Libro Feminismo

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Designing a a
Feminist Alexa
Feminist Alexa
An experiment in
feminist conversation design

Introduction 4
Approaches to
Diversity & Inclusion 6
Fellowship Overview 7
Workshop Design 8
Day one 10
Persona Creation

Day two 12
Refining Ideas
Conversation Design
Idea generation

Day three 14
Protoypes 16
Conversation Design
Without Coding 20
Feedback 22
Conclusion 24
“…we had talk
enough but no
The UAL Creative Computing
conversation; Institute fellowships represent a
there was nothing substantial part of the Institute’s
annual public programme which
discussed.” exists to connect students,
practitioners and researchers at
- Samuel Johnson the
University of the Arts London
with an international community
of creative computational
professionals, artists and

This report aims to give an

overview of what the programme
involved and how the first UAL
Creative Computing Institute’s
fellowship engaged with the
UAL community and the broader
technology and arts industry.

When facing the task of how to Creative Computing Institute​was an The broad context for the project is
design a workshop that would allow opportunity to ponder these difficult the ​gendering of personal intelligent
participants to imagine and prototype questions through practice, and to assistants​(PIAs) which are so often
feminist conversational interfaces, challenge ourselves as designers of characterised as female. As ​Jaqueline
one question kept nagging at the education and technology to come up Feldman​ says,
Feminist Internet team: ​WTF is a with some answers.
feminist conversation?​What kind of “By creating interactions that
exchange between a human and a encourage consumers to understand
piece of technology would qualify as the objects that serve them as
‘feminist’? How could the feminist women, technologists abet the
nature of the exchange be measured prejudice by which women are
by the designers of the technology? considered objects.” 1
Could there ever be a feminist
response to ‘Hey Alexa, what’s the As well as this female
weather like today?’ Being awarded characterisation, the way PIAs are
the inaugural fellowship at ​UAL’s new programmed to ​respond to abuse​

Feldman, J. (2016) T​ he Bot Politic,​ The
New Yorker:

4 Designing a Feminist Alexa Introduction

The fellowship programmed
launched with a seminar where
we set the issues in context, and
heard from industry experts
Alex Fefegha
(Founder and Head Creative
Technologist, Comuzi)
Josie Young
(Feminist AI Researcher)
Elena Sinel
(Founder, Acorn Aspirations &
Teens in AI)
Check out the seminar on

- and yes, people actually verbally Another context is t​ he rise of voice driven by what they ‘say’ - which is,
abuse these devices as though they technology, which ​is predicted to of course, shaped by the data they
are real women 2 - is problematic. shift the landscape of search and have collected about us. As the voice
Responses that are coy, or even e-commerce in the coming years.3 ‘revolution’ unfolds, we see a fantastic
flirtatious, or which simply ‘don’t Google and Amazon voice assistants opportunity to build conversational
compute’ abusive remarks are are colonizing the world of electronic interfaces that have drivers beyond
woefully inadequate. At Feminist devices like Google Home, Amazon commerce - drivers around positive
Internet we expect better than this, Echo, smart speakers, smart displays, social change and wellbeing. In
and believe that PIAs should educate phones, headphones TVs, cars, other words, we​want to imagine
as well as simply comply. We want laptops and wearables, conditioning technologies that can empower their
to see PIAs that reflect interesting, people to use voice in a way that users rather than just help them
nuanced understandings of gender, becomes more and more natural. ​So, search and shop.
that respond adequately when they it is going to become more and more
receive verbal harassment, and which common to talk to and be listened So, with the help of our learning
support the advancement of internet to by the devices that surround partners, we gathered 40 UAL
equalities. us, and have consumer behaviour students and several Alexas
together for two intensive 3-day
workshops, with a mission to
imagine and prototype personal
Fessler, L. (2017) ​We tested bots like Siri 3
McCue, TJ. (2018) Okay Google: Voice
intelligent assistants that would
and Alexa to see who would stand up to Search Technology And The Rise Of Voice
meet a meaningful human need, and
sexual harassment​, Quartz: Commerce, Forbes
embody feminist values. Here’s how it

