

has to demonstrate that the using of index(appear(event)) is a specification of

intentional mount management.
Thus when it can be transformation towards aim objects of liable linguistic logic’s
has to accept opportunity of wavy behavior would engender political transition
across free way of sensitive behavior. Although it can be evaluation of imagination
around “imagine that within robust touch control of traceability where balancing
behavior has to accept the consciously show of composite ( store = float() + n due
the principles of validation of uni city.
1-p store (1− p) store
store =log 2 (1+ )→e =1+ →(1+ n⋅p)×(e −1)=1− p
(1+n⋅p) (1+ n⋅p)
(2−e )
p= , ∀ n=∫ appear (event)=unique
(1+ n⋅(e store −1))

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include <ios>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <wchar.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdbool>
#include <cwchar>
#include <cstring>
#include <cmath>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <map>

#define bc ' '

#define pi 3.1426

#define TT 0.025

#define Min(x, y) ( x < y ) ? x : y

#define Max(x, y) ( x > y ) ? x : y

#define density(x, y) ( x != 0 ) ? 1 - x*y : 1

using namespace std;

template<class T, class V> class hold {

friend bool operator==(T x, hold& obj) {

bool tst = ( x == obj->key );

return tst;


hold() : ptr() {

ptr = new hold(key, ntimes);

pObj = ptr;

hold(T x, V y) : key( x ) , ntimes( y ) { }

hold<T, V>( hold* obj ) : pObj(obj) {

key = obj->key ;

ntimes = obj->ntimes;

hold<T, V>( hold* obj( T x, V y) ) : pObj(obj( key, ntimes)) {

T x = obj->key ;

V y = obj->ntimes ;

pObj = new hold<T, V>(x, y);

ptr = pObj;

/*hold<T, V>( ) : pObj( ) {

pObj = new hold<T, V>(key, ntimes);


~hold() {

if ( ptr != NULL) delete ptr; else { }

if ( pObj != NULL) delete pObj; else { }


inline void SetKey( T x ) { key = x ; }

inline T GetKey( ) const { return( key ); }

inline void SetNtimes( V y ) { ntimes = y ; }

inline void IncrementNtimes( ) { ntimes += 1;}

inline V GetNtimes( ) const { return( ntimes ) ; }

inline void Sethold( ) { pObj = new hold<T , V>(key, ntimes); }

inline hold<T, V>* GetHold( ) const { return( pObj);}

inline hold* GetPtr( ) const { return( ptr ); }

inline bool operator==( T x) {

return ( x == key ) ;


T key;

V ntimes;

hold* ptr;

hold<T, V>* pObj;

template<class T, class V> void Remplir( T& cch, std::vector<hold<T, V>>& w){

hold<T, V>* obj = new hold<T, V>( cch, V(1) );


delete obj;
template<class T, class V> void ReFind( T& x, std::vector<hold<T, V>>& w){

if ( w.size() == 0 ) {

Remplir( x, w);


bool ae = false;

for( auto& z : w) {

if( z.operator==(x)){


if( ae == false) ae = true;


if( ae == false) Remplir(x, w);


int main(int argc, char** argv) {

if ( argc != 3 ) {

fputs( " not enough parameters \n", stderr);



ifstream fptr;[1], std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);

if( fptr.is_open() ) {

//typedef std::vector<hold<char, unsigned int>> vect;

std::vector<hold<char, unsigned int>> vect;

///vect* vec = new vect;

///vect* vec = new vect;

char cch[1];

while(!fptr.eof() ) {

//cch = fptr.get();, 1);

ReFind(cch[0], vect);


ofstream gptr;[2], std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);

for(auto& z : vect){

//int n = (int)(z.GetKey());

char n = z.GetKey();

unsigned m = z.GetNtimes();

float pf = log2( 2 - log2( ( 3 + m) / ( 1 + m)));

pf = pf / ( 2 - pf);

float qf = log2( 1 + log2( ( 3 + m ) / ( 1 + m ) ));

qf = qf / ( 1 + qf );
//simply easy way is to use

float a = log2( 1 + qf / ( 1 + n * pf));

//float b = log2( 1 + density(pf, qf) / ( 1 + a )) * cos(2

* pi * n * ff * TT);

float b = log2( 1 + density(pf, qf) / ( 1 + a )); ///*

cos(2 * pi * n * ff * TT);

gptr << b << bc;


///delete vec;


fputs("not possible to open file for reading \n", stderr);


Because job scheduling is great opportunity looks towards valid modeling
opportunity meets the translated terminology of proportional processing :

(n⋅(1− p)+1) (n⋅p+1)

