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Renewable Energy 94 (2016) 147e156

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Experimental performance of a new design of solar dryer for drying

osmotically dehydrated cherry tomatoes
S. Nabnean a, S. Janjai b, *, S. Thepa a, K. Sudaprasert a, R. Songprakorp a, B.K. Bala b
Division of Energy Technology, School of Energy, Environment and Materials, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Bangkok, 10140, Thailand
Solar Energy Research Laboratory, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Silpakorn University, Nakhon Pathom, 73000, Thailand

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The performance of a new design of a solar dryer for drying osmotically dehydrated cherry tomatoes is
Received 29 September 2015 presented. The dryer consists of drying cabinet, heat exchanger, 16-m2 water type solar collector, and
Received in revised form water type heat storage unit. The cabinet size is 1.0 m wide  3.0 m long  1.4 m high with the load
24 February 2016
capacity of 100 kg for osmotically dehydrated cherry tomatoes. Three batches of osmotically dehydrated
Accepted 3 March 2016
Available online 23 March 2016
cherry tomatoes were dried in this dryer during MayeJune, 2014. For each batch, 100 kg of osmotically
dehydrated cherry tomatoes were dried. There was a considerable reduction in drying time in the new
solar dryer as compared to natural sun drying. The dried products were completely protected from rains
Cherry tomatoes
and insects and were of high quality dried products. The efficiencies of the solar collector was 21%e69%.
Solar dryer The pay-back period of the dryer is estimated to be 1.37 years.
Performance © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction dehydration pre-treatment of cherry tomatoes, they are usually

dried by natural sun drying and this method of drying has a lot of
Cherry tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum var. Cerasiforme) problems, as explained below.
are a tropical fruit with high commercial value in international Sun drying exposes the commodity to solar radiation and the
markets and it is an important ingredient in daily cuisine in convective power of the natural wind. Since the sun drying is a
Thailand. The production volume of cherry tomatoes in Thailand relatively slow process, considerable losses can occur. Sun drying
was 6840 tons in 2013 [1], and it has an annual export potential of offers a cheap method of drying but often results in inferior quality
USD 9.7 million/year. of products due to its dependence of weather conditions and the
Cherry tomatoes are consumed both as fresh and dried prod- product dried with this method is vulnerable to the attack of insect
ucts. Also cherry tomatoes are highly perishable. The alternative infestation [2]. This process has several disadvantages like spoilage
practice for preservation of cherry tomatoes are hot air-drying with of product due to the adverse climatic condition like rain, wind,
osmotic dehydration pre-treatment. The drying of cherry tomatoes moist, and dust and loss of material due to birds and animals. Also
with osmotic dehydration pre-treatment is not only for the pres- the process is highly labour intensive, time consuming and requires
ervation purpose but also for changing their texture and taste to large area. With industrial development, artificial mechanical
increase marketing values. drying comes into practice. However, it is highly energy intensive
Osmotic dehydration technique is a pre-treatment process and expensive, which ultimately increases product cost. Thus, solar
commonly used for many tropical fruits prior to hot air-drying. drying is the best alternative as a solution of all the drawbacks of
According to this technique, fruits are immersing in a hypertonic the natural sun drying and artificial mechanical drying [3e19]. In
solution to remove part of the water from the fruits by the osmotic addition, solar energy for crop drying is environmentally friendly
process. As after the osmotic dehydration process, there are still and economically viable in the developing countries [20,21].
water left in the fruits, this water is further removed by hot air- Many studied have been reported on solar drying of fruits
drying. For normal practice in Thailand, after the osmotic [3e7,22e28]. Limited studies have been conducted on solar drying
of cherry tomatoes [6,29]. However, there exist some problems
associated with solar drying i.e. reliability of solar radiation during
rainy period or cloudy days and its unavailability at nighttime. In a
* Corresponding author.
hybrid solar dryer, drying can be continued during off sunshine
E-mail address: (S. Janjai).
0960-1481/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
148 S. Nabnean et al. / Renewable Energy 94 (2016) 147e156