5 Designing a Feminist Alexa Introduction

Approaches to
Diversity and Inclusion
“the inaugural CCI Staff Briefing College of Arts. It was a great
opportunity for course leaders
Fellowship has The main goal of the CCI
and researchers at UAL to find out
fellowships is to engage the UAL
been awarded learning community in active
more about the programme and
how their students could engage
to the Feminist project work and co-production in
with Designing a Feminist Alexa
the field of computational practice.
Internet project in In order to do so, it is crucial to

recognition of their keep UAL staff informed about

opportunities that students can
innovative approach benefit from, and therefore, the
to exploring the Institute is committed to create
spaces where UAL staff can be
development of involved too.
inclusive emerging
technologies.” In our efforts to spread the word
about the programme, on the 8th
- Ben Stopher, Dean, of October 2018, we held a Staff
UAL CCI Briefing session at Camberwell

In line with the UAL Creative application form​was simple, jargon- intersectional nature of feminism,
Computing Institute’s commitment free and friendly. We welcomed explaining that gender oppression
to diversity in technology and digital students to approach us if they felt often intersects with other forms of
inclusion, we took several steps to unsure they would fit in: oppression, such as capitalism, or
ensure the programme celebrated colonialism.4 Aspects of the workshop
diversity and was inclusive. The “We believe it’s very important that focused on Human Centred
workshop facilitators, learning to have a diverse group of people Design placed emphasis on being
partners, speakers and panellists taking part. Everybody’s welcome! If respectful of people from different
represented different ages, you’re thinking: “That sounds great, cultures and backgrounds, and the
ethnicities, nationalities, genders, but it’s not for me because x or y”, recognising the danger of falling into a
gender identities and values, which we our email is open”. ‘sympathetic’ rather then empathetic
felt was important so that students role, when trying to solve social
could recognise themselves in the By nature, the workshops explored problems. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichi’s
programme, and explore the topic issues of diversity, tackling gender Ted Talk, The Dangers of the Single
from different perspectives. We bias both in the technology industry Story was invaluable in this regard.5
required no prior technical experience, and in algorithms, and encouraged
and made sure that the language students to look for ways to mitigate
of the ​call for applications​and the against this. We emphasised the

We gave Patricia Hill Collins’ ‘Matrix of 5
Ngozi Adichie, C. (2009) The Danger
Domination’ as a reference here. See Collins, of a Single Story, TED:
P. H. (1990), ‘Black Feminist Thought in the
Matrix of Domination’ in ​Black Feminist Thought:
Knowledge, Consciousness, and the Politics of
Empowerment,​ pp.221–238.

6 Designing a Feminist Alexa Approaches to Diversity and Inclusion

Fellowship Overview
• 1 public seminar • 53 applications

Applicant data
• 2 three-day workshops • 42 participants
• 2 key learning partners →→12 first generation
entrants to University
• +200 UAL students and staff →→12 EU students
→→18 International students
• +100 industry people
→→12 Home (UK) students
• 8 feminist Alexa prototypes

• 1 public prototype launch


7 Designing a Feminist Alexa Fellowship Overview

Workshop Design

The tricky question of ‘WTF is a their users? We felt that having ensuring it doesn’t knowingly
feminist conversation’ challenged a framework to measure their or unknowingly perpetuate
us to consider how we would work against was necessary, gender inequality.” We took
measure the success of the and discovered that the perfect Josie’s framework, simplifying and
workshop. How could we ensure thing was already out there. modifying for our purposes, and
that we participants were able Feminist AI researcher Josie Feminist Internet Visual Designer
to evidence the use of feminist Young has developed a Feminist Conor Rigby treated it graphically,
values in the design of their Chatbot Design Process6, so there were visual ‘tags’
PIAs, and the conversations which aims to help designers representing each standard:
they imagined them to have with “make your chatbot better by

Design &
User Representation Purpose

Rather than design a PIA for How are you planning to depict Considering the needs of your
a ‘universal’ user – can you or represent your chatbot to identified user, what is the
identify a user that can be your users? purpose of the feminist PIA?
empowered through a feminist

Design Team Bias

The conversation is the We all come from places and We then mapped the standards
primary interface between experiences that have shaped to each stage of the workshop, so
the human and the PIA. It’s our thinking and perspectives, that participants had something
how the user will decide and we tend to unconsciously
to guide their thinking. For
whether the PIA is effective, embed these perspectives in
their final presentations, we
so the design needs to be the things that we make. The
carefully crafted. What types risk of not reflecting on these encouraged the students to
of responses would embody questions is that your PIA may articulate how they had used the
feminist values? How can you reinforce negative stereotypes standards in the development of
get the PIA to speak with a about particular groups of the ideas →
feminist voice? people, which could be harmful
to your users. How might we
embed bias in the design?

