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Chebyshev approximation of the functions of many

variables with the condition

Malachivskyy P. S., Melnychok L. S. Pizyur Y. V.

Centre of Mathematical Modeling of Pidstryhach Institute National University “Lviv Polytechnic”,
for Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics Lviv, Ukraine
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
Lviv, Ukraine,

A method of constructing a Chebyshev approximation of the The class of expressions Fm a; x  satisfying condition (2)
function of many variables with the exact reproduction of its
value at a given point is proposed. It is based on the sequential is characterized by some subset of parameters ai im0  A
construction of power-average approximations, taking into
account the imposed condition. The power-average
A  R  . If there is a point a
m 1
 A at which the exact lower

approximation is calculated using an iterative scheme based on bound of the largest error of approximation is reached
the method of least squares with variable weight function. An
algorithm for calculating the Chebyshev approximation
 
 a *  inf a  ,
parameters with a condition for absolute error is described.
then the expression Fm a; x  is a Chebyshev approximation
Keywords: Chebyshev approximation with condition, functions of a function f  X  on a set of points  , that reproduces
of many variables, power-average approximation, least squares the given value of the function at a point U . This
method, variable weight function.
approximation is called the Chebyshev approximation with
the condition [1 – 3].
I. FORMULATION OF THE PROBLEM The need to approximate a function with a condition arises
Let a continuous function of n variables f  X  , where
when, from the technical requirements, it is necessary for the
approximation expression to reproduce a given value at a
X  x1, x2 , ..., xn  - is a point of n -dimensional real space certain point [3 – 6]. For example, when designing measuring
R n , on an arbitrary set of points   X j  js1 is given. The devices, a specific value of the sensor output must correspond
to a specific measured value [3, 7, 8].
function f  X  should be approximated by a generalized The properties of the Chebyshev approximation with the
polynomial condition for the functions of one variable are described in
[1, 3, 9 – 11]. The characteristic property of the Chebyshev
Fm a; X    a  X  ,
i 0
i i (1) approximation with the condition is first established in [1],
where it is substantiated that at the alternation points adjacent
to the point of the condition, the sign of the deviation error
 i  X  , i  0, m – is a system of linearly independent must coincide. In [1, 3] the necessary and sufficient conditions
functions, a i , i  0, m – are unknown parameters: for the existence of a Chebyshev approximation with the
condition of expressions satisfying the Haar condition are
ai im0  A , A  R m1 . The Chebyshev approximation of a established, and in [10, 11] the characteristic properties are
function f  X  by expression (1) with the condition is that at described and algorithms are proposed to determine the
parameters of a Chebyshev approximation with the condition
one of the points of the set  , denoted by U , the expression
 
of some non-linear expressions. A method of constructing the
Fm a;U reproduces the value of the function f U  Chebyshev approximation of functions of many variables with
f U   Fm a;U   v , (2) the condition as a limit approximation in the norm of space
L p at p   is proposed [12, – 14]. This method consists
and the biggest approximation error
of sequentially constructing power-average approximations
a   max f  X   Fm a; X  (3) with the reproduction of the value of the function at a given
X 
point. In the discrete case, we use the space norm E p
is the smallest possible on the set of parameters A. 1  p   