hours by back-up heat energy of stored heat. Hence the product is tank is used during the time when sunshine is not sufficient (Fig. 2).
saved from possible deterioration by microbial infestation [30]. The sizing of the dryer was based on an approximate calculation
Variability and time-dependent characteristic of solar radiation approach proposed by Janjai and Kaewprasert [35] as follows. The
make storage necessary for continuous operations of food drying dryer was intended to dry 100 kg of osmotically dehydrated cherry
[16,31]. Continuous drying also prevents microbial growth during tomatoes from the initial moisture content of 62% (wb) to the final
drying [32]. Furthermore, it has been found that storage heat and moisture content of 15% (wb). As a result, the mass of water to be
auxiliary heat supply can be used to assess compatibility of solar removed is 55.3 kg. The drying time is chosen to be 4 days. This is
energy to meet the drying process temperature [33]. Also Thailand, because longer drying time often causes spoilage due to mould and
located in the tropical regions of Southeast Asia, gains annual too short drying time causes case-hardening. To remove 55.3 kg of
average daily solar radiation of 18.2 MJm2 day1 [34]. Since water in 4 days, the supply of heat required can be estimated from
Thailand gains relatively high solar radiation, the utilization of a the latent heat of vaporization and mass of water removed. With
solar drying technology is considered to be an alternative solution the long-term average of global radiation of 18.2 MJm2 day1 [34],
to the problem of drying osmotically dehydrated cherry tomatoes and the estimated average efficiency of solar collector of 0.5, the
in Thailand. These factors motivated us to design a hybrid dryer. required solar collector area was estimated to be 9 m2. As rain and
Although limited studies have been conducted on solar drying of cloudy skies usually occur for the period of 6 h, water storage tank
cherry tomatoes, no study has been reported on drying of osmot- was designed to cover the thermal energy requirement of 6 h.
ically dehydrated cherry tomatoes using hybrid dryer. There exists a Therefore the storage tank of 300 L available in local market was
research gap and literature gap on hybrid solar dryer for drying chosen and the collector area of about 7 m2 was added to provide
osmotically dehydrated cherry tomatoes. Therefore, the objectives thermal energy to store in the storage tank. This makes the total
of this work were to present a new solar hybrid dryer using water solar collector area of 16 m2. Details of the design can be found in
type solar collector, heat exchanger and solar hot water storage Ref. [36].
tank and to evaluate experimentally the performance of this new
design of hybrid dryer for drying osmotically dehydrated cherry 2.1.1. Water type solar collector
tomatoes. The water solar collector consists of transparent cover, and
absorber plate. The transparent cover is a 6 mm thick clear glass
2. Materials and methods supported by 70 mm aluminium frame. Absorber plate is fixed
25 mm below the glass cover. Tubes are installed to provide a water
2.1. Description of the solar dryer flow above the absorber plate. The total area of the solar collector is
16 m2. It is south facing with the slope angle of 14 , the latitude of
As the colour of cherry tomatoes are sensitive to UV solar ra- the location of the dryer. The collector efficiency evaluation is based
diation, the indirect type solar dryer was selected to dry them. Since on the temperature of the water at the inlet and outlet and incident
the dryer is intended to use in a tropical region of Thailand with solar radiation on the solar collector. The experiments were con-
frequent adverse weather conditions, a thermal storage is used to ducted by exposing the collector panels under the solar radiation
overcome the problem caused by the weather conditions. The solar for several days and measuring the water inlet and the outlet
water heater with water storage tank was chosen because charge temperature according to ASHRAE 93-77 standard [37].
and discharge of thermal energy of the storage tank can be done
simultaneously and fluctuation of drying air temperature can be 2.1.2. Heat exchanger
reduced, due to high thermal inertia of the storage tank. In addition, The heat exchanger is needed to heat the drying air from hot
the collector and the storage tank are commercially available with water coming out from the water type solar collector and the heat
reasonable price in this country. storage water tank. The heat exchanger used in this work (Carrier,
The proposed solar dryer consists of water type solar collector, model 42CB004) consists of tubes with hot water flowing inside the
drying cabinet, cross flow heat exchanger and heat storage unit. The tubes and the air flowing across outside these tubes at an angle of
schematic view of the new solar dryer is shown in Fig. 1. Hot water 90 . The coil of the tubes is made of copper and it has a face area of
is circulated into the tubes of the cross flow heat exchanger where 0.16 m2. The fins are attached to the tubes. Each fin has the
heat is transferred from the hot water to the drying air. The heated dimension of 9.0 cm  22.5 cm  0.025 cm. The location of the cross
air from the heat exchanger is forced inside the cabinet dryer for flow heat exchanger and the fan forcing the air is shown in Fig. 3.
drying osmotically dehydrated cherry tomatoes. The heat storage Heat is transferred from the hot water flowing inside the tubes to

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the solar dryer.