Young, J. (2017) Designing Feminist Chatbots
- Research Summary, PDF:

8 Designing a Feminist Alexa Workshop Design

Day 1

Persona creation & team

bias reflection
Who are you designing for?
PIA Standards

User Team Bias


Day 2

Ideation Storytelling Conversation design

How could a PIA help How/when/where will your How would your user interact with
them? PIA be used? their PIA?
PIA Standards

Purpose User Design

Design & Design &

Representation Purpose Representation

Day 3

Conversation design Prototyping Presentations

How would your user interact
with their PIA?
PIA Standards

Conversational Conversational
Design Design

Design &

9 Designing a Feminist Alexa Workshop Design

Day 1 Setting context
establishing purpose
creating personas
beginning idea generation

1 2

Check-in Workshop Philosophy

Early on we shared our workshop can be overwhelming, so we encourage
philosophy to set the tone for the 3 participants to remember they are
days: contributing positively just by showing
up. Using our collective knowledge of
Cooperation not competition problems to enact positive change can
To avoid the competitive hackathon help overcome anxieties.
mindset, we encourage participants to
think of themselves as one ‘agency’ for Be present & listen
the time they are together. Everyone is Being present and listening to each other,
responsible for everything. especially when groups are presenting
is crucial for creating a respectful
Nobody left behind environment and a spirit of sharing.
We encourage participants to look after Difficult to achieve, but very worthwhile!
each other - if someone can’t be present
for any reason, their peers are responsible Trust
for making sure they don’t miss out. Perhaps the most important of all - we
tell participants that they must trust us,
Constructive criticality themselves, each other, and the creative
Engaging with systemic social injustices process. This helps when things seem
daunting or unclear.

3 4

The brief PIA Standards

The mission for each group was to Adapted from Josie Young’s Feminist
create a Personal Intelligent Assistant Chatbot Design Process, we
(PIA) that meets a meaningful human introduced a set of standards that
need, and promotes equality for would allow us to check that we were
women or other marginalised groups. embodying feminist values into the
Full doc design process.
Full doc
“Think of your PIA design as a briefing
to a team of programmers who can
bring the design to life”.

10 Designing a Feminist Alexa Day 1

5a 5b 6

Persona creation Empathy Check-out

User Purpose Team Bias

Participants were asked to ask Participants were asked to cultivate

themselves who they might design a empathy (not sympathy) when
PIA for - who might be empowered or developing their personas. Following
benefit from their PIA? Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie we asked
them to avoid telling ‘single stories’
“ Based on a mixture of real insights about their users.
and fiction, personas are a way to
model, summarize and communicate “Empathy is our ability to see the
insights about an audience you are world through other people’s eyes,
designing for. They aid in ensuring to see what they see, feel what they
that you are designing something of feel, and experience things as they
value for your audience group.” do.”

Francis Agnes
Age: Age:
22 75

Location: Location:
from Asia London

Bio/situation: Occupation: Bio/situation: Occupation:

Francis is an un- Graphic Designer, in- Agnes has a very good Retired
dergraduate student, ternational student in sense of humour. She
studying BA graph- the final year at uni is been retired for
ic design at an art in London 15 years. Her husband
school in London and is passed away and
she/he just started her family is living
the final year which in another country.
she/he finds very Lately she’s finding
overwhelming. problems doing dai-
ly life tasks and
walking through the
stairs of her house.

11 Designing a Feminist Alexa Day 1

Day 2 Ideation
Conversation design

1 2

Check-in Ideation speed dating

Design &
Purpose Representation

One of our favourite activities - taught

to us by the Pop Up Agency.7 Brilliant
for reinforcing the ‘one agency’
mindset - everyone built on everyone
else’s ideas. Working in silence, we
rotated in groups for 30-second
bursts generating written and drawn
ideas for each proposed PIA.

User Purpose

Participants were asked to refine

their ideas by thinking about their
user in a specific situation and
creating a storyboard to describe
it. They were asked to consider the
user’s context, problem, interaction
with the PIA and the change that
resulted from it.