(log 2 ( ))⋅( log 2 ( ))
p (1− p)
proportionality0 = , n=appear (event ) ,event =getch( )
2 p
(1+16⋅(1+cos )⋅exp ( ))
(n⋅(1− p)+1) ( n⋅p+1)
( log 2 ( ))⋅(log 2 ( ))
p (1− p)
proportionality 1= ,n=appear (event), event =fgetc( )
2 1-p
(1+ 16⋅(1+ cos )⋅exp( ))
3+n 3+n
( α⋅log 2 (2−log 2 ( ))) ( α⋅log 2 (1+ log 2( )))
1+n 1+n
p= ,q= , n=1. .. N =appear ( event)
3+n 3+n
(2−α⋅log 2 (2−log 2 ( ))) (1+ α⋅log 2( 1+ log 2 ( )))
1+n 1+n
store 0=log 2(1+ ) , m=indexing(appear (event )) , event=getchar ()
( 1+ m⋅p)
store1 =log 2 (1+ ), m=indexing (appear ( event)), event=getchar ( )

While digital driven draw description design (designing digital illustration and
its corresponding images through a description process of imagination world would
meet the realistic world where operative opinions shall designate the harmony of
worthy way has to provide built in behavior of digital draw description design with
required necessity of inner intellectual inspiration or inspired insight has to
demonstrate or show that the harmony of existence shall accept associate assignment
( variable with constant, multiplication with division, add with subtract,
abstraction with consideration, progress with growth, manufacturing with hacking,
development with fragility or afraid-ness or timidity … or bashfulness when making
decision … (notice that based upon valid description of not(inventing) could help
people stand around behind appropriate arrangement show when the language of human
harmony shall obey to useful units of transition terminology:: Modesty arises from
a low estimate of ourselves;
bashfulness is an abashment or agitation of the
spirits at coming into contact with others; diffidence
is produced by an undue degree of self-distrust;
shyness usually arises from an excessive
self-consciousness, and a painful impression that
every one is looking at us. Modesty of deportment is
becoming in all; bashfulness often gives rise to
mistakes and blundering; diffidence in society
frequently makes a man a burden to himself; shyness
usually produces a reserve or distance which is often
mistaken for haughtiness.)

Hence, based upon illustrative insight would show people principles of “guide me as
it could, show me the right as it would” dynamics which has to join human
cooperative collectivism with valid evaluation of “value of (*this)”. Therefore,
professionalism is better way to support the inventive insight of human harmony
when resulting in instantiations (making objects aiming to run modeling opportunity
from classes abstraction across over away when discrete event would explore the
principles of “wait on event’s occurrence” (let assume that digital flip flop (wait
on or wait for or wait until J event or K event or in general term an associate
occurrence would offer energy for possible excitement in language of incoming
edges. Hence within the new biotechnology show when looking into proposal phenomena
of photo-synthesis when the exerting enlightenment has to provide the inertial
built in behavior of associate composite with valid incoming edges could exploit
the ability of producing the meaningfulness of “to be what to be is a “not but”
kinetics (going left-right process) →> belonging or apartness of motivated moral
kindness searching reasons artistic achievement.. ,

( )
x a n
kindness→e = , b=2 , n=1. .. N , A=array=vector<hold<T, V>>
(− y + )
T =class :char ,∫ , float , V =class : double , enumeration, structure ,...

Hence it is intentional usefulness of inner driven dynamics would bring upon the
entirely composite (leaf like water production when the oxygen is an exiguous
excitement of leaf like helium which is coming from sun (higher temperature
effects) (hydrogen).
Although while human body skeleton has to admit that the primordial composite of
vital vivid issues is to meet owing ownership (in general term the scheduling
soul:: not yet exist (Elizabeth’s mother was one year old), next after a number of
years Elizabeth was child, but due to survivals requirement, Elizabeth has
something modified (new hex encoding to meet the resulting of float encoding ),
Elizabeth got children owing herself because it was a driven dependency of hopes,
wishes, helpfulness, motivation, having moody aspiration, willing …

1 ∏ (1−n⋅p)
In fact, using the principles n which has to represent a
∫ ( (1− )∂ p
0 p⋅(1− p))

nuclear nucleus composite would affect or refer or offer or work for principles on

what float encoding template<class T, class V> class hold<T, V> :: hold() construction

which manipulates the principles of holding harmony of metrics management or in

better wealthy luxury of digital obedience:: transporting transition tractability
mapping( pair i , pair(i +i) ), mapping( mapping( pair i , pair (i+ i)), pair (i +2))
pair 0=(measurable :: public (amount) , utility :: public (tools))
into :: pair 1=(instill :: public (node), infuse: : public (edge )) , which has to
pair 2=( custom :: public (event ) ,trust :: public (time))
time= counter :: composite (to count a day away to be aware)
event =happening( occurrence to appear across over away )