S. Nabnean et al. / Renewable Energy 94 (2016) 147e156 149

Fig. 2. Pictorial view of the drying cabinet (a) and solar collector (b).

Fig. 3. Schematic diagram of the drying cabinet.

Fig. 4. Schematic diagram of the heat exchanger.

150 S. Nabnean et al. / Renewable Energy 94 (2016) 147e156

air flowing outside across the tubes. The diagram of the heat the product was sampled at various positions. As the drying cabinet
exchanger is shown in Fig. 4. is divided into two sections (Fig. 5), three product samples with
different levels at the middle of each section were monitored in
2.1.3. Drying cabinet order to observe the uniformity of the moisture content. These
The drying cabinet is 1.0 m wide  3.0 m long  1.4 m high samples were weighed periodically at a 2-h intervals using a digital
equipped with 18 drying trays and these trays mounted inside the balance (Kern, model 474-42, accuracy ± 1 g). Finally, the moisture
drying cabinet, as shown in Fig 3. Fresh air enters via the air inlet contents of the products were determined by the oven method
into the heat exchanger and the heated air leaves the heat (103  C for 24 h, accuracy ± 0.5%).
exchanger. Then the heated air from the heat exchanger is passed
over the drying material spread in the thin layers on 18 horizontally
2.3. Instrumentation
stacked trays arranged in two vertical columns. Each tray is made of
aluminium frame and aluminium net with the dimension of
Equipment for measuring important parameters affecting the
0.9 m  1.0 m. The trays are of sieve-type to allow air circulation
drying processes was installed for determining the performance of
through the drying material. This drying cabinet is specially
the dryer. Solar radiation was measured by a pyranometer (Kipp &
designed in such a way that hot air is guided to flow horizontally
Zonen model CM 11, accuracy ± 3%) which was used to measure the
over the product placed in the trays (Fig. 3). This design has the
global solar radiation incident on the collector plane. Thermocou-
advantage of allowing uniform distribution of air temperature in
ples (type K) were used to measure the air temperature inside the
the cabinet. The air leaving the tray is 90% recycled.
dryer. The thermocouples were calibrated by measuring the boiling
and freezing temperatures of water to determine the accuracy
2.1.4. Water storage tank
(±2%). As the proposed dryer has a relatively large dimension and
A vertical cylindrical hot water storage tank of 300-L in volume
drying air temperature is the main factor influencing the drying
is installed indoor to store thermal energy. It is made of 5 mm thick
kinetics of the product, several thermocouples were placed on
stainless steel and insulated with 10 mm thick polyurethane foam.
vertical planes at the front side, middle and rear side of the dryer
Four type K thermocouples are mounted at four levels of the tank:
(Fig. 5) in order to monitor the homogeneity of the air temperature
top, bottom and two levels with similar distance at the middle.
distribution. The relative humidity of ambient air and drying air
were periodically measured by hygrometers (Electronik, model
2.2. Experimental procedure EE23, accuracy ± 2%). The hygrometers were placed at the middle
and the rear side of the dryer to monitor relative humidity of air in
Queen cherry tomatoes, grown in Nakhon Pathom province, the dryer and air leaving the product being dried. Voltage signals
Thailand were used as drying materials in the experiments. To from the pyranometer, hygrometers and thermocouples were
prepared osmotically dehydrated cherry tomatoes, cherry tomatoes recorded every 10 min by a multi-channel data logger (Yokogawa,
of the size of about 2.0 cm in diameter were blanched in boiling model DC100). The air speed at the inlet and outlet of the dryer
water for about 5 min and consequently, soaked in sugar solution were manually recorded during the drying experiments using hot
(40% of sugar) for 72 h. After having been soaked in sugar solution, wire anemometer (Airflow, High Wycombo, UK, model TA5; accu-
osmotically dehydrated cherry tomatoes were obtained. These to- racy ± 2%). Before the installation, the pyranometer was calibrated
matoes had initial moisture content about 59e62% (wb). They were against a pyranometer recently calibrated by the manufacturer. The
stored at 5  C and then left at room temperature before starting the hygrometers were calibrated using standard saturated salt
experiments. In this study about 100 kg of osmotically dehydrated solutions.
cherry tomatoes was dried in the solar dryer. A total of three full
scale experimental runs were conducted during the period of
MayeJune, 2014. The tomatoes were placed in the product trays in 2.4. Efficiency of solar collector
a thin layer. The experiments were started form 8.00 am to 6.00 pm.
The drying was also continued on the subsequent days until the The thermal efficiency of the solar collector was calculated as
desired moisture content (about 15% wb) was reached and this follows:
moisture content corresponded to the moisture content of high The useful energy collected by the solar collector is given in Eq.
quality dried products available from local markets. About 100 g of (1) as [38]:

Fig. 5. Positions of the measurements of temperature, relative humidity and moisture content: the thermocouples (T), hygrometers (Rh) and product samples for moisture content
measurement (M).
S. Nabnean et al. / Renewable Energy 94 (2016) 147e156 151

Fig. 6. Variations of solar radiation during a typical experimental run for drying osmotically dehydrated cherry tomatoes.

