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Project Two

Cristian Eduardo López Benites

May 14, 2020

Steven Spielberg as my role-model

Choosing a role model is not an easy thing, but in this case I will talk about Steven
Spielberg, who has marked a large part of my life with his work. Steven spielberg is an
American film director and producer, best known for his science fiction titles and integrating
elements of pop culture into his films. I chose Steven Spielberg as my role model because I
consider him as a visionary person, someone who sees the possibility of the fantastic in daily
life. Some of his best-known films have marked pop culture until today, always standing out
for its quality, warmth and projection to the future. Some of his films as director are Jaws
(1975), Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981), Poltergeist (1982) and E.T the extraterrestrial (1982),
as producer he also has great films like, The Goonies (1985), Gremlins (1984) and the
legendary Back to the Future (1985).
Unquestionably, Steven Spielberg is a men who take a look at the options and seek
the better way to do it. You can see that in films like Jurassic Park, where the dinosaurs were
made part with the computer and part animatronic. Otherwise, you can see to Spielberg in the
title of productions like Pinky and The brain (1998) or Animaniacs (1993), cause the idea
which he wanted to show us works better in this kind of series. Actually also can see that in
the film Who Framed to Roger Rabbit (1988) which, even now, is the best mix between
animatión and real life. One of the causes of this search for Steven Spielberg is because he is
a man who pays a lot of attention to detail, because these are an essential part of the
personality of his films. A clear example of this is the Ready Player One (2019) film, in
which many details of the film are representative of pop culture, making the films extremely
Well, being Steven Spielberg is not an easy thing, he is not just a director in the wild
hollywood, he is Steven Spielberg, the men who show us an alien as a cute thing, even when
the poppet was horrible. So, he has a lot of pressure oven him, that is why i think that Steven
Spielberg is a censurius, he hide the thing which he believe can hurt the viewers or critic. He
is a politically correct director, and yes, he take a look of the options, but this options are
limited. He made things like Pinky and The brain and everyone said he make different things,
but it is really different? if you look closer, all the steven spielberg works are similar, in the
same way. a little melancolic, a little dramatic but in the end everything it's ok, everything is
in a middle point. You can see that in the recent controversy with one of his daughters, who
spoke publicly her intentions to enter the porn industry. The only thing Steven said is that this
is her choice, but he never say if he is agree or disagree about this decision.
Steven Spielberg is not the best man on the face of the earth, this is a fact. Like all
human beings, he has flaws and weaknesses, he is also wrong and he may lose his way from
time to time, but he always finds it back and does his best. It is true that Steven Spielberg is
sometimes someone very accommodating, but I think this is because he considers his
audience a lot, everything he does is focused on his viewers enjoying their films, having a
pleasant moment and full of feelings. I admire the way in which Steven Spielberg represents
his ideas, how he turns the nuts and completely changes the conception of an element,
making it human and so close that it marks us for life. In conclusion, Steven Spielberg is a
great role model because he is an amazing, visionary and considerate man, who sometimes
can be wrong, but in others he will build wonders.


Steven Spielberg. (2020). Recovered february 26 of 2020, from IMB website:

"Avergonzado y preocupado": la reacción de Steven Spielberg al conocer la profesión de su

hija. (2020). Recovered february 26 of 2020, from El mundo website:

Talking about Steven Spielberg. (2020). Recovered february 26 of 2020, from Television
Academy Foundation website:

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