illustrate the portability of meaningfulness (resulting in reference for super-well

achievement, when the harmony of cooperation has to accept any language of
composing Composite combine its owing tools to produce the essential energy for
“incoming edges” tokens which has to transport the values of intention images
referred to impressive pressure of imagination (imagine that the rounding existence
has to express or vocalize around over away but when looking into the major main
wavy behavior of considerable expressions,

where the conditional harmony has to set forth resulting in reality of imagination
and realization of important impact would affect the whole composite
(min X ()⋅max X ()×(max X ( )−minX ()))
∑ (min X ()+max X ())

in entirely encoding= exploitation
((1− p⋅(1− p))×(p 2+(1− p)2)×( p⋅(1− p)+(1−2⋅p)2))

n+3 n+3
(log 2( 2−log 2 ( ))) (log 2 (1+ log 2 ( )))
n+1 n+1
p= , 1− p=
n+3 n+3
(2−log 2 (2−log 2 ( ))) (1+ log 2 (1+log 2 ( )))
n+1 n+1

of moody motivated willing (ability and wish hope to get better result when
realizable ideas and opinions have to respect the harmony of existence. Like many
other philosophical aspects, when something has to occur, transition terminology
has to take advantage of the proposal theory of digital driven draw description
design. Thereof valid modeling show (like the synthesis tools for Very large Scales
hardware design language that can describe the phenomena of “wait on”, “wait
until”, “wait for”, “wait statements” when the elaboration process of #include
<signal> which refer to resulting in excitement would judge the harmony of incoming
amount has to comprehend the situation of vocalizing process aims to ask for
“super-well-better-done” valuation to be implementable insight holds the entirely
exploitation of human commonly sense refer to finest human being accepts the major
main processing of human willing around over away. Thereupon charging for meeting
the reality of illustrative affects of imagination has to believe much more in the
traceability (Adams story is the most famous rightly story for building up
opportunity of soul satisfaction and supervisory of cheerfulness at the time when
human harmony would accept coordination of informative insight would bring upon the
fruitfulness of commonly sense of finest human being at a moment when the language
(vocalization terminology of meaningfulness yeah vocalization terminology of
pointers refer to significance of harmony speech issuing from the driven kernel of
objectives aims (each abstraction classification would deliver basic composite of
objectivity while the modeling process can have great influence on its
corresponding roles: for each object in list (“well”, “super-well”, “wheeling
days”, “higher attention”, “bright clear meaningful desires”, “peaceful images of
cooperation”, “educated exploitation”, “learning for professionalism”, “subject of
awareness” …) settlement set which can be transported into associate composite of

1 n
run “confidence in owing selfish” dynamics=∫ (log 2 (1+ )∂ p) mechanism
0 (1− p⋅(1− p))

that can influence the whole entirely usage utility of float encoding when the
effect of inducing wavy behavior has to assign its fully energetic power into or
within valid elaboration concept of imaging impact. What does this mean? The
imagination world or the world of virtuality is a normal way or believing in the
harmony holding process which could transport the principles of cooperative
collectivism into neutrality of knowledge culture a culture which has to combine
all sort kind stuffs of specification around language of fruitfulness of
cooperative collectivism, a kindness of sensitivity of associate composite, a
correspond attention for valid simulation (timing simulation works at any
instantiation to gather resulting vocalization of trust terminology where the
principles of owner built in behavior has to generate the charges for impressive
pressure of scheduling soul bring fully energy of being vital vivid issues to
survive advantages, advances, arrangement, and then to encourage inner ownership
being transformed into valid innocent process of believing comportment when human
character shall admit things in adaptive ways can explain examples of exploitation
and can affect environments of wellness and quietness.

Let’s look towards the meaningfulness of imagination which has to excite the whole
composite showing or demonstrating that the harmony reign is a process of “to
imagine that”, yeah imagine that wavy behavior has the entirely process of valid

elaboration combines the model of θ⋅sin(2⋅π⋅f⋅n⋅T ) dynamics where raffinate show

works to implement all sort kind stuffs of “super-well-done” show...

Appendix waveform compression example

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <wchar.h>
#include <cwchar>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdbool>
#include <cstring>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <ios>
#include <iomanip>
#include <istream>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>

#define pi 3.1426

#define Min(x, y) ( x < y ) ? x :


#define Max(x, y) ( x > y ) ? y :


#define density(x, y) ( x != 0 ) ? 1 - x * y : 1;

using namespace std;

template< class T, class V> class hold {

friend bool operator==( T X, hold& obj) {

std::cout << " value of key = " << X << std::endl;

return ( X == obj->key);