Fig. 7. Comparison of the temperatures of drying air in the cabinet dryer (upper curve) with the ambient air (lower curve) for the typical experimental run (see the position of the
measurement in Fig. 5).

2.5. Measurement of quality of osmotically dehydrated cherry

_ p Tc;o  Tc;i
Qc ¼ mC (1)
To assess the quality of the osmotically dehydrated cherry to-
matoes, their colour before drying and after drying, and composi-
where Qc is the rate of useful energy gained from the collector, m_ is
tion analysis were conducted. The colour of osmotically dehydrated
the mass flow rate of fluid flow, Tc,i and Tc,o are, respectively, the
cherry tomatoes was measured by a chromometer (Minolta, model
inlet and outlet fluid temperature of the solar collector, and Cp is the
CR-400) in Commission Internationale l'Eclairage (CIE) chroma-
specific heat capacity of working fluid.
ticity coordinates, L* describing lightness (L* ¼ 0 for black, L* ¼ 100
Collector efficiency is defined as the ratio of useful energy
for white), a* describing intensity in red-green (a*>0 for red, a*<0
collected to solar energy input on the collector and the collector
for green) and b* describing intensity in blue-yellow (b*>0 for
efficiency is expressed in Eq. (2) as [38]:
yellow, b*<0 for blue). Out of five available colour systems, the
L*a*b* [39,40], and L*C*h [41], systems were selected because these
are the most-used systems for evaluation of the colour of dried food
Qc m Cp ðTc;o  Tc;i Þ materials. The instrument was standardized each time with a white
hc ¼ ¼ (2) ceramic plate. Three readings were taken at each place on the
Ac Ig A c Ig
surface of samples and then the mean values of L*, a* and b* were
where Ac is the surface area of solar collector and Ig is the global averaged. The different colour parameters were calculated using
solar radiation incident on the collector. the following equations [42].
152 S. Nabnean et al. / Renewable Energy 94 (2016) 147e156

Fig. 8. Comparison of air temperature at the inlet (upper curve) with those of the outlet (lower curve) of the dryer for the typical experimental run.

Fig. 9. Variation of ambient relative humidity and relative humidity inside the cabinet dryer with time of the day for a typical experimental run.

Hue angle (h) indicating colour combination is defined in Eq. (3) 2.6. Economic analysis
as [42]:
The total capital cost for the solar dryer (CT) is given by Eq. (6) as

tan1 ðb*=a*Þ ðwhen a* > 0Þ
h¼ (3)
180+ þ tan1 ðb*=a*Þ ðwhen a* < 0Þ
CT ¼ Cm þ Cl (6)
Chroma (C*) indicating colour intensity or saturation is defined
in Eq. (4) as [42]: where Cm is the material cost of the dryer and C1 is the labour cost
for the construction.
The annual cost calculation method proposed by Audsley and
 2 2 1=2 Wheeler [44] yields Eq. (7).
C* ¼ a* þ b* (4)
" #" #
and the total colour change (DE) is defined in Eq. (5) as [40]: X
N   u1
Cannual ¼ CT þ Cmaint;i þCop;i ui   (7)
u uN  1
 2  2  2
DE ¼ L*  L*ref þ a*  a*ref þ b*  b*ref (5) where Cannual is the annual cost of the system. Cmaint,i and Cop,i are
the maintenance cost and the operating cost at the year i, respec-
tively.u is expressed by Eq. (8) as [44]:
S. Nabnean et al. / Renewable Energy 94 (2016) 147e156 153

Fig. 10. Comparison of moisture contents for drying osmotically dehydrated cherry tomatoes samples from six different positions inside dryer and the control samples.

Table 1
Colour variations of osmotically dehydrated cherry tomatoes before drying and after drying both in the dryer and outside the dryer.

