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By filling in the specifications of a lifeline solution and whether it’s for fall restraint or
fall arrest purposes, ODIN will automatically calculate if the specified solution meets
the selected standards. Subsequently, ODIN will create a custom report with all details
and calculated values. Here we explain the various sections of an ODIN report*.

Project overview

1 In this section ODIN gives an overview of all the project information filled
in. The selected standard for compliance and the type of system (fall ar-
rest or fall restraint) can be found in this section, among other things.

The system setup

2 In the system setup section of the report the specifics of the system are
detailed, for example the number of spans, the number of users and the
lanyard to be used.

System scheme
A schematic drawing of what the system will look like. The numbers of
spans are shown here. Various parts are marked via colors.

In this section all test results are depicted in a short summary,
for instance the MAL and MAF.

Passed or not passed

5 The verification of several vital checks, for example the fall clearance. You
get either a pass d or a fail X. With a ‘fail’ you have to alter the system
and recalculate.

* This is a brief view of what an ODIN report looks like. Some parts of the report
were summarized to support this visual representation.

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