1 p approximation of function f  X  by expression (6) by least
 E p 

 X 

f  X   Rm a; X  

 ,
(5) squares method with weight function  k  X  on the set of
points  u   \ U .
to estimate the error of the power-average approximation, The least squares method (7) with the weight function (8)
where. The limit value of the norm  E p at p   , provides a consistent obtaining of the power-average
approximations Fm,r a; X  , r  0, 1, ... of function f  X  in
similarly to the norm of the space L p at p   , corresponds
to the norm in the space of continuous functions  [15]. space E r  2 . According to (8) the values of the weight
function at each iteration (7) vary in proportion to the error of
II. THE METHOD OF DETERMINING THE PARAMETERS OF THE the approximation of the function f  X  by the expression
Fm,r a; X 
 r  X   f  X   Fm,r a; X  ,
The construction of the Chebyshev approximation of the
tabularly given functions of many variables with the condition that was obtained in the previous iteration. Since the point
is based on the idea of sequentially calculating the power- X  X   u  with the largest deviation (9) corresponds to the
average approximation in space E p at p  2, 3, 4, . . . largest proportional increase in the value of the weight
[12, 13]. Suppose that for a function f  X  , given by the table function (8), the use of such a refinement of the values of the
on the set of points  , there is a Chebyshev approximation of weight function for iterations (7) causes a consistent decrease
the expression Fm a; X  with the reproduction of the given in the error of approximation of the function f  X  by the set
value at the point U . To construct such a Chebyshev of points  u :
approximation, we use the method of consecutive power- ˆ 0  ˆ1  . . .  ˆ r , (10)
average approximations by the expression where
ˆ r  max  r  X  . (11)
m  m   0 X  X u
Fm a; X    a  X    v   a  U  
. (6)
i 1
i i
i 1
i i
0 U  Therefore, similar to the method described in [12, 13], the
use of a weighting function (8), whose values at each iteration
The expression Fm a; X  is derived from expression (1) with
~ (7) change in proportion to the error module (9) of the
respect to condition (2). This removes the parameter a0 from reproduction of the function values f  X  , causes a consistent
expression (1). It is assumed that  0 U  . In practical
decrease in the error of its reproduction (11) by the
approximation Fm,r a; X  . This substantiates the convergence
implementation of this method, in order to ensure the stability
of the computational process, it is advisable to remove the of the iterations (7).
 
parameter a і i  0, m , for which the value of the basis The completion of iterations (7) can be controlled by
achieving some predetermined accuracy 
function  i U  at the point U takes the largest absolute
value. ˆ r 1  ˆ r  ˆ r . (12)
The construction of a Chebyshev approximation of a
function f  X  consists in the sequential computation of the For the obtained approximation, we make further
adjustments using the additive [9] correction
power-average approximations f  X  by the expression
a0   max   min  2 ,
Fm a; X  for p  2, 3, 4, . . . . To calculate the parameter
~ (13)
values of the power-average approximations, we use an
iterative scheme based on the least squares method  
 max  max f  X   Fm,r a; X  , and
X u

  X  f X   F
m a; X 
 min ,
A X u

 min  min f  X   Fm,r a; X  .
 (14)
X u

r  0, ..., p  2 , p  2, 3, 4, . . . (7) As a result, the adjusted approximation of the continuous

function f  X  given on the set of points X   with a fixed
with sequential refinement of the values of the weight function value at the point U by expression (6) will be
Fm a; X   Fm,r a; X   a0 .
~ ~
0 X   1 , r X     X  ,
i 1
i r  1, ..., p  2 , (8) (15)

It should be noted that the approximation (15) reduces the

where  k  X   f  X   Fm,k 1 a; X  , k  1, r , Fm,k a; X  –
~ ~
absolute error of the approximation by the magnitude a0 , but
at the same time causes the error of the same magnitude a0 obtained by the Remez iteration scheme with refinement of
when reproducing the value of the function at the point U . alternative points according to the Vallee-Poussin algorithm
[3] provides an error of approximation – 0.09289. The excess
The values of the Chebyshev approximation parameters a i
i  1, m by the generalized polynomial (1) are equal to the
of the polynomial approximation error (17) compared to the
Chebyshev approximation error obtained by the Remez
values of the corresponding parameters a i  1, m of i
scheme (18) is equal to 0.00137, which is 1.475% of the
Chebyshev approximation error obtained according to the
approximation Fm a; X  , defined by formula (15), and the
Remez scheme.
parameter value a0 is calculated by the formula The curve of error of approximation of function y  x  by
polynomial (17) is presented in Fig. 1.
 m 
a0   v 

 a  U   a
i 1
i i
  0 U  .