Status Colour Value

L* a* b* C* h DE
- Osmotically dehydrated cherry tomatoes before drying 22.23 19.12 28.22 34.09 55.88 e
- Osmotically dehydrated cherry tomatoes dried in the dryer 13.03 6.69 7.23 9.85 47.22 26.07
- Osmotically dehydrated cherry tomatoes dried with natural sun outside the dryer 21.96 15.54 19.24 24.73 51.07 9.67

Table 2
Characterization of dried osmotically dehydrated cherry tomatoes samples dried in Cannual
Z¼ (10)
the dryer. Mdry
Parameters Value
where Mdry is the dried product obtained from this dryer per year.
Total vitamin A (mg/100g) 13.73
Calcium (Ca) (mg/100g) 35.9 The payback period can be computed in Eq. (11) as [43,45]:
Iron (Fe) (mg/100g) 0.52
Sodium (Na) (mg/100g) 195 CT
Payback period ¼ (11)
Cholesterol (mg/100g) Not detected Mdry Pd  Mf Pf  Mf Pdh  Mdry Z
Total carbohydrate (included fibre) (g/100g) 85.93
Total dietary fibre (g/100g) 0.55
Total energy (kcal/100g) 369.24 where Mf is the amount of fresh product dried per year (kg), Pd is
Total energy from fat (kcal/100g) 19.80 the price of the dry product (USD/kg), Pf is the price of the fresh
Total fat (g/100g) 2.20 product (USD/kg) and Pdh is cost for osmotic dehydration process of
the cherry tomatoes.

3. Results and discussion

u ¼ ð100 þ iin Þ 100 þ if (8)
3.1. Experimental results

where iin and if are the interest rate and the inflation rate in percent,
Three experimental runs of solar drying of osmotically dehy-
drated cherry tomatoes were conducted during the period of
The operating cost Cop consists of the electricity consumption
MayeJune, 2014 to assess the performance of this new solar dryer.
cost and the labour cost for operating the dryer. This cost can be
Typical results of the experimental runs are illustrated in
express by Eq. (9) as [43]:
Figs. 6e10. During the drying experiment the values of the solar
radiation, drying air temperature and drying air relative humidity
Cop ¼ Celectric þClabour;op (9) ranges were from 38 W/m2 to 915 W/m2, 30  Ce65  C and 16%e80%
respectively. The drying temperatures and relative humidity values
The maintenance cost of the first year was assumed to be 1% of were significantly different from those of the ambient air during
the capital cost. Celectric is the cost of electricity required by the the whole period of drying.
water pump and blower and Clabour,op is labour cost for operating The variations of solar radiation are shown in Fig. 6 during a
the dryer. typical experimental run of solar drying of osmotically dehydrated
The annual cost per unit of dried product is called the drying cherry tomatoes in the cabinet dryer. During the drying, solar ra-
cost (Z, USD/kg). It can be written in Eq. (10) as [43]: diation increased sharply from 8.00 am to noon and then it
154 S. Nabnean et al. / Renewable Energy 94 (2016) 147e156

Table 3
Cost data and economic parameters for economic evaluation.

Items Costs and economic parameters

Materials cost for constructions of the dryer and solar collector 5370 USD*
Labour cost for the construction 2500 USD
Repair and maintenance cost 4% of capital cost per year
Amount of electricity consumption 2168 kWh per year
Price of electricity 0.0896 USD per kWh
Labour cost for operating the dryer 12.9 USD per person per batch
Number of labour per batch 2 person
Price of fresh cherry tomatoes 0.8 USD/kg
Cost for preparing osmotic dehydration of cherry tomatoes 0.4 USD/kg
Price of dried osmotically dehydrated cherry tomatoes 8.06 USD
Expected life of the dryer 15 years
Interest rate 7.3%
Inflation rate 2.5%

*(1USD ¼ 32 Baht).