“A storyboard is a tool that can help

visually predict and explore the
user experience with a product. It
visualizes how people would interact
with a service or app.”

The Pop Up Agency:

12 Designing a Feminist Alexa Day 2

4 6

Conversation Design →→ Define what your

Cheatsheet Highlights

Conversational Design &

conversation is
Design Representation

Alex introduced the principles of →→ Give it a

conversation design, reminding personality
participants that their role in this →→ Don’t pretend to be
workshop is the role of a conversation a human
→→ Great conversations
take turns
“The conversation is the primary
interface between the human and
the PIA. It’s how the user will decide
whether the PIA is effective, so the
design needs to be carefully crafted.
What types of responses.”

13 Designing a Feminist Alexa Day 2

Day 3 Prototyping

1 2

Deliverables Prototyping Participants voted

this as one of
the most popular
The final brief: Design

Tell the story of your design elements of the

Alex introduced each group to workshop
process in 8 slides, showing how
Storyline, a platform that allows
you used the PIA standards to
UX designers to prototype Alexa
inform the design process
Skills - walking them through how to
prototype a conversation and finesse
it using speech synthesis markup
language (SSML).

After a furious final scramble to
get things finished, each group
presented a pitch deck and did a
live demo of their conversation.
This went 100% smoothly for
every group. Honest.

14 Designing a Feminist Alexa Day 3



The final check out was a chance

to share how everyone was feeling
after an intense but productive 3
days. Apart from exhaustion, there
was a shared sense of community
and achievement. Marina Dragzilla’s
final check out was the icing on the
cake though - you can read it in full
on the next page.

15 Designing a Feminist Alexa Day 3

The prototypes
Design &

Team Bias Team Bias Representation

Has your team reflected on how your How will your PIA remind the user it’s
values and position might lead you to not human?
choose one option over another?

Pany was designed in line

with Feminist PIA standards,
considering the needs of our
identified user and reflecting Pany: If you want me to
on questions of our team bias stop, just say “Pany stop”,
to ensure we did not support don’t worry I won’t be
negative stereotypes. offended because I am a bot”



What’s the tone of voice - physically

and metaphorically?

Bud: You say you feel

terrible. Are you sad, angry
or frustrated?
The Conversation Design
standard helped us think about Sara: Frustrated.
how Bud sounds - The pitch of
Bud: Usually, frustration
bud’s voice can be adjusted
occurs when we want to change
with a slider function. Instead
something. What would you like
of ‘choosing a gender’, the
to change?
user can simply choose the
sound of a voice they feel most Sara: I think… I just want to
comfortable with. apologise.


If it receives abuse, how will the PIA


User: For F**** sake Page -

that’s not it!
Following the PIA
conversation design standard, Page: Please be polite. I am
we carefully considered how not a human but abuse is not
Page would respond to abuse. acceptable in any way or form.

16 Designing a Feminist Alexa Prototypes

Design & Design &
Representation Representation

Will you assign a gender to your PIA? How will your PIA remind the user it’s
Why? not human?

Essy: Hello, I’m Essy,

The PIA standards we followed a robot! My creators
asked us to reflect on whether feel that sexuality and
the PIA should be gendered. sex are a part of the
We decided not to assign a human experience and
gender to Essy, because being have designed me to
sympathetic to the fluidity be knowledgeable and
and complexity of gender is informative about this
fundamental to its purpose. topic.

Design & Conversational
Representation Design

How will your PIA remind the user it’s If it receives abuse, how will the PIA
not human? respond?

Pillow: My tracker has noticed

you had a disturbed sleep last
night, would you like some
advice on getting to sleep
this evening?
Sam: No f*** off!
Pillow: Please don’t swear,
I am not human but I am here
“The values embedded and to help. I understand you’re
programmed into me, aim to tired, however, no one needs
empower and educate my user” to hear that.

Design &
Representation Purpose

How will your PIA remind the user it’s How will your PIA remind the user it’s
not human? not human?

there is “no such thing as a weird

The PIA standards ask us to question”
have a clear purpose in mind -
one that meets a meaningful
human need. Boo is designed Boo: Hi I’m Boo. Do you need
for teenagers of all identities assistance?
experiencing puberty where
Silver: So uh I have a weird
a lot of change is happening
question for you...
physically and emotionally.
Boo is here to answer taboo Boo: Nothing is too weird for
questions and comfort the me I’m a Bot, what’s on your
user by ensuring them that mind?