Therefore, the sequential refinement of the values of the

weight function (8) taking into account the errors of the
reproduction of the values of the function f  X  according to
the results of all previous approximations by the method of
least squares (7), ensures the convergence of the iterative
scheme (7)-(8) when calculating the averaged approximations
with a given value at a point U accordingly provides a Fig. 1. The curve of error of approximation of function
convergence of the method of calculation of the Chebyshev y  x  by a polynomial (17).
approximation with the reproduction of the value of the
function f  X  at a point U  f U   v  . It is possible to
The given curve of the approximation error of the function
y  x  by the polynomial (17) corresponds to the characteristic
achieve the required accuracy in calculating the parameters of
the Chebyshev approximation of the function f  X  with the
property of the Chebyshev approximation with interpolation at
one point [1, 3] – it has three extreme points at which it
condition by setting the value  in (12). reaches the largest deviation by the modulus, the values of the
The results of the calculation of the Chebyshev modules of these deviations coincide (within a given
approximation parameters with the condition for the test accuracy) and the sign of deviation at these points alternates
examples confirm the convergence of the iterative process (7) except for points adjacent to the point of condition
with the weighting functions (8) and (17) when approximating U  x 2  0.2 .
the functions of one, two and three variables. In particular,
Example 2. Find the Chebyshev approximation of a
when deciding test cases for functions of two variables given
on the set from the 121 points, the coincidence of 2 – 3  
function zx, y   x 2  y 2 given at points xi , y j , i  0, 10 ,
significant digits in the approximation error at   0.003 was
achieved in 6 - 20 iterations (7). j  0, 10 , where xi  0.1i , y j  0.1 j , by a second-degree
Example 1. Find a Chebyshev approximation of a function polynomial with respect to variables x and y with a given
y x   0.1 + 2x + 3x 3
given at points x i , i  0, 20 , where value at a point 0.5, 0 .5 , that is, by reproducing the value –
xi  0.1i , by a second degree polynomial with a given value z0.5, 0.5  0.5 .
at a point U  x2  0.2 . Since the function z x, y  and the point of the condition
Using the proposed method at   0.003 for 11 iterations 0.5, 0 .5 are symmetric about the arguments x and y , then
(7) a polynomial its approximation to the second-degree polynomial must also
P2 a; x   0.4557847182 x 2 + 1.48803222 x + 0.40747919 (17) be symmetric, that is, to approximate the function z x, y  it is
advisable to use the polynomial of the form
was obtained for the function y  x  . Taking into account the
corrective amendment a0  0.0005614165 it provides an
 
P2,2 x, y   a  bx  y   c x 2  y 2  dxy . (19)
absolute error of approximation – 0.094260809. Chebyshev Using the proposed method at   0.003 for 17 iterations
approximation of function y  x  by a second degree (7)-(8) for a function z x, y  we obtain an approximate
polynomial with a given value at a point U  x 2  0.2 polynomial

P 2 a; x   0.409117888258291  P2, 2 a; x, y   0.6664637974x + y   0.6699855185 xy +

 1.48206220221688 x  0.458702739393668 x 2
, (18)
 
 0.3340609033 y 2 + x 2 + 0.04136408715
. (20)
The polynomial (20) taking into account the adjusting calculating the Chebyshev approximation parameters.
amendment a0  0.00025517535 provides an absolute error According to a similar scheme it is possible to realize the
of approximation of the function z x, y  – 0.0418887884. calculation of the Chebyshev approximation parameters with
interpolation at a given set of points.
The surface of the error of approximation of the function
z x, y  by a polynomial (20) is shown in Fig. 2.

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CONCLUSION O. M. Ukhanska, “Chebyshev approximation of functions of several
variables”, Cybernetics and Systems Analysis, Vol. 56, No. 1, pp. 76–
The parameters of the Chebyshev approximation of the 86, 2020.
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scheme (7) - (8). The method consists of sequential
construction of power-average approximations by an
expression that ensures that the given condition is fulfilled.
The power-average approximations are calculated using an
iterative scheme based on the least-squares method (7). It is
possible to calculate the parameters of the Chebyshev
approximation of the function of many variables with the
condition with the required accuracy. Test examples confirm
the sufficiently fast convergence of the proposed method when

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