considerably decreased in the afternoon. There was also a slight moisture content of the sun-dried samples was reduced to 40%
random fluctuation in solar radiation. However, the overall cyclic (wb) within the same period. Statistical analysis shows that there is
patterns of the solar radiation were similar except the second and no significant difference in the moisture content of the osmotically
forth days of this experimental run because these days were cloudy. dehydrated cherry tomatoes at different positions inside the cabi-
Fig. 7 shows the comparison of air temperature at three different net dryer. This demonstrates the uniform moisture content of the
locations inside the dryer, the front (T2), the middle (T6) and the product in the dryer. However, there is a significant difference be-
back (T10) for the typical experimental run. The patterns of tem- tween the moisture content of the tomatoes dried in the dryer and
perature changes in different positions were comparable for all that of the sun-dried cherry tomatoes samples at a significance
locations (front, middle and back). Temperatures in different po- level of 1%.
sitions at these three locations varied within a narrow band. This
implies that there was a uniform distribution of air flow inside the 3.2. Qualities of dried osmotically dehydrated cherry tomatoes
drying cabinet. The temperatures at each of the locations inside the
drying cabinet differed significantly from the ambient air 3.2.1. Colour change
temperature. The colour of osmotically dehydrated cherry tomatoes was
From Fig. 7, it is clearly seen that the drying air temperature measured and results are shown in Table 1. The values of the colour
during the period 14:00e18:00 h is relatively high (50e65  C), even indices indicated that the colour of osmotically dehydrated cherry
at 18:00 h when solar radiation is nearly zero, the drying air tem- tomatoes dried in the dryer was bright reddish brown while that of
perature is still high (50e53  C). This is because thermal energy osmotically dehydrated cherry tomatoes dried with natural sun
stored in the storage tank was used in this period. It is also observed outside the dryer was light yellow brown. The total colour change
that the fluctuation of drying temperature during the second and (DE) of osmotically dehydrated cherry tomatoes dried in the dryer
the fourth days of the experiment is less pronounced than that of was 26.07 while the total change of osmotically dehydrated cherry
solar radiation, mainly due to high thermal inertia of the storage tomatoes dried with natural sun was 9.67. The colour change in the
tank. For the case of solar air heater, the fluctuation of the drying air case of osmotically dehydrated cherry tomatoes dried in the dryer
from the air heater followed rapidly the fluctuation of solar radia- is acceptable in the markets and to the consumers of osmotically
tion [46]. These demonstrate the advantage of our dryer proposed dehydrated cherry tomatoes.
in this study.
Fig. 8 shows the comparison of the air temperatures at the inlet
3.2.2. Composition analysis
with those of the outlet for the typical experimental run. There
Table 2 shows the composition of osmotically dehydrated cherry
were significant differences between the temperature of the air
tomatoes samples from the solar dryer. The analysis was done by
entering and leaving the dryer for most of the periods of the day.
National Food Institute of Thailand. Ingredients of dried osmotically
Fig. 9 shows relative humidity at two different locations inside
dehydrated cherry tomatoes were evaluated in terms of vitamin A,
the cabinet dryer and relative humidity of the ambient temperature
calcium, iron, sodium, cholesterol, total carbohydrate, total dietary
during the typical experimental run. Relative humidity decreased
fibre, total energy, total energy from fat and total fat. The total fat
over time at different locations inside the dryer during the first half
content of the osmotically dehydrated cherry tomatoes sample was
of the day and it slightly increased for the other half of the day.
2.20g/100g of the sample and no cholesterol was detected. Thus,
However, there was a significant difference in relative humidity for
the composition of the osmotically dehydrated cherry tomatoes
locations inside the dryer which was always lower than those of the
dried in the dryer corresponds to that of high quality dried
ambient air.
osmotically dehydrated cherry tomatoes available in markets.
Fig. 10 shows the variations in moisture content of osmotically
dehydrated cherry tomatoes samples at different positions in the
cabinet dryer for the typical experimental run compared to the 3.3. Economic evaluation
control samples dried in the open air outside the dryer. It was
observed that the moisture content of the osmotically dehydrated Based on the economic situation in Thailand, the costs and
cherry tomatoes dried in the dryer considerably decreased during economic parameters are shown in Table 3. The capacity of the
the first day. The moisture content of the osmotically dehydrated dryer is 100 kg and the capital cost for construction and installation
cherry tomatoes in the dryer was reduced from an initial value 62% of the dryer is 5370 USD. The dryer is assumed to be used for 10
(wb) to a final value of 15% (wb) within 4 days where as the months for drying osmotically dehydrated cherry tomatoes and one
batch of drying run requires 4 days. Using these data the pay-back
S. Nabnean et al. / Renewable Energy 94 (2016) 147e156 155

period is calculated using the method described in section 2.6. It Tc,o outlet fluid temperature of solar collector ( C)
was found that the pay-back period is 1.37 years. This demonstrates Z drying cost (USD/kg)
that the investment in this dryer is economically promising for its u parameter defined in Eq. (8)
use in Thailand. hc efficiency of solar collector (%)
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