17 Designing a Feminist Alexa Prototypes

Design &
Representation Purpose

What’s the tone of voice (physically Considering the needs of your

and metaphorically)? identified user, what is the purpose of
the feminist PIA?
Francis: I just checked
my inbox and Job Board.
Can you tell me more about
HiFuture is designed for
students that are uncertain, HiFuture: Sorry, cannot find
confused and overwhelmed anything. Can you specify?
with the amount of future
Francis: You are f***ing
options they receive from the
university...we don’t want
students to feel pressured by HiFuture: Good luck with
being a part of a “rat race” to that language at your
find a job after graduation. interview.

Design & Design &
Representation Representation

What’s the tone of voice (physically Will you assign a gender to your PIA? Why?
and metaphorically)? In what waysmight this reinforce or chal-
lenge gender stereotypes?

picture of you where you are

Egami is an eccentric, informal amazing?! as usual I’d say!
and friendly PIA. It promotes
Alex: No it is useless
self-expression and self-
love to the user. It is open to Egami: Tips from a drag queen
everything that is queer. then? could it help?
Alex: Go for it
Alex: There is a stupid
Egami: “If you can’t love
picture of me that I hate
yourself, how in the hell are
and everyone can see it
you gonna love somebody else!
Egami: Should I show a Can I get an amen?”

18 Designing a Feminist Alexa Prototypes

20 Designing a Feminist Alexa Conversation Design without Coding
Conversation Design
without Coding
One of the major challenges was that
we wanted to offer the workshop “When I got the brief, I was unsure HTML voice prototypes and
to as many students as possible, of the best way to tackle it, but recording voice, but by the good
including those who had little or no once I understood the Feminist grace of the creator, we were able
coding experience. It was a great Internet’s goal of building tangible to find a voice prototyping tool,
opportunity work with Alex to ensure prototypes, I began to ideate. Storyline, although this actually
there was the right balance between I thought, how could I get 40 pivoted during the project - which
accessibility and our goals to equip students with no prior experience caused major anxiety. In the end,
students with the practical technical of voice technology, AI or even post-production was a breeze.
skills and build their confidence UX design to see themselves as I rewrote some scripts so they
around voice technology. → Voice UI designers for three days? could be better presented, and
I had to hack a solution that would was happy that some of the
allow students to make voice custom sounds the students had
prototypes without a line of code, came up with worked really well.”
making sure they would work on
an Alexa voice simulator. My goal - Alex Fefegha
was to use a post-production
phase to turn the prototypes into
mini beta Alexa Skills. We explored
many ideas including building

21 Designing a Feminist Alexa Conversation Design without Coding

Staff feedback
Student feedback

Gareth Foote, Alex Fefegha, Josie Young,

Course Leader for BA (Hons) User Head Creative Technologist, Feminist AI Researcher
Experience Design at London Comuzi
College of Communication It was so impressive to see
I am proud of the students, as how innovative the students’
Our students were invigorated by they embraced new concepts prototypes were, and how deeply
the rapid/iterative idea generation and ways of working/thinking they had considered the many
and the development of a working with the aim of coming up with feminist and ethical issues
prototype within the frame of a conversation design and voice associated with this technology.
a socially engaged and critical prototype in just three days. I I was really proud to see how
design challenge. The opportunity hope some of these prototypes far the students were able to
to take part in a focussed and can be accelerated, I really do! Big progress with resolving these
collaborative design sprint up the Feminist Internet gang for issues in their designs, using
with the Feminist Internet was the amazing work they do xxx my design framework as an
invaluable overarching guide.

Did the workshop meet your

Will the workshop help you on How was your experience of expectations?
your course? How? taking part in the workshop?
Exceeded my
The workshop was very much a I enjoyed the workshop very much expectations
moment of enlightenment for and am happy that something like 15
me. I now have a clearer vision of this, which was so wonderful, was
how I want to pursue my path as a free! As learning should be <3 Yes
Amazing, encouraging, supportive No taught me to develop a way environment. 0
of thinking
The challenges faced within
Yes, for the development of my the workshops required me to
projects in terms of digital literacy reevaluate my approach to these
and human-computer interaction. topics in a new, hopefully more
The feminist PIA standard briefs considerate way
were extremely useful - the steps
in the process will be reused in my You see how effective can design
own work. be to address social problems,
and not just in an utopian world.
I feel I will refer to the standards
used in the workshop and
consciously try be a part of more
ethical design (not that I feel i am
creating unethical work atm!)