///hold(NULL) : ptr(NULL) {
///hold( void ) : ptr(NULL) {

hold( ) : ptr(NULL) { }

/*hold(hold* obj) : ptr(obj) {

ptr = new hold(obj->key, obj->ntimes);

key = ptr->key;

ntimes = ptr->ntimes;

pObj = ptr;

hold( hold<T, V>* obj) : pObj(obj) {

pObj = new hold<T, V>(obj->key, obj->ntimes);

key = pObj->key;
ntimes = pObj->ntimes;

ptr = pObj;

hold(T x, V y) : key(x), ntimes(y) {

///key = x;

std::cout << "value of key = " << key << std::endl;

///ntimes = y;

std::cout << "value of ntimes = " << ntimes << std::endl;

//ptr = new hold(x, y);

///pObj = new hold<T, V>(x, y);


~hold() { if ( ptr != NULL ) {

delete ptr;

delete[] ptr;

}else if ( pObj != NULL ){

delete pObj;

delete[] pObj;

}else { }

inline void SetKey( T x) { key = x; }

inline void SetNtimes( V y) { ntimes = y; }

inline void SetHold( T x, V y) {

key = x;

ntimes = y;

ptr = new hold(x, y);

pObj = new hold<T, V>(x, y);

inline T GetKey(hold& obj) const { return obj.key; }

inline V GetNtimes(hold& obj) const { return obj.ntimes; }

inline hold* GetHold(void) const {

ptr = new hold();

return ptr;

inline hold<T, V>* GetHoldObj(void) const {

pObj = new hold<T, V>;

return pObj;

inline bool operator==(T x) {

return ( x == key );

inline void MakeClean() {

if ( ptr != NULL ) {

delete ptr;

delete[] ptr;

}else if ( pObj != NULL ) {

delete pObj;

delete[] pObj;

}else { }


T key;
V ntimes;

hold* ptr;

hold<T, V>* pObj;

inline virtual hold<T, V>* Sethold( T x, V y) const {

///pObj = new hold(x, y);

return pObj;


///typedef class hold hold;

template<class T, class V> void inserting(T cch, std::vector<hold<T, V>>* w) {

hold<T, V>* holds = new hold( T(cch), V(1) );

(*w).push_back( *holds );

int ll = (*w).size();

//delete holds ;

///delete[] holds ;


////template<class T, class V> std::vector<hold<T, V>> AeFind( T cch,

std::vector<hold<T, V>>& w){
////template<class T, class V> void AeFind( T cch, std::vector<hold<T, V>>& w){
template<class T, class V> void AeFind( T cch, std::vector<hold<T, V>>* w){

bool ae = false;
if ( (*w).size() == 0 ) {

inserting( cch, w);


for( auto& z : (*w)) {

V m = (z).GetNtimes(z);

if( z.operator==( cch ) ) {

m = 1 + m;

z.SetHold( cch, m );

ae = true;

if( ae == false ) {

///goto label;
inserting(cch, w);

///return w;

int main( int argc, char** argv) {

if( argc != 3) {

fputs("not enough parameters \n", stderr);


ifstream fptr;[1], ios_base::in | ios_base::binary);

if( fptr.is_open()) {

///std::vector<hold<wchar_t, unsigned int>> vect;

std::vector<hold<int, unsigned int>> vect;

///wchar_t cch;

///short cch;

///char* cch = (char*)malloc(4 * sizeof(char));

///char* cch = (char*)malloc(4 * sizeof(char));

char cch[4];
while( ! fptr.eof() ) {

///int qy = fptr.get();

///, 1);, 4);

///int qy = stoi(a);

///int qy = atoi( a.c_str() );

int qy = (int)cch;

AeFind(qy, &vect);

//delete cch;

//delete[] cch[];


ofstream lptr;

for(auto& z : vect) {

int n = (int)(z.GetKey(z));

int m = (int)(z.GetNtimes(z));

float a = log2( 1 + m ) / ( 1 + log2( 1 + m ));

float d = log2( 2 - a ) / ( 2 - log2( 2 - a ) );

float k = log2( 1 + a ) / ( 1 + log2( 1 + a ) );

float wx = density(a, d);

float fx = log2( 1 + ( 1 - wx) / ( 1 + n * wx ));

lptr << fx << ' ';



fputs("not possible to open file yet \n", stderr);

/*int main() {
Rectangle obj (3, 4);
Rectangle * foo, * bar, * baz;
foo = &obj;
bar = new Rectangle (5, 6);
baz = new Rectangle[2] { {2,5}, {3,6} };
cout << "obj's area: " << obj.area() << '\n';
cout << "*foo's area: " << foo->area() << '\n';
cout << "*bar's area: " << bar->area() << '\n';
cout << "baz[0]'s area:" << baz[0].area() << '\n';
cout << "baz[1]'s area:" << baz[1].area() << '\n';
delete bar;
delete[] baz;
return 0;

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