22 Designing a Feminist Alexa Feedback

How would you rate each day from
What advice would you give Will the workshop help you 1 - 10?
to someone willing to be part progress your creative career?
of a UAL Creative Computing How? Day one 9.3
Institute or Feminist Internet
workshop? I hope to apply the same feminist
values to everything I make/do in Day two 8.75
Do it. It would benefit about every the future
person on the planet. I’ve already
recommended it to people on my It opened my eyes to the
course and discussed it with my possibility of working digitally. Day three 9.2
friends. Before I was quite put off the
topic of coding and general UX
I would definitely advise them to design, which have connotations
take part in the workshop it has of marketing and business. I now
been the highlight of my academic know that is not the only route
first year so far!
The feminist methodology is an
Whether you believe in changing ethical tool that should be applied
the world or not this workshop will in all artefacts
help you and everyone else.
The way I work and develop ideas
JUST DO IT. has changed for the better since
doing this workshop

Anything else :)
Marina Dragzilla’s check out
Thank you to the creative For many people gender and technology are things that are
organizers of this workshop. So completely separate. Many people don’t understand how
badass. So bomb gender can impact technology, so changing this is one of my
quests, and I think I found the best group ever to be friends
Thank you for being so generous,
with because they have this quest also… and you’re now
caring, and patient. I can
only embrace all the values taking it to your practice as students and professionals, so
represented by Feminist Internet I just want to say thank you so much. It’s very heartwarming
and Comuzi. I loved working with to see that people are interested in this and it was very rich
you all and hope to do it again in to watch the whole process and to see these outcomes. For
the future! me it could not have been more of a success, and I hope that
in the queer future we’re building together there will be way
I am very grateful for this more discussion of gender and technology and you can take
experience and hope for the
this to other places you go
workshop to be developed in other
UAL colleges and beyond UAL in
the future, as it is necessary to
get students to think about the
ethics of the web to ensure a
good future for the Internet for all

Thank you so much for this

experience. It really has been

23 Designing a Feminist Alexa Feedback


Exploring the question of “WTF is nuanced sex education, or develop the technologies we were inventing.
a feminist conversation?” through self-knowledge. We realised that We knew that, in an ideal world we
creative practice, with a group of there may not be a feminist response would have had more conversations
extraordinary young artists and to the question “Hey Alexa, what’s with the people we were designing
designers was, in itself, like having the weather”. What this reveals is for - conversations that would help
a fascinating, challenging but not that feminism is ‘lost for words’, us understand their challenges and
ultimately rewarding conversation. but that Alexa isn’t designed to elicit aspirations. In the end, what happened
Over two 3-day periods, we talked to feminist conversations. In fact it is over this fellowship was part of a
imaginary users, Alexa, researchers, not designed to elicit conversations bigger ‘feminist conversation’, but by
educators and each other. We at all. creating a discursive, transformative
brought our diverse perspectives environment, and producing real world
about feminism(s) to bear on the As temporary conversation prototypes, we took as step towards
design of technologies that could designers, we tried to bring a clearly making the conversation more than
engage their users in conversations articulated set of feminist values just talk. ♥
that might improve wellbeing, reduce to the design process so that we
loneliness, boost body-image, deliver could weave them into the fabric of

24 Designing a Feminist Alexa Conclusion

Downloads Blog Posts Videos
Feminist Internet PIA Standards, Designing a Feminist Alexa: An Designing a Feminist Alexa,
Feminist Internet (PDF) Exercise in Empathic Design, Project overview Rhiannon Williams Coming soon
Coming soon
Feminist Chatbot Design Designing a Feminist Alexa
Process, Josie Young (PDF) Designing a Feminist Alexa: A Seminar Creative Learning Programme,
Felipe Petik Pasqualotto
Coming soon Designing a Feminist Alexa
Launch creative-computing-institute
Twitter: @feministintrnet Twitter: @UAL_CCI
Instagram: @feministinternet Instagram: @ual_cci

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